Imagination Is The Limit [RP]

Steven nodded,and turned the barricade back into a floor tile,then stood up. "That's all I wanted to know. I'm sorry the situation devolved to me having to take a warning shot,but...Don't get cocky when you're staring down the barrel of a wide bore magnetic shotgun. Au revoir,madamoiselle et monsiour." He backed out of the room,weapon trained on the girl,and sidestepped down the hall until the room that she was in was out of sight. Once he felt safe,he turned on his heel and jogged back to the door,where his shoes sat by the door,undisturbed. Steven stepped back into them,taken a moment to use his hand to secure the fit,then strolled out the door. How the hell am I going to eat...? Cannibalism is a last resort.
"Why dont you just imagine some food?" Erika asked the man with the gun, "If your creative, or should i say imaginative, enough to make a gun you should be smart enough to realize that you could just make a few steaks and be fine for a while. Unless your imagination is to barbaric to think up of anything but weapons." She felt like she was soon going to swallow those words. Saying somthing like that to a man with a firearm was like clicking the suicide button on life. She didnt bother to pull out the pencil for saftey, she knew he could shoot faster than she could throw just by looking at him.
Chase was quite surprised when the man simply left. people in the freeze became pretty odd, to say the least. who could blame them though? the world they were living in was like hell frozen over. he shrugged. "well now that thats over i think i will be on my way." he took a few steps toward the door before glancing over at the one girls rabbit. "you should keep it safe. pets are good companion ship." he said quietly, not moving.

Kai looked over his shoulder as he was approached by another man. "this your ice bird? he is awful affectionate." he said as the birds cold beak nibbled at his ear. he turned to the man. "the names Kai by the way. youre not here to kill me like that other anarchists have tried to do are you?" he asked, only half serious.
Danmel looked at the guy talking to him. "Yes Mitima is mine, from my first imagining. And no I am not here to kill you. Or Mitima would have struck you first when he was scoping you out. My name is Danmel, it is nice to meet you Kai. I have met next to none who were worth trusting since the freeze. And I am not an anarchist, although they would probably beg to differ. They are on my list. So what are you doing in the middle of a park?" Danmel knew he could trust Mitima's instincts, as they led to the only other one person Danmel has ever trusted. But he had to be wary anyway, some can pull the wool over even Mitima's instincts.
As the girl called after him,Steven chuckled. He didn't respond; he knew that he didn't have to entertain her morals or expectations. He trudged through town,his plasma battery keeping him warm and comfortable,despite his lack of winterized gear. Eventually,he came across a relatively large house,and it looked fortified. Quickly spotting all of the viewing holes on that side of the house,Steven raised his weapon to his cheekbone,as a scope appeared on top. Glancing through the scope,Steven peered into the house with clarity,thanks to the penetrating acoustic scanner linked to the scope. Quickly discovering that the home was devoid of life,he approached the door. The scope glowed,and changed shape,more blocky than rounded. Looking through the scope,he saw that the door wasn't barricaded,however,there was a table with a long tubular object pointed at the door. A rigged long gun. "Someone was a smart asshole..." Lowering the weapon to his side,the weapon changed in a flash of light. It was now a large,bulky thing with a micro-terminal on the side. The barrel was thick and relatively short. Steven set the weapon down,and began to operate the terminal.

"Pulse duration,three seconds...Pulse depth,thirty centimeters...Pulse diameter,fifty millimeters...Save." After inputting the save command,Steven picked the weapon up again,and pointed it at the knob side of the door. He had a feeling that the door was locked,but if it was unlocked,he also knew that turning the knob would more than likely trip a trap. Pointing the barrel at the top of the door,he squeezed the trigger. A red beam of light sprang from the barrel,and scythed through all it touched. Steven lowered the weapon,guiding the beam through the doorframe. By the time the beam cut out,the entire knob-side of the door and frame were blackened,smouldering,and sported a gaping wound. Steven stood back,rocked the laser back,then hurled it into the door,throwing it open. He heard a gunshot come from inside,but nothing else. Crouching low,Steven entered the house.
"Nik, we need to stop." Loralei insisted, as she trudged through the snow behind her brother, "Tsuki says he's hungry."

