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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)



-Echo's bedroom-


Renee stared out of the open window, watching the transparent curtains sway from the light breeze. It's early in the morning, the sun started to rise as the sky turned into pastel yellows and blues. She woke up before Echo did, gasping from the nightmares that haunted her. Luckily, her friend continued to sleep despite her mumbling. 

Last night, she ran into Echo before she could hop on the train to Dawnsfield, hugging her from behind and pleaded to stay over for the night, which her friend agreed to. Oddly enough, Echo didn't ask what was wrong; all she did was give her a cup of water to drink, pass her another set of PJs, and get her ready to sleep. 'Guess I was a mess, for her to not ask...' Renee thought absentmindedly, getting off the bed that she shared with Echo and walked out to the small veranda. She leaned on the railings, her arms crossed on the top.

The winged teen could only frown as James popped into her mind and sighed, her wings wilting at the thought of seeing him at school today. She knows that it's going to be awkward now...it's most likely that she'll avoid him just so she wouldn't start crying again. Renee continued to dread at seeing her older brother, not hearing hooves clopping on the wooden floor until she felt someone poke her back.

Renee peeked over her shoulder to see Echo, barely awake and ears twitching. "Why aren't you sleeping, Ren? It's 5 Am and I really doubt you slept all that well..." The winged teen looked away, staring at the sky and slowly moving clouds.

"Nightmare...Why are you awake? Don't you wake up at 6?"

"Yes, but I'm worried about a certain friend who had a breakdown last night. Can you blame this fawn?"

Renee laughed a bit, making Echo smile. "No, I guess I shouldn't...Sorry for scaring you like that."

"It's fine. I rather you scare me like that than some other horrible way like a kidnapping or something." Renee shook her head, smiling a bit.

"A kidnapping, Echo? Really?" Echo shrugged her shoulders, also leaning on the railings but with her back.

"Yes, well...I'm tired." Renee was about to say something back until a man's voice boomed throughout the large home, making the pair jump in surprise.

"GOOD MORNING, SUN!!! IT'S A BEAUTIFUL MORNING WE HAVE TODAY!!!" The two friends looked down the veranda to see Echo's father, Lykon, stretching his body like he was getting ready to start exercising. Renee giggled before yelling, waving her arm.

"Good morning, Mr. Muses!!"

She watched him turn around and grinned widely, waving back enthusiastically. "GOOD MORNING RENNY! GOOD MORNING MY SWEET LITTLE PRECIOUS FLOWER! DID YOU WAKE UP JUST TO ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL MORNING?!" Lykon asked loudly, not caring if he woke up the rest of the family with his booming voice. Echo rolled her eyes at the nickname her father gave them.

"No, father. We just woke up to talk, that's all."

"HMPH! WOMEN ARE STRANGE, BUT BEAUTIFUL CREATURES. SO I WILL RESPECT THAT." Renee didn't understand how that was relevant, but she nodded anyways. Then the satyr started on his morning run. Lykon is the type of man who wouldn't understand complicated things, but he's very gentle and sweet...on certain occasions. Other times, when it comes to guys, he'll show who's boss. Especially when it comes to his only daughter. Echo quietly explained. "Dad basically said that he doesn't understand why we would wake up just to talk..." 

"It's official; You need to write down a manual for people to understand your dad, Echo." Renee joked, smiling as she watched her friend's ears perking up. "I'm not doing that. Too much work." She joked back before stretching her arms up. "Might as well take advantage on our time. Wanna help me pick up vegetables in my aunt's garden?"

"Sure! I would love to help." The pair of friends walked to the garden in their pajamas, enjoying their time together as they pulled out the carrots from the dirt and laughing at each others' expenses.

Echo's dad.jpg


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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Kingsbury East Post Office Branch "[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]O[/SIZE]n lunch time the next day, James rode out of the Sorcerer's Academy in a hurry, clutching a letter in his mouth, holding a stack of toast in one hand, and holding Frey's reins in the other. The ethereal stag was a silver-shite blur as it galloped out the school gates, rushed through the bustling streets of Kingsbury, and round the corner to the nearest post office a few miles away.

James dismounted, patting dust off his robes. Inside the post office was place that had many clocks showing the different time zones of different regions. In one room, hundreds upon hundreds of owls, doves, and messenger hawks sat in the rafters waiting for their next delivery, while outside couriers riding sleek speedy hippogriffs flew in and out with packages and bundles of letters.

There was a long line of people today, and James stood at the back tapping his foot impatiently. At this rate he wouldn't be able to squeeze in some practice time with the lightning shield charm before his master's next class.

He did not go home last night as he did not want to see Renee and the twins were left wondering where in the world were their two older siblings, and where they were to get dinner. James had stayed at an inn called, the Prancing Pony, and sent his owl Sasha to the flying castle to explain to them what happened, to which he endured a few minutes of the twins yelling at him and calling him names for making Renee cry.


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Mess Hall, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]M[/SIZE]eanwhile, Johnny was eating in the mess hall in his usual table facing one of the outdoor gardens without the eldest Pendragon around. Instead he was in the company of a handsome, white-haired, oriental-looking archer who looked like he was in his sixth year. The archer had a somewhat arrogant face and was surrounded by jocks who were archers too and a small crowd of girls whom Johnny was avoiding eye contact with. His face was red again.

Their table was lively and their topic of conversation seemed to be about a few of the archer's friends' parents not understanding their dreams of becoming shoe makers and rune knights and were asking Johnny how he was able to convince his parents to allow him to study summoning instead of managing their farm and dress the way he does in school.

"My parents gave up trying to change me." said Johnny smiling. "They don't like what I'm doing, but they're not stopping me either."

"Lucky you." said a guy. "I have to graduate with flying colors to bring honor to the family name."

"But you're doing so well in school. You're like one of the top archers, Mike." said a girl.

"Yeah, but I'm not happy. What's the point of making people happy while you make yourself unhappy? I really want to be a shoe maker. See? I made these myself." said Mike.

One of the girls giggled. "Gosh, you're like a girl. Aren't those girlie shoes?"

