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Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


Zephyr Evermore
"Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters."

@zeph.evermore has set their status to:
feeling like a dork

@zeph.evermore has interacted with:

@zeph.evermore has mentioned:
Landon, basically all of his friends

@zeph.evermore has tagged:
"Hey, don't worry about it -- I didn't have any other ideas, anyway," Zeph said with a casual shrug of his shoulders as if dressing up as Ash was no big deal. And it really wasn't. His ideas for Halloween costumes had been a resounding nothing, so having Stella ask him had been a welcome relief. Zeph had been so busy working on the choreography for his dance for the Arts Festival that Halloween had completely slipped his mind -- and there was no way he would've risked showing up costume-less and allowed himself to be dragged out by the ear by one very scary hostess named Gen.

His cheeks heated up against his will when she reached out to grab his hat, placing it on her own head. He let out a soft chuckle. "You should keep it. Looks better on you."

His joke, however, fell on deaf ears when Stella's phone started buzzing. The easygoing smile remained on his face while he let her handle whatever it was -- probably just her manager or something, and instead turned his attention to the snacks laid out. Look, he was a growing boy (err, well, hopefully not growing anymore) and he was hungry. One thing that Zeph often forgot to do when he was busy working on dance? Eat. Or, well, eat a good meal.

So he was in the table of popping grapes into his mouth when Stella spoke up again and mentioned needing to go... find Landon? What? That was kind of sudden. His eyebrows drew together in worry at her sudden change of pace but, before he could open his mouth and ask her what was wrong, Stella was gone.

Have fun with Lin...

Yeah, Zeph was a little disappointed that she had taken off as quickly as she had, but he was sure it was something... important. Or something. Yeah. And, well, Lin was showing up with a whole load of candy pretty soon, soo.... it was probably best if Zeph did depart from Stella and go and find his new BFF -- you know, his new BFF that he had never actually met, but some connections just couldn't be explained. Such as the obvious broship that him and Lin had formed.

With one last grape tossed into his mouth, Zeph exited the kitchen and started through the house. Tall stature meant that he could view people pretty easily, although the massive sizes of his classmates meant that his height really didn't do fucking anything. Seriously. It was like Hollywood Arts had a "you must be this tall to attend" policy or something.

“Yo, yo! Zobin!”


He stopped where he was and looked around him for the source of the noise -- it had to be Lin, obviously, duh, but even as the calling continued, Zeph didn't spot any crossdressing Daphnes.

Until he did.

Hanging from a bannister.


Zeph walked towards his friend letting out a small chuckle as he came to a stop in front of him with his hands resting in the pockets of his jeans. Although his lips were drawn into a relaxed smile, his eyebrows were knitted together in confusion. It wasn't every day that you found your new bestie dressed as a woman and hanging from a banister by his fake belt. Huh.

"A little help here, bro?" Lin asked and Zeph's eyes widened.

"Oh, dude, sorry." He started as he pulled his hands from his pockets and stepped forward, easily grabbing Lin and unhooking the poor guy from the bannister and setting him back safely on the ground. Zeph kept a hand out until he was sure that Lin had caught his balance and then he stepped back, his hand falling away.

"How'd you get up there?" Zeph asked with a tilt of his head towards the bannister in question. "Was it a bet or something? Like a 'bet you can't hang from this bannister for ten minutes for fifty bucks' or something?"

Zephyr didn't know much about his new friend, but he did know that his new buddy had a love of doing dumb dares. Or, well, so he'd picked up from Twitter. He had some belief that Lin didn't do dares that were too dumb or life threatening. Surely the guy before him had some semblance of self-preservation and a couple survival instincts to toss around.

He probably joked about the more dangerous ones. Like how they were joking about robbing that Subway or the grotesquely nicknamed Ferris wheel fuck.

The dares and shit were cool, though. Like the ones he did.

Lin was cool.

And officially his first guy friend at Hollywood Arts.

"So how's the party been for you so far? Just been hanging around?"

Ba dum tiss.

Get it?

Because... Lin had been... hanging when Zeph found him...

º º code by ditto º º
Lucky DuBois
"imagination creates reality"

Kiss and make up? Not a chance in hell.

He wasn’t oblivious. He knew he could be sarcastic. And he knew all too well that he could come off as a dick. It was an inherited trait. Totally not his fault. His mom always said he got his humor from her and that it was always getting her in trouble.


Now was not the time to reminisce about his dead mom. He took another swig from his flask before walking through the front door and entering the party. He glanced around the room. He never felt more out his element. He swallowed hard and removed his jacket, which wasn’t as easy as he had made it look. The costume had no give. Who’s idea was this again?

“Sooooo, I’m gonna be a terrible best friend and totally ditch you right now."

“Seriously, Jos…” And she was off. Lucky rolled his eyes. He didn’t really expect anything less. She was the Princess Lyla to Gus’ Han Yolo. Maybe he could get her to actually watch those movies. It was crime that she was dressed as one of the most iconic characters in history and had absolutely no idea who she was. Maybe Gus would be able to talk some sense into her. Why she felt like she needed to keep it a secret was beyond him. Why she thought that it was a secret didn’t make sense, but Lucky usually let her have her fun. It was harmless and as far as he could tell, so was Gus.

He sighed. Alone again. He didn’t mind, usually, but tonight was about forgetting. Tonight was supposed to distract him from the train wreck that was his life and so far, it wasn’t going well. He was ditched by Josie and now, he was standing awkwardly alone eying the bar and wondering how much alcohol it was going to take to truly forget everything.


His eyes met hers as she made her way over to him. “Hey.” Relief washed over him. Someone he knew albeit very little, but she was the reason he was currently dressed in the spandex ballbuster. He watched intently as she scanned his body from head to toe, a bemused smirk grew on his face.

“I give you, like, an 8/10 on the Spiderman scale. Like you totally pass as Spiderman and you look good but you don’t have that same, like level that all the professional Spidermans have.”

A wounded expression formed on his face. “8/10? Pfft. I should get an extra point just for squeezing my ass into this costume. Not all of us get to wear an oversized sweater and call it a day.” He said jokingly as he gave her costume a once over.

“Not bad, Ms. Stacy. If the others look half as good as we do, we’ve got this in the bag.” He stated as he glanced around. He didn’t see any other members of the Spidey Squad around.

“Honestly, I really thought you were going to, like, bail…”

“I told you I’d be here.” That was enough in his book. He didn’t like liars and always did his best to keep his word. A smiled formed on his face. “I’m sure Jeffrey would have stolen the show, but there’s no way in hell you guys would win without me. There is no Spidey Squad without Spider-Man.” He motioned to his costume. “Plus, I’d never hear the end of it if I didn’t show.” He said playfully. He didn’t know her well, but he did know that she wasn’t someone who let a lot of things go. “Besides. You got me away from Nic, so I should be thanking you.” He said plainly.

He held up the bottle of whiskey he’d brought. “Know where I can put this and where we can get a couple drinks?” He said with a smile. Might as well get this night started and Josie had left his flask too low for his liking.
MOOD: still punchy | OUTFIT: outfit | LOCATION: Gen's Mansion
TAGS: Winona Winona
º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: menacing

OUTFIT: maid costume

LOCATION: some lady's house

@mogy (Oates)
Soap Soap (Liv)
TL;DR no
Callum Richards
Callum groaned miserably, already tired of explaining himself to Oates before he'd even began. Was it such a crime not to be in the Halloween spirit? All the parading around greedily asking for free candy, uncomfortable costumes, and heightened amount of teenage stupidity weren't exactly great selling points. The skirt-wearing teenager longed to be back at home, parked on the couch finishing all of the Texas Chainsaw movies while nibbling on stale potato chips. Horror movies were in season, so it wouldn't even be defying the traditions of the holiday. Of course, Oates would never settle for that, especially now that he wasn't obligated to put up with Callum's tired boringness anymore.

"I'm not scared," he grumbled, crossing his arms, which were dotted with goosebumps, "I don't think tonight's candy is meant for people our age. And I'm not exactly dressed for the lighthearted trick-or-treating part." He raised a hairy leg into the air (high up, of course; he didn't do ballet for nothing) and ran his hand down his long, exposed limb.

Not at all shockingly, Oates abused his pleading face and pointed out the bowl left out in the front. "Adorable isn't the word I'd use, but fine, if it means that much to you." Callum refrained from releasing an exasperated sigh, but he still wasn't happy. At least they'd hopefully be left alone if it was one of those "take one" bowls, but who know what kind of obsessive surveillance went on in the neighborhood? Perhaps there was a sensor for anyone that didn't belong or took too much candy. Callum didn't know the extent people went, but he did know some weird adults liked to take the holiday super seriously.

Callum bore a look of mild surprise as Oates went ahead without him, then came to his senses and trailed after him. Callum stood behind him as he rang the doorbell, strategically hidden behind his now-taller ex-boyfriend to hide as much of his costume as possible. Why is he ringing the bell? The bowl is right there. Oates and his stupid code of politeness. For once, it actually got them into trouble, and Callum as taken aback to find the lady behind the door had denied them candy rather bluntly.

Now, Callum wasn't at all concerned about whether he got candy or not, and could especially appreciate the woman's gusto and no-nonsense vibe. Hell, they shared the same opinion about high school kids on Halloween. But her attitude toward Oates—and even Liv, who he mildly felt bad for—ticked him off. He began to grind his teeth, stepping aside into full view as comments were made about his costume, which he also agreed was way too much. But the way she spoke to his boy... boy homie, made him irrationally angry.

Unbeknownst to the middle-aged lady on the other side of the door, she'd boked the caustic, volatile bear resting within Callum. His face darkened, a scowl creeping over his face as he looked over to Liv to reassure this was actually happening. "Lady, you have no right to dictate what age and what costume is appropriate for trick or treating. Just because your stupid, boring life lost all sense of joy at the age of eighteen, that doesn't mean we all have to suffer," he snapped, stepping even closer to the lady, "It's just fucking candy. Give it." His remarks were highly pointed, but his voice was low and monotone, his ice blue eyes holding the woman hostage with a gaze of sheer, cold malice.

Just for good measure, he added, "Your hair is stupid. Are you supposed to be dressed as a witch or something? And your dog is ugly. I hate it. Tell it to shut up."

code by valen t.
"let's get lit"
@feelin_a_o_kay has set his status to:
hyper and about to get hyper-er

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his outfit to:
daphne and im fuckin rockin it lmaooooooo

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his location to:
genny's place

@feelin_a_o_kay has mentioned:

@feelin_a_o_kay has interacted with:

@feelin_a_o_kay has tagged:
Winona Winona

@feelin_a_o_kay has written a tl;dr:
Lin is taken down from the bannister by Zeph, who he takes over to the soda/snack table and starts to chatter with.
“Thanks, bro!” Lin thanked as Zeph placed him down like a windup toy as his dog barked up at him. He bounced a second on his heels, the feeling of ground beneath him taking him a sec to get used to thanks to the minute or two hanging from the bannister. He then looked down at his middle as twisted and tugged at his belt to view the back of it. He gave a soft “uhng” when he noticed that there were stretch marks on the back of it.

That was costume sabotage! Buddy the Elf was a vicious, sabotaging bastard who was no buddy at all. Hmph.

He shifted his belt back to the front of himself, and he looked up at Zeph with a pout that quickly shifted into a grin. “Luhmao, it’s a long story, luhmaoooo. Ya see, I got here just a bit ago, and then I met Charlie, and then I was like, Oh, shit, where’s Zephy at?— ‘cuz ya know how I said I was gonna get that candy?” He laughed excitedly. “Bro, come with me.”

Lin had a short attention span and high energy, so it was unsurprising that he had already lost himself on the subject at hand as he began to push through the crowd towards the table that he’d left the soft drinks and bags of candy on, bumping into as many people as possible and booty bumping a few while laughing mischievously as his dog plodded along behind him.

