• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)

MOOD: couch mode

OUTFIT: princess fit courtesy of tou lolololol

LOCATION: gen/eli's place

Kio.exe Kio.exe (Kane)
TL;DR no
Javier Cervantes
The party had barely started and Javier already wanted to rip Kane's pouting face off. Javi was known by no one to be a boy with patience to spare, so it was a mystery as to what gave Kane the courage to be such a whiny brat all afternoon. Was he stupid or did he just not care? It was undeniably impressive even to Javier how boldly obstinate the giant toddler could be. Clearly he was used to getting his way, a trait of his that particularly pissed Javi off.

Overall, though, the kid wasn't half bad for a new roommate. And by kid, that really meant a senior over a year older than Javi. The crass musician could only hope he'd lighten up before the partying mood was soured. And when Javi was angry and drunk, well... actually, never mind; that's nearly impossible. Alcohol had a way of mellowing Javi out or, at the very least, subduing his trademark flashes of rage. He knew before long the revolting fluid making its way into his bloodstream would negate all of the negativity Kane was exuding. Granted Javi would probably puke half of it out before it got the chance to intoxicate him thanks to his stupid, weak stomach.

His grin dropped to an unamused, deadpan expression as Kane sulked some more. Seriously, this was getting old. He shot Kane an icy glare before reverting back to his cocky resting smirk.

Not tonight. Not my problem.

"I like your costume," Javi said after an uncomfortable silence set in between the two of them. He lightly and playfully pushed Kane's shoulder, nearly forgetting to adjust his aim due to their substantial height difference. "Come onnn... Just let yourself have a little fun." The olive-skinned boy took a hefty swig from his tequila bottle and winked at Kane, instantly feeling a burning sensation in his stomach. He winced with discomfort, knowing all too well the nauseous state he'd be in in not too long. His painful, empty stomach was worth it to Javi in exchange for a quick buzz.

Javier had no idea what it was that was bothering Kane so much. Regardless, he wouldn't be in much of a position for any sort of intelligent conversation within the next 20 to 30 minutes, so he gave up on extracting the massive stick that had suddenly appeared up Kane's ass. He did hope in some way that his cheery mood would be at least a little infectious for the boy, as going to parties with grumpy, awkward people standing around was always a way to dampen the fun.

"Sit with me, compadre," he offered, leading Kane to one of Gen and Eli's amazingly plush and miraculously empty couches. He patted the space next to him and kicked his feet up on the coffee table, the opening of the liquor bottle brushing against his lips as he looked up at Kane. His hand still lightly gripped the taller boy's, pulling him downwards with a weak force.

Taking in the music and his surroundings, Javier closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the couch. The feeling of the bass was nice on his body, which comforted him from his tight, uncomfortable princess outfit.

The curly-haired boy threw his head forward again and turned to face Kane. He reached his arm around his shoulder and shook him lightly, rubbing his upper back with his thumb. "Tell me, baby. Give me three reasons why we should stay at this party. Not shouldn't. Should." He gave Kane that smarmy grin again, positive his breath stunk of alcohol. "Go."
code by valen t.
"I don't just follow trends, I set them..."
Evelyn Sinclaire
@SinClaire has set status to:
"Feelin' like a badass."

@SinClaire has set outfit to:
Bad bitch Bonnie (but better)

@SinClaire has set location to:
Johannes Residence

@SinClaire has interacted with:

@SinClaire has tagged:

Winona Winona

It wasn't that Evelyn was a perfectionist, even with her designing she wouldn't consider herself strict on things needing to look exactly right. Especially because being bold and unpredictable could sometimes be better. As she messed with the bullet holes she'd painted on her skin and the light splatter on her outfit though one could argue against that. She just liked to look her best, okay? Was that really such a crime?

Evie looked at her phone to check the time before realizing the party had officially started an hour ago. Honestly, it was pure luck that she wasn't running even later since she'd been at a meeting not long before and had to get home and get ready. If you asked her, this was a record for her and she was damn proud of how she'd managed to look in such little time.

Now if only she could count on Nate and Landon to do the same. She'd made both of their costumes too but the worst part is that she wasn't there to see it all come together on the actual person. Sure, Nate and Evie's costumes were more so put together and styled but Landon's piece was pure art. She had been working on it for a month after Nate made the comment of getting Landon to wear tights. It was genius, really. Buddy the Elf. How was that not perfect for her giant of a brother?

Still, not being able to see her brother dressed in costume before the party made her nervous. He was, after all, representing her in some ways with her damn-near perfect replica of the look. Did he clip the bells to the shoes right? Had he put anything on backward? Was he wearing the hat? Shit. Did she give him the hat? Okay, okay. Maybe she could be a perfectionist sometimes.

Grabbing her keys and purse, Evie rushed out of her apartment. Her eyes couldn't help but linger for a moment on Dei's apartment door as she passed it on the way to the elevator. It made her roll her eyes, the mixed emotions becoming quite annoying. It wasn't that she hated him but she had tried. She practically threw the ball in his court after he and Amy broke up over...well, her. What had he done? Asked to be a "no strings attached" sorta thing.

Okay, so maybe she didn't straight forward say that she wanted him back but it was implied. Kordei wasn't that dense, he knew that she wasn't completely over him, right? But he hadn't slept with her because there were still feelings there for him, he slept with her because he could. Because he could. Ugh. It annoyed her just to think about it. When was her lease up again? She needed to get a new place ASAP.

Once on the road, it didn't take Evie long to reach Gen's house. She knew the way by heart as she should by now since she'd been over thousands of times. She didn't even have to worry about getting a good parking spot, she practically had one designated for her. It was the same spot she parked in every visit actually. Evelyn liked to think of herself as a VIP guest at the Johannes residence and this was just one reason why.

The girl had gone inside and was thinking about going upstairs to raid Gen's liquor stash when a familiar voice stopped her from leaving her spot. Nate. She turned to see him as he walked up and she'd be damned if he didn't look good. His muscles filled out the sleeves of the white dress shirt and the hat was the perfect touch. Her eyes might've been lingering too long but she could blame that on looking over the costume she'd created...right?

It most definitely wasn't because she was checking him out or because of some weird feelings that she was trying so hard to shake. Being called out on said feelings all week hadn't been helpful in her trying to rid herself of them but that didn't mean she was ready to admit it either. Why would she? That meant letting herself be vulnerable again and she wasn't about to let herself end up back in the same stupid predicament that she had with Kordei Grant. Not worth it.

"You don't look so bad yourself. Apart from these half-assed bullet wounds," she rolled her eyes though a smirk tugged at her ruby red lips. "I knew better than to trust you'd do it right yourself," she teased, holding up her make up bag. Luckily they were going up to Gen's for hidden tequila anyway so she could just fix his iffy makeup job in her bathroom. "Come on, let's go fix this before someone sees you and we lose due to bad special effects," she joked, leading the way.
º º code by ditto º º
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Landon Sinclaire
"Without wonder, acting is business. With it, it becomes creation"

@thepromiseland has set their status to:
fuck jetlag, let's party

@thepromiseland has interacted with:

@thepromiseland has mentioned:

@thepromiseland has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh

Was this fuckstick always this God damn annoying, or was this a special occasion? He was trying to be nice. Well, as nice as he could be considering the massive dickhead standing before him. Mike had talked first. Mike had instigated this pleasant conversation. Mike had gone out of his way to make sure Landon noticed him. It would be charming, if it wasn’t so tragically pathetic. Landon could have taken his drink and walked away. He could have just told Mike to bugger off and he’d be enjoying himself right now.


