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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless


Johnathan nodded, carefully folding the napkin and putting it in his pocket. Feeling a bit brighter, he headed back inside. He hadn't eaten himself in a long while.

A few minutes later and he was eating a sandwich near enough to a window that looked out onto the playground and the surrounding areas. In his better mood, he was content to give the kids a bit more freedom than normal. As long as they kept from attacking one another (which shouldn't have been hard), then he'd sit back and let them have their fun.

I followed him and sat across from him hesitantly. After a moment, I opened up the sketch pad to the first page and started drawing Mr. Johnathan as he watched the kids outside.

I frowned in concentration as I drew, chewing on the inside of my cheek. I glanced up at him every few moments, but for the most part, I focused on the page. I never erased a line that I had misplaced, I always had liked to incorporate them in.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Avenel looks around, the kids seemed to all be getting along except for one particular little boy. She just got finished giving him a bath, his name was Freddy if her memory was right. She watched as the boy tried to play but failed every time, She was just about to go over to him to play when she saw that something didn't seem right, she watched as a tear fell down his smooth cheek. That was it, she didn't hesitate any longer.


Freddy could feel a single tear go down his cheek, he didn't like this day. It had to be this day didn't it, yesterday day was filled with joy and forgetfulness. This day- this day was filled with pain and sorrow, for this day was anniversary of that day. He stopped thinking as Anny crouched down beside him, he watched as the front of her smooth, black hair fell forwards as she tried to be about his height but was still taller due to her age.

Her smooth brown skin still looked flawless as she reached out to pat his head, trying to smooth out his hair but since he brushed it. His hair spiked up again, she gave a small chuckle before giving him a worried look "are you okay?" She asked, her voice soft and seemed to crackle as if she was already feeling sorry for him. That made him angry, I mean he knew what day it was but feeling sorry for someone before they even got the chance to tell you what happened. THAT made him glare at her with hatred, his voice had a lot of disrespect to it but mostly hatred "leave me alone!" He threw his teddy bear down on the ground and ran to his room, he slammed the door. Just to show her that he didn't like having people feeling sorry for him.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

I looked up as I heard someone yelling. The woman who had let me not eat was watching as a little boy ran away, throwing a Teddy bear in the process. I looked at Mr. Johnathan as another lady went out to talk to the nice one. I looked back down at my drawing and slowly put down the pen and stood, chewing on my lip. I walked after the boy and knocked softly.

I waited for him to answer, looking down at my feet. I shivered slightly, hugging my arms to my chest.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

I walked over to Anny, smiling hesitantly at her. "Hey. You okay?" I asked softly, crouching beside her. "I heard him yelling at you..."

I pushed my hair behind my ear, watching her with a half smile. "You know, he probably just doesn't think you understand...I'm sure he's not really angry with you..."

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Freddy opened the door hesitantly at first, then when he saw that it was just a kid his eyes darted around her and drug her in quickly. He closed the door again and looked at the girl sprawled out on the ground "did anyone follow you?" He asked seriously, his eyes held a cold loneliness in it. His skin was paler then normal and he seemed to be on edge about something, he leaned against the door. It looked like he was listening and for some strange reason, his eyes kept darting around the room as if he was waiting for something or someone.


Avenel looked up to Anna and gave her a crooked smile "ya.. I'm fine.. I still can't get used to hearing someone say that.. even after all these years.." she looked at Anna and realized that she was still crouched down like an idiot, she grabbed the precious teddy bear that Freddy had temporarily abandoned. She remembered that he wouldn't ever leave this thing and turned to Anna, trying soo hard not to cry. She couldn't help her voice quiver "no.. I think he means it.." she said petting some of the white fluff down but the strands stuck up again.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

I shook my head when he asked if I'd been followed. I gently reached out and touched his arm comfortingly, my eyes filled with a soothing calmness. I carefully stood, making sure I didn't startle him, then walked to a chair. I hesitated, waiting to see if he'd sit as well.

I glanced around the room for a moment, trying to see what it was exactly that he was looking for. As I looked around, I started chewing on my lip again.


