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Home Behind & World Ahead

made by: liztopher with help of some friends

heavily based on: lotr, the hobbit



In a land known as Hithegrove, in Algorn, there live a peaceful race known as Hobbits. Now, Hobbits are sensible folk, wiry of men and other races, and the adventures of the world at large. They prefer to remain in their own lands, concerned only by their own affairs. Rarely does a Hobbit venture out of their homeland in their lifetime. But for in this case, it may be possibly the wiry are finally a part of the raging battle.

Now, before we get on with our story, I must inform you of the back story to our adventure. Fly across the endless forests dedicated to the elves, the mountains and caverns to the dwarves, the arid deserts and volcanos to the dragons, demons, orcs and lovely castles and plains to the humans. This, you will find four, great kingdoms.

These four great kingdoms, Themron, Gamberyl, Blythe, and Agnilar, had always known peace with each other. Their royal families had been intertwined since they had been established, and ran the lands of Algorn as they pleased. It was no shock to anyone when the Prince of Themron and Princess of Gamberyl became engaged. The nations celebrated the engagement, for the young eager prince was promised to become a great king and the tender princess with a bold heart was a perfect match to sit at his side. Their wedding was beautiful and held at the Shrine of Algorn, a center point of the four kingdoms holding a brilliant stone encased in gold, as all royal weddings had been held for centuries. Things seemed to be going well and the princess adapted marvelously to the move from her childhood home to her future. It was all very spectacular and routine. Until the father of the prince, the King of Themron, fell ill in his old age and passed on to the heavens.

The prince that had once been described as "eager" had become obsessed. It was a gradual change, but he had gone from being a wonderful husband to his new wife to being neglectful and even cold. He missed meals with her and often didn't even come to bed. She began to worry, so she decided to follow him one night. That was when she discovered that her husband had become mad with power. He was plotting to attack the smaller kingdom of Agnilar to the north and milk it of its resources. Angered at his irrational plan, she burst through the door and demanded he cease his plotting, but he only laughed at her with a malicious look in his eye. He had his captain of the guard arrest her and lock her in a high tower where she would be held prisoner, allowed to speak to no one aside from the King and his guard.

Wars broke out, and suddenly the four kingdoms fell to ruins. The new King Themron grew mad with power, killing everything and taking what he wanted, killing his brothers and unleashing evil to those who didn't follow him. It wasn't long before the dragons, orcs and demons had fell into spiraling darkness. The greed that took over Themron's cheerful composition, transformed him into someone everyone would fear. Someone, that today most little folk will read in lore books. His once silk skin, scaled, horns protruding from his lush brown hair and rows upon rows of teeth replacing his pearl whites. King Themron was no more, for he was now Azurath, Demon of the South. Azurath made sure to make his army grow, building weapons and armor for the new Kingdom he was creating. The stone, which was encased in that gold at the center of the four kingdoms, was placed into a pendent and rested on his chest while he killed his people. The Princess of this once Prince was never heard from, and the ruins of the tower she resided in is still laying there today. Legend has it, the Father of the Princess had slain the savage beast, obtaining the stone and keeping it hidden for years. The darkness fell into a deep slumber, like a dormant volcano ready to burst at any moment, although, rumor has it the stone is out there. Those who ever lay hands on the stone, would grow mad like Themron and awaken the darkness.

Those left alive of the Kingdoms, forests and mountains formed together to be known as The Fellowship of Gamberyl, in honor of the King who slain Azurath. Elves of the forest, Dwarves of the Mountains, Humans of the Plains had come together to keep their numbers up. This silence meant something, and with that stone being out there.. the darkness could awake, and those who stood by Themron will do whatever they can to obtain it. Some even say the son of Themron, Maetheren, has taken his place, doing what his father never could.

Now this is where we get back to Hobbits. The Fellowship needs whatever help they can get, can't they?

A group of companions are making their way to Hithegrove to speak to a few Hobbits about their new journey, whether they will agree or disagree, the wrath of Themron will awaken once more. This Fellowship make it seem like a simple journey to a cave, slaying a dragon for some treasure.. but would could really reside there?


Yes, this is a quickly made Lord of The Rings / The Hobbit type role play. If you haven't seen either of the films, that's okay, the story line is based off it but really, has no connection to it, so technically being,
this is not a 100% fandom role play. You can make up races, species, creatures, cities, connections to the four kingdoms, kin or classes. You don't have to be a part of The Fellowship if you don't want to. You can be a clan hunting the Fellowship, can be sided with Themron's son, Matheren etc. This role play is free, you have an idea you want, just let me hear it first so it isn't over the top. You wanna be a spy? Go for it. You wanna be a pink fairy connected to Prince of Themron? Go for it. Have as many characters as you want, as long as you don't have more than ten. Human pictures are allowed, descriptions and anime are perfectly fine. Keep romance clean, post a paragraph or more each post ( 3 sentences ) and have fun.

There are no boundaries.

