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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)


Serena nodded in agreement before gently moving Lydia together with Seth and Renee. "Come on...w-we need to stay safe...for his sake." Her tone was gentle and soothing as though she understands that they need to grieve but they need to go.

When Johnny was ready to change all of them into mice, the violinist felt the very strange sensation again and nudged the two mouse girls on the owl's back before nudging Seth too. Once she made sure that all of them were secured, the blonde curled around them, giving comforting squeaks and pats on their heads during the whole ride to Holt.


When they reached the tower and was greeted by Latifa, Renee hopped out first, transforming back to human and numbly walked to the room to change. Serena followed suit as she made sure her and Lydia are doing okay...ish while washing up.

"Thank you Latifa...We'll be done soon, okay Seth?" The blonde told him quietly, trying her best to care for the younger teens.

The Pendragon sister stopped crying mid-way of their flight, feeling calm but empty inside. She changed after washing down, the clothes she wore were simple: a button-up shirt with dark brown pants. She didn't want to wear the shoes at the moment and left two buttons un-buttoned at the top.

Once that was done, Renee grabbed the mirror and James' wand before following the guard to the war room, her wings were trembling however. As she observed the room, the winged teen walked up to her brother and tapped his shoulder with his springy wand to grab his attention.

"I have the mirror....we should call the Madam now..." Renee quietly told him, showing them the ball of yarn in her hands and bit her bottom lip to swallow her sobs.

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- Holt -
" Duke Maguire's Keep "

James stood up, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder. "Princess Mia." without another word he tossed the yarn at her and the princess caught it. "Are you alright?" he immediately turned back to Renee.

In the background the duke and his officers were ecstatic that the scrying mirror was in their possession. Seth had followed after Renee and was being praised by the overjoyed officers. Seth just mumbled that he was just here to turn the yarn back into a mirror and then go back to the room, but it seemed that they couldn't hear him. From their talk it seemed that Holt had been under siege for three days now and everyone had believed all hope was lost and was looking at Renee, and Seth like they were their saviors.

"Good work, young Pendragon!" praised the duke, genially clapping Seth on the back as the twin lifted Seifer's enchantment and the yarn flattened into an ornate mirror. "Now, princess, please call for reinforcements, hurry."

Princess Mia laid the mirror on the table, whispering the spell she learned from Lydia's tome, blew a hot breath, then drew the rune for the horsemen four while saying, "Follow the phantom hooves if you want to knock on Madam Suliman's door."

The mirror misted, then it cleared showing the inside of Madam Suliman's office in the Sorcerer's Academy from a worm's eye view. The head sorceress was writing on her desk, looking like overworked, with eye bags under her eyes.

"Auntie Suliman!" said Princess Mia.

Surprised, the sorceress down at them and looked like she nearly had a heart attack. "Mia." she said bewildered, "Mia, is that you?" she blinked as though she could not believe her eyes and immediately clasped her crystal ball in her hands.

"Yes it's me, auntie!" cried the princess, tears streaking from her eyes to see a familiar face. "I'm okay. I'm in Holt in Verona. We need General Leo, the city is under siege and the people can't get out!"

Madam Suliman immediately went into action. "Keep talking, tell me everything that's happened." she said as she cast a spell that seemed to activate all the other mirrors that were in her office. James had remembered it vaguely as though it was a long time ago. Going inside Madam Suliman's office full of mirrors and silver instruments to ask her about the Storm Wall right after he had that fight with Renee. . .

Princess Mia told Madam Suliman everything, then it was Duke Maguire's turn and gave her a very detailed military report. In ten minutes, Madam Suliman informed them that Kenren Taisho will be coming with aerial reinforcements in two days time. "Until then, the city must not fall." she told them gravely.


Meanwhile, Seth had not chosen to stay in the war room. As soon as he had turned the mirror back to normal, he went back to the room where Latifa was, went under the covers of one of the beds and did not come out despite the maid asking him what was wrong.

He was still frightened. It was like Paroosia all over again, but it was alright because Sen was there with him. They were together, but now he was alone and he didn't have someone to help him keep it together.

To be so close to so much blood and death, and to see Seifer's eyes wide with fear as what looked like his soul was sucked out of him. Seth shuddered. He didn't want to think anymore. He just wanted to sleep and feel safe and wished for what was probably the six hundred fortieth time that Sen was here.

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Renee shook her head, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes. "No...Seifer...he..he-!" She hugged James tightly, sniffling as she mumbled about how he was captured and reliving of what happened in Paroosia. Her body trembled as she nuzzled her face into James' chest as if to hide away from the soldiers' cheer. She didn't want to hear their happiness, not after losing someone.

As Princess Mia explained to Madam Suliman, Renee turned her head, peeking with one teary eye and remembered something. 'I need to ask...'

Once the madam was done, the young Pendragon sister lets go of James and walked up to the mirror, her sad frown very evident on her face. She curtsied in greeting and numbly talked.