“There!” he said, putting his hands on his hips and giving a single, exaggerated nod as he grinned at his friend. “Luhmao, see? I told you I’d get it.” He lifted his hands from his hips to start sifting through the candy bags. “See, Riiiing Pops…” He handed the bag to Zeph, and then moved onto the next bag. “Then we got the classic orange puffy peanut thingies— couldn’t forget those, luhmao—“ He handed those to Zeph, too. “We got some Smarties up in here, and Fruit Roll-ups rollin’ up, and then here comes the jelly beans— and then we’re finishing it off with the good old Scooby Doo dummies.”

Each of these, after he announced them, he shoved into Zeph’s arms, and he laughed at the sight of his bro now. “Dude, luhmaoooo, you don’t have to hold them,” Lin said, ripping open the package of peanuts and taking one out and eating it. He pulled another out and offered it to Zeph, laughing.

Oh, yeah, he was supposed to answer Zeph’s question, luhmao. He’d gotten side-tracked— tended to happen.

“Yeah, so, luhmao, stopped to get this candy— “ He gasped exaggeratedly, putting his hands on his cheeks as he realized something. “Oh! And, and— bro, bro, bro, look.” He picked up one of the bottles of orange soda and cradled it in his arm like a rifle or a child, and he grabbed a bottle of the grape soda to cradle in the other arm in the same way. Mitsubishi clawed at his leg, and he grinned down at her before looking up at Zeph. “You’re a father. Twins.” He laughed. “Luhmaoooo, I got the pop, papi!” He grimaced at the word papi, shaking his head with a laugh. “Blegh, ew, luhmao! Remind me never to say that again,” he laughed, giggling uncontrollably as he sat the bottles of soda back on the table.

Okay, wait, he was side-tracked again.

Yeah, Lin shouldn’t be having sugar.

Eh, luhmao. He was gonna have it, anyway.

“Oh, yeah, so I stopped to get the candy and the pop, and then I came here. And then I met with Charlie— she’s fucking rocking her costume, too— it’s fucking sick— and then I was like, Oh, shit, where’s Zephy at?” He was finally back to the place in his story that he was been the trip over to the table. “And then I was like, Oh, I bet that he’s in the bathroom, luhmao— not ‘cuz you’re doing cocaine or anything, but luhmaooo, just ‘cuz I thought you might’ve, like, had explosive diarrhea ‘cuz I hadn’t seen you yet, luhmao. Anyway, I looked there and you weren’t there, and so I was like, Well, there went all of my ideas, luhmaooooo.” He began to twist the top off of one of the grape sodas, though it seemed to take a lot of effort. “And I was like, Oh, I know what I can do— ‘cuz you know that freaky tall dude who’s Evie’s brother, I guess? Luhmao, that dude— he’s super tall, so I was like, luhmao, lemme employ his tallness. And so I walked up to him and asked him to find you for me, and the dude—“ The lid finally gave way, and Lin let out an “ope!” of surprise and excitement, grinning. “— hell yeah!” He looked back up at Zeph, grinning. “Luhmao, guess the guy has anger issues, so he hung me on the bannister, and, luhmaooo, it was a whole thing, luhmaooo.” He held the bottle out for his friend. “Anyway, here, chug, luhmao.”

He picked up a bottle of the orange soda and opened it for himself. “Luhmao, so yeah, nah, it wasn’t a bet or anything— but, like, luhmaoooo, I could hang from the banister for ten minutes, luhmao, if you wanna pay me fifty bucks.” The lid gave way easier on this one, and Lin put the bottle to his lips and began to chug, not pulling the thing away from his mouth until half of it was drained and the fill line had disappeared behind the big, orange label. He released with an “ah!”, and then he grinned at Zeph before a burp popped from his lips. He held his hand out with his palm up, laughing. “Fifty, and I’ll do it,” he half-kidded, letting out another burp.

He finally got to Zeph’s last questions, and he laughed at Zeph’s joke, though it was a bit late. “Yeah, luhmao, I’ve just been haaaanging, luhmaoooo!” He snatched another few peanuts from the open bag and shoved them in his mouth. “Like I said, I kinda just got here, and then the big dude hung me on there, luhmaoooo.” He felt a scratching at his calf, and he looked down to grin at his begging dog. “Nooo, you can’t have any of thiiiis,” he cooed at her, and then he grinned at Zeph. “Oh, bro! You haven’t met my dog!” He stooped down beside her and pet her vigorously before looking up at Zeph. “This it Mitsubishi, my pup dog,” he introduced, and the dog bit at Zeph’s shoe, trying to play with it.

He laughed as he stood. “She likes you, luhmaooo.” He shoved a few more peanuts into his mouth. “Luhmao, so how’s your party been so far, bro?” He burped again. “Sick duds, Pokemon man, by the way, luhmao,” he complimented.
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Juliette Jameson
"Please, you can’t imitate perfection.”

@QueenJules has set their status to:
#Dying but peep the outfit.

@QueenJules has interacted with:
Ava, Jace

@QueenJules has mentioned:

@QueenJules has tagged:
jasmyn jasmyn Winona Winona


"I heard that Ava chick is fucking badass."

Jules stifled a laugh, one naturally that ended up coming out as a snort. Ava had some kind of superiority complex when it came to being... tough. She wouldn’t say badass, maybe scary would be a better word for it. Ava enjoyed to be feared— bur not in the way JJ did. Her redheaded friend enjoyed being scarily repellent, and Jules? She enjoyed being scarily... huh. It was so odd how she couldn’t find the word to describe herself.

“I wouldn’t say badass...”

If she was forced to describe herself in three? Juliette would have a hard time coming up with one. And no, it isn’t because she isn’t aware of what a dictionary was. The brunette wasn’t as dumb as people may think, but despite her lack of knowledge for book smarts. Juliette was street-smart.

Amazingly so.

Math, proper grammar, and anything that had to do with studying in any sort. It just wasn’t her strong suit. Not that she was afraid to admit it, but Jules hated to be embarrassed— and yes, she was embarrassed she wasn’t as smart as the other girls. When she couldn’t find her way out of a situation, she used money. JJ was... a force to be reckoned with, don’t get her wrong. But she chooses her battles wisely.

Algebra II vs. a typical high school mean girl who believed they owned the world. Juliette with no doubt would choose the second, clearly believing she was the much worthier opponent.

It was simpler to notice flaws, insecurities, make the decision and choose the words that hit the hardest. She wouldn’t call herself a bully, it was an overused word for such an old term.

She was observant... when it mattered of course. Learning about her newest crush, or should she say infatuation wasn’t as easy as a few swipes on an Instagram profile.

Or the common enemy on campus, one couldn’t simply disregard her outfit without knowing who’s it by, where it was bought from and where’d they gotten the money for it.

She wasn’t smarter than the other girls. But Juliette was far, and she means far from stupid.

“Maybe you wouldn’t but someone around here might. If you got the outfit on... don’t see why it wouldn’t be wise to use your boobs for the greater good, and your greater good? Eliminating your loneliness.” She stated. Jules was Ava’s only friend! Sure, JJ didn’t have many neither but at least she was doing better than Ava. Hell, Jace probably had more friends than... it was as if a lightbulb appeared over her head and Juliette made the mental note to keep an eye out for her not friend’s brother.

It was incredibly so hard not to agree with Ava, even if it might’ve been a backhanded compliment— Juliette had taken it straight forwardly. Their relationship was insults... but half-hearted insults. It was all in good... whatever it was.

“Fitting? Thanks. Though the group photo... I’d rather drop dead and find myself on my throne beside Satan...” She trailed off, glancing around the party in search for a blue-eyed, and ultimately gorgeous pirate.


Her newest infatuation.

Unfortunately, her gaze had landed on a depressing, saddened and ultimately ugly one.

“I’m off to find Captain Hook, but first I have to deal with his loyal sidekick.” She rolled her eyes, returning her lipstick into the small purse and pulling out a liquid eyeliner pen— yeah, JJ was always prepared.

“Boobs up. Look sexy. Do a mating call or whatever it is that you do. I’ll find you later.” And with her excellent advice, she was off to interrogate beanie boy.

Her relationship with Jace had always been... it was stomach churning to even consider her and Jace in a relationship of any kind, and she means platonic. Don’t even mutter the words of something more unless you want whatever junk food she’d scarfed earlier ending up on your shoes.

“Stay.” She ordered, pushing him back against the table, steadying his shoulder with her freehand, removing it as she shook the eyeliner pen, uncapping it and pulling Jace’s eyelid slightly to the side as she got to work.

“Where’s Dorian?”
º º code by ditto º º

Ava Sanders
"Life is for keeping score."

@queenofhell has set their status to:
sick makeup, bro

@queenofhell has set their outfit to:
literally look at the gif

@queenofhell has interacted with:
Jules, Saint

@queenofhell has mentioned:

@queenofhell has tagged:
Soap Soap ohdittoh ohdittoh
Her jaw dropped open and for once in Ava's life, she was left utterly speechless by JJ's words.

Use her boobs for the greater good and eliminate her loneliness? What the hell?

"I'm not lonely," she stated rather bluntly and her mouth opened to continued speaking, but her next remark halted at the tip of her tongue and for good reason. Telling Jules "unlike you, I don't need to feel validated by hanging from some guy's arm" probably wouldn't have been the appropriate thing to say this evening.

And it was true. Reference, again, her middle school days of listening to little girls go on and on about whatever boy they found cute or insisted they had a crush on. This was why Ava kept her friends' list nice and short -- it was hard to find people her age that weren't interested in unnecessary drama, or people that didn't want to talk about so-and-so is hot and did you hear who so-and-so is dating and blah, blah, blah. On and on and on and it just made Ava's brain turn to mush.

They were young! They should still be enjoying themselves instead of getting so tied up in feelings for someone that would never last. Literally less than two percent of marriages were from high school sweethearts, so what was the point in getting tangled up with someone only to be inevitably hurt? In high school, everyone was just trying to find themselves -- and relationships did not lend themselves towards that.

Wow, Ava sounded like an angry old woman.

But that made sense. She was basically an angry old woman in a teenage girl's body with the thought process of a psychopath but the physical strength of a kitten.

“I’m off to find Captain Hook, but first I have to deal with his loyal sidekick.”

"Yeah, whatever. I'll see you later." Ava grumbled with a little hmpf as Jules added one last piece of parting advice -- advice that Ava would not be taking her up on -- before parting and leaving Ava alone in the unfamiliar party in an uncomfortable costume. She should've opted for spooky and creepy because at least then she could've scared unsuspecting drunk teenagers.

She turned and headed in the opposite direction that Jules had gone. More than one person bumped into her, which would cause a glare of anger from Ava and there was more than one person that she tried to shove back only to be reminded that Ava, despite her height and the aggressive attitude and threatening nature she often possessed, was weak as hell.

On her way to... wherever she was going, Ava ended up walking past a guy dressed as a shoddy cat. Lame was her first thought and she continued walking at first, until she noticed the blood on his face.

Ava caught herself and turned around, walking back over to the guy, a grin widening on her face as she got closer and saw the blood under his nose. "Dude, that looks so fucking real. Nice job." She said in awe of this random guy's ability to do not shoddy makeup. Hell, Ava could learn a thing or two from his abilities.

"I thought you were just a boring old cat, but I see you went for something cool like undead cat. Zombie cat. Cat with a chronic nosebleed. Dude, it's sick." Okay, maybe that last idea wasn't super sick, but it was a nice twist on the classic, boring cat. A costume as old as time some would say, but the added touch of some blood elevated it to fucking sick.
º º code by ditto º º

Adriane Holloway
"I want to live, not merely survive."

