IC chat

He nodded, watching Vivian leave before looking back to Charles. "Yes sir, what may I be of help with?" He said sincerely, he was happy the man wouldn't get to flirt with Vivian anymore.
Ready? He said, extending his wings as far as they could go. I have to pick up something before we leave. He turned to face Merlin and as he flew of he snatched Merlin in his talons, making sure not to dig or hurt him in anyway, Do not worry, Charles, I'll have them back within the hour... promise! He said to Charles. He flew to a secluded area, the ride was as smooth as could be for Vivian, however poor Merlin wasn't so lucky. After arriving at the location, the place was surrounded by tree with a beautiful waterfall high in the mountains. He dropped Merlin gently on his feet and landed to let Vivian off.

Vivian, Merlin has something to tell you. He said, knowing Merlin knew what he was talking about. Sorry to put you on the spot. He thought to himself. Flowers and trees surrounded them, he flew backwards a bit and folded his wings to his body.

@Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose @Kairikudo
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Vivian was a bit surprised when he picked up Merlin. She held on as he dropped them off high into the mountain. Vivian got off of his back looking up at him confused when he said Merlin had something to tell her. She turned her head to look at the warlock, her long blonde hair reaching his lower back as confusion filled her light blue eyes. "you do Merlin?"
He was still shocked when he was picked up even though it was planned. " 'Ey!" He exclaimed as he was picked up before calming down midair. He looked down at the ground, sweat dropping he quickly jerked his head up. He closed his eyes. He's only ever been this high in bird form, before he knew it he was dropped onto the floor, stumbling back before looking to Vivian. "Err... V-Vivian I umm.. I wanted to tell you how g-good you looked today." He said with a wary smile.
She smiled gently at him with a warm smile, a small shade of pink painting her cheeks again from the compliment Merlin gave her. "Oh , thank you Merlin. You look good today as well."
He blushed as she said this back, relaxing a bit now. "No, I think you're g-gorgeous Vivian. And I c-can't stop thinking about y-- the herbs you gave me.... " His voice trailed off as he looked back to the floor. "Are great."
The small shade of pink grew a bit darker as he called her gorgeous. She looked at him a bit confused when he said he couldn't stop thinking about the herbs she gives him. A small giggle passed her lips "I'm happy to give you those herbs anytime you want" oh Merlin, you poor sad shy man.


Al'ar sighed, This went better in my mind. He thought to himself, Come on you two, this can wait, I gotta get you back to Charles, Merlin. He said lowering himself to let them on his back. lowering his wing so they have something walk on, Make yourselves comfortable.

@Nicholas Waldorth @Kairikudo


Grey was walking along the path to the castle, hands in his pocket and scarf flowing behind him, God... it's warm. He thought to himself.
Vivian looked at Al'ar and gave a nod, climbing back up on his back. "let's go Merlin" she said offering her hand to help him up.


Al'ar looked at Merlin Is he just gonna stand there like an idiot... (That fourth wall break) He grabbed the boy by his shirt and flipped him onto his back, There now that everyone is on, time for a ride. He as he took off and flew in a straight line, they were high but the wind was calm and gently rushed by them. This.... is what it truly means... to fly, Vivian. He said looking up at her, Hang on! He flapped his wings in more of a straight line and they gained speed.

@Kairikudo @Nicholas Waldorth


They flew lower to the ground and flew over a boy, Grey. Grey look up and saw the bird along with two people on his back, he saw the one up front, Wait... Vivian? He couldn't believe it at first, but his eyesight never lies. The heat Al'ar generated made Grey feel nice, and he smiled.
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Merlin smiled, admiring the clouds on high. "It's beautiful." He said to the two as he held onto the bird's feathers. "But why would a god like you want to come down now? What  for of I may ask." Merlin questioned as they flew.
Vivian looked around in awe as they flew in the air. This was truly amazing to her. "Wow.." she said almost in a whisper to herself before looking back down at Al'ar, she smiled at him holding onto his feathers. Not seeing Grey as they flew over him.
Good question, here is your answer. They continued to fly as he answered his question, If you know anything about Phoenixes, then you would know that we are peaceful creatures and as you may assume, we do not involve ourselves in mortal affairs. He looked down as they flew over a tattered battlefield and dead soldiers and the tone of the whole flight turned rather dark, This war... As Phoenixes our jobs is preserve peace... We failed. He continued looking at the battlefield of dead soldiers, I came down, because I want to help the mortals end this pointless war. His grace was gone and turned to sorrow, for the first time in ages, he felt like crying, I hate seeing you guys fight and over what? Fear? Respect? These virtues cannot be earned via fighting, they just cannot! He banked left and went back to the castle.

