House Of Freaks

"Yes, my sister knows, and most of the people that live here know," she told him. "Most of the people are mutants," she corrected herself. Just as she finished saying that her sister came in her ears showing and her wolf tail wagging. Her sister wasn't as careful as she was, but then again her sister didn't remember the things she did....

"Max I found a girl like us can she stay PLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSS!!" she begged.

"Yes of coarse," Max said and the younger sister hugged her. Then left the room to tell her friend that she could stay.


"My sister said you can stay," she said happily.
Alex hadn't heard what Lily had said because she was curled up on one of the chairs with her tail around her as she slept. She had been walking for awhile and didn't realize how tired she was until she sat in the chair. Her left ear twitched in her sleep and she growled softly. She was dreaming of her parents being killed again and all she could do was watch.
"Really? That's wonderful," he sighed. Widespread knowledge meant he'd likely get a chance to utilize the pool in his mutated form. The thought brought a smile to his face before Lily bursting into the room, giving him a miniature heart attack. Watching them leave while he tried to keep his heart in his chest, he left the room a few seconds after. Approaching a window on the back side of the house, he leaned against the windowsill, taking in the soft light filtering through the vegetation surrounding the area. Feeling calm again, Micah smiled contentedly to himself. I think I just hit a major strike of luck finding this place. . . He planned to stay here the night, since it would get dark in transit if he left to get his stuff now. I'll leave first thing in the morning, and be finished packing before lunch.
(I missed so much, I'm so sorry guys. ;_; I tried to keep up with my phone but it hated me!)

Scarlett woke up from were she fell asleep on the couch.. She rubbed her eyes a little and stood up looking around the room, "Hello..?" She said out loud thinking she heard someone else.. She stood up and brushed her self off and walked up the stairs not paying any attention to where she was going, she stared at the stairs in front of her feet.
((It's all good ^^ *shakes finger at Sara's phone*))

Deep in thought, Micah almost didn't notice Scarlett's footsteps as she climbed the stairs. Pivoting curiously, he watched her for a moment across the room. It's the girl from before. She hadn't seemed to notice him yet, or chose not to, making him worry he'd somehow left a bad impression on her. "Hey," he greeted softly, as not to startle her. "I just spoke with Max," he explained awkwardly, "I guess I'm your house-mate now. My name's Micah my the way," he added.
(Well welcome back anyways... and for the-lich, all you really have to do is arrive at the house an knock on the door.)

Dawn stood up and stretched before she walked over to the clear and still pool. She sat down at the edge and took off her shoes, lifting up the bottom of her pants so they wouldn't get wet. Once all of that was done she placed her feet in the pool and smiled at the sensation of water floating around the bottom of her legs, a part of her glad that no one else was really around or outside so she could be more comfortable and lay back while lazily kicking her feet around the water.
She shrieks a little startled. "I.. Um... Hello.. I'm Scarlett.. " She rubs her hands together nervously "I guess we are.. " She was very shy, she wasent very good at being around people, She was called a freak in normal schools and bullied, she hurt a lot of people and thats why she ran away. "Whe..where did you come from..?" She asked him.. 
with a soft knock, a strange child looked around his kitty ears and tail waved slowly. ''hmm...''' He softly shook nervous about his very first day at this college. 
(thanks u like my siggi ;3)
Micah blinked, surprised by her reaction. Feeling guilty about startling the shy girl, he did his best to look friendly, smiling in her direction. "I'm sorry to scare you Scarlet," he apologized, concerned. "Umm-, around I guess, I was just looking for a place with cheap rent," he admitted, "and it seems I've found just the place." Just then, there was a soft knock from on the door downstairs.
She blushes a little "Its okay.. I'm just jumpy is all.." She heard the knock as well, turning around at the same time as him. "I wonder who that is..? " She rubs her hands together.. A lot of people are showing up at once. She wondered what all these people were like.. still trying to figure out wither or not the wings she saw were real.
"Alright then, I promise to not sneak up on you in the future," he laughed as he walked past her down the stairs. "Maybe someone who lives here got locked out," he mused, "if so, we should let them in and introduce ourselves. It might even be another newcomer." He stepped down a few stairs before turning back. "Or maybe it's just a girl scout," he teased, reaching the bottom of the stairs. He pulled the door open to find a boy with dark hair waiting on the porch.

((wasn't sure if Axel's ears/tail was showing, I'll edit if it is.))
She fallows him down the stairs and stands so she could see around the stairs.. watches to see if who it was.. She sees that its a little boy and she sighs softly, every time she hears the door knock she gets scared that it was the police coming for her. she turns around and walks out the back door looking at the outdoor pool.. "Wow.. she muttered "A pool.. " She looks at dawn kicking her feet in the water..
Dawn opened her eyes when she heard the foot steps of someone else, looking up to see a girl with red hair standing in the door way. She pushed away the panic and relaxed her body to make her less tense, warily smiling at the girl. "Hello, are you new around here?" Dawn was also grateful that she hid her ears and tail before she did anything else.
She nods slightly "yeah.. I'm new.. How about you? " She walks to the pool holding the ends of her sleeves shut so they don't slide down when she lifts her arms, "Can I sit down with you?" She figured that she might as well try to fit in with these people she doesn't know.
Dawn nods her head to indicate that it is alright if she sat down. "Well welcome then and no, I haven't been here very long." She was practically just as new to this place as mostly everyone else except for the fact the she knew the basics of the area. Dawn didn't really know what else to say. hoping that the other girl would strike a conversation, so she continued to swish her feet back and forth in the water.
She pulled up her jeans and slips her feet in to the water. 'I'm Scarlett, by the way... Why are you here? " She watches their feet swishing the water around.
Once the the girl, Scarlett, asked a question Dawn let out a relived sigh. "My name is Dawn. nice to meet you." She pused before answering the next question. "I didn't really mean to, I just stumbled upon this house. Once I did Max and Lily welcomed me in and that's how pretty much how I ended up here." She turned her head to look at Scarlett. "What about you?"
Max put her black hoodie on covering up her wings and she put the lamp right side up again. She combed out her black hair, then put it into a pony tail.
She looks at her "I.. ran away from home.. She sighs softly watching the water again, "I hurt a lot of people." She brushes her long red hair behind her ear.
Luna woke up on the couch rubbing sleep out of her eyes her light pink almost white hair flowing down her curvy figure cascading an elegant shadow she had on a hoodie with kitty ears on it along with long black and white striped socks a mini skirt with shorts underneath and combat boots and her usual black choker around her neck she had been living at the freaks house for almost a week "morning guys..."

she got up and made some coffee loaded with sugar and creamer so much it wasn't really even coffee anymore "anyone want some?" she asked politely blowing on her cup cooling it off before taking a sip and smiling she LOVED caffiene and sugar 
Luna looked over to the sad looking redhead "what's wrong with her?" she walked up to her smiling "come on its alright your around people who will accept you for who you are now..." she gave the girl a pat on the back "turn that frown upside down!" she giggled
Sven stood beside the pool looking into the reflective water. He sighed with a slight smile on his face and sits down on the ground away from the pool. He watched some of the people play in the pool. If it weren't for the fact he was suppose to answer anyone's questions he wouldn't be any where near the pool.
(Ugh I fell asleep on the floor with my dogs)

Alex woke up and stretched out like a cat until she heard a few pops. She walked in to the kitchen and found some coffee. She poured her some and tasted it. Not only was it still hot but it just tasted like sugar and creamer. "...Can you even consider this coffee?" She shrugged and drunk the rest of it before she headed to the pool where everyone else was. Alex laid near the edge with her tail in water as she watched the other tenants.

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