Also, if you want to play as Themron's son, the guard - go right ahead, let me know first.







Height / Weight:






Clothing / Gear:




Name: Theodore Avett Mumford

Nickname: Teddy, Ted

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height / Weight: 3'9" and 90lbs

Race: Hobbit

Occupation: Teddy is a cook down at the local tavern, wherein he swoons after a lovely hobbit-ess and dreams of second-breakfast.

Personality: This little hobbit likes to dream of adventure and talk about adventure and muse over adventure, but he really isn’t the adventurous sort at all. Sure, a few good stories shared over ale is all good fun; sometimes he even talks to the occasional visitor passing through. But overall Teddy isn’t really seeking anything out. He likes to make grand proclamations and never follow up on them ( like that one time he swore he’d kiss the woman of his dreams right there and then, and then hid away in his house for a day ), and he’s really quite a coward. A selfish coward to boot, with little concern for the well being of those he does not consider friends. If he’s scared he’ll be sure to inform everyone around him that he is, indeed, scared. That being said Teddy is capable of great things, sometimes it just takes a lot of pushing and maybe some threatening. For such a cowardly fellow he sure can stand up for himself if things get pushed too far, or danger is actually a very real threat.

Biography: Teddy spent his childhood seeking out greatness, which, to a child, was chasing toads and rubbing mud in his mother's hair. Both parents were simple folk who lived a simple life, and Teddy wasn't destined for much different. He couldn't count the times he got in trouble on his fingers, but he never strayed too far from home or really toed any lines. When he turned twenty-three his grandfather died and he inherited the man’s house and most of his worldly possessions. No one was really quite so surprised because Teddy was very good at making that man laugh. Unfortunately his younger sister is still a little sore over the whole debacle of inheritance, but he’s given her a set of china plates and three old heirloom chairs to try and make up for it. His sister, Mary, still gives him the stink eye sometimes but she otherwise seems to have gotten over the betrayal. Since then he’s gotten himself a job down at the local tavern (he always had a knack for cooking), has a cozy little home, the prettiest garden in town, and a very comfortable, boring life.

Strengths: Light on his feet, cooking and gardening.

Weaknesses: Has never held or used a sword properly, and quite the small fellow.

Clothing / Gear: Teddy wears a lot of scarves. He's known for those colorful, silken things of splendor and beauty (they're actually rather garish at best). Otherwise he dresses like a normal hobbit; barefoot and brightly colored. He also has a small (read; very) dagger, but it's really more like a butter knife.


Name: Orydd Thoraeus Gamberyl

Nickname: Ory

Age: 158 ( looks to be in her mid twenties )

Gender: Female

Height / Weight: 5'6" and 127lbs

Race: Elf

Occupation: Princess of Gamberyl, Queen of Themron - although she stays under key and usually says she's a wanderer. She is also one of the heads in the Fellowship.

Personality: To say the least, Orydd grew to become a proud and confident woman. Though she certainly isn't old for a elf, nor do many respect her because of this, she tends to prove her worth rather quickly. Orydd is not quite a leader, though she can and will take charge if the rest of the party fails to do so. Like her brothers, she holds a sharp tongue and is quick to place judgement before consideration. Though it may be a bit of a flaw, she can not help but be a bit protective. As any elf would, Orydd stands her ground fiercely. Again it may be a flaw to refrain from fleeing, but her pride wouldn't have it any other way. This stands best for her closest kin and friends, though strangers may not receive her best sympathy. Almost wary of change and new people, Orydd finds it difficult to adjust to abrupt things. She might throw a quick complain, but will not allow herself as a burden.

Though she might have strength behind her, she does have quite the heart. Fortunately for the travelers around her, she was taught how to cook and mend wounds like her mother had before her. Regardless of the talents, she isn't quick to share with those that haven't earned her trust completely. Then again if she see's an honest need, she will do her best (even with a pained expression). In terms of taking jokes, she is usually the first to say it. As a fan of humor, she will try to make light of groggy situations. If the situation calls for it, Orydd will be serious. Unlike women of other races, Orydd does not claim to know how to use femininity as a weapon.

Biography: Orydd was the first born of four, her three younger brothers coming rather soon after her. Due to their minimal four years difference of age, the four were very close to one another. As such, the four of them followed after their father quite dutifully in aiding him. Along side them, their uncle worked as well. Unlike her father, her uncle had taken on Oyrdd almost as a daughter of his own. He taught her the finer works of smithing and the great stories of their people from times past. Her father was never there for her, although was proud of marrying a Thermon.

As time ticked on, so did the unrest of their people. Her husband grew evil and their kingdom had fallen, the rest of the world nearly wiped out due to the darkness overtaking her once loved one. Yes, she is the princess who was locked up by her evil husband and nearly sentenced to death. How she managed to escape? She will never tell. Nor does she ever speak of it either. Her family, gone, and the evil of her husband left over in a stone she is destined to destroy. She is often blamed for the chaos that wiped through the lands, hence her secrecy. This woman keeps her identity hidden, and refuses to give out personal information.

