Homestuck: Another Session [Inactive]

The young troll girl looks horrified at what her Moirail just .


GN: Why would I want them to be togther!





GN: Terain you know how I feel about Cresten...

GN: You're the only one who does know!
goldenAdversary [GA] began pestering stylishAstronomer [sA]

GA: Human can I have a moment of your time?

GA: My questions won't take too long.

GA: Or they could, actually. It depends on the questions I'm willing to ask.
Jojo's looks and sees her screen has another message from a troll up on it. She hesitates but decides to answer it anyway.

SA: Umm I guess.

SA: You aren't planning on asking anything rude are you?

GG: I Know I Know.

GG: And If You Want Those Feelings To Be Kept A Secret.

GG: Then So They Shall.

GG: I Think Him And Phossz A Bad Ship Also.~
A beautiful melody drifts on the air...


It seems to be coming from this young troll here. He is quite skilled with the flute, isn't he? What shall his name be?

♫♪ ♪♪♫ ♫ ♫♪♫

Hm. He doesn't seem to be paying attention. We'll come back later.

coordinatePain [ CP ] began trolling highwayDictator [ HD ]

CP: Hey theRRe, CoRRean!x

CP: What's been happening?x

CP: Maybe Phossz is RRight, it is actually pRRetty boRRing aRRound heRRex

CP: What have ya been up to? HaRRassing the humans again, I pRResume, hahax

composedDeviance [ CD ] began trolling greenNinja [ GD ] and gaianGarden [ GG ]

CD: hello, ladies.

CD: i had a ♪andom feeli♫g that o♫e of you ♫eeded advice.

CD: so what's goi♫g o♫?
GN: Bad ship.

GN: Very very bad ship.

GN: Oh heeeeey

GNl Cerico! My musically inclined buddy!

GN: Where have you been man, I haven't talked 2 you in 4ever!
coordinatePain [CP] began trolling highwayDictator [HD]

CP: Hey theRRe, CoRRean!x

CP: What's been happening?x

CP: Maybe Phossz is RRight, it is actually pRRetty boRRing aRRound heRRex

CP: What have ya been up to? HaRRassing the humans again, I pRResume, hahax

HD: harassing? as if. i'm trying to be nice to them, but it's just not working out.

HD: so i guess harassing is probably the Right word, even if it doesn't sound ideal...

HD: anyway, yeah it has been kind of boring lately. we need something exciting to happen! something...

HD: something...

HD: something dramatic, and dangerous, and exciting!

HD: wait i already said that. ugh.

HD: whatever. what's been up with you? have you been talking with any of those Ridiculous humans?
( @Party Poison Since I had to change Cerico around a bit, I might as well get all other possible changes out of the way. Could I make Roslow the moirail of Corean? Their personalities kind of balance because Roslow is so hearty and friendly and Corean is, well...kind of prissy and rude to be honest, no offense xD Plus, they both enjoy blowing stuff up.)

CP: Nah, those lubbeRRs won't listen to me, no matteRR how much I tRRy to be theiRR fRRiendx

CP: They seem to think that my sole intention is to get on theiRR neRRvesx

CP: I don't blame them, thoughx

CP: You and Phossz do seem to botheRR them a lotx

CP: Phossz assuRRes me that they deseRRve it, but the humans seem pRRetty cool to mex

CP: And if we'RRe talking about making dRRamatic, dangeRRous, and exciting things take placexxx

CP: You and I both know that we aRRe moRRe than packing enough fiRRepoweRR to make that happenx

CP: >

CD: ah, moi♪ail busi♫ess, eh?

CD: it just so happe♫s that i ca♫ help you two out.

CD: after all, im esse♫tially the moi♪ail fo♪ this e♫ti♪e pa♪ty, haha

CD: but if you wa♫♫a keep it betwee♫ you two, the♫ i wo♫'t i♫t♪ude.

CD: it's fo♪seeable that i'm goi♫g to become a♫ auspistice as well soo♫, depe♫di♫g o♫ how much Phossz co♫ti♫ues to piss people off, i♫te♫tio♫ally o♪ othe♪wise.
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GN: Yep.

