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[MENTION=4373]Dollartheif[/MENTION] Lovely, very lovely. You are accepted, you may start posting.

[MENTION=3293]The BetterKuja[/MENTION] Very interesting race you made, I like it. Accepted, you may start posting.


Nickname: "Madame Modest" (by Rismond)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height / Weight: 5'1 85 lbs

Occupation: Wanderer/Chef

Personality: As her nickname implies, Mirana is shy and insecure of herself.

Biography: Mirana was the daughter of a leader of bandits. She would often question his father's motives and need to steal from others. At one point, Miranda's father said, "I do what I do for you. I'm not great at other things and this is all I know. If I die from this, at least I did my best for you, love." Those were his last words before leaving for sneak attack at the abandoned castle where the Miratelle resided. However; he made to quickly make a break for it as the Miratelle overpowered his army easily. Plus, Rismond laid waste to most of his army while in the state of his true form. Rismond chased him to his hideout, but at that time Rsimond had finally come to his senses. Mirana begged Rismond to spare her father's life and willing to do anything. Rismond was going to spare him in the first life, but offered for Mirana to travel with him.

Strengths: Despite her slender frame, Mirana, physically possesses the strength of a bear.

Weaknesses: Mirana is very inexperienced in battle.

Clothing / Gear: Mirana wears a simple black leather armor with a black cape and black boots. Her primary weapon is a broadsword. She also carries with her a book on cooking recipes and spices.


May I join?

Luka Mandragon


Age: 19


Dog (former Human)

Height / Weight:
0.62m/37kg (1.67m/54 kg as human)

Messenger dog

Kind and friendly towards strangers. Forgives other people easily and does not hold grudges. Loyal and obedient towards his friends. Usually lazy and easy going but becomes sharp and devoted to his goal when others rely on him. He dislikes violence and if threatened tries to deal non-lethal attacks.

Biography: Luka was born as the son of the noble Marcellus Mandragon, a well known war hero. The death of his father at the hand of orcs when he was a boy is the reason for his strong dislike of fighting, which gave him the reputation of being a coward. He wishes for a world where all races exist in coexistence regardless of the absurdity of his dream. When his mother died of sickness many years later, he left his home and became a travelling adventurer. During his latest adventure he has been turned into a dog and has been trying to find a way to turn back since. Since then he has developed a hobby of collecting animal bones.

Strengths: Good eyesight and hearing. Can run very fast and knows how to hide. He is an experienced traveller, cook and fighter. He knows how to apply medical aid.

Weaknesses: Cannot speak when sealed in dog-form. Relatively weak sense of smell for a dog. Dislikes combat. Wide eyed idealist. Cannot use his knowledge and experience when sealed in dog-form.

Clothing / Gear: one messenger bag (holding his mother's keepsake ring, one woolen cape, one linen shirt, a pair of travelling boots and several gnawed at bones)

Appearance: As dog: Gray-furred shepard's dog with a very fluffy tail. Well liked by children who often commend on how he almost looks as if capable of human expression. As human: Dark colored and boyish haircut with a slight blue shine. Slender frame but well developed legs due to his travels.

[MENTION=4386]DustSucker[/MENTION] Of course! Very cute character, you are accepted. You may start posting. If you need help catching up, as I say, let me know.
Name: Lothiriel (Loth-ee-riel)

Nickname: Fleur (Flower in French, and also her name meaning.)

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Height: 6"2

105 pounds.

Occupation: Warrior.

Personality: Lothiriel is eerily emotionless for the most part but can be immensly sweet, and is rather elegent about it. She can be very calm and collected at times. However, she is a dangerously devious girl that can be callous, gloomy, dark, and crazed. Good and bad rages like a emotional fiery duel in the very abyss of her mind, the dispute sometimes confusing her. She more courageous than most, especially when facing danger. She surely wouldn't hesitate to rid of someone or something, and usually feels little remorse in doing so. She believes that her emotions are foolish and do not matter and tries her best to make everyone else find happiness before she allows herself to rejoice.