He couldn’t do that.

Letting Slimey, the eighth dwarf, off for insulting him would mean that Mike had won. And there was no way in hell Landon would let that happen.

Three fucking months and he still thought that he could get under his skin.

He took a long sip from his cup as Landon’s eyes followed Mike’s just as Gen was passing by.

“Good evening, boys. So glad you made it,” the girl purred through a smirk. “Enjoy yourselves tonight. Also, nice wings, Mike.”

Holy fuck did she look good, but she always did. Landon let a small, knowing smirk spread across his face. Definitely still a possibility.

“See, Dong? The wings get the women.” He grinned at him.

Landon chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Aw, Mikey…” Landon placed both his hands on the other boy’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. “...Gen has class. I know it’s hard for you to understand because you’re, well, you’re you.” He said composed. Unwavering. “But she was just being a good hostess. The only thing those wings will attract is the dust from people trying to escape the smell of that dollar store cologne you’ve got on.” He wrinkled his nose.

He took another sip, his other hand lingered a moment longer before he patted his shoulder. “Cheer up, Mikey. I’m sure there will be at least one girl wasted enough to sleep with you tonight.” He said with a short laugh. “Or hey,you could always switch teams.” A devious smirk formed on his face. “I bet underneath that Napoleonic exterior, there is a power bottom screaming to let loose.” Landon winked. “Desperate times, Magic Munchkin. Also known as your life..” He finished off the rest of his drink.

“Listen, hey, I don’t want to hold you up on that, by the way. I just wanted you to see my face after three months just so you know that the one you’ll never be as good as still exists.”

Pfft, like he could forget. His arch nemesis. The wanker that almost cost him his spot at Hollywood arts. No matter how hard he tried. He’d never forget.

He hated him.

Three months away didn’t change that.

Mike put his hand on Landon’s shoulder, moving to brush past him. “It’s all good, babe,” he sparred

He really hated him.

He rolled his eyes at Mike’s vain attempt at dragging his sexual abilities. “Who’s grasping at insult straws now, Mini Mike?” He made a point not to react when Mike’s hand slid off his shoulder.

He really fucking hated him.

His eyes left Mike’s long enough to make himself another drink. “Ah yes. Ever the Casanova. The last girl you attempted to woo won’t even show her face. I doubt I’d take any advice from you, but I truly appreciate it. Now, I shouldn’t keep you, I’m sure they are missing you down on the shire and I know your neck must be hurting from looking up at a real man, Pinocchio.” He said, taking a sip from his cup.

Why didn’t he leave? Be the bigger man, figuratively and literally. He mentally shrugged. It was beyond him at this point. All it would do would continue this disaster of a conversation.

He really, really fucking hated him.

º º code by ditto º º

Livanna Moore
"Lookin’ for some trouble tonight.”

@Livieeee has set their status to:
Sugar high, anyone?

@Livieeee has interacted with:
Callum, Oates

@Livieeee has mentioned:

@Livieeee has set her outfit to:
only the cutest wonder woman alive

@Livieeee has tagged:
hery hery mogy mogy


Damn, Liv was just really livin’ up to this birthday thing, huh? It brought a smile to the girl’s face that only widened when Oates continued speaking, surprise was plastered all over her at the mention of an actual birthday gift from her friend. “No... freaking way. Alright, forget trick’or treatin’ let’s head to the main event— Liv’s present.” She teased, of course she wasn’t serious. There would be plenty of time to find out what super-incredible-amazing gift Oates had hand picked for her.

Trick or treating was a once in a lifetime experience!

Well, alright maybe a first in her lifetime. She wasn’t too sure how fun it’d be... but Liv is almost positive she wouldn’t want it to be a one time thing. But of course, it was a secret from everyone but her friends. Apparently it wouldn’t be too good for her image to act so childish. At least, kid childish. Most of her fanbase was tweens upping into early teens and they were so over trick or treating.

But Livanna could easily be a trendsetter! She didn’t really understand why it was such a big deal when it was her personal life. Sure, when you’re famous there’s no such thing as privacy, but to hell if there wasn’t any free will.

Just when Liv was about to press the buzzer for the billionth time, Callum came out lookin sexier than any other boy she’d seen! It was a shame he didn’t swing her way, a real loss for the girls “Eh, I’m warm-blooded.” Liv said, replying to his statement which was most likely not something he needed a reply to, but whatever. To be fair... it wasn’t that cold, but at least Oates had a few extra layers to keep him warm.

The sexy people like Liv and Callum? They were forced to power through it.

“Why thank you, I believe I make the most...”

Her words were drowned out by the awkward silence and the passionate making of love that was happening between Oates and Callum through eye contact. It was only then it started to set in that they weren’t dating anymore. Was Liv just brought with to make the situation less awkward? Maybe Oates didn’t wanna be alone with Callum due to his manly wiles of his costume. Who knew? But whatever was gonna happen tonight? Was gonna happen with candy.

Her gaze darted between the two before taking her lasso and whipping Callum’s behind.

“Let’s go boys, the trick or treateès aren’t gonna stay up all night unlike some people. Plenty of things to do, people to kiss and candy to eat.”
º º code by ditto º º
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"aren't i fucking angelic?"
@reidbetweenthelines has set his status to:
Having a little appetizer of fun, if you will.

@reidbetweenthelines has set his outfit to:
It's called "irony".

@reidbetweenthelines has set his location to:
The party. Where else would I be, babe? ; )

@reidbetweenthelines has mentioned:
Ronnie, Gen.

@reidbetweenthelines has interacted with:
Dongface and Catwoman.

@reidbetweenthelines has tagged:
gh0stwriter gh0stwriter Winona Winona

@reidbetweenthelines has written a tl;dr:
Mike tosses a last word in at Landon before heading to hit on talk with Adriane.
Mike’s jaw clenched, and he laughed tensely through his teeth.

What had he said? That nothing that his ex-best friend had to say afterward what Mike’d said would be worthwhile?

Yeah, that was right. Fucking shocker, huh, that the guy that was always right was right once again.

Digs at his social standing, digs at his stature…the insults just kept getting more and more creative, huh?

“I didn’t attempt to woo her, Popcorn Shrimp,” Mike said, grinning up at the much taller boy, “but have you ever thought that I have better things to do with my time than try and stick my dick in a girl that might as well be a five-year-old? I mean, I get that your standards are lower than your remarkably low IQ, Dong, but not everyone’d be down to hump a tree with a hole in it. Some of us would rather avoid termites, and the rest of us would like to avoid catching chlamydia, or, in the very least, charges.” He put his hand on his shoulder again, giving him a firm pat. “Hey, someone’s got to pick up the downtrodden, lowly simps in the world who are foaming at the mouth for every boy who so much as glances their way— if you pick to do that, you can go from the chihuahua humping the legs of girls who are too good for you and boys who you couldn’t even dream about to having your own legs humped. Wouldn’t that be nice— to get some action from the twelve-year-olds of the crowd? Ya can’t really be picky with a face like that. I’ll avert my eyes, anyway, so I won’t even catch you in the act there.”

