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In the Dojo (O.O.C. Chat - Session Zero)

For those who are in, how do you like the double-damage dice/No PC Death under 0 Hit Points rule?

Here's a little background on it: Palladium fights already take a heck of a lot of time and that's during tabletop games. In Play-By-Post? With this many (possible) Players? It might take weeks to for a serious fight to conclude. Double-damage dice for all weapons moves the game along much faster.

Especially when combined with No PC Death under 0 Hit Points! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fights end up with knockdowns and K.O.s all of the time! But death? Rarely. This rule gives one heck of a safety net ensuring PCs can go down, but are not killed unless through certain circumstances. Incredibly-bad dice rolls likely won't knock a player down to -50 Hit Points (that's where your character does indeed die). Also, if you decide to do something that would really get your character killed (jump off the Golden Gate Bridge with no way to slow/stop your fall!), it's instant-passage-to-Heaven for your character.

But otherwise, this game is a lot less deadly while being a lot more action-packed.

But what do each of you think?
I really need to know who's playing and who isn't before I get into that. =)
No chance we could get a bit more than that? 'Freak mutation hunted by the government' and 'genetically engineered soldier to fight undercover against corruption' are two very distinct story lines, but start with exactly that question.
Personally, I'd favor the double-damage, no 'no PC death' - hard mode, so to speak. I like having consequences in a game, and I don't like cruising through an rp without ever feeling threatened. Combat is a part of that. If others feel differently, though, that won't stop me from joining.

Also means I'm likely to join once I have a better feeling what we'll be up to - hence the above question. Need to research 1980's heavy metal though to be sure thar I could bear that environment.
No chance we could get a bit more than that? 'Freak mutation hunted by the government' and 'genetically engineered soldier to fight undercover against corruption' are two very distinct story lines, but start with exactly that question.
Silanon Silanon Honestly, I've been writing quite a lot and I hadn't gotten that far. While yours is an excellent point, I'm at that stage where I don't want to spend hours writing up a game that doesn't take off (it has happened).

You're welcome to what I do have so far - all of this is subject to change.

1. I want your characters to start out as a family. This means your characters know each other. Well. Why? Because you grew up together. However, you have to leave this life behind and start anew.

2. I also want your characters to have come from somewhere outside of San Francisco, and for very good reasons, you come to Chinatown in San Fran where family you've never met could really use your help. In return, they will take care of you as best as they are able and hide you away from those who shouldn't see you as best as they can.

3. I would prefer that all of you start your characters off with a clean slate. No one's hunted, but you're coming to live in a city you've never been in before. I would like for you as Players to discover 198X San Francisco, Cali alongside your Characters! The good things, the dangers, the life of living in one of the most free-hearted cities on Earth.

4. Mutated animals are just like in TMNT and that means the general public has precious little to no knowledge that mutant animals are running around inside of their cities. Keep hidden as best as possible coming to peace with the idea that only a few humans will ever understand and accept what you are instead of perceiving you as a threat.

On the other hand, you'll also have allies that only normal folks can dream of. You'll be facing bad guys and gals that threaten the city that are beyond San Francisco's ability to stop them. The question then becomes - does your family have what it takes to do the right thing? =)

That's where I'm at right now. =)

EDIT: I edited this for tone - now I think this post is the way I'd like it to be. =)
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Here's a fun taste of TMNT for those who may be interested. This comes from the movie, Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. That's right. That Batman. If you want to talk about a fun first meeting, here it is! =)

The two arguing are disciplined Leonardo (blue mask) and feisty Raphael (red). Their brothers are the tremendously-silly Michelangelo (orange) and the ever-brainy Donatello (purple). The legendary Batman probably needs no introduction. In this scene, they don't yet realize they're all good guys here. =)

"Turtles vs Batman | Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"

And this is a good taste of Big Trouble in Little China. One of the best martial art scenes in cinema in terms of wonder and entertainment. YouTube seems to only have it in small bites hence two short videos. Enjoy!

"Big Trouble in Little China Gang War fight Scene Movie Clip 4K UHD HDR Kurt Russell Kim Cattrall"

"Big Trouble in Little China The Three Storms Scene Movie Clip 4K UHD HDR Kurt Russel Kim Cattrall"
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Purr Purr thanks for the write-up - gives me a much better idea what to expect. Looking forward to it, then!
I am thinking that being escaped animals from some crazed geneticists lab might be the best way to explain all our different animals. If we were military made they would be all over us all the time. That’s my two cents worth.
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Michael Jackson, Madonna, Van Halen, Rush, and Prince? Bet on it!
All on the same stage? No.