"They're not girlie shoes, Anna, they are tassel loafers with thick laces, okay?" Mike explained to the girl. The girl Anna seemed familiar, if memory serves right she was the girl who had shook Johnny and called for the nurse when he fainted yesterday.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee didn't visit the whomping willow today since her emotions were all over the place. If she transformed like that, it would fluctuate and could bring her in serious harm (more serious then the usual anyways!) . Professor Grandiflorus understood that and told her to study on making new types of healing potions with food and bring it to her after lunch tomorrow. Instead, she's walking with Echo to the mess hall, grabbing lunch. The white haired teen groaned tiredly as she grabbed a piece of beef skirt. Echo giggled.

"Wasn't expecting the extra homework, huh?" The red head heard Renee groaning again and giggled again.

"No, I wasn't...I was kind of hoping she wouldn't give me more homework to do..."

"Well, at least you can mix one thing with something that happens everyday, right?"

"True enough...still wished she didn't do that though..." Renee searched around the mess hall, glad that she hasn't seen James yet until she whipped her head where Johnny was sitting. Johnny...is surrounded by girls and guys...Who's the guy that he's sitting with? Why is she blushing!? Her heart's beating fast too?! What's going on?!

Echo watched her friend gaze at the arrogant looking guy, raising an eyebrow when she noticed her face turning pink. Then she smiled a bit like a cat that caught a mouse. Time for some fun~.

"Let's sit with Johnny! I'm sure he doesn't mind us accompanying him too. Come on, Ren!" With that, Echo grabbed Renee's wrist and practically dragged her to the table. The white haired teen followed her friend, not willing to sit with Johnny and the other teen but had no choice. She didn't want to offend anybody! The red head greeted everyone at the table, smiling cheerfully like a sunny day in spring with the flowers blooming.

"Hello everyone! Hello Johnny!...Oh! Aren't you the girl from before? Are you doing okay? I remembered that you were panicking a bit from Johnny fainting..." The pair of friends sat on the table, feeling a bit snug with everyone else around them like this.

While Echo was chatting, Renee looked down and moved her food around her plate before sighing again. She might as well say something too...at least to Johnny.

"Hi Johnny...How's the twins and James? Did they eat dinner last night?..." She asked, oddly timid. Her hands were sweating?! Why?! What is going on?!

Echo made sure to keep an eye on her friend, in case she does something funny or strange. This is a moment to remember for her since she never seen her friend act like this towards other guys. Renee then looked at the other white haired teen, smiling a bit nervously at him. "Hello! W-what's your name? I'm Renee Pendragon." Her wings folded tightly on her head, trembling ever so slightly.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Mess Hall, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]A[/SIZE] pleasant afternoon to you, Echo!" Johnny greeted back brightly. "And to you as well, Renee. James and the twins are fine." there was a practiced monotonous tone to how he said that and nodded.

"Wahhh, it's you!" said Anna jumping up and pointing at Echo hyperactively with a finger an inch from her nose. "Reindeer girl! --- oh, yes, I was so panicky. I was totally, like totally, flipping out! I thought you had cardiac syncope, sheep guy!" she said, slapping Johnny's soldier in an energetic friendly way.

"Ow, [SIZE= 11px]p-[/SIZE][SIZE= 10px]pardon[/SIZE]?" jumped Johnny, confused, and curled up as if he was afraid he was going to get a heart attack. He looked up at her with an expression that said: 'don't hurt me'.

"You know, a heart problem." said the girl in an obvious tone leaning close to explain.

Johnny curled up even more his face red. "[SIZE= 9px]Okay[/SIZE] . . ."

"You don't have one do you?" she said leaning closer.

"[SIZE= 8px]Okay[/SIZE] . . ." whispered Johnny looking away now.

"He's afraid of girls." smirked the white-haired archer." --- oh, hey, I'm Seifer." he added off-handedly just noticing Renee as if she was someone unimportant. "Wait . . . you're that popular girl who's been taking on the wimping willow, aren't you?"

Seifer's demeanor changed. He suddenly seemed interested in Renee and wore a charming, somewhat vain smile, the kind guys who know they are handsome wear. Actually, the kind players wear. In the background, Johnny was denying that he was afraid of girls because that was ridiculous, but Anna kept on pressing the issue until with a gasp she realized he was indeed afraid of girls.

"What are you training for?" asked Seifer. Most of the guys and girls surrounding him also took an interest in Renee, while two whispering girls at the back at the group pointed and giggled openly at Echo's antlers and hanging pots.

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-Renee Pendragon-

By that mono-toned voice, Renee knew something was off...and she had a feeling it might have something to do with James and her having that fight last night.

Echo flinched back when Anna pointed her finger at her. "I-I see...Hey! Stop th-!" When she was about to stop her from bothering Johnny like that, the red head heard some girls giggling. She searched as to why and saw two of them pointing...at her. Her face went a bit pale and looked away, mumbling to herself as she poked one of her pots.

"I...don't know if I am popular...but yea, I'm the one that's taking on the whomping willow..." She felt a bit uncomfortable, her heart racing when he smiled like that...what's wrong with her???

Renee was about to answer his second question when she saw Johnny being badgered and Echo retreating into her shell. That's...not good. What's with this guy?! He didn't even help Johnny at all! What sort of friend does that?! ...That jerk!!! Everyone here who's with this guy are a bunch of jerks!!!

The white haired teen quickly slammed her hands on the table while standing up, not caring if the whole table went quiet from her actions or that she might have rattled their drinks enough to spill. The single braid of her hair covered her left bright eye in it's shadow. All she cared right now is to make sure Johnny and Echo are feeling better...even if that means suffering from her stuttering heart because of ...Seifer, was it?

As her eyes went ice cold, similar to James' glare, she turned to the other white haired teen and smiled, in a rather charming way of her own. If anyone looked closely, they could even see the dimples on her cheeks. Echo, who payed attention because of her friend slamming the table, knew better than anyone else that Renee is not smiling happily; She's smiling because she's about to do something very rash and the red head prepared herself of what she's about to do.

"I'm training to get stronger. The reason? That's a secret. Now, I must get going...Johnny. Echo. You're coming with me."

