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Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

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ChronosCoded said:
He's spellbound to the castle because of the protection spell......................
I actually thought they were outside still, at the battlefield. If they did go indoors, why would Jackson protect the castle? Why wouldn't they just leave?
PenguinFox said:
I actually thought they were outside still, at the battlefield. If they did go indoors, why would Jackson protect the castle? Why wouldn't they just leave?
The place where everyone was fighting was inside a sewer..........He's protecting Partheon so the darkness doesnt engulf Partheon
I'm going to go for a little bit. I'll still be watching, but I don't know if I'll respond. I'll be fully back later tonight though.
Dominaiscna said:
Why would Jackson stay in the castle? O.o Is Dalamus there? I thought he was in the little loch side town
And uh... I think i might be missing something regarding the Titan thing xD
Dalamus is in the now Chaotic City by the loch. That has screaming souls in it.
Dominaiscna said:
Oh .... Then looks like Dalamus will have to come to him if they intend to fight. Woo!
Not really. Clarent's full potential has been unlocked by being infused with chaos. That's why it went from its normal look to a jagged drow styled blade. And that's why there's purple mixed with the darkness. Chaos(purple) is jumpstarting the evil(black), making it far more powerful than it normally is.
[QUOTE="Dalamus Ulom]Not really. Clarent's full potential has been unlocked by being infused with chaos. That's why it went from its normal look to a jagged drow styled blade. And that's why there's purple mixed with the darkness. Chaos(purple) is jumpstarting the evil(black), making it far more powerful than it normally is.

Same thing happened to Excalibur :o
ChronosCoded said:
Half chaos half light. :o
Jackson is the least chaotic character in the RP. Technically, Aldritch is chaotic. He is an embodiment of change and choice. Ya here that, @Kiroshiven ? I want Aldritch to be the person to slay Dalamus, not the lord of sun charts and helmeted gemlins over here.
@Kiroshiven[/URL] ? I want Aldritch to be the person to slay Dalamus, not the lord of sun charts and helmeted gemlins over here.
Seriously? I get it. I was about to post for Aldritch tbh. So thanks for the mention.

McMajestic said:
I'm pretty sure the person with Excalibur is the only person that can beat Dalamus
IDK. When Aldritch is completely focused he can be a pretty unbeatable wall.
@ChronosCoded You teleporting them is very godmoddy and I'd edit that because I don't think either of them want to leave yet
Kiroshiven said:
Seriously? I get it. I was about to post for Aldritch tbh. So thanks for the mention.
IDK. When Aldritch is completely focused he can be a pretty unbeatable wall.
Kiroshiven said:
@Dalamus I'm so braindead that I fogot to tag you in my post for Aldritch.
Kiroshiven said:
@Dalamus Ulom I messed it up twice. -_-
Kiroshiven said:
Aldritch scooped up Mahala as she fell. Her body seeming to have reached its limits. "Damn it." He grumbled as he looked to Corin and Freya/Felicia. "We need to find a place to hide her. NOW." He started to carry the necromancer towards the nearest place that could be CONSIDERED shelter as Dalamus' dragon flew overhead destroying the army that Jackson summoned. Unsure of where to go, he led the girl off to a secluded area and lay her down before returning to the fray. So much was going on and this mission went form simple to a mess of unbridled chaos and destruction. Aldritch could't get his bearings straight as he felt so many people being killed and maimed. It was the single worst possible scenario for the paladin. He had to end this by any means.
"I'm off." He mumbled to Freya and Corin. "I'm going to stop this madness myself before any more people get hurt." Aldritch's armor shone brighter as he looked towards the center of the dark energies; a mighty castle that had risen out of nowhere just beyond city's limits. "I'm coming to end you." He marched off into the dark aura while calling out behind him. "Corin, I leave Mahala to you. I think you'll be the better man anyway." He waved as part of him hurt to say that. He shook himself as dark creatures approached only to be pushed aside by his spirit. The griffon inside him seemed more energetic than ever. His powers nearing that of higher ranking members of the Griffons. Aldritch stopped as he stood before the castle with his eyes glued to the gates. "I will end this, for everyone." He muttered as he looked back the way he came.

@Aio @Dominaiscna @TsukikoMoon
Uuuuuummmmmmmmm....... The gigantic city isn't even in sight. It's on a continent a good distance away, and it used to be a little town by a loch in the highlands.
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="McMajestic" data-cite="McMajestic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="216260" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>@ChronosCoded You teleporting them is very godmoddy and I'd edit that because I don't think either of them want to leave yet</div></blockquote>


Same with the ice goloms becoming instantly indestructible because reasons. Mickey is quite beatable. Same with everything else Dalamus has. But making an immortal army of Ice WarriorsWis a bit too far.</p>

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