El Caminos? (What in the world is an El Camino?)
Ah, the eternal question...

1980s MTV (Music Television) back when it was good? Yes! (It really was good once! Really!)
Ooh, back when they still played music videos!

Creatures that appear to be mutant animals but are really something inescapably different? Yes!
Ninjas? Yes!
Kiseko is looking at you. ^;3^

Practical training that provides temporary in-game benefits for your characters? Yes, if you succeed in training!
Sounds interesting!

PC Death under 0 Hit Points? That depends! In most cases (but not all), this is literally up for our group to decide at start of game! Do you die when you reach 0 Hit Points (Hard Mode) or are you knocked out instead for awhile? Death is still possible under certain circumstances (like reaching -50 Hit Points)! Expect me to ask all of you about your feelings concerning this soon!
Feelings will be shared when asked for.

Will you see my, "Your Character is in mortal danger" dire warning in a post of mine directed at one of you? I hope not, but you neeever knooow! =)
Shocked Oh No GIF by Yêu Lu

Pizza? Yes!
Tacos? Likely!
Cookies for the Cookie Monster? Of course!
Hungry Cookie Monster GIF by Sesame Street

For those who are in, how do you like the double-damage dice/No PC Death under 0 Hit Points rule?
Personally, I'd favor the double-damage, no 'no PC death' - hard mode, so to speak. I like having consequences in a game, and I don't like cruising through an rp without ever feeling threatened. Combat is a part of that. If others feel differently, though, that won't stop me from joining.
I believe the combo he's asking about is double-damage dice and no PC-death. The former to speed things up, the latter to be more in line with the TMNT comic-book feel. He did say death isn't impossible even with that, however (jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge, for example). Something he mentioned to me offline, but not here (so it may not be firmly in the game) is that there will still be consequences for getting injured or knocked out. For example, if someone manages to heal you to above 0 HP, you'll be awake and able to do things, but at a penalty. And my guess is there aren't going to be that many ways to "quick-heal" -- this is still 1980s San Francisco. ^;3^ So the penalties may last for a while until you're able to fully heal up.

My own feelings: I like the no-PC-death mode in general because sometimes dice can be awful, and sometimes other characters' decisions can get a PC into a situation they'd have avoided on their own (all of which is part of the story, true), and I really dislike having to face losing a cared-for character through something I would have been able to avoid under other circumstances. As this is a mechanics-side rule, not a lore rule, our characters should still have that fear of death and other consequences even though we may not. (And as I said, there are likely to be consequences regardless.)

I'm a little wary of the double-damage-dice. It should speed things up, and that's good, but I'm also concerned about the increased probability of the aforementioned consequences. :P Which is part of the fun, I guess? Anyway, I'm not against it. I'll just feel more cautious if it's implemented.
I believe the combo he's asking about is double-damage dice and no PC-death.
That was my understanding as well - I just felt that not taking the 'no death' route adds a lethality that's worth exploring - knowing that not going first might already lead to demise, for example, leads to approaches that don't rely on someone to take the shot when things go awry - instead, one takes an approach that either makes sure we strike first or that avoids deadly combat altogether. I wouldn't mind a game where avoiding a bad fight at all costs is the proper thing to do.

I can see your point as well, though. Just two different ways to play, and it also depends on the role of combat for the story. Making combat less important, since risky, opens doors for other concepts to shine.
It has been my opinion that hand to hand weapons are . . . almost considered secondary to ranged weapons. At least it is that way in Rifts. I am not as familiar with the SDC setting of a modern game. Would the double damage just increase the dice (making a 2d6 weapon do 4d6), or would it double damage across the board? Is PS damage doubled too?
Would there be any effects on the reach of aoe weapons like grenades, or would they simply be deadlier in their respective area?
For example, if someone manages to heal you to above 0 HP, you'll be awake and able to do things, but at a penalty. And my guess is there aren't going to be that many ways to "quick-heal" -- this is still 1980s San Francisco. ^;3^ So the penalties may last for a while until you're able to fully heal up.

It has been my opinion that hand to hand weapons are . . . almost considered secondary to ranged weapons. At least it is that way in Rifts. I am not as familiar with the SDC setting of a modern game. Would the double damage just increase the dice (making a 2d6 weapon do 4d6), or would it double damage across the board? Is PS damage doubled too?
Perhaps I should have named it "Less PC Death/more PC K.O.?" Ah! My original name is probably better. Here is the original name and my draft. Enjoy!