He gave him a dripping grin. “Now, really, you’re right about you keeping me up. I’ve got better things to do than talk to a guy who looks the second grade art project I made that my teacher laughed so hard at that she cried.”

With that, he dropped his hand, and he dropped a final “best of luck, Dongface— you’ll need it” as he pushed past him and into the crowd.

Mike’s eyes nearly immediately caught on a black-clad figure entering the doorway, and his grin broadened. Hot girls made his problems seem a bit further away, as did the fact that he knew that he could get said hot girls into his bed by the end of the night.

Adriane wasn’t any Gen, by any means, but hell, she looked pretty damn good for an appetizer, at the very least. A palette-cleanser, if you would, after that fuckwad Dongface had started Mike’s night off on the wrong foot.

“Catwoman?” he asked, approaching her. “I’ve never seen her look so hot before, babe. Me-yow.” He smirked at her, his eyes scanning her figure. He went to take a sip of his alcohol before he realized that his cup was nearly empty. “Hey, c’mon, lemme pour you a drink, Adriane,” he suggested, already making his way over to the table. “Start the night off right for ya, ya know.” He gave her a wink.

“I figured this party wouldn’t have a drink table, it being BYOB, but hey, seems like the hostess is generous, at least, huh?” he chatted as he poured a mix of soda and alcohol in his cup and did a similar thing for Adriane. He held her cup out to her. “Cheers,” he said, giving her a grin and a quirk of the brow before taking a drink from his fresh cup.

He paused a moment, allowing the air to settle for a second before he spoke.

“So,” he started, grinning at the girl. His eyes caught on her curves as he sized up her body again. “How’s today treating you, babe? Half as good as you look?”
º º code by ditto º º
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MOOD: glamorrrr

OUTFIT: ronnie mcdonald

LOCATION: ronnie & kelli's dorm
Gen, Hunter, Mike, Kian

ohdittoh ohdittoh (Kelli)
TL;DR no
Veronica Crosby
One of the many perks of being affiliated with Veronica Crosby was unlimited access to her uncanny eye for the perfect shade of boy-impressing lipstick, tailored to each day out of the year... whether the advice was wanted or not. However, this Halloween would be different, especially in the makeup department.

Slathered on Ronnie's face was a full coating of clown makeup, with a sharply contoured nose to boot. The girl dabbed white face paint liberally across her entire face, making sure not even to miss her ears and eyebrows. One of the perks of being a redhead in a Ronald McDonald costume was already having a red eyebrow pencil, which matched perfectly with her bright red bob wig. That, and she wouldn't have to worry about impressing Gen with her costume; clown costumes are exempt from the rules of fashion, after all.

Ronnie gently applied her winged eyeliner, dashing it off with a fine point. The dark slate line especially popped out when applied onto Ronnie's solid white face, really selling the idea that she'd dipped her head in a vat of chalk dust. Her exaggerated, red lipstick look readied her for any big smooches that came her way. With a little luck, perhaps even the dashing Hunter Drake himself would be left with a bright red lipstick stain on his cheek... and with a little more luck, some other places...

... like his lips!

The excitable young lass admired her absolutely clowny in the mirror, stuffing her hands in her pockets like a bad bleep. The white and red striped sleeves hung off of Ronnie's skinny arms, giving her an even more goofy and comical appearance. The giant, red zipper on the front of her jumpsuit was like a line of ketchup against the solid yellow midsection of the jumpsuit. Gee, Ronnie could have really used a burger. She wasn't really hungry, but eating a burger sounded really fun and appealing at the moment. Unfortunately, she'd made sure to eat plenty before applying her makeup so as to not make a mess trying to eat carefully at the party. Nothing ruined a charming, cutesy clown look like smudged lipstick.

Ronnie wasn't really on the hunt for a man that night (not that she'd instantly turn down an offer) anyway. For now, she'd quit—or rather, rest—while she was ahead after the date of her life last week. She contemplated what ol' Mikey would show up in. Fingers crossed whatever the costume was would hug those big, strong arms of his... Ronnie's biggest regret was not squeezing onto them enough back at the fair.

Finally satisfied after applying the finishing touch (a little red boop on the nose) and ensuring her vibes were absolutely adorable and that of a quirky teen, Ronnie exited the bathroom and found Kelli. "Look at us, just a pair of jokers!" she chirped, breaking into a hearty chuckle. Kelli's Kian costume made her realize how much she was looking forward to seeing the real thing that night. What a nice guy he turned out to be—too bad that was totally the opposite of Ronnie's type. Not that all of his compliments and flattery didn't win over Ronnie at least a little... and that adorable look he had when he was assessing the good vibes or something.

"D'ya think Kian wears eyeliner? I feel like he does. I don't really remember exactly, but it would be totally cute with your look," Ronnie suggested, dangling her eyeliner pencil from her fingertips, "Everyone can appreciate good eyeliner. When you meet your mysterious masked suitor tonight and he compliments your makeup, you'll totally be thanking me for the rest of your life."

Ronnie threw her arms out and gave a sturdy thumbs-up, wiggling her hips with a bright smile. "Plus, such a gorgeous girl dressed as a hopelessly debonair guy, paired with Veronald McDonald, well... we'll be the talk of the town! And probably even Mikey himself... I heard he's coming alone to the party. No date at all."

She let out a shrill "eek!" and leapt forward to hug Kelli tightly. "We're gonna rock this party," she murmured, letting out a low giggle.
code by valen t.
MOOD: fun fact: callum hates fruity candy

OUTFIT: maid costume

LOCATION: outside callum's apartment

mogy mogy (Oates)
Soap Soap (Liv)
TL;DR no
Callum Richards
Oates was a fool if he thought Callum wouldn't notice his abrupt lull in energy after he complimented his costume. He knew he should have felt at least a little bad for not-so-subtlely manipulating the poor boy, but the brief, satisfied smirk that snuck past his aloof exterior gave away how happy he was to know that Oates was uncomfortable because of him. Something was still there. And Callum would stop at nothing to bring it out again.

He wasn't so sure he was a fan of Liv's mischievous eyes sizing him up like some runway model in his underwear, but coming from her it was still sort of flattering. Not that he in any way desired to impress her.

Callum crossed his legs in a vain attempt to slightly warm himself up, but then he only ended up looking like a coy twink out of some girl's anime fanart. The only hint at warm he got was the feeling of Liv's eyes burning onto him. Eyes that should have been Oates', but were instead tucked away due to an awkward breakup. Callum could tell it was far too cold and his skirt was far too short based on that incessant draft traveling straight up his skirt.

He wasn't sure as to why Oates decided Liv was the best buffer for their just-friends trick-or-treating session. Her presence only drove Callum further away from her and closer to Oates. He harbored no hard feelings toward Liv, of course, but the spry, outgoing girl wasn't exactly Callum's favorite type of person to hang with. At the rate they were going, Callum would be run socially ragged before they even got to the party.

The extra pale-legged boy blurted out an irritated, but low, "What the fuck..." after he felt a sharp pinch on his ass. His jaw dropped and he stared down at Liv with outrage, but his appalled reaction was left in the dust as the rest of his group already started walking away.

