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Fandom Housetrapped (A Homestuck AU)

Magnadeus said:
Janet suddenly saw everything around her become slightly more polygonal. This was it. This was SBURB. Immediately, she established a connection with Dan and started placing down ALL the free machines. Meanwhile, she found herself with a cruxtruder smack dab in the middle of her room.
DR: Hey, any of you guys actually know much about this game?

DR: I mean, I know there will be combat involved, but other than that I'm completely clueless!

DR: I wouldn't have even found out about this game if it wasn't for my Sis telling me that it was some cool game that I REALLY should play.

DR: Which is kinda weird...she's not much of a gamer

CB: Well, it takes place in reality.

CB: That's all I know.

CB: So what's this thing you dumped in my room? Do I open it?
Jack had kind of spaced out, he hadn't even noticed that he'd dropped something into Janet's room.

DR: Welcome, to the Sburbian Frontier memo board!

DR: This is a board for anyone who's gonna be playing a Sburb session with me, CB, and JTM. Feel free to use this as a public chat!

CB: I think BM is playing too. Also, it's TJM.

DR: Oops :P Sorry. I'm still a bit tired. Haven't been getting much sleep lately. Oh! And to anyone who wants to post here, please refrain from using typing quirks. This will make it easier to read for everyone.

TJM: fucking sweet bro

TJM: Its cool snowbro i hadnt noticed it myself until beastsis mentioned it

TJM: also you misspelled sburb

DR: Ok, THANK YOU for pointing that out. I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't mentioned it. Like I said, I haven't been getting much sleep lately.

DR: Also, can anyone confirm that BM is actually playing?

CB: Meh. We'll get her to join our session later. For now, DAN! You are my client player, and you shall be Jack's server. Jack, establish the connection. I am ready!

TJM: yeah sleepysis is gonna play she's my server player

TJM: after were done with our little play through of Sburb then you snowbro are going to get some sleep

DR: K. Got both copies installed and I've connected. Let's get this shit started!

BM: uh hey i'm...

BM: i'm playing ! definitely !!! i'm just a lil sleepy right now that's all...

BM: i'll install my copy soon t-though!

DR: Hey, any of you guys actually know much about this game?

DR: I mean, I know there will be combat involved, but other than that I'm completely clueless!

DR: I wouldn't have even found out about this game if it wasn't for my Sis telling me that it was some cool game that I REALLY should play.

DR: Which is kinda weird...she's not much of a gamer

CB: Well, it takes place in reality.

CB: That's all I know.

CB: So what's this thing you dumped in my room? Do I open it?

DR: Apparently it's called a Cruxtruder? I'm not quite sure how to open it. The top looks kinda like a button to me though :/ Maybe try hitting it? I don't know :\

DR: Heads up, about to drop two more things into your house.

Jack deployed the Totem Lathe in Janet's room, and the Alchemiter downstairs in Janet's living room.
DR: Hey, any of you guys actually know much about this game?

DR: I mean, I know there will be combat involved, but other than that I'm completely clueless!

DR: I wouldn't have even found out about this game if it wasn't for my Sis telling me that it was some cool game that I REALLY should play.

DR: Which is kinda weird...she's not much of a gamer

CB: Well, it takes place in reality.

CB: That's all I know.

CB: So what's this thing you dumped in my room? Do I open it?

DR: Apparently it's called a Cruxtruder? I'm not quite sure how to open it. The top looks kinda like a button to me though :/ Maybe try hitting it? I don't know :\

DR: Heads up, about to drop two more things into your house.

BM: i-in reality?

BM: well i'll uh, put in the game now! er, the cd.

BM: i guess?

She responded to Dan. Kind of a neutral response, right? Wow, she didn't know what was going on.

