Huskies High School-- Have Fun!!(:


tsukikokimiko teenage-dreamer

It's the first day of 3rd quarter, you have one more quarter until school is done for the summer. Our school, Huskies High School, is supplied with dorms and very comfortable rooms. We expect the best from our students, because they all have potential to do good.

-The Staff

"Huskies is more than a school; it's a place to find yourself. The teachers are all easy going, and going to class is optional. We have so much to do here. Our teachers help us do our best, and they understand that we want to be kids. But the 12:00 curfew gets annoying at times."

-The Students

Mitchy walked back to her room; she had been at the gym for almost 3 hours. She felt like a pool; full of water. She made her way back to dorm room number 172. She had been living in that dorm since her sophomore year, and she is now a junior. She walked into her dorm and locked the door behind her. Mitchy threw her keys in her chair, then took a shower. After her shower, she walked back out to the hallways. She had put on a t shirt and some sweatpants. After all, it was 4:30 in the afternoon, and school had been over for about 3 hours. She fingered her phone in her pocket as she walked to the benches and sat down.

Maxx had been in his dorm room ever since school had gotten out. He had been sleeping for the past 2 hours; after all, it was a Friday afternoon. He got off of his bed, and walked out to the hall. He met up with some of his friends, and they discussed what they were going to do over the weekend. Fairly soon, they all left, and Maxx slouched down on the floor. He leaned against the walls, and watched the other student walk around campus.
After school Xavier was busy playing video games or on the internet. He was playing Assassin Creed and Gears of War. He then decided in wanted to go check his facebook. When he was done with everything he finally decided he need to get outside of his dorm. He stretched out and headed out the door. He went for a little walk and finally went over to the Basketball court. He started to shoot some hoops.

Bones had been watching a marathon of Laws and Order: Special Victims Unit. When that was all over with she went and grabbed her Ipod. She decided she wanted to go to the park. She headed out the door when she realized she needed to grab her sketchbook. She ran back inside and she couldn't figure where it was. "Come on it has to be someone where near my bed," she said. She looked under bed where it was. She put on her headphones and laid down on the bench at the park. She grabbed her sketch book and started to draw. When she got tired of that she went on the swing and started to swing.
Mitchy yawned as she stood up, her legs a little sore, but not to the point when it hurt to walk. She undid her ponytail as she made her way down the hallway. It had been a successful work out at the gym, and a good start to the new semester. She walked down to the gym again, to see if anyone was playing pickup game. Mitchy smiled to herself as she walked onto the court. She stopped the game before it started and looked at the guys. "Can I play with you guys?" She asked them. They all chuckled as she rolled her eyes, "Ok then; have fun with your little game." She mocked as she walked to another court. She got a basketball and started to shoot. Little did she know, that she was on Xavier's court.

Maxx stood up and began to walk to his dorm again. He was bored sitting on the ground, so he decided to do something else. He laid down on his bed, and grabbed his laptop. He opened it and logged on to Facebook. He realized that he had a few messages from friends. He responded, and then rolled over on his back. He looked at the ceiling as he thought of something for himself to do. Maxx sat up, his mind not thinking of anything to do. He walked to his little kitchen and pulled out a cheese stick. He walked back to his bed and laid down. He was desperate for something to do.
Xavier was just shooting his first hoop when some girl walked on to the court he was shooting on. He didn't mind, it was actually kinda of nice. He looked over at her and was taking in every feature of her. Xavier wondered why she hadn't seen her before. He rustled his hair and went for another shot. He hit the rim and ended up catching the rebound. He took off his shirt because the air was getting a little hot. He wanted to talk to her but he didn't want to seem weird so he kept shooting hoping that she would end up talking him or something. He went for a right hand lay-up and got it in. Xavier then went to the three point line. He bounced the ball a little bit and add a twist before he shot. He got it in again. "Yes!" he exclaimed to himself. Xavier ran for his ball.

