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Name: Anduradil Bargrum Uristdott (Wonder-Wall Redsteel, Daughter of Urist)

Nickname: Anduri

Age: 26

Gender: Female

Race: Dwarf

Height / Weight: 4' 4" / 127 lb.

Occupation: Ranger/Wanderer

Personality: Anduri is usually very level-headed and surprisingly warm for someone who spends so much time in solitude. Like all dwarves, she can be taken by odd moods here and there, but for the most part is areliable and competent young dwarf-woman. She can be a bit difficult to persuade when it comes to taking actions she deems as rash or impetuous, but if her deeper virtues or pride are appealed to, she's as willing to take risks as anyone. Time in the wilds has imbued into her a deep commitment to thinking things through and conserving resources. It's better to trap and deceive a territorial bear than to face it head-on, after all.

She's inclined to keep most of her thoughts to herself, but she's more than happy to share a campfire story or two when the time is right. Anduri is what she's been raised to be: responsible, prudent, and diligent. She can be somewhat self-important, however, and will passively try to influence others rather than outright confront them, at the risk of being labeled as manipulative or deceitful.

Biography: Anduri was born to a group of dwarven settlers that had left their mountain home to establish an outpost along a major river. The local area was purportedly rich in iron ores and flux stones, and potentially even rare metals like gold or silver. Being part of the first generation born in this colony, Anduri had an upbringing rather unlike most dwarven girls. Now, unlike humans or elves, it's not at all uncommon for dwarf women to work up a good, hard-won sweat for a living, and that goes doubly for dwarves in the midst of building a new settlement. Anduri's father was a woodworker, and her mother was a hunter. The young girl's best friend growing up was the family's hunting hound, Dain.Anduri spent much time in the woodlands for these reasons, and cut her teeth on the very basics of living off the land and crafting with wood in order to assist her family with their never-ending tasks. She gained a reputation as a very imaginative and adventurous child, and any time she wasn't working at chores, she was amusing some settler or another with tall tales she made up on the spot.

She visited the land of her ancestors when she was 16, which was old enough to accompany a merchant caravan to the mountain halls. Though she gained a level of familiarity with mountain living during her short time there, Anduri soon returned to the place of her birth. At 20, she was caring for her younger siblings while her mother recovered from taking a goblin raider's arrow to the belly and her father slaved away in his carpentry shop.

By this time, it had become apparent that the purported motherlode of iron ores and good stone was fiction, and many dejected miners left the settlement to return to "proper" civilization. Anduri's parents didn't truly have a place back in the mountain halls, and they remained behind, even as the small dwarven town dwindled and dried up. They sent their other children back to the mountains to take apprenticeships and learn useful trades like masonry and smithing, but Anduri refused to leave them. She spent another two years caring for them before a passing human hunter offered to bring them back to his own village, stating that an experienced carpenter, especially one of a race known for good craftsmanship, would be welcome there, as would his wife. Anduri accompanied her parents to the village and lived there with them for another six months, until she finally departed to become a ranger and seek out the adventure she'd craved as a child.

Strengths: Being a dwarf whose ancestors inhabited mountain burrows, Anduri's dark-vision is quite good. She's also a superb hunter and marksman with her crossbow, a skill she learned from her mother. Her father taught her basic woodworking, and she keeps a few tools handy for whittling or minor carving. Though she's no engineer or alchemist, her time in the wilds as a self-styled "ranger" has bestowed upon her a working knowledge of trapping and herbalism, and she can readily whip up a snare-trap or invigorating tonic if she's familiar with the materials. She isn't an assassin, either, but no self-respecting woodsman would be caught snapping twigs or stomping about like a brute, and she's as stealthy as any hunter worth the title ought to be.

Weaknesses: Anduri dislikes outright confrontation, not due to cowardice, but to her subtler nature. She can handle a fight, but always feels that if she's in one, she must have messed up somewhere. Though she can come off as sociable, in the end she's somewhat of a bumpkin and may make a social faux pas or two, though she tries to be observant enough of her surroundings to prevent any of that. She also short... what with being a dwarf and all. That doesn't matter as much if you can climb trees, though, does it?

Clothing / Gear: A worn set of leather armor sits atop her plant-fiber tunic, which is accompanied by matching trousers that snugly fit against her athletic form. A hooded, dark-green cape of similar fabric covers most of her form when it's not pulled back over her shoulder. She also has some woodworking tools, but only portable ones she can easily carry in a satchel. She also carries assorted herbs, dried berries, and other ingredients and supplies... though don't go expecting her to brew you a potion of invisibility from some detritus she picked up off the forest floor! She also carries her trusty crossbow, and two quivers of bolts. One quiver is for standard, metal-tipped projectiles that she retrieves when possible and trades for when she needs more. The other, small quiver by her waist is made up of self-crafted wooden spikes, used for smaller game or unarmored targets to avoid wasting good ammunition.


