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Realistic or Modern Home for the homeless

He smiled at Piper, glad to have found a new friend. He saw Piper holding a bunny in her arms, hugging it tight. He felt, well, a little jealous, having no toys. Even the kid before him had one, a huge bear too. He looked around, looking for something, and he saw it in the far corner. It was a huge ball, reaching up to his neck. He nodded, knowing he wanted it.

He ran over to it and picked it up. After that, he ran back to Piper, a huge grin on his face. "Do you want to play?" He ask, his voice so adorable and it is matched by his cute smile. He spoke haltingly, stopping in between every words, but other than that, it is perfectly understandable.
He swore he had heard a voice, but he could not tell because of his bruised up face, to much damage to understand what was actually was hurting and what was just some phantom pain from a far off injury. Opening his eyes only slightly he noticed a girl about two to three years younger than he, with red or auburn hair, she was kind of the type of girl you always thought you would see skipping around in the school yard, hopped she did not act like that.

Sitting up slowly and wincing in pain, he noticed that one of hi bones were out of place, it was his left arm, he would need help to get that back in the right spot "well if your daft you wouldn't see that im not OK, but You are a child.... I am to, no I am not OK, or alright." He said with a stern but smooth tone, he had no reason to be rude to this kid, might as well let the conversation go on as is.

trying to stand up he fell to his back again " Hey kid... what's your name?" He asked as he struggled to get himself up and onto his feet, which he knew was going to a hard task in itself especially if he was going to talk to this little girl, but maybe she could get someone to help him.
Avenel jotted down the first kids name, making her leg a sort of a slide as the boy got down and nodded to Anny as her clipboard was taken from her hands. She smiled "yes. Please, that would be a great help.." she said as her clipboard was handed back, she smiled at the drawing "name and age please" she asked Emily with a kind smile.

She had scanned each child's injuries and clothes as they had came in to see what she had to do more urgently. So far there were bruises, scraps, cuts and scratches with dried blood still covering them. None of the injuries needed immediate attention.. at least not yet..


Freddy heard about a few lines before he could not keep his eyes open any longer, he smiled slightly as he listened to her soft voice until he had drifted off to sleep. Not being able to know how the story ended.
"Izzy." She replied to the others question. She moved slightly, getting halfway up and watching the boy, as he worked to get up. "Stay here"She said, more of a request than a command, then spun, again on her heel and ran off towards the building. "Anny! Anny!" She shouted, running through the open door and into the room with the older lady. She stopped at the desk, ignoring the others in the room.

She stood in front of the desk, waiting impatiently for the lady to respond. "Anny! Someone`s hurt. Outside!"She said, shouting a couple of the words. The wounds and bruises on the boy had looked painful, she just hoped Anny would come with her. ((@Snow Frost @neverin))
Piper watched as the other boy, Reynardine, grabbed a red ball. She didn`t respond immediately when asked to play, thinking it over instead. She eventually released the death grip on her bunny, and replied. "Sure-e"She spoke oddly, with two e`s at the end. Happy, for once, she stuffed her bunny into a pocket of her jacket, which she had been wearing since entering the home.

She watched, distracted, as the red haired girl returned, shouting at Anny. Piper didn`t catch all the words, but she did know it was important, due to all the shouting. She returned her attention to Reynardine. ((@CrimsonEclipse ))
Sol really did not want to stay in this spot, what if he was forced to go to the hospital, then he would have to go back to those damned grand parents of his who almost always forgot about him during lunch and dinner time. They always's left food for him but never was it cooked or even healthy for him, always there scrap's.

He hated it, he never wanted to go back. But maybe this time it would be different, maybe he would be safe here, but really he had no idea what would happen, because he was losing to much blood from cuts all over his body, making it so that he was loosing consciousness, and over all everything that had happened moments before.
Avenel grabs the first aid kit at the urgency in the girl's voice and followed her, trying not to trip over the girl's feet. She left her clipboard on her desk for whomever she didn't sign up to sign up themselves, she just hoped that they had good hand wrighting so that she'd be able to read it. Her soft, long, and halfway thick black hair bounced a little as she hurried.

She worried about the boy, she hoped that he wouldn't have lost too much blood, if he was loosing blood, by the time she got there. Her long legs couldn't fully run for she had no idea where this boy was and she wanted to not hurt the girl if she tripped over the girl in the process of trying to run.
((I will wait for the other girl to respond, then when that happens delete this and I will post))
Izzy blinked and took off again as Anny grabbed the first aid kit. She lead the lady out to where the boy was laying, stopping nearby and pointing. "Here"She said, then moved to the boy, crouching next to him again, leaving space for Anny as well. She tapped him lightly then spoke. "Hey, I got help"She said, her voice worried.