"Hello Madam Suliman. I..I have something to ask of you..."


In the meanwhile, Serena was waiting in the room and saw Seth hide in bed. After a second or two, the blonde stood up from the chair and sat on the bed, petting the lump where she believed was Seth's head.

"Hey...how are you holding up?" She asked gently.

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Lydia's breaths were shaky, but even though her eyes were watering it was still difficult to tell if she was crying tears of sorrow or not. She eventually just closed her eyes and jumped slightly when Serena urged them all to get moving. All she could do was nod quietly and accept the change. She wasn't really certain how to handle the loss as she had never lost anyone before, for any reason. Even though she wasn't incredibly fond of Seifer, she did feel slightly closer to him after the time she had spent in his body, but that could just be a residual thing.

* * * *
Beggars can't be choosers and since they didn't have any of their former belongings, Lydia ended up in much the same clothing as what Renee was wearing, her black hair left down and instead of her usual black and white stockings, she wore cream colored ones that stretched up to her knees where they were tucked under the fabric of the pants that reached a little past her knees.

Of course what she was wearing was probably the furthest thing from her mind and she didn't follow after the others as they headed to the war room like she normally would have chosen to do in the hopes of being of some assistance. Instead she took a seat in the room, her hands clasping a new handkerchief that at the moment seemed to be nothing more than a source of comfort as she wrung it between her hands, green eyes veiled by her bangs as she scanned the floor absently. She seemed like a lost animal in a way, waiting for direction.

She wasn't really aware of the others in the room, she heard the door open and close multiple times and eventually she heard a bit of speech, but she didn't acknowledge any of it and to her ears it was muffled as though they were speaking at a great distance away or into something soft.

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- James Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

James hugged Renee back, giving her awkward pats on the back. He was so bad at this comforting thing. Last time he hugged Renee tight she flinched and now he was unsure about how to make her feel better. He never wants to see her sad.

He remembered Echo stroking Renee's hair when the fawn was still in his body, and Serena-in-Seth's body braiding her hair. Maybe he should braid her hair later? It was a very unmanly thing to do, but he didn't mind asking Echo how it's done.

"There, there." he said softly, imitating the fawn and caressing Renee's head awkwardly , before letting her go.

It felt weird, but as he sat back down to resume looking through Sasha's eyes, he felt like it helped a little bit more than just patting.


Madam Suliman turned her gaze to Renee, "Yes, what is it dear?" she said briskly. The sorceress was still busy talking to other people in the other mirrors of her office. "You must hurry along."

- Seth Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"Not good . . ." mumbled the lump. "Serena, will you put me to sleep with a soothing piece? Oh, no wait, your violin isn't here." Seth groaned. "Can you keep patting my head until I fall asleep?"

There was another tapping on the window. Sasha was outside carrying a whitewood wand in her talons, and a pinkish-white mouse that had a tiny fluffy sheep tail on her back.

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Renee stood straight up quickly, knowing that it's really inappropriate to ask this right now as the Madam is busy but she has to ask this...

"Is Seifer Rathmore's mother doing okay and can it be possible to grant her passage to Dalaran?"

Her voice did have a tremor of sadness, but her eyes glowed in determination. "I ask because Seifer is the real reason why princess Mia could talk to you in the first place and he is captured and possibly dead by one of the Deathknights." She explained.

"I wish to grant his request of his mother being safe from the shades. I'll even greet her and help her be comfortable at Dalaran, Madam." Renee meant it in the up most respect as she observed the other mirrors she is listening to. 'Please tell me she's okay...Please.'


"Of course, pumpkin." Serena scooted closer and took the covers off Seth's head, petting and caressing his hair as tenderly as she could. She jumped a bit when Sasha hit the window and frowned a bit.

"Lydia, mind if you open the window...?" The blonde asked the quiet witch, knowing that she might be listening but not responding. "Lydia?"

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- Duke Maguire's Keep -
" War Room "

Princess Mia looked up, surprised, "Seifer isn't here?" she whispered, raising a hand to her mouth. Apparently she could not hear Renee through all the noise in the room.

"Rathmore . . . Last I heard of his mother was that she had been paying newspaper agencies to print missing person posters of him." said Madam Suliman, remembering. "I will call upon their mansion immediately. You have my word, Pendragon, that she and her husband will be given safe passage to Dalaran and more."

It took but a few minutes, but Madam Suliman turned back to Renee saying that Mrs. Rathmore had taken a private airship to Verona about three days ago ever since they heard of a couple of bounty hunters spotting someone who looked like Seifer in Binks Village. Apparently they were preparing to hunt down a giant white bird that took him in the Misty Mountains.

There was no way to contact Mrs. Rathmore except through a winged messenger. If they could clear the skies of Holt to send one, or if James was willing to send out Sasha, that would allow them to contact her.