TJM: ?leepy?i? change of plan? bea?t?i? i? going to by my ?erver player

TJM: ?orry

BM: it's fine :o

She yawned, leaning forward. What the hell was going on? She shoved her hand in a pile of stuff, and shifted and searched around until she found something oddly thin and rectangular. She pulled it out, found the disk, and inserted the disk into her computer.
comfortedBeasthood[CB] began pestering borderlineModel[bM]

CB: Plan rechanged. I serve you, you serve Jack. TJM disconnected.

She then joined the memo board.

CB: I'm going to try opening it first.

She tried prying it open with her hands, to no avail. She then retrieved a crowbar from the basement by captchaloguing it, and going upstairs. The crowbar was set to the Overworld theme from The Legend of Zelda, so as soon as she went upstairs, she played it on her portable synthesizer. She could just hum it, but this was how she preferred to do it.

She succesfully pried it open, and out came the kernel.

CB: Now what's this?
Magnadeus said:
comfortedBeasthood[CB] began pestering borderlineModel[bM]

CB: Plan rechanged. I serve you, you serve Jack. TJM disconnected.

She then joined the memo board.

CB: I'm going to try opening it first.

She tried prying it open with her hands, to no avail. She then retrieved a crowbar from the basement by captchaloguing it, and going upstairs. The crowbar was set to the Overworld theme from The Legend of Zelda, so as soon as she went upstairs, she played it on her portable synthesizer. She could just hum it, but this was how she preferred to do it.

She succesfully pried it open, and out came the kernel.

CB: Now what's this?
Jack sighs. He had no idea what it was.

CB: Now what's this?

DR: I have no clue. Try throwing something at it, or something?
CB: Plan rechanged. I serve you, you serve Jack. TJM disconnected.

BM: eh...? so i guess i'm jack's server person then?

Amethyst heard several thuds from where she was. She was jolted from her spot, from her original thought.

She sighed with exasperation and stood up, and she was now stuck staring at the giant large object, right nab dab in the center of her room. It was as if her entire body jolted back to life. She rushed towards the thing, and attempted to look down at it's feet, worried that it would be crushing some of her things. Her dolls. She couldn't remember whether or not she would place something important in that exact spot but...

She pulled out her phone and started nabbing her fingers on it, rapidly.

BM: so that was you...

BM: sorry for being rude but...

BM: what the hell is this giant thing in my room?
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CB: Now what's this?

DR: I have no clue. Try throwing something at it, or something?

CB: Yeah ok. I'll get to that.

CB: That's a cruxtruder. I put it on the one flat place in your room. Try opening it, it leads to a countdown.

Taking heed to Jack's advice, she threw one of her Midnight Crew books at the kernel, the one with Spades Slick on the cover.

Is...is that...him?

Spades Slick?

(the slickimps will show up later)
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Magnadeus said:
CB: Now what's this?
DR: I have no clue. Try throwing something at it, or something?

CB: Yeah ok. I'll get to that.

CB: That's a cruxtruder. I put it on the one flat place in your room. Try opening it, it leads to a countdown.

Taking heed to Jack's advice, she threw one of her Midnight Crew books at the kernel, the one with Spades Slick on the cover.

Is...is that...him?

Spades Slick?
Jack sat at his computer silently for a little while.

DR: What...the...hell?! Uhhhhhhh....................................................................................................
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sat at his computer silently for a little while.
DR: What...the...hell?! Uhhhhhhh....................................................................................................
(i changed the link)
Amethyst shook her head, stuck in absolute bewilderment before stepping away. She took a few but heavy deep breaths, before she went back to her computer and took a seat. She'll deal with it later when she knows what to really do with the large thing. Which would be soon.

In the memo:

BM: jeez, i don't know what's going on honestly...

borderlineModel[bM] began pestering dimensionalReject [DR]

BM: so, apparently i'm your server person, u-um.

