Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

argh! To be tortured so. *Squirms all snaky like and with a slender hand reaches for the distant light desperately.* :P

It was the weekend though, all sorts of traps and temptations are left for people on those days. xD

Ooh AND NOW I finally get your line. xD Nuuu. Not that, don't let Grey be part of the ship, part of the crew. ^^
The room is perfectly, utterly dark, and stretches for an infinite amount in all directions. The floor, insofar as there is a floor, is white and smooth, as close as featureless and textureless as an object can be while still being perceptible. It is a void, the crafting table of a titan, a place empty but promising infinite possibilities. A single ray of light shines down on the 'center' of this void, from so far up that it's source is indeterminate. Quiet padding footsteps are the only noise, a strange green girl with spiny body and leathery skin, nude, slowly entering the light, blinking at it's brightness. After a short pause, she circles the device being illuminated, a large, perfect crystal sphere sitting on a large pedestal. At one end of the pedestal was a large panel, filled with many small, tightly spaced buttons, each with a small old realm pictogram on it. Though she didn't know the language, somehow the images made herself clear, and after a brief hesitation the girl sits her small bottom to the cold floor, crossing her legs and delicately pressing the small keys, thorns twitching as she slowly types.

"Hello. Is anyone out there?"

The words hang inside the crystal sphere, written in light, before fading.

She sat in silence, watching the machine, wondering if there would be a reply. She had little else to do.
"I... honestly can not say."

"Are you real? Is any of this real? I can not tell. The Master is wont to play amusing little pranks such as this."
Thorn pursed her lips for a moment before hurriedly typing back.

"I'm real. Who are you?"

Having someone to talk to made this void more bearable. The lurid pink text hovered in the air, her letters appearing in a leafy green beneath. These letters did not fade, and hovered, waiting for the next line of text to appear as if by an invisible scribe's hand.
"But how do I know you're really real and not an illusion that seems real like a dream."

"But still, I am called Seraphium."
"Um, good question. But, even if I was just a hallucination, I'm really the only one to talk to, right? Even if you're a hallucination, I'll talk to you..."

"My name is Thorned Dancer."

She paused, claws scraping over the key-tiles. What was the correct to say in this situation? Something was making her think it was 'a/s/l?' but that didn't seem correct. Eventually, she typed out the rest of the message.

"Nice to meet you, Seraphium."
Why oh why has this not gone? My disappointment is grand. Well maybe not. >>

:Aleria simple coils around the strange device and lays on it as the words come and go, a finger tapping on it. Likeing just transmitting gibberish.:
Our Characters got him. They obviously didn't like the part of being stuck on a boat. Who knows what they have done. xD

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