He stood silently and indignantly for a few moments before he realized the two weren't going to lose time getting candy because Callum was on the verge of blowing up over an uninvited whip to the ass. This maid outfit really was having an odd effect on people and he wasn't sure if the positives outweighed the negatives or not. If only Oates could fully appreciate the sacrifice Callum had made to elicit the reaction he'd gotten from him before.

Callum walked close behind the two on the sidewalk, casually listening to their chit chat. In no time, they'd already stopped at the first house of the night. He watched as a family of five walked away from the house, two of the bratty kids already complaining about how lame the house's candy was. Callum gained a little respect for the kids just for telling it how it is, even if Oates would probably be all sensitive about hurting the candy's feelings or whatever. We really are that different.

"Should I stay here or should I come with, or...?" Callum queried, unsure how the people behind the door would react to a full-grown adult begging for candy on their doorstep. Liv and Oates were already pushing it, but they had far more pep and natural cuteness than Callum could ever hope to achieve. It would sort of work for them, even if neither would admit how many old people would probably judge them to their faces. "If they turn us away, don't say I didn't warn you guys, by the way."

code by valen t.
MOOD: Amused with himself


Genny ( geminiy geminiy )
Javi ( hery hery )
Kane Blackmore

He did the monster mash, The monster mash...

Well at least Javi seemed to be trying to have a good time, which was more than Kane could say for himself. And...Javi was drinking, which was sure to lighten the boy’s mood some more. The least Kane could do was try.

“I like your costume too, Javi,” Kane replied, stuffing his free hand into his pocket. Lie. He didn’t like Javi’s costume—or anyone’s, really. They were all either scary, ridiculous or excessively slutty. “And I am having fun,” he added, dropping his frown for a second to shoot Javi a smile. His friend merely took another swig from the bottle of tequila, Kane’s frown returning, this time in the form of concern as Javi winced. He wouldn’t ask—Kane knew better than that, but he didn’t want his roommate to get hurt. Or worse—throw up.

To say Gen’s house was nice was an understatement. Everything—from the rugs on the floor to the chandeliers gracing the ceiling and everything in between—seemed to be carefully picked by a keen eye. Each and every decoration was rare, unique and probably as expensive as the car that Javier had parked outside quite haphazardly, if not more so. Kane was no stranger to excessive eloquence, but he did know when to appreciate it in other’s homes. Another reason why Javi throwing up would not be good. Not to mention that it would probably result in Gen castrating the tight-dressed boy. And then kicking him to the curb after she made him clean it up himself.

Kane grimaced at the thought, as Javi led them over to sit on one of many lavish couches. His roommate flopped down with a lack of grace that made Kane pray the springs in the cushions were still intact, and, after a gentle tug from Javi, Kane sat down—albeit much more gently—besides him. When Javi laid his head back and closed his eyes, he studied his friend’s face carefully. Was he going to fall asleep? Here, in the middle of the party? Then, when Javi bolted upright, it was almost enough to make Kane jump, and he scowled, watching as the liquor sloshed uncomfortably close to the rim of the bottle, threatening to spill over.

Kane shot Javi an incredulous look at his question, wincing against the smell of alcohol on his friend’s breath. He pretended to think about it for a minute, smirking to himself as he formulated a response. “Well…,” he began, meeting Javi’s eyes, “you’d throw a fit if we left, so there’s one.” He thought for another moment, smile growing. “Two? You can’t drive, and you never let me drive your car,” Kane teased, plucking a piece of lint from the shoulder of Javi’s dress. “And three?” He started, trying not to laugh. “Well...you look really cute in that dress and I’m almost 100% certain if we went home you’d take it off as soon as we got through the door.”

A choked laugh came from Kane’s throat at the ridiculousness of the statement he’d just said. It was flirting, simple as could be, and to Kane it was hilarious. Two could play at Javi’s game, Kane would make sure of it. He was also fairly certain that those were not the answers he was looking for, but did Kane care? Nope. Not even the tiniest bit. If he had to be here, he would make it fun.
code by valen t.
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Zephyr Evermore
"Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters."

@zeph.evermore has set their status to:
feeling like a dork

@zeph.evermore has interacted with:

@zeph.evermore has mentioned:
Landon, basically all of his friends

@zeph.evermore has tagged:
Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
Yeah, yeah, he looked like a real Pokemon trainer, but Zeph felt like a dork. He was sure that he probably looked like one, too. When Zeph was Googling things to try and put this costume together, the only references he could find were of eight-year-old boys that had decided to dress up as their favorite Pokemon trainer.

And yet here he was, a sixteen-year-old, 6'2" giant rolling up in a costume better suited to kids.

The ride to Gen's house was filled with idle chitchat between Zeph and Stella and really, it was nice to just... be able to relax and forget for a little bit that their friendship had been temporarily skewed by a totally meaningless kiss. Right. Because totally meaningless kisses tended to still have the ability to take over one's thoughts like they were doing right now. Yep. That was still... normal... that he'd forgotten all about the kiss with you know who because his thoughts were now preoccupied with kissing Stella.

Because yeah, even if it had been nothing and he totally didn't have feelings for Stella, she was a way better kisser.

"Huh?" Zeph had only been paying partial attention to Stella as she spoke, but he let out a small chuckle when her words registered. Landon... Zeph couldn't say that he really remembered the other guy, so he just offered a shrug in response at first before speaking. "Yeah, I'll see. Lin wants to hang for a bit, so I'll probably try to find him later..."

Ah, yes, Lin. Zeph's newest bestie -- and also the only guy friend that Zephyr had. Seriously, how was it that he'd been at this school for just over a year and he'd still yet to make any guy friends? And now there was the new girl, Dani, and he'd probably end up becoming closer friends with her, which was just adding another girl...

Look, it wasn't that Zeph didn't love all of his friends. Stella, Alex, Josie... kind of Ronnie... but it would just be nice to have friends that weren't girls. You know, bros to hangout with and do bro stuff with.

As they pulled up, Zeph hopped out of the Uber and followed after Stella up to the house. He looked up at the mansion, his jaw dropping a little bit as he stared because wow. It wasn't like Zeph's family had been particularly poor -- they had lived comfortably within their means when he was growing up. His dad was a dentist and, well, dentists made decent money and his mother had been a manager at... something before she'd gotten sick. But after his mother had to quit her job due to her failing health, they'd had to move in with his grandparents which meant cramped. Zeph had been put in a tiny room where his legs hung off the edge of the bed.

It was just crazy to see an actual mansion. Zeph was blown away a bit.

"Oh, I don't think he's here yet." Zeph said as they stepped into the house. "If he was, you'd be hearing the awws of a bunch of drunk girls petting Mitsubishi." He was only partially joking.

"So where to first? Wanna try and find Landon or is beer pong being saved for later?"
º º code by ditto º º
kellian phelan
dance, dance.
@phelanthebeat has set her status to:
Party time!

@phelanthebeat has set her outfit to:
Ahem. "Don't have sex with my sister!" Ahem. "Kelli, I will buy you a pickax!" Ahem. "Vibes, man!" (Is this working?)