- Seth Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

Seth didn't think Serena would take off the covers on his head, but he wasn't going to complain. He closed his eyes lazily, this felt very nice . . . almost reminded him of his mother.

He patted her hand. "Thanks, Serena . . . " he mumbled, smiling at her and hugging a pillow. His shoulders relaxed, then slowly he drifted off to sleep.

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Renee felt a jolt of joy in her heart when she heard that his mother was looking for him and is in Bink's village at the moment. 'That means she's still safe...thank goodness...' For now. For now because the deathknight's army might try to escape through the cavern they passed in and...she rather stop the army now.

"I see...thank you, Madam Suliman. You have my eternal gratitude." The Pendragon sister let a small smile at the madam, her wings fluttered in appreciation.

"Is there anything you want from me? Anything that I can do to help you..." She felt like she owed the old royal witch for this request. Renee remembered how her mother warned her once about the madam, she couldn't remember what exactly since she was just a wee toddler but it has something to do with making deals.

Just this once, she's going to ignore her mother's teachings and follow her gut on this.


Smiling, Serena watched Seth close his eyes and slept before sighing as if she has heavy weight on her shoulders. First Paroosia, then Leor, now Seifer is gone and Holt is about to go under.

This Pendragon family has gone through so much in such little time. It's a wonder how they can bounce back from all of this and she thought maybe they haven't yet. They are barely hanging on and desperate to stay together.

"Lydia...How about you sleep as well? I'll get the window." Serena muttered to the unresponsive young witch, standing up from the bed and walking towards the window to let Sasha come in with Johnny on her back.

"Hello Sasha, Johnny. Come in. There's clothes and a wash bin in the other room over there. James is at the war room with Renee. I'm sure Sasha will show you where." Serena mentioned as she walked back to where the young witch is and tapped her shoulder, wanting to guide her to the bed so she can rest too.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

The pinkish mouse squeaked and bowed at Serena, its fluffy sheep tail wiggling. A few minutes later, Johnny emerged from the bathroom, relieved to be human again.

"S-Serena, where's Echo? The battle isn't going well down there, they could use someone with her strength." he spotted Seth on the bed and Lydia who seemed numb. "Is something wrong with them?"

- Seth Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"Help me?" Madam Suliman pondered upon this, her eyes glancing ever so slightly at the other people watching and listening. "Yes, there is something I would like to ask of you, but not now. We shall speak when you have reached Dalaran. Till then, do not let the city fall. Keep Princess Mia safe."

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"Echo...should be nearby. I believe she's down the hallway and staring at a window." Then Serena looked up at Johnny, a small frown carved her face. "They...Seth is sleeping and I'll look after Lydia."

In her blue eyes is a tender glint as she looked at the two youngest teens in the room. "Go look for Echo."


Just like Serena said, Echo is currently looking out a thin and arching window, her green eyes dulled as she watched the skies getting more and more grey and red from the fight outside.

She knows something has happened and it's affecting her friends, some more than others. A gut feeling, sure. Over-thinking, maybe. Who knows...

So she didn't know what to do: She's not needed in the war room with everyone moving around so much and Latifa will be taking care of the others once they came back.

"Please be safe...Johnny..." She whispered.


Renee nodded, her determination grew. "I will. I promise to keep her safe...but how can I contact you again once I'm at Dalaran?"

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"You will." said Madam Suliman vaguely. The princess looked between Renee and the head sorceress, before Duke Maguire took over as more reports of the siege came through.

It was already nine in the evening, James told Renee that he was going to stay in the war room longer to help with the defense of the city. Princess Mia said that if ever they were hungry, they can tell Latifa and she will call a servant to prepare a meal for them. She knew Seth had not eaten dinner yet and the porridge earlier wasn't enough.

"We'll talk about how to get our stuff that we left behind tomorrow." said James. He needed his books, especially Moste Potente Summons, and his small alchemist kit.


"Staring at a window." repeated Johnny, puzzled. He had never seen Echo stare out of a window alone, perhaps she was very sad after hearing about Seifer, or maybe she was watching the battle. "Thanks, S-Serena." he nodded at her and with that he stepped out of the halls where a couple of soldiers stood guard outside the bedroom, and went looking for Echo.

The guards that Johnny, Renee, Seth, Serena, Echo, James, and Lydia would pass, would greet them with solemn respect and something akin to admiration in their eyes. The group hadn't probably thought about this, but after the sudden appearance of the princess and now the arrival of the powerful scrying mirror, word had spread like wildfire among the garrison that a group of powerful witches and wizards had arrived at the fort.

They were surprised that they were a bunch of kids, but it all the more amazed them that ones so young an inexperienced managed to bring the princess all the way here, and steal a powerful artifact from under a deathknight's nose.

