Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

I like the Gargoyle girl myself ^^

Uh Here is my ... tragically long (But I couldn't help it) backstory

Long ago, stories say, a great woman touched by the golden light of the sun terrorized a small village. Men, women, and children would disappear never to been seen again, but the village knew, the woman was doing cruel things to the people she took. The village tried once to remove the great woman, but they were defeated and many more were taken inside the grand fortress. In their despair the village called upon the spirits of the forest to tear down the woman and her fortress. A great rumble shook the land and then silence. For years the village fearful awaited one of their own to vanish. But it never happened and for a time peace would reign.

The village became a large city, a grouping of several villages, each sharing the same story, and named itself the Shadow Leaf City State. They have weathered the Usurpation, the Contagion, and the Fair Folk Invasion. They know nothing of the Scarlet Empress or her Realm, nor do they know of the dead that assault the living. They live. But that is it. They are a remarkably cruel people, those that are too weak are fed to monstrous creatures captured from the nearby cursed fortress. Some are lucky, they can kill the creatures and become people of the sword.

I am not one of them. I was found recently in the Cursed Fortress of the Endless Ruby Skies. A group of overly brave men entered the fortress, some were devoured by creatures of twisted and warped bodies, and they found me barely surviving themselves at the deepest part of the fortress. They took my container tube where I slept, my body maintained by the power of the spirit of the Fortress. They fled from the fortress, only a small handful of them, and presented their prize to city. I opened my eyes upon these scary and strange creatures, called human, that late hot day.

I was small then, a child if one could consider me such a thing, my hair was short, my serpent body was only 3 feet long, and my skin was pale blue, almost white. Upon my back was a single set of ancient words, than none can read, while a great tattoo covers half of my humanoid body. It grows as I do, a seemingly live thing itself. I was given no clothes, and no name was granted to me, but they did their best to make me feel inferior to them. All I wanted when I had first opened my eyes was love, and all I got was hate. I learned quickly to make the humans satisfied with me, I could sing and my natural grace lent to strange and entrancing dances. Sometimes they would give me their food, but most often than not did I have to hunt for my own food. Small animals were my meals, eaten whole and alive, while pleasant to me they were not something I desired, something else was needed, something that I knew was tastier and lovelier to feel go down my throat, but I wouldn't know what for years. The Humans trained me in various languages, to better to understand the growing foreign trends, it was probably an innane desire to prove they were better, but I learned none-the-less.

When I came to age, 13 years since my awakening, they thrust me from the house that I lived and put in the arena. My only weapon was a weapon too heavy for me to wield while wearing armor too heavy for my slight form to deal with. Sure my serpent half was now 20 feet long, my skin was a darker blue, and my hair was a lot longer, I even had large breasts that envied some of the human women I was set to please. Still here I was. Death was certain, I knew too little of the blade in my hand or the armor upon my body chaffing at my soft skin. A human was there, to face me. He wore little, just a leather armored shirt, and tattered leather leggings, a sword in hand, he faced me with eyes narrowed and full of confidence and his lips were pressed tightly in a smirk. He was sure he would kill me.

The combat started and he charged me. I cried out in fear and raised my weapon unconsciously blocking the first strong strike. He bounded back regarding me and circling me, he was looking for a way to tear into me, I could feel the sharpness of imagined blades as he sought a mental path to my demise. I began to move away from him, the weapon in my hands trembling, tears in my eyes. These hateful creatures… why wouldn’t someone save me from them? He charged at me with a terrible howl and I flinched back, my sword moved clumsily as I placed it between me and the offending weapon of the creature called Human and once again I blocked it. This went on for awhile, it was obvious that his skill was only slightly better than mine. My body covered in sweat and dirt I lowered my weapon. My arms were burning and I couldn’t hold it for much longer. He charged at me, seeing my opening and I closed my eyes waiting for the unfair death. I cursed the gods, my creator, whoever and whatever I could as the blade sought to cleave my heart from my chest. But then instinct acted and I lashed out my eyes openinging with surprise as I wrapped my tail around him, he cried out in surprise and fear and I pressed my coils tighter and tighter. I felt a bone in his body snap and something in me seemed to grow. Deftly I disarmed him and brought his sweat damp and muscular form closer. Yes, the scent was nice, I pried his armor from him, while the audience watched in fascination. His eyes widened, he knew what was to happen, the Creature called human were easily made food, this I knew. I raised him and moved him carefully to my lips and his cries turned to sobs. I couldn’t fight it, a part of me was disgusted but my body wanted it, the same feeling when I first ate a rat and felt it squirming down my throat. And so it was, I ate him, his powerful but subdued and broken body sliding down my throat. Surely the pain of opening my mouth wide enough was to be soothed as the last of his tasty sweat damp body descended into one of my stomachs. A satisfaction so great that it overrode the guilt and disgust in my mind filled me and I curled up in a corner and slept. Apparently the audience loved it and wanted more.