@phelanthebeat has set her location to:
The dorm

@phelanthebeat has mentioned:

@phelanthebeat has interacted:

@phelanthebeat has tagged:
hery hery

@phelanthebeat has written a tl;dr:
Kelli gets ready for the Halloween party and waits for her brother to arrive.
Pulling the burnt-orange beanie over the top of her glossily-combed hair, Kelli smile at her reflection in the small, white mirror in her right hand.

This was her first year at Hollywood Arts, and this was her first Halloween at Hollywood Arts, so she hadn’t known about there being a party until Twitter had been chatting about it today. Even then, she was still kinda new to this social media in general, having only just opened her Twitter account earlier this morning, so it took her a bit to figure everything out to be able to respond that she was going.

As what? Well, as her dope butt brother, of course! He wasn’t scary, but he was one of the dopest people she knew, and, if she was lucky, her impersonation would be so accurate that no one could tell him apart from her.

“Yo,” she tried, doing a peace sign rather than her usual shaka shake. No, that wasn’t right. Ahm... “No cooties!” she barked, holding her tone back a bit so as not to disturb her roommate’s doingses. Nah, she decided with a soft sigh. That was still too intense.

She tested a grin on her face like her brother’s and then she giggled at herself. With her eyebrows lowered and her lips spread as wide as that, she looked like a constipated cat.

She picked up her brown eyebrow pencil, and she lifted it to her eyebrows and carefully flicked her wrist, drawing small dashes around her eyebrows that, rather convincingly looked like stray hairs.

Kelli tilted her head as she examined herself in the mirror, and she giggled once again. There was just something so funny about seeing herself dressed as her own brother that she couldn’t explain.

She had to admit— she was excited! New place, new people, and all in a costume? Sounded dope.

She sat the mirror beside herself on the bed and looked down at her shirt, tugging so that, even with the muscle tee on, with its low-hanging armpits, as little of her neon pink tank top showed as possible. She’d been to only one party before, and she knew that having her bra hanging out wasn’t a very good idea. People were creepy, especially to girls her age, and while she could take those creepos on with the ol’ one-two of a taekwondo red belt and the mad skills of her protective brother, she’d just rather not.

Anyway, the pink tank top aside, she kinda wanted to say that she nailed it. Black jeans? Muscle tee? Beanie? Brows somehow thicker than her own? They were all right in place. Sure, other people probably could have done it better than herself, but she liked it for what it was. She wasn’t going to be winning the contest or anything, but, in the very least, she could impersonate her brother for a nice.

Her eyes went to the bathroom door when she noticed her redheaded roommate approaching her, and Kelli began to giggle excitedly at Ronnie’s comments as the other girl approached her. “I think he used to,” she laughed. “Like, I’m sure he did once.” Not wanting so say no, she offered, with a giggle, “But we can take creative liberty— you have mad makeup skills.”

The smile, thumbs up, and hip wiggle that Ronnie offered only served to broaden her smile. She had heard plenty about this mystical “Mikey” figure throughout her time with Ronnie. The way that Ronnie spoke of him made him a cryptid of sorts, like El Chupacabra, Mothman, Bigfoot or something— though, from what she heard, he was more like Littlefoot. There was nothing wrong with that, but she’d also heard that he was kind of a jerk. She wasn’t going to say that, though. She didn’t know the guy, so she couldn’t make any judgement calls. Rumors tended to kill progress, anyway.

When Ronnie hugged her, Kelli laughed happily, wrapping her arms around the girl in return. “We sure are,” she muttered back, smiling.

There was just something about Ronnie that made Kelli smile. She was glad that she’d gotten a roommate like her; she’d done her best to make her comfortable, and she always had something interesting to say, even if what she said was mostly about boys.

“You. Look. Amazing,” she said, releasing the other girl with a large grin on her face. “Like, Ronnie McDonnie is the dopest— you look so cool! Really clever, too!” Her compliments were genuine, and a big smile rested on her face. “You’re def gonna win! And if you don’t, you def deserve it.”

She gave her another quick hug, and she bent down to pick up her discarded clothes.

“Kian said he’d be here soon. Guess I’m just waiting now,” she said, moving towards her bed to shove her brown pencil into her light pink fanny pack. “How are you going to get to the party? I’m sure he could fit you in his vehicle with us,” she offered. “I’ll sit in the trunk if I have to,” she kidded with a giggle.

“What do you even do at a Halloween party?” she asked curiously, sitting down on her bed and looking at Ronnie inquisitively. “I’ve been to a couple of parties before, but never a Halloween one. Or any of them with drinks at them.” The other girl seemed more experienced, so she wanted to delve into her vast knowledge to get a bit of a warning of what to expect. “Do you know? Is it, uh, like...do you go trick-or-treating? Or is it more, uh...chilling in your costumes? Or do you...what do you do?”
º º code by ditto º º​

Nathan Woods
"Here I am, living a dream that I can't hold on my own."

@NathanielWithoutTheIel has set their status to:
itchy and not simping

@NathanielWithoutTheIel has set their outfit to:
sick Bonnie & Clyde thing

@NathanielWithoutTheIel has interacted with:

@NathanielWithoutTheIel has mentioned:

@NathanielWithoutTheIel has tagged:
jasmyn jasmyn
He let out a small laugh at her greeting. See? Nate knew she'd have something to say about the bullet holes, hence why he hadn't put a ton of work into them. Nate was an artist, sure, but he wasn't great when it came to creating realistic bullet wounds on someone's body. Makeup was kind of where he lost it. Maybe he could've used some of his paints, but... nah, no way. That'd be such a waste of good, expensive acrylics. Way easier to let Evie do it.

Which Nate had known Evie would do, because he knew Evie.

Hey, friends knew things about their friends, alright? And at this point, it was safe to say that Nate and Evie had graduated from being just casual hookups into something... more. And by more, he meant friends. Friends with benefits.

"Hey, I tried," he said with a chuckle. "That's gotta count for something, right?"

Nate followed after Evie through the Johannes' mansion. Being at the school as long as he had, and being decent friends with Gen, meant that Nate mostly knew his way around the mansion. Granted, most of his time spent at the mansion involved parties and getting drunk, so his memory was a bit hazy.

"And come on, even my bad bullet wounds aren't gonna lose us the competition." He continued speaking as they moved out of the main throng of the party and closer to Gen's room. "Did you see half those costumes? Most of them look like they grabbed the last thing available at the Dollar Store before showing up."

Did Nate care about winning? Not really, no. He wasn't a particularly competitive person. Nate really just wanted to enjoy his time. Spend his life just... living in the moment, so to speak. Thinking back on the past? Hurt. Thinking into the future? Hurt. It was best to just chill right where you were, and not let things get under your skin.

Hence why, well, competition had never been something Nate had ever gotten worked into a tizzy over. Fuck, Nate could barely understand why anyone else would get worked up over it.

"Where'd she leave the alcohol?" He asked as they finally got to the scariest Johannes' room and entered. Getting really drunk hadn't been Nate's original plan for the evening, but after that little... spat with Nic on Twitter, Nate had a different opinion on getting blackout drunk. Fuck it, he'd take an Uber home or crash somewhere at Gen's if he got too drunk.

He just needed... something... to numb the anger a little bit.

Sadly, drugs were off the table. Even if Nate wanted to start using again, where would he go? He'd deleted all of his old contacts and burned bridges with the ones he remembered.

