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Fandom [IC]The Veil To Spurn: A Digimon Survivor Tale

Main Road Event:
Search Team: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salomon), Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard... Maybe)

Kimi Twist Twist

Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team

Extra Objective:

Retrieve anything you can

Right as Raven was about to take that last step out of the office she was halted by Ruth, and Impmon's sudden argument much like everyone else. Unlike with Arii last night this was a whole different can of Wormmons to be open. Raven understood Ruth's side of the coin this was indeed asking for a lot of the girl. Yet Impmon was right as well Ruth had been the first one to charge for Arii's rescue from the Fake Fangmons..., but as Impmon pulled Ruth with him Raven could tell Ruth's heightened concerns were going to blow.

And that was exactly what happened.

It was hard for Raven to understand that which was the biggest issue for Ruth towards Impmon it wasn't just his opposite nature, but in fact his design... the fact he was a virus clearly scared Ruth to the edges of her wit. So much so when she smacked Impmons hand away Raven found herself feeling bad for Impmon. However their was one thing Ruth said that was wrong... she had saved Arii... yet as Impmon ran over to Raven in frustration the darker skinned girl could tell trying to explain that to Ruth at this time... was pointless. Unliek yesterday where she was at her wits end with Arii however Raven took a much different approach as the purple digimon ran up to her.

"Alright. For now Impmon will come with us. That'll give you both some time to breath. I think it might be best for Ruth to stay here with Ace anyways Ruth having medical experience will be good for Ace anyways to have around," Also given the fact Raven had overheard Ruth, and Ace knew each other they could probably help one another clear their heads of their current scenarios. Besides Kimi, and Mei along with their partners would be staying around so there was back up if need making Raven feel a bit more confident about the split up.

As this went on Gabriel turned his attention to Ji-Si.

"I figured, but I feel we have asked you quite a lot already, and it seemed both rude, and irresponsible to ask this of you alone,"
the blonde explained having a valid point given the repairs and training she had given the fort members was helpful with the old tech, and the fort as a whole. It was a indispensable tool, but in truth it was wasted keeping it here. She was also right that Commandramon was a good scouter type, but without backup along with not having a champion form yet going alone with Ji-Si was extremely dangerous. As Ji-Su followed Raven after the Ruth melt down Gabriel heard mention of Aces condition.

"Oh? You are right I am sorry about that I am Raven Clow. Sorry were still figuring things out as a group," Raven shook herself back into the here and now as Ji-Su caught up with her at the entrance asking for a return of pleasantries which Raven had indeed forgotten in the hype to return. The woman would than go to add on she was no sailor most likely being air force or army from her country. Raven didnt want to pry to much on the woman as her status was already a pretty good boon.

"Actually I more so meant do you think you can program me a chart to work off of on my digivice? Sorry I should have explained that better," Raven hesitantly laughed realizing her excitement had made her very much a goof to the new people. Though something intruiging that was brought up was some knowledge brought up by the military woman. Apparently their was a Wi-Fi signal in the digital world that couldn't be accessed, but connected to everything along with all tech seeming to be dated about 20 years ago... that was definitely strange. Atop that their was a energy grid that ran through the ground of the island... almost made it sound like the island was man made... it was what Ji-Su said next that reminded Raven of what Chel had said.
"Funny you bring that up we were informed by traveler type that their is a desert filled with factory like buildings filled with computers. Its actually a place of interest for use as well. If you stay with use after this I think its even a good starting place for our investigation of this island," Raven revealed to Ji-Su.

As this was going on Wormmon crawled a bit down Ravens hand to pat Impmon on the head. That had been pretty brutal for a bio-digimon it was the equivalent of being rejected by your other half. She could only imagine what was going through the imp's mind. As well once she patted Impmon a few times she than proceeded to climb atop his head to turn her attention to Commandramon.

"Um... Hello? Guess were all going to be exploring buddies... eheheheh... um. Cool gun? Oh this is Impmon, and I am Wormmon we hope your friendly... and not just cause of the gun," Wormmon hesitantly attempted conversation with the blue lizard while keeping Impmon company though she had to admit Commandramon seemed a bit scary having a on edge body language.

To Raven, and Gabriel's surprise without much rhyme or reason Arii revealed himself to be pro search party. Raven put a hand on her hip, and tilted her head with a smile... so they wanted to help... well how about that. She was happy to see it, and had no desire to say anything about it. Gabriel himself studied Arii again for a moment before pulling out his digivice Arii had signs of some near full rejection of what was happening... bruised skin, scratchs... Gabriel had seen all these signs before. The looks Arii gave Gabriel reminded him of something from a long time again as well pulling at unknown heartstrings. Yet it seemed this Arii was attempting to push past those stresses, and Gabriel surprisingly was willing to help that.

" A fair request if their was ever one,"
he started pushing a few buttons on his digivice transferring more data to the groups digivices. Other paths along with circled spotting sight appeared on the first map they had received. The sightings were as Gabriel had said more so around the Fort itself than the route the scouts took, but their was indeed a spot or to amongst their own route.

"Your Digivices mapping function can do just that you'll see the settings on the left," Gabriel expressed to Arii when it came to the Topography request. Though Gabriels eyes squinted at the oddity of Arii saying "assuming they're intelligent" the blonde watched Arii for a moment longer than what would be comfortable, but let it slide as he pulled out two blow whistles.

"These are the only two I have to spar spread them wisely,"
Gabriel instructed handing them to Arii. As this was happening Roisin walked up with her own line of map questions. The map design she showed Gabriel was more advanced than most would own... especially right out the gate. Seemed Chel had shockingly warmed up to them a bit rather fast. The raised brow on Gabriel's face easily giving away his surprise. Chel never wasted this much energy on newbies before. After studying her map he again pushed a few more transferal buttons that added some additions to the snow biome on her map. A few extra circles each with a press for info... seemed Gabriel had some more extensive knowledge in that area. Gabriel was finding himself weirdly being more helpful than usual... strange he though as he looked at Arii... than again he knew why he was.

"Those added points are areas of interest as well. Stories of oddities if you will. You might find something their to your benefit," Gabriel expressed before adding.

"As your Digimon defeat other Digimon your Digivice will gain more functions. Currently you should have obviously the map function, and the Digi-Compendium where data on Digimon you have run into is stored. As you found out yourself you device also has a scan/picture saving function. Also you have Bio Check: basically its like the equivalent of a heart monitor to your Digimon partners. Lets you know their conditions... right now it will only give you a health state, but further along it will also read status effects, and ways to handle them. Stay combat heavy, and you may even get access to the injector ability of that app. Actually... you seem to have two apps I don't recognize,"
Gabriel squinted his eyes at Roisin device screen.

Their were indeed two unusual apps on of two satellites directed at each other seeming to send waves to one another, and another that had a picture of two containers of sorts. Unique apps while not unheard off... was something that still was surprising to Gabriel. If the other were to check their screens they two would see those two unusual apps described.

"Other than that the more you fight the more access that comes with your Digivices abilities. The Digivice will update you as they come available."
With that all added Raven was about to start the mission until she got intercepted by Eliam's Salomon jumping out of the silent boys arm announcing thier addition to the party. Raven smiled at Salamon moxie giving the dog a thumbs up.

"Were glad to have you on board," she chimed as Salamon proceeded to force Eliam to vocalize his wants... seemed he had it a little rough, but the addition was much appreciated regardless. Besides it was clear Eliam was rather protective of Salamon so that was a good sign of proper attention span for the group. All in all the team had ended up with what Raven believed to be a healthy turnout. Given everone else decisions. Ofr course once Kimi mentioned she was going to hodl off Raven felt a little betrayed by the bug sister, but to be fair it wasn't a legit feeling more so that it just sucked a bit.

"Alright your in charge of this half of the team than good luck Kimi, Tentomon, Ace, Cutemon, Mei, Black Gabumon, Leonard... tell Dracomon to not disappear like this again or Ill hold him down while you waterboard him," Raven smiled waving at those staying before making a joke with Leonard given her display yesterday though... people might have believed the joke.

"Arii, Roisin, Lopmon you guys ready lets go,"
with that the Scout Mystery Team was set up, and ready to head out well until... Leonard was ready to jump in... just to find out Dracomon had vanished on him. As much as Leonard, and Dracomon would be a positive addition it was clear Dracomon... was a bit hard to reel in.

"Maybe you should stay here Leonard with the rest? I mean no offense, but it seems working on Dracomon's ability to reel back in might be best handled in a safer environment like this. Also in truth it would be smart to have you here in case anything picks up on this end Dracomon clearly a fight aftetr all," Raven suggested knowing by his passion he definitely wanted to join, but without his digimon it was a dangerous option even with Impmon being solo Impmon was at least a digimon, and for now he could cover for Arii. Where as another mon covering two humans was asking a bit much at the moment. With that all said the team would start to head out with Gabriel watching them until they got to the gates opening them back up to the forest Biome.

The path they would need to take would lead them on the left from the Fort towards a minor uphill path. If Arii was to check the data the reported sightings were about 2/3s into the route meaning the more deeper area they had thought of would indeed lead into heavy foliage like they had been concerned about. However for now they were out in the clear fields of the flat land heading towards the uphill route giving them ample time to discuss strategy, conversation, or simply get to know each other along with their thoughts on everything.

"So Eliam what are your talents? Arii I am touched you care. Ji-Su obviously you are in the military though if you weren't Navy what branch were you? Impmon you okay," Raven fired off topic to get conversations started seeing how this was going to be a long walk it would be good to get some communication/something akin to comradery started. Making the small talk as well knowing Arii would eventually go over the whole placement of the spotting's, and of course probably a suggested route to take rather then the actual route laid out.

Wormmon still on Impmons head waited to see what conversation would kick off with the newly added Salamon.

Side Road Event:
Clinical Evaluation Team: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth)


Find Out What Can Be Done For Ace's Condition


As the research team left Gabriel, and Palamon turned their attention the Ace. Pushing a few buttons on his own digivice Ace would receive a marker update on the fort map as Palamon walked over to him her claws extending out from her hands offering a ticket with Gabriel's signature on it. Closer inspection would reveal it to be a doctors note that simply said: one free check up, and repair. Seemed Gabriel was being more generous than needed given what he had said before.

"Look for Dr. Tanaka. She'll be at the hut with a red plus painted on it, and before you ask: No you do not want to know why doctors are still important here, and when you do well you'll regret knowing,"
Gabriel expressed as Palamon turned to Ruth giving her a look with her emotionless eyes. Looked like she wanted to say something in response to what had happened with Impmon, but it seemed to pass as the plant walked back over to her partner seemingly distracted by Mei taking off.

"For now though she can get you on the road to recover. After that enjoy the amenities here until you decide what you want to do. Though please keep in mind this is in hand to extension to your friends taking my partners request. We will only continue to house you as long as the deal is on a rope the moment it snaps it could go...."

"Palamon stop its fine there not a nuisance, nor should they be treated like a burden just because of their predicament were all victims here,"
Gabriel interjected halting the Digimon brutal truth he didn't yell at her though nor did he give her a hostile parentally look for her words. It was more like a gentle look of a parent knowing they had to halt something their child didn't or couldn't understand.

"Than why is she treating her partner like one,"
Palamon spoke pointing at Ruth.

"That's none of our business, Palamon. Besides its about our turn for guard duty how about you go ahead, and I'll catch up," Gabriel suggested walking over to Ruth, and Ace gently patting the plant digimons back to start moving to which she did without any resistance... she was very loyal, and obedient to Gabriel it seemed at first glance, but to another it could be taken as a strange form of trust caused by other scenarios.

"Bio-Partners are a different breed amongst the digimon here," Gabriel rubbed his temple needing some rest of his own. However he was defiant to his lack of sleep looking at them adding. "However shes not wrong things are rough around here enough as it is do keep in mind that goes double for those who play your sword, and shield. I'll lead you out," Gabriel spoke looking at Ruth with a understanding to her fears, but trying to offer food for thought. It was evident Gabriel took his role as leader serious weather it be those part of the fort or out of it. As he put it best everyone was in the same boat.

Once he lead them out Ace, Cutemon, and Ruth would see a more active settlement as the doors were opening for digimon traders, and travelers. Their were even a few new humans in the mix as well. At first glance it probably would have been simply to thing the Fort was cut off from the rest, but now it was clear it survived off trading, and dealings consistently to function.

The map marker if followed would take Ruth, and Ace west in the fort over to a more residential area. While the office was more middle point surrounded by more defensive measure devices from behind their was a notable double door cellar like hatch..., but that wasnt where the map marker would be leading them. Instead they ended by the huts of the fort where people mainly slept, and lived it was a wider area closer to the defenses than anything else.

Amongst them near the end was a bigger hut with the affirmed painted red plus atop its twine roofing. Sitting near the entrance was a sour looking woman smoking without a care in the world in a rocking chair, and next to that a strange stand with a very prominent clam appearing Digimon resting next to her on the stand.



Side Road Event:
Lounging Team: galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon), Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon)


Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement

Extra Objective:
Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black Gabumon...