For years I was trained with the sword and the armor, and I was thrust into battle after battle. Each of my opponents fell, their blood soaking the tainted ground, some would become promised meals, others would live to try again, and some would be simply dead. It was all I would know, that is until recently. A second desire was growing in me, a different one and some of my targets found themselves sexual playmates before being defeated. Deciding that I was becoming too dangerous, and the prospects of children they set their most powerful champion against me. I was excited and the man before me, encased in armor so black that light seemed to be absorbed into it, brought a flush to my face. I wanted him, my body and stomach wanted him. What descendants I could create with a man such as this! The overriding thoughts squelched all others and I assaulted the man attempting to subdue him, to rape him, then devour him. But to my horror and surprise he knocked the sword from my hands, he grabbed me by my slender wrists and pinned my writhing tail with is armored boot. He fondled me for a bit before bringing his weapon’s tip to my humanoid gut.

“You will make a pretty nice trophy,†he said his tone very pleased. But then the Cursed Fortress came alive, the first time in over two thousand years and explosions were tearing apart the city as beams of intense light struck at the city. People were screaming and the scent of blood reached my nose. The Champion snorted and threw me to the ground before racing towards one of the gates. A terrible flash of light tore the arena open, killing the champion as pieces of his body flew everywhere. I lay there stunned, what was happening? Was I spared death? Quickly gathering myself I escaped and fled into the jungles. I didn’t stay away not yet, I returned on final time, a time when the city was mostly still destroyed. I raided my former master’s house, taking one of the prettiest armors there before slinking on to take food, and one of the better swords. I then vanished leaving the city to burn as the Cursed Fortress continues to destroy what it could. Now free, I am my own master, and I will fight when I want to, at the back of my mind the fear of losing myself to the desires of my body keeps me reserved…

And Sheet (Basically done)

Character Name: Alleria

Concept: Recently Escaped Gladiator

Motivation: To destroy all who would take freedoms away from others

Intimacies: Humans (Wary Dislike), Descendents (Desire)

Profession: Gladiator (A strange one at that xD )



Strength: ••

Dexterity: •••••

Stamina: ••


Charisma: •

Manipulation: •••

Appearance: •••••


Perception: ••

Intelligence: ••

Wits: ••




Athletics •••

Awareness ••

Dodge ••••


Martial Arts ••••

•Melee ••••• (Against Multiple Oppenents ••)






Larceny •••

Linguistics •• (Native: Old Realm | Learned (after before her gladitorial days): RiverSpeak, Firetongue)

Performance ••••





Stealth ••••

Survival ••








Mutations marked with * are inheritable through Breed True

*Serpent Tongue (Lunars pg 207) Aleria has a cute little serpent's tongue, well cute when its not wraping around dinner. Ignores the -2 penalty to find the unseen.

Skin Color (Core pg 288) Aleria skin was made blue at the whim of the Solar that made her, the tatoo that runs along the left side of her humanoid body maintains the limiter on Aleria's Essence System. Both these features will not show on decendents due to a failure in the design.

