Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

The song I had running through my head as I came up with this character... :)

“Ay,†said the little leatherwing bat

“I’ll tell to you the reason that

The reason that I fly by night

Because I lost my heart’s delight.â€

Refrain: Howdy-dowdy, diddle-um-day

Howdy-dowdy, diddle-um-day

Howdy-dowdy, diddle-um-day

Hi lee-lee, little-I little-o

“Ay,†said the raven sittin’ on a chair

“Once I courted a lady fair.

She proved fickle and turned her back

And ever since then I’ve dressed in black.â€

“Ay,†said the swallow as she flew

“If I were a young girl I’d have two

If one were faithless and chanced to go

I’d add the other string to my bow.â€

“Ay,†said the owl with a head so white

“A lonesome day and a lonesome night

All for I heard some pretty girl say

She’d court all night and sleep all day.â€

“Nay,†said the little turtle dove

“For that’s no way to gain her love

If you want to win your heart’s delight

Keep her awake both day and night!â€

“Hush,†said the bat from high in a tree

“I want my love to marry me.

Hurry off to bed and no more speak

Of the love you’ve lost or the love you seek.â€

Bat unfurled her wings and began to fly,

Among the trees in the moonlit sky.

Away she flew off into the night,

Searching for her heart’s delight.
Backgrounds idea! I can give Twenty-First some Savant to represent the fact that he's part of a culture that lives in a First Age Manse and has read First Age books.
Crasical said:
Can I get a ruling on how talons/Quills interact, Captain Grey?
I would think Talons supersede Quills for the purposes of punching, but Quill projection remains reasonable. In fact, I'd consider Quills as firing from, say, the shoulders, and allow Talons to provide a more high-risk ranged weapon. As in; she literally fires a talon for higher damage than a Quill, but will be left short until it grows back.

Purely optional, of course. For now, Quills have no impact on Thorn's punch attacks.
Grey said:
Crasical said:
Can I get a ruling on how talons/Quills interact, Captain Grey?
I would think Talons supersede Quills for the purposes of punching, but Quill projection remains reasonable. In fact, I'd consider Quills as firing from, say, the shoulders, and allow Talons to provide a more high-risk ranged weapon. As in; she literally fires a talon for higher damage than a Quill, but will be left short until it grows back.

Purely optional, of course. For now, Quills have no impact on Thorn's punch attacks.
Thanks, Cap'n.

(Will be using Captain until some more appropriate form of address for our storyteller appears)
Argh damnit stupid backgrounds.

I'm still thinking about it, but I've kinda written myself into a corner- pretty much all the BGs are about people knowing you...

EDIT: Hmm. I could go with Contacts 2, for "People I know back home"...
You could, aside from Contacts, take a dot of resources. Just to say perhaps you found/have something that someone likes that can fetch you a pretty penny. ^^
To be honest, that's probably the best way to go- Resources 2, surprisingly valuable stuff from a First Age Manse.

If that meets ST approval...?
It does. Or hell, take an Artifact. Perhaps I shall brew up something delightfully plot-hooky for it...
An artifact would inevitably be more fun. I'm not sure what one- or two-dot ones there are that'd be any use to an unEnlightened Mortal, but I'll have a look...
Fuel Bolt Launchers are Artifact 2 and don't require essence commitment. BE HEAVY WEAPONS GUY.

Edit: Alternatively.

Essence Capacitor, Heaven Glory Shroud, Arc Protector (Sunglasses), Flaw Scanner, Light Amplification Visor, Portable Nutriment Recycling Engine are all canon.

Also, Skin-like-the-mountains Oil. Or a Force Projection Weapon (Shock Pike). Jump Harness...
Actually, better idea. Just reading through Oadenol's Codex, and I hit a little beauty called a Ghost Cestus. Artifact 3, Attunement 0, and lets you see and punch immaterial creatures to drain their Willpower- just the thing for a Solar's non-Essence-wielding guards.

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