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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

Morning, Katsuya!

There will be an investigation certainly, but remember that his mind is valuable to the Wizengamot being able to have been part of it. And the Order of Merlin will be asking questions about the Storm Wall and the people there. And with how Renee has been snobbing them, and Kenren being in a position of power that is much higher, they would turn to their own for answers, and Bertrand would surely try to negotiate something in return to have a good life after the war.

So even if Renee, who has the ability to show if they were telling the truth, the Wizengamot will still take Bertrand side?

Heck that, Lydia will start her own order to overshadow their crap fest. xD
Heck that, Lydia will start her own order to overshadow their crap fest. xD
You know Echo and Renee would definitely help gather herbal information and Serena, whom I'm pretty sure will go back to being a violinist to Princess Mia, is gonna support her too by getting a spot for her or something...Same with Chenglei because he rather have an Order who they can trust and go to.
You know Echo and Renee would definitely help gather herbal information and Serena, whom I'm pretty sure will go back to being a violinist to Princess Mia, is gonna support her too by getting a spot for her or something...Same with Chenglei because he rather have an Order who they can trust and go to.

xD well Lydia wouldn't have another choice as far as some sort of Order... I mean, she's too humble to go to them and be like, "look what I did! Now I want to tell you all what to do too!" but she sure as heck wouldn't be part of an order that would allow someone that basically betrayed the world back in their good graces.
xD well Lydia wouldn't have another choice as far as some sort of Order... I mean, she's too humble to go to them and be like, "look what I did! Now I want to tell you all what to do too!" but she sure as heck wouldn't be part of an order that would allow someone that basically betrayed the world back in their good graces.
No! XD I mean if she mentions that she's gonna start something, they would help without her ordering them around. They would do it because they know it's for the best with the best of interest.
Heck that, Lydia will start her own order to overshadow their crap fest. xD
You know Echo and Renee would definitely help gather herbal information and Serena, whom I'm pretty sure will go back to being a violinist to Princess Mia, is gonna support her too by getting a spot for her or something...Same with Chenglei because he rather have an Order who they can trust and go to.
That is interesting as an epilogue thingy. Making an Order.
No! XD I mean if she mentions that she's gonna start something, they would help without her ordering them around. They would do it because they know it's for the best with the best of interest.

No no no!!! I was talking about how she would start her own order because she couldn't go to the Wizengamot and start bossing them around. xD not her friends!
Like I mean... think about that, if all of the group started an order? The people that brought down Valdanr and made allies of beings that no one thought could be allied with any other species starting their own order? Allied with the Cool Beans Guild? It would be madness, they'd be totally powerful and I don't doubt that many of the Wizengamot would join them because they also had suspicions of Bertrand and were just afraid to say anything.
Will Renee tell them all about the Storm Wall? And about their magic and political standing, and stuff like that?
Renee would be so cautious and stay quiet while Kenren tells them the deal of it all because she wouldn't talk to a bunch of blind idiots that don't understand what it means to be careful when she was doing her best to follow Kenren's advice!

No no no!!! I was talking about how she would start her own order because she couldn't go to the Wizengamot and start bossing them around. xD not her friends!
Oh! Pfft! Renee can do that, gladly! XD Or Serena...Yea, Serena can do that.
Like I mean... think about that, if all of the group started an order? The people that brought down Valdanr and made allies of beings that no one thought could be allied with any other species starting their own order? Allied with the Cool Beans Guild? It would be madness, they'd be totally powerful and I don't doubt that many of the Wizengamot would join them because they also had suspicions of Bertrand and were just afraid to say anything.
I'm up for that!
I'm up for that!

It would be awesome and I think doing that would fulfill a lot of James' dreams, I mean he and Lydia could travel as like.. ambassadors of the order, he'd get to be with her all the time and he would be a part of something important where he could still do what he loved like he had planned to with the Wizengamot.
Yeah... I think that outside of studying magic and ancient lore and stuff, they should be a sort of front for uniting all species, so that they wouldn't again be torn if something like Valdanr ever arose again.
Yeah... I think that outside of studying magic and ancient lore and stuff, they should be a sort of front for uniting all species, so that they wouldn't again be torn if something like Valdanr ever arose again.
Hm...so they would accept anyone as long they have good intentions and making sure nothing else like that happens, right?
>> you know, Lydia specifically said that she found his personality repulsive when they first met. xD not that she still found him repulsive. That aside, Renee is biased because Seifer acts differently towards her than anyone else. LOL so she can't give him a truly honest opinion. xD
xD wow... Renee is being really unfair. Lydia didn't spend time with Seifer because she was working on the seal for Valdanr, she didn't really have time and whenever Renee is around Seifer only spends time with her. >>
Is she really though? I mean Lydia can just go up to him and just poke him while they were walking around and making camp? or the other times when they were at Awashima? When Lydia wanted to take break which I'm guessing she stayed up there to do more work but still...

and Renee isn't being biased; she says that because that's what she sees and understands. She knows Seifer acts differently towards her (I mean she still remembers that stark difference the first time) and that's why she suggested it to hangout with Lydia instead.