BM: i'm just going to

BM: place a bunch in your living room? what i think is the living room? if that's alright with you, er

She dragged what is apparently called a Cruxtruder (which appeared to be the thing in her room?), and an Alchemiter, near each other into the living room, carefully placing it on the carpet.
budgieboo said:
Amethyst shook her head, stuck in absolute bewilderment before stepping away. She took a few but heavy deep breaths, before she went back to her computer and took a seat. She'll deal with it later when she knows what to really do with the large thing. Which would be soon.
In the memo:

BM: jeez, i don't know what's going on honestly...

borderlineModel[bM] began pestering dimensionalReject [DR]

BM: so, apparently i'm your server person, u-um.

BM: i'm just going to

BM: place a bunch in your living room? what i think is the living room? if that's alright with you, er

She dragged what is apparently called a Cruxtruder (which appeared to be the thing in her room?), and an Alchemiter, near each other into the living room, carefully placing it on the carpet.
Jack ran downstairs. Well, there they were. The things he'd placed in Janet's room already. Alright, time to figure out what the hell he could do to open the top of the Cruxtrud- Wait, he had an idea.

borderlineModel[bM] began pestering dimensionalReject [DR]

BM: so, apparently i'm your server person, u-um.

BM: i'm just going to

BM: place a bunch in your living room? what i think is the living room? if that's alright with you, er

DR: Hey, try prying open the top of the Cruxtruder with something, uh... try this!

Jack drew one of his metal snowboards with his sketch modus, captchalogging it all the way from his room. He then set it on the floor next to the Cruxtruder and backed away a bit.
Amy struggled with her mouse, but she managed to pick up the metal snowboard up, and (accidentally) dropped it right on the top of the cruxtruder. Not exactly what he said, but it still had manage to do something. The metal snowboard popped up and bounced off somewhere, allowing the cruxtruder to possibly pop open and allow a single sprite out.

BM: i-it worked?
JackOfHearts said:
Jack sat at his computer silently for a little while.
DR: What...the...hell?! Uhhhhhhh....................................................................................................
CB: I'm having the same reaction.

JackOfHearts said:
(I was more so implying that Jack was internally freaking out about the whole Spadesprite thing.)

(yeah ok)

Janet checked to see if Amy had opened her cruxtruder yet. Nope. Janet decided to go find out about the machines that Jack put down.

She carried the dark teal cruxite dowel from her cruxtruder to the Designix, which was plopped down

right next to the Alchemiter.

"What do I do now?"

SPADESPRITE: Ok, listen up.

CB: Gah!

SPADESPRITE: Put a card in the designix, and then feed it to the totem lathe. After that, put the carved dowel in the alchemiter.

CB: Uh, thanks.

SPADESPRITE: Yeah, yeah.

Heeding her guide's advice, she did all those things, and suddenly she found herself with an egg.

CB: Hey! I got a blue egg, everybody.

CB: Jack, specifically.

CB: My first instinct is to make a wicked omelette, and since first instincts have only led to amazing things so far, that is exactly what I will do.

As she cracked it, however, something happened. The whole house shook, and she was blinded by some intense light. The immediate loss of balance made her fall down. When she finally looked out of the window, she nearly yelped. She wasn't on earth anymore.

Land Of Puzzles And Roses
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Jack smiles. This was perfect. Or...it would be if he had ANY clue what to fuse into his sprite. Huh, he REALLY should've thought that through.

BM: i-it worked?

DR: Nice work! Oh, but don't let it touch anything! Otherwise it does this weird sort of...metamorphasis thingy...Wonder what would happen if I touched it?...

DR: Yeah...that sounds like a horrible idea

He then went back to checking up on Janet and- What the hell?! Where was she?! Jack couldn't answer that.

CB: Hey! I got a blue egg, everybody.

CB: Jack, specifically.

CB: My first instinct is to make a wicked omelette, and since first instincts have only led to amazing things so far, that is exactly what I will do.

DR: Ok, ok. FIRST, you managed to somehow bring SPADES SLICK to life as some sort of GHOST THINGY, and SECOND, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!
Illana lay spread-eagle on her bed, surrounded by houseplants: a pothos that grew over her head, a corn plant stretching into the air, an aloe vera spreading its many arms. She glanced lazily out the window, a block of glass in the green wallpaper, thankful for the cool moonligh and her peaceful state of mind. She brushed her long bangs out of her eyes, squinting for the package receptacle.

