Indescribable (Closed)

(I'm off to sleep guys.

@JayJin kirara will and is following Masaru. So just act like she is stalking him wherever he goes)
Shiro kurogane](I'm off to sleep guys. [URL=" said:
@JayJin[/URL] kirara will and is following Masaru. So just act like she is stalking him wherever he goes)
(Yup, same for me. Goodnight, everyone and good morning if you read this in the morning.)

"He's going to see a very old friend." A nervous, shaky tone came into his voice.

Masaru walked until he reached the spot that he was told to meet at. "Hmm? You actually made it?" Masaru turned to a face that he had only seen when he was a kogitsune.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-24_22-16-20.png.fe7924ab44cdb510422b6b8d1579cdbb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="145284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-24_22-16-20.png.fe7924ab44cdb510422b6b8d1579cdbb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You promised me something very important." Masaru stared at those killer eyes, they were filled with chaotic mischief. "What? No hug or hello to your own Father?" The man smirked and Masaru was sure that it made his heart leap. "Last time I check, my Father was running with a whore to England. Wherever he is now. . .well, I just don't care. He can burn in Hell's fire and I would dance and piss on his grave." The man laughed as if it was the most funniest thing in the world. "Massy, you sure have a tone when it comes to me, don't you?"

@Shiro kurogane @xXLittleLokiXx @Comet @CERBERUS177



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(Guess I should head to bed, as well.

I'll introduce Meara tomorrow. c: Night, everyone!)

Head cocking to the side, Malvo listened to Nicholas before giving a slight nod. Sensing the nervousness caused him to huff gently. Being new to the group, he didn't want to question it. Instead, he pocketed his hands and glanced in the direction Masaru had went once more.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
Kirara followed Masaru's scent and cloaked herself in the invisible flames that wiped all traces of existence. This time she stayed far enough away that neither Masaru nor the man would scent her. But between listening and staying on her feet while dizzy... It was a wonder how she was managing to be silent.

Aaron775 said:
"I understand but I just couldn't get over tge fact they looked down on me. They think they automatically deserve respect without earning it." @Shiro kurogane
"Doni... your 18-19? Most supernaturals are in their hundreds. they are basically your elders... but without being old." Kuro tried to explain. She really didn't want the guy to try fight the group. By herself and she'd be fine, but Doni.... they would likely kill him. "wouldn't you be mad if someone younger than you started talking to you like you were the younger one?"
Doni looked at the ground like he was thinking about something and then looked up "I get where you're coming from. Where do you want to go then?" Doni said, trying to change the subject. @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
okay!" Rei answered both happily and excitedly. "by the way, whats the definition of a dungeon in this world? in the world i was in before, a dungeon was a massive labyrinth with five floors and those floors weren't even 1% of the thing." Rei rambled on.

" its pretty much just any place, cave, ruin or otherwise, that hasn't been explored yet. So we dont know what's inside; treasure, bandits, who knows?" she said as they entered the town.
"To the marketplace." Nicholas began walking away from where Masaru disappeared and into a different area of the town where a lot of vendors, stores, and Inns.

"Just give me the damn necklace, Ayumu." Masaru got closer into the alleyway that his Father was in. "Pfft, you think I would you give your Mother's necklace that easily? How's being the first nogitsune's son working out for you? Have people been acting like you are a parasite?" The smirk grew wider, lighting up those deadly eyes. "What do you want?" Masaru felt his eyes wander to the crowd, but his mind was somewhere else, trying to calm the beast inside him. "What's this? You've brought a vixen?" Ayumu sniffed the air again and turned his head to where Kirara was. "You've picked a good one. Although, she has a green aura around her. You've picked a vixen that's ill? She seems very powerful though."

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
Aaron775 said:
Doni looked at the ground like he was thinking about something and then looked up "I get where you're coming from. Where do you want to go then?" Doni said, trying to change the subject. @Shiro kurogane
Kuro was going to call Doni out on the quick subject change. But she sighed instead and decided not to. "i don't know... how about we go to another town?" She asked, forgetting to hide her two cat tails and her cat ears. Her tails swayed lazily and her ears perked up.

