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Home is where the heart is

Ryan sighed as she looked at her husband. She walked over and wiped his tears away and made him focus on her. "Hey, Brett." She whispered, "I love you and Bentley loves you. I know you tried and that's all that matters is you tried. Levi was a fighter Brett and I know he wasn't worried at all in his final moments. I know he knew you'd take care of what he left behind. You're okay. Bentley has you and you just really have to be there for him through this, alright?" Ryan told him as tears fell from her eyes as well.

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Brett nodded and smiled lightly as he wiped away her tears as well and kissed her forehead. Putting the fire out he led his wife to bed but he didn't get any sleep that Night.
Ryan smiled and fell into a dark sleep that night. She couldn't sleep at all that night and she really just stayed up with her husband.

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The next morningBrett made Bentley breakfast but he saw he wasn't eating it. Once his son got dressed he opened the front door."Come on, I want to show you something."
Bentley looked at his father and sighed but nodded and followed him out the door. "Where are we going?" He asked. He just wanted to stay in his room curled up in a ball.

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Brett smiled and took his son to the barn where they mounted horses and Brett took off. When he reached the spot he waited for Bartley to catch up sand jumped down from the horse. This was Levi's spot.
Bentley caught up and sighed as he hoped off and looked at his father. "What are we doing out here?" He asked. "I just want to go home." He added and noticed his dad smile. "What?"

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"Look around Bentley." Brett says, the smile not fading. In the tree Brett was standing close too Levi had carved Ryan's and his initials in the trunk.
Bentley looked at the tree and walked over to it. He ran his hand along the initials and smiled as he fought tears. "Levi and Ryan." He whispered and then looked at his dad. "Why are you showing me this?" He asked. Didn't it bother Brett?

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"Because, it's something you need to see, I don't want you to think its not okay to ask about your father, he was my best friend and s man j will always look up to him for everything he did. He was a incredible person and I want you to know I am always here for you but it's okay to talk about him."
"Dad, it doesn't bother you? Knowing mom and my dad were together before you?" Bentley asked as he looked over at Brett. "It doesn't hurt knowing my mom chose my dad before you?" He added. It didn't make sense. Any other guy would be jealous or hurt in some way.

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Brett smiled and laughed softly, shaking his head.. "Of course it doesn't bother me, your mom was like a little sister to me and your parents were meant for each other."
"But you and mom are meant for each other too." Bentley said as he looked back at the tree then at his father. "Was mom and dad married before he died?"

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Brett shook his head as he looked at his hands and back up at Bentley. "Not yet but they were going to be." Letting out a sigh. "Sometimes things don't go as we plan them."
"How'd you and mom end up together?" Bentley asked as he looked at Brett. Bentley knew Brett since the day his mind would let him keep memories. Brett's always been there but if Ryan was like a little sister to Brett, what caused that to change?

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There was a long silence before Brett answered Bentley's question, smiling he pointed at Bentley. "You." When Bentley looked confused Brett continued. "I promised your daddy I would take care of the two of you if anything ever were to happen."
"So you helped mom through it all?" Bentley asked as he looked at Brett with a soft smile. Brett sure was always there for them. "When did you realize you loved my mom?" He asked curiously.

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"Well, I always loved your mom, the love just changed after she lost your father and I starting spending time with the two of you, it was hard for us all, it still is at times."
"Were you scared you wouldn't be like my dad?" Bentley asked and Ryan couldn't help but laugh as she walked up. Shelly was taking care of Matthew. "Yes he was. Reason why he rejected me the first time." She said and Bentley smiled.

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Brett's cheeks turned a a light shade of pink. "It was understandable." He says in his own defense before he took her hand in his own.
"So rejecting a girl is understandable now?" Ryan said as she shook her head and took her hand away. "I guess I'm just not loved. What was I thinking." She added and Bentley couldn't help but laugh. He looked at Brett and then Ryan and said, "did you ever feel you weren't good enough for the one you love?" He asked the both of them. Silence fell as Ryan thought about Stella. She sighed and nodded. "Yeah. I was so close to leaving your dad to go live somewhere else." She admitted.

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"I bet you feel stupid about that one now." Brett says with a light laugh m. "You'll learn one day Bentley." After s short pause Brett looked at his son curiously. "Who gave you those pictures?"
"Shut up Brett Adams!" Ryan said as she looked at her husband with a death glare and then looked at Bentley. "Why does it matter?" Bentley asked and Ryan looked at Brett with confusion.

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"Because." Brett had a bad feeling about who it could have been. If Stella or her mother were going anywhere near Bentley Brett wasn't going to take it very well. It would be over his dead body before they got anywhere near any of them.
Bentley looked at his mom then at Brett and sighed. "I don't know her." He said and that was enough to make Ryans heart drop. She looked at Brett and saw his face. "Bentley go back to the house." She said and when he left, she held onto Brett's arms. "Calm down."

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