*Cannibalism (Lunars pg 208) As a part of the design flaw and seen in all the failed prototypes, Aleria also enjoys the taste of living human flesh more than anything, as well as eating them whole.

*Breed True (Scroll of Heroes pg 133) She was designed to continue the species however even the Solar knew that there was a chance that only one of his prototypes would survive to procreate, so this was encoded into the Katana Lamia to ensure proper continuing bloodlines.

*Short Gestation (Wyld pg 147) Aleria especially was designed to bring children quickly into Creation.

Immortality (Scroll of Heroes pg 135) In a desperate attempt to have her Katana Lamia live beyond a month, the Solar instilled a system that would make Aleria live for an awfully long time. In as such this ability isn't to be seen in her decendents... when she has any.

Sexual Addiction (Lunars pg 209) Possibly a side effect to to the Breeding systems in place but likely caused upon the opening of the Essence System, Aleria cannot resist sex with the appropriate person, male or woman. Her targets are however usually strong with good genetics. -2 to Temperance Rolls to Resist

Awakened Essence (Infernals pg 63) In an insane attempt to keep Aleria from joining her maddened siblings, the Solar opened up Aleria's Essence system to strengthen the creature's mind. This alone has added flaws and abberations to her precious Katana Lamia design. Still the tatoo keeps the Essence System in check, keeping it basically in stasis. Aleria however has the mental ability to break beyond that limiter, but she doesn't have the desire... yet.

Perfect Healing Form (Scroll of Heroes pg 137) Another facet of keeping Aleria alive over her siblings, her Solar creator granted her the ability to heal even the most serious of wounds, given time.

*Serpent's Body (Lunars pg 209) Her basic mark of her design. A 20ft long black serpent's body. It started orginally at 2ft but grew as she did, while she has not made her 18th year yet it appears the length of her tail has stopped. It grants her +4 dex to movement and +4 to Grapples with it. It imposes a -3 to other movement required abilites that legs are needed for. Ie jumping.


Resources •••

Artifact •• (Silken Armor)


Compassion: ••

Conviction: •••

Temperance: ••

Valor: •••

Willpower and Essence:

Willpower: •••••••

Essence: •

Essence Pool (22)



Silken Armor 3B/5L


Straight Sword -S:4 A:+2 D:+3 Def:+1 R:2-

Perfect Knivesx6 -S:5 A:+2 D:+3 Def:+2 R:3-

Leather Gloves



Straight Sword -S:4 A:12 D:5L PDV:6 R:2-

Perfect Knives -S:5 A:12 D:5L PDV:6 R:3-

Clinch (Tail grapple) -S:6 A:13 D:2B PDV: 5 R:1-

Kick (Tail Slap) -S:5 A:9 D:5B PDV:4 R:2-

Punch -S:5 A:10 D:2B PDV:6 R:3-

Join Battle 4


Join Debate 4


Natural Soak

Bash: 2 Lethal: 0


Bash: 5 Lethal: 5 Aggrivated: 3


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ] [ ]

Professions- Gladiator

Athletics, Melee, Performance- One dot per


02 Dodge ••• > ••••

02 Martial Arts ••• > ••••

03 Temperance • > ••

02 Stealth ••• > ••••

01 Melee •••• > •••••

02 Willpower ••••• • > ••••• ••

01 Melee Specialty ••

04 Str • > ••

04 Dex •••• > •••••

Oh and MorkaisChosen, if you are looking at the Guard Profession (And not having a book xD ) there is one in the book for a guard. I'd post the long fluffy parts but here are the mechanical requirements and bonuses instead. ><

Minimum Requirements

Backing 1, Influence 1 (Or Patron 2), Melee 2 (We can leave it up to Grey on this. As since backing and Influence/Patron are now gone, if I remember your backstory right ^^)

Profession abilities (you get to split up 3 dots to these) Awareness, Dodge, Investigation, Melee, Presence
We have a pseudo daemonette and a sex-obsessed Naga?