Smart of Past Nate, but Present Nate was a little pissed.
º º code by ditto º º
Charlie Howell
Had Charlie anticipated that her countertop nagging was going to actually work in spurring her roommates to get themselves in gear? Absolutely not. Yet there was Trevor, stepping out of his room in full Shaggy glory at the sound of her voice. Was it the nagging or the all too tight ascot around her neck that was giving her the power? Who really knew. Charlie couldn’t help but smirk in satisfaction as her roommate approached, plucking a piece of cereal from her hands.

“Yes yes, I know.” Charlie dramatically groaned, stifling the giggle that was threatening to burst from her lips at the sight of the lopsided wig sitting atop of Trevor’s dark mane of hair. “You’d kick me out to the streets, abandon me to live like a street rat and scour the streets of L.A. for cheese. But you love me so I suppose that I really don’t have to be concerned about that.”

Rolling her eyes at the ‘cleaning up after her’ comment, Charlie swallowed down the remainder of the cereal and dusted her hands off on her pants. As Trevor continued to speak, Charlie grabbed him by his shoulder and pulled him into a comfortable reach to fix his wig, tucking pieces of brown hair into place with nimble fingers. Holding Trevor away from her by the shoulders, she looked at him from each side, moving him slightly with each turn.

“There ya go, all fixed up. You know, make a good Shaggy, you just need to act more dumb and skittish and you’ve got the act right down.” Charlie laughed, hopping down off the counter and carefully shuffling past Trevor to the living room. “And yes, I know. I’ll have Rachel the Pedovan all shiny and new after tonight. The paint’s washable and stuff, don’t worry. Rachel was in wonderful hands. Besides, I think that we did an excellent job.”

Walking to the front entrance, Charlie fixed her slippery wig once again in the tiny mirror beside the door, tugging aggressively at the sides to flatten it down against her skull.

“Amy, come on! We’re gonna be late!” Charlie called out, struggling to pull her boots onto her feet.

"I'm right here geeze give a girl a minute, I had to find my glasses."

Boots firmly on her feet, Charlie looked up to Amy as a wide grin formed on her face.

“Damn Ames, you look fine as hell!” Charlie chirped as she walked across the apartment to Amy. Looking her over to make sure that nothing was out of place, Charlie’s grin reappeared on her face. “Man, look at us. We make a great gang. Now let’s get going before Halloween is over, you know how much I hate running late.”


Charlie hadn’t anticipated being so nervous about the party. The last party she had attended had ended in her attacking Chas and a wicked panic attack. Plus it had been months since Charlie had been to the Johannes residence. The last time she had been there, she had sat on those front steps and broke up with Elias in a very dramatic fashion. The last time she had been at the Johannes residence, she had said and done things that she was certain she would regret for the rest of her life.

After Rachel was parked on the rather busy street, the trio of friends made their way inside. The house seemed so familiar even though all the main surfaces were covered with intricately placed Halloween decorations and the halls filled with people, many of whom Charlie didn’t recognize. Mrs Johannes’ nature photographs still lined the walls, the smell of the cinnamon incense that Mr Johannes burned throughout the day still dancing on the air. Everything felt familiar yet eerily foreign, like an old friend who you’d drifted apart from.

She absolutely hated it.

“Hey, uh, I’m gonna go find Lin and maybe go say hi to some other people. We’ll catch up in a bit, okay?” Charlie said, wrapping her two friends in a hug before walking off.

Although she wouldn’t admit it, Charlie really didn’t want to be at the party. Sure, she loved Halloween and the idea of hanging out with her friends all night. Normally, Charlie would’ve jumped at the chance to party. But everything felt wrong, too fresh and uncertain, for her to fully relax and enjoy the party. Picking her way through the house, Charlie searched for one of the two boys she had set out to meet with, completely forgetting that the two would be in costume.

Charlie didn’t spot Lin, instead spotting the puppy at his feet. Trailing her gaze up from the dog, Charlie burst out into laughter. Lin hadn’t been kidding when he said he went full out. Honestly, she was rather impressed with the dedication to the Daphne role. When Charlie had first asked him to be Daphne, she had half expected him to buy some really crappy costume and half-ass the whole thing.

“Heya, Daphne!” Charlie giggled, walking up to the duo and placing a quick kiss on Lin’s lips. Feeling the pawing at her leg, Charlie looked down and smiled. “And hello Mitsubushi you adorable little lady.” Squatting down to be level with the dog, Charlie began ruffling her fur as she received a long slobbery lick across her cheek. Wiping the spit away from her skin with the sleeve of her sweater, Charlie stood back up and smiled up at Lin. “Well, you make a hot Daphne. I must say, I’m genuinely impressed. Your description doesn’t do the hips justice.”


The Johannes Mansion


'sick hips bro'


Looks like we've got another mystery on our hands!


trev/lin ohdittoh ohdittoh
amy Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
cole (mentioned) sunshineysoul sunshineysoul
coded by natasha.
"Stop taking life so seriously..."
Dorian Harlow
@FindingDori has set status to:
"It's gonna be a good night!"

@FindingDori has set outfit to:
Hot pirate

@FindingDori has set location to:
Party @ Gen and Eli's place.

@FindingDori has interacted with:

@FindingDori has tagged:

Winona Winona

Was it safe to say that the family dinner hadn’t gone that great? Absolutely. It was another opportunity for their parents , or rather their mother, to point out all the things they were doing wrong. Even if it was as little as wearing their hair in an unflattering way on Tuesday she was going to bitch about it. Of course, Madelaine had always gotten the brunt of it. She was expected to be far more perfect than Dorian, mostly because Dorian didn’t care enough to let them try and control him as Mads did.

Where he was cruising through life doing what he wanted boldly and without fear of the consequences, Maddie was much more focused on putting on a show. She wanted to rebel against her parents but chose to do so in silence, rarely ever actually standing up to them. He didn’t get it. Why live for other people, even if it was the people who gave you life? He didn’t see a point to that but hey, to each their own, right? If she wanted to live as their puppet forever, then that was her choice.

As much as he enjoyed having Maddie at HA with him, sometimes he had wished she’d stayed in New York. Now that his parents were in LA, they could keep tabs on him more, and although he didn’t care about their opinions that didn’t mean he could completely avoid them or their lectures and dinners either. At least before he was on his own and his freedom had no limits. Now, whenever he did something they didn't like they called these family meetings and froze the twins' credit cards. It was frustrating. They only cared because the perfect princess was around and he was setting a "bad example" as they'd so graciously said.

Whatever. It was in the past now and today was a new day. The start to a marvelous night to be more accurate. He had talked Jace into coming to this Halloween party at Gen's house. Not that he was too shocked. While Jace wasn't exactly the type to enjoy huge social events Dorian usually did end up dragging him along. They had been friends since they were just kids and honestly, Dorian would consider Jace his best friend. Sure, they were polar opposites in a lot of ways but they had been friends since very early childhood days. There was just a bond that had formed and somehow remained.

Dorian had planned on going as...well, the truth was he had no idea until someone brought up the pirate costume he'd worn once. When Jace mentioned them both going as pirates he reluctantly agreed. It wasn't like he had anything better and plus, Gen had said he looked hot as a pirate so maybe he'd get lucky and impress some of the other ladies attending the party. What? When Gen Johannes gave you a compliment, you rolled with it. He'd learned that she was both blunt and usually right in the many years he'd known her. Almost as long as he'd known Jace actually.