@Kairikudo @Nicholas Waldorth
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Merlin nodded. This was all true. "So what do you intend to do now?" He questioned the large Phoenix as they flew, his hair fluttering as they continued. "Not like we can just magically poof up peace. Or is that something Phoenixes can do?" He blabbers as they flew. "Cause if so you're truly be lazy cause it'd only take a few words, no?"
Vivian listened from the front she gently pet the Phoenix head when she noticed that he was saddened "I don't think even Al'ar has that ability. For peace to happen, both countries must desire it." 


Al'ar laughed, If only it were that easy, I may be a God but I can't change the minds of millions. He said, There is also dire news, you heard of the Four Horseman legend? He questioned them as they flew to the castle entrance and landed he let them off and a boy had been standing there for quite sometime.

@Kairikudo @Nicholas Waldorth


Grey looked as the phoenix came around, "I wondered when you'd come back!" He shouted before they landed, he waved at them as he sit on the castle steps.
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Merlin nodded as he asked about the four horsemen before looking to the child on the castle doorsteps. "Do you know him? Is he your humanoid personna?" He asked, his eyes widening. "Cause if so... This would be evolutionary.." He said trailing off as he was dropped.
"No I haven't heard of them" Vivian answered. Once they landed she got off. Her attention drawn to the male that was sitting on the castle steps. Her eyes squinting a bit before she spoke "Grey?"


Grey looked at him, "Humanoid persona? Wha? No! I am my own being, thank you very much!" He stated, with his arms crossed, "I've never seen this bird before in my life!" He looked at Vivian, "Yea.. hey what were you doing on a Phoenix? You must've gotten lucky to do that." He said.


Al'ar looked at Vivian Really? They are the the Four Horsemen of Old. Sit down my dear children, for now it is storytime. He said folding his wings after the got off turning his attention to male, Hmm you seem cold, child. He said, Charles, this is of importance, come to the front steps of the castle, I have news. He said to Charles via thoughts.

@Kairikudo @Nicholas Waldorth @TruPrimrose
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Merlin's body slouched, his robe mimicking his actions now. Great... Competition. He thought as they neared Grey. "Merlin, castle sorcerer. Pleasure to meet you sir?" He asked trying to get to know Grey, beginning with actually knowing his name.

Vivian smiled at grey with a soft chuckle. "He said that Merlin had something to tell me and flew us to the mountain. I suppose I am lucky" she then turned to face Al'ar. She gave a nod and sat in front of the Phoenix


Grey looked at Merlin up and down, "Mmm fancy title. Grey Jackson." He stuck his tongue out at Merlin, Better stay away from her, you creep, she's mine. He thought with a smile as he sat down as the Phoenix had asked them too. He heard what sounded like a horse's neigh and a man's voice, "What... did anyone else hear that?" He asked.

@Nicholas Waldorth

The Headless Horseman


An echoed neigh from his horse could be heard all through the valley with the words;

Rise my Horsemen, rise now, the time is neigh.

The towns will burn and fire will rain from the sky!

Along with a terrifying guffaw. The eerie poem would send chills down any-ones spine

(Oh and @TruPrimrose Just because Charles could hear the neigh :))
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Merlin rolled his eyes as Grey stuck his tongue out at him. "....Rude..." He said before trailing off, his focus changed to the horse gallops created as he got the poem stuck in his head. "I hear it too, lad." He replied to Grey.

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