As the trading venue hours of the Fort opened up the populace to other inhabitance of the island the Bathhouse would officially open wafting in a serene lavender smell mixed into its waters. The exterior design was of a wooden maple aesthetic with cherry blossoms laced around its doors like a bead door. This venue was at the east wall of the Fort not to far at all from the food stalls where a certain virus Digimon would be up to no good in fact. With the additions of the food stalls a grand mixture of Chinese cooking, and barbecue cooking filled the streets as certain excited competitive rivals were yelling at each other while customers watched cheering for their favorite venue stall.

However as a certain Mei would jog about one such entity in a cloak kept a eye on her, and her Black Gabumon perfectly out of sight at all times but looming watching them both consistently like a shadow, but in truth it wasn't just one a few other cloaked individuals had been nestled into the batch of traders none were ever close to each other, but their was indeed a strange spread if one was to pay attention.

Though things seemed normal Gabriel would be seen in the distance catching up to Palamon X taking sentry with her on the south wall.
Arii was about to lose their damn mind.

Two scout whistles between them, surrounded on all sides of their route by a grand total of unknown and danger. If looks could kill, their digivice—a horrible name really—would have long since exploded with the way they were looking at it. It didn't try and take anymore blood, though. Thankfully. They only barely remembered to mumble a thanks to The Town's Head as they left, trailing behind the rest of the group and forcing themself to think.

They scratched a little harder at their palm, trying to staunch the way their skin crawled under the memory of things that already have been and might be. They wanted to bite something that was warm, and moved, and squealed—no. Scouting positions. They needed scouting positions. They needed to be in front. Looking for tracks. Clues—Their head already hurt and they knew it was some combination of dehydration and sleep deprivation but attempting to force anything else down into the knot of stress and heat that was their stomach was sure to make what little they could stomach come back up again, so they ignored it. Green's... everything was not helping, though. her voice rattled through their skull and raised the hairs on the back of their neck. Every tiny change in inflection was a moment where their organs shriveled and they bit back the preparation to dodge.

At least Cards stayed behind. They didn't think they'd be able to deal with two of them. Not like this.

Augh think. Who to put where. Who did they trust? The easy answer was no one here, but...

they glanced at Impmon—still irritated-looking after... that whole situation. Oh how they wished any one of their siblings had dropped in here with them, as cruel as it was. Impmon would just... have to do.

As the rest of the group barreled forward toward the gate with about as much spatial awareness and caution that they expected of a newborn dog, they took a moment to stop and tuck their pants into their socks, long ingrained habit having them eyeing the... not-quite wild-growing, but not well-trimmed grass with no small amount of suspicion. "We need a formation," came unbidden from their mouth as they studied the patterns in the foliage and picked out hidden brambles. They made another dove-noise, thinking. "Whoever's in the back on either side takes a whistle... Raven—" the name was rotten on their tongue, like old carcass— "and..." their eyes caught on Skyfaller 11. He was blessedly quiet. Did they trust him? Absolutely not. Was he better to have up front than literally anyone else in this horrid little collection of stupidity? Probably. "Ji-Su. You two take the back and the whistles." They held them by the string, minimizing the chance that anyone would think to touch them. "Impmon, with me on the right in front of Raven, if you please. I need someone to cover my peripheral. Commandramon, you've been said to be able to scout. Left-side front. Everyone else fall in, alternating digimon and human if you can." They paused, thinking again. "Those whistles are for communication and emergencies only. Do not just blow into them like you're trying to wake the dead unless you're about to die. If you find something or lose the group, give it a quiet whistle. Like—" and the sound they made then wasn't quite a songbird whistle, but close. Close enough. "Yes? Got it?" They proceeded to not check.

They couldn't see them behind. They couldn't see them but they could feel them and it made their skin itch. They dug their nails a little deeper into their skin. No blood pooled, but it hurt, and muffled the feeling of eyes, eyes, eyes so many eyes. They took a breath. One. Two.


Even with the grass nearly as tall as their own legs, they moved with a certain kind of grace, a fluid, animal lope that seemingly was never interrupted by the brambles or tree saplings that littered the field. They changed directions frequently, weaving in and out of the path the scouts took. Even if one didn't want to stay in formation behind Arii, the way they moved—fluid and quick yet not seeming to grow tired from it—made that difficult, especially with the obstructions hidden under grass primed for ankle-grabbing. They didn't have to check behind them to know where their group was. It was hard to be quiet in grass, this tall, and Arii wasn't being particularly stealthy this far out.

The initial tracks were easy to spot. Tall grass was hard to mask in, unless you happened to be a deer, but the stouter bodies of humans carved visible paths through the foliage, though subtle. They checked their digivice again before unsheathing that bright knife and sawing off the somewhat-fluffy, oddly-shaped heads of several blades of grass. "Trailmarker," they mumbled just as Green started speaking again—and oh how her voice grated on them. Like sandpaper on their skin. They sent a... a Look over their shoulder, something like a scowl but if a scowl had bared teeth involved. At a significantly lower volume than she, they countered. "Do you want the whole forest to know we're here?" Their voice was a wavering hiss. "Always assume we're being watched. we have a distance to go until we're close, but I'd prefer not to attract every predatory animal in the next five miles, thank you. If you must talk, do so quietly."

Without looking to see if everyone got it, they were moving forward again.
Ace took the ticket from Palmon, eyeing Gabriel's signature and the note with a mix of relief and scepticism. The free check-up was more than he expected, given Gabriel's earlier stance.

"Thanks." Ace mumbled, begrudgingly. He didn't fully trust Gabriel yet so was reluctant to offer him his gratitude. Glancing at the map marker on his digivice, Gabriel's words about Dr. Tanaka and the cryptic warning made Ace's stomach churn. Considering how everything had been downhill for him ever since they arrived, he was wary of needlessly adding to his problems so nodded his head in acknowledgment.

As Gabriel led them out, Ace's mind wandered to Ruth. He felt bad for her. He had been so stuck in own his head, focused on his own problems, that they hardly had said a word to each other. It was obvious she was having a rough time with everything that was happening. Cutemon grabbed his hand and began tugging it, undoubtedly eager to get Ace the attention he so desperately needed as soon as possible, but Ace gently brushed them off before gesturing for them to give him a moment.

Ace turned to Ruth, an empathetic expression on his face. "Are you doing alright?" He asked, with a concerned tone. Ace wondered if Ruth's argument with Impmon earlier was still playing on her mind. He didn't mind taking a few minutes out of his schedule to accompany her if that was what she wanted. "We can probably still catch up with the others if that's what you want to do? They couldn't of gotten far."

Pumpkid Pumpkid
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Kimi and her partner Tentomon, wandered through the lively streets. The bustling activity helped distract her, her eyes darting around as she took in the unfamiliar sights and sounds. The aroma of various foods made her stomach rumble, regretting haven't not eaten the buffet Gabriel had prepared but she remained cautious, keeping a firm grip on Tentomons claw with one hand and on her deck of Digimon cards with the other.

"Wow, Kimi! Look at all the food!" Tentomon buzzed with excitement, her eyes wide with wonder. "It smells really tasty! Do you think they have honey? Honey's my favourite! Whats your favourite Kimi?"

Kimi managed a small smile at Tentomon’s enthusiasm. "Pineapple"

Kimi took a look back to see if the rest of her group was still with her. Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal , Leonard Mirai-chan Mirai-chan and their Digimon had decided to stay within the fort and so they had formed a small group. "Mei? Leonard!?" she called over the hubbub. "I'm thinking we should try and find out more about this place."

This was aimed at Mei who was the nearer of the two, Leonard ahead of her trying to wrangle his partner Dracumon. "Find a cafe or something. There normally good places for gossip."
"What would you rather we do? Just sit on our hands, wallow in dispair? Do what you like, I will take what I have to work with now rather than some perfect plan tomorrow." the soldier shot back at at Arii before the group was led off to enjoy what comforts were in the town, well, village more like.

Turning her attention back toward the young girl, or rather, Raven Clow, as she was introduced, Ji-Su could not help but marvel at least about the translation feature this world provided, still it was the words of the girl that caught her attention as she snorted dismissively. "You don't say? Some of you are going to break in no time at this rate."

It was the follow up question, that she paused. The correction on the map. "Maybe, there is some sort of feature towards that from when I looked. Seemed automated, like swipe and go, well on mine it was."

It was the next part that caught her attention however. "It's better than nothing, at least I can learn something from it, though a desert on an island, huh.. and factory buildings? Can't be too many places in the world this could be." It was the next interaction between the Digimon that caught her attention; she was curious how accurately she could predict the response of Commandramon.

For a bit the blue lizard started at the other, clenching the rifle just a little more. "Commandramon. And I am friendly should you do nothing to harm the Ji-Su. Though born yesterday as they say, I have the skills of which they speak." As they moved along things were quick to shift and change as the one known as Arii was quick to get them all moving with a few final tidbits and instructions from in short order as the Army Officer looked at the other with pride. "The Army obviously.The work I did is well suited here, when it comes to those computers and machines, if they are still operational."

It was not long after the other one, just what even were they? Arii spoke their next course of actions as Ji-Su sighed a bit. For her part she may have been a technical expert, but she did complete basic training as the survivalist seemed intent on digging a grave for themselves, Ji-Su could not quiet figure something out, but that could wait a bit as she chuckled a bit at his request that was tantamount to an order as she rolled her eyes a bit from the rear, letting Commandramon take point on the other side as she gave her Digimon a nod of permission.

"I doubt we much need to worry about animals on this Island. Rather creatures that can think and are armed to the teeth with weaponry in some cases."
To be noted, Ji-Su at least seemed able to follow the twisting paths the group made, even in her dress uniform.

"I wonder if my BDU jacket got sucked up into here too and is laying around somewhere." She said a bit quietly.

Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon
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  • Impmon
    Location: Research Team
    Interactions: Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Commandramon RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun Wormmon Azurian Dream Azurian Dream /Mentions: Salamon&Eliam Matreania Matreania Raven, Ji-Su Rosin&Lopmon Anorgos Anorgos Leonard&Dracmon Mirai-chan Mirai-chan

    Halfway through their sprint, Impmon started walking towards Raven with their head down. He didn’t notice anyone would eavesdrop in the argument with his partner. He listened to Raven’s advice and all Impmon could reply with a melancholy, “Yeah, I guess so.” If space is right for both of them to breathe then maybe he did make the right choice in the heat of the moment. He was just so lost. He’s a Digimon made for his human partner, Ruth, and what did he get in return? Rejection. He’s supposed to protect her and guide her, but he wasn’t given the chance to do so nor the appreciation. Everyone’s buddy welcomed them with open arms safe for Ruth. What was he supposed to do now?

    Impmon stares at the device he swindled from Ruth. Did he do the right thing? It belonged to her, but she didn’t deserve it if she wasn’t going to accept her situation or his presence. There was no point in being a fallen. Ruth being a medic and offering her services in the fort might actually be better in case there are injured folks. Maybe Ruth had a point to stay and is better off helping people where it is safe. Should he go back and apologize? The more he idly gazed at the digivice, the more frustrated he became. He squeezed the D-Touch in his grasp as if to break it, but his attention was drawn to Wormmon.

    It took Impmon by surprise that the little creature bravely condoled the Digimon with a gentle pat on his head. He growled low finding it condescending, but eventually dropped his shoulders, and sighed heavily in defeat. They even mounted his head as a sign of friendship. This perked Impon up. “Thanks Wormy, but I’ll be fine.” He chuckled. Impmon turns to their new teammate, Commandramon. What drew him was the weapon in their hold. He didn’t have a gun but he could admire theirs. Sure it’s cool, but to Impmon, it didn’t compare to his fireballs. At least he wasn’t reliant on a tool unless Commandramon had other tricks up their sleeves aside from camouflage. Wormmon was kind enough to introduce him and was proud that the little critter wanted to strike up a conversation. It was his turn to give her a reassuring pat.

    Commandramon attested to being friendly so long as Ji-Su is not harmed which is the same thought process wired into every bio-digimon. A mutual understanding to protect the fallen. Impmon crossed his arms and smirked, ”Oh yeah? Well, let’s see if you can hold up on a battlefield like the rest of us.” He flaunted the fact that the crew had already fought against Fangmon giving them experience in battle. Impmon being baised believed he did exceptionally. He wore his smug ego proudly like a badge.

    Sadly, the conversation was short. They didn’t even get to meet the other new member, Salamon. Of course, that pup seemed to be attached to their partner as if they were a noble too good to be with the others. Hopefully, they didn’t drag the team during an important mission, but he had to wait and see. Impmon was willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Leon and Dracmon were rejected from the group to which Impmon felt bad. It was Dracmon who disappeared instead and had half a mind to clobber them. At the same time, it showed he wasn’t the only one with partner troubles. Perhaps each human is dealing with their own issues, just as Ruth is. Guilt began to consume the Digimon, but did not wish to give in. Ruth made her choice and that is that.

    Once the scouting team pressed onward into the woods, it was Arii who surprisingly took the leadership role. The scardy cat of the bunch with a rabid personality. They showed promise, using their experience in the field. How interesting. Impmon jolted in his stead by their demand to be his substitute partner and keep an eye out. Finally, someone who needs him and takes authority. It was a dream come true. His green eyes sparkled with gratitude. He wasted no time in jumping in and taking his position. ”You got it.” He chirped and monitored the area for anything suspicious while sticking to Arii like glue. Wormmon was not given a command, probably because their little legs couldn’t do much. A downside, but they weren’t useless, right? He hoped not. They seemed to be a good egg. Nonetheless, much like Arii, they will protect the bug too.