With that sweet toned warning, Renee transformed. Her wings flapped once to make most of the people back away from Echo and Johnny, creating a strong breeze. Then she flew, gently grabbing Echo and Johnny's clothes with her feet talons as she swooped away from the crowd.

There's no way that she wanted that crowd to know anything about her or her friends, not when they are judgemental trolls!

The hybrid teen heard Echo scream out her name in a worried panic and she cooed at her. She needed to find a quiet place to relax...but the south courtyard was taken over by spectators, so that's not happening...

'Oh! I know! The library's veranda!' Renee thought, her wings flapped loudly as she flew to the veranda quickly. She gently placed the pair on the floor first before transforming back, gasping a bit as she fell on her hands and knees. It took a toll on her, she forcibly kept her transformation still, so it wouldn't fluctuate.

"Are...are you two...ok-okay?" After she calmed down, Echo turned to Renee and narrowed her eyes. "I'm fine, Ren! Why did you transform when you're not supposed to? Your emotio-!"

"Echo!" Renee stopped her from saying anymore, nodding her head towards Johnny's direction before asking him...in an oddly timid but worried tone. Echo looked over to him as well, frowning.

"Johnny? Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?...I'm sorry for grabbing you like that, but...I didn't like how they treated you..." Her wings wilted. She wouldn't forgive herself if something did happen to him during the whole situation. James might not be around, but she's pretty sure he would've stopped that happening in the first place if he was....It reminded her of his reason from last night.

This...this is what he means, huh? To worry and tuck the people you care about away from any dangers...to keep them safe...Renee understood where he's coming from now...if only by a little bit...She still wants to go, but now...now she wants to prepare herself first so she can go...without James worrying about her so much. She sighed, sitting on the floor before looking up at the sky and watching the clouds float by...

"I owe James an apology...big time..."

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- Johnny Caprice -

" Mess Hall, Sorcerer's Academy "

The table did grow quiet. Seifer and his gang were flabbergasted by Renee's actions.

They yelled in surprise and anger when the three flew off, looking very offended that their drinks spilled and food stained their clothes; Johnny was caught off guard by the sudden grabbing and yelled, "Bloody trolls!" when his feet left the ground and totally forgot his bag as he clung to Renee's talons for dear life.

"That was really rude! What's up with her?!" said one of the girls, angrily fixing her wind swept hair.

Seifer was looking up at Renee's dwindling form with cold haughty eyes, "She messed with the wrong man." he hissed flicking spaghetti off his hair.

Meanwhile, up in the veranda, Johnny was looking cross at Renee. "Renee, I am fine, but do not do that again." he looked slightly humiliated but had more of a correcting-your-behaviour vibe. "It's embarrassing to be rescued by a girl --- not that I needed rescuing, I'm . . ." he hesitated for a moment then his shoulders slumped. "I'm afraid of girls," he confessed, "but I didn't want to leave."

Johnny looked like a guy who was annoyed that he lost face in front of other guys, but wasn't that angry. He understood that most girls didn't know how guys worked.


-Renee Pendragon-

Renee wondered for a bit before responding back, feeling...conflicted with Johnny's response. She already knew that he was afraid of girls. It's why she took him away as well...but he didn't want to leave, even when he was a mess. She sighed, her anger immediately deflated when he tries to correct her behavior...Is it really that bad to just help someone?

Should she even try helping anybody anymore? because it seems that no matter what she does, she can't do anything right...

"...Should I just change my gender to make everyone happy? Because honestly, I'm getting tired of people telling me 'You're just a little girl' or 'Girls shouldn't help guys.'..." She mumbled, standing up to leave the library. Before she did, Renee peeked over her shoulder and smiled crookedly. "Sorry again, Johnny...I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of...your friends...I won't bother you anymore." Then she left the pair, her wings wilting low as she went inside the library and ran to the herbology lab to be alone.

-Echo Muses-

Echo's ears flattened. "Oh...Renee..." She understood where her friend was coming from. Sure, she made a rash decision, grabbing them and flying away like that, but Renee didn't want to see anybody get hurt. After all...it's why she wanted to train and prove her brother wrong.

"You know Johnny...It's not fair that guys, in general, have to feel embarrass from receiving help. Especially when it's a girl that wants to help them in the first place." Echo reprimand him quietly, frowning in disappointment. "Were you going to feel embarrassed if I tried to stop Anna too? because I was...I even wanted to take you away from them since she wouldn't stop bothering you." She might not have known about Johnny's fear, but even she saw Johnny cowering away from Anna. So why would he scold her like that? Pride?

"How come you can tell Ren off like that, but not tell that Anna girl to give you space? They're the same gender, after all...and you know Ren longer...so why?"

The red head walked closer to Johnny, but not too close since she didn't want to push his limits. "Is it...really that horrible for a girl to help a guy? Even if that guy is someone she cares about?" She questioned quietly, her green eyes intensely stared at him. She wanted him to think about this carefully. "All because of something as petty as pride?" Echo challenged.

"If Ren needed help, but didn't want it despite the fact that she desperately needs it, would you help her? or are you just going to chalk it up as 'she needs to learn'? because that's absolutely horrible of you...and James too, if her having a panic attack last night has any indication of his doing."

She wants to know what would he say...Echo stood there, patiently waiting for his response with open ears.

@Zer0 (OOC: Merry Christmas!!)
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- Johnny Caprice -

" Mess Hall, Sorcerer's Academy "

"Wait, i-it's not that you shouldn't help us, Renee," said Johnny carefully, walking after her, "I appreciate your intentions, but y-you should ask permission first or wait until we ask for it." and then he just let her go when she ran.

Johnny stood by the veranda scratching his head. Some students by the veranda looked at Renee run past them, then at Johnny and began whispering as though they thought he just rejected a confession.

And then Echo began reproaching him too. When she stared at him intensely he backed away with an expression that said, 'Oh no, is she's angry?', and when she spoke in challenge it was obvious that Johnny was bad at confrontation with girls because he reddened, curled up a bit and partially covered his face with his blue hat, but he stayed his ground and just peered at Echo from behind them.

