Homestuck: Another Session [Inactive]

MM: Knock on the nearest piece of wood, Jojo.

FS: do it now before its too late man.

MM: Doesn't matter if it's fake wood.

FS: do it. quick.
SA: You guys seriously believe that superstition?

SA: Whatever I'll do it.

Jojo rolled her eyes and knocked on her computer desk.

SA: There I did it.

SA: Did that even work?
fleetingAmbition [ FA ] began trolling stylishAstronomer [SA]

FA: Iwoodn'thavedonethatifiwereyou.

FA: Hah,didyoulikethatone?

FA: IwaZZavingitforjuZtthiZkindofZituation.
FA: Let'ZZseewhattheZcouterZaysaboutyourpowerlevel.

FA: ItZaysyou'reaf****ingmoron.

FA: HahahahahayouhumanZaretooeaZy.

FA: PickedthatoneupfromoneofyourhumanTVZhowZ.

FA: Comeonkeepupwithmehere.
SA: Dammit it didn't work!

SA: What are they even saying?!

At this point she was ready to hit her head against the keyboard. These "Trolls" were almost always annoying one way or another.
fleetingAmbition [ FA ] began trolling microphoneMaestro [ MM ]

FA: Hey.

FA: Youthere.

FA: YourZlowfriendiZnotevenachallenge.

FA: TellherZheneedZtoZpeedup.

FA: ZhecouldatleaZtlaughorZomething.

FA: ThoZewereZomeprettygoodquipZthatIbuZtedout.
fleetingAmbition [ FA ] began trolling fiendishSpeare [ FS ]

FA: What'Zupman.

FA: UnlikeyourterriblyZlowfemalefriendZ,youlooklikeonecooldude.

FA: ToobadI'mabouttoputyouonice.

FA: Hehehehehe.

FA: Bringiton.
MM: Dude I can't even understand you.

MM: Use spaces.

FS: Who are you even?

FS: Why dont you use spaces?

FS: And whats with all the random Zs?

FS: Seriously, what are you even?
fleetingAmbition [ FA ] began trolling microphoneMaestro [ MM ] and fiendishSpeare [ FS ] at the same time?

FA: Haha,finally,ZomeonewhoactuallypoZeZZomecompetition.

FA: ThiZiZgoingtoberefreZhingindeed.

FA: PreparetogetthraZhedZimultaneouZlybyyourZtruly.

FA: MM,I'llbeZuretoZtartuZingZpaceZonceyouZtartuZingdeodorant.

FA: WhoamI,youaZk,FS?ThedudewhoiZgonnafeedyoutotheZharks.

FA: YoutwohumanZareintheZameboat.

FA: YoumightZayZomethingaboutitZeemZabitfiZhy.

FA: 'CuzonceI'mdonewithyouguppieZ,you'llbeZleepingwiththefiZheZ.

FA: JuZtlikeI'mZleepingnow,becauZeyoutwoareeaZyenoughtobeatwhileunconZciouZ.

FA: TheZeZ'Zaren'trandomatall,Zillymoron,theyarejuZtasdeliberateasmybionictrollfootZtraightupyourhumanchagrintunnel.

MM: Oh my god is it trying to rap?

FS: i think it is.

MM: It's a bit wonky and ineffective considering we can't understand you.

FS: so just stop trying.

FS: chagrin tunnel? bionic foot?

MM: Did he say he has his foot up our a**?

greenNinja [GN] began trolling fleetingAmbition [FA]

GN: Phossz, stop bothering the humans.

GN: It's ridiculous, time consuming and s2pid.

GN: So stop it.

[GN] ceased trolling fleetingAmbition [FA]
((his new chumhandle is constrictingEllipse, a reference both to the small orbit ellipse of Mercury, his planetary symbol, as well as his connection with snakes))

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] began trolling greenNinja [ GN ]

CE: Aw,comeonAexped.I'mjuZtZtartingtohaveZomefun.

CE: WhyyougottabeZuchabuZZkillZometimes...

