Imagination Is The Limit [RP]

"Whoa whoa whoa." he put his hands up. "I was just coming to see if you were alright, I heard the thud and rushed over." he admitted quickly, in the hopes not to get shot in the face, "I-I swear, please don't shoot me!" he took a couple more steps back. "Just please... I was just reading and and I didn't mean any harm!" he sounded like a teenager and scolded himself mentally. "My name is Provence Flameford." he said, his hands still up above his head, his eyes closed waiting to be pistol whipped or something. "If you're gonna do anything to me just make it quick."


Serenity raised an eyebrow at his pleas. She lowered her weapon, plcing it back where it had come from. She brushed off the skirt of her dress and put on a more civil expression. "My apologies. You appear to be unarmed so I take it you're not dangerous." She walked past him and into the library. " you see the group of men I met with were of the unsavory variety, and looked at me as a toy. Unfortunatly for them, I have weapons training and made quick work of their worthless carcasses." She took two books from her bag and placed them on the shelf in order to make room for new ones. "I'm fine, I was merely absorbed in my book. My name is Serenity Ernst"
"Unless you count Inkheart as a weapon, yeah, I'm unarmed. Nice to meet you Miss Ernst." he bowed. "And with the way you kind of did the whole whip out your pistol thing, I don't think I'd treat you as a toy. I'm going to go back to my book now." he walked over to the place he'd been originally sitting and sat, trying to relax. But the simple fact he was around a person who had a gun made him nervous.
Serenity let out a sigh, picking out an old classic from the shelf. "Well, one can't be too careful. With this turn of events, the world has been completely consumed by fight or flight. So if one cannot defend themselves they should be abl e to run, that is, if they wish to live. And from what I've seen, those who do well in survival seem to belaive they have power over the weak. Those men were fools to see me as weak." She blew the dust from the old book. "Its good to see that not everyone has lost their minds." She gave him an acknowledging nod as she tucked the book in her bag and continued to scan the shelves.
Erika turned the blade back into a pencil and put it into her pocket. "I guess either way im gonna die, might as well accept it." I tried. she thought I guess this is how it ends. she never thought running would help. she always figured eventualy her imagination would get the best of her. "So what are you gonna do mr.notunreasonableguy?"
Danmel sat against a wall humming a song to himself. He wondered about the way the world had changed, and how it had changed him as well. He had adjusted rather easily as he had been using intuitiveness his whole teen life to survive on the streets. You had to adjust and act smoothly, keep your thought and movements as smooth as running water. He had adopted this philosophy ever since his family disowned him many years ago. He guessed this is why he could so professionally control liquid substances now. People say you connect many things from your unconscious thoughts with your every day actions. And he wholly believed he had done the same.