"I wouldn't help her." said Johnny cautiously knowing this was going to sound like he wrong answer, "Because I'd trust that she doesn't need it if she says she doesn't want it, E-Echo. It's not help if the other person doesn't desire it, rather it'd be like you're trying to control them, and . . . how shall I explain this . . . Pride is important to me. I want to be considered competent . . . to me, if I ask for help I'll be seen as weak and I'll lose respect and even lose respect for myself. I want to work around my fear by myself first before I ask for help."

"And . . . yes . . . I'd feel embarrassed if you tried to stop Anna. I couldn't speak to her because I didn't know her, so she was more intimidating to me."


-Echo Muses-

Echo listened and while she might not liked in somethings he said, she knew he was being honest. Johnny was turning red after all and was able to answer back. So she couldn't be mad at him. The red head relaxed her stance, grinning a bit.

"I see...Pride is really important to you...still, you might want to work on your wording. It can give the wrong impression in the first time around when you use the 'gender' card." The red head advised. "Of course, it's up to you if you wish to do so." She quickly added. When she noticed everyone looking at Johnny and whispering around, the red head tapped her hooves nervously. She never was good at handling the whispering of others.

"A-and you know how Renee is: She'll want to help. Probably the first person to help if she believes someone needs it...So while I understand that you might not have asked for it, it did look like you were having a mini stroke, Johnny." Echo reminded him, tilting her head a bit before sighing.

"Are you going back to your friend's table? If you are, then I'm not joining." The red head quietly told him. "I don't like being pointed at in particular, especially by strangers. I-I'm not saying that you shouldn't go either though-! I-I could care less who you hang out with because your choice-! I'm just saying that I'm not going to hang out with people who would laugh at me first...." Echo waved her hands quickly, looking like a flustered blur.

-Renee Pendragon-

Renee was sitting in the herb lab, arms crossed and her head laying on top. The sun's light passing through the glass window panes of the ceiling and illuminating on any item it touches, including the lone teen herself. She can feel the sun's warm heat on her back and head like someone leaving their hand there. It's comforting to say the least.

She heard what Johnny had said, but how can she ask permission when the person she's asking looks like he has a sunburn on his face and responding with a single answer? A single and same answer? Would it count as yes or is it going to be a no that sounds like a yes?

The winged teen groaned quietly, hiding her face in her arms. It's official; guys are weird. Everyone complains about how girls are complicated. Well, guys are just as complicated, even more so with the whole...pride thing. She gets being proud of someone or the accomplishments they make. She doesn't get the rest of it. Maybe there's a book on 'how to talk guy talk'?

"I really doubt that exists..."Renee mumbled to herself, her voice muffled. Then she snorted at the thought of it. "Or maybe it does...still very silly though."

If anyone walks in, Renee wouldn't react to them, thinking it might be another student with her major. "Maybe I should make something to help big brother with training...but he might not want it..." Her mind is reeling in ideas of how to support her brother without really helping him...She hummed a bit as she peeked through her hair, staring at the greenhouse. Maybe...

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Library Veranda, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]A[/SIZE]hh, yes, I do look like I'm having a mini stroke." Johnny agreed good naturedly. "But be at ease, that's normal for me. It is serious only if I pass out or start having severe stomach aches. And they laughed at you? I didn't notice . . ." he looked like he was having second thoughts about Seifer and his gang.

To him it was normal for guys to make fun of each other. For most, messing around, calling each other names, and hitting each other was how they showed affection, so Seifer telling everyone Johnny was afraid of girls didn't bother him. Even James says that out loud and laughs about it. It would only be insulting if they implied that you were chicken, a loser, or someone who wasn't a real man.

Girls though were much different. If they got laughed at, it means someone was being mean to them.

"I'm going to go back to get my bag, and I understand if you do not want to come." he smiled reassuringly. "Who laughed at you?"

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-Echo Muses-

"If you say so...These two girls at the back of the group, they were pointing at my antlers and pots." Echo looked over at her potted plants. "I knew that they were laughing about them..." She looked down, like she used to being laughed at. Echo blames her cousins for that. Then she smiled at Johnny, her heart skipping a beat from his smile.

"I can wait for you here if you like?" She asked, relieved that she didn't need to go with.


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Library Veranda, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]hat would be excellent." said Johnny and he left. But before he was out of earshot he paused six bookshelves down the aisle for a moment, did an about face, then asked loudly: "Guess what I'm wearing?" Johnny grinned happily pointing at his face.

Some of the students in the library hissed, "Shhh!"

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-Echo Muses-

Echo flinched when some of the other students hushed him, walking four bookshelves down where Johnny went. Once she was close enough, she asked though a bit confused and still smiling. "Um...make-up? a hat? a flower?" Isn't that what he normally wears?

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Library Veranda, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he smile you gave me yesterday." and with one cheerful wink and a wave he closed the library doors behind him.

Johnny came back about twenty minutes later smelling like juice and soap with his hair a little wet. His bag had some food stains, but he did not mind them and was in good humor when he rejoined Echo.


-Echo Muses-

Echo blushed and smiled widely, her ears perked up. Aww~! He's...he's so sweet!

She waited for him at a table under the baby sky whale skeleton when she saw Johnny's hair wet and his bag covered in stains. "John-Johnny? Why is your hair wet?" Something happened while he was getting his bag, but what? Echo noticed that he smelled like...juice?

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Library Veranda, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]O[/SIZE]h, James practiced a cleaning spell on me." said Johnny nonchalantly, pointing his thumb out back the way he came. "There's a food fight downstairs now and I think it had something to do with the food that got blown away by Renee earlier, but it's fine, I believe the teacher's are sorting it out now."

This 'fine' was a different 'fine' from yesterday. It seemed that if Johnny was telling the truth about something he was more relaxed and didn't mind how he said a word much, but if he wasn't fine he tended to be more reassuring as though he didn't want the other person to worry about him.

For the rest of that lunch break Johnny hung out with Echo, being randomly goofy and telling jokes, showing more magic tricks. When he wasn't shy, he was actually a laid-back country kind of guy who liked talking about his adventures, and was very keen to get to know Echo from the kind of food she liked, what her favorite plants were, to how she became close friends with Renee. It was as though he was searching for something . . . an answer to a question about Echo. The kind a guy would wonder when he shows interest in a girl.