And poor Thorn.. She was the creation of a beastmen-breeding Lunar and so knows ALL about sex (Temperance 1), but she's got Quills.. the only one who could even attempt it is someone with enough natural resistance to soak 3 points of lethal damage without armor.
hehe. We'll find ya a few earth elementals to play with or another Lunar...... or an Infernal with some soak/hardness charms xD
Crasical said:
And poor Thorn.. She was the creation of a beastmen-breeding Lunar and so knows ALL about sex (Temperance 1), but she's got Quills..
And as we all know, the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Crasical said:
the only one who could even attempt it is someone with enough natural resistance to soak 3 points of lethal damage without armor.

*looks at pictures of gargoyles, then looks at Stone Body mutation*

Heh heh heh...
Hm. I shall meditate on adjusted backgrounds for MorkaisChosen.

Everyone else looks totally groovy, if... worryingly reminiscent of monstergirl thread on a certain imageboard we shall not name.
Arynne said:
And as we all know, the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.
Ahahah, I googled it out of curiousity, apparently someone actually wrote lyrics for that.

Pratchett fans sure are strange.

You can bugger the bear, if you do it with care,

In the winter, when he is asleep in his lair,

Though I would not advise it in spring or in fall--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

If you're feeling quite coarse, you can bugger the horse,

Or the palfrey, the jennet, the stallion (with force),

You can bugger the donkey, the mare, or the mule,

Though to bugger the pony is needlessly cruel.

You can bugger the ox (if you stand on a box)

And vulpologists say you can bugger the fox,

You can bugger the shrew, though it's awfully small--

But the hedgehog cvan never be buggered at all.

Herptologists gasp you can bugger the asp,

Entymologists claim you can bugger the wasp.

If an insects your thing, man, then just have a ball--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

And the elephant too, that you meet in the zoo,

Can be buggered if you are sure just what to do,

You will need a large mattress upon which to fall--

But the hedgehog cvan never be buggered at all.

You can bugger the bees if your down on your knees,

You can bugger the termites with terminal ease

You can bugger the beetle, the ladybug (bird!) too,

There's no end to the buggering that you can do.

You can bugger the cat if it isn't too fat

You can bugger the rabbit you draw from your hat

You can bugger the shark that you've chased in your yawl--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can bugger the ermine, and all other vermine,

Like rats, mice, and roaches, if you're not discernin'.

You can bugger the dog, it will come when you call--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Although Mr. Tiggy is not very big, he

Avoids with great ease those who fancy his arse.

He just curls in a ball, shows his prickles and all--

And the would-be seducer leaves him in the grass

If you're that kind of fool, and you have a long tool,

Do it with a giraffe, if you stand on a stool,

Catch a yeti, who lives in the snows of Nepal--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

For the hedgehog escapes the posterior rapes

Performed upon others of different shapes

Those who run, swim, or slither, they get it withal--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

It is said, if you try, you can bugger the fly,

Or the swallow as it skims so skillfully by,

Use a noose or a net, or lime (if you've the gall)--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all

You can bugger the cow (I will not tell you how),

Or the boar, or the piglet, the shoat or the sow,

You can bugger the ass as it stands in the stall--

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can order or shoo 'im, or run a knife through 'im

The one thing you cannot do is stick it to 'im.

If you try to seduce 'im, you'll end in a fix,

His prickles defend him against rampant pricks.

You can bugger the ram, you can bugger the lamb,

You can bugger the ewe, though the wether's a sham,

You can bugger the tiger (it may caterwaul)

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can bugger the seal, you can bugger the eel,

You can bugger the crab, though they say it can't feel,

You can bugger the bat as the night casts its pall,

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

You can bugger the snake (hold it down with a rake),

Though to bugger the quetzal may be a mistake.

You can bugger the billy, the nanny, the kid,

But to bugger the hedeghog just cannot be did.

You can bugger the slug, though it messes the rug,

You can bugger the different species of bug,

Or do it with a snail, if you slow to a crawl,

But the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

At the end of the day, when you've had your rough way

With all of those creatures, you'll just have to say

"That damned Erinaceous has been my downfall--"

For the hedgehog can never be buggered at all!

