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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

Since we are on the bay, having an aquatic member with some humanoid features might not be a bad idea.
Still not sure I'm going to be participating in this. Just feeling too exhausted right now.
I am going to have fun tackling all these. Keep 'em coming as they hit you! =)

I’m pondering of being some sort of elephant or rhino with my side brought down
(bold mine) I am guessing you mean "size?" If so, the statement makes sense. You are welcome to do that. Size, mass, weight all play a factor in the game and while your character might be a real heavy-hitter, he might not be able to fit into some vehicles. Also, having never played this game, I will be taking a closer look at Mutant Animal Powers, excluding some and perhaps expanding others.

A note concerning size. Humans mostly fall between Size Levels 5-9. Anything larger or smaller than this is going to have its share of benefits and troubles. Physics is real in my game and I don't want anyone playing a small dog/cat-sized creature thinking they're going to be able to manage that 12 gauge shotgun without them flying back from the recoil. Or a big creature trying to fit into a human-sized room (say, trying to get a seat in a theatre they snuck into).

Size Levels 5-9 are something of a safe zone. You're welcome to go outside of it, just be aware of the above and when in doubt, ask me questions. =)

Purr Purr perhaps I should have started out by asking are there any animal races that are off limits? Or bio-e powers? I don’t want to design something and learn that my ideas are out of bounds.
It depends on a case-by-case basis. I will look at each of your characters and require them be nerfed if something seems out of bounds or powered-up if the character isn't <insert adjective here> enough.

The only Mutant Animal type that I am leaning against is the Pleasure Bunnies - I'm having trouble putting it into words, but I don't know if this is the right game for Pleasure Bunnies? Also, no Chimeras (mixed animals like the Spider-Goats). As the game goes on, this might change but that's where I stand at the moment.

Purr Purr . Do I recall correctly that you are thinking on limiting the number of actions per round we can start with?
He mentioned that, yes - more details would be interesting, though.
Here are the details I've written concerning Limited Number of Attacks per Round. Enjoy!

There is now a hard level cap for Actions per Round starting at 1st level. No character regardless of skill, background, powers of any kind, martial arts knowledge, etc. may surpass this maximum.

1st-3rd level - 5 Actions per Round.
4th-7th level - 6 Actions per Round.
8th-11th level - 7 Actions per Round.
12th-14th level - 8 Actions per Round.
15th level - 9 Actions per Round.

I would like to try this; I suspect the result will be more fun for all involved. No more having to wait out for the rest of the group to have all the fun while you, the Player with less Actions, just sits there watching like a kid in school sitting in the corner wearing the dunce hat.

aziz ansari snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Even better, you don't have to stand there and get beat on by the bad guy who has 3 more Actions per Round than you do.

"So how many do we get, Purr?" Read on!

Characters with NO Hand to Hand Skill: 3 Actions per Round and no more. These characters do not have Level Advancement combat bonuses (a 10th level Paramedic still has only 3 Actions per Round).

Hand to Hand Basic, Expert, Commando, Assassin, and Bullfighting all have Actions per Rounds as stated by their systems (usually 4 at 1st level and more as they increase in character level).

Hand to Hand: (Martial Art Systems). All Martial Art Systems begin with 5 Actions per Round at 1st level.

Additional Actions per Round gained through Level Advancement that go above the cap are replaced with bonuses to Strike, Parry, Dodge, or Roll. Select two of these to improve by +1 instead. So... no dunce hat. Instead, more action and more fun for everybody!

martial arts nut punch GIF
martial arts fight GIF
Some additional notes for you:

Actions per Round are, for the most part, based on the education of the character. Boxing still provides an extra Action per Round. I'm also allowing Wrestling to do the same (as I do in Broadsword), except that if you have both, they don't stack. This is to give grapplers a fair shake (heh. Get it?). Also, we might finally have a game where not every single character on the planet has the Boxing Skill. I mean, really?

So let's say you choose a Martial Art system that doesn't have a lot of Actions per Round in its Level Advancement (Moo Gi Gong, I'm looking at you). Grab one of these Physical Skills and you're closer to/at the cap too. Best of all, you can choose the martial art system that you feel best fits your character! It's not all about chasing the bonuses anymore! I feel there is so much more to the martial arts than just chasing bonuses; I think it is high time I make a game that makes that happen. =)

More later. I'm taking a break. =)
Still not sure I'm going to be participating in this. Just feeling too exhausted right now.
jaydude jaydude No pressure, Jay! This game won't be starting anytime soon because we still have a lot of building to do. Plus, Jay, you're always welcome to join whenever you want as long as I have enough spots!