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Mentions: Minor thoughts on a bunch of people to varying degrees
Interactions: Twist Twist

Mei would win an Olympic medal for heel turns the way she course corrected her sprint once it was clear the others would be conversing with Impmon first. She had hopped to corner him alone for a more private heart to wallet and offer him a chance to become her servant if things went further south with Ruth since it seemed pretty clear who was more at fault in their arguments even if they were both at fault. Maybe he would end up becoming Ex Impmon and partner up with Arii instead…Arii did have that dysfunctional condemned house vibe people lined up like construction crews to try and fix after all.

Giving as wide of berth as she could to the others she tried to take in as much of the village as she could with her path. The increase in population as things seemed to open up was surprising since it made the place a lot less destitute as her first impression of it was. It made more sense why Chel wouldn’t be allowed in since she most likely had several ex’s but given Gabriel’s apparent state and asking for their help made it feel like something wasn’t adding up. Maybe it had something to do with the zombie Digimon they were not suppose to mention…Raven’s group had enough heroine power Mei trusted them to inform the two new sky fallers of the situation when it could be shared in private. Sadly, they wouldn’t be shrew enough to make a judgment call if they should share the information so Mei wished she had a chance to mention it before so she could take the blame if one of them betrayed them. Most of her jog was spent mainly with these thoughts while also trying to calculate the different economic costs of goods, services, social relations, and travel.

Unable to shake the vague feeling of unease Mei made her way back to where Black Gabumon was waiting. Black gabumon hoping to pawn of carrying Mei’s stuff due to their aching old bones to the energetic Tentomon was spoiled when Mei gave a dismissive wave to Kimi in response.

“Ara?” She said closing the distance between herself in Kimi so she wouldn’t need to raise her voice but remaining far enough that people wouldn’t think they were close,” while some may refresh themselves with calming tea, I won’t be visiting such an establishment yet.”

Mei left a clear pause since Kimi did offer something refreshing, it was not what she herself had in mind with her parting words. Kimi seemed to be craving more social connections based on her actions so far so it might be better for her to enter whatever establishment she chose to forge relationships alone since that would serve her better than Mei’s attempt at it would. It wouldn’t do any good for people to get the idea they were close either like saltine crackers and sprite since Mei would be the lightning rod for everyone’s stress to keep everyone else functioning and none of the heroines should get mixed up in that.

“You may be fine presenting yourself in...that state so maybe its best for you to go ahead,” she said giving the girl an up and down glance. Unlike herself Mei doubted Kimi had been constantly finding herself on the ground plus not everyone had as sensitive skin as Mei herself did so everything that happened so far was leaving her feeling quite gross. The social clock was ticking though after their arrival so everyone would need to work fast to set first impressions so while seeking out gossip was also high on her priority list it would be best to split up momentarily. After all Arii, Ruth, and Raven weren’t around to cause drama and Leonard could only cause an annoyance at most with Dracomon.

With a simple flick of her wrist for direction Black Gabumon scurried over to her and led the way to the bath house.

The establishment seemed as tragic as it was tacky. Bead curtain? Really? Sure, it might let out the steam but who wanted to be rubbed with the residue of the people entering the establishment. Mei did make a note to see if she could find some loose cherry blossoms to help decorate a fan as soon as she could make one. Her power as a villainess was lacking and having that signature item would really help punctuate her words more. In fact, her villainess aura was out in full force in this bath house taking on an icy chill despite the room being steamy having a hint of her real personality being injected into it. Black Gabumon and herself were going to set up a private little area to clean up and let off some steam away from everyone else. Lavender meant distrust in the language of flowers so it complimented this situation perfectly.

Once the pair was situated Mei shed her clothes to begin washing them as Black Gabumon washed her back.

“I’ll keep watch,” Mei signed handing Black Gabumon her clean clothes hoping the steam would restrict the visibility of anyone trying to horn in on their me time or maybe it should be called Mei time but that was all the time at least until 11 o’clock when this little Cinderella normally went to bed.

Black Gabumon took her clothes and shyly hid themselves so that even Mei could not see them even though they knew she wouldn't try to peak until they returned with Mei’s dress wrapped around them and their gays go wild smelling fur coat in their hands.

“Here let me,” Mei signed taking the coat from her partner to clean. Some may think it was just to hide the fact a bald spot may or may not exist in it now but it was just the simple sincerity of being kind. This was a small gesture she could do with her own two hands for Black Gabumon; something that could never be bought even by people who never had to ask the price because the feelings Mei held for her little treasure made the action priceless.

This was the longest Mei had ever been outside away from her home. It seemed almost surreal how similar it was here compared to the real world with dogs attacking people, poor communication, and people forming messy bonds with each other instead of the magical precious memory maker she had envisioned it to be. The two sat in still silence in the bath while the pelt dried off to the side letting their mental and physical fatigue drift away in the water. That is until Mei gave a sign to Black Gabumon,


“Saturn,” Black Gabumon signed back






“Ah, reminds me I believe Ace also stayed behind in town somewhere with Ruth. Do you think things will get messy?” Black Gabumon signed carefully thinking about young people and their mood swings. They were reading to plant some seeds for Mei to reap for her benefit in the social chaos that may follow if it did.

“Ohoho,” Mei signed somehow making the soundless gesture seem loud,” Ruth may have the making of a little tart but I do not think she is wise enough to be a vixen. While her personality is more erratic due to that it is possible he could be charmed by her endearing quality of recklessly trying to help others.”

Mei found it to be a bit vexing however that the girls lack of wisdom seemed to focus her efforts only on those Ruth found herself attached to and how she stubbornly refused to learn from her flaws. How many times have the group seen her have double standards when it came to herself but not a single standard for her partner Impmon who despite her attitude had been doing the best to help her. Mei was still a bit worried about him being pulled into the more forceful personality group since they could press him into saying or doing something he would regret doing instead of taking the proper time to listen to his troubles. Hanging around Ace might be a positive influence since his relationship with his partner seemed to have some more healthy give and take…or it could be a negative influence if Ruth focused solely on him to ignore her own problems but Ace didn’t come off as that sort of person who would allow that given that he tried to keep everyone unaware of his own troubles.

“Ace seems pretty level headed given the circumstances and how others have been treating him. It would have been better if he was able to feel comfortable sharing whatever condition he had rather than it becoming an open secret. Between cutemon and him I think they should be able to handle Ruth and she in turn will prevent him from closing up. Regardless of his state he will have people stick by and help him during this adventure so hopefully he doesn’t continue to internalize things until something breaks inside of him,” Mei signed with a sad little smile.

Black Gabumon cutely splashed their way closer to Mei to snuggle up to her. The grace they lacked would surely be blamed on Mei’s dress that was wrapped around them. For awhile they sat together while Mei traced notes with the water droplets on the side of the bath. Their form may be fleeting but the knowledge she had gained so far would be transient like them. Correct or incorrect, good or bad, moral or immoral the more she experienced the more her own state of self would change here. So too would her persona too keep her place so she could be on the stage of life with everyone else. The more moments that passed the more her masked slipped until Black Gabumon splashed to get her attention.

“What about the others?”

“Well Kimi is still here as well and she is leading in heroine points right now so I think she should be able to deescalate any social situation that arises. Tentomon seems pretty young so she may have her hands full with her but the pair of them give off a pair of sisters vibe that makes them approachable,” Mei started before she paused to see if she was getting wrinkly yet for that would signal they had been taking too long in the bath. Still smooth just like a rain coat and with a flick of her hand the water shed off just the same.

“But,” Black Gabumon said mistaking it as hesitation.


Mei glanced around their little private area they fashioned to see if there was some ass within it. Not seeing any she resumed their conversation after that false alarm since the water and steam should clue her in if something went invisible before she could see it as well. Unless it was a ghost but Mei was confident she could take care of it since crushing spirits was something she trained in her path to become a villainess. Wirtschaftskri Valesti tee hee.

I don’t think she would be able to prevent anything since she is not very aggressive just like the interest rate in a bank account. I feel like she is relying on everything being 401-ok but once whatever she is drawing strength from runs out she may be at a lost without others to support her.”

It went without saying Tentomon had all the power of a child in any situation she was in.

“Leonard and Dracmon…they sure have youthful energy don’t they,” Black Gabumon signed feeling tired just by thinking about whatever the two may be doing.

“They seem a bit hot blooded and impressionable as well but they did shake off being knocked out pretty well so their energy should carry them far here. I doubt they will get stuck in thought like some of the others since they act by instinct it seems. Don’t color me surprised if they end up trailing after the other group since action and excitement probably outweigh the comforts of the village.”

“Do you think the other group will be successful? I’m a bit worried Raven pushed to set off right away…”

“Most of the group left with her so they should be fine but if they get pushed into something afterwards…Raven seems use to giving orders or using her natural charisma to her advantage and her flaw of not reading the room should be fine with the others.”

“You think they will fight?”

“Not with each other or at least nothing that leads to serious physical injuries but the friction can probably start a fire of bad situations. Raven will try and pull people into her own pace since she can do it since Wormmon will whip up hysteria about whatever situation they find themselves in forcing an element of pressure but Róisín should be able to prevent things from getting too bad. While she hasn’t been the bubbliest compared to some her concern for others is both a weakness and strength so I’m sure she will be able to stop anything that is too nonsensical. Hopefully she doesn’t learn the hard way that cup can only hold so much before it overflows. Ji-su and Arlo….will probably help somehow but I don’t know how much they will be able to prevent. Lopmon, commndramon, and salamon should be able to balance things out but, I can’t see them turning against their owner if they need to. I don’t think anyone will get to bend out of shape by Arii but they are the dry tinder of the group. They might focus on blunt survival for everyone since they seem to know a lot about it but they’re just like a little dog that barks for someone to give them a little morsal of affection and someday someone’s going to feed them chocolate.”

Black Gabumon signed nothing in return since they both knew chocolate was poisonous to dogs.

“And you?”

“My only strength is money,” poor Mei signed before she cupped some water into her hand and let it flow through her fingers like her fleeting hope for the chance of making just one precious memory but no matter how much drained away a small amount would always remain in her palm.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to buy their friendship soon,” Black Gabumon signed reassuringly. It would be nice if their master could make an actual friend here but they knew Mei thought true friends were only something that existed in fairy tales. As fantastical as the digital world is it was becoming more and more clear it wasn't the fairy tale Mei had imagined it to be.

“I’m sure we can break into Gabriel’s office and find some records of trades or an expense report before we leave. Assuming the cost of a human body is the same here I think I have it figured out for this local economy at least,” she signed getting out of the pool since her girly intuition never steered her wrong before since it was born from the fruits of her labor in her youth. Feeling Black Gabumon’s pelt it seemed dry enough so they motioned them over to change into it so they could hand over her dress.

“I’ll hold this over the water so you can dry it off with a blue fire,” Mei said as her servant complied. She was confident her servant wouldn’t go astray with their aim. The steam should prevent the place from catching on fire…most likely…or at least create more of it so she could put out any small ones without anyone noticing.

Once she was dressed Mei gave them a small hug and another sniff check smelling lavender on Black Gabumon which had the meaning of faithfulness.

“Should we check out the farm land first?” They asked as the two left with Mei using her gloves to hold open the cherry blossom bead curtain so it didn’t rub against them.

“I would like to since I could also check on the basic status of labor unions more closely but we should meet up with Kimi. I want to have some time to take notes later on everything and play around with this,” Mei said shaking her default color digivice. It didn’t really worry her that it didn’t change color like some of the others did but she didn’t know how strangers might view that.

The duo moved through the village like a train’s aimless journey to the abandoned station until they figured out where Kimi might have gone so that they could meet up. Well, so Mei could first see if it would be best for her to get involve and meddle or if Ms. let’s play a card game made any friends yet in which case it would be better for them to remain separate to increase the range of their gossip network.

On her way to the establishment Mei couldn’t help but notice a few of the people in the village were still wearing cloaks. Maybe they were part of Chel’s fan club hiding their novelty tacky T-shirts so that her Ex didn’t kick them out but given the news of her leaving should have spread by now maybe they just didn’t handle the sun well. Sunscreen could be something worthwhile to invest in since light could destroy data, couldn’t it? It should be easy enough since Mei wouldn’t need to care about the environment while creating it. Mei was tempted to suck up to Gabriel by sharing her idea since Ex palmon and him could photosynthesis more together than but she didn’t know if her relationship with Chel and Betamon was strong enough for that. The new sky fallers were probably close to him anyways so Mei could keep the idea to herself since it should be easy to break Ex Palmon into saying things they shouldn’t.
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Leonard & Dracumon

Leonard had two seconds to well... I dunnno but with raven threatening to hold him down and him waterboarding his partner made him snicker. Nothing like a good ol' waterboarding to do the trick but he caught Raven's joke with a small thumbs up. The blonde obviously kinda was sadden by Dracumon disappearing on him, it was his chance to explore around outside of the village and Leo swears he'll get his revenge with a possible prank. As soon as he finds a suitable one for a problamatic mon' like Dracumon not that he wasn't a problem in the least... Leo thinks. True, Dracumon was much of a fighter, Problem was the guy got a ego... Wonder where he gets it? He weakly gives a tearfelt smile and a thumbs up. "Ok, But be careful guys." He advised.

