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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

When rune called lunch, Claire couldn't be more relieved. She couldn't seem to focus on her text book everything going on in her mind completely blocked out everything she read and she reread the table of contents several times but still couldn't remember what the chapters were. Claire closed the book and sighed 'okay, you got this Claire. I just need some lunch' she reassured herself. Claire got up and went to the cafeteria, she could smell the food in the air as she entered. "Mmmmm I'm so hungry" her stomach growled as she said the words. After grabbing her lunch and some apple juice she sat down at the same table she sat at the other day for dinner. 'Oh, this is so delicious!' Was all she could think as she bit into the chicken wrap.
Alex was concern that Krystal would do something extreme if doesn't stop. Alex snatched her book and said, "enough is enough Krys, you know if you eat some food , your would regain more concentration to study so let's go to the cafetaria shall we?" Alex put Krystal's book back to her table and sighed "Sorry I'm being persuasive, you just remind me of someone.. (Mary..), anyway if you need something to eat just said to me, I'll be willing to bring you some food! come on Angel" Alex went to the cafetaria.
Angel smiled at Krystal as the girl looked between the two of them shyly and then shake her head as she was not only shocked to see them asking her to come join them for lunch but also she didn't want to come with them. Slightly disappointed Angel's smiling face faltered slightly and then she looked at Alex as he spoke about a girl that Krystal reminded him of. Tilting her head to side slightly she wondered what he was talking about. As he motioned to her to follow him Angel gave a slight nod and gave a small wave good bye to Krystal.

"We can come by with food later if you want Krystal... Alex wait up~!"

...I wonder who Alex was talking about, I wonder if I could ask...

...No it is better not to at the moment...

...MAybe some other day...

As Cece daintily walked down to the cafeteria, Rod strolled by her side, trying to keep the same pace. He casually thought about her last comment to him, thanking him for helping her with the self-study class. ‘It’s a bit weird that she had no clue what to do in class today…maybe she’s been homeschooled? But she is rather outgoing, which is unusual for homeschooled students. Maybe I should ask her about it later.’ He rambled on in his head while he stood in line for his designated lunch, letting Cece go ahead of him. Ladies first, am I right? Seeing as that the wrap was a bit small for him, Rod also picked up a banana and a small salad along with an iced tea as his beverage. After grabbing his lunch, Rod glanced ahead of himself to see if Cece had picked out a table or if she had waited for him.
Angel soon caught up with Alex, He thinks that this is the right time to open up more about himself to his fellow classmates, "... Angel.. why do you want to be an idol?" Alex was back to his quiet self, he sighed for awhile, "..I sounds crazy but I want to become an Idol just because of a girl.. , she was just like you Angel, sweet, kind but she always push herself to her own limit and end up with heart disease due to fatigue(it's kinda lame but yeah). Although she could do normal activities but her action became limited. Despite her limitation she still smile to other people..." Alex was sad remembering Mary back when he was in his hometown. "well let me take the lunch and eat with Krystal? I'll call Mr.Pink and Key as well!" Alex leaving Angel behind once again.
Celestia looked around the cafeteria to see that they were one of the first ones to areive except for Claire. This was a good opportunity to get to know each other better, so she decided to walk over by Claire's table gesturing for Roderick to sit there with her. "Yo Claire, mind if we sit with you?" Celestia asked as she smile to Claire. She hadn't really had the chance to talk to Claire and the rest hadn't really talked to Roderick either. It was her first sort of best friend here, it was okay to show off a little bit right? She sat down by the table and patted the seat next to her gesturing for Roderick to sit with a smile. "You don't mind if we sit with more people do you? We should get to know the others better as well," Celestia said before she began eating her chicken wrap. 'This doesn't disappoint at all! I wonder when I'll learn to cook like this...' Celestia thought as Alex and Key promised to teach her how to make ramen at the very least.
Angel looked at Alex's retreating figure and looked at him sadly, the boy had been through some sad things. As he left her Angel found herself slow down and think about the question that had been asked to her. Sighing she wasn't entirely sure why she was here but at the same time she was. For the children and her parents, she was going to show them that it is not status that creates a star. She was especially going to show her father. He had tried to make into show business but never made it. She was going to make it though, with the other four girls to help her along the way. Not wanting to be alone she decided to run after Alex.

"Alex? Will you wait for me? I want to give you an answer for your question..."

Come on Angel lift those legs, that's better now you are next to the boy...

...Do I just say it out loud?