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Gliba accepts your deal Original Hylion and things have just got a bit more fun for my gnome thanks guys ad gals of course

then I hope Gliba has diffused the situation and earned himself a guard
He has earned himself the ultimate worker ^.^ as he said, cook, clean, hunt, whatever Gilba pleases, it will be done.
As someone looking into a career in props and costume, Plate armour is actually very light compared to what most people think it is, a full suit of it weighs under 50lbs usually and the weight is distributed well over the body, as unlike maille it is strapped on to the arms, legs, torso etc instead of just hanging from the shoulders. Full-plate doesn't actually limit the movement of the wearer to a noticeable degree, especially if they've trained in it. The one thing it will do is cause someone to tire faster, because they're carrying 50lbs of extra weight, but again, this can be pushed back a bit by training whilst wearing it.

Plate was also custom fitted, so shouldn't get in the way.

The only heavy plate would have been a more 'sports' plate kind of deal for jousting, but that isn't combat, and weighs more than normal plate due to the extra protection required when two people ram each other with lances at high speed.

If you ever watch two men sword fight, not wearing armour doesn't really give you an advantage, because any slight speed you gain is lost due to the need to constantly defend yourself and parry blows.
I made a very short post to your guys' couple pages of posts, so I apologize if I messed up something at the slightest. You wanted to get the story moving so it shall begin.

[MENTION=4369]VyraCorrina[/MENTION] Accepted! You may start posting, I highly suggest you quickly get in as soon as possible before we get moving. (:
I was just about to respond to Hylion's false assumptions regarding plate armor, but it appears that Neko-mancer knows even more than me on the subject.

To further add: Every single suit of plate-armor was custom-made for the individual, every single plate crafted by a master of his work. In the medieval times, every suit was quite worth its weight in gold.
Then I am proved wrong about armor, but still, Lite would be much faster, thanks to his elvish speed and his training to be agile and untouchable.
Thank you very much for moving us along @Liztopher I'm sure Hylion and I can sort something out on the run but nevertheless it is getting very good. Oh and I wanted to know if I could maybe have a Rhosgobel Rabbit drawn sleigh of some sort?
Can Lite run fast crouched over, in an undersized house? Because I feel the need to remind us that we are still in a hobbit-hole, and everyone save Teddy, the gnome, and Anna have made every remark, threat, and whatever else, at least slightly crouched over.
[MENTION=4319]ninbinz[/MENTION] Haha, oh god Rhosgobel Rabbits.. You certainly can. You can guys do whatever you like with your characters as long as it isn't too blown out of proportion.
Indeed he can, he would actually run faster thanks to his weight guiding him, in fact it would give him better advantage, being as he is still wearing no extra weight, being it only 50lbs. His disadvantage would be that he would be a bit off balance, although judging from the movies, I don't think they have to crouch that far down. I don't know Gandalf's exact height, but I think Lite is a tad bit shorter.

Now to stop any more arguing, I'm going to drop this being at it is far behind us now
I was thinking I'd wait for a few more posts to get in before I post again, I'd like to keep from filling the page with only my own character. I'd prefer to let everyone else react. I'll post in a moment
Oh I also forgot to mention, I will be adding "Chapters" to my first post on this thread about the story, for those who need it to catch up. I will note the pages and what happened during those pages briefly. I will also note where the big changes in the story took place (aka, where the story moved on). So here soon, once we get going about the contracts and when our characters are set on their way, that is where the first one will appear.

I was also thinking about adding links to each character just for those who need it to look back on.
[MENTION=3944]Highly Unorthodox[/MENTION] In your recent post, was the person your character interacted with Orydd? Because she had her bow but you also referred to her as a kid, so I got rather confused.
[MENTION=3348]Liztopher[/MENTION] My bad. Yes, I was referring to Orydd. I had deemed her the kid. I applogize!
[MENTION=3944]Highly Unorthodox[/MENTION] Haha that's alright, your character is much more taller than she is so I understand fully now. Just was making sure!
I'll wait to post until I get home from school. It's hard to make a proper post on a phone while learning.
Alright, I feel this must really be clarified: RougeTrader's character, Baznif, did NOT, I repeat, did NOT cast a spell, just THOUGHT about doing so, but did not actually go through with it.
Sorry guys, I've suddenly become very busy with my personal life. I'll probably withdraw for now; if there's an opening later on in both my schedule and the plot, I may just slip myself in somehow. ^^;
[MENTION=4369]VyraCorrina[/MENTION] Alright, that's perfectly fine, we get busy in life sometimes. If it clears up, talk to me and I'll be able to slip you in personally if you would like. Hope to see you again soon!
It pains me to say it, but I am afraid to quit this very fascinating rp. I do apologize, but my personal business may get in the way of me being in this RP.

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