Meanwhile with our Imp-demon-vampire-whatever he is. He was well you want to know? He was up in one of the stalls as he was tying a rope around the leg of a stall with his devil-like tail swaying in pure excitement and joy. He was grinning ear quite a large grin as he chuckled. "I, Dracumon am gonna pull the single greatest prank of all time." He said. That said rope was tied to the tree branch that was several food stalls down. Leonard noticed a familiar tail that was somehow still not noticed and he quickly went up and grabbed him by the scruff of his collar (Earning a small yelp and Dracumon not grinning anymore) and quickly dove behind a bush not really hearing what Kimi said.

"What are you doing???" Leo hissed.

"Setting up for something extravagant, What else?"

He had to repulse the urge to facepalm and somewhat nearly want to knock him out. Leonard didn't want to get into trouble as he was curious on what did Dracumon meant by extravagant.

"What do you mean? Dracumon, Does it mean trouble?" He had a bad feeling once he asked that as Dracumon's large unusual grin reappeared, It was slightly unnerving yes, But that was a big red flag. "Remember, the La Magnifico back in Italy seven years back in middle school during their-"

"The school's festival event... Why are you bringing that up?" Leo inquired brow quirked slightly.

"Think about it, Leo. let my words sink in." Dracumon commented.

Okay, Honestly with Dracumon bringing such an incident up, as the La Magnifico was a prank that back in his last year was a prank that involved using tripwires and the use of dropping colored paint on everyone creating a Paint-catastrophe, Harmless as it was, him and a few buddies of his did this prank and got in serious trouble. He had to clean up for the mess and had detention for the rest of the schoolyear and for the next half of his schoolyear somehow as it sort of taught him to probably not pull that move off ever again. That realization dawned on him on what is gonna happen, as his jaw dropped.

"No you wouldn't...."

"Hehe, yeah I would I'm gonna pull it off Leo, Just you wait." He managed to get himself out of his partner's grip, turning around to leave to finish his magnum opus, But halts. "But you can join me, Leo~ I'm sure you missed pulling off pranks and participating in something... hmmm, How do you say it? Magnifico?" Dracumon offered coolly, He knew Leo's.... only Weakness, not doing something awesome. Leonard fidgeted and his mind kinda paced in thoughts before he shakes his head. "Nope, No Dracumon we're not doing-"

"Yes we are."
"No, we're not"


Leonardo and Dracumon was really busy behind their argument of the prank of doing it and not doing it. Boy it seems like one half wants to do it and the other doesn't this is funny. Leo's blue stared at the masked menace, whom was only grinning cheekily enjoying the argument, Both was in fact literally the same side of thee coin, even if one is more of the hidden side of a specific someone as a handful. And if, Leo realises seriously Dracumon was only pushing Leo's buttons for the giggles.

"No we're not"

"Yes we are!"

This was gonna be a minute. And since their arguing was loud enough to be possibly be heard from the others, Including Kimi and Mei with their respective partners.

Mentions: galvanismgal galvanismgal Twist Twist Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
Ace watched Ruth's conflicted expressions as she grappled with Impmon's departure and the complexities of her own feelings. He couldn't help but feel for her. Despite the tough exterior she was doing her best to project and her harsh words, it was clear she was struggling internally. When Ruth apologized and spoke to him with a forced smile, he noticed the subtle cracks in her composure.

He nodded in acknowledgment, emphasising with her situation. "It's tough," he said quietly. "Being here, dealing with all this... I get it." He glanced at Cutemon, who appeared to be growing increasingly restless. "But yeah, you're right. We should focus on the task at hand." He paused, considering Impmon for a moment. "As for Impmon, well... I'm sure you two will patch things up somehow." Ace gave Ruth a small, encouraging smile. "And if not, you can count on me and Cutemon to have your back. That's a promise."

Ace could feel the pain in his lower body slowly begin to resurface as Ruth asked if she could accompany him so adjusted his stance slightly to compensate. "Mind? Of course not!" he said, maybe trying a little too hard to sound as normal as possible. Ace looked down at the map marker on his digivice. "Let's head to the clinic."

Pumpkid Pumpkid Azurian Dream Azurian Dream
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Interactions/Mentions: Gabriel & Wormmon Azurian Dream Azurian Dream , Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon , Commandramon RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun , Impmon & Ruth Pumpkid Pumpkid

Soon enough the rag-tag group left Gabriel's office one by one. Those deciding to stay and see what was available or checking out the local medic, dispersed into the general area of the fort. Róisín was one of the last to leave Gabriel's office, Lopmon once again moving from her shoulder to perch atop her head like a sun hat all while the red haired woman was busy beeping away on the digivice.

The points of interest Gabriel added to the map gave little blips of title text to highlight what they contained, definitely something to read up on later.

"Ohh stories! I like the map better now!"

Switching to what Gabriel called the Bio-Check, Róisín once again opened the app containing the little pixelated version of Lopmon. Sometimes listing to one side as if tired, but most of the time hopping in place excitedly.

"Ohh there I am! Hi me!"

If the little pixelated form on the digivice could talk, it would have probably replied with the same level of excited happiness and start some kind of an unending bubbly loop of kind remarks. Before that could be any kind of a possibility, Róisín quickly moved onto the map function showing her and Lopmon the local area and the numerous blipping dots of her fellow Skyfallers.

"Hehe there goes everyone, bye everyone!"

Quickly looking up from the digivice and watching as the larger group started to make their way out and through the main gates, Róisín quietly cursed to herself before stepped up her walking into a brisk jog to catch up with the back of the group. Soon enough as they all began to make their way towards the treeline and thicker forest beyond, her attention came back to the digivice, already looking through the points added by Gabriel while Lopmon leapt and glided a little bit ahead to join up with Impmon, Wormmon, and the new friend Commandramon.

Listening as the two digimon talked, Commandramon flatly saying they would protect their partner from danger with their inherited skills while Impmon proudly added the groups real world experience, caused Lopmon to happily chime in.

"Yeah, we've got experience! Fire & Ice, pew pew!"

The giddy bunny digimon kept close to the three while Arii quietly got the groups attention once they started entering the forest proper. Their way of speaking was still a little abrasive, to the point, no questions asked, but the experience was definitely there no matter what, that was for sure.

As the group started to move into formation, Róisín got Lopmon's attention as she happily tried making conversation with the other digimon, oblivious to what Arii had asked of them.

"You heard them Lopmon, gotta be quiet okay."

"Oh ok! Um.....ok...." Lopmon excitedly replied back before quickly realizing and lowering her voice to as much of a whisper as she could. Turning back to Impmon however she found her friend having moved up closer to Arii, taking on the role of pseudo-digimon to the pseudo-partner. She hoped Impmon and Ruth would make amends. Though only existing for a day, she had a sudden need to make sure everyone stayed happy and pleasant...which felt slightly weird to the bunny digimon...before that feeling was quickly squashed down and ignored as she happily continued on her way with the group.

Finding themselves close to one of the newer Skyfallers, Arlo & Salamon, Róisín took notice of the almost frail appearance of the partner and familiar excited/forcefulness of the digimon. As they continued to make their way deeper into the forest at Arii's lead, the red haired woman whispered to Arlo.

"Hey...you good there? You need to take a break, just say it. Don't push yourself, okay?"
Eliam sighed as the group started. He first thought he should avoid standing out, which wouldn’t be hard, with such a big group. But now they were all going one way, and he had just volunteered to go into the more adventure-packed team. He looked down at Salamon, thinking that she could explain why they had just decided to join this time. But when he did, she was looking right back up at him with her big adorable eyes and he sighed deeper this time. She was right, he did like an adventure, why else would he roam the streets and slipe his guards nearly every day?

With that, he started to follow the group as everyone started their conversations. Surprised that the Raven girl was just asking questions to him, right before snapping more to three others. As he walked with them, he started to move slower, he rather stay near the rear to get a better view of everything. But at her question, he wondered if she wanted an actual answer or was just trying to get everyone to talk. But as he thought of this, he could feel Salamon shiver with excitement. He looked down at her and smirked slightly before he picked up his pass to listen to Arii.

Eliam listened to Arii’s instructions and thought about where he should go. The center would be ideal, but he might just take up close to Raven. But as he thought about Arii’s formation, he decided on the center location again, it was ideal that he fall back into the rear, but given what he knew of Ji-Su and what little he knew of Raven, he decided to place Salamon on his shoulder, she should look like an excited pup, but keep an eye on the rear as he took near the middle, and looking around. Mathematically, their positions were lopsided in Eliam’s thoughts. But he was not going to voice that and Salamon was not too clear on why she was moved from his arms to his shoulders. “Just watch the rear,” he whispered to her so that she was the only one that could hear. Salamon nodded, as she leaned into to side of his neck and watched the rear.

Impmon replied to Raven, but Salamon and Eliam had not said anything until now, Salamon looked at Raven, “Eliam is good at little things.” she smiled, “Little smart things.” was all she commented on, feeling like seeing him in action would be best. Even though they had just met when she was born yesterday, she had some knowledge of Eliam and his life, more than most he talked to. And she was open to explaining it all, but skills were a hard one to list, Eliam picked up tracking in the streets, reading situations, and had even learned the difference between training to fight and hitting someone. But none of these skills were complete or useful in the Digimon world, everyday living. So she just smiled at Raven before looking around as the group moved on.

Eliam looked towards Róisín when she spoke and nodded, he was fine. But Salamon’s leg moved like she was trying to find another comfortable spot or go higher and Eliam glanced at her. She side-eyed him and he sighed, “I am fine.” he told Róisín, with a half smirk, as he looked to Salamon again. She smirked to herself and watched their rear again, obviously happy with herself for getting another three words out of him. In his mind, he figured Salamon was outspoken and an open book, so she was going to force him to become just as strange.
Side Road Event:
Lounging Team
: galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon), Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon)

Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement

Extra Objective:
Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black Gabumon...

As Kimi, and Tentomon moved about a particular bigger cloaked individual gave pause watching their interactions. The thing that caught its attention the most was the card deck Kimi held onto strongly. The bigger entity kept its distance safely not appearing to follow the girl, but never completely out of sight as it perused the services around even going so far as to by a meal of rice that it handed to a smaller robbed individual walking with who immediately started to scarf it down. However oddly as it passed a fruit stand it ordered a the biggest Pineapple available carrying it personally.

The eyes glued onto Mei did the same watching always near, but never enough to get caught they were rather smaller than the ones that followed Kimi so their stealth was vastly more efficiently achieved. However once Mei entered the Bath House they all, but vanished. When she came back out though it didn't take long for their presence to be felt again.

Though while that was going on Leonard, and Dracomons conversation would get a few raised eyebrows from passerby's until a burly voice laughed behind Kimi.

"My, my I do believe your partner has you on the ropes young man," the burly voice chuckled as a bear of a entity walked next to Tentomon and Kimi... in fact it was a bear as it removed it hood revealing tuffs of blue, and white fur. Kimi, Leonards, and Mei even at her current distance digivices would all trigger as the screen filled up with information on the new individual.

Digivice Entry: Gryyzmon Link

"Excuse me for my interjection, but I noticed you play the card game you human bring over a little bit. I am actually quite the fan of tactics, and was hoping maybe to see some today if you are about to play a game with someone," the big bear asked politely sitting down while the smaller entity took out a blanket to lay on the ground as Gryzmon placed the well sliced Pineapple on a plate as a offering to Kimi.

"I will even provide nourishment, and drink for the game what do you say to allowing me to spectate a little," he asked kindly before noticing his little friend hadn't disrobed yet. With a soft cough the little one understood what was being requested as they removed their cloak revealing themselves as well triggering the three digivices again.

Digivice Entry: Gazimon Link

"Sorry about that still learning the robes to human etiquette," Gazimon explained not as interested, but not about to defy his bosses wishes clearly. As the two awaited a response from Kimi. Gryzmon kept a eye on the Dracomon with Leonard chuckling at the mon's cunning while still feeling a bit for the tamer suffering at the hands of it. He would than turn to notice Mei who was a interesting sight herself as most humans different carry themselves with a sense of nobility often. Gazimon noticed it to walking up to her and Black Gabumon with curiosity.

"You some sorta in charge person of interest," he asked nonchalantly.


Side Road Event:
Clinical Evaluation Team:
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon) Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth)

Find Out What Can Be Done For Ace's Condition

As Ruth, Cutemon, and Alex spoke there was a bit more traffic of people about not to much, but a light amount. Their was a group of three of those cloaked individuals mixed in the crowd carrying something notable longer than all three of them combined. Yet they were rather out in the distance at the moment. It was a bit humour as they seemed to have some problems with whatever it was they were carrying even going a bit back in forth due to the weight.


Main Road Event:
Search Team:
Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon), RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salomon), Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon)

Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team

Extra Objective:
Retrieve anything you can

"Hey dont worry about it she'll come around with time," Raven spoke softly to Impmon as he caught up with the group. Thankfully Wormmon was on the job helping out the virus type.