Meanwhile, after being shocked that there was a food fight in the mess hall and helping Johnny, James attended to his apprenticeship duties in the afternoon, and at the end of classes was once again practicing the lightning shield charm in the north courtyard.

There was now about two and a half weeks left till the tournament. And somewhere in one of the two archery ranges of the school, Seifer and his mates were practicing for it too. Rumors were now flying that a lot of sixth years and apprentices were training for the Warlock Tournament, and students have begun secretly betting on who was going to last the longest.

There were four tournament categories ."Novice", generally for students and apprentices; "Intermediate", generally for working professionals; "Advanced", for highly trained special forces warlocks; and "Master", the fight of the elite of the elites. But there was also such thing as a "duel", when the champion of one category openly challenges the champion of another, which usually happens between novice and intermediate champions, or advanced and master champions.

James plan was to join the intermediate category if his training will go well, or the novice if it wouldn't. He wondered what Renee would pick. She was doing well and he was thinking that she would probably try for intermediate. He made plans to ask her after he received the reply letter from Master Drake Bertrand.

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-Echo Muses-

Echo nodded, accepting his answer. For the rest of the lunch break, Echo hanged out with Johnny, laughing at his jokes and enjoying his magic tricks. The red head has wondered before as to why she liked Johnny. Sure, she told him that his looks are different, which helped her talk with him. Then the more time she spent with him, the more she realized why.

Johnny is so sweet and funny too. Somehow, he has a very relaxing aura around him and it drawn her in, without her noticing. It's rather surprising to know that not everyone is as cheerful-jumpy as Renee or is as strict and overly protective as James and she's really happy about that. Johnny is like the perfect balance: fun but relaxing. Silly but reassuring.

She answered any questions he had for her. Like her favorite food ("Old man's bread spaghetti!") to her favorite plants ("I love sunflowers, lavender, snake plants, and spider plants. They are so calming to have in anybody's bedroom.") to how she met Renee ("One of my pots hit her behind the head when we were picking up a stubborn weed during our class. I was panicking when she laughed it off and told me her name. Honestly, it shocked me that she still could move around with the huge bump on her head.") Then she asked him questions, like what were his favorite magic tricks to see and do, to what was his favorite food and drinks, to how he became close friends with James.

She hadn't have this much fun with someone that's not her friend, for a while.

-Renee Pendragon-

After class ended, Renee went to look for James in the north courtyard, her heart palpating wildly. She was so nervous! The white haired teen didn't know if her gift for James would work...nor does she think that James would accept her apology that easily either.

Currently, she's hiding behind a pillar, clutching her gift against her chest with trembling hands and a pale face. The students that were passing by looked at her weirdly before continuing on their ways. When she spotted James practicing, first thing Renee did, was hide behind the pillar. What was she doing?! This isn't going to work if she hides all the time. Why is she even scared of James? It isn't as if he was the dragon!?

'I'm scared that he might not like my present...' Renee thought, already knowing the answer. The white haired teen wondered a lot on what Johnny has said and she didn't know if by giving James this gift, it might offend him. She didn't want that. Yes, she reflected on last night too, and realized that maybe she should have left him alone...but then...if she did, she wouldn't have realized why James challenged her in the first place. She's not regretting her actions; She regrets on how she handled the whole thing by crying. Which is why she wants to apologize to James, for not accepting his actions, when he accepted hers.

With a deep breathe, she gathered all her bravado, stopped hiding, and went up to James...

Or close enough that she wouldn't bother him with his practice.

"U-um...J-James...I..can we talk...for a moment, please?" This is going to be very difficult without stuttering like a mess. Her wings folded tightly as she hid her present behind her back before James could see them.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Curtains Café, Kingsbury "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]O[/SIZE]ld man spaghetti?" repeated Johnny curiously fascinated. "I can vaguely imagine what it looks like." Perhaps the spaghetti was long and thin like an old man's beard?

Spider plants are calming? What is a spider plant? He imagined a large potted hairy tarantula and thought that Echo must be a brave person.

He was glad Echo was happy now. Mission accomplished, he had cheered her up. He was also amazed that talking to a girl wasn't all that bad. He had indeed thought too much negative thoughts about Echo that weren't true. Ahh, and to think he almost rejected her! He was also quite happy that Echo doesn't seem to think badly of him saying, "Bloody trolls", or being afraid of girls.

As the talk changed to the things Johnny liked, he revealed that he liked escapist acts like Houdini's classics, and his favorite food were butter croissants and raspberry-hazelnut galettes. He was very fond of sweets, pastries, and liked milk especially goat milk.

"James and I met three years ago when I was a new student among the fifth years. That was two years after I decided to leave my nomad clan and become educated like my older sister, Leah, who's a merchant. I didn't learn how to read until my family settled down in Winsnow three years ago, I had to study like mad to pass the entrance exam in the Sorcerer's Academy and be accepted into the fifth year.

"But we did not become friends until we were in our sixth year. That was when they began learning how to summon their guardian spirits. I already met Butters since traditionally my people summon ours when we turn twelve. It's a bit like a rite of passage before those who are interested are given the title, 'Aderes', which means, guardian, in the common tongue. Aderes are the clansmen who protect the sheep at night from giant wolves and other predators, and you can't do it without a guardian spirit since the predators are dangerous.

"So my classmates naturally went to me for advice when they started summoning, James too. I got to know him and we discovered that we shared a passion for the other realms: Niflheim, Asgard, Muspelheim --- Meatballs, my boarhound, is from Jotunheim --- and that's how we became friends. my interest is in the diversity of the creatures there, while James' is in the lost summoning incantations of celestials, ancients like Ifrit, Shiva. Especially the genie. James is very interested in that."

Johnny wished he could listen to Echo more as he had never heard of Old Man's Spaghetti, nor knew what a Spider Plant was, but alas lunch break came to an end, and Johnny had to say goodbye to attend to his apprenticeship duties.