Nikolai sighed, but stopped walking. He didn't believe in Tsuki, Loralei's imaginary friend, but he humored her. She was his little sister after all. Nikolai took Loralei's hand and led her behind a building. "Okay then, What does Tsuki want to eat?" He asked good-naturedly.

Loralei looked over at the empty space next to her expectantly then turned back to her brother with a serious expression, "Tsuki says he wants a lobster dinner."

He sighed, "Do you realize how much paper something like that would cost? You don't even like lobster!"

"Oh, I know I don't."
Loralei nodded, "But Tsuki does."

Nikolai closed his eyes in concentration, trying to calm himself down. He really wanted to take his sister by the arms and explain to her that Tsuki is not real. But he couldn't do that. He couldn't ruin the little bit of happiness his sister had in life. He took a deep breath then looked back at his sister again. "Would Tsuki be okay with a sandwich?"

Loralei turned back to the emptiness where Tsuki apparently sat, she stayed silent for a moment then nodded to her brother. "Ham. And I want peanut-butter and fluff."

Nik nodded, then reached into the pocket of his worn-out leather jacket and pulled out a notebook and pen. he ripped out three pages, one for each sandwich, and wrote the kind of sandwiches he wanted on each of them. He felt it was a waste to use up a page for an imaginary person, but he did it anyway. For Lei. He took his sandwich, turkey and cheese, then handed Loralei her two.

Lei just held the two sandwiches and stared at Nikolai.

he asked self-consciencely.

"Tsuki doesn't want you watching him eat."
Loralei explained. "It makes him feel awkward."

"Right, right, sorry..." Nik turned his back to his sister and ate his sandwich. His sister meanwhile, carried on a one sided conversation with Tsuki. Nikolai flipped through the notebook. 37 pages left. That was it. That was all they had to survive off of. Just as Nikolai finished his sandwich, he heard gunshot coming from a house on the other side of the street from where they hid.

"Tsuki thinks we should check that out..." Loralei insisted, crawling up behind Nikolai.

"Yeah, okay... let's go." Nik nodded, great I'm taking orders from an invisible person.

Nikolai and Loralei (with Tsuki) Then crossed the abandoned street and entered the hose they heard the shooting from. Nikolai kept himself in front of Lei protectively as they entered.

Steven couldn't hear the duo follow him in; the humming of his backpacked plasma battery made him deaf to stealthy approaches. He picked up the large laser emitter,and examined it. After finding a dent in the side,he muttered, "Rigged seven-six-two...Must be a military home..." Steven turned the bulky laser emitter into a more compact gauss weapon; short with a tube magazine under the barrel. His shotgun,once more. Approaching the rigged rifle,he whistled in admiration. "Or the home of a relatively stereotypical hick." The rigged rifle was a bolt action hunting rifle,chambered for the civilian 7.62mm NATO round,the .308 caliber. The rifle was mostly wooden,and the scope was removed. "Smart...Oh,well...My rifle now." Steven easily removed the rifle from the cradle that held it,and set down his coilgun. Holding the rifle in both hands,he cycled the bolt halfway,ejecting the spent round. Steven removed the magazine,and peered into the side at the viewport. "Rigged overloaded...Holy crap,this guy must be spec ops." Steven pocketed the magazine of five bullets,and turned the now empty rifle into an unassuming pace stick. Tucking that under his armpit,Steven picked his coilgun back up,and continued to sweep the house carefully for traps,still oblivious to the people tailing him.

Finding the kitchen quickly,Steven done a sweep across the room,right to left. Spotting nothing suspicious,he ventured into the room. The only other door in the room was on the other side,and judging by the design of the house,it probably led to the basement. Ehxaling in relief,Steven turned around to set his coilgun on the table...Just in time to see the two that were tailing him. "JESUSCHRIST!" Steven jumped back and brought his gun to bear. He nearly fired off a round,but in the end,his trigger discipline paid off. Never kill without cause. Quickly dropping into a crouch,Steven set a hand to the floor,turning a tile into a collapsible steel barricade. Hunkering behind his cover,Steven called out, "How long were you following me for!?"
Nik jumped back in surprise when the man cried out, keeping himself in front of his sister protectively. When the man went behind the barricade, Nik relaxed a bit. He wasn't going to attack them. "Well... You see... Um... huh." Nik scratched his head in thought. Why did they follow him? Now that he took the time to think about it it seemed reckless and pointless to follow him.

