IC Chat

Jackson ran straight into the barrier, being embarrassed about the question he had to ask, "Woah, what the hell?" He said as he knocked to the his ass for the impact which sent a ripple all across it, letting the others that there was a barrier.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose @Moolock
Paige stopped and looked puzzled "why would there be a barrier." She questioned walking over to it "I guess they made the forest off limits? It's never been before though." She said shaking her head. 

"I... don't know... is it cause of the recent werewolf sightings?" He said, getting up and  scratching his head, "I know they haven't been sighted in ages but to put the school on lock down like this? Are they really that big of a deal?" He said looking at the two that accompanied him.

@TruPrimrose @WeepingAngel525
Paige shook her head "wouldn't they say something though, there has been no mention of the school on lock down." she said and shrugged "but if it's for our protection... i guess we aren't going to the ruins." she said. 

Jackson looked at Arynoir, "What do you think?" He said,leaning on the barrier which actually held his weight. "I think whoever made this barrier is skilled enough to keep even the strongest of wizards out.." He said.
@TruPrimrose @WeepingAngel525
"Well it's like you said, I don't the school wouldn't put the barrier in the first place without some kind of warning," He sighed, "Plus, it's a high chance that there's someone on the inside pulling these odd jobs off." He wrinkled his nose and his ear twitch, "And I think I have an idea who it might be." He looked at Paige then to Arynoir and nodded, "Yea... it has to be."

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
"None other than our very own guide... Xavius." He said, "Think about it, Have you ever seen him on the school grounds at all?" He asked them, looking at them with seriousness in his face. He had a look that said 'i'm 95% sure he's the reason we can't leave.'

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Mustering all her energy, AJ flung an orb of fire brighter than the sun point-blank at the barrier, though in a flash, the fire was gone and the barrier unscathed, though it sent a great ripple through the spell, possibly one that could be felt further down. With a groan, she spun so her back faced the school and leaned against it, reaching into her pocket for that apple from earlier. Eyes almost glowing with anger and a scowl like none other, she ate that apple slowly, wondering when the barrier would disappear.
Jackson thought and noticed the ripple that was sent from AJ, "Hmm... that might just work..." He ran off to where the ripple came from and saw AJ, "Huh.. H-Hey!" His muffled voice barely to be heard by her, "Hey!" He shouted again.

"Hey wait up!" Paige called out following him. She caught her breath and was surprised to see AJ on the other side "how awful!" She said looking at the barrier "if it were for safety they would have made sure everyone was out of the forest... right?" She said shaking her head.

@Moolock @Crysalisis
AJ was halfway through her apple as Jackson approached and turned to face him, munching on it with a deadpan expression. "Hello there." As the fainting girl approached, she took another bite, glancing between the two of them. "Good morning. How's it doing over in there?" She called, as it seemed the barrier made it harder for sound to travel as well as magic.

@WeepingAngel525 @Crysalisis
Kairi looked at the three the were on the other side of the barrier. Her eyes fell on Paige and she simply turned and walked back in between the trees without a word
"Kairi!" Paige called out seeing her walk away she didn't see her this morning but didn't think she was stuck in the forest. She felt as for the other day she had completely snapped, at least now she was more rested than she had ever been in a long time. She looked at AJ and shook her head "fine I guess." She said louder than normal to make sure she could hear her. 

@Kairikudo @Moolock
"Step back a bit.." He grabbed his sword and unsheathed it. It started to become enveloped in flame, "Hyah!!" He screamed as he slashed the barrier and to his surprise, it made a hole that appeared for a brief second inside the smoke. "Huh, I knew it would work." He turned to Paige and Arynoir, sheathing his sword, "Hahaha, that's how we'll them out of there." He nodded, "It wont dissipate the barrier but it'll make a hole large enough and long enough for them to get through!"

@WeepingAngel525 @Moolock @Kairikudo @TruPrimrose
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AJ was surprised to say the least when he swung at the barrier directly in front of her, even more so when a hole grew where the gash had been made. Taking a step back, she considered her pride and flinched to walk away, only to realize this might be her only way back to the castle. Still. Getting saved by some boy? You're above this and he won't let you forget. She grimaced, taking another bite of her apple, staying where she was. "Convenient," she mutters, now able to be heard thanks to the new hole.

Kairi was gone by time Paige called for Kairi. She was still a bit upset about the other day, even if she didn't say that she was, or at the time acted like it bothered her 
"Well what if the barrier was made to keep us out because something is waiting to be found" Paige said having a weird feeling she went through the hole "come on." She motioned for them as she ran towards the ruins. 

She stopped however when she saw Kairi and approached her. "Sorry about the other day... I wa sa little freaked out... what was it you wanted to show me?" She asked 

@Crysalisis @Moolock @TruPrimrose@Kairikudo
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Kairi came to a stop when Paige approached her. Her expression seemed to be the same as always as she spoke "It doesn't matter now and you don't have to apologize.."
Jackson just barely made through the hole, squeezing in, "Gaaaaah!" He popped in and landed face first on the ground, "Ouch." He said, muffled. He got up and brushed himself off, "Come on you two, kiss and make up. Please?" He asked nicely. "I mean, it's too late for apologies, but please? For the sake of all of us." He was practically begging at this point.

@Kairikudo @WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose @Moolock

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