Strengths: Through and through, Orydd is a bow wielder. She has fought before, often in the woods hunting or the occasional city raid of petty goblins. One time she threw a mountain lion clean off her youngest brother, or so he claims. She can and will smith on the spot if she has the required material, and is not even remotely close to being dainty about it. Fortunately for her, she was the first of her siblings to skin deer with her father. Her stomach holds strong at the dead and their uncanny smells.

Weaknesses: Though she may be lighter and more nimble than any male dwarf, her stride says otherwise. Though she can run for quite some time, she will not make much distance. That's what we have traveling horses for, right? Lastly, her companions would have to be one of her ultimate weaknesses. As much as she'd like to live, she'd lay her life down for any friend of hers.

Clothing / Gear: She wears very thick furs and often hides her face with them, which most people will think she is a male. She carries a thin iron sword and a bow with a set of arrows in her quiver.

Ah, you have such lovely writing, I'm so glad to see a LOTR / Hobbit based role play that has freedom and isn't like the original!

I'm gonna reserve this spot until furthermore, I can't wait. :)
[MENTION=3364]Nebula[/MENTION] Lovely writing? Haha, this isn't that great at all. But, yeah, I didn't want to go anywhere near the original, too many rules to follow. Possibly one day I'll make a 100% fandom one in the fandom section.

edit: tagged myself like a moron. :P
Would I be allowed to join, mayhaps? If there is something I have to add to the form, please do not hesitate to mention it

Tyrann Streiter and his fairy Navi

Nickname: The
Gentle Knight / The Fairy Knight

Age: 2

male(Tyrann), female (Navi)

Race: human
(Tyrann), fairy(Navi)

Height / Weight: he stands at a staggering, and as many would say inhuman height of
7 feet, weighing around 250 lbs (113~ kg)

Occupation: questing knight

Personality: Tyrann: always tries to be cheerful, suicidically compassionate
and protective to anyone in need, honorable, somewhat xenophobic, instinctively fearful before the female gender, zealous, naive, disturbingly versed in knowledge of the forces of darkness and evil, he also does his best never to take even a single part of his armor off if he is within sight of someone. Besides that, he bears an instinctive dislike for magic of any kind

Navi: quite childish, rarely speaks, prefers to state her thoughts in rather
unorthodox ways, mischievous, cowardish, almost always cheerful

Born he was as the normal son of a blacksmith, not much known is about his mother, only that she was a valiant knight, who soon vanished while serving, only a few years after giving birth to her child.

While one may have thought that his father would have wanted him to become a blacksmith himself, his father rather saved all the money he could gather to send Tyrann onto the academy of the order of the Templars, where he followed in the footsteps of his mother, of sorts.

Or so his father thought, at least.

Not much is known about what follows after, due to the fact that the order was highly secretive, except that he absolved his training, but always exhibited signs of mental instability, he complained about hearing voices in his head, speaking to him of untold destruction and never-ending bloodshed, as well as an instinctive fear before
women, which, while initially thought to be paleing in comparison to the former, yet appears to be closely connected to the voices in his head.

It was also during this time that he was found by the fairy, Navi, whom he befriended and, due to the distrust of his order regarding non-humans, hid and protected, while she in return safe-guarded his sanity and eased the pain he constantly suffered and still suffers from wielding his hammer and wearing his armor.

How these items manage to cause h
im such pain is unknown, as the man himself is quite strong and can easily carry them without a problem.

As befitting his
quest for goodness as a knight, Tyrann has joined the Fellowship of Gamberyl, knowing, or rather feeling, that the forces of darkness are once again rising to bring all of the land under their abominable yolk.

The man is quite skilled in melee, capable of great feats of pure strength while moving with speed belying his bulky figure, he can be quite an opponent in a struggle of physical abilities. He also appears to have a strange innate resistance against direct magical attacks.

Weaknesses: he is always in
pain, which increases permanently whenever he does battle with forces of pure evil, most of all demons, which, if it becomes too much to bear, can stun him. Any sort of magic used upon him, even though the actually-intended effects of it may be resisted, has the same effect as proximity to forces of darkness on him, as mentioned in the previous sentence.

Besides that, if Navi is incapacitated, or even killed, the effects it has upon his mentality can vary from permanent bloodfrenzy, gibbering madness, attempts of suicide and even much, much worse in regards to his physical form.

Clothing / Gear: His goodness-infused, master-crafted plate-armor, which he never takes off except for the most dire of emergencies, as well as his two-handed, equally goodness-blessed warhammer. When one is physically close to him, that one may be able to smell a faint stench of burned flesh emanating from the knight.


[MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION] Of course you're allowed to join, anyone can. I love your form, it's very cute. Accepted.
Can I join?

