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Realistic or Modern Idol Academy

It was the unnatural blueness of the presumed teacher up front that caught Rod’s eye. ‘It must be hard to maintain hair that long. All of that conditioner and brushing...’ was the only thought that went through his head as he found a spot up front. In all honesty, he liked being in the front row…it was easier to listen to the teacher and had less distractions from the other students. It was Rune that did the first little tidbit of an introduction to the teacher, and apparently this rather feminine-looking person was actually a man. ‘Wow, he really could pull off portraying a woman! Now that would be an interesting talent. Hell knows I could never do that.’ he thought as he looked down at his well-muscled pecks and lack of hips.

Soon afterword the teacher, whose name was Nicol, tried to further introduce himself and the class. His stuttering and subsequent faceplant reminded Rod of himself when he was anxious and had to talk to people. He sympathized with the poor guy. Nicol went on to state that they would be going at their own pace, ‘YES!’ he thought in his head, but was replaced by a more negative stream of thought as the teacher went on to mention group projects. ‘Ugh, group projects…the bane of my education.’ Rod groaned mentally. He was always the one stuck with doing most of the work in whatever group he was shoved in. He was the workhorse that would never get any of the credit.

“Well, I guess I should get started”, Rod mumbled under his breath, walking towards the stack of books, ready to self-study. He’d done this before at home, since he was a bit more advanced in some areas than the students in his school back home. He honestly loved to learn, not that he’d ever admit it. After a quick perusing of the textbooks , Rod decided to lug a an advanced psychology book and a biology book back to his deck. Those were two of his favorite subjects. He opened the psychology book and began reading the first chapter. It was more of a review really…most of the content that was new to him were a couple of chapters into the book.
Key went over to Alex, "Hey Key! mind join us? I hate reading the book so I thought something pratical were a lot more effective!" Alex was so happy, he never had friend to sing with, he even forgot about Mary, the girl he was in loved with. (guess nothing could stop me from singing even Mary couldn't stop it.) Alex began to start humming, followed by Key, and then Cece. Alex's voice and Key's voice began to compliment each other and with Cece's add into it, a perfect blend.



Yuki had sat quietly in his seat, just watching as the scenario went on without so much as a speckle of noise. It was only until the teacher had directed them to a set of book in the back did he bother moving at all. He silently read through the first couple of pages, easily absorbing the new and sometimes already old information. Yuki felt completely at ease surrounded by the silence and the occasional rustling of book pages. He was completely in his own comfort zone. That was until he heard humming resounding from the back of the classroom. He didn't need to turn around to see who they were, seeing as he had recognized the first two voices off the bat and the third one with easy distinction. Yuki usually preferred quite at these type of situations but he couldn't deny how soothing their humming was so he brushed the thought aside. It was better to just get used to it since in a school filled with idols, he realized this could become a constantly revolving occurrence.
"Singing session? That sounds very interesting!" Celestia said to Alex' suggestion and put the book away. It was good that she didn't have to read that book, it was a rather boring book and she was more interested in working together. Key decided to join them and it felt great as she was getting to know each other better and better. She closed her eyes and let the melody take her away as she didn't mind thinking that the rest of the class were listening in on them. Alex and Key were fantastic singers and she found it hard to believe that Alex had a problem with his singing. 'I'm loving this class more and more... Everyone is so fantastic talented here! I'm almost jealous, but I am surrounded by so many great people, so it's fine' Celestia thought as she continued to sing with Key and Alex.
Key clapped his hands as he let a bright an clear laughter escape his mouth. He was able to experimentally flex his voice to see how it would compliment both Cece and Alex and the end result was better than he could have hoped for. He had never gotten a chance to do such a thing since he had no one to really sing with that could reach the pitches he needed. But now that he was here with all these people who were born naturally talented, he felt as though he could finally let his true voice ring out. Though held back, biting his lip and telling himself that he needed to a bit more patient until he would announce his secret. To distract himself, Key turned to Mr. Pink who sat with their back towards them and lightly tapped on his shoulder. "Ne, Pink-kun you want to sing too?" He asked. So far, he had only heard the man sing once and that was the previous day. He could remember how clear his voice had been and how he easily reached notes that most would have faltered on. Key just wanted to hear it one more time to see how he should fluctuate his own voice to match Mr. Pinks.
Yuki slowly turned around to stare at Key's expectant expression and sighed before closing the text book, mentally remembering what page he had stopped on. He glanced over at Alex and Cece before clearing his throat and turning back to the blonde haired boy. "No talking during class" He deadpanned, lightly bonking Key on the top of the head with a hand shaped like a karate chop. He wasn't one to allow distractions to get in between him and his studies either and he wasn't about to just make a special exception to his break his long, perfectly unblemished rule. "After class, in the music room" Yuki added, looking up at the rest, a silent invitation in his gaze.
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Krystal let out a relieved breath when Nicol regained his composure. That was pretty quick- she knew that doing so was not an easy feat. She listened to the teacher as he repeated his introduction, finishing it completely this time. Good job, Krystal thought, giving the teacher a small smile.