All weapons in the game do double-damage dice (fists, swords, firearms, oncoming cars, that Taco Bell you just ate). P.S. and Skill bonuses are not doubled; dice only. Critical hits double the damage of these dice (so a punch now does 2d6 damage instead of 1d6 damage. That 2d6 damage is doubled to 2d6 x 2 upon a Critical Strike.

Characters are no longer killed unless the GM decides this is their fate or the PC takes -50 Hit Points of damage.

Any character, upon reaching 0 Hit Points, is knocked unconscious for 1d6 minutes (4-24 Rounds) whereupon they will wake in a world of pain and disorientation with 1 Hit Point and the following penalties: All Skills, Attribute Bonuses, Combat Bonuses, and Actions per Round are halved! No Skills involving intense concentration are possible without GM approval.

When they wake up, this Knock-out penalty will remain for another 4d6 minutes +1 minute for every Hit Point of damage the character took under 0 (-9 Hit Points = Knock-out penalty lasts 4d6+9 minutes).

Healing the character to half Hit Points reduces the duration of these penalties by half. Healing the character to full Hit Points removes the penalties. S.D.C. recovers normally.

Would there be any effects on the reach of aoe weapons like grenades, or would they simply be deadlier in their respective area?
The latter. No other statistical changes to weapons. =)
The latter. No other statistical changes to weapons. =)
Figured as much - just thought I'd ask before we accidentally create a larger hole than intended. Wouldn't want to create a breach into the underworld or something...
I am thinking that being escaped animals from some crazed geneticists lab might be the best way to explain all our different animals. If we were military made they would be all over us all the time. That’s my two cents worth.
This is possible. But if it were so, then there might also be scientists and people with strong financial resources eager to get their "subjects back in their cages." Bad guys from the private industry don't have to follow the rules of the military.

What if? When you were animals (for those playing animals), you were the pets of a very wealthy owner - one who saw something different in you. Perhaps you are not escaped but purchased, flat-out, simply because this wealthy person wanted it so? Perhaps that person financed the entire scientific operation at the behest of scientists she trusted who lacked the means and the funds?

In return, once you became mutant animals, she decides to "bring you home" where you live a decent life (MUCH better than many mutant animals) where you are loved, educated, taught self defense, and given the means to either stay here and live in comfort or live on your own deciding your own future (this was the goal, anyway). But something went wrong.

This way, no one is chasing you and you are not mistreated lab animals who have every reason to loathe humanity (as some mutant animals rightly do).

But then, something happens to your parent! You are forced to leave this life and venture to Chinatown where his family (which is thus also your family) are in much need. And now so are you. Perhaps you can all benefit by helping each other?

Purr Purr thanks for the write-up - gives me a much better idea what to expect. Looking forward to it, then!
You are very welcome, Sil! I had a grand time creating it!
Figured as much - just thought I'd ask before we accidentally create a larger hole than intended. Wouldn't want to create a breach into the underworld or something...
Not accidentally. Intentionally, now, that might be another matter... ^;3^
That is definitely a different way to look at an origin story. Not a bad idea, Purr. And not doubling the character’s PS bonus will help keep a super strong character from being overbalanced. That applies to my idea that I’m pondering of being some sort of elephant or rhino with my side brought down a bit so I’m not too big and to be able to afford some bio-e modifications.
Purr Purr perhaps I should have started out by asking are there any animal races that are off limits? Or bio-e powers? I don’t want to design something and learn that my ideas are out of bounds.
He mentioned that, yes - more details would be interesting, though.

I like the background - feels like it doesn't cause us more trouble than needed, makes sense, gets us involved and leaves a lot of room for different characters still.
Purr Purr perhaps I should have started out by asking are there any animal races that are off limits? Or bio-e powers? I don’t want to design something and learn that my ideas are out of bounds.
To add to that question: Any features that you wouldn't want to see? Or that are required? What about wings, for example? Could see a majestic falcon. Or a legless snake slithering around? Or the opposite: a centipede for the ultimative kicking experience? How about a shark if I can get the others to carry me around in a water tank?
<knock knock knock >

“Who’s there?”




“I don’t need a plumber.”

“Candy gram!”

“Oh! I love candy! How nice!”

<opens door and gets eaten by the landshark>

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