home for the strays or is it the home of no return?

(What?! How is that possible!? *runs over to other rp*)

Zebra's ears went back as she entered the room, her eyes were narrowed but also full of fear. She pulled her sleeves up as she were about to start a fist-fight. "GET AWAY FROM HER YOU PSYCHO!" she demanded.

Mizu watched from a distance, hiding behind the door and peeking in through the side.
(Well yes xD he's just a scared little wimp)

Zebra took a few steps back when the knife was raised. She picked up a small dagger off the floor, not that it would compare to a huge butcher knife. "Get your scaredy-*ss in here and help!" She shouted back at the boy.

Mizu whined like a puppy and slowly sank into the room too.

(Can they transform into like their neko-animals or are they just people with like cats ears and such?)
Mizu shifted into his silver wolf form, teeth bared and his golden eyes glowing a fierce appearance. As this form he felt less himself and more strong/powerful-like. He growled at Susan as he padded forward.
Zebra would have transformed and raced in to help, but what can a bunny do?

Mizu chomped down on her leg, sinking his teeth in deep. Attempting to kill someone, especially someone of his own kind, right infront of his very eyes was cruel. No matter what the circumstances, this was absolutely cruel! Child abuse and animal abuse all at the same time!
-Was fainted from the beating on the head and then woke up a few minutes later to a wolf chomping down on Susan's leg and Nichole in trouble. She got up slowly then looked around for a weapon-like object and found an umbrella with a really really sharp tip. She picked it up and ran over to Susan and started jabbing her with the umbrella tip in the back of the head trying to free Nichole. Tama let out a hiss and her tail was near the ground and her ears were still facing toward the wall behind her. She bared her fang-like cat teeth as she hissed and her eyes grew from a light blue to a darker blue.-
-Tama took off the straps quickly and pulled the girl up.- We have to get out of here before this crazy person wakes up! -She motioned the door and waited for a response from the girl.-
nichole nodded and stood but her legs gave out from the drug. she crawled out the door. (-cue horror music!-) susan's eyes snapped open and she grabbed her ankle"YOUR NOT GETTING AWAY!" Nichole screamed and tried to kick her hand away.
(Is this just gonna be some horror-fight-to-survive rp the whole time? And is Susan only after Nichole?)

(That's so creepy!!!! I thought she was dead!?!?)
-Tama ran after the girl with her tail down toward the ground still, then once they were far away from the room she let her tail flick like it normally would. She perked her ears up and looked in the direction of the room as she slowly walked backwards, sometimes taking small glances of what was behind her.-
-Tama ran out the door and to the forest. She transformed into a black cat and climbed up a tree and onto a branch, then she changed back into her normal self and swayed her tail side to side. She kept her ears perked up so she could hear anything more clearly.-
-She looked at the ground and jumped off the branch, she walked through the forest, knowing how to get around she stepped over and went under every single broken branch or tree.-
(Nichole and Tama escaped the scary lady and we are outside of the scary lady's house x3) 
-Tama walks around and spots some birds chirping. She whistled along with them and they landed on each shoulder. One on her left and one on her right. The birds chirped to her whistling and she giggled then whistled to their chirping.-
(nichole and tama got away and are in a forest. you can have mizu or um...darn i had her name then i forgot it ^-^' well anyway have one of them come to the clearing where nichole is or where tama is ^-^)

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