Imagination Is The Limit [RP]

Kael thought back to his younger sister. "she is 7 years younger then me, long blonde hair, tiny for her age and what any normal human would describe as frail." he bit his lip and wore a frustrated expression. "i would be lucky if she was still alive. she was bullied so much before the freeze, but she was always too nice to to fight back. even so fighting back would have done her no good......" he clenched his fists, then forced himself to relax. "i wonder if Snowstorm is with her. we had a pet cat, fur as white as snow, named Snowstorm that would follow her wherever she went." he pointed out, wondering whether their beloved cat was still alive as well.
Erika was surprised at his imaginative abilities. "Hey little guy," she said to the lizard, "And yeah, I guess the whole world and time freezing was alittle overreacted to but when criminals get the ability to have what they imagine come to life things get bad fast," she said, to the man this time. She remembered what happened to ware she lived when the seventh sense kicked in. She wondered who would be heartless enough to do the things these people have done. "So.." Erika said, trying not to dwell on the memory.
Frost pursed her lips in a grim line. 'Enterra could track her scent, if you have something of hers. Don't confuse him with any tracker dog either, he gets touchy.' She warned, looking down at her wolf companion and smiling fondly at him as he curled his upper lip in a growl, revealing dangerous canines. 'She sounds like she wouldn't hold up to much in a fight, so i'm assuming she'd be smart and hole up somewhere until she felt safe. And this city being what it is, that isn't likely to be any time soon. Where would she head for do you think?' She asked, figuring she might as well help this guy. It wasn't his fault the world was screwed up after all.


'It's screwed up out there, that's for sure. But the thing is, people have always been a little crazy. Always wanting a little too much, doing things too much, too little, things they shouldn't. I mean, look at how the world handled it. They could have had an orderly evacuation to some unaffected places, but no, they freaked out too much themselves and then EVERYONE went a little more crazy and their fear became so much that it took on a form of itself. Now you have lunatics in the streets, wielding their so called imaginations to fight off people that shouldn't be their enemies.' Iruka pulled out another apple, bit into it and sat beside her, listening to the crack of gunshots with a blissful smile. 'They're mental, I'm mental, you're mental. We're all a little more crazy since this thing started.' He held a hand out for the lizard to climb onto, passing him to Erika's shoulder. 'Kisuke though, he's not crazy. He's just the product of it. Like the rest of my creations.'
Kai nodded, "i might have something, but im not sure." he dug through his pockets, he didnt carry a bag so he tended to just stuff his pockets. he remembered the pocket on the inside of his jacket and frowned he pulled his zipper part way down and reached inside his coat. in the inside pocket he felt a cold metal chain and pulled it out. it was a necklace, the chain was 24 karats, as well as the amethyst inset butterfly that hung from it. "this belonged to her, please be careful." he held out the necklace. "she was living in a foster home, she is only 16. i had to leave the home when i was 18, that was 5 years ago. even before the freeze i didnt have the money to support the both of us. the last time i saw her was during the beginning of the freeze. they said she would be safe, but i wasnt so sure. i went to find the necessary money to get her out of there because weird things had stgarted to happen and she gave me her favorite necklace for luck." he had a pained look. "i never should have left her there. when i went back there was no one there."
Warren stood out in the open looking around,his vision had blackened and he sighed. This was the third time today and it was starting to irritate him,but he simply sighed and headed on his way. Feeling the earth so he could walk normal,he headed back to his forest.And it really was his since he helped create it,though the trees took a bit to grow they were already pretty good when he got there. He figured since he did that that was the reason his senses were acting up again,as long as his sense of feel didn't go out yet he was fine.
Erika giggled as the lizard climbed onto her shoulder. "Amen," she said. He knew exactly what he was talking about and she agreed with every bit of it. "What other 'creations' do you have?" she asked in curiosity. He said it like he had tons of them. His imagination wasn't as destructive as hers. Even if it was just making a throwing knife, it was violent and it did nothing but hurt others. His imagination made things live. He had a less demonic mind. Undisturbed thoughts. He was some of the people she liked being around before the freeze.
Frost nodded, pursing her lips again as she gently took the necklace from his hand, holding it out to Enterra. 'I don't know if this will work. Normally scents stick to fabrics better than metal, but we'll give it a shot.' The scarred wolf sniffed the gold chain a few times, sneezed once and then sniffed at the ground a little, shaking the snow out of his fur. Frost sighed. 'Looks like it's a no go. Do you have anything else? A glove? A shirt, a toy?' She frowned. Little girls had toys right? 'What about something from the cat?'