But Earth Elementals, Stone Body? Poor Thorn. Rock-hard and cold!
Ah, there we are. Nice concepts, folks. Things will most certainly be interesting. :D

Now, as for mine, I am thinking... the most dangerous game.

Long ago, a Twilight who also fancied himself the greatest hunter in Creation, fashioned an island game preserve in the West. However, as the centuries passed, he became bored with hunting natural creatures, and the creatures of the Wyld were often too strange to survive long on his island. So, he and his greatest rivial as both a hunter and a scholar, his lunar mate, decided to populate the island with chimeric beastmen to serve as their quarry.

Indeed, they were satisfied with the results. So satisfied infact that they were too engrossed in the thrill of the hunt to adequately defend themselves from the usurpation. However, their creations lived on, hidden by ancient anti-poaching screens powered by their creators manse... which has recently failed due to neglect... and so, an octo-lion is taken from her home... more to come. My isp is out of comission and I'm posting this on my phone with a dying battery.
The first thing that came to mind was Cool! Exalted Jurrasic Park xD Nice concept though, can't wait to see more it as well. Poor dying phone.
Wait, wait wait wait.

We're looking for a guy with enough soak to take 3L unarmoured, right?

Armoured Hide. 4B/4L Soak.


Those Professional Abilities look about right, I can use 'em- only problem is the prerequisite. I could make a Fast-Talk ST roll to get Martial Arts covering the Melee restriction (seeing as his body's the weapon and all), but the backgrounds are tougher...

I'm not going to count the BP bonus of the Ugly mutation, seeing as I'm actually losing only one point of Appearance, not two, and that's quite a big advantage for intimidating people.

Name: Guard Twenty-First of Forty-Nine

Concept: Hideous Poet

Created: First Age Solar's Guard

Strength: ooo+

Dexterity: ooo

Stamina: ooo+

Charisma: ooo

Manipulation: oo

Appearance: No

Perception: ooo

Intelligence: oo

Wits: ooo (4BP)

Favoured Ability: Performance: ooo (Poetry +2) (1BP)

Martial Arts: ooo (Natural Weapons +1) (1BP)

Melee: o

Integrity: ooo

Presence: o+

Resistance: ooo (Staying Awake +1) (1BP)

Investigation: +

Lore: oo (First Age +1) (1BP)

Athletics: o

Awareness: ooo

Dodge: oo+

Stealth: oo

Linguistics: o

Compassion: ooo

Conviction: oo

Temperance: oo

Valour: ooo (3BP)


Poxes: Enhanced Sight (Compound Eyes) (1BP)

Large (1BP)

Deficiencies: Ugly (BPs not counted)

Afflictions: Talons (2BP)

Great Hooves (2BP) (Massive plated doom-feet, not quite hooves, but it works)

Blights: Armoured Hide (4BP)

With Grey's permission, I won't take an extra language just yet- that Linguistics dot is to represent verbal eloquence, and should help with writing stuff down occasionally. Would it be reasonable to pick up a new language, other than his native Old Realm, for just the training time later on?
I'm quite happy to allow Martial Arts to cover that Melee restriction. The other backgrounds I still need to consider, but that won't take long.

You can go ahead with the Linquistics scheme, too.
Awesome. I'll probably shuffle a few dots to give him a little more Linguistics, too, so he's moderately eloquent rather than a bit basic...
Post edited to reduce length. :D
errant12345 said:
Ah, there we are. Nice concepts, folks. Things will most certainly be interesting. :D
Now, as for mine, I am thinking... the most dangerous game.

Long ago, a Twilight who also fancied himself the greatest hunter in Creation, fashioned an island game preserve in the West. However, as the centuries passed, he became bored with hunting natural creatures, and the creatures of the Wyld were often too strange to survive long on his island. So, he and his greatest rival as both a hunter and a scholar, his lunar mate, decided to populate the island with chimeric beastmen to serve as their quarry.