Biography: She was born a noble, into a family of five brothers and constantly fought to impress her parents who always seemed to never notice her. She was a lonely, anti-social girl of the small village but grew known when orcs ambushed, intending on inflicting chaos and harm to her people. She had slayen the most of them, and the real men took down the rest but her family had been killed. Every one of her brothers, her mother and father all burned in a fire while stuck inside their home. Orphaned at the age of thirteen, Lothiriel took up training as a warrior with a clan of elven warriors. She raised in the ranks and at the age of sixteen, became the second in command.

Strength: She is skilled at archery, and her aim is almost legendary, but her hand-on-hand combat skills lack. She is quite good with a sword however.

Weaknesses: This elf has a fear of snakes due to a shrouded mystery from her past.

Attire: Lothiriel is normally caught wearing a leather suit and ruby necklace with light black hunting boots to match. Other times she is caught in a white silken dress with a grey cloak, her hairline always adorned in a intricate circet of gems and gold with a silver band around her right upper arm.

Appearance: Her hair is a waterfall of loose raven curls, sometimes adorned with little purple flowers. Her azure blue eyes shimmer like a vast tropical ocean and her skin is pallid and almost porcelain-like. Her eyes, however, sometimes shift to a liquid silver with cracks.

(I apologize for the picture being so big!)
@DustSucker Well much really hasn't happened in all these pages. Everyone made their character travel to Hithegrove and meet in my character's home (Teddy). They sat down, introduced themselves and ate. That's about it. At the moment, they're discussing on whether Xenonia's character, an orphan girl, should travel with them or not.

Highly Unorthodox Beautiful character, accepted. You may start posting.
Name: Lite Rige

Nickname: King of J

Age: Old enough

Gender: M

Race: Half breed (El
vish/Devling[Demon/Devil/Whatever fits the lore])

Height / Weight: 5'8, 210

Occupation: Me
rcenary, Assassin, Sell sword, Chief, Lover, whatever meets the buyer's desires

Easier seen than explained.


Lite actually came form a steady line of hybrids, of elves and demons mating with each other, so he was never alone and has never felt special in any way. He was rare, yes, but he grew up amongst his kind and was never pushed to believe such a thing. He had many brothers and sisters, and no parents, for they left once the children were old enough to depend on each other. Lite grew up like an urchin, he lived on the streets, stole, and fought for survival. He and his surviving brothers and sisters worked together to support each other, but many died, and many times Lite would almost cease to live due to hunger. But Lite was strong, he would not give up, no matter how many times he was beaten down, shoved by the rich, treated like the scum he is, he has always persevered and gone further than expected. And finally, he was the last of his brothers and sisters, all the others had died and he was the only one left. He knew exactly how to survive, how to talk his way out of a bad situation, how to scale a building's flat wall, how to stab and kill anyone who dare threaten Lite's own well being. And from this, Lite gained his tenacity to survive and exceed what was expected of him.

Years later, a wealthy, noble, gold hearted Master of Arms found him, a boy with the speed of an elf and the strength of a demon. A rare combination that could exceed both races, he was a hybrid, the next generation, Lite was the proof of evolution. The Master saw this, and took the boy in, with hopes that the boy would become like the Sun amongst stars. Lite was of course reluctant, and was more or less forced to come along. Over time, Lite eventually grew accustomed to the Master's set schedule of practice. Wake up, practice, eat, practice, eat, practice, eat, practice, sleep. Day in and day out, Lite felt like a rag doll being thrown every which way the Master pleased. But Lite gave no complaints, he was fed, he had a warm bed every night, well most every night, and he occasionally was visited by young lustful girls. The Master trained Lite in every aspect he could possibly come up with, from women, to weapons, to fishing, to fashion. But sadly, the Master was falling to old age and his passing was soon coming upon him. His final efforts of life was to give all his experience, every bit of knowledge and ability to Lite. The Master gave everything he had to Lite, in return Lite showered himself with wealth. He had gone under stock and financial classes but the fact that he actually had ownership of so much riches and wealth was to much, Lite easily succumbed to greed.