Against Nik's protests, Loralei moved around him to approach the stranger. "We've been following you since you entered the house, actually." She spoke cheerfully. "We heard gunshot while we were eating our sandwiches, mine was peanut-butter and fluff if you were wondering, and Tsuki thought it would be a good idea to check it out, so the three of us went to where the sound was and we found you." She knocked on the barricade and the sound echoed throughout the room. "You can come out, we aren't mean and we don't look very scary..." She gestured down to her lacy pink dress, "And you can't see Tsuki, so even though he does look scary it doesn't matter." She peeked around the barrier, giggling with curious brown eyes.
They're benign...And have ready access to food. Steven turned the barricade back into a floor tile,and stood up,bringing his coilgun to his face. As it went up,it turned into a rather chunky set of binoculars. Scanning the immediate area several times,he went through regular light,night vision (much to his retina's displeasure),thermal,and electromagnetic. The final sweep,electromagnetic,picked up a vague humanoid shape hovering near the girl that wasn't visible in any other spectrum. "Oh,I can see Tsuki,young girl." He lowered the binoculars,and said, "You just have to look at things with the right lens." He looked at the other two,and said, "Sorry for the scare. I came in from Ontario a fortnight ago,and I've learned to be rather...Cautious. Looks can be decieving. But now that we're having this conversation,I hope it's safe to assume that you don't possess ill intentions." Noticing the two wore little winterized gear,Steven began to shrug off his plasma battery. "You two look like you've just come in from Whitehorse." Setting down the near man-sized cylinder of unstable,yet very warm matter,Steven said, "Here. You look like you need some warmth in your bones. I'm Steven Ridley,by the way." Looking at the two in front of him,he continued, "You wouldn't happen to have any food on hand? Non-imagined food? The way my mind works,sadly...It's undone when I touch it."
(( can I just jump in? :3 I hope it isn't too late. ))

Shana was sleeping under a tree, it wasn't the best shelter, but it was better than nothing. She sat up slowly, not knowing what to do. Everyday she had slept, got food, and then slept again. she had nothing better to do. everyone she knew had been swept from her memory. She sat up and popped her back, then rolled her neck. "Gah- sleeping on a cold ground really does make a difference each day!" she moaned, almost zombie-like. her natural red hair, stayed straight and rolled down the middle of her back. she waved dirt and leaves out of it, and then threw her cape over her shoulders. she began walking to get any kind of food she could manage to get. she was half starved and half asleep. Maybe the right simile was to call this young girl a zombie. But she wasn't unarmed nor brain dead, and she was ready for anything that came her way.
Ensine tilted her head at Chase. "I've kept him safe all this time. I wouldn't simply forget to feed and give him water and stuff..." she smiled. "You can hold Rapsy if you like." she stood up and placed him in Chase's hands. "I'm Ensine by the way." she introduced.
Sarah stared at her hands. They were black, from all the hard pushing and moving she did. In this forest, it was a 3/50 chance she would survive. She didn't even know how she got here. This place is like a maze, and Sarah had no clue how to get to the finish mark. Luckily she was able to make a small base with some leaves and two sticks. She imagined them bigger. Taller than her head. She stared at it, as it started getting bigger. Her imagination got tired as it turned it into just taller than her shoulders, and the width of two hips. She crouched inside it, and decided if she closed up the holes, she could create an insulation. So she gathered leaves and stuck them on the holes, with her spit. She finally layed down and rested. "Finally!" Sarah said.
Chase looked at the animal in his arms. it was warm, and almost seemed like it didn't belong in such a wretched world. he stroked it a few times then handed it back. he had to remind himself not to get soft. this was a do or die type of world now. "the names Chase" he stated plainly. he though himself safer if he kept to himself, but he found himself wondering how this girl had survived up to this point. "interesting name for a rabbit." he commented.

