Idol Academy

Hehe, Winter is okay with it~ And besides, what waifu wouldn't want the brilliance of their pairing to shine brightly and be noticed by others? Or is Cyan being mindful of their potential jealousy? Oh! Perhaps you are stating they are all you need! Ahh, how romantic my dear Cyan!~
But why are you cracking your knuckles winter? It is a romantic gesture towards his waifus! He is stating you are all he needs~
=_= No, no thats not what I meant at all! Yes exactly what Abraxas-san is saying ^ ^;

The wonder, indeed -_- ""
Oh speaking for utaite (kinda late but oh well)

I just found a cool Nico nico chorus video!


Oh~ Definitely a good find GreenSea!

I should probably get to writing a reply myself, I just caught up in reading, haha. And I have to say, I love the posts everyone!
Wonderful idea waifu~ I'll be doing the same thing. It'll be entertaining actually to watch videos while RPing ^ ^
Oh~~ I will be looking forward to seeing those! They really would be entertaining to watch!

Meanwhile, all i am doing is making a header for my own character.. I feel selfish x.x'
Hi everyone ^^

I have awaken.. and read a few of the pages I've missed. Cracked me up, with the 'waifu's and all that xD

I'm currently still on my bed posting with my phone, but I'll get my lazy butt up soon and start posting with my laptop.

And Crystal-kun, I don't think we've met before. So hello! I'm Hikarii, it's nice to meet you ^^ and I'm sorry but I'll probably look into the model thing... My level of curiousity is too high. Apologies.
-pounces atop Hikarii-

Hikarii~~ How are you doing? ^^

When you get on your laptop you should get on League so we can quick chat and make people suspicious!
Why hello! Nice to meet you too! And please don't... I'm only a model in Norway, I'm not really big elsewhere... You are all overreacting on it... Anyway~! (Does not want to be the talking subject)

*Tackles Abraxas-san back* FEEL THE LOVE~!
Crystal hyung, you should emphasize ONLY A MODEL haha! being a model itself already an awesome job :smiled:!
If only you knew how tiresome it is GreenSea Dongsaeng... but I suppose it's somewhat true too ^^ & I know. They are super fast xD I had to catch up so much when I went to sleep for an hour xD (Been through worse though... Hyung and Eternal knows xD )

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