House Of Freaks

(I was awoken by the monsters... or my siblings..)

Scarlett looks around at all the people coming out to the pool, she notices the girl with the tail and she stands up and looks around. "Maybe I'm not the only freak.. " She thought to her self.. She looked down at her covered arms . "Can I ask you guys something..?"
Luna watched Alex taste her coffee and shrugged at her comment "critic..." she saw everyone in the pool and smiled she loved water almost as much as sugar she changed into a black and pink bikini and jumped in "CANNONBALL!!"
(sounds bad)

She lifted her head focused on the girl with red hair that just asked a question, "Ask away." As soon as she stopped talking she was immediately soaked with water and her blond hair covered her eyes. Her golden eyes were wide and she was smiling because she loved water. She slid into the water and prepared to sneak up on the other girl as she swam towards her.
Dawn rolled her eyes at the other, a smile lingering on her face, as she turned to Scarlett. "I have no clue who you were talking to but sure." Only a few water droplets landed on her as the others splashed around but she didn't mind, the water felt a little nice on whatever skin was actually visible on her.
Luna heard movement in the water and turned around to see the coffee critic she splashed at her playfully giggling

(Yes I put tons of coffee creamer and sugar in my coffee in real life people say they don't know how I can drink it but its AMAZING!! so lol yeah that post was based off of myself)
"Are all of you.. different..?" She felt like she needed to know.. "She clenched her sleeves and watched everyone play in the pool, She hasn't worn a bathing suit since the accidents started happening.. she kinda missed the feeling of the water on her skin.
(It is but that's how I ruined my first cup and there was a ton of sugar at the bottom. I admit to using a lot of creamer though)

Alex shook her head and splashed back and spoke loud enough for everyone to hear her. "Well it's pretty obvious that I'm different," she said as she moved her tail to prove her point.
Dawn fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie as she looked at Scarlett. "Yeah, or at least of what I know. People who are different or don't think they belong come here and are accept with warm hearts, even if they don't mean to stumble upon this place." She shrugs her shoulder before looking back at the water along with everyone else in it.
She looks towards dawn.. "So.. what makes you different?" She said curiously" She sat back down beside her putting her feet back in the pool.
"Hello," he greeted the dark haired boy with a friendly smile. "I should warn you, I'm just a tenant that just moved in," he explained. "I think it'd be fine if you came in," he said lightly, "look for a girl with long black hair, she's the owner, Max." Hearing soft voices, Micah walked across the house curiously, spying Scarlett, Dawn, and Alex conversing by the pool. Swallowing, he was captivated the bright, welcoming water sloshing innocently in the pool, wishing he could just transform and spent the day underwater. Breaking from his trance, he approached the group awkwardly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation. He overheard Dawn. Am I thinking too far into this, or is she talking about mutations? I guess there's only one way to find out. . .

"What do you mean different?" he asked, taking off his socks and letting the sunbaked concrete warm his toes.
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Luna smiled removing her choker revealing many scars on her neck along with her curse mark, "were all different here" she said brightly dunking Alex giggling
She looks over her shoulder.. "Well.. I mean... "She sighs a little.. "I guess the only way is to show you guys..." She stand sup and gently takes off her hoodie, her arms, chest, and back are covered in scars, shown through the white tanktop she was wearing, she holds one of her arms up, a bone crunches and rips through the skin on her wrist, a small trickle of blood drips down her arms the piece of bone looks like it's a sharpened razor.
Micah watched intently, wondering whether she was mutated, considering Max mentioned a lot of the people living here were. He'd only ever heard of animal related mutations, but then again, he'd only ever seen what Lily and Max had to work with. He watched, puzzled, as Scarlett lifted one of her arms up, not expecting anything violent or gruesome. Alarmed by a grinding sound, his eye widened, and then quickly looked away as a bone ripped through the surface of her skin. "What are you-?" he choked, feeling ill at the sight.
Luna looked to the girl "your... a human weapon?" she assumed her bones were like hidden blades she smiled walking out of the pool "its not as bad as mine" she stated as she took off her bikini so she was completely nude... she was used to this she didn't feel self concious about her body so she didn't care she really didn't want to ruin her bkini during tranformation... she transformed into a white wolf with a mark of a crescent moon on her side
She sighed expecting such a reaction. The bone disappeared back in to her arm, she pulled back on her hoodie and held her chest.. "My body is mutated the same way a porcupine uses its spines.. but instead.. it's my bones.." She said softly.. "I'm a killer..." She sighed.. "That's why I'm here.. I'm running from the police, I lost control of my self and I accidentally killed my family when my family got attacked.. I had no idea I could do it.. it just kinda.. happened.. " Blood drips to the ground from the sleeve as she looked at them.. "I'll.. get my stuff and leave.. I'm sure you guys wouldn't want someone like me here.. 
(Blargh, Mattie I didn't see your post when I wrote that Sorry!)
She heard a something that sounded like ripping and a crunch so she looked over and saw the razor like bone. Alex wasn't disturbed, just curious. "Does it hurt?" She watched as the girl that played with her turned into a wolf and she jumped out of the pool with ease. "That's cool! I guess mine isn't that bad besides the feline instincts and trying to hide my ears and tail." She dropped to all fours and shook the water off of her body. "Please don't go."
Micah listened to Luna, her observation allowing Scarlett's mutation to make more sense to him. He dipped his feet in the water, brooding over Scarlett's confession. She didn't seem like a killer, but he'd never met a killer before. As much as he wished he could look at the girl the same way, he felt a slight pang of fear towards her now, knowing there was blood on her hands. He didn't want her to leave, not without hearing her side of the story, but he didn't feel secure either. Micah's concentration was broken when he noticed Luna leaving the pool, and suddenly she was naked. Turning bright red, he quickly stared back at the water, coughing into his hand. Glancing back hesitantly, a beautiful white wolf stood in her place. Amazing, he thought, awed. He lacked the confidence to just strip down to show off his own mutation, so he stayed quiet for now, watching.
She shakes her head a little "It did at first.. but I'm kinda numb to it now.. " She gasped softly and watches the girl. "Aren't you guys scared of me..?" She was so used to everyone being scared, calling her a freak, trying to hurt her or kill her. She was so used to running that it was odd that they would accept her with out even second guessing her.

Luna howled at the non-existant moon to show her point she could still talk in this form but not with her mouth this form was capable of telepathy "this is both a blessing and a curse I'm immortal as long as the moon is in the sky I shall live but that means I'm forced to watch loved ones die while I live... its actually a sad thing to practically live forever..."
Needing time to process everything that was being thrown at him, a rumble in his stomach was motivation, and the perfect excuse, to escape to the kitchen. Plucking himself silently from the poolside, he slipped back into the house, watching Scarlett from the corner of his eye warily. He flicked the fridge open, his hands still shaking from what he'd just witnessed. A stranger's fridge might as well be an alien planet, most of the brands he'd never tried before. Noticing Max across the room, he sighed with relief. "Anything is fair game, right?" He asked, double checking for good measure.
She transformed back into her human self not even bothering to put her clothes back on... after thousands of years you get over that awkwardness she smiled warmly at her "I don't fear you... to me your just an ordinary girl"
Alex tilted her head, "Why would I be scared. It's not like you did it on purpose and you haven't tried to hurt us. Oh and I'm sure that I've killed more people than you have anyway." Her thoughts focused back on the past. "I wonder what's worse being immortal or dying and coming back to life," she mumbled to herself as she rubbed a spot over her heart.

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