Iruka grinned at Erika's obvious enjoyment. A kid like that shouldn't be stuck on her own, he thought to himself, even though she couldn't be much younger than him. He reached behind him, scratching his back a moment and barely seconds later a young eagle was climbing out of his shirt while he winced. 'Talons, they hurt like hell.' He said more to himself than to her. 'This is Uuryu.' He said with a shrug as the eagle flapped his wings lightly before settling on Iruka's arm, digging talons into flesh and making him bleed. 'He's dangerous enough, but only when he has to be.' Scratching the bird's head he offered the rest of his apple to Erika.
Warren had grabbed a bag full of everything he needed from a hole in the ground that was hidden under leaves and a log,he kept it there for emergencies but he decided he could use it now. He had to go find Cerium and there was none here he knew that,so he had to get going so he could come back as fast as he could. Cerium will be hard to fine in big portions but he'd find it,like he always did. But he wasn't going to walk all that way,the ground below him shattered to almost as fine as sand as he walked along it.He build it up under him to where it'd hold him and it flew off forward,only about two yards over the earth below since Warren wouldn't be able to do much if he got too far from it.
Kael took the necklace back, returning it to the pocket inside his jacket. he though to himself for a moment. "well, this is mine, but she wore it once or twice." he unraveled the blue scarf around his neck, handing it of to Frost. "i hope this works." he said lookeding at the horizon. he really hoped his sister was ok.

((im going to put together a chara sheet for her so she is available when we find her.))
Danmel was not fully trusting of this woman with the wolf but with little possibility of finding Kael's sister otherwise he had no real choice in the matter. He just stood back and watched as the woman, wolf, and Kael went through a few things attempting to find a strong enough scent to actually trace his sister.

[sorry kinda running into writers block for this rp for some reason]
Sam was sitting in the old barn listening to the rain beat on the roof when she heard someone enter. She quickly pulled.out her pocket knofe and held it up ready to fight.

"Hello?" She called. Being only twelve she knew how to take care of herself.
(sorry, internet, you know the drill)

Frost sighed, tugging on the blue hood of her cloak a moment before taking the scarf. 'It's a long shot. I can't make any promises, particularly seeing how your own scent probably stifled hers.' Nevertheless she held the scarf out to Enterra and the wolf obediently sniffed the cloth. he sniffed it for a while before his ears pricked up and the long tail wagged slightly. Pressing his nose to the ground he began to head into the city. Frost raised an eyebrow. 'Looks like you got lucky after all.' She said, handing the scarf back to the man before following Enterra into the city.

Kai eagerly followed the wolf into the city, his bow on his back and arrows at the ready. he was glad and pensive at the same time, what condition would his sister be in when they found her? would she even be alive? he shook the thought from his head as they traversed the broken down city. his blue eyes gleamed with hope, his sister was a smart girl and she would know how to escape, even if she was injured. "thank you so much for helping, it means a lot" he said, realizing he forgot to thank his new comrade.

((sorry for the short post))
([MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION] and [MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION] whenever you guys are ready yeah?)

Frost followed Enterra solemnly. She knew there was a very slim chance of them actually finding the girl let alone finding her alive, but she didn't like the thought of leaving an innocent by herself out there if there was a possibility of her being saved. 'It's nothing. There's no garauntee that we'll even find her yet, or that she'll be alive if we do. But I wont stand by while people are killing each other out of sheer stupidity.' She said in that calm, cold voice with ahint of annoyance lacing the edge. Enterra stopped, sniffed at the ground and growled, looking back to Frost, who bent down to pick up a collar of some sort. 'This familiar to you?' She asked Kai, holding it out to him.
Kai took theTattered collar. "we had a cat named Leafwind...." he looked solemn. "even if she is not alive, i would like to be able to pay my respects." he said, putting on a flat exression to keep any sadness from showing. he figured there was still a chance. there was no blood on the collar, so perhaps they were both still alive?

((for any confusion with the details that Kai gave out his siosters name is Esther and she is 16. he is 23. i finally have a chara sheet so i have stabalized her backround now.))
Frost shrugged. 'Go ahead, I'm not in any hurry.' She said simply, gesturing with her hand for Kai to proceed, looking around for any sign of trouble. Enterra's ears flicked back and forth as the sound of gunshots in the distance could be heard, along with screams. Frost gently ran a hand over his coat, calming him with soft words as she looked about. 'I don't want to seem impatient but that sound is getting closer. If you want to be alive when you find your sister I suggest we get moving.'
Kai nodded, "lets go." he headed out, waiting for Enterra and her nose to lead the way. he held tight to the collar, hoping that his sister would be alive when they found her. she was all he had left and he couldnt stand the thought of having left her to die. he listened to the sounds of fighting nearby, silently praying that Enterra would not turn in that direction.
(God its been forever) ( can someone tell me wither whats happening or where i can jump in as a genie, my char from awhile go on here???)

(herpaderp sub)

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