Johnny perked up when he found Echo nearby, then noticed her eyes that seemed dull. She seemed like she could use some cheering up. Quietly, and very slowly, he tip-toed behind her, the guards nearby watching his progress curiously. Johnny placed a finger on his lips giving them a look not to say anything, before he clapped his hands over Echo's eyes.

"Guess who?" he said in his best imitation of Renee's voice.

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Lydia had twitched when Serena had said her name, but it seemed like ages before she actually reacted and by then, Serena had already opened the window. She watched Sasha, her eyes blinking slowly and looked to Serena when she tapped her on the shoulder. She was able to summon up a weak smile and rose from her seat, "no... I can't sleep."

She then went to the door, stopping abruptly as she spotted the guards, clearing her throat gently and speaking back to Serena as she eyed them somewhat stunned at the moment, "um... Serena... do you think there is a library?"

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Serena flinched in surprise when Lydia stood up, her frown deepened in worry. "Maybe....I'll come with you." She wanted to keep an eye on the young witch in case something happens.


Renee raised an eyebrow at the vague message but accepted it none the less. "Okay..." With a sigh, she listened and told James that she's going to where the wounded soldiers are, wanting to heal their wounds and create medicine if they need any. Including the antidote recipe for the potent poison.

"Thank you, Mia. I'll let you know when I'm hungry." Renee smiled at the princess before hugging her and squeezing a bit.

She hugged her brother tightly too, thanking him warmly with a small but grateful smile before leaving the war room. The young Pendragon asked the guards where she can find the medical ward and solemnly walked to where they directed her. Renee felt like she didn't deserved those grateful stares from the guards but she didn't say anything to them, only 'Thank you' and several nods to the men.

Then she remembered something and grinned a bit. "Maybe...I should summon now..."


Echo jumped when hands covered her eyes and immediately turned around, her eyes widened filled with worry. "Ren! You're her-! ....Johnny...You're safe!" The fawn hugged him tightly, nuzzling under his chin and taking in his comforting scent. Relief flooded through her shaky body.

"Oh thank Merlin-! That means everyone is safe right? Everyone came back here, right?" She asked, leaning back a bit and looking at with hope and fright? Yes, she's scared that her gut feeling might be right and prayed that it's wrong for once.

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Lydia shrugged a shoulder, the corner of her mouth twitching for a moment as she glanced back to Serena for a moment, "you don't need to..." thinking about things meant facing the reality of them. Lydia didn't want to think anymore, at least not about things that were so... Human. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep, she wouldn't be able to turn her brain off long enough and unlike Seth, she didn't really have anything that could help her sleep besides reading.

Reading until she was too tired to read anymore. She had done that pretty commonly at home, falling asleep in the library or at her desk while she was reading something, waking up to the cathedral bells and returning to the page she had been on the previous night until she had to eat or use the bathroom or other mundane but necessary things.

She warily watched the guards, not because she was particularly afraid of them, but more so embarrassed by the expressions on their faces. It wasn't as though she had done anything spectacular. It was Renee, Seth, Serena, and... Seifer. Lydia bit her lower lip as her nostrils flared slightly, her eyes burning, a brisk shake of her head given, straight black strands of hair flying loosely about her head before she shut her eyes and continued out of the room after taking a deep breath.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

" . . . " Johnny shook his head. "Echo, Seifer didn't make it." he said soberly. He sighed, looking outside the window remembering the times that archer made him mad. Yet for some reason he couldn't hate him. As annoying as he was, when it came right down to it he helped in everything.

Seifer guided them through the Misty Mountains, he helped take down the trolls, he always took first watch and did it properly whenever they made camp, and he stole the mirror and died for it. Johnny told Echo the whole story just as he heard it from Seth and Renee.

"He must have really loved his mother . . ." said Johnny. "Echo, Renee wasn't doing so well, she was very upset when she came back. Actually, Seth and Lydia didn't look too well either."

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Serena stared as Lydia left the room to search for the library. "Alright...but if you ever want to cry, Echo and me and Ren are here for you." She reminded the young witch as the blonde yelled out of the room before sighing again, raking her hand through her hair.

"Geez...What am I going to do?" She muttered to herself. After a moment, Serena straightened her back and walked in the war room. She asked the princess if Latifa could bring up some food for Seth and for herself as well. The blonde looked over to where James is, watching that he's busy with Sasha and decided to talk with him.

"Seth is sleeping...I just wanted you to know..." Then she sat next to him, twiddling her flinching fingers as she wished absentmindedly that she has her violin right about now.


Echo's green eyes stared into his eyes, searching if he was joking until she realized that he wasn't. The fawn bit her bottom lip and leaned into Johnny's arms as she listened to his explanation. Then she snorted quietly.

"I'm not surprised that either of them are not okay. Ren and Seth had to go through Paroosia and lost their parents because of those deathknights. Ren still likes him and I bet you right now that she's scared of losing anybody. Lydia...Lydia writes to her mother and was becoming friends with him..." She muttered sadly to Johnny.