@omg_adriane has set their status to:
finally -- some fun

@omg_adriane has set their outfit to:
catwoman? yes

@omg_adriane has interacted with:

@omg_adriane has mentioned:

@omg_adriane has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh
Now there we go. Mike was finally biting back and his insults caused any drowsiness that she'd felt from any of his previous remarks to start disappearing. Instead, Adriane felt... alive. Her blood was pumping from the anger that was starting to rise up in her chest and yeah, this was great. Was it weird that Adriane only felt invested in a conversation when the other person was trying (and naturally failing) to tear her down? It had to be, right?

That she couldn't feel invested in any conversation that was casual small talk or anything but tearing people down?

Maybe, but oh well.

However, the comment about anemia stung more than Adriane would like to admit. Because it was just a casual remark for Mike, a casual insult, but it was the fucking truth that Evie's weak as fuck slap had managed to bruise her in the way that it had. Adriane wasn't able to reply to that one -- she had no words -- so instead she scoffed and brought the cup up to her lips, taking another careful sip of the alcohol and relishing in the burning down her throat and the bitter taste in her mouth for a moment instead.

“I’m a professional, and I know my worth.”

"Right, so your worth is, what? A pat on the back, a thumbs up, and a couple dollars for a single sandwich?" She let out a small laugh, shaking her head as she did so. It was so sad, really, to feel so little self-worth for one's self. Adriane had been lucky -- she'd started in this business early so, by time she switched to Hollywood Arts her freshman year, she had options.

Unlike poor Mike who had to settle for pennies tossed at him for half-assed shoots.

Prick wasn't worth more now that she thought about it. Maybe his self-worth wasn't low, it was just realistic.

And then there was the ridiculous, heartfelt speech about "wanting to be here" and "this is my dream" and "I have drive" and it was all just stupid. Being a model wasn't a long-term career choice -- it was what hot people did for a few years while they were young and attractive before being tossed aside like a used Christmas toy the instant they showed their first wrinkle. The first moment that youth looked like it was slipping, they would be tossed aside.

Mike started going towards her family, which just proved how little he actually knew about anything. He had one of those superiority complexes, but in a different way than, say, Adriane did. More of a victim complex, really. This dumb idea that his life had been hard and everyone else's had been so easily handed to them without blinking an eye or bothering to look farther than surface level. Adriane understood because she was similar -- she looked only at the surface level, never deeper, but at least she didn't start assuming things about one's past based off of a few remarks or how they handled themselves.

Adriane laughed, shaking her head and bringing the cup up to her lips, she took another sip. "Kind of hard to rely on Mommy and Daddy's money. Unfortunately, Hollywood Arts doesn't accept checks from the dead." Her voice didn't waver, her tone didn't falter -- it was deadpanned, delivered simply in a roundabout fashion of saying "my parents are dead, jackass."

Granted, she had her foster parents -- the ones that had inevitably adopted her -- but Mike didn't need to know that. Regardless, it wasn't like her new parents exactly had plenty of money to throw around. Most of her tuition was paid for by her from her various modeling gigs. The annoyingly good-hearted people that had taken her in spent too much of their money on opening their home to more and more foster kids to really help Adriane out.

“How does it feel to know that you’ll wind up stuffed with silicone and burned out by the time you’re twenty-five, sitting alone in a mansion in Paris with no one around you and not a cent left to your name, huh?”

"Kidding, babe."


"Well," she started slowly. "Unlike you, I actually have a plan for when I'm burned out and forced into an early retirement from modeling. Modeling isn't anyone's passion and the sooner you realize, the better off you'll be. You have to have some kind of backup plan and with how angry you always look, your face is going to look like burnt leather before you're twenty and you won't land any more gigs by time you're twenty-one. But don't worry."

Adriane smirked at him. "I'll toss a few dollars when I pass you on the street to cover the inevitable coke addiction you'll have by then. Maybe throw in a couple tissues for you when you're crying and whining about how unfair your life is and how unfair it is that your mother was -- let me guess -- a drug-addicted prostitute?" Like Adriane's mom, but that was beside the point. "And how if you'd just been given a 'silver platter' like everyone else, you'd of done something with your life."

"Kidding, babe."

And fuck you.
º º code by ditto º º

Zephyr Evermore
"Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters."

@zeph.evermore has set their status to:
candy. just candy.

@zeph.evermore has interacted with:

@zeph.evermore has mentioned:

@zeph.evermore has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh
Trying to talk with Lin or follow him in conversation was like trying to reason with a dog that had just seen a squirrel Zeph quickly realized. Not that that was a bad thing at all. Zeph still thought Lin was super cool but it felt as if he was getting whiplash trying to keep up with the boy as he hopped from one story into a different, and then went back to continue the first story, and it was all just very confusing to keep up with. Well, not confusing, just uhh...


He was grinning, though, as he followed after Lin to the table that he promised had all of their candy. Whereas Lin pretty much bumped into nearly every person they passed, Zeph had returned to his natural status of doing his best to keep from bumping into people, inevitably failing, and instead just muttering a series of sorrys and excuse mes as they passed. However, he soon found that he was muttering the same to the startled people that Lin bumped into, too.

He wondered how much time Robin spent apologizing to people for Batman.

When they got to the table, Zeph was astounded to see that Lin really hadn't been kidding about basically buying out the whole store. He was rendered nearly speechless (not that Zeph usually had a lot to say on a normal basis, mind you) as Lin started listing candy and passing it to me. First, just the Ring Pops, then the weird peanut things, then the Smarties, the box of Fruit Roll-Ups -- soon, Zeph found himself struggling to hold all of the candy without dropping any of it.

“Dude, luhmaoooo, you don’t have to hold them.”


He chuckled. "Yeah, sorry," needless apology number... he'd lost count for his total tonight as he stepped forward, letting all of the bags of candy fall from his arms onto the table. He glanced over at Lin and took the offered peanut. The peanut of friendship, really, and popped it into his mouth without a second thought.

It tasted like marshmallows meets oranges.

Not the greatest.

Oh, so Landon had been the one to hang him on the bannister.

Until now, Zeph hadn't really had an opinion on the dude. He was Stella's friend, not Zeph's, and he'd never really hung around him. Maybe a hello or whatever here or there when Zeph was with Stella and Landon stopped by or vice versa, and he'd always seemed like an... okay guy. Sure, he had lowkey dick-ish energy, but who didn't at this school?

However, no one hung Zeph's bro from a bannister and didn't earn at least a little bit of hate.

If Zeph was at all confrontational or aggressive, he probably would've marched right up to Landon and... uhh... what did aggressive, confrontational people usually do? Just straight up punch him? Insult him? Say something like "don't you ever again or else" or what?

Heck, even if he did, Zeph knew that his words would hold no weight. He'd somehow developed this reputation of being an oversized teddy bear.

"Stella ditched me to go find him." Zeph said offhandedly and with a roll of his eyes as he took the soft drink from Lin. He unscrewed the top and took a long drink but didn't chug it quite like Lin did. He only drank until the orange soda was just above the label before setting the bottle back down on the table. "Didn't know you and him were together. We could've all hung out together."

And maybe if Stella had seen Landon hanging Lin from a bannister, she would've yelled at him. Now Stella was scary when she was angry. Being on the receiving end of an angry Stella was something Zeph never wanted to witness.

Zeph chuckled and looked down at Lin's outstretched hand with a shake of his head. "I don't have fifty otherwise I would, man. Bet we could find someone who'd agree to those terms, though. Just start asking everyone 'wanna pay fifty bucks for a liñata?' Uhh... minus the hitting you with bats, of course. Unless they're willing to pay double. We'll put candy in your boobs so it falls out when they start hitting you. We'd make bank." There were probably plenty of people that'd pay good money to hit Lindsay "Crack Kid" Kay with a bat.

He broke open the bag of jelly beans, taking out a handful and tossing them in his mouth as Lin started speaking to the dog. "Oh come on, dude," he said around a mouthful of jelly bean, "she deserves at least one. Should've gotten her some of those Scooby Snacks. Those things are freaking good." You know, the little graham cracker treats.

He smiled down at Mitsubishi as she came over to him and he crouched down, letting out a small snort of laughter at the name. "Mitsubishi," he echoed, holding out a hand to her to sniff before reaching behind her head and scratching her neck. Sweet dog. Maybe when he moved out of the dumb dorms he could get himself a dog. It'd be nice to not just be alone all the time.

Zeph straightened back up after a moment, flashing a grin and holding his arms out. "Right? I pull off uhh... Ash whatever his name is." His arms dropped back to his sides and he gestured with his chin towards Lin's getup. "You really went all out for this, dude. I've never seen a better Daphne in my life. You put the live action to shame."

He laughed again and grabbed up the bag of Ring Pops, ripping it open and pulling out of the packaged rings. "So dude, are we making this official? The bro marriage? The brorriage?" That sounded downright horrible, but Zeph cracked a grin as he opened it up and pulled a red Ring Pop fell into his hand. "Want me to get down on one knee?"
º º code by ditto º º
Cool Kids by Echosmith
Jace West
"Who am I to tell me who I am?"

Him vs Dorian.

Ah, right, so Jace couldn't completely embarrass Dorian when he inevitably lost. Genius move on his best friend's part, really, to save them both the humiliation of Jace just... absolutely faltering. Add beer pong to the long list of things that Jace was terrible at. To be perfectly honest, it would be easier to create a list of things that Jace wasn't terrible at. A list of things he was mediocre at because Jace was far from skilled or great at anything in particular.

That mediocre list, for the record, would include "singing" and "guitar" along with perhaps a few other instruments being added to the mix (Jace, for example, was decently skilled at the piano but not enough skilled that he considered himself even close to mediocre. Pianistry(?) was a difficult skill). But nothing aside from that.

So it was no surprise when Jace ended up losing, badly, and didn't sink a single ping pong ball whereas Dorian had made most of his. Jace stared dejectedly across the table at the all of the cups still waiting for him to sink a single ball into as Dorian spoke up, saying he'd catch him later, and tossed the ping pong ball without barely a glance over in the cups' directions.

Of course he sunk it.

Jace gave a dejected sigh and pulled the beer-coated ping pong ball out of the cup. He looked around but all around him were just the unfamiliar, sneering faces of peers that didn't like him. There wasn't a single friendly face in the crowd anymore and, with him not tagging along with Dorian, he was in prime getting his ass beat if he said the wrong thing to someone.

He already looked ugly enough. He couldn't handle a broken nose.

His attention turned back to the cups across from him and he threw the ball one last time. Jace expected it to bounce off the rim or just be a complete overshot like every single one of his other shots.

Instead, it dropped right into a cup.

Jace's eyes lit up and a smile cracked across his face.


His voice cut off when he remembered that there was no one around. No one around to witness the single time that he hadn't failed at this dumb sport and he knew no one would believe him if he said anything.

He sighed, his shoulders slouching forward.

Jace was perfectly content to give up and just chill right here and not move for the rest of the night when out of nowhere, the devil came for his soul. This was it. This was his last moment in life. The reaper had come for him in the form of a tiny brunette sophomore wearing way too much red and wielding a scythe of eyeliner.

He let out a very manly yelp as JJ pushed him against the table and Jace froze, his little heart poounding when she said stay. He knew that if so much as twitched a muscle, JJ would probably stab him in the eye and then he really would be a pirate -- what having to walk around with an eyepatch all of the time and everything.

"Where's Dorian?"

He didn't reply at first.

Ow, ow, ow, his eye HURT.

God she was rough.

"You said stay," he whispered, his lips barely parting as he spoke. "C-can I open my... uhh... my mouth or does that uh... does that... that s-stay closed, too...?"

Dumb question. Dumb Jace.

Ow, ow, ow. His EYE.

She was pulling at his eyelid and Jace was worried his eye might just pop straight out of its socket like those dogs with the ugly faces.

This was basically criminal torture to get him to crack and tell her where Dorian was, wasn't it?