I reached out and patted her hand. "I'm sure he doesn't. But not everyone can take things at this pace. A whole new life is sprung on them, but their old life is still right front and center in their minds. Maybe today was an important day to him, or maybe he was thinking of his old life, or maybe he just is tired of feeling lesser even when he's not. Everyone here is going to go through some stuff for a little while, so we can't take things personally..."

I stood up and smiled at her. "And hey, even if it takes a while, it's going to be worth it, right?"

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead
Freddy looked at the chair that he didn't notice was ever there, he hesitantly went to sit beside her. His nervousness didn't stop though as he tapped the back of his heel, his eyes darted from the door to the window then all around the room before it set upon the girl. His expression was blank, but his eyes were ice cold and pained. He kept to himself everyday, he'd slap a smile on and pretend nothing ever happened. This day brought out everything that he usually kept inside, this day was the day his mother had died.


Avenel smiled and sighed, she chuckled slightly at being soo gullible "I'm sorry.." she said nervously "thank you" she added as her eyes darted to Freddy's room for but an instant before returning to Anna. "We should probably see where everyone went.." she said worriedly as she headed out to the playground outside.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

Johnathan glanced at the door that Emily had just gone through. He calmly watched the situation from the corner of his eyes as he chewed on his sandwich. He supposed stuff like this was common in a place like this.

A slight smile crossed his lips though as he watched. Emily had gone to check on the other kid without any prompting, such a good kid. And the other caretakers certainly cared enough, he couldn't deny that.

As Avenel passed by him to get to the door, Johnathan dropped the smile and maintained a neutral expression. "At his age, it's probably still difficult to really deal with pain. Give him a bit of time and he'll see you're not trying to pity him or look down on him."

I silently just reached my arm around him and rubbed his, a way of letting him know it was okay. I waited for him to relax a little, still just looking around the room, knowing he'd need to feel as if he weren't a freak show, and this was my way of helping him know that.

After a few moments, I heard his breaths slow slightly to match my own, and I hoped he was relaxing and calming down.


I smiled at her. When Johnathan spoke, I looked around. "What happened to the shadow that's been following you all morning?" I asked with a smile. "You seemed to be handling her silence pretty well..."

I glanced down at the table and saw an open sketch book. "Did she do this?" I asked, picking it up. She had drawn a picture of Johnathan, and it actually looked really nice.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan shrugged at Anna's question. "I have no idea where she's gone." Well, he did but he figured he'd leave her to work away by herself for a little bit. She surprised him by taking initiative with someone else and he was curious to see what would happen.

Johnathan glanced at the sketch with raised eyebrows, acutely embarassed. "Yeah, she probably did. I prefer the one with the park. Less ugly subject matter." Johnathan sighed at how lame that had sounded but he would admit... it wasn't a bad likeness. Well, the drawing was accurate to life anyway.

"I don't think you're ugly..." I said with a smile, putting it down. "And I think she likes you. Who knows? Maybe she'll adopt you..." I said teasingly.

I had always thought that kids adopted the adults, not the other way around. Kids were the ones who needed us more, but they also knew who they needed. If you weren't it, you were out of luck. Period.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan looked away at the compliment, returning his attention to outside the window. He made a slight non-committal grunt of sorts and very pointedly didn't meet her eyes. He was glad it was hard to tell when his face was heating up.

"Wait, she might adopt me?" Johnathan turned back with a raised eyebrow. "Interesting phrase." What did that mean? He was honestly stumped.

I nodded. "Kids need help, but only they know who they need it from. If you're not that person, you're out of luck. But if you are, they adopt you into their hearts, and just like with family, you will always have a place there."

I smiled a bit more. "And you just might be the person she needs, if you play your cards right..." I looked at Anny. "And maybe you too, with Freddy. Right now, he just seems like he needs someone to be there. Someone to show up."

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan listened to what she said and tilted his head in curiosity. "Hm, that's an interesting way to look at it, I suppose."

