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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless


Johnathan continued giving chase, careful to keep a small amount of distance. It wouldn't be fair to just grab her using his longer legs. No, she needed to gain a bit of distance.

He grinned slightly at her taunting, one eyebrow raising. He watched her darting for another corner and slid in front of her. He crouched down and watched her try to slam on the brakes before her stomach tapped off his open palms, "Gotcha." She pouted slightly at that before glancing around to find someone else to tag. Johnathan pointed back towards the kitchen, "She's fair game again," he whispered conspiratorily. The little girl nodded in sudden understanding before taking off in a run.

I smiled as I ears her running to me. "Oh no!" I cried, running away from her, smiling at Johnathan. "Oh no! Johathan help! She's getting closer!" I fought not to laugh, careful not to run too fast.

She ran faster and I kept turning and running in the same circle around Johnathan. "Help! Please!" I said teasingly. "She's going to catch me!"

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan found himself snickering as he watched her circle him. He felt a little silly, admittedly, but he didn't mind nearly as much as he normally would.

He shrugged his shoulders at Anna as she passed. "Sorry, she's way too fast. I don't think I can help you there." His grin was awkward on his features and a small part of him was preparing itself for having to deal with any of the kids that saw this and thought he was going soft... but he was having fun.

"No!" I cried as I let her tag me. I laughed and ran after Johnathan. "You're next!" I giggled and reached out to try to tag him.

She laughed and ran away, knowing she'd be the next. I smiled and looked at him.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan dodged out of the way of Anna's hand as best he could. He was getting really caught up in the game for some reason.

He grinned as he soon found he'd taken the worst possible turn and was pinned between Anna and the wall. He found himself laughing at the bizzare situation but he was smiling throughout. He put his hands up in mock surrender.

I laughed. "Tag, you're it, no tag backs!" I said with a smile. I could hear the small girl running about, and laughed. "Somebody doesn't want to be caught...!" I said.

She ran past us, laughing as Johnathan began to chase her. "You can't catch me!" She taunted in a sing song voice.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan lagged behind slightly to give the little girl a chance as she led him on a merry chase around any part of the home that wasn't locked. He was sure his normally scowling features twisting into a smile gave the thing a slightly sinister vibe... but that was a problem for other people.

He waited until they were nearing the kitchen to finally tag the little girl's back with a light tap. "Got you," he said with a slight chuckle as she immediately took off to find someone else to tag. Johnathan could make a guess of who she'd target first though.

She ran towards me, and I ran away. "You can't catch me!" I teased her, running just fast enough that she couldn't touch me. She laughed and ran faster, as did I.

Another boy became her next target when he asked to play too, and I walked to Johnathan, laughing. "Well that was fun..." I said, picking up the spray bottle and hand towel again to resume cleaning.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

"Yeah, I suppose it was," Johnathan nodded in agreement as he watched the little girl run off. He smiled slightly in Anna's direction. "I'm not usually that relaxed."

Johnathan glanced about before realising the area had quietened down. Nodding to Anna, he started wandering the halls to check up on the house's residents. As he did so, he noticed Braylon glancing about and not really seeming to know where he was going. Johnathan stopped near him and raised an eyebrow, "Looking for something?"

Gillie said:
Tim lay there in the grass after getting rid of his apple core, turning his head to look at Hailey and he just shrugged. "That's fine." He said and gave her a friendly smile. He watched one kid search for another while they played hide and seek. "I know I'm practically a stranger but I won't judge. You can tell me why your brother is like that to you if you want. Maybe I could talk to him for you?" He suggested
Tim then went to lay back down in the grass as he looking up at the nearly cloudless blue sky and just watched the clouds roll past. "I love doing this." He said practically thinking to himself at the moment as he got distracted and began to space out a little, distracting him from his own dark past that troubled his mind.

utdfan22 said:
"Yeah, I suppose it was," Johnathan nodded in agreement as he watched the little girl run off. He smiled slightly in Anna's direction. "I'm not usually that relaxed."

Johnathan glanced about before realising the area had quietened down. Nodding to Anna, he started wandering the halls to check up on the house's residents. As he did so, he noticed Braylon glancing about and not really seeming to know where he was going. Johnathan stopped near him and raised an eyebrow, "Looking for something?"

Sorry for lateness.

"Love looking at the clouds? Thats neat." Hailey replied, shrugging off the comment about her brothers behavior towards her. She moved, laying on her back as well, off a bit but still close enough for conversation. She glanced at Tim, then looked up to the clouds, and moved a finger, tracing the outline of one of them.

"I`m trying to find my room... Hailey`s is back there, but I haven`t seen mine." Braylon replied, to the gruff man that had scolded them earlier. He turned, looking to the man, and waited for a reply.
Thesquaidsy said:
Austin sat there trying to keep as quiet ad possible as not to be found. He thought about how different this place was from others. At the other houses none of the other kids would try and talk to him, they'd avoid him like the plague actually.
He heard footsteps coming toward him and he had a feeling hr knew it was Izzy. He curled up and got extra small to make it harder to be seen. He was having fun.

Izzy stopped, a baby step from the bench, and peered over the back of it. Seeing nobody there, then checked both ends, before crouching. She smiled, her eyes meeting Austin`s. "Found you!" She called, then backed up and sat on the steps to the slide, laughing.

"You hide good!" She said, smiling. She hoped that he had had fun, and that maybe they were friends by now, but she figured that was an unlikely possibility. She stopped, and watched Austin, waiting for him to come out from under the bench.

Johnathan nodded at Braylon. "Ah, I forgot that you were new here." Johnathan took a look around before remembering, "Braylon, right?"

"Your room is on the other end of the hall." Johnathan pointed it out and started walking, "Here, I'll show you the way." He glanced back at Braylon, remembering the boy's interaction with his sister. "So, you feel comfortable talking about your sister yet? If not, we can discuss something else... there's a thought I had earlier."

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Austin grinned when Izzy found him. He crawled out from under the bench and looked at her. "Thanks, you're really good at hiding too." He said quietly. This was fun.

He looked around for a bit before his eyes settled on the ground once again and he just kinda thought for a bit about how he had acted towards Izzy earlier. He wasn't necessarily proud of himself and said, just loud enough for her to hear, "I-i'm sorry for being rude earlier today."
Freddy looked up at Emily, he hadn't fought against her when she picked him up. He looked as if he was going to cry when she stroked his hair, he had suddenly felt bad about throwing his teddy bear down. He knew that the teddy bear didn't do anything to him to make him throw it on the floor but he had to make sure that she knew just how mad he was.

Avenel heard them but as they started a new conversation, she stared at the door. They were right, he probably just needed some time to cool off and then he'll come around. Hopefully, he'll open up more; she sighed and called the kids in for bed "KIDS! TIME FOR BED!" She shouted, the jolly tone back in her voice.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

I slowly stood after rubbing his arm, walking quietly to my room, my eyes trained on the ground. I stepped into the small room after a moment of walking and shut the door with a soft creak slowly, standing there for a minute.

I sighed and walked to sit on the bed, bringing my knees to my chest after shutting off the light. I stared at the window for a long while, knowing that I wouldn't sleep much tonight.

(Sorry it's short, I'm about to go to my pm rehearsal and I don't have wifi there so I gotta post now)

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

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