I Am Chat

Should this world include all fantasy creatures like unicorns, imps, pixies, fairies etc. Or naw?

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  • Naw

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PenguinFox said:
Cadner had made his counter attack. Jackson had no idea that he was as powerful as he was, he shot the Flames of Raphael at him, there was no escaping that one with magic...unless. No, he couldnt do that. Everyone would see his true form. But if he was going to defeat Cadner he would have to. Of course, if the flames hit him in his attempt to block them they would still hurt, but not nearly as much as in his human form. He sighed and started shapeshifting back to his Earthlord form as the flame hurtled toward him. His Earthlord appearance matched that of his golden aura. His legs perfectly chiseled, his arms defined, and his face the shape of a helmet. His body color was a mix of pure gold and grassy moss. He grew to at least seven feet tall. The fire hit him. It was excruciatingly painful. He went on his knee's and groaned in pain. He got up slowly as Cadner charged his sword into his gut. He grabbed the sword as he was stabbing and parried it out of his hand. "I am Jackson Noskcaj, The Last Earthlord, The Herald of Light, and The Last King of Grindebo!" He shouted in a deep masculine voice, "You hurt my love! Prepare to die!" He readied Excalibur and thrust it at Cadner's chest. He backed away taking a breath, not sure if Cadner was actually stabbed and muttered a spell under his breath, making a surge of ice charge at Cadners chest. This time, he was not going down civilized.

and all I could think of is "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Exactly what I was going for
Hmm....Cadner is defeated and for the most part there are only good feelings going around. This will not do! I must make things bad. I apologize beforehand, but this has been planned by me for a while so you'll have to wait and see until the rest of my plan unfolds! ^^
Aaaaand, because I'm evil I'll be leaving this at a cliffhanger and go to bed. Goodnight! ^^
I'm going to bed if you don't respond soon. I don't know if you're going to so I just thought I'd mention that @ChronosCoded
@Dominaiscna You know what Estel needs in her life? A love interest. Just think about that while I casually start a CS for another character and by start I mean look at my quiz results and go to bed.
McMajestic said:
@Dominaiscna You know what Estel needs in her life? A love interest. Just think about that while I casually start a CS for another character and by start I mean look at my quiz results and go to bed.

Well then, we shall see hwo it goes.

In the mean time, if Triven is really, truly, utterly dead dead (RIP Triven), then Estel will help perform the funerary rights of putting him in a casket on the river, lay flowers over him, set it alite and let it sail down the river.

The dead must be returned to nature.
I think like Jackson said it's actually a ritual. I'm not sure because I don't know but @ChronosCoded seemed pretty sure about what he was saying so I'm guessing it's been discussed @Dominaiscna

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