He was in good spirits all the rest of the day. As usual James was practicing his shield charm after classes, but since it was such a nice afternoon Johnny decided to do his homework in one of the cafes in the city. One of the only few who allowed pets or familiars inside so that Butters can come out and chill with him. He frequented this place  called, the Curtain Café, and was chummy with the people who worked there and its more frequent customers.

As he was eating a sundae with his friends when one of the waiters commented that Johnny was looking happier than usual today."Is it a girl?" asked the waiter. Johnny immediately said no, but by the reddening of his face he was already caught. "It is a girl!"

[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" North Courtyard, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

Meanwhile, James was looking surprised and relieved that Renee was still talking to him. But seemed wary about her getting upset or arguing with him again.

"Yes, we can." he told her. He looked like he wasn't ready for another argument, but was willing to hear her out anyway. He must have realized that he was seeming unapproachable or someone who might get set off by the wrong words, because he bent down until he was at eye level with Renee so that he wouldn't seem so intimidating.


Echo's home.jpg

-Echo's home in Dawnsfield-

Echo wanted to know more about the different realms that Johnny and James has a passion for, same with Houdini's magic, and if Johnny ever fought off predators before. But break ended, too soon in her opinion. After saying goodbye to Johnny and finishing her classes for the day, Echo walked back home, smiling happily. Anybody on the train to Dawnsfield can see that she is head-over hooves about something. Her ears wouldn't stop twitching. Her cheeks are apple red. Not even the few people who would talk about her antlers could bring down her high of happiness.

It's rather strange to be this happy. Echo wondered if she's going to continue to be this happy whenever she talked with Johnny. If she is, she doesn't ever want to stop. As she walked in her large home, the red head can hear her cousins talking, laughing, running, causing trouble like usual until she heard a soft but authoritative voice ring out of the chaotic noise.

"Echo, you're glowing today!" Her aunt, Melody, commented in surprise, her smile growing when she noticed Echo's face turn red. The living room got quiet, she practically could feel her cousins' stares on her figure, making her fidget on her hooves.

"Wh-what are you talking about, Aunty Mel? I-I'm not gl-glowing! you must be seeing things."

"You can't fool these eyes! I know something good happened to you. Let me guess..." Melody stood from her small stool, placing her knitting needles down and walked closer to a fidgeting and blushing Echo.

"It's a guy, isn't it?" Her conformation was Echo talking fast and squishing her words together into a nonsensical sentence as she waved her hands in denial. Melody only laughed as her nieces and nephews surrounded their flustered cousin and asking random questions about Johnny.


-Renee's herb candies-

Renee froze when James bent down to her eye level, not expecting her brother to do that. Did he not want to scare her or something? It didn't seem like he was angry... She gulped before taking another deep breathe and stuttered. "Ja-James, I-I...I'm r-really sorry...for crying like that yesterday."

The white haired teen looked down, looking ashamed as she explained. "I couldn't...It...It wasn't fair of me to freak out like that. I should've handled myself better than to just let my anxiety get the upper hand and it..." She breathed to calm down. "Either way, not a good excuse to try to stop you like that. I should've just supported you instead...like you did with me." James let her take a chance to prove herself with this bet. He let her continue with whatever it is that she wanted to improve herself and Renee felt like she didn't do the same for him.

"So...um...I...I made something for you...I don't know if you want them or not, either way is fine with me." Renee mumbled, taking out what she was hiding behind her back and showed it to the older Pendragon. In her trembling hands was a napkin with a bunch of spherical candy, similar to a jawbreaker but smaller and in two different colors: seven blue ones and seven red ones.

"I made these in break and in class....the red candies are for paralysis from lightning. Just take one and it'll help you recover from it. The blue candies are for training. It's to help give you energy even when you run out of manna..." Renee explained, smiling a bit though still nervous from his reaction. "I promise they taste good too. Sweet but salty in a subtle way...like sea salt ice cream."

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" North Courtyard, Sorcerer's Academy "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames accepted the gift stiffly and wordlessly. It was that same awkward stiffness whenever he had difficulty expressing affection. He had trouble saying the words for a moment as he looked at her, and finally just gratefully patted Renee on the head saying, "Thanks." But there was so much in his voice: apology, 'I'm-not-mad-at-you', and 'we're-friends-now' , to name a few.

Ah, how his resolve to be hard and logical struggled to stand up. His sister was so kind. He was so tempted to tell her that there was a survivor of the dragon attack who could tell them all about their family and that there will be an attempt to breach the Storm Wall next month, that he's been hoarding all the books in the libraries about dragons and manna trees . . . but he still feared for her. James had to keep his sister safe. Even if that means being cold or evil, he will do it.

And unbeknownst him, something dark and heavy stirred in his heart.

"I'll go home early today so that we can eat dinner together." said James.

The dark thing inside him recoiled, it hated this . . . love and humility. . . It retreated out of sight and hid in that deep place where James fear lived.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee could tell that her brother was having a difficult time on being affectionate again, but she smiled warmly when he patted her head. Her wings fluttered a bit, hands slowly stopped trembling, and cheeks flushed back with color again.

All the nerves and anxiety melted away when she heard his thanks, recognizing the undertones in his voice. It seems...that they really suck at communicating; Her with her anxieties and James with his affection defect, but when push comes to shove, they know how to re-connect and stick together.

"No problem, James...Let me know when you need more, okay?" Renee responded quietly, but meaning more in her tone of voice. Acceptance, 'I'm glad!' and 'Love you lots, big brother' to name a few. She doesn't know how or why she has a very understanding older brother, with the way she behaved recently. Sure, he's a bit cold and always thinks and barely feels, but...he has his moments of being very sweet like right now...

and she considers herself to be very lucky to have an older brother like James.

Her wings fluttered in her joy when James mentioned on coming home early today, her smile grew bigger, and her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Happy tears. Sniffing, she quickly wiped her tears away with her arm and loudly said. "Okay! I'm gonna go home now so I can prepare on all of our favorites! See you soon, James."

With a quick and tight hug around his waist, Renee left in a hurry, smiling like a loon.