"She told me that Seifer apologized to her about something and I feel...like she cares about him too."


Renee drew a summoner's circle in the middle of the hallway, grinning at the guards who were there. "Thank you for watching over me and for the chalk too. I wouldn't know what to do without your help." Some of the guards blushed at her compliments and mumbling about how it's nothing. She shook her head softly with a warm smile and clapped her hands, breathing in to calm her soul.

"Okay, time to meet my summons."

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As out of sorts as Lydia was, hearing Serena's words made her heart ache and filled her with warmth. She was close with her family, her mother most of all, but she had never really had any friends. There were the maids at her home, but they weren't friends. True they helped her with things, but it wasn't the same as being helped by a friend.

She was soon out of sight and wandering down the hall, she didn't bother asking any guards about a library, deciding that wandering around was just as good as getting straight to her destination since as long as she paid attention to what was around her, she wasn't quite as likely to delve back into her own thoughts.

Her gaze drifted past windows and paintings, which she would pause to look at and question without much interest but as a much needed distraction. Whenever she found her thoughts wandering back towards Seifer, either because something she saw reminded her of him or because her thoughts just drifted away on their own, she would tightly wring the handkerchief she was still holding, her knuckles white as the fabric was tightly wrapped between them.

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- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"That's very decent of Renee and Lydia to care about him that much." said Johnny swaying in place with Echo and resting his chin on her shoulder. " . . . I had to dig up our things and burry them eighty paces north. Seifer's bow is there too and the bag with his belongings. I want to retrieve them tomorrow and give them to his mother back in Kingsbury . . . Do you know Lydia's, Renee's and Serena's favorite food? They might feel better if I cooked their favorite for breakfast tomorrow. "

- James Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

Latifa went off to the kitchens to have some nice hot dinner brought up immediately.

In the war room, after reporting to a soldier the progress of a company of orcs that had been paddling from the sea under cover of darkness to try and infiltrate the docks of Holt, James blinked and looked over at Serena and then down at her twiddling fingers.

He understood. She always expressed herself through music whenever something happened, and without her violin, he wondered if it felt like needing to speak to relieve yourself but couldn't. "I know, I saw you putting him to sleep." said James, looking up at her with respect. "Thank you, Serena, and for looking out for him and Renee when you were in the enemy's camp --- oh, and for your hair tie." he added, pointing at it.

His family meant a lot to him, even though they bicker and are annoying sometimes. So he felt very warmly towards anybody who took care of them when he was too preoccupied to do it, like Echo, and always wanted to do something for them in return.

He looked down at her fingers. "Are you alright? Do you maybe need a violin? . . . or shall I pole dance to make you feel better?" he chuckled.

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-Renee's first summons-
She should have known that this was going to happen, considering what's on her mind and heart at the moment. She should have known that thinking of Seifer would show up in her summons and now it's painful...​

Because Mica bit her index finger and is not letting go.

Renee summoned successfully. There were no mishaps as she concentrated on calming her soul and poured her manna into the circle she made for the ferret summons. She knew she has a connection with him too, considering that all of the random information about the ferret appeared in her mind like she knew who this was and was meeting him again after a long time.

It was intense for a few minutes. The guards probably thought she was insane for staring at the animal.

Then when she was gonna pet the ferret, Mica squinted his eyes and bit down on her finger-! Her pain-filled yelp echoed in the hallway, making some of the guards jump at how loud it was. "Ow...ow...ow..." She muttered as Mica bit down harder, looking like he's...Is...Is he giving her a smug smile?!...Why that little-!

Renee was about to fight with him, giving insults to the animal, but paused and started to laugh in a huffy way instead. Her head limped down, white fringes covering her teary eyes as her shoulders shook with each breathe she needed to take.

Oh Merlin...Mica...Mica has the same smug attitude as Seifer...She didn't know if it was a sick joke or a secret blessing from someone.

"Okay...okay...you won...wow, you have really sharp teeth...and your fur looks so soft to touch..." Renee reached over with her left hand and moving her hand to lightly caress on the arching body. It seems that she took him off guard since he let her finger go, but she didn't move away; Instead she scratched under his chin and on his head and he leans on it, enjoying the touch.

"Ha...Let's be friends? I'm sorry that I don't have a gift now but...hm?" Mica looked up, leaning away from her gentle hands to stand on his back legs to bite on her hair-?!

"You...you want my hair? Ow!?...and my feathers too?" She asked, a bit shocked as to why he would want that as a gift but...it's his gift so she doesn't mind as much...weird one, he is.

"Alright...can you let go so I can cut it?" Once he did, Renee conjured a small knife with her barrier, cuts a long part of her hair that's on the side of her head and plucked a single feather from her wing. Then she braided the silvery strands, tying it around the ferret's neck and weaved the feather in the makeshift necklace, letting it jut out a bit like a fancy decoration.

