Idol Academy

Hikarii said:
Abraxas, hope you don't mind me asking, where do you live? Somewhere in the US too?
Indeed, I live in the central US, though that location changes near constantly. I was supposed to be moving to Japan a couple years back, but my ticket was cancelled..

Hehe, we are just teasing you Cyan, it will be fun to meet a fellow RPer no matter the situation. Just look at it as you are going to meet up with a good friend to hang out or something. After all, if you get too nervous your date won't go to well and Winter will have to drag you around~

Actually, it is surprisingly easy to meet with people from the internet, probably dangerously so. It is how I ended up living in texas for a good number of months. Sometimes an unbreakable bond of outstanding friendship just kind of... Appears.. It instantly creates a mutual trust seeing as both parties go that extra length to put themselves out there.

Edit: No one saw that.
Ah, I see. Japan ajdhsdfjhasfd <3 Are you going to try and move there again? Oh, and how old are you?

I've never actually met any of my online friends before, though I really want to, probably because I live on the other side of the world, away from everyone ;_;
Probably not seeing as there wouldn't be a military backing to allow it. I had various connections (Mostly through my dad's work) that would have given me a home, a translator/tutor, and a payroll swing through for me. It would have been nice, but unfortunately, I probably will never have that chance again unless I can make it big somehow.. As for how old I am~ That tis a secret? Maybe I am twelve, maybe I am some highly ridiculous and improbable number like three hundred and fifty four or something.. The fun is in guessing~

First time it occurred for me was at my cousin's wedding. They invited about forty of their friends from World Of Warcraft, and allowed me to send out three invites myself, as well some cash to fund their trips. 

EverWinter said:
This is my first time too!! I hope it'll be fun but I'm trusting Hyung on that~ *pressure pressure*
Keep up the pressure Winter, we can't let this chance escape us to embarrass him!
Your Hyung accepts your challenge Winter-chan!! XP And this is my first time as well...

Keep up the pressure Winter, we can't let this chance escape us to embarrass him!

You're all just conspiring against me aren't you?
Ah, I think you're more on the three hundred and fifty four side ^^

That's so nice of your cousin! Must've been fun!

Hey, does anyone here play League of Legends?
Hikarii said:
Ah, I think you're more on the three hundred and fifty four side ^^
That's so nice of your cousin! Must've been fun!

Hey, does anyone here play League of Legends?
Darn, you found me out! My cousin new I felt anxious around mysterious people, so they wanted me to at least have some familiarity with some people. But yes, they are quite kind.

And yes, I do play League of Legends~
Well, I myself can't be the judge of that. Especially since I only really bother playing support roles.. And even more so, I only really frequent Bots or ARAM.
Hey, I main support, too ^^ I like mid too, though. Ah, I see. I used to play seriously, aiming for promotions and a higher rank, but then I just got tired. So now I only play when my friends ask me to play with them.. which is still quite frequent, really. But I don't really play ranked anymore. ARAM's fun. Have you tried Doom Bots?
Hehe, I am never all that competitive of a player, hence way I tend to despise pvp based games. But that is what I do as well, I just play with friends when they ask, resulting in a surprisingly frequent return. I did play the doom bots! I lost my first match, and then I won everyone since ^^
We should play together sometimes ^^ I've played Doom Bots twice and lost both times, so... ._.

By the way... Winter and Key disappeared. I think they're texting each other like mad and getting ready for their date ^^
My original account is in the NA server, and I actually play there more often than in Southeast Asia's Garena server, so.. thankfully region's not an issue ^^

Yeah! Man, I'm still excited for them xD Can't wait to hear all about it later.
Yay! -tackles-

My username is the same exact name I use on RPN, so it should be easy to find me.

Hehe, it will be quite the treat, won't it?

As a random note, my nephew just came and asked if I could make him another pizza (Those small oven ones). Then I offered him the rest of mine since I was full. Then he said he was full and I was standing there at a loss. I could only picture a thought box floating around my head echoing my thought, 'But you just asked for more~'
Hahaha xD Kids.

Hey, thanks. Now I feel like eating pizza. I'm so hungry... but it's 12:30am... and the only food I have is ice cream. I shouldn't be eating ice cream (or anything, really), at 12:30am, should I?

Oh, and I'll add you. My League username's Enymph.

@EverWinter I liked for Titanic xD I know that song's supposed to have sad feels to it, but I can't help but laugh every time I hear the intro. Probably because of this amazing thing:


Wow it was like half of the time it wold have been good if he didn't randomly fail every 5 seconds. And that parkour though xD (nice back flip on the beach scene)
After that I don't think I can either~! xD Oh! Just realized that Key Hyung and I are meeting on a pier...lets do that railing scene Hyung!!!

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