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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless


I walked through the crowd of children, smiling when I saw Anny. "If you want to sit for a bit, I think Johnathan and I can handle the kids for a bit," I said calmly, knowing she'd already had a hell of a morning. "Considering we'll probably chase these kids around until lunch, it might be your only break..."


I found my name and sat down quietly, beginning to eat. My posture and mannerisms were perfect, looking even better compared to the kids who were eating with their hands, talking with their mouths full, and making a mess in general. I looked down at my hands after taking two bites, feeling guilty, as if I had eaten more than I should have. I pushed the plate away from me slightly, looking around at the other people in the room.
Austin looked up from his book after a while and rea lized everyone else was eating. He put his book down and looked at his plate. Pancakes and eggs, he looked at the food for a second and grabbed a fork and began eating.

As he ate he thought to himself that this place was already a little bit different than the others homes he went to. He'd already been confronted by someone and that usually didnt happen until about a week or so. He didnt know what was going to happen next but he cidnt care at the moment. He was tired and was just focused on his food. When he finished eating he went right back to his book and began to block out the world again.
Hailey blinked at the man as he scolded them. "Sorry sir."She said, waving it off and nudging Braylon in the ribs. she then turned exiting the room and heading back outside. She made her way to the playground, settling herself on a swing and humming to herself.

Braylon glared at Hailey when she nudged him, but soon spoke. "Sorry."He said, apologizing to the man. He watched Hailey leave, then returned to looking at the man. He seemed angry, and Braylon figured that was not a good thing. He sighed and waited there for the man`s reply.

((@utdfan22 ))

-short sorry-
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Tim watched the two get told off and he couldn't help but chuckle quietly as he leaned on the wall just listening to this guy who to be honest seemed like a bit of a hard ass and probably needed to wind down a little. He turned his attention to the girl, she was cute but couldn't quite put his finger on her age and then he looked at the boy he assumed they were twins and he slowly got off the wall and looked at the sign in sheet quickly seeing there names.

He saw the girl go outside and he went into the dining room and he grabbed an apple quickly before going out the door munching on it. He noticed the breeze as he took a step out the door and look up at the sun and the blue sky. He went and sat on the grass not far from the path and soon lay down the grass brushing against his skin a bit.
Johnathan blinked at the compliance of the girl as she wandered away, though he clicked his tongue at the nudge to her brother's ribs. If she was as disinterested in trouble as he was, then all the better. Maybe he had come on a little strong with that one.

He glanced at her brother, he was waiting for him to say something more. Speaking wasn't exactly Johnathan's strong suit and he didn't want to go overboard. The kid seemed to be willing to take what came afterwards without too much trouble, something valuable among kids. Johnathan sighed at Braylon's expression of inevitability, one hand rubbing over his eyes exasperatedly. "Eh, just try to get along with your sister. I mean, it's not like there's a big problem between you, is there?"

Well, that was too forward and Johnathan wanted to bite his tongue to punish it but figured it was too late. Hopefully the answer would be no and nothing more needed to come from this. If yes... that was trickier.

(@Cecilia )
"Possibly. Who knows."Braylon replied, shrugging the question off and replying with an incomplete answer. He then turned, waving over his shoulder at the man, and heads outside. He located Hailey, then glared at her. He then moved off, to go look around the place.

Hailey returned the glare with a smile. She knew Braylon hated her, but that was no reason to glare. She sighed, getting up and wandering towards one of the older kids, who was laying in the grass. She stopped nearby, watching. This was a habit, from her younger years. she often just watched people, even if they were doing nothing.

Braylon wandered back inside, then settled inside what looked to be a playroom, after dragging their bags there. He took out his headphones and mp3 and began to listen to music.

((@Gillie & @utdfan22 ))
Johnathan waited until Braylon was out of earshot to glance upwards in annoyance. That was a pretty evasive answer, there probably was something. But he had no idea what, most of the kids here had something in their past that hurt them deeply, the twins were likely the same.

Johnathan glanced out the door at Hailey after Braylon walked back in, trying to gauge her a little to see if she was only being polite while he was in eyesight. Finding nothing out of the ordinary (she seemed content enough), he decided to go back inside and watch over the kids who were still eating. They were, with a little bit of leeway granted, pretty mannerly about the whole thing. He could remember being kind of aggressive at dinnertime when others tried to speak to him. He' blinked when he realised one of the kids, Emma or Emily or something, was looking about rather than eating.