As a young man, Lite was still wealthy and rich, but he finally slowed his pace of spending and remembered what he was taught. He began investing his money into the people, into troops, into salt mines, businesses, and many other things all in tendency to gain even more money than he was originally given, and soon enough, he had done just that. Lite was quite literally rolling in the dough as he never went hungry, never slept on the cold floor, and always had fine girl to keep him company. At this point Lite felt that he was indeed a paragon, what his master would always call him. But war came to his doors, the damned battles of the opposing kings and countries. Lite would have preferred to stay uninvolved for the conflict seemed stupid and pointless, but he was dragged into it. He had to continuously supply troops, equip them, feed them, tax more and more until his small faction fell into a depression. Then he finally decided he himself would go into battle, where he hoped to die and rid himself of the the greed and economic crisis, but instead of death by the blade, he found the joy of battle. He quickly became attuned to the way of war, remembering what he was taught and using his skill and near mastery to every subject to outwit and dismember his enemies forces, personally and strategically. Lite felt like a god at this point, he felt that none could stand to his perfection, for in honesty, none could. Sadly, one day out on the field, a warrior, no a general attacked Lite head on. Lite was taken by surprise, beaten and knocked unconscious while his troops continued to fight, but without Lite to lead them they were nothing and were easily trampled. Lite could not wake soon enough to rally any of his remaining forces, he was defeated and had no chance of victory.

Strengths: S
killed at most anything, except magic.

Weaknesses: Untrus
ting, lustful, greedy, untrustworthy, doesn't use magic

Easily exploitable weakness: His leg cramps whenever he sees something he wants(mainly women)

Not as
exploitable: Actually forgets that he has horns

Clothing / Gear:
It really doesn't matter what he wears, as long as he can move about freely and be comfortable at all times. Although, he does aim for protective gear, usually a doublet, or leather armor. If he would have to ware heavier armor, it would have to be light of weight and easily maneuvered in, else he would deem it useless and sell it immediately. He considers knights armor not worth its salt. Still, if he must wear heavy armor, he will, but don't expect much from him.


View attachment 11550
Why is the picture that uploaded so small when the original picture is huge -.- stupid RPnations... grumble grumble

Anything interesting happen so far? Where's everyone at?
[MENTION=1777]Original Hylion[/MENTION] If you click the picture, it gives you options on re-sizing it. But, as I told DustSucker up there, nothing that exciting has happened yet. They all traveled to Hithegrove and met at my character's house (Teddy, the Hobbit), introduced themselves to the rest of the group, and ate. At the moment they are discussing whether Xenonia's character, an orphan girl who stumbled in the home, can come with them on their journey, which still has to be discussed. So don't worry, you don't need a super big post.
believe we should trust in the OP(Original Poster/Liz) to get things moving, and if she cannot, then I hope she appoints someone to move us along
*nods* I agree, I just hope we don't spend to long in the hobbit hole or it will become a Hobbit crater
@Original Hylion In regards to your remark about touching your character directly, you should be aware that I first had my character allow your character into the house, I even justified it. I expected the same decency from you, after having justified my character grabbing yours from behind by further being allowed an advantage by further reach and height and, of course, performing said action out of the field of vision from your character.

Besides that, you appear to have quite some misconceptions about plate, it weighs one not even nearly as badly down as you think. I can refer you to several videos on youtube where people perform aerobics like cartwheeling while clad in full plate.
Ok now, I think we should let things be, the notion of 'money' has interested the gnome very much and I wish to purchase Gliba a demon guard.
Note that Tyrann can not just slaughter someone who agrees to be peaceful. So, if Lite agrees to the contract of the gnome, Tyrann will back off for the moment, though I do not know about Catherine.
Catherine is a career soldier, anyone of higher rank giving her orders will shut her up.

So, you know, practically every 'fighter' character in the room.
Sorry about my absence, friends, had a few things to do out of town today. I'll be moving the story forward to get us well educated for the journey, get the contracts going and get us on our way, I kept it at still because I was waiting for the new members to post to be courteous.
Whether you allowed me to pass or not wouldn't of made to much of distance thanks to our differences in character specs, my character is fast a slim, yours is bulky and heavy.

I've seen plenty of very strong men wearing full plate, and have done reenactments, have studied armor, who make legit armor, and each have said, that authentic armor weighs sometimes near 200, and most of the time more, pounds. Where as, what looks like, your character is wearing full plate, you cannot even put your arms all the way down, you have about a million blind spots, and it weighs a ton, a man who is trained to be agile and nimble on his feet could easily maneuver around you, as well, who can't hear the heavy, massive, annoying clanking of heavy armor?

Are you sure these videos are legit, i mean it is just youtube.

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