More importantly, I want you to take good care of yourself! I care about'cha! If you can't get enough sleep/rest, I highly recommend eating quality food, taking vitamins, and pacing yourself. It's what I do and I can honestly say I reap the benefits for you.

Whatever has you exhausted, I hope it lets up, good Jay! *hugs if you want 'em* =)

Honor and fun,
Purr/Dannigan =)
Hand to Hand: (Martial Art Systems). All Martial Art Systems begin with 5 Actions per Round at 1st level.
Does this include the martial arts systems in Ninjas and Superspies? Some of those only start with 2-3 actions, and aikido has only one if I remember correctly.
Does this include the martial arts systems in Ninjas and Superspies? Some of those only start with 2-3 actions, and aikido has only one if I remember correctly.
Yes! =)

EDIT: That's precisely what I was aiming at; I should have been more clear. =)
Purr Purr I think that my next question is, how are you going to handle attributes?
My questions are, what is the cost of the Ninjas and Superspies martial arts above the generic martial art style? And what do we do about the martial art powers, special katas and such that come with level one, and the ones that come with leveling up?
Aaaaand here is another question for you. I got my PDF of the After the Bomb book, and looking through it, it doesn't have a animal description for a tiger. It does have a lion, though. Can I use the lion description and tweak it some to say its a tiger?
DISCLAIMER: If I sound a bit "off," it's because I'm typing through a meddlesome headache and while the thoughts are coming, they're not coming easily. Do pardon me if I'm not my normal chipper self until this headache is gone? Hope you guys and gals are well! =)

Purr Purr I think that my next question is, how are you going to handle attributes?
This is not set in stone.

Roll 4d6 7 times, drop the lowest, keep the 3 highest. Do NOT reroll 1s. Assign as desired except for Physical Prowess. For that 8th Attribute, I am strongly in favor of "fixed" Physical Prowess (another experiment if you will). I am thinking "what if everyone had a Physical Prowess (Dexterity) Attribute of 15 + 1d4?

From there, Mutant Animal type (for those playing Mutant Animals) might play a part in Physical Prowess. So would any Martial Art Systems that add to Physical Prowess. Then add in what few Skills improve Physical Prowess.

That would easily determine (for me) who wants to play the combat-monster and who wants to play a social roleplaying character or something in-between. This also gives those folks wanting to play humans a decent chance at doing well in hand to hand combat.

I was also thinking of a cool idea I heard from another Game Master I know - allow the Speed Attribute to add to Initiative rolls (not a huge amount, but a worthwhile bonus).

For example, take one's Speed Attribute to the the Physical Prowess table and use half of that bonus as an Initiative bonus. Note: This idea partly comes from TMNT & Other Strangeness where Speed adds to your Dodge bonus (I think that's too much, but it's still a cool idea!).

My questions are, what is the cost of the Ninjas and Superspies martial arts above the generic martial art style? And what do we do about the martial art powers, special katas and such that come with level one, and the ones that come with leveling up?
1. As in Broadsword, the cost depends on the system. Not all systems are created equal. Some will cost 4 Skills, some 5. I'll use Broadsword as a guide.

2. Nothing at start. This bears repeating:

Martial Art Powers at start? No!
Martial Art Powers afterward? Maybe! But be prepared to have to really earn them! No gaining them simply by leveling!
New Martial Art Powers made by me that you can select? I hope so! I'd like to. =)

I will likely add bonuses in place of Martial Art Powers in Level Advancement (perhaps +1 to all Saving Throws? That's pretty valuable since Saving Throws don't improve with level as they do in D&D). Just keep in mind that this is NOT a high-powered Palladium campaign. You don't require a P.P. and I.Q. minimum of 25 each to stay alive. Boxing is not required and so forth. This is an S.D.C.-based campaign. Mutant Animal PCs? Don't worry; you'll be just fine. =)

If your characters honestly want Martial Art Powers, you'll have to find out about them in-game, and work towards them.
The exception to the above spoiler is human characters (I haven't decided yet and this headache of mine isn't helping. Ack! Ha ha!). I would like to create new Martial Art Powers. Perhaps some based around the Elements. Mutant Animals get huge benefits from being what they are. Human characters, like those in Big Trouble in Little China, if there is interest, might have their own path to martial art mastery to take via Martial Art Powers based on the elements (I touched on this in a post above).