Name: Catherine Jackson

Nickname: Jacks

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height / Weight: 5'4" - 130 lbs

Occupation: Formation Soldier/Guard

Personality: Having spent so long in the company of warriors has rubbed off on her. Formal and well-behaved whilst under watch or in the company of higher ups, she can quickly fall into a more carefree and 'common' attitude when off-duty or in the thick of battle. The formality beaten into her through her training and the cruder side by living in a barracks. Fighting is her job, she doesn't know how to do anything else, and being around those who do it better than her is fairly infuriating, but she perseveres, because it's her job and her orders, two of which are things she seldom likes to ignore.

Biography: Born into a farming family just outside of a large town, her options were to either stay and help out with the family farm or join the military, she chose the latter and after a long and fairly sheltered training where she was taught the basics such as mounted combat and formation warfare she was thrust into a small skirmish with a group of bandits as her first conflict.

This was a huge success, and bolstered her confidence greatly, but she soon came to know the darker side of fighting as the fights got larger, and more difficult, losing both friends and comrades to the blades of the enemy.

She eventually survived long enough to get more individual missions, such as guarding VIPs or protecting caravans from raids. Her life in the army has gone like this so far, with one battle following another, or long stints of guard duty in cities and towns where nothing happens.

Were she a more talented individual she'd probably have some sort of rank by now, but she lacks the leadership qualities to be recognised by her superiors.

Strengths: She adapts fairly fast due to a lack of specialised training, a basic fighting style which (although not fancy) can be applied to a lot of different situations. Her weapon gives her quite a bit of reach and in a closer/faster battle can be dropped to instead fight with her buckler and short sword. She isn't weak by any stretch of the imagination, but isn't as strong as better warriors.

Weaknesses: She is rather average, and this shows when fighting anyone of particular talent, she's a soldier who was trained to fight in large-ish formations and although having limited experience in duelling, this type of fighting isn't that common to her, so being assigned as an extra guard to make sure those that matter get to the fellowship is her first taste of combat outside of such a large group.

The leather areas of her armour allow her faster movement than if they were all steel plate, but at the cost of the extra defence provided by metal. She has no real specialisation as she isn't anything special, just a soldier trained for battle.

Clothing / Gear: A mix of steel plate and leather armour, so a steel helmet, and mixed armour and leather sections throughout the rest. She carries a Voulge (it's like a spear, but with more of a blade on the end) a buckler and a steel short sword.


May I join?

Auriel Starthruster

Nickname: n/a

Age: 25

Gender: male

Race: Man

Height / Weight: 5'11" 172 lbs.

Occupation: Strider

Auriel is a hardy man, albeit one whose interests are primarily in his own well being. Though he loves the thought of money, he is very coarse and unrefined, and often comes off as rude or too blunt. As such, he makes his living as a ranger, wandering the forests and selling what he catches or finds for money.

Biography: Auriel was actually the son of a very low ranking knight, but they lost their fortune ran out quickly after his father died falling off his horse, and Auriel was forced to make a living in another fashion. Eating the meat he catches and selling the fur wasn't the most rewarding or exciting job, but it kept food on his table until his mother passed of old age two years back.

Strengths: He's lived most of his life in the woods, and as such, is an expert outdoorsman, capable of finding and hunting edible food, and can also ignore heat, cold, and rain. He received some sword training from his father in addition to this; while he has potential, he's currently only average.

Weaknesses: Though he might be practical outdoors, Auriel never quite learned how to behave in any place of better repute than a seedy tavern, save in the presence of his mother. Long story short, just don't let him into a noble court.

Clothing / Gear: He wears some patchwork leather gear over wool. It's shoddy work he made himself and not meant for real war, but it's serviceable. In terms of weapons he carries a longbow, with many flint arrows he had to make for himself. He also carries his father's longsword, a nice blade made of steel. Lastly, he has a bowie knife, smaller utility knife, and a hatchet, all for skinning and clearing brush.

Auriel's body is hard and lean, covered with a few nicks and scratches. His skin is lightly tanned, and his black hair is shaggy and unkempt. He also has constant stubble. His eyes are a warm chestnut color.
[MENTION=3734]Neko-mancer[/MENTION] Of course! Lovely character you made, you are accepted.

[MENTION=3772]VaporSnake[/MENTION] Anyone is allowed to join, so if you have any friends, invite them over. I love your descriptions, so accepted.

I will make the thread here soon.
Name: Daintheren Ironhammer

Nickname: Dain

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Dwarf

Height / Weight: 5'2 / 150lbs

Occupation: King Under The Mountain

Personality: Dain has the demeanor likened to that of the rocks and metals of the Mountain he once hailed from. He is a Dwarf whose temper is easily ignited, and dangerous when so, however he is also just as quick to forgive, especially those dearest to his heart. His coldness and seriousness is more of pure Dwarven stubbornness than any actual ill-feelings, and beneath such a hard surface if one were to delve, they would find a truly kind heart and a warm smile. He values loyalty and courage, and holds these in highest regard, expecting of his Company only what he would expect of himself. He is a strong leader, stubborn and impassioned enough to face down the greatest calamity Erebor had ever seen to reclaim his home, what is his by right. He thinks first of his People, the Dwarves, his Company, wishing to give them what he can, and to those that follow him, he holds in highest esteem.