But I will edit that a bit because you pointed out what Lydia said. Renee wants to be in the middle or the grey area as much as she can. XD Which is hard to write!!! XD Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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Don't worry about editing it, xD the characters can misunderstand, but I have to make sure that the players don't.

Renee is misreading Lydia though, Lydia is probably more forgiving of the incident than Renee or James. Lydia realized that it didn't taint her, she's still her. Lydia isn't even mad, she just thought it was creepy for Seifer to be asking her about whether or not she'll lose her virginity in the future. xD like... that's not something she really is comfortable talking about not even with James.
Don't worry about editing it, xD the characters can misunderstand, but I have to make sure that the players don't.

Renee is misreading Lydia though, Lydia is probably more forgiving of the incident than Renee or James. Lydia realized that it didn't taint her, she's still her. Lydia isn't even mad, she just thought it was creepy for Seifer to be asking her about whether or not she'll lose her virginity in the future. xD like... that's not something she really is comfortable talking about not even with James.
Okay. Thank you~! XD
Is she really though? I mean Lydia can just go up to him and just poke him while they were walking around and making camp? or the other times when they were at Awashima? When Lydia wanted to take break which I'm guessing she stayed up there to do more work but still...

and Renee isn't being biased; she says that because that's what she sees and understands. She knows Seifer acts differently towards her (I mean she still remembers that stark difference the first time) and that's why she suggested it to hangout with Lydia instead.

But I will edit that a bit because you pointed out what Lydia said. Renee wants to be in the middle or the grey area as much as she can. XD Which is hard to write!!! XD Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

And you know... I kinda' thought that like... there are a lot of unplayed interactions between characters just because playing every moment of every day would take a long time, so I would think that somewhere in that she has hung around Seifer, like maybe when they are training or something. But it is kind of a weird pair because they don't really have anything in common outside of coming from well off families but they are very different. Like Seifer spends a lot of time with Renee and she's usually doing something completely different from what one would find Lydia doing and I mean since they had been at the fort, she was trying to train warlocks and witches to do the exorcism circle so that she wasn't the only one warding the place and that was outside of running around sealing off manholes and stuff. xD so probably the only time that they can be around each other is maybe during meals or training... and as we've witness, Seifer is totally socially awkward. xD like he's used to being around people, but he has a sort of... not very appropriate knowledge of how to talk to them? Like he thinks that he is above everyone still so he can just say whatever he wants? I don't know how else to explain it, but he's just not used to talking to people on an equal level. xD so I imagine that many of their conversations probably went the same way.
And you know... I kinda' thought that like... there are a lot of unplayed interactions between characters just because playing every moment of every day would take a long time, so I would think that somewhere in that she has hung around Seifer, like maybe when they are training or something. But it is kind of a weird pair because they don't really have anything in common outside of coming from well off families but they are very different. Like Seifer spends a lot of time with Renee and she's usually doing something completely different from what one would find Lydia doing and I mean since they had been at the fort, she was trying to train warlocks and witches to do the exorcism circle so that she wasn't the only one warding the place and that was outside of running around sealing off manholes and stuff. xD so probably the only time that they can be around each other is maybe during meals or training... and as we've witness, Seifer is totally socially awkward. xD like he's used to being around people, but he has a sort of... not very appropriate knowledge of how to talk to them? Like he thinks that he is above everyone still so he can just say whatever he wants? I don't know how else to explain it, but he's just not used to talking to people on an equal level. xD so I imagine that many of their conversations probably went the same way.
True, Seifer is socially awkward but I think that's another reason why Renee wants Seifer to hang out with Lydia. So he can get a better understanding with conversation limits and whatnot in the social norms. She trusts Lydia in teaching Seifer (without really teaching him like it was a school lesson) and she believes Seifer would understand it better then with herself; why? because Renee can take a lot and she's used to the weirdest of things. I think she got used to the way Seifer is too and wants Seifer to continue growing in understand others. She's just a start, it's the others that she wants Seifer to have a connection with somehow. Like with him asking Echo to teach him how to river dance. XD

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