He approached leisurely enough, looking at the food left on Emily's plate, "It'll get cold if you don't eat it." His voice was a bit gruff but it always sounded that way. He was trying (and failing) his kind voice.

(@HonestlySurviving & @Cecilia )
As he left the room Austin thought about how the day had turned out so far and decided he needed some fresh air. He really wanted to just clear his head.

As he stepped outside and saw the the blue skies he thought about how peaceful it would be to be a cloud. He felt kinda sad then at the fact that he was bound to the ground until the day he passed. He sat down in the grass and just thought about the clouds for a while.
Izzy watched Sol for a few more minutes, before turning and heading to the room with food. She glanced at the food, and with a slight look of disgust, she turned around and left. She walked outside, spotting Austin again. She smiled and walked over to him. "You sure do enjoy sitting by yourself, don`t you."She said, not as a question but as a simple statement. She sat down, an arms length away diagonally. She stared at him, watching for some idea of what he was thinking.

She sighed and spoke again. "You wanna play a game?"She asked, this time quizzical. She glanced around, to see two older kids, one laying down one standing, before returning her gaze to Austin. She waited for a reply.

((@Thesquaidsy ))

I looked up slowly. I nodded slightly, glancing down after a moment. I took a deep breath, waiting for him to say something, wondering if he was angry with me for not eating. By the sound of his voice, he seemed to be. I let my hair fall to hide my face, as if that would help block the blow of his words, and folded my hands in my lap, my posture otherwise perfect.

I kept staring at his feet, just waiting for him to say anything. Snippets of conversation drifted over to me, along with the screams of laughter from small children. Most everyone seemed to be having so much fun with new-found friends. Even as I thought this, more and more people stood to leave and go play outside or run around the house. All of this ran through my mind in the matter of a second, although it felt like eternity.

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Austin jumped a little when he heard Izzy spoke. He sat up and looked to face her. "Y-yeah. It gives me time t-to think." He said in a hushed tone. This girl just would not give up, which he kind of admired.

"Um, a game? W-which one?" He asked nervously in response to her question. He figured if she's not going to leave him alone he might as well learn to deal with it. He looked at the ground and waited for her to speak.
"Hmm. What should we play..."She replied, thinking about different games she knew. "Well, there`s hide and seek... Or tag... Or Marco Polo... Or we could go inside and play a game......"She finished, realizing she was sort of rambling. She stopped and looked around slightly, before looking back to Austin.

She watched for a reaction or reply, as well as thinking about other games. She personally would prefer an outside game, but it didn`t matter what they did, so long as it was fun. -short-

Johnathan glanced down at the little girl worriedly. He'd tried his best to seem approachable but had she taken it badly? He thought back over what he said and couldn't see anything too threatening. Perhaps the girl was just really shy and needed a gentle touch.

He ducked down to her level, his knees bending so that his heels touched his backside just barely. He smiled as politely as he could, trying to be as friendly as his large size and slightly swollen features would allow. "Do you not like the food? Maybe we could get you something else?" His voice was still irritatingly gruff he realised, sounding no friendlier in his own ears much to his own annoyance.

(@HonestlySurviving )
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Austin thought for a bit about the different games they could play. He ran a list through his mind of games. Like Izzy had said, there was hide and seek, tag, marco polo, 20 quuestions, what am I, and a few others. He couldnt decide but figured it should be something a bit active.

After a bit more time he finally decided on something. He looked up a bit at Izzy and whispered, "H-hide and seek does sound a bit fun I guess"

I shook my head slightly when he asked about getting me different food. I met his eyes slowly, biting my lip, honestly wondering if he was angry at me. I studied his features as I waited for him to say anything, memorizing each dip and curve and angle on his face. If he would turn out to be someone I trusted, then I wanted to know exactly what he looked like. I did this with everyone, which was probably a weird habit, but since I didn't speak to anyone, no one knew.

There was something slightly comforting about his gruff voice and large size. He seemed like a protective presence. Maybe that was why he worked with kids, or why people seemed to like and respect him. I knew I was nothing like the large man. I was small, frail and thin, obviously an easy target and obviously weak.


She was staring up at him now. Was she trying to see if he was going to yell at her maybe? She seemed so small and frail that he could easily imagine her being scared of his big frame. He needed to make a good impression.

"Would you like something different?" He smiles as gently as he can, though its slightly awkward on his features. His eyes are slightly obscured by swollen cheeks but still visible. He tries to look as sincere as possible, though it's a bit of a wasted effort. He hopes she can see the sincerity.