Biography: Dain was born the grandson of the King, he and his father each respectively in line to inherit the throne. He was raised as a prince should be- knowing from an infant that as the firstborn he would one day rule over the Mountain. He cared deeply for his people and for his family, taking to heart all the things his father had taught him of duty. He spent most of his childhood learning to fight, to lead- stratagem, politics, all were things he was required to learn. His grandfather he had loved, but the two were always distant. There was a coldness about the Mountain King, one that did not sit well with Dain or his father. He was killed when the dragon came. He guarded his hoard viciously, but the dragon was too much- it overtook him and Erebor. His father’s reign was short-lived. Now thrust from their home, the once-proud Dwarves wandered, made nomads. They were easily picked off by Orcs in the night. His father was slain defending his people against one such raid.

What would have been the line of succession and the crown passed to Dain, but his people were sundered, and he companied with only a few of his immediate family and close friends. He found work where he could, as he possessed skill in smithwork no mortal man could achieve, and he mined and wrought precious gems.

Now, he has called upon all those who would stand beside him, to make the journey to take back their rightful home.

Strengths: Dain is strong, moral leader, and a quite capable fighter, even in hand-to-hand with a creature of a race much larger than he.

Weaknesses: His strength comes from that- strength. He is not what one would call stealthy, and facing down enemies that are quick and agile prove to be a great challenge.

Clothing / Gear: Dain's main weapon and weapon of choice is a great hammer made of iron, which he wields with surprising fluidity and accuracy, and is carried across his back. He is also a learnéd swordsman, but the sword is only drawn when real need arises. He wears radition Dwarven gear, thick, metal boots, fur cloak, and plenty of armor underneath.


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May I join?

Name: Baznif

Nickname: Baznif the Befuddled

Age: Looks and claims to be in his eighties, actual age in the fifties.

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height / Weight: 160cm / 60kg

Occupation: Wizard!

Personality: Baznif the befuddled, as his name would indicate, moves through the world in a constant state of bafflement. It's always sad when one's mind deserts them, and it's doubly dangerous when the one in question has mastery of arcane mysteries that Man Was Not Meant To Know. Besides that, Baznif is akin to the way many become when they feel the world is beginning to pass them by in their age: argumentative, authoritarian, cranky, and lecherous. What's more, it's unclear how much of his insanity is genuine, and how much is simply an act, as situations have a disturbing tendency to turn out in his favor. In the end, as a wizard, Baznif disturbingly has no sense of right and wrong.

Biography: Baznif entered a prestigious wizarding academy at the young age of twenty-two. Clearing all trials before him in an unprecedentedly short time, it became clear that Baznif was a magical prodigy. Invited to remain after graduation as a member of the staff, Baznif quickly gained the nickname 'Baznif the Beguiling' for his ability to work his agendas through any committee or hearing. However, tragedy soon struck for the ambitious young wizard.

Attempting to grant himself the ability to gaze into the future, Baznif in secret attempted one of the seven legendary spells. He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, and his worst nightmares. Subjected to images beyond his comprehension, of a future and a world not his own and beyond his capability to process, Baznif's mind fractured, and he took refuge in insanity. Even to this day he still glimpses the future of some alternate world, and after twenty continuous years of this he is able to make some sense of these images. Some might think that after all this time his psyche is repairing itself, the great mind splintered no more. Maybe. Only time will tell.

Baznif was last seen by his peers being led away by a much put upon adept who was doing his best to encourage the older wizard to put on some clothes besides a hat. Baznif responded that he would 'show them all, the fools' and called for his heretofore unknown silver dragon familiar to descend from the skies and take him away. After the failure of said dragon to appear, Baznif meekly allowed himself to be guided to his room, his last known words being a request for some oatmeal. He vanished some time during the night from a locked and guarded room with no external access.

Strengths: Still in command of his magical might, if not the sense of when to use it or not to, Baznif is a formidable mage when he's not wandering in a daze or frantically searching for his hat. In addition, his mind, on the rare occasion that it sees fit to remain lucid and follow a single train of thought, could best be described as supremely 'tricksy.'

Weaknesses: Perhaps Baznif's greatest weakness is his inability to follow a conversation or chain of logic for any length of time. Perhaps it's his failure, or even refusal to learn proper societal conventions. Perhaps it's even his tendency to lapse into the realms of fantasy and delusion. It could be any of these, or even all three. However, people around him would be quick to point out his belief that fireballs can be used to resolve any situation.

Clothing / Gear: A set of dirty and ill kept grey robes that may very well have started off as another color entirely are all that keeps Baznif from the elements. A belt of pouches, most of which holding magical ingredients necessary for working the majority of his magic encircles his waist. An even more beat up pointed hat, set at a jaunty angle on his head and a staff in his hand complete the look.


