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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

One thing has not changed. I want you - all of you - to play characters that you're wild about!

There are going to be some limitations and some advantages in this game that I'm changing, that I hope will challenge you, maybe take you out of your comfort zone.

But I still want you to look fondly upon the character you have created in my world. =)

More questions and answers coming from me soon.
usually between 1 and 5 meters in height
5 meters? That's much bigger than I would have expected.

I can see some logic behind it, but I wouldn't have thought it'd be such an incentive to not go for diversity there
I suspect it's because it's based on a comic and/or TV show/movie series that's centered around four characters that meet the requirements of shared species, education, and martial arts. ^33^
Moar questions? Send 'em my way!

I'm in the process of putting together a yes or no questionnaire that I hope everyone will find entertaining and useful. Should be ready in the not too distant future. =)
I like the bonus for having the same species/training/background etcetera. It remains to be seen if everyone wants to do this, and if so, what everyone wants to go with to fill in the blanks.
I recall a Champions gave where the premise was a SEAL type team that was made of all mutant animals like the Dog Boys from Rifts and the other animal references you made. There was a pack of velociraptors with sub machine guns and hand grenades running around with a mutant rhino as the big guns of the group and a penguin with mental powers as team support. It was a lot of fun.
If I recall correctly, your idea to reboot that game concept at some point happened to become the first rp I ever played in on rpn. At least, I recall that story from back then.
Silanon Silanon Correct, but from the chair I'm sitting in diversity is its own advantage. =)
Oh, definitely - I just find the rule interesting as a concept. Though Kaerri is obviously right about its origin...
One thing has not changed. I want you - all of you - to play characters that you're wild about!
I'd never sacrifice that for some in-game bonus - what's the point of a bonus when I don't enjoy using it because the character is horrible?

I find it hard to think of a species everyone would agree on - after all, even in Sherwood Sherwood s example, penguin and rhino would've been excluded. And part of the fun might be exploring something uncommon that no one else had in mind...

Anyhow, what exactly does education entail, mechanic-wise? I doubt we all want to play the same species, background seems doable...
5 meters? That's much bigger than I would have expected.
Keep in mind that this means hitting your head on basically every obstacle - so I'd recommend something with a thick skull.
This isn't me dropping the idea, but I'm a little apprehensive about doing a game based on the Palladium system, to tell you the truth. I tried it years ago for a Robotech game, but it didn't really grow on me.
This isn't me dropping the idea, but I'm a little apprehensive about doing a game based on the Palladium system, to tell you the truth. I tried it years ago for a Robotech game, but it didn't really grow on me.
jaydude jaydude Hmm. Do you remember why?

I use house rules. I'm hoping that something you don't like about the game is something I've changed already or can change in the future?
All I can really remember is that I found it harder to get invested in the system than I did D&D, Exalted and Avatar Legends. There wasn't much of a factor that motivated me to do so.
All I can really remember is that I found it harder to get invested in the system than I did D&D, Exalted and Avatar Legends. There wasn't much of a factor that motivated me to do so.
jaydude jaydude Hmm again. Maybe a touch of history and my viewpoint as GM might help?

Palladium is loosely-based on D&D and it was created by a lifelong lover of comic books and art, Mr. Kevin Seimbeida. Palladium Fantasy is what came of his playing D&D with large numbers of Players (up to 26 PCs at a time). At least at a table, once the characters are rolled up, the action tends to go fast.

I feel Palladium rules lack the social and emotional tools found in Avatar and Exalted.

However there is no mechanic that informs you what your character is "supposed" to be feeling. Unless there is some kind of mind control at work, that's left up to the Player.

Personally I don't like games that dictate to me how my character feels. Sometimes White Wolf was big about that and I didn't like it.

Storyteller sez, "She rolled x amount of successes on her social skill on you so now you feel sad and dejected."

Me: "Pardon me? Why can't I decide how my PC reacts?" I really want that freedom.

Palladium has the role-players RP the scenes instead just rolling dice. I'm not saying that's better for everyone; I'm saying I prefer watching my Players talk out how their character feels instead of just dropping dice for a desired result.

As for being invested in other parts of Palladium's system, it can be clunky at times. I try to kerp it smoith and relatable.

I don't like how Saving Throws don't improve with level, but I do like how Armor Class is non-existant. As in Exalted, I want some say when someone rolls combat dice on me (does my PC try and Parry? Dodge? Roll with the impact? Etc.).

I also feel it's fair that my opponent(s) should get the same when I roll combat dice on them. How do they defend? Seeing how chararacters respond to danger adds to the role-playing for me.

I think the combat, especially when outside of a big mech, is more personal. Losing Health Levels is simewhat telling, but I get a big kick when rolling that critical hit for 20 points of S.D.C. plus he might fail his Save and get sent down that flight of concrete stairs! "Take that you jerk! That's what you get for being a bad guy!"