We're not starting this campaign soon; I've still much prep work to do. We have time to think this out. =)

More in a few. =)
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Aaaaand here is another question for you. I got my PDF of the After the Bomb book, and looking through it, it doesn't have a animal description for a tiger. It does have a lion, though. Can I use the lion description and tweak it some to say its a tiger?
Yeah! I was looking for Tiger too and couldn't find it (they have the coolest artwork of a Mutant Tiger on page 75, but no Tiger! Aaaah! Oh well).

Ah, good Psychie, let me do the tweaking, please? Heh! Yours might not be the only Tiger character in the game. In fact, in this stage, you might bet on that and win. =)

EDIT: O.K.. After doing some reading, use the After the Bomb Lion template, please. The Tiger from TMNT and Other Strangeness (pg. 38) doesn't quite fit; the Lion template, with its options, is definitely superior (and easier!).
Yeah! I was looking for Tiger too and couldn't find it (they have the coolest artwork of a Mutant Tiger on page 75, but no Tiger! Aaaah! Oh well).

Ah, good Psychie, let me do the tweaking, please? Heh! Yours might not be the only Tiger character in the game. In fact, in this stage, you might bet on that and win. =)

EDIT: O.K.. After doing some reading, use the After the Bomb Lion template, please. The Tiger from TMNT and Other Strangeness (pg. 38) doesn't quite fit; the Lion template, with its options, is definitely superior (and easier!).
I wasn't trying to suggest that I do the tweaking of the Lion template, but for us to just use the Lion and call it a Tiger instead.
I am strongly in favor of "fixed" Physical Prowess (another experiment if you will). I am thinking "what if everyone had a Physical Prowess (Dexterity) Attribute of 15 + 1d4?
Does this starting PP get the benefit of adding skills and any Enhanced Prowess purchased by bio-e?
Should we hold off on rolling any attributes until you have locked it in for what you want?
I wasn't trying to suggest that I do the tweaking of the Lion template, but for us to just use the Lion and call it a Tiger instead.
O.K.. The way your sentence read, it wasn't clear (plus my head's in a funk; sorry!).

I wasn't trying to suggest that I do the tweaking of the Lion template, but for us to just use the Lion and call it a Tiger instead.

Does this starting PP get the benefit of adding skills and any Enhanced Prowess purchased by bio-e?
If you mean is there a P.P. ceiling? No, there isn't. If you're asking if they stack, yes. See below? =)
From there, Mutant Animal type (for those playing Mutant Animals) might play a part in Physical Prowess. So would any Martial Art Systems that add to Physical Prowess. Then add in what few Skills improve Physical Prowess.

Should we hold off on rolling any attributes until you have locked it in for what you want?
Oh, definitely! I would like for all to know who they're playing before Attributes are rolled. By "who," I mean:

1. Archetype: Nature & Demeanor (I'll get into that in the next post)?
2. Personality (is your PC shy? Dedicated? Loyal? Compassionate? Fearful? Brave? Etc.)?
3. Alignment (as always, no Evil aligned characters)?
4. Species (Human, Mutant Animal, other)?
5. Ethnic heritage (whether you were born a human or tiger, what )?
6. Education Level (I think I would like the dice to play a part here)?
7. Martial Art System (or lack thereof)?

Concerning rolling for Education Level, I don't like the idea of a single die roll dictating the future of a character, but what if I rolled 3 for each of you and you were able to choose?

Stuff like that. =)
Oh, definitely! I would like for all to know who they're playing before Attributes are rolled. By "who," I mean:

1. Archetype: Nature & Demeanor (I'll get into that in the next post)?
2. Personality (is your PC shy? Dedicated? Loyal? Compassionate? Fearful? Brave? Etc.)?
3. Alignment (as always, no Evil aligned characters)?
4. Species (Human, Mutant Animal, other)?
5. Ethnic heritage (whether you were born a human or tiger, what )?
6. Education Level (I think I would like the dice to play a part here)?
7. Martial Art System (or lack thereof)?