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[MENTION=3364]Nebula[/MENTION] What a cute character, accepted. c:

[MENTION=4170]RougeTrader[/MENTION] I absolutely love the character you made, accepted.
Name: Glibadon Albigarium

Nickname: Gliba

Age: 120

Gender: male

Race: Gnome

Height / Weight: 3'4" 40 kg

Occupation: Head Artificer and Tinker of the 100th Primarium

Personality: He is highly curious and has an insatiable need to figure out how things work and how they were made, he also likes to try and think up improvements for things. Generally young for a Gnome he is very protective and proud of his inventions and he will not hear a word against them. He loves gems and metals and often goes into trances when thinking about how to best manipulate natural ores with magic. Gliba is an adventurous soul and is always in search of something new but he is wary of tall people unless they have peaked his curiosity then of course he must learn everything about them. Gliba is a stickler for being prepared and so out of habit he tends to carry a lot of things.

Biography: Gnomes are a secretive people and live semi subterranean lives, they tend to inhabit deep forests with plenty of wild life around as they are naturally in tune with their environments. Gnomes are great minds and live about an average of 400 years though most gnomes spend the entirety of their lives in seclusion they do send out a number of 'Tinkers that explore the lands and bring back new ideas and schematics and formulas for their people to study and perfect. Gnomes love names and titles and will often make up a title for their position, these little creatures have a class system that separates their different jobs. The Primarium is for Artificers and Tinkerers while The Brillarium is for the arcanists and researchers. Gliba has only recently become a Tinker and is new to the world above so he tends to approach new things with an enthusiastic and curious outlook, his role as an artificer before becoming a Tinkerer has made his life less boring as he was able to learn how to imbue items with the magic of his people. Gliba has spent his last 60 years in his hovel preparing himself for every situation he could encounter in the upper world.

Strengths: Gliba possesses a keen intelligence and a knack for improvising solutions, his experience as an artificer allows him some knowledge of magic while as a Tinkerer he has multipurpose skills. Evolution has provided himself with the ability to see clearly in low light.

Weaknesses: Gliba has no battle skills, his natural enthusiasm and curiosity often land him in trouble, he has a bad sense of direction and unless he has someone to follow or a clearly laid out path he will often end getting lost.

Clothing / Gear: He has a tool belt filled with various bits and bobs to help him when mending broken items or manipulating magic. He has a bag filled with various gadgets of questionable reliability and a pair of goggles to protect his sensitive eyes from the harsh rays of the sun.


Would you mind if I partake?

Name: Johnathan Sharpe

Nickname: Hey, You! (Or John)

36 years

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height / Weight: 5'10", 145 lbs.

Occupation: Courier.

Personality: Very determined. He generally tries not to make a big impression on people.

Biography: John, from a young age, learned the way of travel. It is in his blood. His job has been in the family for generations. All males of the Sharpe family seek to become couriers, so it was only natural that he follows in his family's footsteps, both figuratively and oftentimes physically. The roads were build under Sharpe feet, his grandfather used to say, and so they shall continue to be used. He makes a living tr
avelling places, picking up items and delivering them. His entirely livelihood is based around travel, and that is just the way he likes it.

Strengths: He always seems to have just the thing for any job. Very healthy endurance due to spending so much time walking. Fairly agile.

Weaknesses: Very flimsy in combat.

Clothing / Gear: More focused on practicality for travel than protection, John wears a several backpacks, p
ouches, and bags, useful for storing a wide array of items.


View attachment 11347

Sorry the picture is a bit inacurate, but he doesnt actually carry a sword or wear chain mail. It was just the most accurate picture I could find.
[MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION] Excellent! You may start posting whenever you like.

[MENTION=4362]BobertJoe[/MENTION] Certainly, the more the merrier. Accepted, you may start posting. If either of you need help catching up on what's happening, let me know.

Name: Thorbyn cold-heart

Nickname: The scourge of the north.

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height / Weight: 6ft 4in, weighing 88kg (muscle)

Occupation: Warchief/Protector of Gamberyl

Personality: Despite his apperance and title, he is actually a very friendly man who is well liked by the people, at least, those who actually know him, although he is rough around the edges, elf and human nobility dislike him for his loud, obnoxious disposition.

Biography: Born to a traveling mercenary and an adulterous noble's wife, Thorbyn has had a rough life to put it lightly, he has been beaten, abused and more, but instead of letting it make him meek and submissive, it has made him strong, by the time he was 11 he beat his abusive "father" (the noble who knew the truth of his real father) until he revealed the location of his real father, or at least his name.