It was here.

Typically slow, she rolled out of bed and left her studio hive, waving hello to the small succulent garden outside her door. She opened the receptacle, removed the jewel case her friend had sent her, and lumbered back inside, as much as was possible for a troll of her short stature. Once inside, Illana flopped onto the bed and placed the disk in her small, shoddy laptop.

glitterGastropod began trolling tinkeringAnalyst

GG: are you \_/p?

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JackOfHearts said:
Jack smiles. This was perfect. Or...it would be if he had ANY clue what to fuse into his sprite. Huh, he REALLY should've thought that through.
BM: i-it worked?

DR: Nice work! Oh, but don't let it touch anything! Otherwise it does this weird sort of...metamorphasis thingy...Wonder what would happen if I touched it?...

DR: Yeah...that sounds like a horrible idea

He then went back to checking up on Janet and- What the hell?! Where was she?! Jack couldn't answer that.

CB: Hey! I got a blue egg, everybody.

CB: Jack, specifically.

CB: My first instinct is to make a wicked omelette, and since first instincts have only led to amazing things so far, that is exactly what I will do.

DR: Ok, ok. FIRST, you managed to somehow bring SPADES SLICK to life as some sort of GHOST THINGY, and SECOND, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!
CB: Hey, Spadesprite is awesome. That's his name by the way. Secondly, according to the game, I am in LOPAR. Land of Puzzles and Roses.

CB: How are things with Amy as your server? She deploy anything yet? I see that she hasn't prototyped her kernel yet.

CB: Oh wait, you don't understand any of this lingo, do you? You need a sprite.
Amy smiled when she saw his praise.

BM: haha, thank you! :>

BM: though it was just the least i could do!

BM: on that thought, i should get going here myself

She stood up from her computer, and walked over towards the large cruxtruder. Now, how was she going to open this? Maybe she might need some help too.

Amethyst then decided to bother Janet a little more.

BM: well, i helped jack get his thingy open

BM: and another thingy popped out of that thingy

BM: s-so what i'm trying to say, uh, can you help me open the cruxtruder? i don't really have much that can open it, that i can pry with it.

BM: my dolls are too fragile, they won't be able to do that! maybe belle but... i wouldn't subject her the pain

BM: can you try...

BM: uh...

She took a moment to glance around for any objects that could be used, but appeared to be out of luck until she realized something obvious.

BM: ... my chair? i can't exactly carry it myself up there... so...
Magnadeus said:
CB: Hey, Spadesprite is awesome. That's his name by the way. Secondly, according to the game, I am in LOPAR. Land of Puzzles and Roses.
CB: How are things with Amy as your server? She deploy anything yet? I see that she hasn't prototyped her kernel yet.

CB: Oh wait, you don't understand any of this lingo, do you? You need a sprite.
DR: I...uh...do have a sprite, if that's what those are called. I have no idea what the fuck I want to prototype it with though. I mean, I want it to be badass! But...I can't think of anything.
(Click that circley symbol next to the B I U)

GG: awake? it's pretty early in the night

GG: i'm feeling good rn. g\_/ess what came in the mail today
Illana found herself grinning as she was typing.

GG: a copy of that game i kept talking about

GG: gonna make a new universe full of pretty little plants
CB: If it's not prototyped, it's a kernel. Maybe prototype with a drawing? The rules are loose, you'll probably get what you drew instead of a paper. I threw a book at it.

CB: And of course I'll help you, Amy. But I don't think that the chair will be necessary.

Using her high-end gaming mouse along with the SBURB cursor, she grabbed the lid of the cruxtruder and popped it off.

CB: There. Now prototype something good. I have a feeling I know what you'll prototype, but that's just me.


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