Claire looked up with a mouth full of food and seen Celestia. Kind of embarrassed she wiped her mouth and finished her food she never usually ate like that but she was starving. "No I'd love for you guys to join me!" She said as she was still wiping her mouth making sure she didn't look like a slob. She smiled and took a drink of her juice, "these chicken wraps are delicious!" Eating seemed to have raised claires spirits.
At the request of Cece, Rod sauntered over to the spot where she had indicated he should sit. It seemed rather odd-looking: a petite girl with long, dark hair sitting next to a tall, hulking light-haired guy. But then it is said that opposites attract, right? “I-I don’t mind if we sit with your friends, Cece. And, uh, you’re right…we should get to know the others too.” He softly spoke to the one next to him. Apparently the other at the table was named Claire. Her eyes were so green and mesmerizing, he couldn’t help but stare for a moment before turning back to Cece. ‘Eh, not my type but I could see why someone would find her irresistible.’ He thought as he glanced over to Cece. A small chuckle made its way out of Rod’s mouth, taking humor in the fact that the chicken wrap looked huge in her tiny hands. ‘I wonder if she can actually eat that whole thing?’ he pondered as he tore into his wrap, not unlike a bear with a freshly-caught salmon. He honestly didn’t care if he looked messy or whatnot…he was hungry. That morning’s breakfast proved to be a bit too measly for him.
"They are really good! I agree! I've only eaten this once before though," Celestia said as she looked at the giant wrap. Was she even close to finishing the whole thing? Or even less take a whole bite over it. She glanced over at Roderick and had to giggle at how he ate, Celestia had never seen someone eating like that, and he was eating quite fast as well. She ruffled her hand through his hair again and laughed. "Slow down Rod. You might get a stomachache if you eat that quickly. It's not as if we're going anywhere in a hurry," Celestia said and looked over to Claire again, whispering to her. "He reminds me of a child eager to finish the food to go out and play," She joked with as a small giggle. "What do you guys think of the academy so far? Rune seems like such a cheerful carefree person, but how old is she?" Celestia asked, hoping to start a conversation as she continued to eat her chicken wrap, but she was getting close to feeling full.
Claire looked over at rod. She giggled as she nodded at celestias joke. After taking another drink of her juice she responded "I'm pretty sure she's in her twenties" Claire had a look on her face where you could tell she was either constipated or thinking (she was thinking) "but she defiantly doesn't look like it. It's been okay seems to be getting better as time goes on. What about you?" She smiled at Celestia
Angel had managed to lose Alex and sighed as she entered the cafeteria, noticing Claire, Celestia and Rod she smiled as she grabbed her wrap and made her way to their table. Looking at them smiling softly she gestured to a free chair.

"Mind if I sit down here? Or is the spot taken?"

"Go ahead!" Claire was happy to be getting to know everyone. "Where is everyone else?!" She asked angel figuring she might know, since she was a little later than the rest of them.

(Kinda short sorry)
Angel gratefully sat down and began to unravel the wrapping for her chicken wrap. Looking at Claire she shrugged her shoulders and sighed. She was with Alex but she hadn't been able to catch up to him when he had run off. Taking a bite Angel smiled softly to herself as the her hungry tummy welcomed the food with open arms. Swallowing the food she started to answer Claire's question.

"I don't know.. I was with Alex and then he run off saying he was going to find Key and I assume by Mr Pink he meant Yuki..."

I am hungry, that isn't good I should be eating properly.

What would mother say if she was here...

"I think she might be in her twenties too, but it doesn't feel like it does it? She looks so little and her clothing style is... unique. Unique in a good way," Celestia answered with a smile as Angel made her way over to their table as a wider smile spread to her lips, watching her sit down at the table and enjoying a meal together. She looked around for Key or Alex, and usually Yuki would follow or maybe even Krystal. She had seen another guy who had dark hair like hers, but she hadn't had the chance to talk to him yet. Maybe she should try next time she saw him... getting along with everyone was important after all. "Key and the rest was thinking of going to the music room I think... at the very least Key have to change," Celestia said remembering the milk he had spilt and chuckled. Celestia looked over to her half finished wrap and sighed, she was already full. They were far too big for her to eat the entire thing, but she shouldn't be wasting food... what was she suppose to do with the rest?
Angel nodded as she agreed with Celestia's statement. Then remembering Krystal she looked at the others a slight expression of worry flittered across her face and looked at them.

"Krystal is by herself in the classroom... She didn't seem to want us to be there... I wonder if we did something that caused any offense to her..."

I hope she doesn't dislike any of us...

Rod almost choked on a piece of chicken when Cece played with his hair again. ‘What is with her and messing with my hair?! I think it’s kinda cute, but still…’ he thought as he swallowed his bite and faintly blushed. At Cece’s suggestion, he slowed down his eating pace and blushed even more that the comparison of himself to a child.

Rod just finished the wrap and was now starting on the small salad he got as he listened in to the girls’ conversation about the small red-headed woman. ‘Wait…Claire says that woman’s in her 20’s? That can’t be right.’ He said in his mind as he crunched on some lettuce and took a swig of his iced tea. “She can’t possibly be twenty years old…she looks about as old as my little sister!” he argued, “But then again, this whole school is weird. I mean, come on…just take a look at my dorm mates.”. A deadpan look formed momentarily on his face, expressing his less-than-admirable feelings he had about a couple of them.