CE: It'ZTerainagain,iZn'tit.

CE: ThatZun-lovingflooZyiZalwayZZappingthefunrightoutofeverything.

CE: YouuZedtobeZuchablaZttohangwith.

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] ceased trolling greenNinja [ GN ]

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] began simultaneously trolling microphoneMaestro [ MM ] and fiendishSpeare [ FS ]

CE: LookZlikeIgottasplit.

CE: Butdon'tworry,Zluggishhumans,I'llbebacktoruncircleZaroundyouZomeothertime.

CE: Maybebythenyouwillbeabletoputupachallenge?

CE: Hah,Idoubtit.Zeeyoulater,Zlowpokes.

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] ceased radically destroying microphoneMaestro [ MM ] and fiendishSpeare [ FS ]
Dana leaned back form the computer, and sighed. "Stupid trolls."

Dana ==> Get to business! Document death!


MM: What was that?

FS: I have no idea.

MM: Now what are we doing? Jojo?

constrictingEllipse [ CE ] began trolling fowlConvulsion [ FC ]

CE: Houvlux.

CE: Dude.

CE: WhatiZgoingonman?

CE: ...Dudeareyouevenawakeyet.

CE: Goddamnithouvlux.

CE: WakethehellupZoicantalktoyou.

CE: IZweartothecullingdronesiwillZpeedoverthereifihaveto.
greenNinja [GN] began trolling constrictedEllipse [CE]

GN: Good grief, Phossz.

GN: Let our teammates sleep!

GN: Especially Cresten you know he needs his sleep.

GN: I know I haven't been able 2 sleep lately because of you.

GN: Not that I sleep much anyway, with all these stupid recuperacoons around.

GN: Not a blanket or even a piece of floor 2 lay on.
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CE: Zeriously?

CE: IletHouvluxZleepinandthenZome.

CE: HeisthelaZieZtbaZtard,IZwear.

CE: ThedudemuZtZleepatleaZtthirteenhourZaday.

CE: BythetimehedecideZtowakeup,everyoneelZeisalreadyaZleepliketheyZhouldbe.

CE: Anddon'tevenZtartaboutyounotgettinganyZleep,miZZZleeponthefloor.

CE: HowlatewereyouupthreenightZago,Aexped?

CE: Tellmethetruth.
GN: Don't you dare call Cresten lazy! He works hard!

GN: Unlike someone!

GN: You're the one who's wasting your time talking to the humans!

GN: And as a mater of fact I was up most of the night trying 2 find somewhere 2 sleep!
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CE: OhpleaZe.

CE: CreZten'Zdefinitionof"workinghard"iZuZinghiZpZychicpowerZtowreckeverythinginZight.

CE: AndbeZideZ,talkingtothehumanZiZoneoftheonlyrealformZofentertainmentaroundhere.

CE: I'vealreadyranthroughouttheentiretyofthiZplaceuntilmyfeethaddarkZkidmarkZontheZoles.

CE: Ztillhaven'tquitebeenabletogethemoff...

CE: I'malsoprettyZurethatatrueninjawouldhavenotroubleatallfindingZomewheretoZleep.

CE: I'mwillingtobetthatyouwereoutlateatnightdoingwhateveritiZthatninjaZdo.

CE: JuZtlikethenightbeforethat,andthenightbeforethat,andZoonandZoforth.

CE: *Zigh*

CE: Don'tgetmewrong,houvluxandIaretight,buttheguyneedZtoZtopZleepingZomuchandZtarttryingtogethispowersincheck.

CE: Hedoesn'tknowit,buttheguymakeZZhitlevitateinhiZZleep...
GN: Tight.

GN: Clearly.

In an alternate universe....

A young toll leans back from her computer and groans in anger and frustration.

GN: And how would you know that he makes things levitate in his sleep?

GN: What, have you been watching him sleep?
CE: Woah,nonono,I'mnotthatkindoffaZt,Corazo,haha.