She scooted back a little to allow Anny room to work. She also watched the boy, hoping he was okay. There was a lot of blood and it looked bad. 'What happened?'Was one of the many thoughts running through her head. --short--
He grinned as the little girl agreed, giggling as he found the way she speaks cute. Seeing her pocket her bunny, he let go of the big ball, placing it back in the corner. He would come back for it after he played, knowing he wanted it. He grabbed hold of the Piper's hand, seeing it as a natural thing to do.

"What do you want to play?" He asked the little girl, his eyes sparkling. The grin never left his face for one minute, waiting for the little girl's answer. He is so glad to have found a friend, although he is sure he'll find more later. "What's his name?" He curiously asked, pointing at her bunny.
"I don`t kn-kn"there was a pause in her words here, as she was having trouble saying the word 'know', "Canaow."She replied, choosing guess at a saying it, which came out as 'can-aow', to Reynardine`s question on what she wanted to play. She stood up, letting Reynardine continue to hold onto her hand, and replied to the second question. "Frost. His name-e is Frost."She replied, then waited for an answer.

Christen heard a commotion from the main room, then followed the lady and the red haired girl as they ran from the building. The lady was carrying a first aid kit and the girl seemed to be leading her somewhere. She soon found out the reason, as a boy laying on the ground, obviously injured, came into view. She hung back as the girl crouched by the boy, watching the lady for her actions.
(didn't get alerts)

Eve smiled at Freddy, then carefully gathering him o she wouldn't disturb him, she placed the book down, and after making sure Freddy had his teddy bear, she went to find Avenel, to see about a place to put Freddy down for sleep but it appeared that she was otherwise engaged. So Eve, struggling slightly under the boy's weight, explored the hous until she found a bed room suitable for Freddy. She placed him down gently on the bed, and tucked the blankets around him.
He giggled, looking at the bunny. "Hi Frost!" He said, shaking the bunny's hand, as if it was an animate object. He is smiling brightly. "Not canaow, it is know." He said, gently correcting the girl. Whether it was to show off or just to help, only he knows it.

Now that he thought of it, even he doesn't know what to play. This is because he never played with anyone close to his age, in fact, the only person he ever played with were his parents and his previous caretaker. He thought about something to do when he saw the girl, the one who was playing with the little boy and followed her, brining Piper with him. "Play?" He asks her as she tuck the little boy in.
Eve looked up, and she smled at the two children. She wondered, breifly, if the younger children assumed she was a care taker. Even appeared older then she was at times. She nodded, "Sure, I'll play. I'm Eve" She put a finger her lip, nodding to Freddy. and gently nudging the children out the room, so as not to wake Freddy up.

She stuided the children, and thought they were both positvely cute, and she smiled once more, the warm, kind smile. "What are your names? And what do you want to play?"
Avenel gasped as she saw the boy, she saw the injuries the other kids had but they were nothing like this. She moved swiftly and carefully as she cleaned the blood up, wrapping the parts that still bled. She saw his broken leg "I'm going to have to pop this back into place.. Please bare with the pain.. Christian.. Please hold his hand.." she said, not looking up from her work.

She grabbed the boy's leg as Christian grabbed the boy's hand, she smiled at Christian with a sort of a 'thanks' look on her face. Softly placing her hands on the boy's leg, she avoided the knee cap. Then, fast and hard she pulled with both her hands until she heard a pop. Quickly, before the boy used his leg she slipped a little something on his leg that would make him keep his leg straight. She grabbed one of the boy's sides and guided him to the house.
Johnathan went to the door to see what the commotion was, wincing once he saw the wounded kid. He turned to get out of the way as the Avenenl led the child in, glancing at him in worry as he entered.
Christen did as told and held the boys hand as the lady put the bone back in place. She then began to help support him as he was being moved to the house. She gestured for the red haired girl to come as well.

"Oh. Kn-Know. That was-s e--easy."Piper replied as they moved, following him to another, older girl. The girl asked their names, after introducing herself as Eve. "Piper."She replied to the girl, simply. She then waited on the boy`s reply.

((Sorrry for sucky post. Late for School. @Caits an @CrimsonEclipse
"Eve." He said her name, but he pronounced it as "eevee", intentional or not, it sounds very cute indeed. He looked up at her, looking in her eyes. "I don't know. We come here to ask you what to play." He said, smiling brightly. She's so young, not as old as the nice lady awhile ago or his caretaker before, but she must be one, having sent the boy to sleep.

