IC Chat

Jacob rolled into a ball, ignoring what Jackson said as he was already asleep, small moans and fighting noises would be heard as he slept.

Nighttime passes and the werewolves go dormant until night again.


[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]"THE NEXT DAY"[/COLOR]


Students wake up and those who ventured to the Forest found themselves trapped within a barrier separating the Forest and school grounds. Those already in the Forest found they couldn't back into the school grounds, no matter how hard they tried.

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Once morning cake Kairi was asleep in the tree, she didn't have a problem with the werewolves as it wasn't her first time dealing with them. She started opening her eyes as she sat up stretching her arms with a yawn
Paige woke up late in the day as she sat up and stretched. She felt relaxed and rejuvenated. She was a lot more perky than normal as she got ready for the day. She was having issues in deciding what to wear especially since she would most likely see Jackson. She decided on a dark purple sundress with black leggings and of course her jacket. She walked out of the dorm and headed to the cafeteria as she was very hungry. 
Jackson had already been in the cafeteria and had a rather large bowl of pineapples in front of him. He looked up and saw Paige, and waved her down, "Hey! Paige!" He motioned for her to sit down next to him.

AJ got to her feet, brushing grass off her jacket. She was slightly damp from morning dew and shivered slightly as chill day broke. In a tree ahead, she heard rustling, and dismissed it as some small animal also joining the daylight hours. Running her fingers through her hair, AJ began to head back to where the forest met the school, a little disappointed that there hadn't been any excitement in the night, only to stop short as a force prevented her from continuing. Looking up and pressing her hands against the barrier, AJ pushed as hard as she could, quickly growing frustrated. "The hell is this?" She asked no one in particular, glaring at the barrier. "What, I want to go on a walk and now I can't get back to my room? Where's a teacher, I demand someone come along and explain this!"

Grumbling, she stepped away from the barrier, only to whirl around and smack it with as much power as she could muster in the form of a flash of fire that singed the grass and trees around her. "Really!? Nothing? Not a scratch? Uuuuugh!"
AJ got to her feet, brushing grass off her jacket. She was slightly damp from morning dew and shivered slightly as chill day broke. In a tree ahead, she heard rustling, and dismissed it as some small animal also joining the daylight hours. Running her fingers through her hair, AJ began to head back to where the forest met the school, a little disappointed that there hadn't been any excitement in the night, only to stop short as a force prevented her from continuing. Looking up and pressing her hands against the barrier, AJ pushed as hard as she could, quickly growing frustrated. "The hell is this?" She asked no one in particular, glaring at the barrier. "What, I want to go on a walk and now I can't get back to my room? Where's a teacher, I demand someone come along and explain this!"

Grumbling, she stepped away from the barrier, only to whirl around and smack it with as much power as she could muster in the form of a flash of fire that singed the grass and trees around her. "Really!? Nothing? Not a scratch? Uuuuugh!"
Jackson noticed the orange in her fruit, "Gah!" He got up moved back a bit, "O...Orange." He said, "I hate oranges..." How could she betray me like this! He thought all dramatically, How! He then noticed Arynoir sitting by himself, "Oh... hey! Kid!" He yelled out to him, "Come on don't be anti-social!" He called out.

Paige laughed seeing Jackson comment on her orange and picked it up eating it "mmmm" she giggled she was definitly a bit brighter and a little hyper as she looked up at their new friend "I was able to sleep without any dreams at all." she said with bit of a relief "Maybe you're good for me. I think i'll stick with you." she said. She still hadn't noticed that her brown eye was still black and she still had the mark on her wrist. For now, nothing was troubling her. 

Jackson sighed, "Aw come on, don't do that to me.." He said in a sad tone, "I thought we had something special!" He sat back down, "Mm, well that's good you were able to sleep better. "I forget, did you tell us your name?" He looked at the little one, "If you did, I'm sorry, I tend to be forgetful.." He rubbed the back of his and laughed a bit.

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Paige slightly blushed and giggled "We do." she said with a grin and smiled at Arynoir "I'm Paige Takkyn" she answered never giving her first name. She took a bite of eggs "We should go explore the ruins today..." she said not knowing they couldn't get to the forest any longer. 

@Crysalisis @TruPrimrose
Location: the forest.

Kairi let out a sigh, enjoying the sound of nature, but that all was disrupted by the sound of AJ yelling. An annoyed look painted her face as she thought 'so much for being alone.' she hopped out of the tree and towards the sound of the yelling spotting AJ. Her facial expression held little to no emotion, as did the tone of her voice when she spoke.

"Can you keep it down already? There's no need for all this yelling this early in the morning." Her eyes set on the girl, her katanas latched in there sheaths at her side as her arms were dropped down to her side. A chilly morning breeze blew by the two, Kairi didn't seemed bothered by it. She actually enjoyed the feeling of the cold air in the morning.

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Jackson nodded, "Sure." He doesn't that the forest is protected by a barrier, "Oh before I forget, Im Jackson. Jackson Shakkis." He got up and began walking out the door, "Care to join us?" He asked.

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
Jackson looked at Arynoir, "Together how?" He asked out curiousity, but he probably already knew what he meant by 'together', he just wanted to hear it from the boy.

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Paige got up and followed Jackson her face slightly flushed at Arynoir's comment or question. 'Like you don't know' she thought eyeing Jackson. Paige nearly choked on her spit at the question and she stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets 'oh boy...' she thought as they walked outside

@Crysalisis @TruPrimrose
I knew it He thought, "Um.. you see... No.. we don't.." He said, he didn't know how Paige felt about the question but they she reacted he got a pretty good idea. He then realized, "Wait why did I have to answer that?"

@WeepingAngel525 @TruPrimrose
AJ spun on her heels to come face to face with the katana girl, casting a cool gaze over her. "Apologies to wake you, though I hope you can understand my alarm at finding we're now unable to return to the school grounds itself. There's a barrier." To demonstrate her point, she crossed her arms and leaned backward, only to be resting against it. 

The female watched as an demonstrated her point by leaning against the barrier. Her expression didn't change "So we can't. Oh well" she said with a shrug."

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