home for the strays or is it the home of no return?

(Kk thanks)

Mizu raced outside with his tail tucked underneath. That lady was freaky, plus he wasn't sure if she was still alive or dead...he had run off before he figure out.

Zebra had escaped too. Eyes still wide. That was terrifying, the memory probably scaring her for life; And that probably wasn't even the worst of it...just getting started. That was nothing.

(Should both of my characters meet up with someone?)
(@flamey: Both :D )

(@yullen: Is this just a horror/mystery rp or can there be a teensy bit of romance? Doesn't matter to me, I just like romance)

Misu retuened to his human form then wiped the blood off his lips and teeth. He had bitten that lady without even a moment of thought about what to do. He just reacted on instinct. Though he was trying to help for the sake of the girl, it didn't seem to have done very much effect. His silver wolf ears flopped down as he caught sight of another stranger (Tama) but she appeared to be a neko too, noticing her ears too. He still wasn't ever sure who to trust so he remained silent.

Zebra hopped around as a small innocent white bunny. Her ears pricked up and her tail twitched a couple times when she sensed a being nearby; A girl to be exact...a hurt girl (Nichole). She shifted back to her human form then flipped her hair. The girl was unconcious, also very weak. "Hello? Are you alright?" She kneeled down next to her. An answer wasn't expected but she was still worried.
-Tama looked around, she had a feeling that someone was around. She perked her ears and stopped moving for a moment to pick up the sound easily. Walked toward the small sounds to see a guy, a possible human or neko.- Oh uh... he-hello
Mizu took a step back cautiously and lowered himself slightly. "H...Hi," he forced himself to quietly squeak out. Talking to others, especially strangers always seemed to frighten him. His golden-hazel eyes stared up at the girl as he waited for her next response.
A small sigh of relief seeped out. She seemed just as shy/scared of him, not at all scary like the other lady from before. He smiled a tiny smile then nodded a yes. "Yeah...I'm a silver wolf..." his ears popped up again. One was kind of crooked so it pointed downwards a bit. "Neko."
-Tama sighed with releaf.- Oh thank goodness... -She smiled a little then looked back up at the tree, her right ear twitched a little. Then she looked back over at the silver wolf neko and smiled, which made her ears face behind her and her tail lightly flick back and forth, the tip swayed at the end of her tail. Her light blue eyes were normal after escaping the lady and her eyes looked brighter in the sunlight. The rays of sun bounced off er eyes and made them look like they were sparkling.-
Mizu forced a question out, wondering if she knew anything, "Wh-What was with that lady.....what's wrong with h-her?"

(What kind of neko is Tama? Kitty? Wolf? Bun-bun?)
(Cute! ^^ I like kitties!)

"Oh..." Mizu mumbled simply. He hunched his shoulders up shyly and fiddled with his long, fluffy tail. 'Say something you idiot! Make a friend! She's really pretty...and her fur looks really soft...' he thought. "...I hope that I never see her...o-or anyone like that....again...I-I'm Mizu by the way...Mizu................."
stormhawk324 said:
"Oh..." Mizu mumbled simply. He hunched his shoulders up shyly and fiddled with his long, fluffy tail. 'Say something you idiot! Make a friend! She's really pretty...and her fur looks really soft...' he thought. "...I hope that I never see her...o-or anyone like that....again...I-I'm Mizu by the way...Mizu................."
(lol sorry this is just a little funny to me x3)

-She smiled a little and tested the name out a little.- Mizu... What a nice name, Mizu.. -Tama blushed a little then looked away for a little bit. Tama looked back at the guy neko and smiled with a little bit of blush showing on her pale face.- M-My name is Tama. I-It's Croatian for Darkness.. -Tama blushed a little.-
(I wanted him to be a really awkward person. x3 I think I did pretty good)

"Darkness...Tama...th-that's interesting." Mizu awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He finally stood back up straight, standing just a few inches taller than her. He was kinda short for a guy.
(Well he is taller then Tama x3) -Tama smiled and blushed.- Th-Thank you, Mizu.. -His name rolled off her tongue. It was a very interesting name, she said it over and over in her head. Mizu, Mizu, Mizu... That is a very awesome name.-
(That'd be funny though if he was shorter x3)

"My name isn't as cool. It just means 'water'...pretty boring in my opinion."
(yup x3) Well... It's cool to me. -Tama smiled and looked up at a tree. She saw 2 birds and whistled to them, making it sound like a bird (the whistle)-
(Gtg, I'm really sleepy. Night!)

Mizu looked up in the direction of the birds. He listened to the sound of the birds, Tama's whistle, and then the birds' reply. He smiled slightly. "Hello birdies..." he mumbled softly.
-She heard his mumble and then smiled as she whistled to the birds. Tama bounds up to a tree and climbs up it and sits on a branch. She looks at Mizu and smiles.-

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