Serenity heard a calm silence come over the building. she motioned with her hand for her male companion to stay where he was. she drew her weapon and set her feet down quietly and made her way to the door. she peeked around the corner and made her way down the hall, ears and eyes focused. when she saw no threat she returned to the library and put her weapon back where it came from and adjusted her dress, and smoothed out her leggings. "well, whoever was there is gone now." she said to Province.

Kai grinned, "it must be nice to have a companion." he glanced at the icy bird again. "well, as long as we aren't going to be battling to the death, we might as well just stick around here for awhile." he yawned. it had been a long day, and deep harsh realities just weren't his thing. though he was in his mid twenties he much preferred to just kick back and have a good time. sure, he knew how to fight, he had to, but that didnt mean he liked it.
Erika wandered outside of the warehouse not bothering to take any supplies from inside, food dosnt last forever, she told herself, and when imagination is the only way to get it im a goner. She walked off in a random direction hoping she would find some fresh, eatable, food. If she could imagine something other than a throwing knife, and if her imagination effected something other than the broken pencil in her pocket, then she wouldnt be in this problem.
Nikolai rolled his eyes at the prospect of someone else believing in his sister's imaginary friend.

Loralei, on the other hand, smiled brightly, excited that someone else could see Tsuki. "My name is Loralei and this is my brother Nikolai." She held out her hand for him to shake, but then her face fell at his question about food, "The only non-imagined food I have is this..." She dug through the pocket on the side of her dress and pulled out a small pack of crackers, which she handed to him. "I'm sorry that we don't have anymore... We mainly rely on imagination." She smiled at the man again, "Tsuki say's thank you for providing heat."

Nikolai moved closer to the heat-source as well, "We couldn't imagine coats for ourselves because of the way our imaginations work. I can only imagine what I write in my notebook, and something like a coat would take a lot of paper, something I really don't have. Lei has a bit more of a range with her imagination, but she can only affect living things. -Grass, trees, people and the like.- And with the freeze there isn't much living around. Lei's nearly powerless at the moment." He sighed, squatting down by the warmth. "I really hope that after telling you that you don't use it against us. You seem like a nice enough guy."

​Loralei nodded in agreement to that statement.
Shana quietly walked through the abandoned area, holding her cape to her mouth. "I swear it gets colder every day... or maybe my cape is just getting worn." she whispered, tearing out her sword and trying to make it catch fire, but it was only put out again. "man.. too cold.." she said to herself, hiding her sword again, but her stomach was probably part of the problem. she was starving and the place she always got food at was a ways away. She shook her head to get her hair out of her face, and continued to walk by herself towards her destination.
Steven shook the girl's hand,and was half-way through pocketing the crackers when Nikolai mentioned his paper shortage,wherupon he handed the sleeve of crackers back. "I may be willing to waylay people for their food,but I refuse to take all of their food if they're low on other means to get it. However..." He gesturted to the house around him. "I have a hunch that this home once housed a military family. Paper should be in abundance here,if you don't mind it being printed upon already. And,if not...Who knows what else we'll find." He stood up,and said, "But I'm far from nice. I'll lie,cheat,kill and steal,but at the very least I'm held in check by my concience and standards." He opened the long since derelict fridge,and immediately closed it,after nearly voiding his stomach from the stench of spoiled cheese,yogurt,mayonaise,and leftover pork. "Care to help me scavenge? You can keep whatever paper you find,and as much food as you can carry if you decide to part ways with me after." He looked at the two. "If you do decide to leave me after,I can give you plasma batteries to keep you warm. Just don't smack 'em up too much,since they're volatile,and don;t touch them with bare skin,since they run hot."
Loralei stared down at the crackers for a moment, shocked that he had returned them so quickly once he heard they were low on supplies. When Steven mentioned scavanging, her eyes shimmered with excitement and she let out a high-pitched squeal. "Oh yay! A game!" She clapped, then scurried to the other side of the kitchen where she dropped down on her hands and knees to peak under the stove. "I betcha I'll find supplied before you two!" She giggled, jumping back to her feet and running down the hall to the next room. "Search quickly, Tsuki! We don't want them to beat us!" Her voice echoed from the other room.