Bones got off the swing and grabbed her sketchbook. She then ran home wanting to take a little nap. When she got home she decided to read for a little but before she opened the book she ended up following asleep. When she woke up her stomach growl. Bones was hungry so she went to the fridge, "Dang it, I forgot to go shopping today." She threw on some sweats and a sweatshirt. She threw her hair up in a messy bun. "I guess im going to the cafe," she exclaim. She grabbed her sketchbook and headed out to the cafe. "Booth or Table," the waitress asked. "Umm booth please," Bones said. When she got to her booth she ordered a milkshake, burger, and fries. She opened her sketchbook and started to draw.
Mitchy hadn't noticed Xavier until she could feel another ball bouncing on the wood, basketball court. She turned around, and saw Xavier. He didn't look familiar, which was weird because she knew nearly everyone in the HighSchool. She threw her sweatshirt off and took a deep breath as she stood at the half court line; she dribbled the basketball before she ran up to the basketball hoop, completing her spin-layup. She grabbed her basketball just in time to hear Xavier rejoicing over his three. She smiled to herself and walked over to him. "Fine shot." She told him smiling softly. She chuckled a little before she dribbled her basketball, "But you should work on your dorm." She told him, as she shot the ball. Sure enough, she wished it.

Maxx felt his stomach growl for a few more times before he finally got off of his butt and grabbed his car keys. He walked out of his dorm and into the parkinglot where he walked up to his car. He got in and started it up, after he drove out of the school, he drove to the little cafe at the end of the street. He parked his car at the parking lot and walked into the cafe. He took a seat in a table, across from Bones. He thanked the waitress as he was handed a menu.
Xavier looked over at the girl who just witness his three. "Thanks," he laughed while wiping his hair back. "Maybe I should, but I rather sit here and play basketball with a cute girl," he smiled. He didn't know why he said that usually he wasn't into girls, only for friend sake. For some reason this one girl made him feel different. Xavier wanted to learn more about her figure out who she is. She seem athletic the way she played the game and how she dressed.

Bones was trying to figure out how to make her drawing better. She tucked the little strands of hair that didn't fit in her bun behind her ears. The waitress brought her milkshake and she took a sip of it. She didn't know she should do so she kept drinking her milkshake until she got a brain freeze. "Brain Freeze," Bones said while she brought her thumb to her mouth and put on the roof of her mouth. After she was done with that she went back to her drawing.
Mitchy laughed and pushed him softly, "Oh you waiting for someone?" She joked as she walked up to get the rebound. She iled as she made her way back to him. "I'm Mitchy, but you can call me Mitch or Mitchy if you'd like." She told him, and couldt help but blush. She looked at him, and then began to dribble the ball. Something about this guy was different, he wasn't like the other guys on campus. She shrugged slightly, and made her mind think of something else. That barely happened. She shot the ball, and got robbed. "Really?!" She said under her breath as she walked to get the rebound.

Maxx sat at the table, he received his water and then looked through the menu one more time. He looked up at the waitress and ordered a small ice cream. He then gave the waitress his menu. "Thank you ma'am." He added a she walked away. He smiled to himself and looked around the diner. He saw Bones, and couldn't help but wonder what she was drawing. He looke away and around the diner some more before he grew bored. Maxx got bored easily, so he got his phone out and started to play a game. Occasionally he would look at Bones, but usually he just wanted to get his ice cream and eat.
Xavier went to shoot but ended up missing. "Mitchy's the name, eh?" He smirked. "Sounds like a nice name, the names Xavier." He went to go look for his ball but when he couldn't find it he went and snatched Mitchy's. He wondered what her respond would be and what she would do about. Xavier started to twirl the ball on his finger, "Wait is this our ball," He smiled at Mitchy.

"No No No!" Bones screamed as she furiously erased. "This isn't working out" She rest her hands on her forehead and decided to give her drawing a break. She toss the sketchbook to the side just in time for her burgers and fries. She took one fry, covered in ketchup, and through it in her mouth. Bones looked up to see a new person sitting at table, she realize she probably didn't notice sense she was busy with her drawing. Bones studied every feature of him, she would look away occasionally just so he wouldn't notice. She realize he was playing some game. Bones went back to her fries and at another one. She then took another sip of her milkshake while staring at Maxx.
Mitchy smiled, she brushed her hair out of her eyes and turned around. "Xavier, like the name." She told him, softy smiling. In the brief minutes that she had taken to redo her hair; he had taken her ball. Mitchy laughed and walked over to Xavier. She nodded and shrugged, "Sure, it's our ball." She agreed, moving a little closer to him. She looked up at him, a certain glint in her eyes. "Could I please see m-our- ball?" She asked sweetly. She looked at the ball and then up at him, she stood in front of him, a soft smile on her lips.