'Gotta thank Johnny for his advice.' She thought happily as she walked out of the school's gate.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Kingsbury -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Two weeks later "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]he first month of spring passed with many reassurances from the kingdom of the might of their army for the safety and peace of mind of the people. Twice the king's armies paraded the streets to cheer and confetti, showing off their rumbling tanks, and waving banners from gunships and war zeppelins. Gryphon riders majestically flew in shining ranks above the crowds, and spellblades of great renown riding fantastic mounts galloped down the streets. The air in Kingsbury became more and more festive as the tournament approached and many powerful warlocks were beginning to pop up all over the city.

There are rumors that Black knights have appeared commanding the shadow army of the dark dragon which has grown immensely over the past two weeks. There were now vicious giants among them, broods of giant spiders, filthy creatures, and even vampires. The horde it seems was on the move and have begun cutting entire forests down and constructing war machines. They have taken over the sea side of the state of Leor and the fight was hot at the borders of the surrounding lands. It seems that the army is building great boats and airships, but no one knows where they are headed. Still the great dragon did not leave the ruins of Paroosia, and the unnatural dark storm that had originated from its center now covered all of Leor.

Meanwhile in the family of the Pendragons, the twins' guild have been flourishing in the trading of alchemical goods, though the two talked about how the roads in the forests surrounding Kingsbury have become increasingly unsafe. The terror of the dragon has emboldened many bandits and wicked creatures such as goblins and orcs and they have been coming down the mountains to raid merchant caravans and travelers. The twins actually lost a caravan of fireworks to them once and have been scheming of another way to get their goods across.

The development of their marshmallow bomb has been showing promise and they were given the go from the army to test it on a shadow monster. Only problem was there was no live shadow monster available, so the twins have taken to spending their days lazily while they waited. They were very poor house keepers and haven't done a lot of cleaning, thought that was no problem now as James had mastered a general cleaning spell that could make any messy room look decent again.

Speaking of James, his persistence and hard work had finally granted him the ability to conjure a lightning shield strong enough to endure two bolts from the lightning salamander, but even he knew that wasn't enough. Sparks still wasn't listening to him, and the approaching tournament was making him restless and worried. He was nowhere near taming his war beast and often came home sleepy and tired, sometimes falling asleep at the table with his face in his food and still clutching a utensil, while the twins sniggered and took pictures of him or rummaged in his bag for anything interesting. A month just wasn't enough for an apprentice to reach a professional level of taming. He had even secretly been musing cheating just so that he could keep Renee here.

He had received a letter from Master Drake Bertrand inviting him in Dalaran the day after the tournament ended, and said that he was willing to tell James everything that happened there. He wondered why the master didn't just explain what happened on paper, but didn't press the issue in case the master changed his mind about inviting him. James was very hungry for knowledge about what happened to his father down in the roots of the manna tree.


[SIZE= 18px]- Sorcerer's Academy -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Hallways "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE]n school, Renee's reputation had turned from, "The cool winged girl who's training with the Whomping Willow ", to "The weird girl who forced herself on her friend, that sheep dude who's afraid of girls."

For the past two weeks Seifer and his gang have been doing things like trip Renee as she passed down the corridor, secretly steal and mess up a lot her things in the herbalist rooms, or spread nasty rumors. They couldn't do anything while she was training since Professor Grandiflorous was there, but they amplified every mistake she made and haunted her for it. When there was no teacher they shot wads of spitballs at her exposed back while laughing heartlessly. But there haven't been enough evidence to point out Seifer as the mastermind of them all. He seemed to be as clever as the twins in causing trouble and not getting caught. Though, unlike the twins the archer was cruel and enjoyed other people's pain. He had a rich family too who seemed to have a lot of power politically.

Seifer was indeed the most cocky, conceited, spoiled jerk who has ever walked through the gates of the Sorcerer's Academy. And one day, he poked Renee hard on the back of the head. "Oh, sorry, Pendragon, didn't see you there." he grinned broadly at his usual gang of jocks and girls that surrounded him. "You must have been adopted because you look more like a chicken." The gang laughed airily.

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smaller size.jpg

-Renee Pendragon's drawing-

Renee honestly had enough of this stupidity in school. She never cared of being popular in the first place, she didn't care about the rumors that were spread around now. She knew how it really happened and never tried to explain herself. To whomever that believed those rumors, in her opinion, were bored and just wanted something to entertain themselves. Whenever her stuff went missing or was messed up in class, she would only look for more or carry extra, just in case. The winged teen noticed that the torment only stopped when Professor Grandiflorus was there during training, but the tormentors would point out her mistakes and she took that in as criticism. Very. harsh. criticism. Ironically enough, it helped her improve on how to move, which she couldn't help but giggle secretly.

She had a feeling that Seifer was the mastermind of all this and it seems that she was right on calling him the biggest jerk that ever existed. Renee could only hope that James didn't hear about this. She didn't want to worry him anymore that he already was with the whole 'I want to go to the Stone wall' business. That's all she cared right now; making sure James didn't know about someone bullying her. Considering this is still a school, however, she's pretty sure...that her brother has heard something...if not, then she rather keep it that way.

Though it's pretty difficult to hold it together and not break down again with all the bullying. Just because she's seemingly ignoring all of this, it doesn't mean it hasn't affected her in the long run. Whenever she returns home, first thing she does now is to take a bath to get rid of the spitballs on her back. Sometimes, she let out a sob or two before coming out and behave like nothing wrong is happening to her. She made sure to keep a smile on her face whenever she's around her siblings and friends, trying her best to stay positive. In her two recently finished sketchbooks (within a month, that's a new record, Renee thought one day) has drawings of Seifer being fed to one of her vicious plants, being eaten alive or just stuck in some ludicrous and hilarious situations with his pants down or pictures of a girl with wings in depressing positions.

Renee's favorite is the one where this girl is caged and has bruises and cuts on her body...Yea, she knows that's not a good sign if her favorite is that drawing, of all drawings.

The white haired teen never once complained to her brother or to Johnny. Echo knows about the bullying and gives her a look of 'I know what you are trying to do and that's not good.' Which she could only smile warmly in return. Renee is certain that Echo will tell Johnny eventually, given how close they are now or maybe she did tell him already and he told James. She really hopes not.