Johnathan leaned back against the counter. "Hm, someone probably should stick close to Freddy. Maybe he needs a hobby. Kids usually grieve through stuff like that anyway."
Avenel lifted the teddy bear slightly to show them "this was his hobby, he carried around everywhere.. until now that is.." she said resentfully as the image of him throwing the teddy bear down as if he hated it, then his words echoed in her mind over and over. Who knew three simple words could be soo.. hurtful.. even after all of the nastiest, fearful things she's done.. those three words is what scared the unscathed Anny.


Freddy only slightly calmed when he finally realized she was there when she rubbed his arm, he turned to look at her. The place had started to get dark as the sun went down, his mask that he had been wearing to cover his feelings was starting to break as the sun finally set. He wouldn't go to sleep through, even though he knew that it was well past his bed time. He had to wait for them to come back to get him. 'They'll come.. back from that mountain.. They'll come and take me home.. where I belong..' he thought.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.

"Stop feeling sorry..." I said softly. "That's what seems to make kids the most upset. Being pitied, and someone pitying themselves. You have to be there, steady, like a time tested mounting that they can constantly rely on..."

I had grown up with two foster siblings and knew from experience of dealing with them what a lot of kids needed.


I simply continued to rub his arm and let him relax, saying nothing (though I never did). I noticed him looking at me, and glanced down at him, hesitantly smiling.

After a few moments, I gently picked him up and tucked him into bed. I sat beside him and gently stroked his hair out of his face lovingly.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

"Hm, well said," Johnathan agrees with a nod of his head. "Kids don't like pity but they need you to be there."

Johnathan popped his head out the door, shouting, "Oi, anyone still out there better be inside in the next hour!" He returns to his chat with the two other caretakers with ease. "We should probably start winding the place down for the night."

I nodded. "Most of the kids have already come in anyway, and I think everyone's finding their rooms right now."

I smiled as a few kids ran inside the house, screaming with shrill laughter. As one of them passed, they wrapped their short, stubby arms around Anny. "Thanks for my home..." The boy whispered, then continued to run to follow his new friends.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan nodded as he noted the kids entering. He followed them carefully with his eyes for a moment before the crowd passed.

He glanced up at Anna curiously, "You're an optimistic sort, aren't you?" It wasn't meant to be an insult, though his gruff manner made it seem slightly challenging. His head tilted ever so slighlty in curiosity of her answer.

I laughed lightly at his question. "Yes, I suppose I am. Are you?" I asked, smiling brightly at him.

"Oh!" I exclaimed in surprise as a small child ran into me. "Tag, you're it!" She cried. I smiled and ran after her teasingly. "I'm gonna getcha!" I laughed.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan listened to her laugh and looked at her smile, feeling a light smile coming to him as well. "It comes and goes. I guess right now I am."

He watched her chase on of the kids and laughed aloud before going to grab a brush. He set about cleaning the place without much prodding, someone had to do it and he was the only one not busy. Besides, it gave him time to watch for any of the kids coming back late.

I kept chasing her for a few moments, but when I almost caught her, she called time out. "Tag him!" She whispered, pointing at Johnathan. I smiled and nodded, putting a finger to my lips.

I ran up to him and tagged his arm. "Tag, you're it, no tag backs!" I said with a laugh, and the small girl laughed and ran off singing, "You can't catch me!" I took the cleaning supplies and winked at him.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

Johnathan blinked in surprise at her taking the equipment from him. He stuttered momentarily as what she'd said sunk in. "Hey, you can't... I mean-"

Hearing the little girl's taunting, he glanced towards her only to spot her darting around a corner. "Oi... get back here!" He started giving chase without much thought more on the subject. What else was he supposed to do? He actually had a small smile on his face as he did it.

I smiled more and continued what he had started cleaning wise, listening as she and other children wasted their energy running around the house. I shook my head with a smile as I started to wipe up the dirt and food from the floor.

"You can't catch me!" I could hear her still singing to Johnathan and I chuckled softly. She was cute.

Tell it to the angels

You're already dead

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