Maxx put his phone away as he heard Bones' frequent erasing. He shoved it in his pocket and looked over at her. He looked at her, making sure to look away in brief moments. He turned his head the same time that she did and smiled. He waved with a friendly smile and then turned towards his food. He thanked the waitress began to eat his food, he took a few sips of his wter and couldn't help but smile as he sat on the diner. Some mood had come over him; causing him to smile a whole lot for no good reason.
Xavier was thinking about giving back her ball but he realized what fun would that be. "You sound so cute when you want the ball," he said as if he was talking to baby. He dribbled the ball in front of him and look back at her. She had what it look like puppy dog eyes. He could never resist puppy dog eyes so he bounced the ball to the three point line. "I'll give you your I mean our ball," he said catching himself, "if you win a game against me!"

Bones went to go look for another glimpse when she ended up locking eyes with him. She hurriedly turn back to her plate. She realize that he was smiling at her. Something about that smile made her insides fill funny. She took her first bite into her burger and stuff a couple fries into the burger. Bones realize that she had to go to the bathroom. She slipped out of the booth and headed to the bathroom. When she was done going she went and wash her hands. Bones looked at herself in mirror, she realize that she pretty much looked like she was ready for bed. She came out of the bathroom and accidentally ran into Maxx. "Im so sorry," Bones said backing up into a chair. She almost knocked the chair down but she caught in time. She tucked some hair behind her ear. "I'm s-sorry," she stuttered out before she walked back to her booth. "That was so embarrassing!" She said to herself.
Mitchy looked up at him again, she reached for the ball, but he took it away from her. She put her hands on her hips and smirked. She nodded and walked to the half court line. "I get first possession." She told him matter-of-factly. She held her hands out for the ball, "Can I have the ball to start the game?" She asked him. Mitchy smirked as he looked at him, "And don't get sad when you lose to a girl." She told him, winking with a sly smirk on her lips. She was glad he didn't give up the ball too easily, she liked that for some reason. Mitchy chuckle as she waited for the ball, she looked at him; her eye full of excitement.

Maxx watched her as she walked to the bathroom, he wondered if that was creepy or stalker-like. He guessed it wasn't, so he continued to eat, enjoying the meal, and the free time. When Bones came back, he had stood up to pick up his napkin. When they ran into eachother, he looked at her and smiled softly. "Hey are you okay?" He asked her as she ran into the chair. When she took her seat back at her booth, he picked up the chairs and walked over to her. "Hi." He said softly, "Are you okay?" He asked her. It seemed like she was a little embarrassed, and she could have gotten hurt when she tripped over the chair. All he was doing was making sure that she wasnt injured, and that she knew that their run-in was ok, and it was just an accident.

Of course, Lizzy woke up later than usual. Her hair was a little messy, she never tosses or turns in her sleep. She got up slowly, wearing white shorts with blue hearts, and a plain white tank top. The sound of water woke her up a little as she stepped in the shower quickly. Lizzy tensed at the coldness but got used to it after a while. Seven minutes later, she came out of her bathroom, dressed in denim shorts, and a black rock tank top. Her hair was as dry as possible when she finished blow drying it. The purple streak still there, not showing any evidence of going away. Lizzy put on some thin socks and blue and white jordans. She closed her door and headed out, hoping to find something to do.