"Trust me were sorta aware," Raven gave a knowingly look of yikes to Ji-Su noticing that without even talking to them. Raven hated to admit it, but Ji-Si was on the money some of these mentalities were not holding up well at the moment. Though with luck, and tempering hopefully they would adjust when it mattered, and before something made it to late. Ji-Su than proceeded to tell Raven that their did seem a sort of function for that which was good... that would give her a hobo to help her nerves for a bit. Luckily the mention of the factory desert had her full attention so for now it seemed like korean soldier was locked in the group for now... thank you Chel.

Raven turned to see how Wormmon was doing as she received a very well appreciated headpat. The bug stood proud on Impmons head for her recognized chat skills. However once Impmon, and Lopmon talked excitedly of their combative debuts this reminded Wormmon of their first battle as comedic sense of dread return to her face that clearly stated, how are we still alive from that, though it seemed Wormmon was able to pick up on Impmon guilt allowing her the ability to at least not scream in terror this time as she again adorably patted the troubled virus mon.

"Thats... honestly pretty chill, and good. Double good in fact," Wormmon sighed as the blue lizard revealed itself to be pretty tame on the matter. Raven was brought back to Ji-Su explanation of military career, and why she felt she could indeed handle the tech at the factory. Given what Gabriel had to say about her Raven had no doubts she could back what she was saying. Though "if their were still operation" tinged in her mind a bust was possible, but for now that wasn't the thing to worry about.

Raven raised a eyebrow as Arii immediately spoke up out of the blue demanding a formation. She temporarily gave Ji-Su who was next to her a look of confusion as Arii proceed to set them up as a puzzle pieces into a rubik cube of confusion. Even more so as they surprisingly called Raven by name though their disgust in using it caused her to squint her eyes at them. Unexpectantly, however, Raven did as asked believing in the fact that Arii needed this for their nerves more than anything else. She half felt like blowing the whistle to get back at the little unhinged gremlin, but she was aware it was a bad idea like anyone else.

Watching Arii move like a snake constantly on the urge of believing itself to be snatched by a bird at any moment Raven started to realize Arii's paranoia almost seemed... built in to their mentality. As the group neared the minor hill side rise the grassland would die out temporarily into a more forested vegetation over a grassland as shade started to cover them on the trail. Arii quickly chastised the group from talking... though that part was useless as they continued so, but for the sake of potential situation Raven lowered her own voice.

Wormmon on the other hand was simply humming softly acting like a bird on perch for the now front row Impmon. Hilariously though she kept feeling Arii disturbed gaze any time they saw her which cause her to immediately make a request.

"Please make sure the one with the knife doesn't eat me," she said with a shudder as Arii clearly creeped her out. This cause Raven to stifle a laugh as she noticed Eliam, and Roisin were talking while Arii was correct that they should be cautious they weren't any where yet near the points of sightings or the main issue itself. Raven smiled though as she noticed the excited pup Salamon all excited about this little adventure of theirs while on Eliam's shoulder even waving a hello at the white doggo as she proceeded to answer the questions from earlier.

"Oh? Little smart things can be very handy," Raven chimed as Salamon was quite the delight her enthusiasm being rather infectious. Wormmon turned around on Impmons head as she tilted to the left to keep a look out at Lopmon waving to her in the back As Raven was reminded of something.

"Oh ya Roisin. What are you formulating in that head of yours you seem to be rather inquisitive the more people we get the chance to meet. First chance we get we really should go over all this map data collected for the entire island we can show Ji-Su the other potential locales and such," Raven chimed aiming to keep the group interactive regardless of Arii... being well... Arii.

"Actually while were on it you guys noticed how Gabriel seemed to change some tune when he noticed Arii? That was kind weird right I wasnt the only one who noticed?" As Raven mentioned the oddity the terrain hill turned back into a flat area fully turning to a proper forrest environment. About a few more minutes, and they would start to near the sightings spots, and further the start of the route that the scouts were believed to be lost on.
Free, free, free! crowed their mind as the cool shadow of forest laid over them like a blanket. A tiny iota of tension bled from their form. The group was still talking and it grated on them, but Impmon stood as a buffer between them and the rest of them, so it was... better. Marginally. Though they wouldn't put it past Commandramon to shoot them in the back if his partner so wished. A tiny breath left their seized lungs. They still swung a brief look over their shoulder, their eyes skipping over Skyfaller number 12 and scanning the small trail of markers they'd laid. "Humans are animals, still, and digimon was too narrow. So, for now, everything is an animal."

They cut a tiny cross into the arm of a tree as they entered the forest proper, and as the chatter from Lopmon died down, they found themself incomprehensibly grateful for the breathing room. They turned their head this way and that, listening as their steps slowed. They were in cover now and had to be careful, but sound should travel a shorter distance. Their knife found its way back in its sheath as they offered Impmon an awkward, lopsided, but still somewhat genuine closed-lip smile. "That combat experience is one of the reasons you're up front with me." Even complimenting someone, their voice still sounded like it always did. Like it was just stuck like that. "Fire seemed effective, and you handle yourself okay." Their eyes slid to Commandramon though they didn't actually look at him. "I don't know you, but you seem confident and combat-oriented." Aside from their mini mental breakdown and prepwork, this was, quite possibly, the most Arii had spoken at once. They had half the thought to ignore Wormmon, but after a moment of thought (even walking directly into danger, something about the woods seemed to smooth some of their sharp edges), they huffed and muttered "I don't eat things that talk unless I'm desperate." They made an effort to ignore Green's ramblings in the background. Wait.

They stopped and turned so suddenly from their careful movements that it almost seemed that the woods stilled with them, their heel-turn not even crunching one of the fallen leaves that made out the forest floor.

With their jacket on, they were kind of hard to see in the green-tinted darkness. They almost looked like an oddly-shaped bush, since the verdant hue turned their dark jeans an almost woodsy color. "Speaking of combat." They blinked. Paused. Tilted their head to listen, then decided whatever it was wasn't concerning. "I'd estimate more than likely we're either walking into a group of rogues—human or digimon—or digi-god or whatever has sent more wireframe zombies." It seemed whenever they weren't holding their knife, their hands lived in their pockets. It also seemed they had forgotton that 11 and 12 had no idea what they were talking about.

They tried to ignore the fact that one of them was bleeding, now, their scratching at it having broken skin just enough to produce a few red beads. "Either way, all intelligents." With a red-streaked hand, they retrieved their digivice, pulling up the topographic map so they could see the elevation levels. "We should be prepared for ambushes here—" they pinged a ridgeline a while out from them. "—here—" another, closer to where the disappearances. "—and here." That spot looked perfectly normal. Deceptively so. It had all the makings of dense vegitation. "Our best bet is to loop around and keep downwind this way, probably." They traced a line that curved very wide of most of the sightings before narrowing down where the scouts went missing. Something about the way they spoke, now, smooth and as calm as Arii could seemingly achieve, was odd. The quiet, high (sharp noises traveled less a distance than low ones) hiss of their voice as they traced out what was, for all intents and purposes, a hunting strategy, so eerily... still. They were still. Their hands did not fidget. They didn't twitch away or shuffle their feet. The only movement they made was to tilt their head and listen.

This, said their stance, and their voice, and the tension bleeding slowly from their spine, this is home.

It was gone the moment they stopped talking. Their back stiffened and their offhand tangled in the fabric of their jacket. They still didn't like being looked at. They could feel it. Like a mountain lion stalking them from the treeline. Family never looked at them while they were hunting. They didn't need to. It was weird and it itched. It made them nervous. A nervous hunter was a loud hunter.

They tried really, really hard to not look like they were nervous, even though it felt kind of like they were leading a troupe of toddlers into a gunrange. They held themself, purposefully, intently still. "That's my plan. If you have problems, talk now, because we're getting closer."

  • Ruth Valentine
    Group : #2
    Interactions: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
    Hearing Alex sympathize with her situation did help Ruth. She had forgotten everyone is in the same boat, but they seem to be making the best out of it while she is internally freaking out half the time. It was all because of Impmon and the fakemon, her need to repay someone like Arii and the others for the help. She could have joined Raven but turned her back because she felt unworthy. Meanwhile, Impmon was quick to jump in with zero hesitation. If only Alex knew that she doesn't want to patch things up. She cannot be around virus types. They're bad luck and evil in anime, and in games too. Luckily for her, Ace was willing to defend her no matter what. Ruth smiled back appreciatively. “Thank you, Alex.”

    As the two started walking, Ruth realized just how large the fort is compared to the outside. She assumed it was a small block of land, but it's expanded to harbor an entire city. Various sections here and there one could get lost, too bad she didn't have her digivice. She has to rely on Alex and stick close to him. Her green eyes search the area noticing the traffic of people where they were headed. She eventually landed on Cutemon realizing this is the first time meeting Alex and a chance to get to know her close friend. She should return the favor and see how he is doing too.

    “I see you got yourself a cute digimon. I never would have pegged you for a rabbit type.” She teased. “So lucky, I would trade Impmon for them, but I know a digimon has free will and is attached to their partner once they are together. Not to mention it would be rude to steal something you hatched yourself.” Now that she thought about it, everyone has a partner safe for Arii. They are a human's number one reliable ally in the digital world. If ever one is in doubt they are there. So why can't she accept Impmon when he's clearly trying to help?

    Ruth gazes at Alex's slight limping and Cutemon's desperation to get somewhere. She couldn’t blame them. If they don't find a way to heal quickly within six days, they might forever be screwed. I'm sorry about your condition. I can tell you're in a lot of pain. I just wish I had more experience to help you. Maybe this doctor can teach me a thing or two so I can also assist you. You can't work alone. Nothing wrong with asking for help, right?”

Kimi found what she was hoping for, a nice little cafe called 'Battle' at least from what Kimi could discern from the 'digi language' on the sign. Entering the building alongside Tentomon, the inside of the cafe looked like a mix between an entertainment venue and a Japanese tea shop. A Vegiemon sat by one of the short tables alongside an almost carbon copy of itself, the Digimon a greyish black. Wielding a scythe that had obviously tended the fields earlier, Kimi's digivice beeped identifying the Mon but Kimi knew it was a Weedmon. The other purveyors were a beefy Jagamon in the back and a Betamon, her digivice beeping along, who looked up at Kimi with a welcoming and warm expression from his seat at the centre of the room. Kimi eyed the Citramon tending the bar, the probable best choice for information, squeezing fresh juice from his.... armpit?

Kimi blinked twice at the odd sight but was not perturbed in the slightest. Slipping out two decks from her pockets, the 'Cool Girl' looked at her partner. "Remember how to play?"

Tentomon nodded. "We're here for information" Kimi stated coolly "If anyone seems hesitant to part with any information, challenge them to a card game"

Tentomon nodded again, this time with determination. "Right!"

"I'll ask the bartender and the two at the table. You talk to Betamon and the Jagamon at the back"

Kimi slipped Tentomon her composite deck and with a final nod the pair split off.


Twenty minutes or so later, Kimi sat at a table opposite Tentomon, disappointed and slurping some freshly squeezed juice through a straw. "Yummy" squeaked Tentomon as she enjoyed her own cup of juice.

"I thought for sure someone would want to play," she said softly, more to herself than to anyone else. Kimi stirred her straw, unsure where her plan had gone wrong. No-one had been forthcoming with any information, with the Vegiemon and his pal laughing at her with a strange 'Geek' 'Geek' when she challenged them and Jagamon blowing off Tentomon completely. It had gone slightly better with the other two though Betamon had seemed to want to teach Tentomon his own rules for playing the game and Citramon offering them a drink on the house after subsequently abstaining to give information like the rest.

Her mood lightened as she watched Tentomon scan her own cards with much thought and interest, moving them around the table with her claws as she seemingly strategized between slurps of juice. She looked up at Kimi as if noticing her watching and smiled, her straw bending oddly with the movement. "Enjoying yourself?" Kimi grinned.

The rookie nodded, letting the straw fall from her mouth. "You can finish mine" said Kimi, pushing her juice across the table before getting to her feet. "I think its time we meet up with Mei and Leonard."

Taking the cup in one hand, Tentomon slid off her seat and followed Kimi out, giving the watchful Betamon a friendly wave goodbye.


Outside, Kimi and Tentomon only had to walk a few moments to spot some bewildered onlookers. Following their gaze they saw Leonard and Dracumon having a debated back and forth over something. Kimi approached closer, a voice behind her making her stop. Politely speaking with a burly voice, the Gryzmon spoke like the quintessential friendly bear from a children's book. "Unfortunately I haven't found anyone yet who is willing to play" Kimi admitted, eyeing the Pineapple with pleasant surprise.

"We could play together" exclaimed Tentomon, taking a seat on the blanket.

Kimi looked at Gryzmon inquiringly before another voice entered the conversation "I hear you're looking for a duel"


Digivice Entry: Bushi Agumon Link

Bushi Agumon chewed on the stick on his mouth, one hand on the hilt of his blade. He looked at the finely sliced pineapple on the blanket with interest, a nostril raising as he judged it's cuts.... adequate. "Yes I am!" answered Kimi, perhaps a little too loud and a little too quick, pulling out her deck.

The ronin Rookie stared at the 'Cool Girl', moving the twig around his mouth as the fire in his eyes steadily dimmed. After a minute or two, he relaxed the hand on his hilt. "It seems i was mislead..." he stated dryly, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Kimi's face dropped for a moment, another of her challenges dismissed but Gryzmons interest in the cards kept her upbeat. Though she was happy to face Tentomon in a card game, she had the feeling the Champion would prefer perhaps to see her face someone else. He was interested in tactic and he had mentioned humans so maybe another member of the Sky Fallers would be a better fit. Also, she remained hopeful that maybe Gryzmon or Gazimon would be interested enough to give it a go and Tentomon would make a good first opponent, she thought to herself.

