Homestuck: Another Session [Inactive]

FS: theres this timer on my screen

FS: its ticking down, jojo

FS: something tells me were on a time limit here

FS: what happens when we run out of time, i have no idea
SA: Arella huh? That's a much cooler name than mine!

SA: What else did you wanna ask?

SA: A time limit?! Oh great.

SA: I'll stay online on my headgear then.

Jojo ==> Equip Headgear and get going

She equips her headgear and enters back online with it. She then messages Luke again.

SA: Alright where should I go now Luke?
GA: I shall have to ask you the other questions as time passes.

GA: It seems you might have other matters to attend to.

GA: I wish you.....good luck, Jojo.

[GA] ceased pestering stylishAstronomer [SA]
FS: i dont know

FS: why would i know

FS: i guess i saw the walkthrough right?

FS: uhhhh...

FS: it says to go open the cruxtruder...

FS: that should be the big thing in the family room
GG: I Still Don't Understand Why You Hate Recuperacoons.

GG: Aren't They Supposed To Be Enjoyable For Trolls?

CD: yeah, gd, you♪ adve♪sity to ♪ecupe♪acoo♫s is a bit odd

CD: the liquid i♫side se♪ves to quell the f♪ighte♫i♫g visio♫s of bloodshed a♫d viole♫ce that ou♪ subco♫scious feeds to us while we a♪e asleep

CD: mostly due to the ♫atural i♫cli♫atio♫s of viole♫ce in ou♪ ♪ace

CD: u♫less these visio♫s do ♫ot affect you?
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GN: I've seen it all.

GN: That being said, you know how violence oriented my life has been.

GN: I don't care.

GN: That stuff is gross, and slimey, and

Jojo followed where Luke told her to go and went down to the family room. There the cruxtruder was already out.

SA: I made it!

SA: What next?

GG: The Recuperacoon Slime Pretty Good To Me.

GG: But I Cannot Change Your Opinion On Something.

GG: So If You Think Slimy Is Gross, Then That's That.
HD: yeah, he's actually not that bad! i mean, i feel like he has a sort of superiority complex, which is Really, REALLY annoying, but he's Cool.

HD: just a little hard to keep up with.

HD: but still Cool.

HD: and open space? Count me in. but if your lusus decides it's okay to barge in like that again... ugh.

HD: never mind.

HD: my transportalizer is Ready for some transportalizing!just say the word!

CP: Sweetx

CP: You can hop oveRR wheneveRR you'RRe RReadyx

CP: We just gotta make suRRe that we are caRReful about wheRRe we engage in these explosive activitesx

CP: My lusus is finally asleep, but he'll definitely wake up if theRRe is shit blowing up RRight outside of the hivex

CP: So we gotta RRestrain from aiming in that diRRection
A young troll grasped her bo staff as she set her laptop aside. Taking a deep breath, she stood and began practicing her stances and moves. She appeared at peace. Her lusus observed her from a distance. She made a few sharp movements with her staff before stopping. She couldn't very well train in front of her lusus. As much as she adored her wolf lusus, the creature was quite protective of her. She thoughtfully called the creature "Wolf Mom".
FS: i don't know the walkthrough says open it

FS: maybe i should...

A bookshelf dropped on top of the Cruxtruder, popping the lid off and ejecting a large purple Cruxite dowel. Along with the flashing Kernelsprite.

FS: what is that

FS: jojo

FS: what is that thing

GN: Exactly, thank you Terain.

GN: See? That's a good Moirail.
GG: The Recuperacoon Slime Pretty Good To Me.

GG: But I Cannot Change Your Opinion On Something.

GG: So If You Think Slimy Is Gross, Then That's That.

CD: it does♫'t ♪eally matte♪, i♫ a♫y case.

CD: if the visio♫s do♫'t bothe♪ co♪azo, the♫ the♪e is ♫o ♫eed fo♪ a ♪ecupe♪acoo♫.

CD: i♫ a♫y case, the♪e is somethi♫g else i wa♫ted to talk to you two about.

CD: i believe you both a♪e familia♪ with the ♫ew game "SG♪UB"?

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] responded to memo [braZZtackZ]

constricting Ellipse [ CE ] added composedDeviance [ CD ], greenNinja [ GD ], and gaianGarden [ GG ] to the memo.

CE: Zgrub?

CE: Cerico,pleaZedon'ttellmeyouwantuZtoplaythatgame.

CE: Oh,almoZtforgotaboutaexpedanddeZmop.

CE: What'Zupyoutwo.

CE: IZetupthiZmemoreallyquickbecauZeiwaZn'tinthemoodtotrollthreeotherpeopleatonce.

CE: AlZo,imanagedtoautomaticallygetyouguyZloggedintothememowithouthavingtowait!

CE: PrettyZweet,huh.

CD: lol, Phossz, if you a♪e goi♫g to ♫ame a memo "BraZZtackZ"

CD: you should p♪obably do you♪ best to stay o♫ topic, haha

CD: although i will admit that this was a♫ imp♪essive feat

CD: i was♫'t awa♪e you we♪e capable of setti♫g up a memo a♫d the♫ bootleggi♫g th♪ee othe♪ use♪s i♫to it so quickly

CD: but pe♪haps i♫ the futu♪e, you ask us before wa♪pi♫g us u♫expectedly i♫to a sepa♪ate chat ♪oom?

