Huddled In The Dark (OOC Thread) [Broken]

So I went Native: Old, Learned River and Fire. I decided I can easily say the City State Shadow Leaf (now a ruin xD ) and Cursed Fortress was more South than East ^^
Just realize Firetongue would be more appropriate for Xahax's second language as well with Old Realm being his primary.
Linguistics 0 - Just your native language

Linguistics 1 - Native and 1 other

Linguistics 2 - Native and 2 others

ect... ect... ect...

Hope that helps ^^

Another note: Lore 1 Ensures you can Read/Write.
Eyup, okay. Thorn can read and write Old Realm and Firetongue.

PS: Stone body, armored hide, Earth Elementals... I'm glad you're all so dedicated to finding new and creative ways to love a cactus. :roll: :lol:

Edit: Do Talons stack with the damage buff from Quills? Or does one supersede the other?
Ah, but we haven't settled the question yet...

So far I've got two votes for "gargoyle" (with Stone Body) and one vote for "demonette". :wink:

And the Old Witch of the Woods, who breeds monsters...what is she? Lunar? Really weird Dragon King?
Alright, folks. I promised to clean this up a bit, and so I have. Also, I have some stats for you! And let's hope my ISP troubles are over.(They seem to be, for the time being. Keeping my fingers crossed, there)

Long ago, a Twilight who also fancied himself the greatest hunter in Creation, fashioned an island game preserve in the West. However, as the centuries passed, he became bored with hunting natural creatures, and the creatures of the Wyld were often too strange to survive long on his island. So, he and his greatest rival as both a hunter and a scholar, his lunar mate, decided to populate the island with chimeric beastmen to serve as their quarry.

Indeed, they were satisfied with the results. So satisfied infact that they were too engrossed in the thrill of the hunt to adequately defend themselves from the usurpation. However, their creations lived on, hidden by ancient anti-poaching screens powered by their creators manse... which has recently failed due to neglect...

The anti-poaching screens provided by the long-dead Solar's manse made the island seem both extremely dangerous to approach and completely desolate to those who did not bear the hearthstone or were not accompanied by the bearer. Those who braved the illusion found themselves attacked by a seemingly invisible and inaudible horde of enemies. In reality, this was the beastmen(who were fully able to perceive the intruders and the island itself) defending the island as per the wishes of their masters. When the screen eventually failed, ships soon took notice of the lush jungle paradise that now stood in the place of what was previously just a massive pile of rocks and dirt.

Strong and fierce as they were, the beastmen found defending the island much more difficult without the aid of their master's manse. While the invaders were still not coming in sufficient numbers to take the entire island, the power of the Dragon Blooded was now quite sufficient to build and maintain a foothold. Although Guild slavers, the Realm, and several nations of the West are interested in it, none were willing to commit to a full-scale invasion just yet. It would be foolish to charge in when so much was yet unknown about the island, and what other defenses it might have.

However, this has not stopped enterprising slavers and dealers in exotic creatures from trying to turn a profit. One such expedition, led by a god-blood managed to capture a fascinating specimen who called herself "Tora". A decidedly large and powerful mix between human, lion, tiger and octopus, she stood a full nine feet tall and had four powerful tentacles emerging from her back. She was not only strong, but as intelligent as the average human, and even spoke Old Realm(although she used it primarily to curse and threaten her captors). As violent as she was, the sorceror found her both too fascinating and too valuable to simply kill her and study her corpse. Binding her with the heaviest chains he could find, he eventually managed to engage her in conversation. Although she obviously knew nothing of how the island's powerful illusion worked or how it failed, she did share the only thing she did know. The island belonged to the master and his wife, and when they returned there would be hell to pay, for poachers like him.

As savage and dangerous as she was, her ferocity was tempered by a sense of honor and a fiery spirit that fascinated him. When asked if she hated humans, she said she hated only thieves, poachers, and other lowlifes such as the one she was currently speaking to. When asked if she would eat humans, she again stated that only dishonorable thieves such as himself were on the menu. She told him that she did not kill for pleasure, as the master forbade it. Nor would she kill the young since they did not know better. Although she preferred to speak in old realm, he managed to teach her Sea-tongue as well on the long voyage back to port.