(@HonestlySurviving )

I shook my head once again, hesitantly smiling back at him. I gently reached out and touched his swollen cheek curiously, looking at him with a worried expression. I let my hand fall back into my lap a moment later, waiting for an explanation. I studied his face more, in my mind subtracting the weight added to his face by the swollen spots.

I pulled my sleeve a bit farther over my thin wrist, hoping he wouldn't notice just how thin I was through the sweatshirt I wore. I slowly reached up and pushed my hair slowly behind my ear, hardly noticing the sleeve that feel to reveal my wrist and part of my arm, which was literally nothing but bone and skin.

Tim noticed the girl move closer and he open his eyes and lifted his head from where he was lay propping his head up on his arm and he turned to his side to look at her and he offered her a friendly smile. He wasn't usually this friendly more so just angry and alone, but he was determined to make this place work and he thought the best way to do that would be to make friends at least. "What's the problem between you and your brother?" He asked since he noticed the glares the gave eachother.

Tim took a bite from his apple waiting for her reply as he lay there on his side in front of her. He was a silent observer seeing a lot but being invisible too. He relaxed in the grass closing his eyes and sighing quietly, before opening his eyes again and looking at her waiting for her answer that was if she was going to answer him.

Izzy smiled happily. She stood up, and held her hand out to Austin. "Hide and Seek it is then. I`ll seek first, if you want."She replied, waiting for him to stand, with or without her help. She looked around, scouting with her eyes for a good hiding spot.

She could see a few, but didn`t point them out. She returned her gaze to Austin. It had been a while since she actually played with anyone, and she hoped this would be fun. -short sorry-


Feeling her thin fingers, Johnathan frowned slightly. Something felt off about them. Still, he managed his odd smile. "They're... eh, trophies from my sporting days. That and me being a little silly at work." A few painful accidents followed any frustrated tradesmen with tools.

He gasped when he saw the incredibly thin arm on the girl. His large fingers reached out to gently pull the girl's arm out so he could carefully examine it. "You haven't been eating properly lately. You really need to finish your meals." Subconsciously he panicked, how had she gotten into this condition. Something really needed to be done...

(@HonestlySurviving )
Austin was a little suprised when Izzy held out her hand. He didn't want to be rude and accepted her help. When he stoood up he looked around for a second and then replied, "N-no, you can hide first if you want. I don't mind. I'll count to 20 ok?" He wad still looking at the ground when he mumbled his words a little louder than usual.

He stood there waiting for her response and started thinking about how he would be able to find her. He wasnt too good at the game but it was fun.

"It`s a long story."Hailey replied moving to sit down. She didn`t say anything more, simply watching the other. She could hear the sounds of another set of kids, but didn`t bother to look. She had a feeling this question would come up a lot, seeing as there was a lot of hate between them.

Braylon stood, stashing their bags in a corner, before moving out of the room and exploring the house. He took the time to stop and peer into each of the room as he passed. Luckily, most were empty, the people being either outside or eating or elsewhere.

--Short Sorry, I`m tired so the quality is down. It`ll be better when I`m more awake.--

"Oh. Alright then."She replied, watching as he spoke, talking at the ground mostly. "You know you don`t have to stare at the ground, right?"She said, then turned halfway, looking for a good spot. She would be ready whenever, but her eyes continued to look around. The playground might be a good place to start, but she debated it along with a few other spots.

"Inside is out of bounds. That would be too many places to look. Besides, I don`t think the adults want us walking through the house opening everything or looking in every room."She said, then waited. She looked to Austin, to see if he wanted to add any rules.

I stared at his hand, at how easily my wrist was engulfed by his large palm. I watched as he pushed my sleeve back slightly to look more at my arm. I carefully tried to pull my arm away, not quite meeting his eyes.

His hand was warm on my cold arm, which was slightly comforting within itself, but even so, I felt as if he would yell at me for not eating, and I'd rather be completely in control of myself when that time came. Not eating was a choice I had made a while ago, because I felt as if I were doing something wrong by eating.

Tim nodded as he sat up and looked across at her. "I think everyone has there own story." He said as he sat there "I'm Tim by the way." He said and he began to extend a hand to shake hers but he didn't know if she would accept it, did kids these days even shake hands still. It had been a while since he really talked to another kid around his age.

"And besides I think we have plenty of time here. So I think you have more than enough time to tell your story and if you want I can tell you mine." He said with a smile before laying back down in the grass for a moment and then sitting up again and taking the last few bites of his apple. "There is breakfast inside if your hungry." He said to her.


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