"I don't... I don't know 'bout this. Gen hates me. Ash hates me. I think Eli hates me. Literally everyone who lives here hates me." Jace was muttering the words like a scared child watching their first horror movie as they approached the front door. "Hate is a strong word, bro. Besides, you came with me so just don't be a dick and you should be fine," he told his friend as they walked inside and straight into the crowd of teenagers that had already shown up.

Looking over he remembered that Jace had come without eyeliner and while Dorian had tried to help with the costume to make it look more authentic and less like a knock-off version, it hadn't done much. "Here. This is giving me hat hair and it looks better on you," he said matter-of-factly as he took the pirate hat off himself and placed it on Jace's head. There. That helps a little.

As he ran his hands through his messy locks and looked around, the bottle of whiskey he'd brought along still in his left hand, he heard Jace's voice again. "Did you drag me along so I could drive your drunk ass home?" It wasn't that his words held no truth because Jace was the perfect designated driver but honestly he had just wanted his friend to actually have a good time. Being tense and cooped up in the house did no good for anyone.

"We both know if that was the case then I could afford an Uber...or a limo service if I'm being cocky. I wanted you to come so you could loosen up," he shrugged. "Now come on, I see beer pong over there and we are playing. Don't worry, I'll down most of your drinks for you," he assured Jace with a goofy grin as he motioned for him to follow along.
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:

- Location.
Gen's place (kitchen)
- Mood.
- Tags.
Zeph ( Winona Winona ) [Mentions: Landon, Lin, Gen, Kordei]
Pikachu! ⚡

The party was already in full swing which is just like Stella liked arriving since who wanted to be the losers who showed up first to a party? It's a different story if you're like close to the host or help set up, but to be first just because? Makes it look like you've not got a life.

After the weirdness of the week a party were she could just drink, relax, and hang out with her friends was exactly what the doctor ordered. She wanted to forget about the ending of the fair, about her manager and agent, about Kordei, about EVERYTHING. While she wasn't exactly the type to start the night off at the beer pong table, if she was still going to be around Zeph any period of time before he left to find Lin and she wanted alcohol now it was her best bet. She adores her best friend, but he's a good looking giant, a gentle giant who honestly wouldn't care if a guy or girl tried flirting with her...but strangers don't know that. They just see this guy walking beside a pretty girl and assume, which makes getting free drinks a bit harder. Not a lot since if she flirts first sadly most around here don't care about the actual status of people, but more effort then she wanted to give tonight.

Judging by his answer she didn't foresee that game actually happening with them, nor did she see him sticking around for long. She didn't mind, Lin seemed like a cool dude who was just Zeph's speed. It was only natural he'd rather hang with him then play beer pong with her. Thinking about it Zeph didn't really have guy friends it seemed? Then again she didn't have female ones really? Was it odd? Maybe. Did she care? Not really. Every once in a blue moon it would strike her that some things could be avoided if she had more "girl time" but as a whole girls their age especially here tended to be messy, and dramatic. These were more future connections then true friends. Sure some people around here showed true loyalty, but just as many do, 10 times as many don't or fool you into thinking they are then turn around and betray you. Look at all the former best friends around here? Chas and Nate, Adri and Nickie, Nickie and Evie, the list goes on and on it felt, and it wasn't over. Nope she was fine as she was.

"Hm I don't even know if the people we were talking to is here yet? Well I know Gen and Landon are, but I forgot who the other person was. Maddie? Corey? Fuck, I can't remember." She huffed. "Not like it matters I guess. We'll win no matter who we're playing." She shrugged. It didn't really matter who's ass her and Landon were kicking so long as they were kicking ass.

As they walked into the parties more crowded area she lightly took hold of his arm. You know, so they wouldn't get separated or anything. A simple gesture she felt she'd done a million times in the past, and hoped came off that way. "I guess I'll look for him and find out when he wants to play." She suggested. "Well that and a snack, actually yah let's grab a snack then find Landon. Wouldn't wanna get trashed too quickly due to having an empty stomach right?" She giggled. "Then you'd have to deal with getting a drunk me home." She chimed still laughing at the thought. Honestly she doubted it'd be hard. She was a sleepy drunk most of the time unless she was actively playing a game or something keeping her active. "Or worse I have to get a drunk you home." Imagine tiny 5 ft 4 her trying to carry or help carry this over 6 ft giant? "I'd have to borrow a skateboard or something." Now that's hilarious.

It wasn't difficult to find the kitchen and spread of food. They really had gone all out it seemed. Then again anything less might reflect badly on them and their reputation of having it all. She finally let go of his arm once they found the food to grab a small plate and started tossing things on it. While she knew she should gravitate more to breads and crackers she loved fruit and couldn't resist tossing a few grapes in her mouth with a blissful smile and her cheeks puffed out just a bit from stuffing one too many in her mouth.
Stella J. Bailey
coded by incandescent

The party was already in full swing which is just like Stella liked arriving since who wanted to be the losers who showed up first to a party? It's a different story if you're like close to the host or help set up, but to be first just because? Makes it look like you've not got a life.

After the weirdness of the week a party were she could just drink, relax, and hang out with her friends was exactly what the doctor ordered. She wanted to forget about the ending of the fair, about her manager and agent, about Kordei, about EVERYTHING. While she wasn't exactly the type to start the night off at the beer pong table, if she was still going to be around Zeph any period of time before he left to find Lin and she wanted alcohol now it was her best bet. She adores her best friend, but he's a good looking giant, a gentle giant who honestly wouldn't care if a guy or girl tried flirting with her...but strangers don't know that. They just see this guy walking beside a pretty girl and assume, which makes getting free drinks a bit harder. Not a lot since if she flirts first sadly most around here don't care about the actual status of people, but more effort then she wanted to give tonight.

Judging by his answer she didn't foresee that game actually happening with them, nor did she see him sticking around for long. She didn't mind, Lin seemed like a cool dude who was just Zeph's speed. It was only natural he'd rather hang with him then play beer pong with her. Thinking about it Zeph didn't really have guy friends it seemed? Then again she didn't have female ones really? Was it odd? Maybe. Did she care? Not really. Every once in a blue moon it would strike her that some things could be avoided if she had more "girl time" but as a whole girls their age especially here tended to be messy, and dramatic. These were more future connections then true friends. Sure some people around here showed true loyalty, but just as many do, 10 times as many don't or fool you into thinking they are then turn around and betray you. Look at all the former best friends around here? Chas and Nate, Adri and Nickie, Nickie and Evie, the list goes on and on it felt, and it wasn't over. Nope she was fine as she was.

"Hm I don't even know if the people we were talking to is here yet? Well I know Gen and Landon are, but I forgot who the other person was. Maddie? Corey? Fuck, I can't remember." She huffed. "Not like it matters I guess. We'll win no matter who we're playing." She shrugged. It didn't really matter who's ass her and Landon were kicking so long as they were kicking ass.