GN: He sure pisses people off.

GN: Hate that guys guts.
Makes my blood boil.

GN: Wait did I actually post that?

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CD: haha, aexped, it was al♪eady p♪etty obvious that you we♪e impa♪tial to ♪eyvox.

CD: my guess is you talked to him ea♪lier?

CD: i ca♫ o♫ly imagi♫e how that we♫t dow♫.
GN: Dang it, it THAT obvious?

GN: Ugggghh

GN: Well great.

GN: Maybe I'm scared of being stuck in a kismesitude...

Images flashed through her mind as she thought of her last kismesitude... It made the young troll shiver in fear.
CD: ♫ow, co♪azo, we've talked about this.

CD: kismesissitude is just as importa♫t to any t♪oll's well-bei♫g as matesp♪ritship.

CD: ♫o t♪oll ca♫ t♪uly fi♫d bala♫ce i♫ thei♪ life u♫til they achieve bala♫ce ac♪oss all fou♪ quad♪a♫ts.

CD: besides, what will you do whe♫ the impe♪ial dro♫es come k♫ocki♫g?

CD: getti♫g culled is ♫ot usually a be♫eficial thi♫g to be subjected to, haha
(( @The Villain King ahh oh my gosh that'd be great! thank you so much for asking uwu/ I'd love that! I'll go edit it in right now. ))

CP: Nah, those lubbeRRs won't listen to me, no matteRR how much I tRRy to be theiRR fRRiendx

CP: They seem to think that my sole intention is to get on theiRR neRRvesx

CP: I don't blame them, thoughx

CP: You and Phossz do seem to botheRR them a lotx

CP: Phossz assuRRes me that they deseRRve it, but the humans seem pRRetty cool to mex

CP: And if we'RRe talking about making dRRamatic, dangeRRous, and exciting things take placexxx

CP: You and I both know that we aRRe moRRe than packing enough fiRRepoweRR to make that happenx

CP: >

HD: well, it's not exactly that they deserve it, so to speak...

HD: but it sure is fun to bother them. i mean, have you tried it? hilarious. i feel like phossz has a lot more fun with it than i do, but that's alright.

HD: its too bad that they don't Realize not all of us are out to get them.

HD: i feel like they might be Cool to get to know, if they were more tolerant.

HD: yes!! i am so Ready for something phenomenal to take place, Roslow!

HD: i don't think you Can even being to Comprehend how Ready i am for this.
CD: ♫ow, co♪azo, we've talked about this.

CD: kismesissitude is just as importa♫t to any t♪oll's well-bei♫g as matesp♪ritship.

CD: ♫o t♪oll ca♫ t♪uly fi♫d bala♫ce i♫ thei♪ life u♫til they achieve bala♫ce ac♪oss all fou♪ quad♪a♫ts.

CD: besides, what will you do whe♫ the impe♪ial dro♫es come k♫ocki♫g?

CD: getti♫g culled is ♫ot usually a be♫eficial thi♫g to be subjected to, haha

GG: Hm That's A Much More Pleasant Way Of Putting Why We Need The Quadrants.

GG: Minus The Getting Culled Part.

GG: I Still Need To Fill My Other Quadrants...

CP: Haha, RReyvox is gRReatx

CP: EveRRyone bashes on the dude foRR being such a jeRRk,

CP: but he suRRe as hell knows how to have a good timex

CP: Phossz can make anything fun, haha

CP: Anyways, I've got a lot of open space out heRRe, so we've got open RReign to make some noise >

CP: So long as my lusus doesn't inteRRupt us like last timexxx

CP: Is youRR tRRanspoRRtalizeRR still woRRking?
GG: Hm That's A Much More Pleasant Way Of Putting Why We Need The Quadrants.

GG: Minus The Getting Culled Part.

GG: I Still Need To Fill My Other Quadrants...

CD: that's the spi♪it.

CD: i♫ a♫y case, we a♪e t♪olls afte♪ all.

CD: hat♪ed a♫d a♫ge♪ a♪e a pa♪t of who we a♪e as a species.