I've also house ruled Skills so that 98% is a soft cap/ceiling (normally 98% is the maximum).

You want to climb the rope away from the bad guy chasing you. Sure! Oh, you want to leap onto that rope, swing, and use your momentum to unexpectedly kick the bad guy with both feet? You can try that too with a penalty. Having the soft cap aids this. May the dice be good to you!

One more thing that aids in Palladium as I play it - I've introduced "Action Points" where the characters where my Players have an edge when things get tough. It's kind of like spending a Willpower point in Exalted.

I just realized how long this post has become. Hope this helps, Jay!
There are a few things I would like to change to the system, and some other things I’d like to see added. Using Robotech as an example, there are scenes in the anime series where a character fires a large salvo of missiles and hits multiple targets at once. There is no mechanic in place that lets a player do that and I have tried to house rule something to cover this but I am not satisfied with the tweak I tried.

Overall, I find the Palladium system to be relatively easy to pick up on, and I can make a character for Rifts or Robotech in a matter of a half hour without breaking a sweat. Heck, it takes me longer to type the character into a post than it does to create in the first place.
Huh! jaydude jaydude Jay? Thanks in part to your post, I think I've just found a new and satisfactory way to promote and reward social RP in in my Palladium games! Thank you!

Thanks for the Well-Written,Bud!

More later!
O.K., Gang! Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon Thanks to some serious generosity, I have been allowed to rename my Sharseya Hosted Project to... "Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles."

But who's in?

A note for Palladium beginners: I will provide extra help for you (though I doubt I'll be the only one). Don't think you have to learn it all overnight. I'll help you ease into Palladium!

Veteran Palladium Players: I'll be simplifying combat and making some changes you won't be used to. This might take veteran players out of their comfort zone and perhaps to a place of your liking.

Since we started this conversation less than a week ago, ideas are all that I've been having! It feels great! I think I'm inspired here, not by one or two universes, but so far, little fun tidbits from four. While we are playing one game, here are some elements from other games I think I can add. Things like...

1. Instead of using Action Points, I'd like to use Werewolf: the Apocalypse Willpower Points and Archetypes as I've tweaked them for Palladium!
Willpower points work much like Action Points but are recovered by social roleplaying, not just leveling. Archetypes (Nature and Demeanor) are how you recover said Willpower. Willpower points will be part of the game. Selecting Archetypes are completely optional. Do it if it sounds fun! Give it a try!

Demeanor is what you show the world about yourself, Nature is what you really are; they can be the same. If you don't want to do that, then you'll get Willpower back in a more static fashion (perhaps just at the end of a scene or story). But for those with Archetypes, by taking actions that really resonate with your character, you recover Willpower Points and get more fun out of social interactions! Yes, you can change Archetypes down the road if the RP situation calls for it.

2. Avatar: The Last Airbender has also ingrained itself in me (thank you, Jay, Sherwood, and Psychie for helping me make that delightful discovery!).
So... what if instead of psionic powers, I created a very low-level system of Elemental Martial Arts? Don't think Firebending; instead, think Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid when he heals or Egg Shen in Big Trouble in Little China when he demonstrates for his attorney? Little fun stuff... but nothing game-breaking.

Perhaps these abilities will grow into something more if you practice them in-game?
"Big Trouble in Little China (1986) opening scene"

3. And then of course there are the mutant animal powers for those who want to play mutated animals.
Mutant animals are closer to the animal world and thus have abilities that humans simply don't. They are what they are and if they are to be safe in San Francisco (yes, I'm changing the setting to ol' San Fran), they must be more than careful - they must be wise and skilled if they are to remain undiscovered from the public at large.

I've decided upon using After the Bomb as the main "core" book. Ignore the lore. Focus on the animal-types should you choose to play one. But all "character classes" come from there. Those of you who might want to play humans will tend to be better scholastically-educated than your mutant animal counterparts and teammates, but being animals, they will still know what your species has largely long forgotten.

4. And then we have my old favorite, the Ninjas & Superspies universe!
Yes, Martial Art systems will be available to select from N&S, Mystic China, Rifter, or perhaps from the systems I've changed up... but no martial art powers of any kind at start. These rare powers are going to be special as I feel they deserve to be. Folks who want them are (gasp!) going to have to earn them in-character.

For those who aren't familiar with any of these titles - the only book/PDF you'll probably want is After the Bomb. I am only taking bits from other games, and then mostly for inspiration or game mechanic I like.

I'll have my "FAQ" finished soon. Maybe today. =)[/spoiler]
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Now that I know what book to use, I went ahead and downloaded the PDF of After The Bomb so I can start to look it over. I also found an archive site for the old TMNT book, but I'll just set that one aside for now since we aren't using it.