He felt a bit too warm and began to pull the water from the air and freeze it to create snow. As he did this a caw of welcome drifted down from the sky above. His pet ice raven was coming back from his mid afternoon snack. He had probably found a nice rat or something to snack on. As the raven flew down to Danmel and perched on his shoulder it began to nuzzle the side of his face. Danmel scratched it under his chin where he liked and said,"So did your snack go well Mitima?" The bird nodded in understanding of Danmel's deep resounding voice. Danmel never understood how the bird understood him, but he didn't bother trying to figure it out. Science was quite often the enemy of imagination, not always, but a good portion of the time. He stood up and began to walk through the relativelly deserted streets with the clouds directly above him showering him with snow as he walked. He was off to find something worth wasting his time doing.
Kai whistled a tune as he walked, and it began to snow. he looked up at the sky as the glittering flakes fell. even though the freeze had been quite tragic for most, it hadnt put a damper on his spirits. things were quiet and beautiful, just like the forest behind his house back when he was a child. the world, aside from the plaguing bitter cold, felt natural. it was pristine as it had once been before man had destroyed it for his own purposes. sure, all the buildings were still there, but the noise and pollution from the city had ceased. the snow crunched with every step he took and he whistled to the beat of his feet.
Provence smiled slightly. "Nice to know someone else thinks I haven't lost my mind." he looked down and flipped a page with great concentration. He hated it when he accidentally flicks two pages at once. He sighed and read the next page, holding the book with one hand, leaning on the table with another. He found a piece of yarn on the floor and focused on making a ribbon as a book mark. He plopped it into the book and whistled, heading towards the borrowing desk. He jumped over the table, still whistling his merry tune, typing in the bar code, scanning it and leaping back over. He waved at Serenity. "Well, see yah!" he almost skipped out of the library, walking down the hall and seeing another person with a gun. Why does everyone have guns? he queried to himself nervously. Provence smiled and bolted back into the library, hiding behind a bookshelf.
Serenity was surprised by his quick departure she grabbed one more book and just as she was getting ready to leave Provence bolted back in and behind a bookshelf. she followed him behind the bookshelf with a look of curiosity. "what in the world are you doing?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"There. There was another guy with a gun down the hall..." he mumbled with a smile. He stretched as if this was what he did every day. He decided to lie down and look at the spines of all the books. "Boring. Boring. Boring. Boring." he sighed and smacked his head on the ground lightly. "I'm hiding, that's what I'm doing." he explained after that. He raised an eyebrow back at her. "What are YOU doing?" Provence asked in a joking childish tone.
"well perhaps i out to stay here then. i dont want to get loaded up with led, and if anything i might as well use my skills to defend you since you are unarmed." she smirked, "wouldnt wanna leave the poor kid by himself." she said, poking fun at the mans childish tone. she pulled her pistol from its hiding place and opened it up to check the ammo. she reach into her bag and pulled out a few bullets she had imagined earlier and loaded them into the small fire arm. she closed it with a click and replaced in its holder.
Steven snerked through his nose. "That'll do for my name,for now. Anyways,you won't die unless I deem you a threat that requires immediate termination. You're co-operating for now,so that's a start. So,my questions are how many of you are there in the building,and if you know,where are they? Second,where exactly in the former United States are we? I crossed over Lake Ontario about two weeks ago. And finally,what do you have for food? In case you hadn't noticed,I'm all out." He looked at the people before him,and noticed the young man's guitar gathering a metallic coating. "Clever. But it won't work on this;It shoots five one kilo spikes per shot." He was hunkered behind his barricade,in a defensive posture. Although he didn't deem these people a threat yet,it didn't hurt to be prepared,especially in these times. "I've met and killed people who would kill men and boys on sight...And capture women and girls. Consider yourselves lucky."
Chase listened to the questioning, and the mans sound advice about his makeshift shield. he let the metal particles go back to where they had come from and put his guitar on his back. "to my knowledge just me and these two. i travel alone, not sure about these girls. New York dude. Ontario doesn't make contact with any other U.S. states." he said in his usual flat tone. his eyes were cold as the snow covered landscape outside.