Thorbyn had spent the next 5 years hunting for his father, until he was found by an lf noble under attack by a rogue gang of orcs, Thorbyn slew them in a 7-1 battle with only his woodcutter's axe against their sharpened blades and armor, seeing this incredible act of bravery, the elf noble offered thobyn the possition of being a protector of his village with the promises of gold, good food, wine and a different elven lass in his bed every week, Thorbyn accepted, and though his duty of keeping bandits, wolves, wargs and orcs away, he was well rewarded, but things took a drastic turn when a large force of Orcs from the north came down, Thorbyn gathered what warriors he could to repel the force before they got to the capital, on open ground, with Thorbyn now being 28, he lead his army of 300 elves into battle with 3000 Orcs, he fought them through ambushes, by poisoning their food, by leaving the mangled corpses of their scouts in the army's path, by the time the Orcs got within eye-sight of the first cities, they numbered 2500, they had been rattled to the bone by Thorbyn's strategies, and from the snow beneath their very feet, the elves and Thorbyn jumped up, catching the orcs off guard, Thorbyn cut the head off the orc general and let the last dozen or so survivors of his army run back to their Orc lords with the message that Gamberyl was not to be touched, that 300 elves and one man killed 3000 orcs, and if they came again, they would face 10,000 elves and 10,000 men like him and the results would be the same.

with this victory, Thorbyn became hailed as protector of the realm and is now among the highest nobles in Gamberyl, now his house is an estate, his chest is now a vault and now he has a different girl in his bed every night, of all races, colors and creeds.

Strengths: a fierce warrior and strategist, is charasmatic and a good (if rough) personality

Weaknesses: Lacks subtlety, cannot hide his presence to save his life and cannot mingle with anyone in authority (the exception to the people of Gembery; because of his reputation)

Clothing / Gear: Wears a mixture of human and orcish armors mixed in with the pelts of bears and wolves, his non-armor clothes are a simple shirt, pants and shoes combination of various colors



Name: Annabelle Tomie

Nickname: Anna

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Race: Half-Elf

Height / Weight: 4 ft, 75 lbs

Occupation: Child

Personality: An impressionable, naive little girl. Like most little girls, she's rather unfocused and easily distracted. Her friendly demeanor is rather disapproved by most elves, though as she is practically an infant in elven terms, most believe she will grow out of it.

Biography: The beginnings of Annabelle Tomie were far from good ones. Born of an elven mother forcibly impregnated by a human father, from birth she faced discrimination. Neither humans nor elves truly accepted her, and she never really met many dwarves or hobbits. Due to her father's criminal nature, and her mother's trauma of the event, Annabelle has never had a real family. Though she still technically resides with her maternal ward, the poor woman locks herself away in a room for days on end, the two never really meeting.

Strengths: As a child, Anna is relatively inconspicuous and easily missed, and particularly good at fitting into tight spaces. An observer by nature, she has proven rather adept at spotting moving things, making her a good, if somewhat scatterbrained, sentry.

Weaknesses: Both not very bright, and stigmatized for her birth, Anna isn't very good at making good impressions. Also, as a child, she has no real combat skills.

Clothing / Gear: Peasant Little Girl Clothes, a small carving knife.

Appearance: Young, blonde, pale, and short, with bright green eyes, and slightly pointy ears. Her hair is long enough to cover all but the nubs of the ears.

Name: Alagos Rochben

Nickname: The Fleeman

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Race: Half-elf

Height / Weight: 165 cm / 54 kg

Occupation: Traveling Mage/Entertainer

Personality: Alagos is an easily confusable, slightly clumsy, but enthusiastic young man, full of idealistic dreams about world peace and such oddities. He's usually loud, cheerful, and prone to going off on weird tangents. He thinks magic is the answer to everything, and acts accordingly, trying to do even the most mundane things with a little bit of magic here and there. He's generally trying to be peaceful, but if it comes to a fight, he likes to fight very, VERY dirty, but not cruelly, mostly focusing on disabling his enemies instead of outright killing them. Not too brave though, he seems to always flee at the slightest notion of him losing. That's how he earned his nickname around the taverns he goes to: whenever he accidentally starts a fight or forgets to pay for his drinks, he's very prone to just leaving and avoiding that tavern for quite a bit of time.

Biography: Alagos is the son of a rich human nobleman and an equally rich elven noblewoman, born from an arranged marriage. He was to be the heir, uniting their families, so his parents attempted to raise him as a noble too... Well, they failed, mostly due to the fact that they sent him to a mostly unknown mage college. The mage college had some tremendously eccentric members, teachers and students alike, who influenced him a lot more than his uptight parents. He behaved like a lot of boys his age back then, always preferring daydreaming or playing magical pranks on others to learning, which severely influenced his grades, even though he was said to have a natural talent in magic. After a particularly elaborate prank on the principal involving a rake, some wooden boxes, a rat and a heap of brightly coloured clothes, he was expelled though at the ripe age of 20, so since then, he started to wander around the world, going from tavern to tavern, often sleeping under the stars. Recently, he heard that his father had a bastard child, who is shunned by most, so he decided to find the child and take care of it. This is the only detail he knows about the child, though, not even knowing its gender...