Concerning rolling for Education Level, I don't like the idea of a single die roll dictating the future of a character, but what if I rolled 3 for each of you and you were able to choose?
Just so you know what is in my head right now, I'm thinking of:
1. Not sure yet; still deciding
2. A very loyal, almost set in stone determined character. Slow to respond, but once I've decided on a course of action, I'm unstoppable.
3. Principled
4. Elephant
5. Born as a pachyderm, then mutated into a humanoid form
6. If I were to pick, he'd go with the Artesian background. Almost a pacifist, when he was younger, he lost his temper with another member of his 'family' and her hurt them badly with his great strength. After that, he is very slow to use force, schooling himself to not get someone hurt through his actions.
7. I am thinking either Akidio or Tai-Chi for a martial art style.
Additional Actions per Round gained through Level Advancement that go above the cap are replaced with bonuses to Strike, Parry, Dodge, or Roll. Select two of these to improve by +1 instead. So... no dunce hat. Instead, more action and more fun for everybody!
Question (perhaps theoretical in nature, not sure if it applies somewhere: I get an additional action at lvl 3 and improve two things. Then I level up - do I then again get the action, or do I stick with the bonuses?
1. Archetype: Nature & Demeanor (I'll get into that in the next post)?
2. Personality (is your PC shy? Dedicated? Loyal? Compassionate? Fearful? Brave? Etc.)?
3. Alignment (as always, no Evil aligned characters)?
4. Species (Human, Mutant Animal, other)?
5. Ethnic heritage (whether you were born a human or tiger, what )?
6. Education Level (I think I would like the dice to play a part here)?
7. Martial Art System (or lack thereof)?
1. Same as Sherwood. What book are you looking at for these?
2. more aggressive than our elephant, perhaps relying upon him to be his voice of reason and not let him go running off gung-ho?
3. Scrupulous
4. Tiger
5. spliced with human DNA in utero, and born humanoid
6. more martial in his education, with the elite militia background
7. Fu-Chiao Pai/Tiger Claw Kung Fu
I'm considering a bird of some kind if that's available - didn't get the books yet. Small, quick, angry, struggling with being different. Might want to go with some firearm expertise. That's just a first idea, though.
As promised, here's the Willpower Points and Archetypes I've created.
Instead of Action Points, Willpower inspired by Werewolf: the Apocalypse will be used.

1. Read and choose a Nature and Demeanor from this list of Archetypes. Archetypes will only be used for RP purposes and the recovery of Willpower points (GM discretion). There may be the possibility of "Willpower checks" to see if your characters can resist temptations (think of your diet!). Like an Attribute roll, one will roll equal to or under their Mental Endurance to avoid the temptation.

2. Each character will have a number of Willpower points equal to their Mental Endurance (M.E.) Attribute/3 round down. Therefore, an M.E. of 3 will have 1 Willpower while an M.E. of 30 will have 10 (the maximum).

3. Willpower points can be spent using the following guidelines:

3a. The PC must call the use of a Willpower point before they roll dice. Failure to declare means forfeiture of using Willpower points for that roll.

3b. One Willpower can be spent per Action.

3c. One Willpower point will add 1d4 to any d20 roll or +5% per 1 on the 1d4 die to a Skill or other percentage-based roll (i.e. Save vs. coma/death). These include but are not limited to Saving Throws, Initiative, Dodge, Strike, Detect Ambush rolls, Medical Doctor rolls and the like.

3d. Willpower points add to the "Natural Roll" of a die when used toward Critical Successes, Knock-outs, and the like (i.e. a PC needs a 19 or higher for a Critical Strike. They roll the d20 and the d4. The d4 result is 2. This adds +2 to the d20 roll and the PC, for this roll alone, Critically Strikes on a 17 or higher).

3e. Willpower points have no effect on d20 rolls of 1-4 (i.e. spending a Willpower point will not negate the possibility of a Fumble).

Tell me what you think of it?

EDIT: Link to list added (it didn't copy over).
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Sort of a modified version of the Action Point system that we've used in the past. It adds a good reason to have a high ME. I can support this. We just need a list of Nature and Demeanors to be able to get our Willpower points back.
Sort of a modified version of the Action Point system that we've used in the past. It adds a good reason to have a high ME. I can support this. We just need a list of Nature and Demeanors to be able to get our Willpower points back.
Plus it takes roleplaying, not just leveling, to get the points. I never liked how high-level characters couldn't get Action Points (because of the sheer amount of xp it takes to get to the next level). This way? You play your character, do things your character would do, and hey! Both you and your character feel better about it. Win-win!
I'm considering a bird of some kind if that's available - didn't get the books yet. Small, quick, angry, struggling with being different. Might want to go with some firearm expertise. That's just a first idea, though.
There are plenty of birdies available. It just depends on what kind you want and how big you want to grow.
Sort of a modified version of the Action Point system that we've used in the past. It adds a good reason to have a high ME. I can support this. We just need a list of Nature and Demeanors to be able to get our Willpower points back.
Oh! The list didn't copy over. One moment!

List of Archetypes.

Darned achy-brain. I normally don't make goofs of this nature.

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