So, self study, huh. She could do that. Krystal stood and walked over to the stack of books, taking a couple (biology and history), before sitting back down in her seat. She opened the biology one first, and had read a couple of pages of the preface before Lex started to hum. It was fine, at first- the humming was rather calming. But then Lex, Key, and Cece started to sing. And Key was even clapping his hands.

Krystal leaned her head on a hand. Studying was quite easy for her- she could still absorb information even when her surroundings were distracting. The singing wasn't horrible or anything- it was really nice- but she would be able to absorb more information and learn faster if her surroundings was quiet. And she wanted to learn as much as she could right now, when things aren't hectic yet, so that she could take as many tests as possible and get done with it.

So she stood, gathered her books, and walked up to the front of the class, to where Nicol was standing. "Um, excuse me," she said, looking up at the young teacher, "May I study in the cafeteria?"
Celestia quietly giggled when Key was lightly hit by Yuki. It was aa if they were brothers, and of course Yuki would be the responsible one, since Key didn't exactly fit the part to put it lightly. The song was over and quietness returned to the classroom once more, as she looked over to Alex, her cheeks lit up a bit as she leaned over the table to whisper to him, looking away to hopefully hide her flustered cheeks. "Um... Lex...?" Celestia started as she looked nervously around. Rod was already reading in a book, and she didn't want to disturb him, so it was better to just ask Alex, but what if he laughed at her for not knowing? Or thought she was dumb? She bit her lower lip and took a deep breath in before she asked very quietly. "Please d- don't-don't l- laugh..." Celestia said before as she finally asked. "What is self study?" Celestia asked embarrassed, looking at him from the corner of her eye.
Alex hold his laugh as hard as he can and tried to talk as naturally as possible when Cece asked him. Alex whispered to her ear, "well... (hold his laugh) ..self studying is a form.. of studying....(after long explaination), so did you get it?" After whispering to Cece he went to Key and Mr.Pink, "Key, Mr.Pink, Krystal just asking permission to go out the class, should we ask as well?" Alex thought it would be great to sing with them again and Yuki said that he would sing if only he's in music room.
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Key puffed out his cheeks, batting Yuki's hand away with childish irritation. He mumbled a reluctant yes though at the man's suggestion, returning his attention back to his book. But much to his relief, his boredom didn't last long though as Alex had turned towards them and proposed that they should ask the teacher if they could go study in the music room. Key was all for the idea and feverishly nodded his in agreement. "Mr. Pink pleaaaaaase I promise, no triple promise! To study during lunch and diner if we go now!! Please please please please..." And he seemed to continue on chanting the words over and over again until he got his desired answer.
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Buried nose deep in his textbook, Rod took note of the spot he left off from. ‘Ok Rod just remember, you're in the section on empirical evidence.’ he thought as he closed the book and turned to face Cece. Her little cry for help had not gone unnoticed on his ears. Her voice was so meek and sad-sounding, he wanted to help her so badly. Lex had tried to explain the concept of self-study to her, but it was a bit long-winded and confusing. He decided that if Cece still didn’t get it, he’d step in. Rod didn’t like to see his friends struggle. Maybe she wasn’t the only one who didn’t know what this kind of studying was all about. He made a mental note to help anyone else who needed it. Surely she wasn’t the only one who was lost.
"Thanks Lex! And... thanks for not laughing..." Celestia said shyly as she looked down in her book and ignored Key's begging for Yuki to go right now. His nickname was quite amusing... only out of his hair color. 'Mr. Pink' for some reason it absolutely didn't fit him at all. It was good that Yuki didn't mind, but she would definitely not be okay if she was being called: "Ms. Ponytail or Ms. Dark Blue' the thought of made her giggle. She went back to her book noq that their song was finished and it seemed as the boys were going over to the music room. She didn't want to push herself along with them so she excluded herself for now. 'Now... reading by myself right? But that doesn't make any sense... I was already doing that, but this book doesn't have a plot, or characters. I don't get it... and Lex even explained it to me! I can't ask twice.... I must seem like an idiot... ah this is so embarrassing!' Celestia said and rested her head down on the book, most giving up on the whole 'self study' part as she had no clue what to do.
"..." Yuki looked down at Key with half lidded eyes and raised eyebrows. The next thing he would have to teach this one after manners was to at least attempt to act his own age. Yuki had already passed the required reading material and supposed that he could keep an eye on the boy and tutor him personally himself if he decided to go back on his word. But he wasn't just about to leave in the middle of class without a liable reason as to why. So leaning over a bit, he managed to slip his hand into the blonde's pocket and grabbed the carton of milk he had seen the boy take earlier. In a swift and quick motion, he opened the container and nonchalantly spilled the white liquid onto Key's shirt, carefully avoiding the book. He then placed the empty carton in the boy's outstretched hand. "It seems that Key had a bit of an accident. May Alex and I escort him back to the dorms?". Yes, the boy's antics were infectious.
Even after Lex explained the concept of self-study to Cece, her face was still plastered with the signature look of not knowing what the heck to do. She’d plopped her head down on the book, clearly not liking or understanding the it. It wasn’t clear which of those possibilities was true, so Rod got up and quietly snuck over to her, not wanting to disturb the others. “H-hey…” he whispered to Cece, trying not to startle her, “…it l-looks like you could use some help. I, uh, I could help you if y-you need it.”. A soft, gentle grin formed on his face, trying to make Cece feel more at-ease.
Celestia sighed as she met Rod's eyes, and her face turned red as he asked if she needed some help. Was she that obvious? It's not as if she didn't want to study, she simply had no clue what to do. Celestia had always had teachers to tell her homework and most of the time it would be digital, so self-study was a term she had never heard. "Was I that obvious?" She whispered back with a smile as he was smiling, but she couldn't bother him that much could she? "I don't want to bother you..." Celestia said as she looked back at her book, but simply confused herself more as she still found no story or characters. They didn't even have a background story! "Maybe we could sneak away too? To the library or something? So we can speak a bit louder than this?" Celestia whispered to him and looked over at Nicol and smiled.