Matt was already awake, but he was on the internet. He was searching for different ways to prank his sister. After a minute or two, he got frustrated and shut his laptop quickly. Matthew was bored and didn't know what to do. He got up and walked out of the building. He was wearing a black hoodie, blue jean pants, and black converses. Matt was planning on taking a quick walk, he may not look like it, but he liked taking walks. They cleared his mind a bit and made him more creative.
Cam was always a late riser, but she jumped when she saw the time. She had slept in way past her usual, which rarely ever happened. She rummaged through her closet and dresser until she had an old basketball jersey, blue jean shorts, and a grey crew necked sweatshirt. She brushed her hair and teeth before making her way out of her dorm. She was planning on walking down the street for a smoothie. She slid into her Adidas slides and walked down the hallway. She had her hair up, as usual, and looked the way she always did on Saturday Mornings

Mason had been up for quiet sometime, but had not emerged from his dorm lol. He had an old sweatshirt, blue jeans, and a tshirt on before he grabbed his laptop. He flicked it open and went onto Facebook and then his email. Satisfied with his Knox, be closed his email and continued to scroll on Facebook. He closed Facebook and opened a word document. Usually he wouldn't be doing homework, but he needed to start on his essay. Although he'd much rather be outside or with friends.
(Hey, guys!)

Kitty finishes her long overdue essay and plops down onto her bed just as a knock sounds on her dorm door. She sighs, getting up and stalking over to the door. "Hey," Scotty says, smirking at her messy hair. "You look great." Kitty blushes, swatting his arm. "Shut up," she says, staring at his blue eyes. "What do you want, Samuel?" She smiles at him as she pats down her wild hair. "You wanna get out of here and go get Starbucks, or something," he asks. Kitty's smile grows wider. "Yeah," she says excitedly. "Come in, I gotta get ready." Scotty closes the door after he enters her colorful dorm and sits down in her beanbag chair, watching Kitty grab some clothes out of her closet, knocking down hangers in the process.
Lizzy sneaked out and found nothing to do. She saw a soccer ball and sighed, and started kicking it around gently. Doing little tricks here and there as she walked on a ledge. Lizzy didn't like sports, but found it fun to kick a ball. Her old friends told her to be on a team but she denied it and said that it was lame. She kicked it up in the air and balanced it on her heel, bouncing it forward again perfectly. Of course, she never learned any of this, just picked it up easily.

Matt continued on his walk and kicked a small pebble, starting to get more bored. "This walk isn't working..." He was being weird, walks always helped...what was going on?! The pebble flew into the air and landed far away from him, now he was getting a little mad. Noticing this wasn't working, Matt started walking back to his room, looking at the ground pretty much the whole time.
Cam rubbed her forehead as the bitter cold wind nipped at her skin. She sighed slightly and looked over to see a guy who looked her age staring at the ground. He sounded mad as he threw and kicked the pebbles on the ground. She shrugged, not getting into his business, she walked into the little cafe that was surrounded by many resturants like Starbucks, Big B, and a Panera Bread. She walked up to the front and at a seat at the bar stool that stood directly behind the out looking window. Fairly soon, the waiter came and she ordered the Banana Blue Berry Blast. She smiled at the waiter as he walked back to the kitchen. She then looked out of the window, watching the many people walk by.