((does his lack of emotion and fear irk you yet? xD ))
Erika staired at the man and tried to stay calm. So sence were co-operating we dont get damned to death, oh yay... she thought. "Can I please go, I dont have any need to kill any of you and ive been staying alive perfectly fine as a lone wolf" she started twords the door thinking Please dont shoot me, please dont shot me, please dont shoot me.
Seeing the young woman make for the door,Steven guffawed openly,and fired at the ground in front of her. The sound of a sonicboom was almost immediate,but preceeding it was the sound of the coils buzzing to life and the sound of five one kilogram iron spikes smashing into the ground. They gouged a comparatively huge trench along the floor,and Steven said,while pumping the weapon,thus loading a new shell, "You've got balls,kid. But always remember who's in control. Humans are social creatures by nature. You'd survive a lot longer if you two stick together. Now,about my last question...What do you have for food?"
Chase shrugged. "nothing. i havent eaten since yesterday." he answered quite plainly. he just wanted to leave. he had no food or anything this man should want and simply wanted to be on his way. he watched as the man stopped the girl from leaving by firing a few "warning" shots, if you could call them that. chase simply watched and remained where he was.
Sarah walked around the town, looking for a new spot to sleep on, or somthing new to protect herself with, some gang had mugged her and taken her weapons to use for themselves she found a park and smiled, she walked by it and looked at the contense breiflt when she spotted a hollow in a tree, a leave hanging of, it was almost hidden and grinned, not eeing the boy in the park she bounced towards it happily and touched it gently it expanded into a hammok, that blended in, well sort if with the tree. She hoisted herslef on it.
Kai spotted girl making a hammock. out of sheer curiousity, he strolled over to the tree. "yo! whatcha doin making a hammock here?" he asked casually. he really didnt let the freeze bother him. he stood with his hands in his pockets, his blue eyes wandered from the girl to the snowy grey sky.
Ensine sat down against a wall. "Eh. I'm presuming someone of your ilk would prefer meat over anything. All I have are vegetables of sorts. Mainly some type of edible grass." she shrugged. She pulled some out of her bag as she relaxed a bit and she took a bite out of it. "No need to shoot at the girl." she shot him a critical look. Ensine stretched her legs out and took a bite and it crunched. "If anyone wants some feel welcome to eating some of it, I think I could make some more. Just don't pig out on it too much. Rapsputin would still need to survive." she took the brown and white rabbit out of her bag.
Chase was surprised at the calm demeanor of the girl with the rabbit. most people wouldnt just "chill out" when someone was firing a gun nearby. he stole another glance at the small creature in his hands before glancing at the girl who'd been shot at. no doubt her reaction would be much different.
Sarah turned at the voice and saw the boy and looked at him catiously before saying "I need sleep, and it's sorta hidden" she said srugging and smiling at the boy. she was grateful about the inagination, it had saved so many lives, but likE most things killed as well. Sarah was a 14 year old who remembered almost nothing about her past exept when she woke up, this truly saved her life . .. it must have. She knew to be cautious of people, but he wasn't armed and there was no one near,as usual.
Danmel strolled around town with his own personal cloud of snow. As he walked he spotted a pair of people talking in the park. A girl and a boy it seemed from this distance. He knew to be cautious of other people ever since the freeze, and had worked out a way to check if it was safe based off of one thing. Danmel laid out a hand in front of Mitima's taloned feet and the ice raven climbed out on to it. "You know what to do Mitima." The bird nuzzled a couple of his fingers in a gesture of agreement and flew off towards the pair. The cold seemed to make his permaice wings glitter like shattered glass. The bird landed on the branch above the pair, directly above a hammock that was strung out between two trees. Depending on their actions and possibly how they treated Mitima, Danmel would know how cautious to be around them.
Erika staired at the man with the gun, "I dont have any food left," she said trying to avoid the merderous side of thier new friend. She couldnt stay with a hunting group. They always end up turning on each other and nobody gets what they want. Just walking into pure chaos like that was definatly not on Erika's agenda. "You do know how these hunting groups are 99% of the time? Or at least what they turn to. Humans are also selfish by nature, if we stay together to long in a world run by anarchy then somthing wrong is bound to happen," she said, "and when im right everyone but me will be dead."
Chase looked from the man,with the gun, to the girl. "only a crazy anarchist would think so. unless youre me." he scoffed, "then again, thats just my opinion. ive never found any worth in trusting anyone. people like you though, normal people, you cant live without someone. the sort of 'i got your back' thing." what he said wasnt a lie, most people thrived on companionship, but him? well he didnt care. he had never been givin reason to trust anyone, and he was sure no one would change his mind.

Kai spotted and icy bird perched above he and the girl. he assumed becasue it wasnt biological, it must be someones creation. Kai smiled up, "did you lose your master? who imagined you?" he asked curiously. he knew it wouldnt really be able to respond, but heck, he might be able to find another person to tlak to.
Mitima turned his head to one side as the boy talked to him. He seemed alright. Mitima flew down to the boy and landed on his shoulder with a wave of cold air trailing him. He began to nibble his ear, a not-so-straightforward way that he used to gauge a person. Something he had done to Danmel himself when first meeting. Danmel assumed that the bird had picked up some amount of streetwiseness from Danmel when he was imagined. Danmel saw this and when Mitima didn't instantly leave the boy he knew it was safe to approach them. He whistled and the bird flew back to him as he began to approach the boy and girl slowly.

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