(Sorry guys I have been sick for the past few days and just so you guys know go easy on the videos. You are in general class not music class, dance class or one of your free sessions. I love that you guys are enthusiastic but I don't think you guys normally break out into song and then ditch class during your own lessons...? I hope I wasn't sounding rude...)

Rune watched as Nichol started off well and then began to stumble and then perform a face plant onto the ground. Several students got up in a rush and Rune noted the fact that Nichol would probably stumble in some way or another. Chuckling she watched as he straightened himself up and watched as Nichol gave the class instructions. Taking this as her chance to blend into the background she made her way to the back of the room and noticed students beginning to either listen to the teacher or begin to sing. It wasn't the time to sing and Rune noted sadly the students that sung along to the song. She was happy that they were enjoying themselves but they needed to learn to control their desires and listen to what the teacher was saying.

I hope that they will soon begin to understand what they are suppose to do...

...They are singing beautifully but it is time for class right now...

...Nichol seems to be handeling himself well...

...I hope they don't leave or that will affect them greatly in the future...

Angel sat down silently and smiled at Rune and the teacher beside Rune. After hearing the introduction and then watching the teacher do a face palm Angel calmed herself down realising that the teacher, would be easy for her to get along with. She felt like she needed to watch over the clumsy teacher and smiled at him as he introduced them to self study. Happy to oblige Angel began to self study even though she wasn't sure what they were to suppose to study. She then heard a couple of them singing and winced as she saw Rune look at them sadly. Hoping that they would be alright Angel tapped the side of her leg softly listening to them sing. Then hearing the students asking to leave class Angel looked again at Rune and then noticed the stern expression set on the child like face. Stnding up she sighed and walked to the front of the room.

"Everyone, we are here for a general classroom lesson and at the moment we are suppose to be studying by ourselves. I don't mean to sound rude but I think we should al stay here until class ends... I hope I didn't sound rude..."

I hope no one would get mad at me, for the way I spoke...

...But I don't think Rune was too impressed by everyone's behaviour...

Rune looked at Angel and smiled softly. It seemed that Angel had noticed Rune's stern expression and sad expression's from the students behaviour to the lesson. Standing up from the back of the room she got up to the front and placed a hand on Angel's shoulder and told her to sit down. Pushing her fake glasses back up the bridge of her nose she looked at the students in front of her.

"Okay that's enough for today~! All of you go to lunch and then come back here in around 3-4 hours for your night lesson."

Angel was brave to do that, but I noticed a couple of other students listening to the teachers instructions...

Well, as long as the others weren't singing and being distracting, Krystal was fine with studying here. With a small nod, she went to sit back down and began to read some more. Moments later, Rune announced that it was time for lunch. Already? That seemed pretty quick. Krystal was just getting into full-on study mode, finally getting some silence.