He released Piper's hand for a moment and tugged on Eve's skirt, raising his hands up, wanting to be carried. He pulled Piper near her, smiling at her. "Carry us!" He said, giggling.
Eve smiled at the mispronouncing of her name, and thought for a minute, as the young girl told her her name. Piper. Easy enough. The boy hadn't told her his name yet, but that didn't mean anything.

She looked down as he raised his hands up, and demanded to be carried. She wasn't sure if she'd be able to carry them both for very long, but she picked them up, gently, and rested the two on either hip, making sure they were both secure. "Hm. Let's see. There's hide and seek." She suggested
Sol did not wake up from the bone being put back, he barely felt it, he barely noticed, his body was in to much shock to notice what had happened, ideas and thoughts all seemed to muddle together as he pondered in the void that was his mind, maybe it would be nnice to stay here for a while, maybe it would be fine just to sleep here for ever.

Than He felt himself becarried, and he opened his eyes and all the apin came to him at once, he tried to scream. But nothing but a low screech came out, stuck in his throat as his body tried to seize up to keep in what all he had left "GAAA......oh shit.....Oh god it hurt's " His voice was broken now, it cracked and wavered, but he would not cry, for his mother he promised he would not cry again.
Avenel jumped a bit at his sudden awakening scream 'I'm glad I put that cast on his knee so it didn't hurt him worse when he woke up.. otherwise he would have moved his broken leg that had just been fixed. That wouldn't have been good..' she thought as she laid the screaming boy on the nurses bed that seemed to be like a normal bed but unlike the other beds, this one was all white.

She fastened him onto the bed quickly so he wouldn't get up as she properly dressed his wombs. She fixed up the worse of the wombs first before moving on to the less important ones, applying bandages and stuffing a pain reliever delicately down his throat. She walked to Izzy and picked her up "sorry.. but I need to borrow her for a second" she said walking out without a answer.
He gasped as she started to dress his wounds, and as she stopped he tried to get up and start to walk, but he fell to his knee's, one of the bandages falling off and starting to bleed again "I...I don't need your h...help" Sol tried to mutter out, he did not want to be in this place, to much happiness for him, to much caring and love, everything he wanted. But it was also everything he had told himself he could never have, he could never feel that joy of having a good family because of what he did, what he did.

But really he had no energy to run away, all he could do was stumble about trying to get to the door as fast as he could. Which at the moment was a bit slower than a snail, because each time he tried to move, he would fall because of the brace, or because of the pain, or the dizziness. And then he stopped, he tried to keep moving, but he stopped, no more fighting, he kept quite, not wanting anyone to notice his pity full act of rebellion towards the only thing that seemed joyful in his life.
Izzy followed the ladies, then waited nearby as Anny dressed the boy`s wounds. She blinked as Anny picked her up, taking her from the room. "Where are we going?"She asked, a bit of a 'Put me down, I can walk' tone to her voice. She didn`t struggle against Anny though, simply letting herself be carried to an unknown place and for an unknown reason.

She watched the lady`s face as they moved, waiting for some type of clue. But when she found none, she downcast her eyes, watching the walls and floor. -short second-
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Avenel set Izzy down next to a room that seemed just as lively as the others "there's some clean clothes and shoes in there when you get finished.. so please clean yourself. I will check in on you in a while to see if you need any help. In the meantime.." she didn't finish her sentence as she gently pushed the girl in the bathroom and shut the door. Not caring enough to lock it, she walked quickly to the excapee.

She smiled at him and picked him up like a groom picked up his bride, she didn't go very far. Only to put him in a wheelchair and knelt down to him "it's fine if you leave.. but you won't go very far with no crouches or a wheelchair.." she said with a bit of amusement in her voice "I'm about to get breakfast ready.. so try to be back by then.." she said gently patting his unhurt leg. She stood up and walked into the kitchen to start breakfast that was long past due.
Izzy sighed as she was pushed into the bathroom. She, knowing in some odd way, that Anny wouldn`t stop bugging her unless she did this, changed out of her dirty outfit, setting it in a basket, probably meant for dirty clothes. She turned on the water and got in, beginning with her hair and continuing on. She winced as dry crusted blood came off the cuts on her legs and arms, then settled again.

When she finished her bath, she got out, letting the water out and changing into the new clothes in the bathroom. She located the hairpieces from her old outfit, and set them on the sink. She found a brush and bushed out her hair, then, still working on her hair, left the bathroom, clean like Anny wanted. She headed into the main area, and located the other lady who had helped carry the boy inside.

"Lady, can you help me get these on?"She asked, holding the hair pieces out to the lady and gesturing to her hair.

((@Winter576 ))

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