Renee was minding her own her business with a new smoke bomb in her hands when Seifer poked hard behind her head, where her wings are connected. That hurt-! She quickly moved away from him, not out of fear, but out of annoyance as she noticed that he's surrounded...by his own group of annoying friends again. Can this boy do anything by himself? Oh yea, no he can not since he's used to having his way of things on a silver platter...which she has no time for.

"And you're sad if you think I care." Renee deadpanned, as she started to walk away. She didn't have time to deal with his tomfoolery. The tournament is coming up soon and she's more worried about winning against James than the silly bullying in school.

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[SIZE= 18px]- Sorcerer's Academy -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Hallways "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]N[/SIZE]o denial, Pendragon? Must be true then." sneered Seifer at her retreating back.

Echo was being bullied too for her antlers and pots. Seifer's friends would walk down the hallway and snag her antlers with some string or wire. They have also taken to using the pots as target practice for their spit wads. "Ten points if you can hit the clay pot at the side, fifty if you can break one!" There have also been comments such as, "How do you manage to sleep at night with all that?"; "You're not really a girl, are you?"; " Ugly. "; "Ew, can't believe you like that weird sheep guy. He's got four ears."

Meanwhile, Johnny has been avoiding the girls who have been tormenting him. Seifer's gang learned early on after many duels and fisticuffs behind the teacher's backs that bullying him attracted too much attention since both parties always ended up with bad bruises in the nurse's clinic. And so, Seifer changed tactics and had his lady friends sick him with their long clawed polished nails and arrow-like tongues.

They didn't hurt him, just used all sorts of excuses to innocently get near him so that he'd get stomach aches from the panic, or touch him and then he'd faint. He's been fainting so much it's become a joke around school and an embarrassment that he had such a severe reaction to ladies. Rumors have even been going around that he wasn't a real man, but someone who liked other guys too. Students have been whispering that there was something going on between him and James especially after it was known that Johnny was now staying inside the Flying Castle.

For the eldest Pendragon, nothing happened to him. It seemed that all the bullying was just being focused on the three, and the rumors about him and Johnny having a thing didn't really stand up as James has had four girlfriends before and students who heard Johnny say those sweet words in the library already confirmed that Johnny liked Echo. Speaking of which.

"Oooooh, Echo and Johnny sitting on a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" chanted a group of frivolous girls at Echo as she passed by the hallway. "First comes love, then comes marriage, then see Echo with a ---" it was a very horrible word to say.


-Echo Muses-

Echo's shoulders trembled as she passed by them before stopping, her arms hugging tightly around her pots. She wanted to say something back for once-!

"Oh good! I got a loving marriage with Johnny." Echo smiled warmly at the thought, blushing before frowning at the group. "Unlike you girls who would be dropped off in a corner like every other---." It was not a nice thing to say, but Echo had enough of the girls who were harming Johnny. She knew that he wouldn't face them; Despite his fear, he was too sweet to do that. The furious red head gracefully walked away from the now quiet group, ready to fix her pots again with dignity.

Her Aunt Melody knew about her being bullied, told her to stand up, and say something back whenever she could today. 'Think like my cousins...right Aunty Mel?' She thought.

Echo wanted to meet up with Johnny again for break, only to find more girls tormenting him again. They must've cornered him. 'Oh that is it-!'

Angrily, she tapped her hooves loudly, making her presence known as she stood in the hallway. The group of girls that were teasing Johnny turned around and smirked when they saw an angry Echo. "Oh look-! It's the ma-"

"Say it...I dare you. Make my day..." Echo warned, her voice was almost like a growl. The girls noticed how the red head positioned herself: like a deer buck ready to run them down, her antlers aimed towards them. She kept tapping one of her hooves loudly, creating a repeated and omnious 'clop...clop' that echoed in the hallway. The fawn looked more terrifying when she glared at them with her acidic green eyes, her bright red hair highlighting it through her fringes that shadowed them. The potted plants on her antlers made her look more innocent, like she wouldn't harm anyone. Now her antlers are free, with strings hanging on them, the girls realized that Echo is very dangerous when angered-!

They didn't want to be part of this anymore. Not when there's a chance that they could be hurt. The group took her warning seriously and left him alone, running away scared.

Once the group was out of sight, Echo stopped her warning and walked up to Johnny. "A-are you okay? Is your stomach hurting?" The red head frowned in worry, her ears flattened. She put her only two surviving pots down on the floor before checking on him, her frown deepened when she noticed his red pained face. "Johnny? Do you need to go to the nurse?"

-Renee Pendragon-

When Seifer sneered, Renee paused as she remembered something before turning around and walked back. Her wings fluttered a bit as she looked up at the other white haired teen, her fiery eyes glared defiantly. "You're fighting in the tournament, right? How about we make a bet?" She completely ignored his comment from before.

The winged girl can hear his group' saying things like 'Is she trying to take on Seifer? What an idiot' 'Bird brain' 'loser'. She didn't care about the idiotic followers and their comments; her question was towards Seifer and Seifer alone.

"Well? Are you man enough to take my bet? Whomever loses first in the tournament, has to follow and do what the surviving fighter says for a whole month." Then Renee grinned mischievously, very similar to how the twins would grin at James. Her orange eyes practically glowing with the sun's rays of light shine through the windows, challenging and putting him on the spot...in front of his...friends...goons...whatever he calls them.

"Unless...you're chicken?...Afraid that the adopted chicken Pendragon will beat you? Aww~ " She teased mercilessly, now hearing Seifer's group whispering among themselves. They were in shock that Renee would even dare challenge Seifer like that, much less mocking him. Did they even dent her confidence? It doesn't seem like it...Some of the guys in the group were shouting 'take her on, Seifer!' 'We know you can beat her!' and much more.

It's not in her nature to do this: mocking people was a waste of energy, in her opinion...but she knew that to get to Seifer, she has to go directly towards him with a challenge. If she remembers correctly, according to Echo, it's really bad to call a guy 'chicken' or put his pride into question.

Renee did both on purpose...

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