~Hope & Despair~ [Inactive]

"After a while, you become attuned to these Labyrinths, They sorta become your second home. . .", he smiles a little at the joke. "Besides, if we don't find the Witch she'll find us first and that's the same effect really. . .", he nods and slashes a familiar out of the air.
Ivy follows them, the wind picking up around them, pushing back or slowing down any familiars that pop out. "So...name's Yvan, with a Y. Call me Ivy."
He looks to Yvan, "Charles, call me Charles." He smiles at the man, continuing to walk, a serious expression on his face growing as he walks further into the gloom.
Nyx gnawed on her bottom lip as they continued walking th haze becoming darker as they went further down the twisting hall of horros. "Is every laberynth like this? or are they different...?"
Sian gets her sword ready by getting some of the power from her bow and draining part of it into the sword causing a bright flame to emit from it. She had two twirl the sword a few times to get it ready and did a quick flip to get enough momentum and sent a shower of flame from the sword and sent it flying across the whole room setting fire to all the familiars in the room and causing a shower of flames as it set fire to the walls.
"...Guys..." Ivy said. "I think I'll go with Sian, more chances if we split up." He turns around and heads back. "If you need me just knock someone you don't like into the air."
"Alright", he nodded towards Yvan, and then to Nyx, "No, they aren't all like this, infact many of these things are vastly different, there usually isn't a distinct pattern but you can sometimes find some sort of pattern. Plus I figure the deeper into the darkness we go the easier we'll be able to find the Witch, we just have to watch out for our Soul Gems." He smiles at Nyx.
Si told Ivy "you better be ready because we're getting into the lion's den. just be ready with that sword and keep that tornado so no fire will hurt us. just yell if you're in trouble. I'm going ahead to check the way, so don't stray to far behind.
"Alright just be careful" Nyx cautoned before continuin forwar with Charles. "I'll take your word for it..." she muttered. sh woulcnt be 100% sure if the Magi was as much of a veterin as he claimd to be but she was certain that he'd face a good number of witches. The deeper they ventrued the darker things got for all of the parties searching for the witch.
sian heads up the hallwya and hears more familiars and what sounded like a witch and tells ivy "get down, there is a witch up ahead with familiars running away. what do we do because they are running fast?"
"Simple..." The tornado around them dispelled, knocking the witch and familiar over with a gust of wind. "I need a quick takedown. Can you knock it into the air?" He said as he drew his blade.
"great you just made it madder and it will call every familiar to help her. wait that maybe a god send we just have to get the rest of the group and get ready for them. We have to run if we have any chance of surviving."
He slashed and put a wind wall in front of them. "Get the others, I'll lure her into an open space." He took a deep breath and disappeared before reappearing far behind the witch. "Oi Witch! Your grammie was a nozzle and your pappie smelt of cranberries!" He started running, Witch and familiars in hot pursuit.
Shura11 updated ~Hope & Despair~ with a new update entry:

First Witch

All the winding halls lead to one large room splashed with colors of white cream and pink. Fragments of cake and candy scattered across the area as few familiars hung along the walls and ceiling. One small creature different from the rest fluttered a top a tall pedistel seemingly oblivious to all the chaos around it.


Read the rest of this update entry... 
Nyx entered the inner chamber of the labyrinth cautiously. Nothing seemed hostile... yet. She looked around spotting the witch on its perch. She watched it for a tense moment before realizing it wasn’t moving. “I-is that really a witch? It doesn’t exactly look very threatening… heck the familiars look like more of a threat then that thing.” She commented but still found it very unnerving as the doll-like monster just stared at the Magi
Ivy was still running around and he saw Nyx. "O hiya Nyx, help me!" He said while still being chased by the familiars, lot's of them. He suddenly turned, charged towards one, jumped on it and pushed himself further away.
Charles looked at the Witch, holding his swords close to his side as he swirled his cloak around him, conjuring more copies of his twin swords. "I guess this is easier than I thought. . .", His less serious attitude returned as he propelled the swords at the Witch, smiling as he expected it to be over soon, the Swords hurtling towards the Witch.
Nyx dodged one of the familiars before showering the small group with anoher berage of spikes taking out a good number of them.


The witch fluttered away from its spot but was still struck by the sword. It tumbled down frm its tall perch not even trying to fight gravity.
"You guys handle the Familiars, I'll get the witch!" Charles flashed a smile back at them as he drew his sword, slashing through the familiars on his way to the witch. A dance of flashing blades on his way towards the witch, which, upon reaching the Witch he plunged the sword through her chest, throwing it up into the air. Charles began to mutter a few words as his twin swords combined into a single glowing one. "Almost got it!"
"Ah screw it." He turned and zipped through them, leaving cuts in various places, wind gathered around his sword as he teleported to the witch. The witch fell slammed into the ground with great force and slowly fell into pieces.
Nyx slamed her mace into the Familiars claring he path in timeto see the witch get takn out by Charels and Ivy. But somthing still struck heras odd. She noted the witch still moving and bulding out of porportion as if something was trying to burst free. "Guys becareful!"


The remains of the shreaded small down writhed and expanded before the had burst and an enormous black serphent shot out of it mouth open and ready eat.

Charles expression went back to his serious expression "Dammit! I knew this is too easy. . .Ivy! Get away from it!" Charles attempted to slash at the giant serpent, his sword speeding up despite its bulk. "Come here you!", he continued to bring the sword towards the serpent, praying that he could get it there in time.
"Holy jelly that's ugly!" Ivy shouted as he jumped back to avoid a tail swipe. "Hey Charles, can you knock her up into the air, I mean. really high." He said as wind picked up around him, dragging along rocks and some familiars. "The storms gather..."
"Damn it!" Nyx jumped up onto several of the platforms before small wings formed on her feet allowing her to try and catch up to the flyin serphent as it tried to make Ivy its next snack. She manged to get up really high befre speeding down at the witch. and slaming the witch in the head but it only served to disorient it only for a short time.
"Time to Die!" Charles suddenly sped up in his movements, appearing below the Serpent as he sent it flying upwards, his sword disappearing, apparently having drained Charles of most of his energy "Get it!".

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