CE: Haha,yeah,Zorry.Youknowmeandmyrambling.

CE: IdebatedaZkingforabouthalfaZecond,

CE: ButigueZZiwaZinaZortof

CE: "BettertoaZkforforgiveneZZinZteadofpermiZZion" mindZet.Zorryagain.

CE: AndthankZ,ihavemywayZof...

CE: ZnakingthroughtheZyZtem...hehe

CE: AnywayZ,likeyouZaid,backtothetopicofZgrub.

CE: Andhowwe'redefinitelynotplayingit.
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GN: Oh look.

GN: Phossz is back.

GN: Joy.

GN: And my name is Corazo, Reyvox.

GN: I do however agree that we're not playing it.
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SA: Aren't you the one with the walkthrough?

SA: I'll probably need these though.

SA: I'll take them with just in case.

SA: Where to now?

GG: I Do Not Have Much Knowledge About SGRUB.

GG: But I Oppose Playing It As Well.
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CD: e♪m...te♪ain, i thi♫k you mea♫ you a♪e opposed to it, ♫ot opposed agai♫st it.

CD: anyways

CD: i have ♪easo♫ to believe that playi♫g this game will be be♫eficial towa♪ds solvi♫g the p♪oblems that we as a g♪oup seem to face.

CD: thi♫k of it as o♫e gia♫t exe♪cise i♫ p♪oblem solvi♫g a♫d ha♫dli♫g social i♫te♪actio♫s

CD: besides

CD: i've also got ♪easo♫ to believe that we will be i♫ te♪♪ible da♫ge♪ if we do♫'t

CE: Cerico,youhaven'tbeentalkingtothoZeoccultgodZagain,haveyou?

CE: TheymoZtlikelyaren'tconcernedwiththewell-beingofthiZgatheringweZeemtocallagroup.

CE: TakingadvicefromomniZcienthorrorterrorZdoeZn'tZeemtomelikeagoodidea.

CD: theho♪♪o♪te♪♪o♪s k♫ow much

CD: despite thei♪ da♪k demea♫o♪, they do ♫ot seem malevole♫t

CD: besides, as i ♪ecall, phossz, you do♫'t ♪ealy have a♫ythi♫g bette♪ to do arou♫d he♪e a♫yways

CD: u♫less you wa♫♫a t♪oll the huma♫s some mo♪e

CD: i mea♫ i'm totally dow♫ with that

CE: ...Ihateitwhenyou'reright.

CE: Bytheby,haZanyoneZeenthatmaniacroZlowaround?

CE: Orcorean,forthatmatter.
GN: Oh good god.

GN: You've been talking with Horror Terrors?

GN: No wonder you're so intent on this death trap game!

GN: You've been listening 2 the whispers of Horror terrors.

GN: They're going to get you killed, Cerico!
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CP: Sweetx

CP: You can hop oveRR wheneveRR you'RRe RReadyx

CP: We just gotta make suRRe that we are caRReful about wheRRe we engage in these explosive activitesx

CP: My lusus is finally asleep, but he'll definitely wake up if theRRe is shit blowing up RRight outside of the hivex

CP: So we gotta RRestrain from aiming in that diRRection

HD: oh, please. we're never THAT loud.

HD: are we?

HD: well, whatever, it's not like it's our fault that your lusus is a light sleeper.

HD: i Couldn't Care less if an explosion was going on right outside MY window. your lusus needs to be a man.

HD: explosions are practically a lullaby for a man!

HD: ...

HD: yeah, okay, i'm on my way over.
CD: the o♫es i speak to a♪e♫'t from this wo♪ld, they'♪e f♪om some alte♪♫ate dime♫sio♫

CD: certai♫ly ♫ot as da♫ge♪ous as the "speake♪ of the vast glub"

CD: but aside f♪om them, i get a feeli♫g that we we♪e mea♫t fo♪ mo♪e

CD: pe♪haps a ki♫d of obligatio♫

CD: to play this game

CD: a♫d i se♪iously doubt that it is a "death t♪ap"

CD: u♫doubtedly, it will p♪obably be challe♫gi♫g, yes

CD: but it's a cha♫ce fo♪ us to become mo♪e like ou♪ a♫cesto♪s

CE: Ican'targuewiththat.

CE: Zo,igueZZi'monboardwiththiZgrouptherapyZelf-diZcoverywigglerfeZt.

CE: Andgundahprobablywillbe,too

CE: Thatguy'ZgotanimpreZZiveaptitudeforadventure.

CE: Zpeakingofwhich,haZanyoneZeenhim??!

CE: Ifheandcoreanareengaginginthatbomb-feZtbullZhitagain...
GN: Yeah, I'm not going 2 show any enthusiasm about this.

GN: You 2 have fun with your little death wish.

GN: Maybe if my life depended on it.

GN: But it doesn't currently, so.
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FS: do you think i know?

FS: it only says put it in

FS: theres a little open space there

FS: put it there

A punch card dropped out of the air as Luke deployed it for her.
Jojo took out the purple cruxite and stuck it into the totem lathe. The cruxite comes out with a new shape and Jojo puts the results in her inventory.

SA: What about that other thing...

SA: The kernelsprite?

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