Bushi Agumon lingered, eyeing up the two G-Mon, curious as to whom cut up the pineapple as Kimi's gaze flicked between Leonard Mirai-chan Mirai-chan and Mei galvanismgal galvanismgal , the 'Cool Girl' doing her best to encourage them to play with a smile.

  • Ruth Valentine
    Group : #2
    View attachment 1179090
    Interactions: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
    Hearing Alex sympathize with her situation did help Ruth. She had forgotten everyone is in the same boat, but they seem to be making the best out of it while she is internally freaking out half the time. It was all because of Impmon and the fakemon, her need to repay someone like Arii and the others for the help. She could have joined Raven but turned her back because she felt unworthy. Meanwhile, Impmon was quick to jump in with zero hesitation. If only Alex knew that she doesn't want to patch things up. She cannot be around virus types. They're bad luck and evil in anime, and in games too. Luckily for her, Ace was willing to defend her no matter what. Ruth smiled back appreciatively. “Thank you, Alex.”

    As the two started walking, Ruth realized just how large the fort is compared to the outside. She assumed it was a small block of land, but it's expanded to harbor an entire city. Various sections here and there one could get lost, too bad she didn't have her digivice. She has to rely on Alex and stick close to him. Her green eyes search the area noticing the traffic of people where they were headed. She eventually landed on Cutemon realizing this is the first time meeting Alex and a chance to get to know her close friend. She should return the favor and see how he is doing too.

    “I see you got yourself a cute digimon. I never would have pegged you for a rabbit type.” She teased. “So lucky, I would trade Impmon for them, but I know a digimon has free will and is attached to their partner once they are together. Not to mention it would be rude to steal something you hatched yourself.” Now that she thought about it, everyone has a partner safe for Arii. They are a human's number one reliable ally in the digital world. If ever one is in doubt they are there. So why can't she accept Impmon when he's clearly trying to help?

    Ruth gazes at Alex's slight limping and Cutemon's desperation to get somewhere. She couldn’t blame them. If they don't find a way to heal quickly within six days, they might forever be screwed. I'm sorry about your condition. I can tell you're in a lot of pain. I just wish I had more experience to help you. Maybe this doctor can teach me a thing or two so I can also assist you. You can't work alone. Nothing wrong with asking for help, right?”

Ace let out a hearty chuckle at Ruth's gentle teasing, appreciating the light hearted moment in the midst of everything that had happened. "Yeah, I would of expected something a little more macho and a little less pink, but Cutemon’s a good partner." Ace replied, glancing down at Cutemon with a small smile. "Wouldn't of been my first choice, that's for sure, but I think we ended up with each other for a reason. Reminds me of that song by the Rolling Stones; you don't always get what you want, you get what you need."

As they continued walking, Ace noticed Ruth's attention shifting to his limp and the concern in her voice when she mentioned his injury. He was touched by her offer to learn more and help him out, despite her own struggles, but asking for help had never been easy for him. His competitive nature meant he always wanted to push through things on his own, prove to everyone that he could handle anything. It was clear she cared but Ace also wanted to start preparing Ruth for the worst. "I guess not but, Ruth, don't beat yourself up. Please." Ace said, with special emphasis on the last part. "I know if there was anything you could do, you would be doing it. Remember, you can't help everyone all the time. Some things are just out of our control. Sometimes you just have to focus on what you can do, those you can help, and hope that's enough, even if that person is just yourself and your situation."

As the trio neared the group of cloaked individuals, Cutemon watched them warily, no doubt concerned that their struggles might send them or the object they were carrying in their direction. While Cutemon kept his eyes trained on the group, Ace attempted to change the subject of conversation away from himself. "How have you been anyway?" Ace asked, turning to face Ruth. "You know aside from all this. I know its been... awhile, since we last spoke." Ace said, visibly wincing as he did so.

The lack of communication had been entirely his fault. Athletics... No, not athletics. His need to be the best had slowly consumed every part of his life, pushing everything... everyone else... to the side lines. He would feel a lot more comfortable with his situation if he could get things back to where they had been with Ruth. If he could do that, Ace would be ready to see this digital nightmare through to the end, whatever the outcome.
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As the grouping went further into the woods of the nearby area the Commandramon did not seem all that affected by the conversation one way or the other. As its blue digital camouflaged body turned into a pattern of greens for the current area. It spoke; "I am a Cyborg, more machine than Digimon in part. Combat tactics and War were programed into me, and my primary directive is the cooperation and protection of the Ji-Su. Soldiering is my one certainty. I will fight when the time comes." What wasn't said, but implied by it was Ji-Su's protection outweighed that of all the rest if it came down to it. It also opened a door into some questions that would only be met with vague answers, as the Commando dipped into the grass and trees, a sharp but fading rustling sound before nothing was seen. Though it seemed the Commandramon was making its way back to Ji-Su while keeping towards the front.

Curiously Ji-Su also dipped into cover, while not a combat soldier of any sort in the Army of the Republic of Korea, she had finished basic training and its survival course and was not totally helpless in the situation, as her voice called out at a conversational level; "Yeah, don't worry about me, though huh, I rather we not have to fight, but better we stick near our partners, who knows what happens if one or the other goes out." It seemed Commandramon was of the same mind, given what was now happening. She was still more or less in the rear at least with the emergency whistles.

Interactions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos
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Mentions: Mirai-chan Mirai-chan
Interactions: Twist Twist and the NPC's

It did not take long on Mei’s route to reconnect with the others for her to see, well hear, what had been going on in her short Mei time. It made sense the newcomers might attract a crowd but from the sound of things Leo and Dracumon were not going to be making a good first impression. Even worse Mei sensed whatever the duo were going back and forth about would not something she would be able to pivot the blame onto herself for if it came to fruition. She had trusted the other’s heroine vibes would be enough to keep everyone out of trouble while Mei took a moment for herself but…well it didn’t matter causing a scene was normal in fairy tales. In fact, the current turn of events were reassuring since it meant things were normal even if one of the heroines had assaulted one of their teammates. This situation still could be salvage like spinning a straw man into gold.

Simply extending her steps from the small model ones she was trained to do into a full stride paired with an aura of confident purpose that caused people to get out of her way instinctively Mei strode over to Kimi’s area as swift as she could while still allowing Black Gabumon to keep pace.

Unfortunately, before Mei could even get out one ara? not even a single oh to Kimi her digivice beeped for the Digimon that had arrived there first. Mei didn’t bother glancing at it as she finished closing the gap since even with her limited knowledge, she knew of bearmon. They seemed polite enough so bearmon might make a good ally for Kimi. When the smaller Digimon disrobed she also recognized him as Michikazemon thanks to the hanafuda card. This might be a good opportunity to gain information as well since the pair seemed out of sorts compared to the rest of the village.

“Ara?” she said looking down at Gazimon but only because of her height,” I believe you are mistaken. We introduced ourselves to the person in charge of here when we arrived as is proper etiquette for those asking for something. It is thanks to the village leader Gabriel that things are peaceful enough that you can lay down your blankets wherever you please. We should take care that we do not do anything to upset our host since they are graciously allowing us to be here,” Mei finished with a meaningful glance in Leo and Dracumon’s direction. Hopefully everyone else was staying out of trouble unlike that little pair.

The hierarchy between the two new Digimon was clear as the level of their respective understanding of human etiquette. One tried their best but was a bit rough around the edges and the other reminded her of Arii or maybe Ruth. Neither of them had I love Chel shirts however so Mei was less trusting of their motives since they also seemed fine with the sun. Were the robes religious? Generic fairy tale stranger? Maybe they just had bad taste in fashion like some of the other sky fallers or maybe they were responsible for the familiar feeling of being studied by some unseen eye for hidden motives. You would almost think her parent’s had snuck in but it wasn’t oppressive enough for that.

A picnic did seem like a fun little idea but Mei was worried the current location would not be proper for it. It may be more fitting to have it somewhere more peaceful for delightful conversation and scenery better suited for relaxation. Plus, if they were going to play card games it would be a shame if someone ruined Kimi’s cards by walking over them or spilling something on them as they passed by. This was a far cry from the venue from yesterday where her precious cards would be more likely to be kept in pristine condition. The only wear and tear that they should get is that from being used with love.

The arrival of yet another Digimon and Kimi’s…overeager seeming answer drew Mei’s focus away from her attempt at giving diet villianess flavored advice. Kimi was a very nice girl but just like her partner tentomon she seemed like the type others would just walk over.

“Ohoho how quaint Mei said feeling a bit miffed at the cosplay dinosaur Digimon taking the wind out of Kimi’s sails,” I would almost think those only interested in the culture of physical prowess were in this village if it wasn’t for these two approaching Cool Kimi. Even though its not the duel you planned it to be you seem,” She said pausing looking the little squirt up and down,” sophisticated enough to want to broaden your horizons so they would not be narrow like your blade. It’s a shame you won’t stick around for the match however since some might find that dishonorable since you made a fuss over your own misunderstanding.”

Mei could clock the Katana the Digimon carried in its sheath, in fact she could probably clock a katana even if he hid it under some garments, and just like it he seemed narrow, brittle, and simple. The only good thing that came from him butting into the conversation was giving Mei a chance to introduce Kimi with her nickname. Not only did she have a title, it was a title with alliteration and anyone who has consumed media within the last era would know just how important that was marking her as a heroine above the rest. A true person of importance even if the cool trait only shined under pressure. It was up to hadopelagic villianess Mei to create that pressure to let them discover the joys of kimi's natural self.

“But I digress,” Mei said readdressing the group her words sweet like the pineapple Grizlymon brought and just as ready to melt the flesh of those who tried to bite of more than they could chew signaling that Bushi Agumon would have little room for rebuttal,” If Cool Kimi thinks this is the proper place for her to display her famous tactics our companion Leo may be closer to her skill level than myself.”

Mei was confident in her ability to play the game, not knowing her idea of how to play it was wildly incorrect, but she knew Kimi’s level compared to her own would be closer to Leos. Last night when everyone introduced themselves, he had mentioned that he was a second ranker. Regardless if it was in some Digimon video game or something else the skills and tactics should still transfer over. Maybe a stimulating activity from home would make him less likely to cause mischief like a child in an unfamiliar situation. While the group did have multiple heroines to handle trouble makers most swarmed around Arii like a construction crew repairing a building as historic as it was timelessly decrepit. Not to mention they still had Ace and now Eliam to worry about so it would be wise not to spread their emotional resources too thin.

It would be a good chance for the pair of Digimon to observe more human interactions as well since that the reason they gave for approaching Kimi and as a bonus having Kimi make the final decision would elevate her standing in the situation more as the one in charge. It would be good to get her more use to that so she would not remain beholden to the will of others. As a heroine Kimi would need to such situations and this was a safe one to practice in.

Black Gabumon stuck close to Mei during all of this showing no expression letting the scent of lavender that wafted off their fur do all the talking for them. To others it may look like they were being a good servant but mostly Black Gabumon was thinking that if they were not going to be exploring the place with Mei, they would like to take a nap.
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Mentions/Interactions: Raven/Wormmon Azurian Dream Azurian Dream , Arii ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon , Ji-Su/Commandramon RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun , Arlo/Salamon Matreania Matreania

Róisín gave a small smile and a nod as Arlo, with some subtle nudging from their digimon, spoke their mind. It was the briefest of words, but enough that Róisín had no need to prompt the young man any further, returning to her continued dive into the functions of the digivice.

After the constant back and forth between the known apps, all that remained were the two unknowns Gabriel pointed out. Learning from the delay when using the scanning feature the night before, Róisín pressed the two little satellite icon and waited...and waited...and suddenly it...actually...nope it did nothing.

It didn't look any different to the others. It wasn't faded or striked out, it just wouldn't open, make a sound, or do anything for that matter. As the group trudged along deeper into their surroundings led by Arii and before she could test out the last app, Raven spoke up towards Róisín causing the red-headed woman to pull her gaze away from the bunny-charmed digivice with a little bit of a startle.

"Huh? Oh, um, just trying to get a handle on everything we've got so far, you know? If we've gotta go to any of these other places Chel pointed out, I'd rather know as much as I can before we end up there."

When Raven brought up the strange flip-flop nature of Gabriel with the group, her thoughts started to form even as she replied nonchalantly.

"It was kinda weird, but out of everyone here they're the only one without a partner, so maybe that's why they changed a little?"

No, it was definitely weird, but so was this whole place. As soon as they'd get back to the fort she would get a moment to talk with the Leader, and not just about Arii.

The suddenness of Arii stopping and turn-facing towards the group caused Róisín to almost tumble forward into the others, just about stopping herself as Arii began to speak.

The worry of a potential ambush was brought front and center to the group, as Arii pointed out a number of spots on his digivice which soundly repeated on everyone's there. The sudden mention of the strange wired mimics caused Róisín to glance at the two new Sky Fallers, to notice their reaction to Arii's declaration of Zombies.