The god-blooded slaver was quite happy with his aquisition, and quite certain she would fetch a handsome price. When they finally arrived at port, he came to take her to auction. However, he had failed to notice that she had been slowly beaking her chains over the course of the long voyage. Hiding the now broken links, she waited for him to get close enough before pouncing on him and tearing his throat out. Taking his keys and shedding what was left of her chains, she swiftly and viciously fought her way up to the deck and escaped overboard. Finally free, she set out to find a way to save the master's island from the forces massing against it.


Character Name: Tora

Concept: Noble Savage

Motivation: To protect the master's island from poachers.

Profession: Hermit(One dot each in Martial Arts, Resistance, and Survival)



Strength: ••••• (2 free dots from Huge)

Dexterity: ••••

Stamina: •••• (2 free dots from Huge)

Charisma: ••

Manipulation: ••

Appearance: ••

Perception: ••

Intelligence: ••

Wits: •••






Athletics ••••

Awareness ••••(+2 dice to sight and hearing based rolls from Enhance Senses)

Dodge ••••(••• Unarmored)


*Martial Arts •••••(•• Claws)


Resistance ••••







Linguistics •(Native: Old Realm, Sea-Tongue)

Performance •

Presence •••




Stealth •••

Survival ••••(+1 die from fur)







Medicine •



Allies •••(Tora has two sisters and a brother on her master's island. If she could contact them, they would help her.)

Destiny ••(Few backgrounds seem to work well with this character, so I will gladly work with Grey to make a destiny that works for the story.)



Compassion: ••

Conviction: •••

Temperance: ••

Valor: ••••



Willpower: ••••• •

Essence: •

Personal: N/A

Peripheral: N/A


-0 [ ][ ]

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I [ ]





Affliction: Huge

Pox: Fur

Pox: Claws

Pox: Fangs

Pox: Enhanced Vision

Pox: Enhanced Sight

Pox: Wolf's Pace

Blight: Tentacles(four of them, on her back)



Debility: Diet(Raw Flesh) - 2 BP



Code of Honor(Never lie to or betray anyone who is not your enemy) - 3 BP

Barbarian - 3 BP

Bonus Points: 29

Affliction: Huge - 2 BP

Pox: Fur - 1 BP

Pox: Claws - 1 BP

Pox: Fangs - 1 BP

Pox: Enhanced Hearing - 1 BP

Pox: Enhanced Sight - 1 BP

Pox: Wolf's Pace - 1 BP

Blight: Tenacles - 4 BP

Martial Arts +1(1 BP)

2 Martial Arts Specialties: Claws(1 BP)

Dodge +1(2 BP)

3 Dodge specialties: Unarmored(3 BP)

Valor +1(3 BP)

Conviction +1(3 BP)

Athletics +1(2 BP)

Awareness +1(2 BP)

Grey: I'll be PMing you shortly with some ideas for the destiny background. If it's a problem, I don't have an issue with changing it.

1pt Terresterial Bloodline


1mp Elemental Adaption (water) (wyld 145)

1mp Fangs (core 288)

1mp Hair Color (dark marvue) (core 288)

1mp Nightvision (wyld 144)

1mp Serpentine Tongue (lunar 207)

1mp Skin Color (light lavender) (core 288)


2mp Breed True (SoH 131)

2mp Gills (core 289)

2mp Talons (lunar 208)

2mp Thick Skin (wyld 147)

2mp Toxin (core 289)


4mp Enlightened Essence (wyld 148)

4mp Perfect Healing Factor (SoH 136)

4mp Immortality (SoH 134)

Oh mighty ST, do we need to pay for mutations that are used to build our characters with bonus points?

And if so, can we get the inheritence background to build them ala godblooded? :?
Oh, no. I'm essentially letting you take your mutations for free. Not one of you is the kind of player to milk an offer like that for crazybroken characters.