Long story short, I will be interested! Count me in.
So, let me make sure I understand the concept vs. the book. We are using the After the Bomb book for the Bio-E points to make the animal, but we are using a different world setting that you will introduce us to?
So, let me make sure I understand the concept vs. the book. We are using the After the Bomb book for the Bio-E points to make the animal, but we are using a different world setting that you will introduce us to?
Psychie Psychie We are using After the Bomb for character creation. That means Bio-E points, education, weapons, Attributes (which, by the way, work slightly differently in TMNT), etc.. I want this because After the Bomb was written long after TMNT & Other Strangeness (which I'll still be using as a resource) and it is far better organized and balanced.

I'll also be using Ninjas & Superspies and related books for Martial Art Systems for those who want them. I recommend everyone who wants to play have only After the Bomb handy. Ignore all lore and setting in that game! =)
Thank you for clarifying that. What king of setting will this game be taking place? Modern? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? I am curious to know what kind if skill focus might be of interest.
BTW, I'm starting to form an image of a tiger character idea based off of a cool pic I found, but I don't know how well it will work for this world yet.
Thank you for clarifying that. What king of setting will this game be taking place? Modern? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? I am curious to know what kind if skill focus might be of interest.
I'm so glad you asked, Psychie! In my next post, I'll be happy to show everyone my handy-dandy list of NOT-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions No One Has Asked Frequently)! =)

BTW, I'm starting to form an image of a tiger character idea based off of a cool pic I found, but I don't know how well it will work for this world yet.
Cool! But don't do a thing until you've checked out my next post. It will tell you for certain if this is the right game for you! Give me a few minutes. =)
I'm so glad you asked, Psychie! In my next post, I'll be happy to show everyone my handy-dandy list of NOT-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions No One Has Asked Frequently)! =)

Cool! But don't do a thing until you've checked out my next post. It will tell you for certain if this is the right game for you! Give me a few minutes. =)
Looking forward to seeing what you have to offer!
Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus jaydude jaydude Kaerri Kaerri Psychie Psychie Sherwood Sherwood Silanon Silanon


Now that we have your attention..." (For those who don't know, that was a popular American ad back in the 1980s and before! Ha ha!).

... it's... the NOT-FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions No One Has Asked Frequently)! Six whole categories of things you can rightly expect from Big Trouble in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

This post is meant to be fun and entertaining. You don't need to read it, but if you do, you'll probably learn without a doubt if this is game for you. Take your sweet time and enjoy - I did when I was writing it! Also, ask any questions you want! Here we go!

Will there be...

Sun and fun? Yes! The game begins and is centered in 198X Chinatown, San Francisco, California!
1980's references? Yes!
1960s-1980s music? Yes (with maybe some 1990s music thrown in)!
Michael Jackson, Madonna, Van Halen, Rush, and Prince? Bet on it!
All on the same stage? No.
Paths that will require your courage to walk? Yes!
Wise sayings from Real Life masters of the martial arts? "A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer." - Bruce Lee (Yes!)
Obstacles in your path great enough to challenge even those masters? Yes!
Corvettes? Yes!
Camaros? Yes!
El Caminos? (What in the world is an El Camino?)
At least one Ghostbusters reference? Yes!
Internet/Google/YouTube? Nope!
Wired/rotary telephones? Yes!
Smartphones? Nuh-uh!
Public payphones that run on nickels, dimes, and quarters with operators and collect calls! Yes!
DVDs/Blu-rays/Satellite TV/Laptops/Bluetooth/PlayStation & Xbox? No!
VHS/Beta-Max/CDs/typewriters/Sony Walkmans/Nintendo NES? Yes!
Nothing at all from the 21st Century! Yes, as best as I can help it!
The Six Demon Bag? Only if you're really, really good!
Space Shuttles? Yes!
Space Force? No!
1980s MTV (Music Television) back when it was good? Yes! (It really was good once! Really!)

Animals? Yes!
Mutated animals? Yes!
Cool mutant animal abilities? Yes!
Creatures that appear to be mutant animals but are really something inescapably different? Yes!
Ninjas? Yes!
Wanna-be Ninjas? Yes!
Young, hot, acrobatic criminal whacko-women who want to scratch your face so that you'll be forced to join their maniacal ninja cult? Yes! (Not kidding!)
Honorable Samurai, complete with Code of Bushido? If you play your cards right!
Ghosts? Yes!
Monsters? Yes!
People who think you are monsters? Yes!
People who are fleeing from you for their very lives because they think you are monsters? Yes!
People whose help you will need but first you must convince them that you are not monsters? Yes!
People who won't believe you're not monsters no matter what you tell them? Well... yes.