"Well, she certinely keeps me on my toes," Nikolai chuckled, shaking his head. He strode over to a cabinet, searching for usable paper. He came up with a few crumpled sheets of lined paper, which he quickly stuffed into his pocket. "What's your family status? .....If you don't mind me asking." He questioned. He didn't mean to pry into Stevens personal life, he was just trying to make conversation. And really, what else was there to talk about in this godforsaken frozen wasteland? He slid open a drawer to find only silverwear.
Steven chuckled at Loralei's innocence. Then came Nikolai's question. "My immediate family is either MIA or KIA. Parents were soldiers,and my older brother was a worthless piece of human garbage. I put a bullet into his nose myself. My parents were fine when I left. They live on a military base,so they kept order with the rest of the Canadian Armed Forces there. CFB Petawawa. Armpit of nowhere in Ontario." Steven opened a cupboard overhead,revealing plates,bowls and glasses. Pulling down several coffee mugs,he turned them into hand grenades,but kept them on the table,since he lacked a strap to attach them to. "My extended family lives in Newfoundland. I hope they're alright,but they're elderly...I don't think the Freeze will be kind to them." Opening a man-sized cupboard door,Steven found a pantry filled with dry and tinned food. "Paydirt. Found food,Nikolai." He spotted several shopping bags,both plastic and cloth. "And something to use for carrying supplies." Pulling out the bags,Steven set them on the counter. There were at least three dozen of them. "I'm guessing your parents are in a similar situation,if you don't mind me asking."
Danmel nodded agreement about relaxing instead of fighting and looked around. He found a couple of trees close together and began planning. He felt that it was a little too cold around now and began shifting the moisture out of the air to make it stop snowing and make it more humid. He then began moving the water in the trees to spread their branches together and intertwine them making a makeshift hammock out of them. He laid down and placed Mitima in a branch above him. "So Kai, what has you out here in the middle of a forested park?"
Nikolai immediately turned from the cupboard he was searching to examine Steven's find. He smiled in relief, there was food, and lots of it! Then he turned to Steven, "I'm not really sure about my parents, nor do I really care. I will never forgive them for sending Lei away like they did. Putting a five year old girl in a nut house because she has an imaginary friend? I was away at boarding school at the time, but I came home to find my little sister gone. They sent her away and didn't even think to tell me. But whatever," He shrugged, "What's past is past, and once the freeze hit I got her out of there. That's what really matters." He grabbed one of the plastic bags and started loading up on non-perishables. Then a thought crossed his mind and he hesitantly addressed Steven again "Could you really see him... Lei's Tsuki? My sister, she isn't...?" He didn't want to say the word. Nikolai did not want to think of his precious little sister as being crazy.

Speaking of Loralei, her excited cry resonated from down the hall, "Niky! Come see all the paper I found!"
Steven pressed a finger to the plastic bag Nikolai appropriated,and turned it to leather,lined with cotton. "At least your sister is safe. Well,as safe as a young girl can be in this world. I've killed dozens of men and women who would...Capture young girls like her." When Nikolai asked if he was telling the truth about Tsuki,Steven replied immediately, "Yes. Tsuki does indeed exist. You forget what the Freeze has granted us. Imagination becomes reality. Tsuki is a real being,but only visible in the electromagnetic spectrum. And most likely because of her imagining,Loralei is the only one that can precieve him otherwise. But all things that exist have an electromagnetic signature. I saw a faint,man-shaped EM signature hovering over her shoulder." Taking another plastic bag,he turned it into leather,as well,and began piling food into it,as well. "I'd beat a man to within an inch of his life for a good porkchop right about now..." He heard Loralei call out,and said, "You go on ahead. I'll sort out the food." Steven held out the binoculars he used before to Nikolai. "The button on the left scope changes the visual filter. All you'll get is an outline,but I figure you'll want to 'see' Tsuki for yourself."
Provence smirked. "Ha ha Miss Ernst." he said. "I'm not a kid. I just haven't grown out of my childish ways just yet." he explained with a shrug. "It comes in handy when you're a shopkeeper who's main costumers are children, I guess." he cracked his knuckles.


Ensine smiled slightly. "You can hold Rapsputin if you'd like." she shrugged. "And trust me, I've been with him for a while. I'm not going to start neglecting him all of a sudden." she stood up and dusted herself off. handing Chase the brown and white rabbit. "Oh, yeah, by the way my name is Ensine."

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