She decided she would stay there for a little while longer. She was going to finish this chapter first before heading to lunch. Krystal glanced up at Nicol and Rune. She hoped that they would be fine with that.
"GAH!!" Key yelled as the partially warm drink dribbled down the front of his shirt. He of all people had not expected Mr. Pink do such a thing but despite his now wet cloths, Key had to give the man some credit. It was then that Angel announced that it was time for lunch before the teacher could respond to pink-san's question. "Ahh what the heck did I need a wet shirt for now...?" He grumbled under his breath as he fanned at the damp cloth. He shot Mr. Pink a half hearted glare before sticking his tongue out and continuing the little fanning motions.
Rune noticed Krystal had decided to stay behind and continue her self study. Walking up to the girl, Rune pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose and ruffled the soft blonde hair. Smiling cheerfully Rune gave the girl a thumbs up and smiled as the others began to pack their things.

"You can stay here if you would like Krystal there is no problem in you doing so..."

Such a hard working girl, I don't think I ever stayed behind in class to do something like that...

Rune indicate that the class has done when milk spilled over Key's shirt, "Well.. at least your pant doesn't have any milk stained on it." Alex looked at Rune for awhile and she gave a dissapointed face on him, Alex went to Rune and said, "I'm sorry miss Rune, it's my fault that I cause this mess... I promise that I won't do it again..." Alex thought that he went overboard this time. He always said to himself, "there's always time where to play and time to study." Alex saw Krystal still reading the book, Alex went towards her, " It's lunch already Krystal, why don't you eat with us? you need to rest your brain once in a while you know!" Alex smiled broadly.
Rune smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair smiling at them she left the students alone for a little.

Watching as Rune ruffled Alex's hair and then skip off. Angel smiled at Krystal and walked over to Alex and Krystal. Smiling at both of them and holding her books with both arms she had her shoulder bag slung over and she smiled at Alex and then again at Krystal.

"Hehe, we should all go and eat together. What do you both say to that...?"

I hope they didn't think my actions before were rude...

The self-study class was over all too soon, in Rod’s opinion. It seemed like he had just begun to talk with Cece again. “I can, uh put that back for you.” He indicated to Cece’s textbook. He gently scooped it up in his strong arms and went back to his desk to get his book. Walking over to the pile of textbooks by the wall, he quietly plopped them down and returned to the girl with the long, dark hair.

‘Ok, bud…go ahead and invite her to lunch with you. I’m sure she wants to show off her muscly new friend to everyone! Ok, maybe we’re being a bit cocky…’ Rod thought as he stood next to Cece’s desk. His confidence lever around her was getting a little better with time, but still not gone entirely. “D-did you wanna, um, have lunch with me, maybe?” he quietly asked Cece, hoping she’d accept. He honestly didn’t care if she wanted to sit with the other girls too, just as long as that guy Key didn’t join in. He still hadn’t gotten his revenge on Rod yet. He knew it was coming, sooner or later.
The self-study class ended rather quickly as Celestia finally understood what 'self-study' meant and felt more prepared for the next time. It was a good thing that she could rely on Alex and Roderick to help her out, as she did have some peoblems understanding not only the concept, but also the book in general. Roderick grabbed her book and placed it neatly back in its place before he returned, and Celestia was still smiling. "Oh is it lunch already?" Celestia asked as she looked at her wrist watch. "That sounds great! Thanks for helping me Rod, you're the best!" Celestia said as she began making her way towards the cafeteria, curious about today's lunch and to see what the others were up to. Maybe if lunch lasted a while she could sneak in some swordplay practice, it was almost too fun to not do after all. Maybe she could show Roderick? No. That was a little embarrassing... what if he laughed or thought she looked dumb? Or if she messed up? No. It was better not to think about it now.
Krystal looked up at Rune and gave the young woman a rather shy smile. "Ah, um, thank you," she replied, her voice quiet.

Krystal had just looked back down at her text book before another voice addressed her. She glanced up at Alex, and then at Angel. She stayed quiet for a moment, her eyebrows slightly raised. It was probably the first time anyone had ever invited her to eat lunch with them. Back at her old school, no one would do so, and she always ate lunch alone. It wasn't like she hated being alone- she quite enjoyed it, actually- but it was also nice to know that your company was wanted, once in a while.

She gave them an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I still feel like reading for a bit. I-I'm planning to finish this chapter. You guys go on ahead. T-thank you for inviting me, though," she told them. She hoped that they didn't feel offended that she rejected their offer.

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