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[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] That's quite alright, I've been busy with personal business as well so I understand that feeling. If you are interested in joining back again another time, or possibly a one x one, group role play in the future, I will certainly be willing. Thank you for joining. c:

[MENTION=3733]Unwavering Knight[/MENTION] Yes, I planned to, as stated above, just been a tad bit busy.
For those who read this, I do apologize greatly, I'll get my post up most likely tomorrow. I've been busy with my birthday today, and upcoming finals that are next week. So don't worry, I haven't forgotten about this at all and plan on giving it a kick in the rear when I have the time. Thanks again.
[MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] , my apologies if I appear pushy, but can you please advance the story, allow the other characters to go to sleep at their leisure in preperation for the timeskip to the next day and beginning of the journey?

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