"There, how's that?" Mica trotted around, looking at the guards with that same smug grin on his face as if he was saying 'Ha! I can have her hair and you can't!' He stuck his tongue out at them before climbing on her shoulders and nuzzled on her neck. Renee giggled at the silly ferret's antics.

"You're welcome. Can you help me heal the soldiers? I don't know any strong light spells so..." Mica looked at her with a glare of disapproval and sniffed like he was put out and saying, 'Fine...only because I'm awesome and great.' Renee rolled her eyes, but her smile grew a bit more as she scratched under his chin again. "Thank you...Now let's get to work..."

Then she walked in the medical ward to help heal the soldiers, creating any potions they needed for the poison and letting Mica nuzzle every man who has serious injuries.


-Echo Muses-

"I know Renee loves bacon. Serena...I believe she loves Key-lime pie, but I don't know Lydia's favorite...We should ask her when we see her again..." Echo's ears drooped, sighing as she squeezed Johnny a bit, and letting him sway with her. When she listened to his suggestion about their stuff, the fawn nodded in agreement with a warm smile.

"I'm sure his mother would love to have his things." She muttered before kissing his cheek. "Thank you...for caring about them and watching over them when I could not."


-Serena Lock-

Serena blinked confusedly when he mentioned the hair tie but she smiled anyways. "No problem. I absolutely love those two, so...I couldn't help but think of them as my own siblings." She didn't have any brothers or sisters while growing up, being an only child, but she guessed with all the care that she has for the two younger teens; it counts as a sibling love.

Then she snickered at hearing James' joke. "Oh Merlin-!" Serena laughed, slapping her knee as she couldn't hold back, a red flush appeared on her cheeks. The images that's going through her mind right now...oh boy...it's enough to make her blush up to her ears.

"No, I- haha! -I think I'll be fine, just miss my violin." She tries to quiet her laughter, covering her mouth with her dainty hand and clears her throat. "I just need my violin to play...I can't sit still otherwise..."Serena confessed to James, smiling widely at him. Her blue eyes glittered in happiness when he noticed her problem, appreciating his concern.

"Seth was asking for me to play and I wondered...if we all need to hear something to release our grief..." She mumbled for only James to hear, slumping a bit as the weight on her shoulders got heavier at the thought. "Maybe it'll help calm everyone's nerves once it quiets down...hopefully..."

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Lydia's brow furrowed, her arms crossed so that one hand cupped either of her elbows. She sighed softly and drew a somewhat determined expression across her features. She wondered what Seifer would think. If he would take the emotions that everyone was showing towards him as pity? Would he be touched by the fact that everyone was at least slightly disjointed by the fact that he wasn't with them still? She pictured him rolling his eyes and drawling haughtily about how pathetic they are.

Lydia's eyes glistened, but she was smiling. She thought that secretly, as detached from everyone as he acted, and how he seemed like everything anyone did was either annoying, beneath him, or both, he actually liked having them around.

The painting that Lydia was currently looking at depicted an odd scene. Her head tilted as she looked at it curiously, wondering what on Earth possessed the artist, for that matter who decided to hang it here, of all places. It was an image of a group of animals having what seemed to be a party. There was a sleek, black cat with a surprised look on his face, holding a cup of tea with one paw that it looked like he was trying not to spill. A mischievous looking brown ferret that seemed to be pouring pepper in the cat's tea. A pinkish ram dancing somewhat wildly with what appeared to be a red doe and barely missing colliding with the cat. A pretty blonde squirrel with a fluffy tail, that was apparently playing a certain instrument that the others were dancing to. An angelic white songbird with a fluffy plume atop its head that appeared to be singing and having a good time. A second cat that was smaller than the first with flattened ears and big green eyes, making the animal look like a cross between an owl and a cat. And a lone white rabbit that had set itself apart from the group and was perched snobbishly atop a tree stump sipping tea.

The novice witch snorted softly before a soft giggle slipped from her and she covered her mouth quickly, looking around shiftily. What in the world? What are the chances? She wondered if she would be the only one to see the resemblance between the animals in this painting and the people... well most of the people in the current group.

She shook her head, balling up her hands and knocking gently on either side of her head, "stop that!" She scolded herself, taking in a couple of deep breaths before she would leave the strange picture behind and with more direction, head to the library.

Zer0 Zer0 Katsuya Katsuya
- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

Johnny's cheeks flushed pink as he looked away."Y-you're welcome, love." he muttered, smiling embarrassingly, rubbing the back of his neck. Every time she smiled like this he felt like adding, 'Would you also want me to storm a fortress and save a million hostages?' just so that she'd kiss him again.

Some of the guards watching smirked.