Character and story-oriented questions!
Romance? Possibly! Fade-to-black is in full effect as always.
Nudity/Sex? Uh, go away and play Mass Effect if that "pops your thermal clip." =)
Drugs? Yes... bad guys are into that.
Firearms? Yee-doggie! (Yes!)
Magic? Oh yes!
Mysteries? Yes! Plus much to think about!
Psionics/Psychic Powers? I doubt it, but I foresee giving you a heads-up if I put my mind to it.
Martial Arts? Yes!
Marital Arts? Go see a licensed marriage counselor for that. (Read that question again!)
Martial Arts philosophies, techniques, katas, weapon use, and more? Yes!
Hand to Hand combat skills required? No, but highly recommended! (Hand to Hand: Basic minimum!)
Martial arts culture and philosophy that means something/is not just a bunch of numbers? Yes!
Practical training that provides temporary in-game benefits for your characters? Yes, if you succeed in training!

"Game Settings"/Shop Talk
Normal Difficulty? Yes! Though it may seem like "Hard mode" sometimes.
Using After the Bomb book as Core book? Yes! (Ignore all lore and setting! Use for character creation!)
Using Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness book? Yes! As a reference and for atmosphere!
Low-powered universe when compared with Palladium's Rifts, Splicers, Heroes Unlimited, and the like? Yes!
High Attributes required for survival/success? No! You will be required to use your heads!
Fixed Physical Prowess Attribute at start? Giving it serious thought for game balance!
Level Limitations on Actions per Round for a number of good reasons? Yes!
Finally getting some real use out of your Attributes like Mental Endurance, Physical Endurance, Mental Affinity, and Physical Beauty? Yes!
Game Violence? Well, yes!
Blood? Yes!
Bleeding? Yes! (Take damage every Round until the bleeding stops.)
First Aid helpful? YES!
Gore? Some. Just enough to get the point across in the stories. Ew!
Weapons of all kinds roll twice the number of dice listed (not counting Skill or Physical Strength bonuses)? Yes! See below!
PC Death under 0 Hit Points? That depends! In most cases (but not all), this is literally up for our group to decide at start of game! Do you die when you reach 0 Hit Points (Hard Mode) or are you knocked out instead for awhile? Death is still possible under certain circumstances (like reaching -50 Hit Points)! Expect me to ask all of you about your feelings concerning this soon!
NPC Death? Yes! As always!
More attention paid to how Palladium combat is run by the book? Yes! (Example: drawing or sheathing/holstering a weapon counts as one Action! Dropping a weapon doesn't!)
Following the core book word-for-word? No!
Skills allowed from Maddog's Palladium Skill Compendium? No!
Martial Art systems allowed from Ninjas & Superspies, Mystic China, Rifter? Yes with some limitations!
Skills received from chosen martial art system? Yes to all Domestic and Language skills!
Attribute bonuses received from chosen martial art systems? Yes!
Martial Art Powers at start? No!
Martial Art Powers afterward? Maybe! But be prepared to have to really earn them! No gaining them simply by leveling!
New Martial Art Powers made by me that you can select? I hope so! I'd like to. =)
Using RP Points as experience points? Haven't decided! Might go with Palladium experience points.
Action Points? No!
Willpower Points/Archetypes as inspired by White Wolf used instead? Yes!
Rewards based on social interactions by using said Willpower Points/Archetypes? Yes!
Diamonds of Fate (rare and potentially powerful d30s you can use in place of a d20)? Maybe, but not at start.
Armor Rating? Yes! But Strikes equal or under the target's Armor Rating take 1/2 damage and no Conditions instead of no damage!
Conditions caused by bullet wounds/lacerations over Armor Rating? Yes! See Bleeding, above.
Will you see my, "Your Character is in mortal danger" dire warning in a post of mine directed at one of you? I hope not, but you neeever knooow! =)

Miscellaneous (last category, then we're done)!
Pizza? Yes!
Tacos? Likely!
Cookies for the Cookie Monster? Of course!
Characters of mine whom you've met? Yes!
Characters of mine whom you've never met? Also yes!
Enemies you'll really want to put behind bars, beat up, make repent, and the like? Oh yes!
NPCs that exist solely to please and satisfy you? No! Go play Sims if you want that. =)
NPCs that feel like real people and will treat you accordingly? Yes!

Family that feels like family? Yes, especially once you get to know them in-game!
Having to find family you have not met yet? Yes!
Aiding and helping said family because they need you? Yes!
Running to family because you need them? Very likely sooner or later!
Family you can love? I hope so!
Family who will drive you straight up the wall? Yes! Please see your fellow Player Characters for additional details! =)

Creative fun and fairness with you as best as I can supply it preferably for years to come? Absolutely!

Honor and fun,
Purr =)
Do we know how the various mutant animals have come about? Are we escapees from a military lab or something like that?
Do we know how the various mutant animals have come about? Are we escapees from a military lab or something like that?
I really need to know who's playing and who isn't before I get into that. =)

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