Well he wasn't--


"H-he went outside. I-I think I ah... uhh... ahh... M-Minnie. He uhh... he followed Minnie."
| mood: SOS parties JJ is scary | mentions: N/A| interactions: Dorian, JJ | tags: jasmyn jasmyn Soap Soap |
º º code by ditto º º
"aren't i fucking angelic?"
@reiditandweep has set his status to:
Wow! Ten times more pleasant for half of the price!

@reiditandweep has set his outfit to:
It's called "irony".

@reiditandweep has set his location to:
The party. Where else would I be, babe? ; )

@reiditandweep has mentioned:

@reiditandweep has interacted with:

@reiditandweep has tagged:
Winona Winona

@reiditandweep has written a tl;dr:
Mike continues to lay into Adriane.
“Dead parents. Fun,” Mike said, voice dripping with venom as he grinned at her. “Riveting shit—“ He knit his brows, forming his lips into a pout and bringing his voice to sound sweeter. “Aw, I feel so sowwy fow you.” He dropped the voice, but he maintained his simpering, mock-sympathetic expression. “Please accept my deepest condolences, which I offer to you in the form of this piece of advice—“ His face shifted back to a grin, his eyes glaring into hers. “Get over yourself, babe.”

He held that position for a few moments before chuckling and leaning back on his heels again, throwing back more of his drink. His cup was growing empty again, and he frowned at his cup before looking up at her again. “Ya know, I’m starting to think that your mouth is only good for two things— bitching and offering a place for the downtrodden, low-minded needy who need a semen receptacle for the night—“ He chuckled, lifting his cup to his lips again and pausing. “Or day, be as it may.”

He took another swallow from his cup, tapping his pinky on the side of it and casually delivering his next line. “Listen, don’t confuse me with yourself. I don’t need a backup plan.”

It wasn’t like he could have one, even if he needed one. There was nothing else that he could do. Drink? Fight? Fuck? Neither of those would get him anywhere. He wasn’t exceptionally smart— sure, he made 88s and above, but he wasn’t a genius. After he got barred from plying football because of the incident back when he was in third grade, he hadn’t tried to get back into sports, so that was also off of the table.

Damn, her petty insults kinda hit. She still wasn’t going to get to him, of course— he want that way.

He took a long drink from his cup, though he didn’t take much in, as she dropped where she thought that he would be in the future.

The comment about his mom made him tense up involuntarily.

Why was it always her? Why did it always fucking go back to her?

He laughed, grinning toothily and clenching his jaw slightly. “Big whoop, my mom was a crack whore.” He held his hand over his mouth, feigning surprise. “Oh, shit, cat’s out—“ He dropped his hand, his grin dropping as well. “Fucking shocker.”

He chuckled again, shaking his cup and causing the few drops left within his cup to slosh around. “Hey, look, I’m not resentful of where I came from, alright? I own that shit. But I’m also not one of the suckers who sits idly by while they devolve into the life that they’re expected to live. I’m not going to end up on the same street corner that you’ll be standing on, got it? I’m not here for your same, shallow reasons. You said nobody is passionate about modeling? Well, I’ve got something to tell ya, babe—“

He glared into her eyes and tapped his chest as he uttered the next sentence: “I am nobody.” He grinned. “Got that? I’m the son of a neglectful whore with three crippling addictions. I’ve got an agency that takes advantage of my fucking stupid decision to sign with them and breathes down my neck about everything. I don’t know where I’m headed— I don’t know how much longer I can even pay for my piss-scented apartment. I come from the filth, I bathe with the filth, and I. Fucking. Own it.

He sighed softly, and then chuckled tensely. “One thing I’ve learned, through it all, though, is how to come out on top.” He smirked at her. “You, though...? Yeah, I think you’ll make a great hooker. What, five bucks per go? I think that would be a fair price. I mean, it’d be like fucking a sock with shot elastic, but it’s better than nothing. They might even give you a tip if you keep your mouth shut. Hey, it won’t be all bad— you’ll get used to the smell of the back alley eventually, and the cigarette burns will scar over.”

He unbuttoned a button with his free hand and pulled his shirt down to show one of his tattoos— his double Xs on his inner left bicep. He tapped at a spot on the tail end of one of the xs. The skin beneath was lighter than the rest of his skin, and it was raised slightly. “Trust me on that one, babe.”

He chuckled, tilting his cup up to finish off his drink as he rebuttoned his shirt with his other hand. “You’ll fit right in on the scene once you spend a couple thousand from your deeds on a new pair of tits.” He sat his once again empty cup down on the table and extended his forefinger and thumb of each hand, closing one eye and pretending to scope her out through a camera lens. “Oh, right there, babe,” he moaned mockingly, laughing. “Great before picture, but I think I look forward to the after picture more,” he said, pouring himself another drink. “There’s just something so deeply satisfying about seeing arrogant bitches who are as unabashedly fucking terrible getting what’s coming to them— can’t escape Karma’s touch, ya know.” He winked at her, putting his cup to his lips again. “And I’m not even kidding there, babe.”
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Alejandra Cortez
"Let me tell you a story, about a boy and girl.”

@Realex has set their status to:
Let’s party... I guess.

@Realex has set their outfit to:
Buzz lightwhore

@Realex has interacted with:

@Realex has mentioned:

@Realex has tagged:
hery hery Kio.exe Kio.exe natsukashii natsukashii

Twenty-four karat white gold, four ply.

This was the type of relationship Alex thrived in. She could have her fun banter with anyone else but Mor was the only one who had the same energy. Didn't matter how many Chas's there were in the world, there was only one Morrigan Raine with her dumb toilet paper jokes that just had Alex smiling like no-other cheesy joke would. The brunette lifted her costume upwards from the chest area. She hated showing this much skin-- rather it be from insecurities or due to Alex already turning into her mother at age seventeen, who really knows?

Alex just knew she heard her mother's voice in the back of her head, plain as day.

'Alejandra, te ves como una puta.'

Which of course, Alex hadn't told her she was attending tonight's party. Because she'd practically plead to see the costume she was forced to wear tonight. Alex loved her mother, but in some ways she could be more judgmental than most, and that's saying a lot considering her mother just had to give her a look and Alex had already understood that she disapproved. Although in her stern protective ways, Alex had to admit they had gotten much closer over the years.

Even if their relationship gets shaky when her father becomes a topic.

She followed Morrigan into the kitchen, mildly offended at her words, Alex put a dramatic hand to her chest, mocking a surprised gasp.

"I don't need a babysitter, Miss Raine. My judgement is impeccable in direction, drinks, and where my focus is due."

Her words weren't true, by the by.

They both knew that.

Eying the snacks that laid on the counter, she decided not to go for one. A platter of carrots, celery and a few crackers weren't gonna make Alex go crazy. Now, if that happened to be cheese, grapes and crackers. Then she would've practically ate the whole charcuterie board. That might've been the only thing Alex would consider about herself that was fancy in the slightest way. Rich people knew their cheeses, something she could heavily appreciate.

Taking the sprite can from Mor, Alex had made a mental note to find some kind of alcohol tonight. There was no way she was approaching Naomi sober-- that'd be more of a disaster than when the Bulls had traded Jimmy Butler in 2017.

"I'm stuck with you? Whatever did I do to receive such a punishment?"

Alex glanced over at Mor, smiling while she cracked open the can of soda, taking a sip when someone had bumped into her yet again-- purposefully this time. Almost choking for a second, right before the brunette could spit out an insult their direction, the words died on her lips.



See, that girl was the highlight of working in the plastics department. All while dodging Adriane's insults Simone was the only one who could get a genuine smile out of Alejandra... which wasn't really hard to do. The shorter girl simply just had to throw her own smile her way and Alex was entranced.

Like she said.

Pretty girls were her weakness.

"Is that the word for it? I would've Incorporated slutty... not that you look slutty. I... uh, you look great. Adorable, really." Thankfully, her drink had came to the rescue and Alex drank to avoid spitting out a mistaken insult towards the model's way.

It was weird. She was weird when it came to girls.

Alex was more comfortable with the opposite gender and not in a weird attraction way, just... she hadn't had the best experiences with girls. Growing up, she was friends with the boys around the block instead of the girls at their popular lunch table, she'd go with her father to watch the games at someone's house instead of spending a night at... 'Alison's' house for a slumber party, and ultimately because of that, girls were an enigma.

You never really knew what you'd get.

Insults, compliments, or a genuine conversation outta them. Boys were much easier to talk to, there wasn't some kind of weird expectation out of her to act a certain way or to do a certain thing. Call her a dork all you want, but back home Alex was one of the... wait for it.



Alex was one of the boys.

A chuckle escaped her lips and she shook her head, gesturing towards the sprite can before placing it onto the counter.

"I don't think I'll be truly having fun until I'm a little buzzed."
º º code by ditto º º
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"waste of my time..."
saint taylor
@sainttay has set his status to:

@sainttay has set his outfit to:

@sainttay has set his location to:
The party...

@sainttay has mentioned:

@sainttay has interacted with:
Jo, Ava.

@sainttay has tagged:
jasmyn jasmyn Winona Winona

@sainttay has written a tl;dr:
Saint talks with Jo as she comes up, and then begins to talk with Ava.
The blood was getting on his white shirt, just as Saint had hoped that it wouldn’t. He had been figuring that he could wear this white shirt some other time after tonight.

Oh well. Hydrogen peroxide was a big help for things like this, anyway; his experience getting blood from his surfaces and clothing the times that he’d ended up tiredly missing his target with his tools and stabbing or slicing himself was rather impressive.

Saint brought his cup to his lips and took a sip, sighing softly.

Blood smelled metallic and got very tacky once it was dry. This was one reason why he never got into fights; it was just a generally gross substance.

“Well, you look like shit.”

He looked down, the familiar voice grating on his eardrums as he heard it.

Joy, joy. It was his bitchy ex.

“Pleasure to see you here, too,” he said stoically, his eyes trailing away from her back to the portrait that he’d been staring at across the room. Regardless of how good she looked tonight, he couldn’t stand to see her. “I’m surprised that you came to this party in actual clothes— be they hardly actual clothes.” He sighed softly.

She was surely supposed to be Princess Leia, but she looked more like Leia’s aunt with the stage name Lola. Star Whores was the movie that she belonged in, honestly.

His eyes ended up trailing back to her, despite his trying to look away.

She looked like a slut, and she was one, but he could still admire it. Besides, now that he wasn’t dating her, it wasn’t like it mattered much what he thought about her clothing, anyway— not that it had when he was dating her. Regardless, he could still comment on it— after all, it was just proof that old habits died hard.

“Looks like someone finally tried to finally got tired of you being such a dick, huh?” Saint took another drink from his cup as Josie dished out a quick insult, as was her specialty. “I gotta find out who and remember to send them a thank you card.”

“Thank them…for what?” he asked in his steady, stoic tone, looking at Jo and raising his eyebrows for a moment. “Allotting you an excuse to talk to me again?”

With a sigh, he took another drink from his cup, and Josie walked away.

Hm. Disappointing that she couldn’t stay and talk longer.

His eyes went back to focus on the painting across the room. He tried to make out the details of it— get a feel of the media beyond the vague term of paint— and he concluded that it had to be oils just as a stranger came to a stop in front of him.

"Dude, that looks so fucking real. Nice job,” said the tightly-dressed girl, her voice containing a note of awe. "I thought you were just a boring old cat, but I see you went for something cool like undead cat. Zombie cat. Cat with a chronic nosebleed. Dude, it's sick."