Mason finally got out of his bed, he rubbed his eyes as he walked through the school. He didn't like mornings, although it was nearly ten. He made his way to the doors where he walked outside. He walked into the sea of people who either went to their school or worked in the resturants. He stopped at the Panera and had a seat. He needed food immediately; he was practically starving.
Scotty walks into the Starbucks, holding the door open for Kitty. She ducks in under his arm and chuckles as they walk up to the counter to order. "I'll have a caramel frapp, please," she tells the guy behind the counter. "I'll have the same," I say, although I don't think he heard since he's too absorbed in Kitty. Soon enough, we both have our drinks and sit down close to the door. "Oh gosh," Kitty says, putting down her cup and laughing silently. "Huh," Scotty says, putting his down as well. "What's wrong?" She spins her cup around, showing the number the cashier wrote on it with black Sharpie. "Wow," Scotty says, chuckling.
Cam yawned as she recieved her smoothie, she brushed her hair back and took a sip of her smoothie. No sooner had she swallowed, had she got a text from her friend Emili. "Hey chicky, pick up some Starbucks and I'll grab the bagels." Cam laughed, "Whatever Em. I'll see you in a few." She responded before signaling the waiter. She paid her fee, and got up from her seat. She left the small Smoothie Shop and walked down a few stores and resturants until she reached Starbucks. She walked in the homey-resturant and walked up to the cashier. "I'll have an iced chai tea and a non fat mocha latte with whip." She told the guy as she drew some cash from her purse that hung over her shoulder. She looked around, saw Scotty and Kitty, smiled,!-'d then turned back towards the cashier. She received change and then waited for her drinks to arrive so she could take them to her fiend who hapeded to be picking up bagels.
Scotty smiles at Cam before getting up and throwing his empty cup away. "Ready?" he asks Kitty. She nods, getting up, waving at Cam on the way out to Scotty's car. "Where to?" she asks him. He smiles, pulling out of the parking space. "Let's go to the park and hang out," he replies, changing the radio station. Kitty looks over to him and smiles, the familiar blush creeping up onto her cheeks.
Cam waved to Kitty with a smile before she drove down the road. She parked again, in the school parking lot, and then got out. She grabbed the drinks and locked her car. She nearly fell on her way up the stairs, thankfully, she didn't. She opened the doors and made her way down the hall, making sure not to spill anything. She opened her dorm room, once she reached it, and set the drinks on the little table that stood by her door. She hung her bag up and then left her room. When Emili would come, she would eat and drink what was hers and then leave Cam a bagel. Cam held her chai in her hand and she walked through the halls. She wandered aimlessly; not having anything to do at the moment.
Lizzy didn't care that there was a little crowd forming around her. She kicked the ball in the air it landed on her shoulders, letting it slide down her arm. The ball went into the air again and she caught it perfectly under her foot. People went away but clapped, continuing their normal lives again. Lizzy sat down on a swing and rocked, rolling the ball under her foot. Matt saw her outside and thought of a way to prank her. He sat down next to her, grinning secretly. "You okay?" "Tired, why do you care of all people?!" She was a little confused but brushed it off. "No reason..." Matthew lifted up his hand above her head and cracked the egg quietly, pouring it slowly. When it reached her hair, he got up quickly and watched her reaction from jogging away. Lizzy stood up and shrieked. "MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!!!" She was not happy with this prank, her hair was not something to mess with, and he knew that.
Cam had parked her car in the HighSchool parking lot and went to the park. She had seen people clapping, and wanted to see what the commotion was about. As she walked, she kept her eyes on the phone that was infront of her. She kept an eye out for anyone walking infront of her. Occasionally she would look up. She was near the park wen she got a text. It was from her mom. "Hey sweetie, hope you're enjoying your time off." Cam smiled and began to reply. "Hey mom! Thanks I-" as she was about to finish, she ran into Matthew. She fell on her butt, and laughed. "I'm so sorry." She said to him as she quickly finished her text and then stuck her phone in her pocket. She felt so clumsy.
Matthew laughed quietly and put out his hand, wanting to help her up. He knew that Lizzy wouldn't come near him if he was near another person. She would either do something back to him or saw something weird. Of course Lizzy saw him and walked past, whispering something that made him blush lightly. He shook his head and stuck his hand out a bit farther. "Are you okay?" His voice was sort of soothing and was a bit deep. A small smile formed on his lips.
Cam looked up at him and nodded, "I'm fine. Thanks." She told him, smiling softly. She took his hand and stood up. She let go and looked at him; he looked familiar. "I'm Cameron, but please call me Cam." She said, her voice its usual, casual and sweet tone. She dusted herself off and brushed her hair out of her face. She knew she wasn't hurt, or bleeding; it was just another clumsy fall of hers. She hoped she wasn't too pushy, but she loved meeting new people who se bumped into on the street.
Kitty and Scotty get to the park and see Lizzy showing off her sweet soccer skills. "I bet you I could beat you in a game of one-on-one soccer," Scotty teases Kitty, causing her cheeks to become even redder. "I played for 4 years, bro," she comes back, watching Cam fall. She's just about to go over to help her up when a dark-haired guy beats her to it. "Hmm," Scotty mumbles, looking over to Cam and the guy. "I've never seen him around." Kitty smiles, making her way over to Cam and the guy. "Hey, Cam," she greets, plucking a leaf out of her brown hair.

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