A moment later, the one called Angel made her way over and took her spot at the ever-growing group of people at the table. Claire's question about where everyone was made Rod stop and think for a second before he spoke again. "The rest of the guys are probably goofing off somewhere. I think one of them mentioned the music room or something like that. As for the girls, I have no idea where they went off to." he offered as an explanation before finishing his salad and finishing off his beverage.
Claire ate half her wrap and couldn't eat any more. "Oh my those are huge wraps! I'm so full!" She put her wrap down and grabbed her juice to finish it off thinking about what the others said. "Maybe she just needs some time alone" Claire didn't really know her so she had no idea.

"I guess if the guys just couldn't wait for music class." Claire kinda giggled at the thought.
"Maybe we should bring Krystal something then? She might just be the kind of person who enjoys her own company better than others. I'm sure you didn't do anything wrong Angel," Celestia ensured Angel as it hardly seemed like the girl wouls harm a fly, even less probable that she would manage to offend anyone. "Should we bring her some food then? At the very least she need to eat," Celestia said to the rest as Roderick had slowed down eating as he had finished the wrap as if it was nothing before he threw himself over his salad. "The breakfast was quite dry... I think I've worked up a thirst after that..." Celestia said as she finished her ice tea and began on another one. Celestia had eaten the cereal without any milk in it, as she had never eaten cereal before. Her father would never allow such a thing to be eaten under his roof, he was quite strict when it came to anything she ate as she was a model, and her eating habits were important for him.
Angel smiled at the people around her and gave a grateful nod. She knew that Krystal was surprised that they had even asked her. Thinking to herself Angel wondered if Krystal had many friends at her old school. Smiling she got up and crunched up the empty wrapper.

"I could eat a little bit more but I am going to go grab some Lunch for Krystal as you suggested Celestia..."

I am sure she will like the gesture, I wonder if she would join us next time...

"I'm done so ill join you in bringing lunch to Krystal. Claire said as she stood up and grabbed her plate and threw her stuff away.

"What do you think she would like to drink?" She asked angel thinking she would grab the drink while angel grabbed the food.

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Celestia looked at her half finished food, and drank up her ice tea as she looked at Claire and Angel. "Say hi to her from me," Celestia said with a smile as she waved to them, before she turned to Roderick. "When you're finished, want to try learning some tango? We can practice outside, since it's such great weather today. Plus, it provides some privacy right?" Celestia said and smiled as she stood up and cleaned up after herself as she thought of bringing her sword with her, to practice her swordplay while she was outside, or maybe she should bring her bow and arrow to have Roderick help her with her archery training. "You don't mind... right? We got some time before classes begin after all," Celestia asked a bit more shyly as she felt she was being a bit pushy once again, she should ask him before she went ahead and decided things on her own.
Angel looked at Claire and smiled softly, taking the rubbish she neatly placed them in the rubbish bin and looked around to see if there were any spare wraps. Noticing a single wrap with 'Vegetarian' written on the front of it Angel sighed softly and decided that it would have to do. She wasn't sure if Krystal was Vegetarian or not so it was better off just taking something that was Vegetarian. Holding the wrap like a precious cargo she motioned to Claire to follow her as she made her way to the room.

"Come along Claire... We are nearly there... Ah! Krystal we brought you some food~!"

I hope she doesn't mind, that we came here....

...I hope we aren't interrupting her...

“Yeah, it is p-pretty nice outside…” Rod responded to Cece’s question, “…ummm, I-I suppose we could do that.” He was stumbling on his words yet again, since it was just him and Cece at the table now. He looked down at his tray and saw that the only edible thing left on there was a lone banana. Rod gave a small shrug and stuck it in his back pocket. ‘Eh, I guess I’ll snack on that later’ he decided as he got up and cleaned up his area.

With that all done, he faced Cece and with a nervous smile he spoke, “We’ve g-got some time before class. Why not have a little fun?” He couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful eyes for a moment…it was like they were pulling him into a trance. He could get lost in those eyes forever. Shaking his head, he snapped himself back to reality and started walking out the door, setting his pace a little slower than usual so Cece wouldn't fall behind. That, and he honestly didn't know where she wanted to go in particular...it was best for her to lead the way.
Krystal continued to read the chapter. It was about molecular biology, and it was quite interesting. Polypeptides, metabolism, and the lot. She had one page to go when she heard Angel's voice. She looked up to find Angel and Claire. Angel was carrying what seemed like a vegetarian wrap in her hands.

"Food? F-for me?" Krystal's eyes widened slightly. They were so nice! "Thank you very much! You didn't have to.."

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