“Thanks,” Saint said, giving her a quick once-over. “That’s what I was going for,” he lied easily, studying her. “Are you a…leopard? A…cheetah?” A skank? “Whatever you are— or whomever— it's certainly an interesting look you have there.”
º º code by ditto º º
"let's get lit"
@feelin_a_o_kay has set his status to:
boutta be a married man— well, not married, luhmao...broccuppied

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his outfit to:
daphne and im fuckin rockin it lmaooooooo

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his location to:
genny's place

@feelin_a_o_kay has mentioned:
stella, landon

@feelin_a_o_kay has interacted with:

@feelin_a_o_kay has tagged:
Winona Winona

@feelin_a_o_kay has written a tl;dr:
Lin ingests more sugar and broposes to Zeph.
Lin grinned at Zeph as he put his drink down on the table. Guy only drank a pussy amount, luhmao— what happened to guzzling? He’d learn eventually, luhmao— guzzling was an acquired skill, and Lin was what one might call a seasoned professional in that field. “Luhmao, the Landon guy’s a total douchebag, bro— I wouldn’t wanna hang out with him if I could help from it, luhmaooo. Think he’s got a stick up his ass as big as he is, luhmao, ya think?”

He chugged a bit more of his soda, grinning at Zeph with a laugh. “Bro, I beeeeet, luhmao— but they would have to pay triple if they wanted to be hitting me and not have me hitting back, luhmaooo.” He got into a fighting stance, knees bent and stretched far too far apart and his left hand balled into a fist while his other hand clutched the bottle of the soft drink to his chest. “Hee-yaaah,” he said, throwing a punch at the air and grinning. “Tae-Kay-won-doooo master, you’re looking at,” he laughed, and he guzzled a bit more of his soda. "I got mad kung-fu skills, too. Jujitsu, hwah!"

Watching Zeph bending to pet his dog, Lin laughed again. “I should have gotten her some Scooby Snacks— we coulda shared ‘em, luhmao. Me and my little Scoob— and Zobin, you, too, luhmaoooo.”

At Zeph’s flattery, Lin flicked his wrist downward and put it to his lips, feigning a delicate giggle and heightening his voice. “Sexy, eh?’ he said in his high-pitched voice that had inexplicably gained a much stronger accent than he had before. He dissolved into his normal, dumb-sounded laughter, grinning at his bud. “Thanks, bro. I know, I’m fuckin’ rocking it.” He gently nudged the side of his hair with his palm as if to poof it some more, then puckered up his lips. “Take my glamour shot, luhmao,” he laughed, doing his best to maintain the expression while he was talking, resulting in an odd, muffled sound. “I’m ready for my closeup, luhmaooooo.” At the luhmaooo, he let his expression dissolve and slumped his body into a more relaxed position.

He shoved more peanuts into his mouth, grinning and laughing with his mouth full of the marshmallows. He was nearly out of the package, which was a total bummer, but these things were fucking great.

At Zeph’s proposal to make the brorriage official, Lin’s grin broadened, and he laughed his exuberant laugh, clutching his stomach. “Bro, bro, bro, wait—“ He took the ring from Zeph, grinning. “I’m the one asking you, luhmao— ahem.”

He lowered himself onto his right knee, wobbling a bit to keep his balance while grinning widely. “Bro, luhmao…” He ripped open the package, then held up the ripped package, red ring inside, up for Zeph. “…will you be my bro?” he asked, putting on a smolder and dissolving into laughter. “To have and to brold, in sickness and in health, living it up, getting hella hype, nnts, nnts, nnts, driving a gondola while I fuck my girlfriend, robbing a Subway with me, until death do us part, luhmao?”

First time really meeting in person, and the thing that Lin was doing was broposing—

What a beautiful start to what would surely be a fucking dope (if incredibly chaotic) friendship.
º º code by ditto º º

Ashton West
"I heard that you've been having some trouble finding your place in the world."

@Fire&Ash has set their status to:
shots shots shots

@Fire&Ash has set their outfit to:
Spider Gwen plus a sweatshirt

@Fire&Ash has interacted with:

@Fire&Ash has mentioned:

@Fire&Ash has tagged:
gh0stwriter gh0stwriter
"Please," she scoffed and gestured to the sweatshirt. "I'm just wearing this because it's cold. The actual costume is just as tight. Eli totally got stuck in his at least, like, three times because he ordered the wrong size." Ash explained with a laugh. Served him right for coming up with this idea and sticking them in these costumes, anyway, but struggling to get into these costumes would totally be worth it when Gen crowned them the winners of her costume contest.

"Come on," Ash said with a laugh and a tilt of her head. "Gen got so much vodka. I've got, like, half a bottle left and..." she let out an exaggerated sigh as she started walking back the way she'd come. "I was totally going to keep it all for myself, but I guess I can share some of it with you. As like a thank you for dressing like... that."

She fell into step beside Lucky, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Okay, so like, Jeffrey's costume looks horrible. Like that's the one I tried to make myself with a Sharpie and his sweater and like, it didn't work at all." Hence why she didn't have the ferret down here with her right now -- well, and the fact that it was a party and that wasn't exactly, like, super great for ferrets or whatever.

"However, Eli and I? Totally could've won this whole thing with how amazing we look." Well, with how amazing Eli looked. He'd totally gone way above and beyond with this whole Halloween thing this year.

“Besides. You got me away from Nic, so I should be thanking you.”

A small, tense laugh left her lips at mention of Nic. "Yeah, he's uh..." her words trailed off and she let out another tense laugh. Her teeth bit into her bottom lip. It was... she hadn't talked to Nic since the entire fair debacle thing and she'd been avoiding him as much as she could at school -- which, surprisingly, had been fairly easy. Nic had more or less faded from her mind -- a simple bump in the road, a simple little mistake that she could forget -- until Lucky had mentioned him.

"Please," she scoffed, rolling her eyes as she wove her way past the large crowd that grown to occupy the drinks table and a good portion of the kitchen until she got back to her little spot at the very end of the kitchen. Surprisingly, despite the large amounts of teenagers eager for a drink, her vodka bottle had been untouched and the shot glasses were still there from her and Gen earlier. "No need to thank me for saving you from Nic. Consider it like... we're even. You showed up looking like that," she gestured with a hand towards his costume, "and I give you someone to hangout with at the party. And vodka. Win-win for you."

Of course, when Lucky had asked about drinks, Ash had presumed he meant, well, you know... shots. Ash didn't do mixed drinks -- well, like, she did. It was just that she didn't typically drink them a lot because it wasn't like drinks tasted good and who really drank alcohol for the taste? It was a means to an end.

And shots were the quickest means to that end.

She leaned against the counter and filled both of the shot glasses, sliding one of them towards Lucky. "Unfortunately, I can't hangout with you all night long. I promised Eli," and Trevor, "that I'd hangout with him later. But at some point, we totally have to get all of Spidey Squad together. I don't know when Jan's getting here, though."

Ash picked up the shot glass, quickly taking said shot, and set down the glass as her face twisted up for a moment at the harsh taste.

"So," she started, "I thought you said you didn't drink. But then, like, you're drinking tonight and then there was last weekend -- and like, not judging or anything, because, I mean..." Ash picked up the vodka bottle and shook it for emphasis of, well, how much she herself drank before she set it back down. "But... you good? Or is the stress of Hollywood Arts and being Nic's roommate getting to you?"

It was partially a joke, partially serious.

Mostly serious.
º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: felling gooooood

OUTFIT: "i know"

LOCATION: the halloween party
MENTIONS: maddie

INT: josie
jasmyn jasmyn
TL;DR i'm lazy, just read the post man i work hard on these, you could read them )):
is it easier to stay or is it easier to go?

parties were augustus' forte. he remembered his first actual party, he snuck out right before he turned ten, him and some buds. there was a wild high school party, obviously for the "cool kids", a couple blocks from his house in mississippi, and gus and his friends had never been more excited. and it's not like they were going to get caught, they were in the swamps and slums of mississippi. the poor people corner of the state. no way anyone was actually gonna care about some kids running off in the middle of the night, even if they were going to get drunk

they had waited for the moment they could feel like the "cool kids", to feel rebellious, to feel like they were doing something that wasn't the "norm". they knew it sounded cheesy, but gus didn't care. gus loved the thrill, the adrenaline that ran through his veins when he was sneaking out, and the even bigger adrenaline rush he got when he actually got to the party.

it was when gus started drinking. once he got his first sip, he never wanted to stop. he loved not being himself, he loved the feeling of no pain, of just doing whatever he wanted. and so, party gus was born.

so there he stood, in the johannes residence, red solo cup of whatever the fuck in his hand, and already buzzed. a party was exactly what he needed, but that's what he would always say. he always had a ton of people asking how his drinking and smoking effected his career as a model, and the answer was always the same.

it doesn't

but it was the truth. it was gus' lifestyle since he was nine years old. he went into modeling like that, already an avid drinker. it was never something that could've hurt his career, he worked with it. it was like if someone asked and athlete how their fishing effected their career. the answer was the same. it didn't, it helped them wind down, wouldn't admit to how often they actually did it.

until maddie.

shit, maddie.

maddie was the one person in his life who had ever made him feel like he'd be okay with out so much drinking and smoking. she was the one person who actually got him to lay off drinking and smoking for the six months they were together. she brought out a side of gus that he never knew was there. she brought out this pure joy that no one would've ever guessed would come from gus. at parties his hand wasn't holding a cup of alcohol, but rather his girlfriend's hand.


nope, not tonight. tonight wasn't the night to think about the love of his life. tonight wasn't the night to think about how she dumped gus over being poor. tonight wasn't the night to think about how he worked his ass off to afford a ring for her that he never got to give her.


nope. tonight was the night he didn't have a care in the world. tonight was the night that he drank away the pain and stress and heartache.

"gus, hey!"

the blonde turned to where he heard his name from. when his eyes met with josie's, he knew his prayers had been answered.

"princess! you finally made it!" he felt a smile grow on his face, and even more so when she showed him the blunt. "hell yea, princess. let's go down some shots, then figure out where we can smoke this bad boy," gus slung his arm over josie's shoulder and led her to the kitchen where the drinks lined every flat surface in the place. and that was saying something, as gen's kitchen was huge.
code by valen t.

Hunter Drake
How are you feeling?
reaffirming and reassuring
What are you wearing?
Where are you?
Did you mention anyone?
Who are you talking to?
Some foxy lady
And, like, tagging?
Boy, what a relief it was for Hunter to have finally gotten that off his chest.

Actually, it was more than a relief. A relief would have been finally understanding his feelings for Nickie. A relief would have been coming to terms what that turning feeling he always got whenever she looked at him in no special way. A relief was figuring out the cause behind why he was so adamant about standing by her side when others either criticized her, judged him for it, or implying the only reason he was around her was because he wanted to get laid.

No, this wasn’t relief Hunter Drake felt. It was that emotion that he didn’t know the word for, but it undoubtedly a variant of feeling completely alive, lit up by Nickie and her beautiful eyes, her face that was so round and always could make him smile. And the way her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and how she often looked away -- everything about Nickie Abrams is perfect in his eyes.

That’s why he knows he loves her.

So at first when she had jerked her hands away from his, there was a moment that confusion set in on his face. His lips were open, his eyes widened slightly as they met hers -- well, they wanted to. She refused to look at him and what’s worse, when she finally managed to speak, Hunter felt his heart drop for a few seconds.

“You don’t have to lie like that.”

Lie? She thinks I’m lying?

Hunter was so confused.

No, confused wasn’t the right word to describe what he was experiencing right now. After he had poured his soul out to her, he was stunned and maybe a little furious that she’d think he was lying.

“Why would you say that?” Came his speak-without-thinking response. “Of course, I’m not lying. I meant every word!” Hunter spoke in defense of himself, but across his face -- especially in his hazel eyes -- there was a split-down-the-middle glow of sadness that he rarely showed. His eyes were almost watering, clearly he was starting to feel the high of his emotions.

“Don’t say that. You’re”




He didn’t mean to shout. He didn’t want to shout at her for any reason, but Hunter had to snap her out of...whatever thoughts she was entertaining in her head.

And he was hoping he had her full attention now.