"Erm, thank you as well for taking care of the horses while we were travelling and taking care of James' body. He's really happy that he has muscles now." chuckled Johnny, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "And also for caring whenever I was mad or upset." he held both her hands then planted a big kiss on her nose, saying, "~Mwa!" before nipping it playfully like when Echo was a mouse.

"Someday I shall eat your nose. You have such a small button nose, Echo." said Johnny, squinting his eyes at it.

- James Pendragon -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"It'll help. Your violin always calms me down, Serena, especially the one about the daughter of the moon. I keep replaying it in my head when I'm reading. You want me to ask around the keep if they have a violin?" said James.

When one of the warlocks sitting around the circle shushed him because they were trying to focus on their own summons that were also spying on the enemy, James gestured to Serena that they should probably sit somewhere else. Sasha was done for the night anyway, she had been scouting since sunset and must be tired and hungry.

With a poof of cloud. The ethereal owl reappeared in James arms with a bit of droop on her feathers. She gave James a stern look as though saying, 'If you're going to send me out again . . .' she clicked her beak dourly.

"Yes, you're going to have to go out again." said James seriously, petting the small owl with one finger. Sasha's eyes widened so big in her indignation it seemed as though they were going to encompass her head as she pecked his finger away. "Ow, I'm joking, you have no humor whatsoever. We're going to go to the kitchen for porridge. I'll take you there."

Sasha rolled her head and clicked her beak disapprovingly as though she didn't find his joke funny, but it just made James tease her more. "Oh yes, by the way Sasha this is Serena, a violinist. You haven't heard her music, have you?"

Sasha stared at Serena from head to foot looking bored. Then gazed transfixed at her blue eyes.

"She likes shiny blue things." explained James.

Katsuya Katsuya

Echo giggled when Johnny kissed her nose and nipped, blushing red as her ears twitched. " Hmm~ anytime, love..." She kissed his cheek, his nose, and forehead.

She didn't mind if the guards were smirking and having fun while making kissy faces. She just wanted to make Johnny happy and she's always happy whenever he is around. Then her smile turned a bit timid when he said he'll eat her nose and giggled again.

"Why do you want to eat my nose? Heheh!" Echo rubbed her nose on his, blushing.


The violinist's smile grew warmer, feeling comforted at the thought.

"If...if it's not too much trouble?" Serena timidly replied, twiddling her fingers again before looking over at the soldier who shushed them and agreed with James. She followed him out of the room and met up with a very white owl that's glowing...woah...

She has seen this owl a few times, but she never gotten near it as Serena felt it would be rude to the creature. It's best to have manners whenever it comes to summons, says her mentor. Though she giggled a bit when Sasha scolded James for that joke.

Serena blinked at the tall Pendragon before smiling at the owl, leaning bit so she would be at the same eye level as the bird. "My-! That's a compliment. I'm glad you like my eyes...My name is Serena. It's nice to meet you."

"...wow...you are so beautiful even when your feathers are a bit droopy. When I get my hands on my violin, I'll play for you too if you want Ms. Sasha." Her blue eyes glittered in mirth as she smiled at the owl too. She sort of want to pet Her because her droopy feathers still looked sleek and soft but she didn't push it as her fingers are currently too fidgety to even pet anything.

"Thank you for being brave out there. It must have been scary for you..."

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle

- James Pendragon-
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

Sasha hooted proudly, ruffling her feathers importantly.

"And likes being praised." added James, amused, stroking the bottom of the ghostly owl's beak. It seemed that James had at least one thing in common with his summons. Both Frey and Sasha liked praise, and the owl had a bit of a temper. And it also seemed that James liked the color blue just like his owl, albeit darker. Most of his robes were of a deep midnight blue, and even the borrowed brocade vest he wore under a white colonial shirt was blue. The cylindrical case where he kept his rolls of parchment and quills were of the same color, including his travelling blanket.

After asking a servant if there was a violin in the keep and telling him that they'll be in the kitchens if the servant finds one, they strolled down flagged stone stairways till they reached the mess hall of the keep, James talking all the while about his ethereal owl.

"Sasha was my first tier two summon." he told Serena. "Information was more important to me than brawns or arcane might, hence I studied nether owls instead of frost wolves and fire foxes on my sixth year. What about you, Serena? Why Foo?"

Though it was night time, the sky flashed with orange and blue lights from the fire, ice, and lightning spells being cast at the borders of the city. They could hear the battle from here, albeit muffled and very distant. It seemed that the walls of Holt will hold tonight.

In the mess hall there were soldiers eating late dinners, and even at this hour the kitchen was in full swing, cooking and baking rations for the warriors who were coming back from the battle and those going out to replace them. They greeted Serena and James as they passed by and whispers about their bringing the princess and the mirror to Holt followed them.