Indeed, they were satisfied with the results. So satisfied infact that they were too engrossed in the thrill of the hunt to adequately defend themselves from the usurpation. However, their creations lived on, hidden by ancient anti-poaching screens powered by their creators manse... which has recently failed due to neglect... and so, an octo-liger is taken from her home... more to come. My isp is out of comission and I'm posting this on my phone with a dying battery.
Okay, here's the rest of the story! The anti-poaching screens provided by the long-dead Solar's manse made the island seem both extremely dangerous to approach and completely desolate to those who did not bear the hearthstone or were not accompanied by the bearer. Those who braved the illusion found themselves attacked by a seemingly invisible and inaudible horde of enemies. In reality, this was the beastmen(who were fully able to perceive the intruders and the island itself) defending the island as per the wishes of their masters. When the screen eventually failed, ships soon took notice of the lush jungle paradise that now stood in the place of what was previously just a massive pile of rocks and dirt.

Strong and fierce as they were, the beastmen found defending the island much more difficult without the aid of their master's manse. While the invaders were still not coming in sufficient numbers to take the entire island, the power of the Dragon Blooded was now quite sufficient to build and maintain a foothold. Although Guild slavers, the Realm, and several nations of the West are interested in it, none were willing to commit to a full-scale invasion just yet. It would be foolish to charge in when so much was yet unknown about the island, and what other defenses it might have.

However, this has not stopped enterprising slavers and dealers in exotic creatures from trying to turn a profit. One such expedition, led by a god-blood managed to capture a fascinating specimen who called herself "Tora". A decidedly large and powerful mix between human, lion, tiger and octopus, she stood a full nine feet tall and had four powerful tentacles emerging from her back. She was not only strong, but as intelligent as the average human, and even spoke Old Realm(although she used it primarily to curse and threaten her captors). As violent as she was, the sorceror found her both too fascinating and too valuable to simply kill her and study her corpse. Binding her with the heaviest chains he could find, he eventually managed to engage her in conversation. Although she obviously knew nothing of how the island's powerful illusion worked or how it failed, she did share the only thing she did know. The island belonged to the master and his wife, and when they returned there would be hell to pay, for poachers like him.

As savage and dangerous as she was, her ferocity was tempered by a sense of honor and a fiery spirit that fascinated him. When asked if she hated humans, she said she hated only thieves, poachers, and other lowlifes such as the one she was currently speaking to. When asked if she would eat humans, she again stated that only dishonorable thieves such as himself were on the menu. She told him that she did not kill for pleasure, as the master forbade it. Nor would she kill the young since they did not know better. Although she preferred to speak in old realm, he managed to teach her Sea-tongue as well on the long voyage back to port.

The god-blooded slaver was quite happy with his aquisition, and quite certain she would fetch a handsome price. When they finally arrived at port, he came to take her to auction. However, he had failed to notice that she had been slowly beaking her chains over the course of the long voyage. Hiding the now broken links, she waited for him to get close enough before pouncing on him and tearing his throat out. Taking his keys and shedding what was left of her chains, she swiftly and viciously fought her way up to the deck and escaped overboard. Finally free, she set out to find a way to save the master's island from the forces massing against it.

Again, my apologies. I am still being forced to post from my phone. I will edit this to look nicer as soon as I'm able. I hope to have stats made up tomorrow.
It seems rather unlikely that village girl Fox would know it...

...unless the old witch taught her?
Mmm. I could reason mine would know Old. Currently its Forest, River, and Fire she knows. Likely I can either remove River or Fire in place of having Old as the Native.
Old Realm makes the most sense, given where most of our characters come from. It'd be the first time I've ever seen it in a game(Old Realm as the common language, that is), and I think it would be pretty darn cool. :wink:
Arynne said:
It seems rather unlikely that village girl Fox would know it...
...unless the old witch taught her?
Does make sense, no?

Mylinnia: Yeah, I think it works having native Old Realm there, and it does avoid problems.

Obviously Twenty-First might want to learn some modern languages, but he doesn't know 'em yet...
Old Realm makes sense. Sera has that by default, she'll also have some seatongue as that language existed in the First Age.

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