“I’m not lying. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now or what, but please believe me when I tell you--” Hunter grabbed her hands again, this time not letting go as they would share an intimate stare. “--I. Love. You.” Without thinking, Hunter kissed her for a brief moment. And when that moment ended, he parted in a heavy panting breath. “I don’t care what you or anyone else says. This is how I feel about you -- it’s how I’ve always felt about you. I didn’t know it before because I was caught off-guard, but you have to know that I wouldn’t lie to you. Not about anything and certainly not about this.”

º º code by ditto º º​
nickie abrams
you've just gotta keep on, keep on.​
How are you feeling?
What are you wearing?
Where are you?
Gen's place.
Did you mention anyone?
Who are you talking to?
And, like, who are tagging, exactly?
Can I get a tl;dr?
Nickie "accepts" Hunter's confession and states her reciprocation.

Nickie could feel hot tears rise to the cusp of her lower lid as she lifted her eyes to Hunter, her lips opening slightly and quivering as she stared at him, eyes wide from his sudden sharp tone.

What? Why was he yelling?

Was he finally going to say it?


“I’m not lying.”

Goddamn it. No, no, no. That wasn’t…that wasn’t true. There was no way that it was.

No, no. Goddamn it.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking right now or what, but please believe me when I tell you—“ He grabbed her hands again, and she met his eyes, her bleared vision making only his vague shape discernible. She couldn’t tell where the shapes stopped and began— they all melded into one another.

He was just a blur— he was someone who she didn’t know, yet she knew so deeply. The boy that she loved who was putting on a face to satisfy her— telling her that he loved her just to spare her feelings.

“— I. Love. You.”


His lips suddenly attached to hers, and her mind and the blurriness before her faded into a black for a moment as she allowed herself to close her eyes and savor the moment, a tear escaping the brim of her eyes and rolling down her cheek.

It lasted too long and too short. She wanted it to go on, but she didn’t— she wanted him to kiss her, but she knew what that meant.

And she wanted to believe him so bad.

She looked at him, her heart beating in her throat the same way that it always did after he kissed her. Her blurry world somehow got even blurrier around his face, and she couldn’t make out anything about him.

“I don’t care what you or anyone else says. This is how I feel about you— it’s how I’ve always felt about you.”


She wanted to believe it so much.

“I didn’t know it before because I was caught off-guard, but you have to know that I wouldn’t lie to you.”

You’re still…you’re still lying.

“Not about anything and certainly not about this.”

She studied the blurriness of his face, that pit of empty worthlessness stirring in her again.

Was he telling the truth? She wanted to believe that he was so bad.



Couldn’t she just…

Let herself be lied to, just this once?

She squeezed her eyes shut.


Fuck, he was…so—

Perfect. So fucking perfect.

There was no way that he…loved her. Not in the way that he loved her— not with the way that he was and the—

Oh, shit.

She put a hand to her forehead.


That was the only option.

Indulge in the lie.

She loved him.

She knew that much— that was all that she knew.

And, so, as unworthy as she was to accept the gift, she…

She sniffled, nodding. “I…you’re…serious?” she asked. “I…I…I believe you.”

That was a lie. God, that was such a fucking lie— but she had to say it.

For him.

To spare him.

And for her.


She was so selfish.

But she wanted to believe him.

“And I…”


She drew in a soft breath, and she gave a small smile. “I love you, too.”

At least that was the truth.
º º code by ditto º º​
Lucky DuBois
"imagination creates reality"

He snickered hearing about Eli. Honestly, he felt for the guy. His costume was at least the right size. If it wasn’t, he’d be lucky to have made it up the driveway without passing out. But this is what high school was all about, right? Making memories. Socializing. Building connections that would last a lifetime and all that other bull shit. Lucky usually scoffed at the idea, but there were parts of it that weren’t so bad.

He huffed out a laugh as he followed her into the crowd. “Why thank you, Ms. Johannes. I’m honored.” He said sarcastically as they fell into sync and weaved through the crowd allowing Ash to lead slightly as he had no idea where he was going. “Pfft. Acting like I’m not killing it in this Spider-Man suit isn’t gonna get you very far.” He said in fun. Maybe it wasn’t his ideal costume, but he knew he looked good.

A smirk formed on his face as she carried the conversation. This girl really didn’t care for blissful silence. He wasn’t complaining, but he wasn’t used to it. Most of the people he’d come across at Hollywood Arts had very little to say. Or maybe it was just they didn’t have anything to say to him. Either way, it didn’t bother him.

“I don’t think musicians were meant to do crafts.” He stated. “I once tried to help my brother build a volcano for show-and-tell and ended up gluing my hand to the entire thing. Long story short, he showed up empty handed to class the next day.” He chuckled. Shit his brother was so mad at him. Thankfully, ice cream was still an excellent bargaining chip when it came to the younger DuBois..

"However, Eli and I? Totally could've won this whole thing with how amazing we look."

Lucky rolled his eyes. “I guess we’ll just agree to disagree. Lucky for you, I showed up and you and Eli won’t have to experience losing.” They navigated through the crowd and finally reached their destination. He usually preferred crowds. It was easier to get lost in them. The fewer the people, the easier it was for the attention to be on him. The irony of not wanting to be in the spotlight didn’t pertain to music...just everything else.

He set his jacket on a nearby barstool and his attention was on Ash as she made another comment about the way he looked. “Win-win, huh?” He smirked as she poured them both shots and slid one of the glasses over toward him explaining that she wouldn’t be able to hang out with him all night long. “But then who will make sure your vodka is safe?.” He said playfully as he took his shot easily and laughed as her face contorted from the taste.

“You’ve done that before.” He taunted, but the amusement left the conversation when she questioned his sudden interest in drinking. It was true. He wasn’t a big drinker. A beer. A shot. He just never really understood the draw. He could tell her that he didn’t drink cause his mom was killed by a drunk driver. Or he could tell her that his sudden interest in drinking was because his father just killed himself and he needed a distraction.

The why was always the buzzkill.

"But... you good? Or is the stress of Hollywood Arts and being Nic's roommate getting to you?"

His eyes dropped to the floor and a bemused smirk grew on his face. If those were his only problems, he’d gladly accept them. His eyes lifted to meet hers again. “Awe, Blair, you worried about me?” He said teasingly. “Better be careful. People might think we’re friends.” He joked.

He took a deep breath and shrugged. “I’m good.” He hated lying. “A little freaked out that I don’t have a partner for the Arts Festival, but I’ll figure something out.” At least he gave her something. Made him feel like he wasn’t outright lying but just withholding information. That wasn’t lying, right?

He reached over and grabbed the bottle of vodka before she could protest. “Plus, Josie say I need to loosen up more.” He said as he poured them two more shots. “So...here’s to loosening up.” He held up his glass and performed a faux cheers before downing its contents.

That was getting way too easy.

"What about you?" He asked turning the tables on her.

MOOD: loosening up | OUTFIT: outfit | LOCATION: gen's mansion
TAGS: Winona Winona
º º code by ditto º º

Zephyr Evermore
"Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters."

@zeph.evermore has set their status to:
candy. just candy.

@zeph.evermore has interacted with:

@zeph.evermore has mentioned:

@zeph.evermore has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh
This easily had to be high on the list of weird things that Zeph had done in his life. Generally, Zeph was a fairly reserved type of fellow. He stuck to himself and he stuck quietly to himself. It wasn't that Zeph was antisocial -- he had plenty of friends -- but he wasn't particularly wild, and he wasn't constantly chasing the next high (fun high, that is), and he wasn't particularly spontaneous, and he wasn't really this or that. He was just Zeph, dancer guy that worked too hard.

Which was why something as simple as Lin broposing to him, a guy he'd never actually hung out with -- a guy whose friendship with Zeph had been formed entirely over wild Twitter conversations that was probably the most exhilarating thing that Zeph had done in the last week. Or, well, maybe the last month. Otherwise, his life was simple.

School, dance, study, school, dance, study. Over and over in repetitive fashion with only the parties on weekends really throwing any kind of wedge in his otherwise concrete plans.

Right. Lin was broposing to him. How could Zeph forget?

He grinned as Lin snatched the Ring Pop from his hand and got down, albeit a bit unsteadily thanks to the heels that his bro was wearing (and pulling off, might he add), on one knee.

“…will you be my bro?”

Zeph had to play this up. It was all part of the act, you know? He couldn't just say "sure, bro" and take the ring and call it a day. Well, he could, but where was the fun in that? He needed to play it up as if there was emotion and feeling behind his actions. As if this was the single greatest proposal that he had ever received -- and technically, it was, seeing as how Zeph had never been proposed to. Save for Sam from second grade who gave him a letter asking him to marry her, but that hardly counted.

So instead, he played it up to the best of his ability. Zeph let out a little gasp, a hand flying to land across his mouth for a moment. He sniffled. He brought the hand away from his mouth and started to fan himself like he was trying to stop himself from crying as he looked down at Lin before him.

Yep, definitely the weirdest thing he'd done in quite a while.

Hopefully Lin wouldn't think he was weird.

Zeph was going for cool, like sunglasses emoji level cool.

"Bro," he said, still sniffling as he laid a hand over his chest and held out his other hand to take the ring. "Bro, of course. OMG, I can't believe this is happening."

He took the Ring Pop from Lin and the whole fake sniffling, fake crying act fell away and instead, Zeph was just grinning as he looked at his new best friend. His bro until death do they part.

Finally, his first bro.

With the Ring Pop in one hand, Zeph held his hand out to help pull Lin back up to his feet. Once his friend was back up on his feet, he grabbed one of the other Ring Pop packages and passed it over to him. "For you, bro," he stated. "You know what'd be cooler than candy rings? If we got rings with the big gem but they shot lasers out of them."

Zephlin plus lasers. That wouldn't be a dangerous thing at all.
º º code by ditto º º

Ava Sanders
"Life is for keeping score."

@queenofhell has set their status to:
sick makeup, bro

@queenofhell has set their outfit to:
literally look at the gif

@queenofhell has interacted with:

@queenofhell has mentioned:

@queenofhell has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh
A leopard or a cheetah?

Wow, this dude was blind as fuck or something. Like, sure, that was the print she had on but who the hell would throw on a shitty, cheap t-shirt with ugly print that was never in style just to go to Halloween as some of the coolest fucking predators on the planet? Nah, if Ava had gone as a cheetah or a leopard or some other cool big fact, there would've been blood--

Why did it always go back to blood with her?


Her nose wrinkled up in disgust at his words and his insult to her costume. Like, look, it was totally a freaking insult to her costume making skills. Ava had not poured hours of time and research into perfecting this costume just to have some lowly dude think she'd half-assed a costume of a fucking cheetah.

"No." She replied, lips curling back for a moment as she stepped back and gestured at the costume again as if a second look would help him know exactly what she was going for. "Obviously, I'm JJ. You know, JJ? Short little brunette cheerleader," she lifted her hand to about where JJ stood against her, "she's got that resting bitch face and everything that comes out of her mouth is a complete insult to whoever she's talking to, even her friends. Catchphrase is 'hey, whores.' JJ."

She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Look, I told JJ I was going as the scariest thing known to man this year. And I figured 'what's scarier than bitchy little popular girls with too much hairspray, too short skirts, and not an ounce of personality?' Basically like the pre-Karen, you know?" Yes, she did just call JJ a pre-Karen.

A Karen in the making, if you will.

And Ava meant it.

"You know, Nosebleed," and yes, she still thought the blood on his face was makeup, but seeing as how Saint hadn't distinguished between whether he was a "zombie cat" or a "chronic nosebleed cat," Ava decided to go with the latter of the two options she had presented him. It was funnier and honestly if he was going as a zombie cat, then he'd utterly failed because the costume was kind of shit. "You're not very good at this whole 'guessing costumes' shit. You're not one of the judges tonight, right?"