CE: IknowbecauZealldaywhenheisZleepingtheZhitinmyroomwillliftintotheairandZhootinrandomdirectionZfromtimetotime.

CE: It'Zlikeaf****ingpoltergeiZtiZallupinthere.Zpectresbehavin'af****ingspiritbachelorpartyorZomeZhit.

CE: It'ZarealghoZtofaproblem.

CE: Hehe.

CE: Zeriously,though,houvluxandIreallyareongoodtermZ,Ithink.

CE: AtonepointIZuZpectedthathemighthavebeenfluZhedforme.

CE: ButthenInoticedhowmuchheneverreallygaveaZhitaboutanything,andIrealizeditwaZkindofaZtupidtheorytobeginwith.

CE: IlovehisluZuZ,though,theguy'Zarealhoot.

CE: Hahahahahaha!

CE: Zorry,IhoneZtlycan'thelpmyZelf.

Elsewhere in said alternate universe, an exhuberant young male troll sits on a ledge. He snickers as he types on a digital keyboard projected from his scouter. Evidently this troll is engaged in an entertaining conversation.

CE: *phew*

CE: ThatiZjuZtrich,Itellya.

CE: I'mtearingupoverhere.

CE: Really,thatwaZjuZtZogreat.

CE: KudoZtomeforbeingaweZome.

CE: Butyeah.IreallytrytogivetheguyZomepeace,butZometimesIgetZorevvedupaboutdifferentZhitgoingon...

CE: YouguyZallmakemefeellikeajerk:P

CE: That'ZaZmileyfacewiththetongueZtickingout,incaZeyoucouldn'ttell.
This young troll looked over the cobalt text coming at her, then one line in particular caught her attention.

CE: AtonepointIZuZpectedthathemighthavebeenfluZhedforme.




The young female troll hands fell away from the keyboard of her Clawtop and she stared.

GN: Oh, I'm sorry I make you feel like a jerk.

GN: *Pinches cheek*

GN: *With nails*

GN: Poor. Wiggler.

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In an alternate universe, a little troll rolled around in his recuperacoon eyeing his Hootop with a sigh. All the floating plooshies scattered about his rooms fell to the floor with cushioned thumps.

constrictingEllipse [CE] began trolling fowlConvulsion [FC]

CE: Houvlux.

CE: Dude.

CE: WhatiZgoingonman?

CE: ...Dudeareyouevenawakeyet.

CE: Goddamnithouvlux.

CE: WakethehellupZoicantalktoyou.

CE: IZweartothecullingdronesiwillZpeedoverthereifihaveto.

FC: 00h b00ther.

FC: I was at least, b00t n00t anym00re.

FC: S00 spare me the trip.

FC: As00ming y00u’re awake, y00u are b00thering the h00mans again?

FC: I’m pretty s00re the m00re y00u talk to them the m00re they hate y00u.


Alex eyed his PDA as it chimed frantically. Apparently he missed some flashy business after his literal 3 second departure.

charredArmageddon [CA] responded to memo [TEAM FRIENDSYS]

CA: Woops, I was about to contact you,Jojo.

CA: Apparently you get around freakishly fast!

CA: Rigt, sorry. What did I miss?

CA: *Right
CA: Game?

CA: Oh wait, that SBRUB buisness?

CA: Totally meant SBURB.

CA: And by SBURB I mean didn't you say it looked bad?

CA: Maybe we should buy her something more flashy.

CA: Not that I'm still looking for something.

CA: Jojo do you like rocks?

CA: Not that I didn't get you anything.

CA: Totally meaning I got you something.

CA: Erm...

CA: Hi Luke!
SA: It's not that bad!

SA: And it depends, is it a space rock?

SA: I wouldn't mind that.

SA: Or really anything like that I guess.

FS: hey man.

MM: Yeah, Alex.

MM: Jojo is into astronomy.

MM: It's kind of in her chumhandle.

greenNinja [GN] began trolling gaianGarden [GG]





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