Of the two new members, Róisín was pretty confident Ji-Su could take care of themselves, especially with Commandramon always close by. They also had a level head, voicing their opinion of trying to avoid as much fighting as necessary but still be prepared.

"Definitely. Sounds good to me if we can avoid a fight."

Almost as if noticing the dense forest and immense trees for the first time, Róisín made a motion towards the thick treeline as she asked Arii.

"Any use you think we might get if Lopmon got some height in the trees?"

At the mention of their name, Lopmon turned to Róisín before her face beamed brightly with a smile.

"Oh yes! Please, please, I want to help!" Said the bunny digimon to Arii, hopping in place both excitedly and quietly as possible at the same time.

Ruth Valentine
Group: #2
Interactions: Alex Scatterbrain Scatterbrain

Ruth couldn’t help but agree with Alex on a complimentary partner. Cutemon is a rookie digimon and truth be told, you cannot expect much, but that doesn’t mean they’re useless. They’re helpful in their unique ways. Hearing Alex perk up a little was refreshing. She wondered if it was due to their conversation being therapeutic for both of them. What Alex quoted had Ruth wondering if Impmon is the result of why they are a virus type rather than a vaccine. Is there somehow darkness lingering in her soul? It couldn’t be. Every day she would do her chores and overall try to be good in lending a helping hand. Is there something else she’s not seeing? What if she did give Impmon does that mean she will stray into a dark path?

Ruth was stuck in a pensive state for the longest when Alex began to advise her not to be disheartened if things didn’t work out. It’s what she needed to hear as she was already doing that. “I-I know, but…” She sighed. “I know I am capable of helping in any way I can even if it doesn’t seem like it. If I can be of use, that’s better than being a burden.” What Ruth couldn’t get was Alex’s advice was right and he knew that. They’ve been friends for a long time learning how they both work. The problem is this is the first time they get to witness each other’s expressions. It’s far more different confronting each other than expected. “But maybe you’re right. I just don’t like being helpless.” Of course, that was universal.

The blonde didn’t notice the cloaked people around as she was too into her head to do so. Then Alex brought up her health and disappeared. She could tell it was a bit awkward for him, and she could question him but didn’t want to pry. Part of her screamed to do it, but now was not the time to discuss why he started to drift away. She understood some people were just busy with life and that’s what she assumed. She forced a smile and said, “I’ve been doing ok, just the usual.” The usual being she would tough it up and move on just as she wanted to do now. It was hard getting Ruth to realize anything or even talk about her family. You would need a crowbar to get anything out of her.

Her eyes noticed a bright red cross above a hut and a woman in a white coat seemingly exhausted while smoking and beside her was a clam digimon. “Syakomon.” She recalled the name. A memorable digimon that can digivolve to Octomon. What she also remembered was the fact that they were a virus type. Ruth paled and hid behind Alex. “How can something so cute be evil?” She whined. “This world just doesn’t make any damn sense!”

Salamon grinned proudly at Raven before she spotted Eliam looking sideways at her. She nodded slightly as she laid her head down, watching Raven and Ji-Su’s interaction, her eyes moved around them, to see if there was anything to keep watch of. At Commandramon’s statement, one of her ears popped up. So, he was a different kigital being, than she was. She noted that this was something to keep an eye on.

Eliam watched Arii as he seemed to have built a bond without bonding. The way he saw it, Arii had no attachment to Impmon but seemed to prefer him over the others. Eliam noticed that earlier Raven was not someone Arii seemed to like by the way her name came from Arii’s mouth. He was curious by one fact, listening to what he could hear from Arii. He took his digivice out and looked at what he was herding Arii suggest. It wasn’t easy to listen to him, with Raven’s chit chat, but as he looked at his digivice he turned back to Impmon.

Why was Impmon next to Arii? On the surface what Eliam noticed from Arii was he was knowledgeable and knowing. But as he thought about what Commandramon had said and his feelings for Salamon in this short time. Where was Arii’s Digimon? If he landed with the rest of them, would he have not landed near his Digimon?

How did Arii have a digivice without a Digimon, wouldn’t that mean he was the odd one out? Eliam looked to the girl near him and looked back at his digivice. There is something about the digivice that isn’t clear, from the way that Róisín was looking at it and Eliam would like to understand this as well.

It took him a moment before looking up at the enthusiasm coming from Lopmon. He turned to Arii, that was a fair idea, but from the way that Arii was talking, if Lopmon went up he would be on his own. Eliam could name five Digimon off the top of his head whole could take on Lopmon in aerial attacks and some would be bigger. Not only that but with the height, Eliam thought as he looked up, if one Digimon spotted Lopmon and could tell her apart from natural Digimon, it would give them away.

At the same time, the benefits were ideal in Eliam’s mind, by the look Arii had made. The idea was just good depending on if the good outweighed the bad. Eliam sighed looking back at his digivice, he was not going to mention these ideas. He had to figure out his situation before he could comment on a situation outside. Knowing thyself was the first step and being in this new world, he knew only that he was still in his body, the state and function on the other hand was something he was just now starting to work out.
Main Road Event:
Search Team: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream (Raven/Wormmon), ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon (Arii), Matreania Matreania (Eliam/Salamon), Anorgos Anorgos (Roisin/Lopmon) RedArmyShogun RedArmyShogun (Ji-Su/Commandramon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Impmon)


Find Out What Happen To The Forrest Faction Team

Extra Objective:
Retrieve anything you can

Raven raised a peculiar brow at Arii's classification of animal as it was clear the teens dissociation with society was opening the gap wider, and wider. Every time someone spoke Raven could see Arii twitch as if human interaction was a foreign concept. Now that Raven had a moment to watch Arii she realized something: they only seemed to be at ease when there was no social interaction, or nose at all. At first she had thought it had been the case cause they were on a mission, but even at the shrine they had shown similar behavior. It was almost like interaction had been seared into Arii's mind as a negative habit. Yet her thoughts were pulled away as Roisin responded.

"Oh? Are you trying to figure out those two mystery apps? Oh ya, Chel gave us info on those unexplored spots, I forgot about that. I don't know... Chel said partner less humans were not unheard of and that Gabriel's is a Faction leader so he must have seen his fair share," as she started theorizing with Roisin it seemed the older girl was dead set on figuring everything out as soon as possible. Almost in reverse to Arii, Roisin seemed to be to concerned about everyone else than herself. Trying to solve it all at once had to have been dauntingly draining Roisin must have had something like Raven to get back to... or was it something more... daunting. Not wanting to place the girl on the

"...," Raven ot wanting to place Roisin on the spot with her life woes instead aimed to ask Arii about their upbringing, but the unexpected compliment to Impmon caused her to hold her tongue. Arii was making effort to interact, and she didn't want to cut it off, it was a question for another time for now. At the same time Impmon's clear concern for Ruth made the astrologist feel for him... Ruth had her own problems to no doubt, but the gremlin didn't deserve the hostility.

Wormmon patted Impmon again feeling his woes as she turned her attention back to Commandramon. "That makes sense you gotta defend your best buddy first," Wormmon nodded confidently for once clearly set to protect Raven with her life in response to Commandramon's words as she gasped amazed by his transforming camouflaged state. He was indeed a tactical dinoborg this was than followed up by Arii's hostile grumble at Wormmon.

Again with the hostile nature towards her partner... though to be fair it wasn't exactly nice what Wormmon had verbalized in fear of Arii's nature, but again Arii made no effort to lighten the tension making Raven squint at the little hunter. So far as to consider arming herself with a shoe again, and snipe the peep in the back of the head. However, she kept that to herself as they continued.

However both her, and Roisin would give Arii a blank, "why not sweet asshole child...WHY", mental look as Arii mentioned the zombie like fakemon. The one thing Chel told them to keep to themselves was broken within less than barely five hours. Yet it was overshadowed by Arii's commented hunch of danger in the distance. Taking a more serious stance as Arii even went as far as to mark the projected paths of potential ambushes made her realize something. Arii seemed to be high on abnormal habits of knowledge for someone his age in survival.

However if the party was to listen nothing could be heard matching Arii's claims. No sounds, fights, or even a hint of lingering movement. There was indeed nothing to back up Arii's claim of enemies nearby... as Arii's nervous twitches started to return Raven started to wonder if they were the liability at this point... Raven turned to Ji-Su with a thought as the woman was about to head on the side with her gun totting mon .

"Then lets trigger the traps," Raven spoke probably sounding insane as no doubt eyes were now on her for the derange suggestion.

"If we were being hunted by something after use I doubt they would have waited this long. Ergo based on Arii's estimations we still have the element of surprise. How about me, and Wormmon walk ahead as bait? That way we can jump the jumpers," Raven expressed ironically right as Ji-Su, and Commandramon snuck into the foliage to seem to do that already in mind.

Raven nodded at Ji-Su's suggestion as she smiled at Lopmon's excitement to Roisin's suggestion, but before she could continue another element came into play a faint, but notable scent of something burning as Roisin gave her input a trembling Wormmon spoke up.

"That might not be necessary... I think someone else already triggered them," Wormmom's voice would tremble more as they shook atop Impmon's head. As they got passed the last hump of the hill out a ways in the distance the closes spot Arii had marked as a potential trap area was indeed... quite a wreck. The forest trail had been somewhat blown up, and was not recovering from it hinting it had been minorly damaged, or long since near the end of recovery. Burnt residue strangely still burning unnaturally at a snail's pace was mixed with a slimy viscous stench notably similar to certain mushrooms.

Atop the wreckage were bigger tree limbs suggesting something big had dropped on the spot after the explosion had happen. Subtle to the left there would be notable smaller boot like tracks, on the right along the big tree in place more notable traces of the same slime. Along that higher up their was a strange amount of burnt spots on the tree with a notable pattern to their placement.

At the same time looking at it from an angle as Commandramon, and Ji-Su were currently at would reveal no signs of anyone still around... the area was dead in activity disproving Arii's initial still-in-place theory. However, Arii had been dead-on unknowingly the fated scenario that had delayed the scout team's return. Raven brought a finger to her lips for everyone to agree on silence. She motioned a hand wave for Arii, and Impmon to go the opposite route of Ji-Su/Commandramon. Turning around she threw the whistle to Roisin to allow her to go along with her plan for Lopmon to take the high ground being the new full-on back member.

Turning to Eliam, Raven nudged her head towards the scene signaling him to walk with her. Someone needed to test the waters of safety, and best it be the land crawlers with the bug, and dog Digimon who would have better reflex reactions in short quarter scenario.


Side Road Event:
Clinical Evaluation Team: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain (Ace/Cutemon), Pumpkid Pumpkid (Ruth)


Find Out What Can Be Done For Ace's Condition


As Alex, and Ruth spoke the three oddities that Cutemon had found themselves fixated on comedically quickly found whatever they were carrying to shift left causing them all to panic running side ways until crashing out of Cutemon's sight behind a few tents further away. Whatever they had been up to appearing to be rather docile in nature at the moment given their end result. Yet as the trio got near the hut their Digivices would go off.

Syakomon - Link Here

At the mention of Ruths comment the shell opened up revealing said Digimon who had the most adorable smile one could have at a first meeting. "Well hello what kind of services can we offer you today," it sweetly asked with puppy dog like voice filled with wonder, and happiness... much to the opposite of the more so uncaring, and rather drained looking doctor currently rocking in her chair. With a cigarette burning she watched the two sighing as she took it out.

"Not been here long I take it? Really shouldn't judge a book by its cover missy. I digress though... you two are a cute couple, but business first," the Doctor wasn't offended nor was Syakomon on Ruth rather out loud comment towards the shell Digimon. The doctors words were a bit strange not holding anything against Ruth but giving her a strange warning of some sorts to be careful on her mentality of decision making.

"Sky Fallers for sure," the shell Digimon happily sung excited to meet them as the doctor nodded in agreement reaching her hand out towards them for something it seemed before thing could go any further.

Side Road Event:
Lounging Team: galvanismgal galvanismgal (Mei/Black Gabumon), Twist Twist (Kimi/Tentomon/Bushi Agumon), Mirai-chan Mirai-chan (Leonard/Dracomon)


Explore, and Experience the Forrest Faction Settlement

Extra Objective:
Keep Mei/Dracomon out of trouble... good luck Kimi... Leonard...Tentomon.... and Black Gabumon...

"Ah. I am sorry to hear that... unfortunately as you can tell. I don't exactly "bear" the arms to properly play," Gryzmon dad joked laughing with a genuine kind laughter as Gazimon groaned in embarrassment to his mentors words slapping his own face with his paw. Gazimon did however chuckle at Tentomon having not noticed her before.

"Pleasure doll Gazimon rookie travel in training," Gazimon offered his paw to Tentomon clearly wanting to avoid the dad vibes of his mentor from destroying any seriousness there entrance had carried in. As this happened the party was drawn towards a Bushi Agumon who had been drawn to the scent of challenges causing Kimi to light up with much fever.

"A energetic one you are warms a heart to see such spirited youngsters. Alas its been awhile since I have seen a Agumon Variant your kind are a rare lot, you must not be to use to human interaction what they say has variants of meaning," Gryzmon expressed complimenting Kimi's undefeated spirit while acknowledging Bushi Agumon presents respectfully with a soft bow. The nectar on his paws revealing to Bushi Agumon that the beard had sliced the Pineapple with nearly perfect precision.

