Imagination Is The Limit [RP]

Chase looked at the animal in his arms. it was warm, and almost seemed like it didn't belong in such a wretched world. he stroked it a few times then handed it back. he had to remind himself not to get soft. this was a do or die type of world now. "the names Chase" he stated plainly. he thought himself safer if he kept to himself, but he found himself wondering how this girl had survived up to this point. "interesting name for a rabbit." he commented.

Serenity raised an eyebrow, "i wasnt treating you like a child, i was merely checking to see if the person you saw was here still." she smoothed out a few wrinkles in her dress and leggings, and addjusted the postition of the gun holster on her thigh.

Kai leaned up against one of the trees. "just looking for some peace and quiet. its hard to get much of that near the city. theres too many battles, too much.......death." he said remembering frozen bodies of the dead that had been left behind in the chaos of the freeze.
"Eh. I was bored one day. I don't really like all of those bloody stereotypical names like 'Fluffy' or 'Shnookums'." Ensine shrugged. "So. I came up with Rapsputin." she smiled slightly and put the bunny back into her bag, feeding him a piece of grass. "I'm guessing your imagination is pretty strong considering you've survived this far?" she sighed and leaned against the wall again. "I myself have been training my imagination, staying up for days on end just to master something. But the imagination is a strange thing. It can be both your weakness and your strength. So really, I've crashed halfway through an exercise and then woken up 2 days later totally oblivious of what's happening around me."

Chase looked out one the the shattered windows. "one with a weak mind cant easily survive in a world like this. my imagination is matter manipulation. anything that is real and natural matter, hence anything on the periodic table, i can bend mix and form as i wish." he readjusted the guitar case over his shoulder.
Danmel mulled this over as he stared up at the sky. Living on the streets he had come across a fair share of death for as young as he was. It was never a pleasant experience for anyone to have to watch another person like themselves or otherwise die. "Yeah I can understand that point of view. That is mostly the reason I am here too. That and I am bored out of my mind and needed to see if there were any other logical, laidback people left alive besides myself. All I have run into was anarchists and the people they have killed. I wasn't sure where or if there was anyone else left." Danmel began to move the moisture in the clouds to let sunlight through to brighten up the park a bit. The sun beamed down on the park leaving it the only truly lit place around for miles. It was pleasant and warm.
Kai grinned, "well, you found someone laid back all right, but im not sure you could call me normal." he chuckled. he let out a light sigh, "actually, aside for looking for some peace and quiet, im looking for my sister as well. she is about....say....21 now i think, but she is small. shes short, thin and delicate so im worried about what may have happened to her" Kai looked up through. "she has brain to make up for brawn, but can be too nice sometimes." he looked up through the small warm funnel of light.

((i though this might help move the story, even if i have to make another character.))
"Ah well that sounds like a problem in the world we have left today. If you'd like I could help you with that Kai. My whole family disowned me years ago and I have lived on the streets ever since, so I don't really know what it's like to care about family to much. But I can help you find yours if you would like. My abilities could more then come in handy. I can do a wide range of things from changing the weather as you saw, to manipulation nature through the water in the living creatures, to simply freezing the water in the air into solid objects." Danmel spoke with a steady speed and pronunciation of a professional. He had perfected it as he had to lie or trick many people to live on the streets. Stating truth and fact with precision and poise was hardly any challenge.

[Thank you for responding. I appreciate it.]
((no problem. i wanted to continue this, i just wasnt sure how to right away. i will add a character sheet for his sister later on))