Strengths: Natural talent with magic, fast thinking, creativity and flexibleness, both mental and physical. Often able to talk his way through dire situations, though only by talking too much nonsense.

Weaknesses: Prone to accidents due to his clumsiness and easily distracted mind, often says what's on his mind out loud without thinking of the consequences.

Clothing / Gear: He still most often wears his traditional mage apprentice clothes, which include a hood, a red, comfortable, long-sleeved shirt, a belt with pouches, most empty, but some has his money and the occasional remaining alchemical component he hadn't lost/pawned yet. He has sturdy pants and equally sturdy boots, fit for his long on-foot travels. (Unlike the picture given, he doesn't have a wand/staff, instead relying on only a short dagger.)

Appearance: He's of average build, though shorter than most half-elves. His fair blonde hair is kept short, and is always a bit dirtied from the constant travels. He has bright green eyes, bushy eyebrows, and a short goatee, which he wants to grow to a full magelike beard.

Name: ​ Leonard Piddling

Nickname: "The Mouse"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Half-Orc

Height / Weight: 6'9", 235 lbs.

Occupation: Barbarian

Personality: Leonard has always been known to be mentally slow, such a state which makes him act like a child does. He is slow in learning and constantly requires drilling in order to comprehend commands. Despite this, Leonard is known to be a very admirable young man who has tendencies of loyalty to others, showing unconditional love to those he's been around for a long while. He is also very careless, not really knowing what he does, similar to a child. Leonard also possesses the innocence of a child, not really knowing his own strength. This carelessness often leads to Leonard getting himself as well as perhaps some others into trouble. His only real desire in life is to be able to hold something without crushing it in his hands.

Biography: Not long ago, an band of orcs raided a human farm settlement, destroying buildings and taking their women. Leonard was an outcome of such a happening, his mother being a normal farm hand. She alone took care of Leonard, who grew up like all the other children, however his mixed heritage became apparent when he reached adolescence. While the other children had a normal growth spurts, Leonard experienced what seemed to the others as being dramatic. His muscles began to grow, and he began to have short episodes of intense violence. After which, the elders noticed a short decline in Leonard's intelligence, his mental state returning to that of a child. He staayed at the farm until he became to much of a burden, after which they sent him off on his own.

Strengths: Physically tough, able to carry boulders; Trustworthy making a great companion. For brief moments at a time, Leonard will experience episodes of extreme violence known as his "berserk" state.

Weaknesses: Dimwitted, childlike mental state. Unable to grasp various abstract concepts, including math and complex logic. His berserk state is unpredictable, coming and going without warning leading to him possibly killing others.

Clothing / Gear: Leonard wears a worn cloth tunic, with over sized sleeves, the left sleeve torn away. The collar of his tunic is slightly chewed, the bite marks looking like his own. It is buttoned down, skipping a few at certain points, some buttons missing, the top few chewed on. He also keeps a pair of cloth pants, worn high water, the bottoms slightly soaked in water and mud, appearing a darker shade of brown than the rest of his garb. On his feet, Leonard has fashioned a pair of wooden sandals, the bottom completely worn out.

Appearance: Leonard is very strong in a physical perspective. He stands tall, much taller than the average human male. Leonard's face is very burly, primitive, and also angular with jutting jaws. His lower canine teeth slightly poke out through his mouth, strangely cleaner than one would expect. His face is adorned with a unibrow and light facial hair.Leonard's shoulders are very broad, his arms the size of canon barrels with even thicker legs. The knuckles of both his hands and feet are hairy. Also, the knuckles of his index and middle fingers are sticking out a bit more than the others.

@Xenonia Very adorable! Accepted, post whenever you like.

QGloaf Interesting character, I'm eager to see how you play him out. Accepted, post whenever.

@Dollarthief Certainly. It's looking great so far, so take your time, I'll give the okay once it's finished.

Rismond Fleur Blanc

Nickname: "Winged Prince"

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Miratelle

Height / Weight: 5'5 150 lbs

Occupation: Travelling Magician

Personality: Rismond is calm and composed to the exterior. He is usually relaxed even in battle, but is shown to be visibly upset when being mocked, showing great self-confidence and pride.

Biography: Rismond is one of the Miratelle, a race who is able to appear as human and possess powerful magical abilities and the ability to shape-shift, but their true guises are unknown. Many years after the chaos, an army of bandits and orcs attempted to take the abandoned castle they called their home. However; the army was greatly outmatched as the Miratelle took them down after Rismond unleashing his true form laying waste to most of the enemies.

Strengths: Elongating his hair or creating wings, Rismond is capable of flying or floating. His slender and muscular frame shows off his great agility.

Weaknesses: If Rismond's hair is cut, he cannot use it to fly. His slender frame does not allow for great durability.

Clothing / Gear: Rismond wears a white flamenco shirt with blue floral patterns and black pants along with a pair of pointed boots. His primary weapon is a doll resembling a teddy bear. He also carries a book of spells.



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