Kirara cursed at who she now knew to be Masaru's father found her out. If she hadn't been sick, then the invisible would have made it seem that Kirara didn't exist, no scent, no aura, nothing. It would seem as if Kirara had been wiped from existence itself. She simply stayed cloaked and stayed hidden, hoping the the man was bluffing.
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Doni stared at her with her ears and tails put but quickly came back to his senses."okay then to the next town we." Doni started walking heading straight in the forest. "Hopefully if we encounter anyone else, they won't be like the people from yesterday. @Shiro kurogane
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
"hm.. sounds fun. so which one are we heading to?" She asked, looking around the new town with a child's wonder

"I have no idea!" She said as she dismounted and tied Mouse up to a post. "We've got to get some suplies at the market first though."

She said as she walked into the marketplace

(If anyone else is at the market, feel free to interact)
(I'll be gone for a few hours so go for Nicholas, he'll just follow the group in the marketplace. I'll do a post quick for Masaru.)

Masaru quirked his eyebrows at where his Father was looking at. He couldn't see the presence at all, but he knew that Ayumu was talking about Kirara. "She's not my mate nor mine. She just happens to follow me." Ayumu chuckled, it sounded as if it belong to psychopath. "You always did have my attractive looks. The twelve-tailed vixen, though? Now, that is very impressive, Massy. So, sweetheart? Are you going to introduce yourself to your Father-in-law?" He looked back up to Kirara.

@Shiro kurogane @Comet @xXLittleLokiXx @CERBERUS177
Aaron775 said:
Doni stared at her with her ears and tails put but quickly came back to his senses."okay then to the next town we." Doni started walking heading straight in the forest. "Hopefully if we encounter anyone else, they won't be like the people from yesterday. @Shiro kurogane
"just let it go. its unlikely we'll meet them again for awhile." Kuro said as she blushed at realizing her tails and ears were out. She flattened her ears and lifted her shirt up some to curl her tails around her waist.

Kirara cursed again and let her failed cloak of flames dissipate. Revealing her to be standing much closer then either Masaru or Ayumu would have originally thought. "you seem to have figured out a lot about me via my scent. so you tell me, what my name is."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]Rei copied Cristina and tied Ash beside Mouse. "supplies? like the enchanted stuff the other world had? or the magic stones from the other world that held different magic bests inside them?!" Rei asked, getting excited. She was a nerd for adventuring knowledge

Cristina laughed "no, enchanted items are rare here. We're getting rope, lanterns, climbing equipment. That kind of thing... wait you can just float us up and I can make fire in my hands nevermind we just need food and water."
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Malvo followed Nicholas to the market place, quickly muttering a spell so his ears and tail had been hidden. Neil quickly hid in his jacket.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane

Humming to herself, Meara slowly entered the village - her ears and tail, of course, hidden. Her icy blue eyes slowly skimming over the current townspeople before having then glanced to the newcomers. The group must've caught her attention, as she'd slowly followed them to the market district.

@CERBERUS177, @Comet, @Heir of Dalania, @JayJin, @Shiro kurogane
"So just how powerful are you kuro? The one I was arguing with obviously is extremely powerful, but he bowed in respect to your power and wisdom, that must mean you're on a whole new level. Now that I think about in terms of supernaturals I'm probably low on the totem pole." Doni said lowly. @Shiro kurogane
xXLittleLokiXx said:
"Neither did I..." Dei-Loki would sigh softly, glancing back to both Naomi and Raven - a bit surprised to see that Naomi could sleep in such a way. "But, we'll find him. I'm sure of it."
@Raven Daniel

(Just in case you missed it. >w>

<w< )
"She's not my mate." Masaru growled, but Ayumu didn't noticed as he threw his head back and laughed. "You are Kirara, the only, the rare, the twelve-tails kitsune. How can any not recognize your aura."

@Shiro kurogane
@Shiro kurogane[/URL]
"my power?... depends on if your asking about my power now. or when i was younger." She answered and looked at Doni. "and my younger self compared to you would be weaker. you saw my ears and tails right? im a cat demon, yes NOT a neko. Nekos are what happens what a human and a cat demon birth a kid. anyways, cat demons are the weakest race compared to any other. Thats why most nekos have no power. because cat demon have too little.... well im the exception, but im not poud of how i gained power."

JayJin said:
"She's not my mate." Masaru growled, but Ayumu didn't noticed as he threw his head back and laughed. "You are Kirara, the only, the rare, the twelve-tails kitsune. How can any not recognize your aura."
@Shiro kurogane
Kirara grumbled, "you didn't need to ask my name if you already knew it."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]
oh... okay!" Rei nodded, still excited. "so food and water.... for how many days?"

"A week plus extra just in case, there is an old abandoned elven tower the the west if here called Avempartha. Thats where were going"

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