Kai nodded. "i guess its no use staying in one place. we are more likely to find useful supplies and avoid trouble if we keep moving." he took a few steps away from the tree he had been leaning against. "thanks. i just hope shes ok. i get the feeling that she has a peculiar imagination type. and wont be very good at defending herself." Kai looked towards the city. "my imagination mostly covers sports, unfortunatly. so i usually only use melee type weapons like bats and hockey sticks. anyway, wanna get moving?"
"Hmmm, that could be a predicament. And as for supplies and such you need not worry. I have put together a sanctuary with all of the things I have taken from anarchists who threatened me. I have seaside cave sanctuary set up with enough food and supplies for a small army and is protected by alot of traps i set up with my power. Plus it's hidden anyway behind a reflective wall of ice blocking the opening and making it look like the rest of the cliff formation its made from. Having the ocean so close is a happy advantage as my imagination type is using liquids to form solids, gases or using it in just a liquid state. I have plenty to share. But you said you only use melee type weapons, have you ever thought of trying those tennis ball launchers as a gun? Just use one for bowling balls and bam, you have a mortar launcher."
Kai nodded, "you have a good point. but that's a lot of weight to carry"n he thought a moment, before materializing a bow, "besides, i said mostly. that doesnt mean all. Archery is a sport too you know" he packed some snow into the shape of a quiver, and the snow turned to a real quiver. he snapped some branches from avobe his head and turned them into arrows, which he put into his quiver. "lets get going. every minute we waste is one more minute my sister is alone in this hellish place." his attitude grew a bit more serious, but he gave an adventurous smile.
"Ah yes, touche. I agree let's go and find your sister." Danmel began stirring his fingers in a circular moiton of the ground flicking them up every second or two until a six foot trident stood two inches shorter then him made of solid ice and decorated with two twirling dragons meeting at the center point. It's three blades barbed and shaped in an odd khukuri shape. It was an odd trident indeed and was a weapon that Danmel created himself and took a while to master the use of. The bottom ended in a spade as both a weapon and a practical use. Hanging off the center was a long chained cat-o'-nine tails bladed with ice chips. "This is a weapon that took me quite a while to master and has a lot of personal design in it. Ok lets go."
Kai led them towards the city, listening to the wintery silence. it had been awhile since he had heard chirping birds, the murmur of city crowds, sounds and signs of life in general. he sighed, "now that we've started, i realize i have no idea where to start looking." he said with a feeling of discouragement.
Iruka was strolling along calmly outside as if the war that raged around him didn't exist. A world of madness? Who needed such a thing. it had always been coming, he thought to himself. It may have taken a long time to trigger it, but it had always been coming. He spotted a girl and walked over to her, tapping her on the shoulder. 'Hey you alright?' He asked in surprise. The girl looked hungry and scared. He hoped she wouldn't try anything stupid. He'd hate to hurt such a pretty little creature. The warehouse she was creeping around looked pretty desolate if he did say so himself. 'You look hungry.' He said with a half smile, pulling his pack off of his back and pulling out an apple. It gleamed almost seductively in the half light and he offered it to her. 'I promise it's not poisoned.'



Frost crouched among the trees outside the city, her calm dark eyes watching these two strangers that approached. The wolf at her side growled lowly and she held a hand to his head to calm him. 'Hush now, it's okay. We'll see what they want first.' She told the alpha. Her words and touch settled the wolf slightly but he watched with wary eyes. What was his mistress thinking? These people could hurt her. The wolf laid his ears back as his hackles rose. They could hurt her, but he would do more to them. Frost eyed him, shaking her head, the blue painted lips twisting in a smile. 'Now now, let's go say hello.' She said, standing, brushing debris off of her royal blue cloak and striding over confidently, the wolf at her heels. 'It's a dangerous time for you to be travelling.' She said to the two men, her voice ringing out clearly in the crisp air.

([MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION])
Kai looked over his shoulder at the woman. "dangerous or not, im going to continue on my way. i have important business." he said plainly. he made no move to reach for his bow. "i do not intend to start any conflict miss. i apologize if this is your territory." he said calmly. he eyed the wolf at her side. it was a beautiful creature, but still dangerous. he hoped that by not making a move to take the bow from his back, she would see he meant no harm to her or her companion.
Danmel turned to face the woman who spoke. He put the spade end of his spear into the ground and held the cat o nine tails in his hand. "Yes, I agree with him as to not starting a conflict miss, but I must also say those searching for the weak will not find them with us." He put emphasis into these words not to be threatening but as a state of fact. He would not start a conflict with someone who has yet to cause him or others harm. But he will not stand back if he is attacked for nothing. He eyed the wolf wearily as Mitima cawed loudly from his shoulder.
Erika looked at the boy and took the apple, "If you say so," she said, "Either way I would have taken it." She took a bite out of the apple. It was good to taste somthing other than dirt or once. She looked at the boy and wondered what he wanted, "So whats the catch?" she said. She wondered when the archers would come out and take her captive, or when the sniper would shoot the apple out of her hand. She would run but she realized how much trouble she could be in alittle to late.
Frost made a slight hand sign to the wolf, murmuring soft words to the wolf to reassure him. 'Hush now Enterra. They don't mean harm.' She said in a low voice, so that only the wolf could hear her. She then turned to the two others. 'Why do you come here at this hour? These are dangerous times, the worst kind are out tonight.' She said, studying both men carefully. The ground around them was slowly freezing due to a sudden cold front that was approaching. She preferred these conditions, as she knew her abilities of imaginatioon would work in situations like this.


