home for the strays or is it the home of no return?

(I'm here! I'm here! Sorry guys, I was sleeping in late)

Zebra rested a hand on her shoulder lightly. "Are you alright?" She repeated. Even if she said yes, she still didn't look too well.

Mizu walked over to the edge of the tree and loked up again to see her sitting up on one of the branches. "Whoa! You climb fast."
-Tama smiles and flicks her b lack fluffy tail. She blushed a little and her complexion showed the blush. She fixed her scene hair and leaned on the base of the tree, she sighed then looked back down at Mizu. Something about him was interesting.... just something she couldn't put her finger on at all.-
"Do you neeed me to help you up? Or can you stand on your own?" Zebra asked with a worried voice, but tried to reman calm. "Nevermind, it might be best if you just lie down anyways...or maybe not...I'm not sure." She overlooked the girl to see if there were any visible wounds or blood seeping out.

Mizu scratched his ear, then glanced all around. He continued to remain cautious of his surroundings, expecting something to jump out or that lady, Susan, to appear again. He was always like this.
Nichole stood shakily and walked past zebra “thanks...”she stumbled on and a strong scent came to her nose. it was the smell of death. she followed the scent to some bushes and found susans late victims. Nichole screamed backing away it was too gruesome!
-Tama smiled at him and jumped down from the branch and landed on the ground with a thud. Tama looked at him with a questioning look when he was looking around then opened her mouth to say something.- Are you okay.. D-Do you see anything? -Tama lowered close to the ground with her hands her sides and her ears facing behind her. Her tail stopped flicking like it normally was, she did this because she was unsure what Mizu was looking around for, or if he was looking at someone. She put her finger tips down on the ground, kneeling with one knee on the ground. Tama she looked around as the green bushes concealed her whole body. Right next to Mizu, she looked 1/3 of her normal size now.-
"Uh...n-no..there's nothing there. I'm always scared that something will pop out randomly. Just me being weird as usual........but.....it does smell a little strange..unpleasing............" Mizu replied. H could too smell the scent of the nearby dead bodies lying around, spilled blood scattered. His ears pulled back. "Smells like...death....." he brought his tail up infront of him and gently wrapped both arms it, sorta hugging his tail in a ways.

Zebra had followed after Nichole, gaining speed when she heard the scream. "What happened?!" She asked then gasped and quickly stopped when she saw the horror of the poor victims. Backing away while shielding her eyes from the sight.
-She smells the air and smells blood and decaying.- What the..? -She tried to find the scent and heard a girl's scream.- What was that! -She lowered back down into the position in which that made her look 1/3 of her actual height. She then slowly walked over to where to sound projected. She ducked down when she saw a neko with bunny ears and a bunny tail. Then she saw the girl that she found in the crazy lady's house running. She stayed under the brush and bushes so then she wasn't at all visible. Now Tama was 1/4 of her height. She felt feet kick her on her back and saw Mizu fall over. (accidentally tripped)- Mizu are you okay? -She said in a whispering voice.-
Mizu rubbed his head with a quiet groan when he suddenly hit the ground. He nodded then transformed into his wolf form, standing back up on his four legs. He glanced back at Tama, then lightly sniffed the air, getting a better scent of the smell. It seemed to be rather close...real close...making it real creepy.
-Tama searched around with her 2 senses, sight and smell, and tried to find the source of the smell. Then she glanced over at Mizu after doing so. She said a soft whisper with an apologetic expression.- Sorry about tripping you..
Mizu followed behind her. He only shrugged when she apologized, too shy to reply in any other way and also he didn't really care anyways.
-She looked around and found the start of the decaying and bloody smell. She wanted to barf but she stood strong. It was 2 beat up and killed nekos that looked like they were chopped to death with a sharp object.- Oh goodness! -Tama backs up and holds her mouth after gasping. Her tail tucked under herself and her ears lowered a little. She was very frightened.-
Mizu stopped before he caught sight of the horrifying and tragic mess. He stepped back too when he saw Tama's disturbed face. "I....Is it that bad?"
-Tama nodded yes and kept backing away from the bodies, It made her sick to her stomach to see that. Tama backed into a tree, looked up at it, and turned around. She turned into a black fluffy cat and climbs up the tree and sits on the 6th branch with a weird feeling in her stomach. She turned back into herself and pointed her ears back, scared out of her wits from who that crazy lady was.-

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