I do not recall the Inheritance background - refresh my memory?
Tsk because we are cool like that xD (Well that gives me a few more points to play with ^^)

But Inheritence. Scroll of Heroes, page 127. Its a background that gives a person points to build their character mutation side.
Thing about Inheritance, or at least Demonic Inheritance (the only version I've seen) is that it's essentially Points for Nothing. Fine as a shorthand if you're saying something like "This game is for Inheritance 3 God-Blooded and you get that free", not so good if you can just choose it.
Pretty much what the others said... inheritence is how to determine how strong a godblooded can get. And yay! free mutations for everyone!
Remodified sheet:

Name: Guard Twenty-First of Forty-Nine

Concept: Hideous Poet

Created: First Age Solar's Guard

Strength: ooo+

Dexterity: ooo

Stamina: oooo+ (4BP)

Charisma: ooo

Manipulation: oo

Appearance: No

Perception: ooo

Intelligence: oo (4BP)

Wits: ooo (4BP)

Favoured Ability: Performance: ooo (Poetry +2) (1BP)

Martial Arts: ooo (Natural Weapons +1) (1BP)

Melee: o

Integrity: ooo

Presence: o+

Resistance: ooo (Staying Awake +1) (1BP)

Investigation: +

Lore: oo (First Age +1) (1BP)

Athletics: oo (1BP)

Awareness: ooo

Dodge: oo+

Stealth: oo

Linguistics: o (Writing Poetry +1) (1BP)

Compassion: ooo

Conviction: oo

Temperance: oo

Valour: ooo (3BP)


Poxes: Enhanced Sight (Compound Eyes)


Deficiencies: Ugly (BPs not counted)

Afflictions: Talons

Great Hooves (Massive plated doom-feet, not quite hooves, but it works)

Blights: Armoured Hide

Backgrounds still not done as I have no idea what to spend 'em on.
Updated stats for Tora.

Character Name: Tora

Concept: Noble Savage

Motivation: To protect the master's island from poachers.

Profession: Hermit(One dot each in Martial Arts, Resistance, and Survival)



Strength: ••••• (2 free dots from Huge)

Dexterity: ••••

Stamina: •••• (2 free dots from Huge)

Charisma: •••

Manipulation: ••

Appearance: ••

Perception: ••

Intelligence: ••

Wits: •••






Athletics •••••

Awareness ••••(+2 dice to sight and hearing based rolls from Enhance Senses)

Dodge ••••(••• Unarmored)

Integrity •••

*Martial Arts •••••(•• Claws)


Resistance ••••







Linguistics •(Native: Old Realm, Sea-Tongue)

Performance •

Presence •••




Stealth •••

Survival ••••(+1 die from fur)







Medicine •



Allies ••(Tora has a sister and a brother on her master's island. If she could contact them, they would help her.)

Destiny •••



Compassion: ••

Conviction: •••

Temperance: ••

Valor: ••••



Willpower: ••••• •

Essence: •

Personal: N/A

Peripheral: N/A


-0 [ ][ ]

-1 [ ][ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]





Pox: Longevity

Pox: Fur

Pox: Claws

Pox: Fangs

Pox: Enhanced Vision

Pox: Enhanced Sight

Pox: Wolf's Pace

Affliction: Huge

Affliction: Exalted Healing

Blight: Tentacles(four of them, on her back)



Debility: Diet(Raw Flesh) - 2 BP



Code of Honor(Never lie to or betray anyone who is not your enemy) - 3 BP

Barbarian - 3 BP

Bonus Points: 29(2)

Affliction: Huge

Pox: Fur

Pox: Claws

Pox: Fangs

Pox: Enhanced Hearing

Pox: Enhanced Sight

Pox: Wolf's Pace

Blight: Tentacles

Martial Arts +1(1 BP)

2 Martial Arts Specialties: Claws(1 BP)

Dodge +1(2 BP)

3 Dodge specialties: Unarmored(3 BP)

Valor +1(3 BP)

Conviction +1(3 BP)

Athletics +2(4 BP)

Awareness +1(2 BP)

Integrity +3(6 BP)

Charisma +1(4 BP)
Query, oh benevolent ST... what is your stance on gossamer armour? Is it paid for with resources (at the standatd cost of the item)? Or should artifact dots be paid for such? Say 1 dot of artifact to pay for gossamer items?
How strange that gossamer stuff has no cost unless its Gossamer. Truely. Though I read somewhere and I can't find it, the gossamer thing was Resource Cost +1... or was that Artifact... well I can't find it, but I was sure I read it somewhere. When I wake up tomorrow I'll hunt it down unless Grey beats me to the punch ^^

And hmm Quill/Talons a very good question on their stackability.
Arynne, the fang and claw poxes jusallow you to do lethal damage with you unarmed atacks.

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