"Though my boss might not be able my fingers are a little more Malleable I am game if you are," Gazimon offered to Tentomon. As he offered Gazimon turned back to Mei as she spoke in reaction to his earlier question. Tilting his head with his ear flopping about Mei informed him he was mistaken on her stature. Yet apparently having got a audience with the person actually in charge of this faction fort.

"Ah your a traveling group looking for something as well? True one should always be respectful of their host, especially if that host houses the most peaceful settlement of the human forts," Gryzmon asked curiously as Mei gave info as well in her own words as it became apparent to the smart bear they were not from hear, but on top of that had come looking for something in connection it seemed from the leader here. His words also echoed he had knowledge of other areas not just this one. Along with Gazimon's words it was clear they were also a traveling pair of sorts. the bear also chuckled as Mei turned to Dracomon, and Leonard clearly hinting they has some youthful habits that were the kind to drive people insane.

Noticing Mei was staring at their robes Gazimon pinned for a guess as well. "Ah your Sky Fallers arn'tcha? Most wild Digimon wear these robes to protect against the elements. The Bio Island is well known for its finicky weather," Gazimon expressed while offering up some information as well.

"Though some also do wear them to hide things so be cautious if a mon is not willing to reveal themselves upon meeting," Gryzmon added as a precaution to remember to the three humans at hand. It seemed the duo was very open to offering information especially in relevance to safety practices. As Mei made a scene of importance on Kimi's nickname Gazimon tilted his head turning to to Black Gabumon looking for any facial signs of understanding the over elongated meaning of his partners words.

"Oh okay," Gazimon shrugged taking off his cloak using it as a makeshift picnic blanket to keep the cards safe wanting to see Mei show the skill she was claiming to have as was Gryzmon genuinely. Unknowingly though their was more than just the eye's seeable watching as the wafting scent of Lavender had helped a pair keep on Mei's location at all times.
They wrinkled their nose with the need to restrain the short bark of laughter that bubbled in their throat at Impmon's confidence. To some extent, he was right on point of why they wanted him up front, but they weren't so distracted that they let the sound escape past a soft "Hm" that then proceeded to go through five layers of muffling and discomfort and come out a small, low growl. The very tips of their teeth slipped past their lips with the... smile... grimace... thing that flashed briefly across their face.

And then it was gone, and the nerves were back, drawing them tense. Tension that nearly exploded directly out of them when something small pressed in on their sleeve. In a heartbeat, they jolted, a tiny shock that sent them bouncing from their heels to their toes. Another, and they glanced down at Impmon, his voice finally translating in their mind.

"You're doing great, Buddy."

They stared. Unabashedly. Just... looked at him, as if they'd never seen him before in their life. They opened their mouth. Closed it with a clack of teeth. Blinked, took a deep breath through their mouth, and let it out through their nose after an uncomfortably long pause. "Um," they managed eloquently, that odd, careful blankness still stuck to their face like their brain had just hit a hard reset. And then Commandramon vanished off into the forest, their eyebrow twitched, and the scowl was back with another sharp click of tooth meeting tooth. Skyfaller 12's followup did nothing to smooth the harshness that had spread across their posture again. Annoyed, they gestured with an odd sort of bird-like twitch of their head, mostly unintentionally.

Róisín spoke up, then, and for a few moments, they considered that, shifting their weight from hip to hip. The rest of the party was moving again, and they had half the mind to let the lot of them walk in without any semblance of plan, but they started a twisting path of their own. Why, they couldn't have said, but they continuously checked every direction as they did so, considering they were now walking backwards so they could keep track of the out-of-formation motley band. Their eyes settled on Lopmon, and after another few steps of contemplation, they shook their head. "No one would be there to cover you. You're not going in alone."

At nearly the same moment, Raven produced possibly the worst plan the lot of them could come up with. They did a... complicated thing with their face. Like someone had offered them a rotting egg and told them to eat it, their lips pulled up with their nose in some echo of surprise. They intimately understood the concept of dumbstruck, at that moment, because it felt like someone had whacked them in the face with a metal baseball bat and were now telling them that the Earth is flat. They closed their mouth and opened it again, something like "do you not know what stalking is" boiled in their throat, but it never hit air.

A taste lingered in their mouth from the brief moment their tongue had touched their palatte.


They had slowed slightly, ending up near the vague center of the group to talk to Lopmon without raising their voice at all. Ahead, Impmon and Wormmon, with their now-left side left open with Commandramon's retreat towards the back. They whipped around so fast something in their back audibly went pop, and leaves danced around their feet. Wormmon was talking, and they were only half listening as they dropped to a crouch to approach, their shoulders coming down level with Impmon's.

Their movements were long, and slower than they had been walking. Their whole body moved with a sort of eerie back-and-forth waving slither, though they perched atop all four limbs. It wasn't an army crawl, but a hunting stalk, and with their legs bent so much, they could leap out of the way whenever they needed. That green jacket made them very hard to see against the forest floor.

They needed to observe. Parse out timeframe and possibility of another ambush. Considering how slowly that flame was burning...

A smear of green walked right past them.

Arii stared.

Gods, they thought, watching as Green walked out from the cover of the trees into broad fucking view, this is how people mysteriously go missing in the woods. They didn't lunge out of their crouch to bring her back down from whatever kind of high she had that made her think she was invincible, but only because it would have given the rest of them away, too. Great. Boy, golly, gee would they have loved to just go around the stupid deathtrap and maybe retain the element of surprise, but nope. They swallowed another growl.

Still, a group was more efficient if it moved as one, and Green was already prancing down to gods know where, so they followed at a distance, keeping the shadows of the trees against their back and their stance low enough that it hurt even their knees. They slunk like a particularly hideous cat though the thick coverage of ferns and small trees, keeping their head tilted just enough to keep the leaves and brambles out of their eyes. They kept their breath slow and shallow such that it gave them a slight headache at the temples where apparently the oxygen wouldn't reach. Thorns against their scratched-raw hand burned, and they considered the possibility of infection for only the briefest of moments.

They wouldn't have the time for infection to set in if they weren't paying close enough attention.

When nothing killed Green, and they'd made a clear loop around their side of the wreckage, they straightened slowly. Their shoulders rocked lightly from side to side as they readjusted their weight, and they let themself come down onto their heels as they eyed the tree they'd stopped at. It was a big thing—had it been oak, they would have estimated a hundred or so years old by the breadth of it—and they thought it'd take several arm's lengths for them to reach even the lowest branch had it not been for the very convenient pile of broken boughs sat underneath.

The whole place had been wrecked—that was clear enough. Why the forest wasn't healing like it had been with Chel was beyond them, but they'd take their blessings where they came. The scent of burned forest all-but stifled their nose, and mushroom-smell was thick enough that they debated holding their breath just so they wouldn't have to deal with it. They didn't, but the thought occurred to them. Clearly, something had dropped from above, and amongst the branches still attached to the tree, something like a burning slime mould stared back at them. They wrinkled their nose.

Far above, light danced off what was left of the canopy, orange and flickering.

They sighed and backed up, muffling an annoyed growl-huff behind their teeth as they eyed the wrecked foliage and the very convenient broken, slanted branch that reached just high enough that they'd be able to climb without issue. Well, 's not like climbing's more dangerous than anything else they did today.

"Stay on ground-level," they muttered to anyone who might be listening. They knew Impmon was... somewhere around, but their focus had been taken up by the tree.

They hooked their arms around it and shuffled until their fingers splayed halfway on top of the opposite wrist. When they were sure of their grip, they brought their legs up and hooked their ankles around each other with the bough underneath. They hung like a sloth, back facing the ground and balance now inconsequential. For such an awkward position, they moved remarkably well, though perhaps not as fast as simply scaling the thing, something they knew they were too weak to accomplish.

Still, being weak had its perks.

Like fitting between the densely-packed upper branches of a tree.

They flipped back upwards when they could get ahold of more branches, climbing amongst them like a ferret in a birdcage. They circled the whole tree at least thrice in their winding, up-and-down investigation, and only paused when a branch creaked under their weight or, in one instance, when it nearly crumbled.

They sat their weight back, resting it on the two intact boughs under them as their hand came away streaked with charcoal. The wood that stared back at them was... crispied, deep imprints with flickering embers resting in the center embedded in what was left of the branch. They measured the imprint with a finger, then their whole hand, and found that the heel of what was most definitely the imprint of a huge pawpad was bigger than their own hand, and longer to the edges by at least another joint's length.

Too wide to be a dog, the digits spread in a semicircle instead of a triangle. No claw indentations. Not the right shape to be anything else their brain could think of.


A really, really big cat. The noise they made in the back of their throat was distinctly uncomfortable, and all at once, they hunched down against their own branches, eyes blown wide as they did another search below. The canopy blocked out the bulk of their vision, but they could see straight down. When a giant feline failed to appear, they checked back on the imprints that had not vanished in the time it took them to look away.

The scorch markings were deep, but didn't extend very far past the initial imprint. A slow, cool burn, they thought. Depending on the temperature—they checked the surrounding wood and it was nearly untouched, so low—it could have been up there for hours.

They did what any sane person would do and tore a broad leaf from the tree, using the charcoal to take an imprint of the paw, then, for good measure, taking an extra little while to fumble with the whole "taking a picture with the ugliest phone known to man" thing. Gods, they needed to reorganize this thing. The apps were all in the wrong places. That done, they opted to vacate the tree before whatever it was came back, which took significantly less time than getting up the tree because, in a display of half reckless abandon half familiarity, they mostly fell through the branches. They'd drop a few feet with one hand anchored on a branch below to catch them, then a few more, until they could slide back down the same broken bough they climbed up. Were it not for the wonderful invention of slightly-too-long-sleeves long-sleeve t-shirts, they probably would have cut up their hands, but the thick, canvas-y cloth mostly deflected all the poke-y and sharp things that threatened them.

They still had to rip a splinter from their hand when they touched ground, though, something they achieved with their teeth and no sense of decorum whatsoever.

"I wouldn't suppose anyone has the digi-knowledge to know what might have left a giant charcoal footprint," they drawled from their spot by the trees, scuffing out fires with their shoe as they extracted themself from the branches and picked their way a little closer to Green and co. The leaf—not the phone because by the stars they needed to understand how big that thing was—was held up in plain view, the charcoal marking a clear imprint of it.
It was impossible for Ace to miss Ruth's reaction to the Syakomon and the woman in the white coat. As she hid behind him, he could sense her unease and though part of him wanted to tease her for being scared of a Digimon so cute, he knew this wasn't the time for that. Ruth’s anxiety was clear as day and his own body ached, leaving him in little mood for banter.

His gaze flicked to the woman seated at the entrance, smoking with an air of disinterest. Her sour expression, paired with the rundown hut, didn’t exactly scream “trustworthy medical professional.” Yet, this was their only option and Ace was determined to get whatever help he could. His condition was deteriorating rapidly and the sliver of hope that this doctor might finally address it was enough to keep him moving forward.

Ace didn't really blink twice at the comment of them being a couple. He felt a flicker of something but wasn't entirely sure what so he gently brushed it aside. It wasn’t worth dwelling on, not when he had bigger concerns right now. He thumbed through his pockets, looking for the ticket that Gabriel had given him, before passing the note to the woman. "I'm looking for Dr. Tanaka. Gabriel sent us for a check-up." As she examined the note, Ace stole a quick glance at Ruth, curious to see how she had reacted to the “cute couple” comment. Had she brushed it off like he had, or did it bother her? The curiosity was there, but now wasn’t the time to linger on it. They had more pressing matters to deal with.

Azurian Dream Azurian Dream Pumpkid Pumpkid
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For her part, Ji-Su and Commandramon would arrive shortly after a couple of the others positioned themselves in the open, she was not interested in the tree so much as the wreckage, the Soldier and her equally militarist companion would emerge, with the blue, or rather now green and brown skinned lizard holding his rifle at the hip, taking up a position to the front as the soldier came out.

"Huh." More interested in what was before her than the paw print, she sets about studying the wreckage while motioning for the Commando to join her. "Hey, Commandramon, see what I see?" She said, picking up a stick and inserting it into some slime before matching it to the lingering flame. Causing it to ignite. "Huh..."

"Indeed. This was a tandem attack. Observe." The reptile said, pointing at the fact there was material not aflame, and some which was. "Uh huh. You see, there were two blasts, one was whatever caused that little bit of slime that burned up. Then there was a second fire-based explosion. Debris is scattered from whatever was hit first, then there is a follow up with burned material. As to how that one was second, well, there is stuff not on fire, search the area Commandramon while I study this a bit longer..." Watching as her ally scanned their bionic eye upon the area before crouching down and poking at something with a free claw, she called out to find out what and why;

"You found something Commandramon?"

"Multiple footprints out of the blast area, Humanoid, 3 to 4 sets, leads towards and from the Tree." the now blue skinned reptilian soldier said in response. "I am unsure what they could be. As to the cat tracks, there are a number of things that could be, what matters is if they are a bipedal set or a quad set."

"Interesting, anyone else got ideas?"

Interactions/Mentions: Azurian Dream Azurian Dream ScatheAriiasqDrayceon ScatheAriiasqDrayceon Matreania Matreania Anorgos Anorgos Pumpkid Pumpkid
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