Katsuya Katsuya

- Johnny Caprice -
" Holt, Duke Maguire's Keep "

"Because it's so small like a button. I always want to bite or squish things I find cute. Ah, by the way, Echo, I've always wanted to ask you, when's your birthday and how have you been able to wear shirts over your head when you still had your antlers?" his arms made wide wavy motions above her head.
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-Serena's past-

Serena giggled happily as they walked to the kitchen. "Well she deserves the praise for working so hard just like her joking summoner." She teased.

The violinist really did appreciate James' concern with her violin since it was the only way she could express herself fully. As she listened to James and asked her about Foo, the blonde's smile went a bit nostalgic.

"Foo...I wanted a friend...so I summoned Foo..." Serena explained, now looking over to the soldiers who greeted them and she greeted back. "I dedicated my childhood to my violin because I used be a problem child and playing violin just makes my anger go away." Her parents thought it was strange that Serena couldn't show her emotions very easily unless it was violent and she would break things when she became upset. So they looked for a solution and came by it accidentally when she sat still during a small violin recital.

"I used to be so angry back then that I couldn't make friends. Even after learning how to play, no one wanted to go near me...so I summoned Foo while having temper tantrum at my mentor's place...and almost started a fire." Serena scratched behind her head in embarrassment as she smiled awkwardly. "Of course, after having Foo I stopped being so angry since she would dance with me while I play..."

The blonde looked up at James, wondering and somewhat dreading what his reaction would be after knowing her reason.


Echo froze when he asked her of her birthday, realizing that it's .."It's... It's this week, I think." The blush got darker as her embarrassment for not remembering her birthday grew. She nuzzled under his chin to hide. "Um...my aunt has this spell to make my shirts stretch when I put them on before..." She explained.

Zer0 Zer0 Roleplay Skittle Roleplay Skittle
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-Duke Maguire's Keep-
Lydia was awed when she finally reached the keep's library. It wasn't so much the size of the room as the fact that it was full of books that she likely hadn't read before. She took a moment to just bask in the idea of all these unread pages, her green eyes wide with wonder as she stood basically in the middle of the room, turning in a slow circle. The neutral expression on her face steadily growing into a large grin before she hurriedly moved to the shelf closest to the left side of the door to begin perusing the titles.

However, Lydia realized something was amiss as she stepped up to the shelf. Still holding kerchief in hand, she pointlessly searched her person for the something she was missing. To no avail did she find the small hardened leather pouch she commonly kept her round silver frames in, why? Because they were not there. Of course she knew they weren't there and a sense of dejection befell her then as she thought of all that knowledge within her grasp and she wouldn't be able to read it.

Her brow furrowed with determination and she reached out and took a book anyway, she didn't even try to check the title, she just randomly chose and opened the book, holding it in front of her as she systematically squinted her eyes before opening them wide again, the book being brought closer to her face and further away alternatively. Eventually she held the object at arms length and squinted once more, her upper body leaning away from the book as she tried to put distance between herself and it before groaning resignedly and closing the book. It was no use, the words were just too jumbled for her to see clearly and she knew she looked like a complete weirdo trying to read with the book in such a way.

The novice witch sighed sadly and put the book back on the shelf. She glanced around the library a moment, there were a few people gathered at a table, books being brought to and from the table as they all seemed to be researching together. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly, thankfully they had all been too busy to notice her trying to decipher what was in the pages of the book she had just been looking at.

Lydia wondered what the chances were of them getting their belongings back. It seemed like it would be a suicide mission, they would have to get back out of the city and past enemy lines in order to get to their things and she honestly thought that it wouldn't be possible until this whole mess was sorted out and the world was safe again. Though how long would that be? She huffed and brought her hands to her head, ruffling up her sleek black hair in mild frustration before she left the library and headed for the war room.

When she eventually arrived at her destination, she saw that James was no longer there. She decided not to pursue the matter, thinking it was silly to even contemplate the idea of leaving the keep, their lives were more important than material objects and they had already lost one of their party and she didn't want to seem foolish by asking what the chances were of getting their things back so instead of asking after James, she decided to go back to the room where she had left Serena and Seth.

When she arrived back in the room, she walked quietly over to the window and leaned against the wall beside it, peering out and once more left to her thoughts which she tried to steer clear of by singing softly to herself as a means of something else to focus her mind on.

"j'eu suis sa mosokona
wichet de bous sobleu
que se apusizi lepou zi ne
j'eu mi si tu lamour, tu lamour chet moi
j'eu suis sa mosokona
ruchet de bous sobleu
que se apusizi lepou zi ne
j'eu mi si tu lamour, tu lamour chet moi
adetu la mien ka fe tu notra
abelru hii ri soa
a lamour
andetu la rien ka fe tu notra
abelru hii ri sora
a lamour
j'eu me tu lire ti la me tushe kyuela
j'eu suis sa mosokona
wichet de bous sobleu
que se apusizi lepou zi ne
j'eu mi si tu lamour, tu lamour chet moi
j'eu suis la mo saa..."

Katsuya Katsuya Zer0 Zer0

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