Iruka raised an eyebrow at her. 'Catch? What catch? I can't offer food to a fellow human?' He asked blatantly, hands in his pockets. He looked up at the sky, rocking back and forth on his heels. 'It's beautiful tonight. I'm glad i decided to go for a walk.' He said casually, as if he didn't hear the distant sounds of a fight somewhere to the left. It was common to him now. He wasn't deterred by such noises. 'I'm Iruka, by the way.' He said, looking back at her, his eyes twinkling slightly. He was only there for the fun of it. he didn't see why everyone was so worked up over the freeze. It wasn't like they hadn't always been expecting one thing or another.
Kai's expression became serious. "that makes it all the more crucial to be searching at this time. My sister is out there somewhere, and who knows what kind of trouble she could be in. whatever the case, im going to keep searching." he gave her a nod. "this is really important. you are welcome to accompany us, if you would like." he offered, relaxing himself.
"Its just normaly people do sh** to get on my bad side and I cant do anything about it." Erika said, "Im Erika." She was afriad to shake hands with him or get reletivly close to him to start with. She didnt want to risk getting stabbed in the back. Posibly literaly. She couldnt trust anyone. She couldnt trust herself with the only thing keeping her alive. She couldnt let anyone trick her, even if they seemed harmless
Danmel nodded, agreeing with Kai. "Yes, any help would be useful." Danmel pet Mitima a few times to calm him down. He then let his weapon turn to mist as without a battle to be had it was only a hindrance to carry a six foot trident and a cat o nine tails. Besides it would take only two seconds to completely reform it ,and if there is a situation where he would die and those two seconds then he would have been screwed anyway. He could create a cold snap and prevent guns from firing, he could create a mist to thick to see through, he could create a solution to most any situation. But each takes a few seconds of thought. If he is caught in those few seconds he didn't have a chance anyway. He would deal with what came at him as it did.
(([MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION] [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=2753]IndubidablyAli[/MENTION] [MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] [MENTION=72]Riddle78[/MENTION] You guys still up for this roleplay?))
I've been waiting for others to post. I might just move on without Ali, since she was who I was waiting for.))

Kai looked at the fading light on the horizon. "Times wasting let's move on. I don't want to let my sister get hurt." He looked at his companion, and moving forward. He hoped they weren't too late. The city was large, and his sister could be anywhere.
(sooo sorry, most of you know the sitch with me, i promise im fixing it)

Frost smiled coldly at both of them, a smile that never reached her eyes as she gestured to Enterra, the wolf, who followed at her heels, eyeing the two men wearily. 'As long as you cause no harm to either myself or my pack, we will have no such issues. What does your sister look like? Perhaps my pack have seen her.' She suggested as they walked, surveying the two very carefully. She wouldn't let down her guard.


Iruka smirked. 'Relax kid, I'm not gonna hurt you.' He told her, his hands in his pockets. 'It's a little early for December 21st don't you agree? isn't that when the world was supposed to end or something? Honestly, I think everyone has just totally overreacted.' He said with another shrug, raising a hand to touch the lizard tattoo that adorned his face and as he drew it away it came to life, stretching from the ink into the palm of his hand as a beautiful little gecko. 'This is Kisuke. Kisuke, meet Erika. She's paranoid about us hurting her.' He told the lizard who tilted his head to look at the shy girl.

([MENTION=3218]AllHailDago[/MENTION] [MENTION=2768]StarDust[/MENTION] [MENTION=3292]dististik[/MENTION])

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