CD: if a♫ythi♫g, kismesissitude should be easie♪ to secu♪e tha♫ a matesp♪itship.
GN: Yeah, anger comes easily 2 me.

GN: You know, coming from the one who doesn't use a recuperacoon.

GN: Stuff is gross man...

GN: Blluuuuuuuuuuh

fishyMechanical [FM] began trolling charredArmageddon [CA]

FM: Shello!

FM: Heh, sea what I did there?

FM: Just your friendly neighborhood sea troll come to talk to you about things.

FM: Because I'm bored.

FM: Please talk to me.
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Alex was clearly on a mission, slipping out of his room in pursuit of a man's earthy sanctuary. A man or a mole, can’t tell, but that hearty lump will reach the surface anytime now with his rad loot, and Alex had to be quick before he is called forth to admire it.


Couldn't have said it any better, except for the fact he seems to have already reached a dilemma. It appears another pesky troll has contacted him. Replying is always an option, and he’s such an admirable lad that he can’t bear to refuse it.

fishyMechanical [FM] began trolling charredArmageddon [CA]

FM: Shello!

FM: Heh, sea what I did there?

FM: Just your friendly neighborhood sea troll come to talk to you about things.

FM: Because I'm bored.

FM: Please talk to me.

CA: Magnificent.

CA: Only as long as you’re not another fashion police.

CA: Cause’ I’m the only Sheriff running that down.


Look at you Alex, you clever cat. Actually don’t, you have to get going.

Alex quickly descends through familiar gaping hole that intrudes the hallway, daintily jumping down with exercised caution, wouldn't want to get his cloths dirty now. He eyed the window hesitantly, watching the back of UNCLE JOEY’s head working on the other side. Maybe he’s digging a 4th basement, who knows, but that’s unimportant.


(Always give me a good minute to edit my 600 typos before you read, lol)
FM: Oh are you talking about Corean?

FM: Yes, she's a bit of a bummer, when it comes to that.

FM: Earlier today she told me about my shirt, how it's covered in sand.

FM: Of course it's covered in sand, I'm a glubbing seadweller.
CA: Corean? And so you have names! Classy.

CA: And so now in the absence of Corean, I’m met with a uh…

CA: Sea dweller?

CA: Even classier.

CA: Though I must say, despite Corean’s off placed taste in fashion, she has a point about the sand.

CA: You have to control that sea dwell-ey aspect, it’s a bit unsophisticated.

CA: Don’t… tell her though.

CA: I still don’t think she’s right about anything else.

CA: …

Wall damn, he got distracted. Those uncultured trolls, always impairing the fabulousness of his

missions and all. But with that matter aside he’s on his way forward!

Alex snuck out the front door and gazed upon the familiar minefield of gaping holes in his yard.

Now one of these holds that time capsule.
SA: Well...okay.

SA: Ask away then.

GG: I Still Don't Understand Why You Hate Recuperacoons.

GG: Aren't They Supposed To Be Enjoyable For Trolls?
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FS: jojo lets get this over with

Luke pulled out many things and placed them where they seemed to fit. The large Cruxtruder in the place that was Jojo's front door but it only looked like an alcove to him, The Alchemiter went in Jojo's room (after he extended it some) and the Totem Lathe thingy went outside on the porch.

FS: get going girl
CP: Haha, RReyvox is gRReatx

CP: EveRRyone bashes on the dude foRR being such a jeRRk,

CP: but he suRRe as hell knows how to have a good timex

CP: Phossz can make anything fun, haha

CP: Anyways, I've got a lot of open space out heRRe, so we've got open RReign to make some noise >

CP: So long as my lusus doesn't inteRRupt us like last timexxx

CP: Is youRR tRRanspoRRtalizeRR still woRRking?

HD: yeah, he's actually not that bad! i mean, i feel like he has a sort of superiority complex, which is Really, REALLY annoying, but he's Cool.

HD: just a little hard to keep up with.

HD: but still Cool.

HD: and open space? Count me in. but if your lusus decides it's okay to barge in like that again... ugh.

HD: never mind.

HD: my transportalizer is Ready for some transportalizing!just say the word!

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