Idol Academy

My day has been going moderately well between the stomach pains and the cleaning. I found a rather interesting show to kill a couple hours as well! -sits atop Crystal, whilst taping his legs to the floor-

It is called mobbed, and it really does well to bring about various emotions, I couldn't help but be entertained. -adds layer of tape around arms, tightening the bindings-

As for Winter... Do you dare disturb us when poor Crystal is suffering from sleep deprivation? He needs this, or he may become sick. We wouldn't want him sick, would we?

Now Crystal Hyung.. better get some rest...

and aww.. Cyan hyung become powerless when Winter noona came in
Ahh~ Thank you for your patronage my dear Winter! Has your day been greeted with any blessings? -takes tape and attempts to cover Crystal's mouth-
I'm not suffering from sleep deprivation! I just- *Gets taped to the floor* Um... I don't like where this is going... Eternal-Chan! My waifu~ Return to me please! Everyone here is helping them taping me to the floor! *Dodges tape* No! NO!
Your still having stomach pains?? I'm becoming more and more concerned Abraxas san... And seems like a very entertaining show! ^ ^
Oh, how I absolutely love that reaction of yours~ I am sure you will continue to amuse me for days to come my dear prince!

Now shh, we can't have you stressing yourself with unnecessary movements can we? -begins taping entire head-

And yes Cyan, my stomach pains are becoming slightly bothersome...
-sighs- Winter-chan shush. That sounds incredibly incorrect -_- " Ah Abraxas... -looks at Crystal- ...nice job ^ ^
Only the best for my new friends, even if they refuse to hear my plea to maintain their health~

Oh, thank you Winter, that was a close one! Did I ever mention I was once nicknamed the yandere queen when I was known as Rei by another group? ^^
Hehe, good night Crystal! Twas a pleasure to have fun with you! Sleep well and make sure to come back ^^.

I should probably get to reading those IC posts O.o '
Haha, only to that group, two others only admitted that I was their favorite bad guy to play against in RP...

At any rate, it seems our mission was successful! Our dear Crystal shall rest! ^^
-random tackles Cyan-

Cyan~~ You have two adorable Waifus, you aren't supposed to be looking at anything else that may or may not have been a level three crime.
Ahhh -struggles a bit- two adorable waifus that would probably not like there husband being tackled to the ground ^ ^ -lances at GreenSea-san- Thank you, I'm very lucky indeed.

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