Not that Ava would probably be competing. It wasn't like her to step back from a competition, but she also didn't want to be judged in the horrendous attire that she was currently wearing.
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

Ashton West
"I heard that you've been having some trouble finding your place in the world."

@Fire&Ash has set their status to:
shots shots shots

@Fire&Ash has set their outfit to:
Spider Gwen plus a sweatshirt

@Fire&Ash has interacted with:

@Fire&Ash has mentioned:

@Fire&Ash has tagged:
gh0stwriter gh0stwriter
She scoffed. "Not worried," she corrected him with a roll of her eyes and a little smile. Look, she didn't know Lucky well enough yet to know if this was, like, actually worrying behavior. Maybe his whole "I don't drink" thing had just been some kind of like uhhh... lie in itself. Who knew really? She was curious more than anything.

And maybe Ash was a little worried -- but mostly, just curious.

Ash listened as he spoke. Alright, so his reasonings made sense. Loosening up. The Arts Festival. She could understand both points, especially the Arts Festival since Ash had been... aggressively pushing that off. She was worried about the whole thing, especially since it was shaping up to her having to perform alone.

She didn't perform well alone. It was easier to go out on stage if she could feel like the spotlight wasn't solely on her, if she could feel like everyone's eyes weren't just burrowing straight into her with nowhere else to go. Being on stage made her feel like an ant under magnifying glass but, with someone else up there with her, the burden could at least be shared. The magnifying glass wasn't just shining down on her with the heat of the sun.

"You could stand to loosen up." She agreed as her gaze followed the bottle of vodka as he poured more shots. Her grin widened. This would be shot number... uhh... yeah, no, she'd already lost count. But hey, she was still mostly aware of her surroundings and what she was doing. Her judgment wasn't totally impaired, so Ash had at least... a few more shots left in her to be able to take.

Ash picked up her glass and downed the shot.

And then he asked about her, and Ash just shrugged.

"Come on, it's a party," she said with a laugh. "What else are you supposed to do at a party than drink?"

It was a rhetorical question because Ash already knew that she was right. Parties were for... drinking, dancing, flirting, and one night stands or making out if that's what you were into. But at the bare basis of a party was drinking. There wasn't a single party that Ash had attended since she'd started in high school that she hadn't left drunk.

Because that's how you partied. Alcohol made her think less. It took out the factor of overthinking and the twisting in her stomach from over worrying about everything she said, and what everyone thought, and this and that... and basically, Ash was a much more tolerable person when she was, at the very least, buzzed.

"The Arts Festival, though? It's..." she trailed off, her words getting lost. "I don't know. Like I get it. You don't need a partner but someone, I think umm..." she waved her hand about in the air, eyebrows drawing together as she tried to place a name and a face to the words, but nothing came, "I can't remember. Anyway, they said it's better to do, like, duets or whatever because it looks better for music industry people because it shows you can work with others, and blah, blah, blah..." She waved her hand dismissively.

"I don't have a partner, either," she admitted. "So, like, this will be my first Arts Festival alone." Ash explained with a little laugh to try and ligten the anxious feeling that was tugging at her stomach. Stupid alcohol wasn't doing its job of quelling those fears completely. "Performing alone, though? Absolutely sucks. Like I'm better than I used to be, but the first time I performed, I ran off in the middle of a song and ended up puking because I was, like, so stressed out." Again, she laughed.

"I was, like, thirteen, though," she quickly clarified. "I haven't puked during a performance since then." Mostly because Ash had figured out the way to avoid it: just don't eat before the performance. Bam. Genius.

And then, it clicked. Kind of. The gears in Ash's head, muddled by alcohol, finally started churning so that she was able to put two and two together, so to speak. Lucky didn't have a partner but wanted one, Ash didn't have a partner but wanted one. Yeah, you get where her brain was starting to go with this?

Her eyes lit up as the idea sparked, her lips drawing back into a big grin. "Oh my god, we should ummm..." her words, again, were lost somewhere in the muddled depths of her brain, "we should, we could uhh... together. Me and you, for the festival. If you, like, wanted to, of course." Ash was quick to clarify that part -- the little self-conscious part of her was still screaming somewhere in the depths that there was no way he would want to partner up with her and asking was just begging for her to be embarrassed, but...

Too many shots had drowned out that little voice.

"I've been working on a, umm, a song -- oh, and then you wouldn't have to lie and say I'm tutoring you and you're tutoring me or whatever as an excuse to try and hangout with me." She added, jokingly, with a grin.
º º code by ditto º º
"waste of my time..."
saint taylor
@sainttay has set his status to:
Carrying on a casual conversation...

@sainttay has set his outfit to:

@sainttay has set his location to:
The party...

@sainttay has mentioned:

@sainttay has interacted with:

@sainttay has tagged:
Winona Winona

@sainttay has written a tl;dr:
Saint talks with Ava.
Ah, so Saint was right when he had thought skank, it seemed. That being the least likely option and that being what it was made the stoic teenager snicker, and there was a soft sound as his air hit the wall of dried blood within his nostrils that slightly blocked its passage.

“I see…so you were aiming for that look,” he said, voice bemused as he took another drink from his cup. “It’s less interesting now, but definitely accurate.” He looked her over, letting out a soft, amused hmpf despite his rather neutral expression.

He took another drink from his cup as he tried to decipher the meaning of her last question.

Judge? Well, no, he wasn’t much to judge anyone…but why specifically tonight?

“I’m not a judge, no,” he said, and he lifted his cup to his lips yet again.

Was there a—…


He lowered his cup, his right brow twitching as the corners of his lips turned up at his absent-mindedness. “I forgot that there was going to be a costume contest, hm…,” he mumbled, shaking his head slightly before looking at the girl again.

“I believe last we spoke…” He tapped the side of his cup, his eyes moving to study one of the poorly-hung, simply-designed decorations. They were disappointing. From such a rich, vapid girl as Genevieve Johannes, a girl with nothing going for her beyond her money and general attractiveness (though the former of these was certainly debatable once one knew the “personality” within her body), he would have figured that she would have cared more about the scenery of the main room a bit more. He supposed that he was…supposing too much. “I said that you would be the blood-letter at my church in the cult, hm…?” It was a vague memory, but he could vaguely recall it through the haze of his (waning) high, though he was also high when he’d responded to those messages. “Short-lived cult…,” he commented. The slow, steady way that he spoke, with his slight Tennessean accent, made everything nearly every sentence seem as if it had ellipses at the end of it. “One of the points of cults is to rope everyone in with a sense of security and unity, preferably under the guise of being a loving community…” He took a sip from his cup again, then glanced down at it to check how much he had. Around half of a cup, still. “Censor and control information…make the members wholly reliant on the cult…drain their money, make them put their lives in the hands of those at the top….and make it last as long as possible, until everything possible to get out of it is inevitably exhausted, and then everyone begins to cannibalize one another.”

He took another drink from his cup, as if critiquing the unsuccess and instability of a cult— albeit a fake one— and suggesting what to do to make it more stable and long-running was normal conversation.

“What a missed opportunity…,” he concluded. The speech was rather long-winded for a body of such few words as Saint Taylor, and when he was done speaking, his face went entirely neutral again, his eyes moving to the decorations again.

Hm…they just looked worse the more he looked at them.
º º code by ditto º º
"let's get lit"
@feelin_a_o_kay has set his status to:
bet bet bet bet bet

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his outfit to:
daphne and im fuckin rockin it lmaooooooo

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his location to:
genny's place

@feelin_a_o_kay has mentioned:

@feelin_a_o_kay has interacted with:

@feelin_a_o_kay has tagged:
Winona Winona

@feelin_a_o_kay has written a tl;dr:
Crack Kid, who really shouldn't be having sugar or caffeine but is having both, thanks Zeph for his help with the Charlie-offer-sitch and bets him regarding the guzzling of another bottle of soda.
At Zeph’s reaction, Lin’s grin grew wider. HIs dog was licking at his hose-covered ankle the whole time, and this fact, coupled with Zeph’s fake crying, made Lin laugh even louder than usual.

He took Zeph’s hand even though he didn’t need it to be helped up from his kneeling position, grinning down at his dog for a second after he stood before looking up at Zeph and laughing again. “Oh, heeeelll yeah— bro! Or those rings with the flashing, multi-colored LEDs in them— like the red and the blue and the green that blink super fast and give people seizures, luhmaoooo!” How oddly specific. “Fuckin’ magenta— I want a magenta ring— just to have one, ya know?” He grabbed a Ring Pop from the package and ripped open the individual wrapper, shoving the sucker up to the circular finger-holder in his mouth. Yeah, that meant that he stuck the plastic disk in his mouth, luhmao— he wasn’t a toddler, and he didn’t have a gag reflex, so nyah, no choking hazard there, luhmao.

After a few seconds, he slid his pinky into the hole and released his mouth from around the sucker, laughing happily. “Red!” he cheered, as if he hadn’t seen the color when he’d put it into his mouth— and, like, well, luhmao, he really hadn’t, because he’d shoved it in his mouth as soon as he got the package open.

You weren’t supposed to look at the stuff you put into your mouth— that ruined the surprise.

“When do we consummate?” Lin kidded, breaking into laughter again as his hand found his soda bottle again. “My schedule’s full for tonight, luhmao, but— hold up, how did Charlie ask me…time and place, winky, luhmaooooo— so…” He grinned at his friend. “Time and place, winky?" he asked, giving an exaggerated wink before dissolving into laughter. “Luhmaooooo!— hey, don’t tell Charles I offered you or she might get mad and cancel, luhmaooooooo—“

He cut himself off by shoving his soda to his mouth and guzzling a bit more.

He let out a small burp. “Oh, hey, uh, yeah, uh, bro…” He grinned at Zeph. “Bro, thanks for that, by the way, luhmaooo— I, uh, mean, for being my walkthrough for accepting her offer, luhmaooooo— oh, shit, bro! Bro— okay, wait, so— hear me out— I, like, run for president, right? Like, I could handle that, ya know, luhmaoooo— but I have you just chilling to my side all of the time, and then you can, like, just be my coochie coach, luhao— and when anyone asks, What’s he doing here?, I can be like, what are you doing here?, and they’ll just fucking walk off— and then all of the tabloids are like omg, he’s a secret agent— he’s gotta be a bodyguard when you’re actually just there to help me get some pussy on a gondola, luhmaooooooooo,” he kidded, his mouth running at seven-thousand miles an hour.

Caffeine! Sugar!

The more Lin got, the more off the walls his energy was, and the more he talked, and the more he bounced on his heels.

“So, anyway, luhmao— you came as Stella’s partner, yeah? I came as part of the Scooby Doo crew— do you play Pokemon? You give me big Squirtle vibes— I love Squirtles, luhmaoooo,” Lin said, grinning widely. “Green vibes in general. Like, if you were a color, you would be green. But not, like, a booger green, luhmao! Nah, like, lime or something— like, not because you remind me of grass or anything, but just because you’re cool as a cucumber and green is cucumber color, luhmao.” He grinned at him.

Yeah, that was a compliment, coming from Lin.

He finished off his bottle of soda and sat it down on the floor, where his dog began to claw and bite at it.

He bounced on his heels. His eyes went back to the table, and a mischievous grin spread across of his face. He looked at Zeph, brows lowered and lip curled into that grin, and it was a sure sign that Lin had an idea.

“Broooo…,” he began slowly, picking up a bottle of grape soda and swaggering a few steps, setting his legs shoulder-width apart. “I bet you ten bucks— you’ll owe me— that I can down this bottle in ten seconds or less. If I get below five, you’ll owe me fifteen bucks.” He chuckled. “And if I lose, you can dare me to do one thing that you want me to do and I’ll do it. You in?”
º º code by ditto º º

Where the fuckity fuck fuck in fucking fuck was his fucking halo?

