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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle - OOC

I have made a spoopy ghost.
If-you would like to join a jamboree , there's a simple rule that's compulsory. Mortals paaaayyyy a token fee. Rest in Peace! The hauntings free. So hurry back we would like your company....

and yes, I am up at...2 A:M to type this... This is how I shall spend my Friday night.
>> yes. Yes it is. I was playing WoW while I waited for you to post. xD I'm trying to get flying and I have to get my rep up with a faction to get it. @_@ so I was grinding that out, but that is so boring and I don't have any more rep quests so I was getting really bored. xD
XD Lol! Oh my goodness. I'm still waiting for Zer0 Zer0 to respond too but I don't know if she's busy at the moment. Probably is. I'm still reeling in from what James did yesterday. Why does he keep surprising us!? Like damn. XD Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

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