Seb had turned over basically his entire room looking for the small black hoop, and he was about to give up entirely and stay at home instead of attending the Halloween party. He didn’t even really want to go, honestly, but he hadn’t told Chas that. Their relationship was too new for Seb to admit the anxieties that plagued him at the thought of parties and mass social gatherings... in fact, if it was Seb’s choice, he wouldn’t be telling Chas about it ever. He’d just suck it up and smile and say he was excited to go.

Except maybe he wouldn’t be going if he didn’t find this stupid halo. Evidently it wasn’t at Chas’ place, and Seb was now on the clock since he’d made it known to his boyfriend that he was running late. He was about to lose it. He felt like he was going to have a breakdown as he stumbled into the kitchen, where his father sat eating dinner.

Dad, tell me you’ve seen my-“ he stopped in his tracks as his eyes caught on a dark object sitting on the kitchen island.

Aren’t you late for your party?”

His father’s voice was foggy in his mind as Seb picked up the halo with shaking hands. He told himself to get it together because what kind of idiot had a breakdown over a part of a costume? “Um... yeah. I’m leaving now.

A few minutes later, Seb was in his car and using the GPS to locate the Johannes’ house. Although certainly not feeling his best, he was a pro at pushing his feelings down until his stomach hurt but there was a genuine-looking smile on his face. He wasn’t a very good driver, so it wasn’t long before he got lost and had to pull over to text Gen - and endure Chas’ frustration at his delay. Eventually, Seb managed to get in and not even clip anyone’s car with his, so he took it as a win.

Getting inside was a whole other beast, one which included him telling his brain to shut up while he pushed past all of his instincts telling him to go home. Once inside, he very deliberately paid no attention to the amount of people or the loud music and instead focused on finding chas. White devil, white devil, white devil...

He almost cried of relief when he say the telltale white horns. Of course, he didn’t, because that would be weird as fuck and refused to be that fragile. Still, he made his way over as quickly as possible, coming up on Chas’ side and looping an arm around his waist. Seb kissed his cheek in greeting and maybe held on a little too tight for someone who was feeling perfectly fine, but played it off with a smile.

I know I’m super, super late, but I didn’t crash and I’ve got my full costume so it’s a win in my books.” He took a second to look down at Chas, and this time, his smile was genuine. “You look fantastic.
MOOD: anxiety? what anxiety?

LOCATION: The Johannes Residence

OUTFIT: Black angel costume


code by valen t.
Last edited:
Elias Johannes
@elithegreat has set their status to:
how is one supposed to feel?

@elithegreat has set their outfit to:
how many of us are there?

@elithegreat has set their location to:
the johannes home

@elithegreat has mentioned:
Mike, Liv, Ash, Rome

@elithegreat has interacted with:
Jan, Gen, Nate, Evie

@elithegreat has tagged:
sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
Elias’s first Halloween memory was not of late night trick-or-treating with his sister or eating so much candy that their stomachs hurt the entire day after or staying up past their bedtime to watch spooky movies on television.

His first memory of Halloween is as clear as day even though they occurred when he was incredibly young. Eli can remember the heavy pumpkin costume that made his arms stick out from his sides as he waddled across the dance stage with Ash by his side, as equally rollie pollie as himself in her sickeningly orange getup. They had been practicing the dance for their Halloween recital for weeks -- a ‘contemporary’ (as contemporary as a bunch of five year olds on a stage could be, anyways) piece set to Bobby Pickett’s Monster Mash.

Although the memory isn’t quite traditional and that recital wasn’t exactly the most fun performance in the world (see: hives in reaction to the wool in the pumpkin costume), that Halloween memory remained one of Eli’s all time favourites. It was that memory that made Elias love the fall season. Each autumn, there were fun performances for dance, he got to spend time with his friends, the world felt slightly more at peace.

Elias was supposed to love Halloween. So why the hell did this Halloween suck so bad?

The second Ash left his side to go find Trevor, Eli had gotten stuck in his suit and had to call Gen to come rescue him in their bathroom which would have been enough to embarrass the shit out of him. But then more of his old commercial images were leaked which, although didn’t entirely bother him, set him on a paper-thin edge.

He had been enjoying a nice refreshing glass of water when shit hit the fan with Jan. Rome’s little “who is better” comment pushed him off that ledge, clouding his mind and skewing his judgement. Before Eli even sent the messages online, he regretted typing them. His fingers were working faster than his mind, pressing send before he could fully register what he was saying. What had he been intending, anyways? Was he angry? Sad? Confused? Eli certainly didn’t know.

One not-so-eloquent argument with Jan in their DMs later and Eli felt thoroughly drained. The whole party was slowly descending into chaos. Even better yet, he had spent most of it alone. Gen had dragged Jan off to who knows where while Ash had gone off to find her totally not-boyfriend Trevor, leaving Eli alone with himself and his thoughts. He was happy that his friends were having fun, even if it meant that he was hanging out by himself. Well, he had been right up until Jan was freaking out and then, before he could do anything about it, leaving his house.

More than anything, Elias needed air. He needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd, of the alcohol and the sexually charged teenagers that were beginning to look at each other like starving lions at a t-bone steak. So, in true Elias fashion, he began to exit the party without another word to anyone. Why ruin their night with his worries?


Eli’s eyes snapped up from his glass as he struggled to figure out who owned the voice that had just drifted by him as their body slammed into his shoulder. At first, his mind raced to keep up. But as soon as the smell of Chanel No. 5 wafted across his nose, Eli knew exactly who it was.

“Gen? What’s wrong?”

Gen was already attempting to lose herself in the crowd, the only sign of her being the trail of perfume and the curly locks of hair framing her face flying out behind her as she stormed through the house. She wasted no time ploughing through groups of people, rudely shoving people out of the way as she forced her warpath up the stairs.

“Gen! Gen, wait up!” Eli called out, placing his glass down on the table beside him as he raced after his sister, carefully navigating through the path Gen had parted, muttering apologizes left and right as he continued to break up conversations and social groups. “Gen!”

Eli scanned the hallways, the second floor being significantly emptier than the main floor, trying to find any sign of his sister. She had disappeared into a room somewhere, seeming to vanish as soon as Eli’s gaze had lost sight of her. After checking the bathrooms, Eli pushed his way into Gen’s room.

“Okay, what the hell-” Eli’s voice faltered as he spotted Evie and Nate within the room without a trace of Gen to be seen anywhere. “Sorry, I didn’t know you guys were in here.”

Turning tail and exiting the room as quickly as he had entered, Elias continued his search. Gen wasn’t in her room, or in Eli’s, or in the guest bathroom, or in their parents’ bedroom. Finally, at the end of the hall, Eli attempted to push open Ash’s door only to be met with an unsuspected resistance. The force that he had been using to open the doors carried on as he attempted to push through the locked door only for his head to ping off the door frame with a loud thud. Bingo.

“Gen, are you in there?” Eli called out, trying to keep the shakiness from his voice as he rubbed the sore spot on his forehead. He could swear that he could hear her crying though the sound was muffled by the wood. “Gen open up. Come on, I can hear you, I know you’re in here.”

“Fuck off, Eli, I’m not in the mood.”

“Well unfortunately for you, I don’t care. Get out here right now.” Eli spoke sternly, trying to ignore the racing in his chest and the sinking feeling in his stomach. Silence. “Genevieve, come on.”

The door in front of him was ripped open in one harsh jerk, Gen’s face appearing on the other side. Her face was reddened, her mascara running off her perfectly groomed eyelashes as the product mixed with the tears that stained her cheeks. Somewhere behind the anger glistening in her deep eyes, there was an immense sadness that Eli had only ever seen a handful of times before. She hadn’t just been crying, she had been sobbing.

“Gen I-”

“That fucking useless piece of shit!” Gen snarled as she pushed past Eli. At some point in her crusade, she had ditched her high heels and the crown that she had spent so much time putting together, leaving her curly hair fluffed out around her head like a halo as she forced her way down the hall. “I cannot fucking belive them! I hadn’t even left before those absolute asswads were fucking! They couldn’t even wait for me to be gone! It’s like they couldn’t wait to get rid of me, those fucking assholes!”

‘New drinking game,’ Eli innocently thought as he followed Gen down the hall, ‘take a shot every time angry Gen says ‘fucking’. You’ll be drunk in five minutes.’

Pushing her way into her room, Gen paid no mind to Nate or Evie as she stormed over to the large armoire in the corner of her room, ripping open drawers with a fury that sent a few articles of clothing flying as her fingers dug around in the contents for some item.

“Fucking Mike of all people. She couldn’t even rebound with an upgrade, she had to fuck ‘no goodbye’, desperate ass, lame shag fucking MICHAEL REID! If she was gonna get a pity fuck, she should’ve at least gone for someone that wasn’t a fucking pathetic excuse for a human!” Gen yelled as she slammed the drawer shut. A long, thin leather case was in Gen’s shaking hands as the tears still streamed down her cheeks freely. She still hadn’t acknowledged her friends on the other side of the room as she made her way to the door. As she got closer, Elias could smell the alcohol lingering on her breath. “And I hadn’t even left yet! We dated for months, I thought I fucking loved the bitch and I thought she loved be back and she FUCKED MY FRIEND the night I LEFT!”

Gen marched past Elias, her words becoming more broken and raspy with each choked sob. Eli looked over to Evie and Nate in the corner, shrugging in confusion as he trailed after his sister again who had already disappeared from her room.

“Well good for them! I bet that they’re fucking PERFECT for each other! They must’ve been, considering they couldn’t even wait until I was out of the city to fuck!” Gen continued to ramble, making her way back to Ash’s room and slamming the door behind her, the lock twisting shut with a click leaving Eli outside on his own. “I’ll fucking show them both. I don’t need them. I thought I needed Liv but I didn't. I don’t need someone who pretended to love me and moved onto the next person within the hour of me leaving. I don’t need her. Fuck her! Fuck her and everything she’s worth. Just… fuck this. It’s all my fucking fault. I’m such a fucking failure and I fucking deserve all of this...”

Elias sighed, pressing his forehead to the door. Gen had fallen silent outside of the gasping breath and the choked sobs barely audible through the door and over the noise of the party escalating downstairs. What was he supposed to do? Gen was very obviously drunk, very obviously upset, and very obviously on a path of personal and environmental destruction.

“Gen? Can you please let me in? I just wanna give you a hug.” Eli spoke softly, his hand resting on Ash’s doorknob as if the touch would release the lock.

“Please, Eli… Please just go away.”

Eli’s heart began to shatter as he listened to the sound of Gen’s voice cracking beyond his reach. There was nothing he could do. Maybe if he was more confrontational, or if he was more physically tough, maybe he would’ve gone after Mike. Eli still didn’t entirely understand the situation but he understood the basis. He also understood without a shadow of a doubt that, no matter how much she denied it, Genevieve was still very much in love with Liv.

“Please, Gen? You shouldn’t be in there alone.” Eli continued to press.

“Eli, thank you, but fuck off.”

Defeated, Eli stepped away from the door as his fingers still lingered on the doorknob. Moments later, his hand dropped as he took another step away. She needed to be alone.

Making his way down the stairs once more, Eli exited his house and into the cooling nighttime air. It was dark outside, the stars beginning to twinkle overhead. Clear skies for Halloween, what a treat. Eli had one destination in mind, a destination that stood as a proud protector of the house in the back corner. The Johannes family tree. Eli had spent countless hours up in that tree, either alone or with Gen, trying to figure out the world. Everything seemed so simple so high up, the higher branches of the tree giving a decent overview of the city sparkling in the distance.

Gripping onto the base of the tree, Eli hoisted himself up and began to scale the tree, taking the familiar route until he was about halfway up. How ironic that a dude dressed as Miles Morales was climbing the tree in their backyard. At least he was dedicated to the role.

º º code by ditto º º

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