As they walked into the parties more crowded area she lightly took hold of his arm. You know, so they wouldn't get separated or anything. A simple gesture she felt she'd done a million times in the past, and hoped came off that way. "I guess I'll look for him and find out when he wants to play." She suggested. "Well that and a snack, actually yah let's grab a snack then find Landon. Wouldn't wanna get trashed too quickly due to having an empty stomach right?" She giggled. "Then you'd have to deal with getting a drunk me home." She chimed still laughing at the thought. Honestly she doubted it'd be hard. She was a sleepy drunk most of the time unless she was actively playing a game or something keeping her active. "Or worse I have to get a drunk you home." Imagine tiny 5 ft 4 her trying to carry or help carry this over 6 ft giant? "I'd have to borrow a skateboard or something." Now that's hilarious.

It wasn't difficult to find the kitchen and spread of food. They really had gone all out it seemed. Then again anything less might reflect badly on them and their reputation of having it all. She finally let go of his arm once they found the food to grab a small plate and started tossing things on it. While she knew she should gravitate more to breads and crackers she loved fruit and couldn't resist tossing a few grapes in her mouth with a blissful smile and her cheeks puffed out a bit from stuffing one too many in her mouth.

Adriane Holloway
"I want to live, not merely survive."

@omg_adriane has set their status to:

@omg_adriane has set their outfit to:
catwoman? yes

@omg_adriane has interacted with:

@omg_adriane has mentioned:
Chas, JJ

@omg_adriane has tagged:
ohdittoh ohdittoh
The way Adriane saw it was that you could tell the success of an outfit -- or in this case, a Halloween costume -- by the kind of people that felt enticed to speak to you. Too modest, and only dry individuals that wanted to ask questions about you would approach. Too slutty, and only the scum of the earth with no class and raunchy words would approach.

The moment Mike approached her and started to speak, Adriane made a mental note. This costume? Too slutty.

Her nose crinkled up for flash of a moment in disgust before her expression fell back to its typical RBF (resting bored face, not resting bitch face when it came to Adriane -- resting bitch face caused too many wrinkles). She listened to his weak attempts at... what were these? Compliments? Ugh, disgusting. Adriane might just vomit.

And although on a normal day Adriane would've probably walked away, the temptation of alcohol caused her to begrudgingly follow after the rather short model. It was a surprise, really, that the school would've let a guy in who barely met modeling standards. Models were supposed to be tall and attractive, and yet Mike was neither. Perhaps it was a pity case.

"It is Gen," she remarked as they came to a stop by the drink table. Her tone per usual held a breathy, bored air to it. As if every one of her words was just teetering on the edge of falling into a sigh. Not that her inflections were any kind of surprise -- it was Adriane, after all, and it was common knowledge at this point that the stoic model hardly let emotions be betrayed through her movements, expressions, or words. "She does know how to throw a party properly."

One of the reasons that Adriane had even bothered showing up to this -- Gen always threw amazing parties, and this year was no exception. Her gaze trailed around, taking in the decorations carefully laid out around their surroundings. Honestly, although it looked lovely, no one would remember what the decorations looked like come morning. What a waste of time and money.

Although when you were Genevieve Johannes, all you were good at was wasting time and money.

She accepted the cup from Mike, offering a mumbled "Thanks," before bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. Ugh. Much like the decorations, her company, and her own outfit, the beverage was an utter disappointment.

"Horrible, as usual." She responded to his question. "JJ and Chas both dressed up as devils and neither knew what the other was doing, and both are such drama queens that they got into a huge argument over it." Her story ended with a breathy sigh. Honestly, Adriane should've just gotten an apartment alone instead of subjecting herself to living with the two.

She allowed her eyes to move over his own costume and an eyebrow quirked up. "Let me guess, you did the same thing Chas did: you came as a white devil?" Such a ridiculous thing, mind you, but surely there was no way that Mike would've been dumb enough to come as an actual angel, irony or not. "Surely you're not an angel, unless you've decided to go as Lucifer."

And hey, that was Adriane actually being nice.

"You really should ask for a refund from wherever you purchased it. It looks like a child hastily threw it together an hour before trick-or-treating started."
º º code by ditto º º

Alejandra Cortez
"Let me tell you a story, about a boy and girl.”

@Realex has set their status to:
Let’s party... I guess.

@Realex has set their outfit to:
Buzz lightwhore

@Realex has interacted with:

@Realex has mentioned:
Cole, Mari,

@Realex has tagged:
sunshineysoul sunshineysoul jasmyn jasmyn Kio.exe Kio.exe

Alex had done her best work on the slightly sloppy but perfected upside down triangle nose. It was perfect, quite adorable if she’d say so. If only Alex was this good at her own makeup? Man, she’d be the hottest girl out. Alright, she wouldn’t be but no harm in thinking about the possibilities. Alex watched Morrigan carefully, although not enough so she’d know she was paying attention to her words. But whatever the case here was, Alex wasn’t very convinced.

What was she supposed to do? Push Morrigan about it? No. That wouldn’t help matters at all and lord knows she wouldn’t get an answer out of it. This little leprechaun was as stubborn as one. Their way or the highway.

So, Alex had to pick and choose conversations and how to have them. But she wasn’t always this careful, she was merely a newfound student to learning Morrigan Raine.

“If she’s your friend, chara, I’m sure I’ll love her.”

Okay, well what if she wasn’t just my friend?

That’s what Alex wanted to say, but instead? The only thing that escaped her lips was a simple. “Cool.” There’d be plenty of time to have that conversation later.

“Ready? No. But if we’re going by that logic, we’d never get there.” She said, rolling her eyes at the mere thought of walking into the party looking like Buzz Lightyear if he suddenly decided to do drag.

Alex grabbed her keys and opened the door, dramatically gesturing towards it.

“Ladies first. Besides, I’d rather you go first before we’d have to wait for your butt to catch up. ”


Well, she hadn’t ever stepped foot in her model friend’s house. Semi-friends? Were they friends? Who knew?

The point here, Alex now knew why she’d never been here. She knew Gen was well off, but... woah.

“You think if I were to steal a paper cup from here I’d get a million bucks simply because their paper cup is made out of smashed up hard-to-get crystals?” She asked, glancing around the mansion as someone drunkingly bumped into her space wings, causing her to send a glare their way.

She hated parties.

Alex wasn’t a loner per say, she just enjoyed a quiet time at home with her friends instead of drinking, dancing, gossiping— partying. It just didn’t hold her interest very well, and maybe in some ways that had made her boring. But she wouldn’t apologize for it.

“Alright, teach me your ways of party life. Hmm? Am I the designated drink finder? Or you’re gonna ditch me to find Woody and Jessie.”

To which would suck but only mildly. There was a certain someone Alex was more than a little excited to see, but she wasn’t about to ditch Morrigan for Naomi.

“Or worse, and you want to dance. If you wanna do that? I’m calling the uber back and paying ‘em double.”
º º code by ditto º º
"let's get lit"
@feelin_a_o_kay has set his status to:

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his outfit to:
daphne and im fuckin rockin it lmaooooooo

@feelin_a_o_kay has set his location to:
genny's place

@feelin_a_o_kay has mentioned:

@feelin_a_o_kay has interacted with:
charlie, landon

@feelin_a_o_kay has tagged:
geminiy geminiy gh0stwriter gh0stwriter Winona Winona

@feelin_a_o_kay has written a tl;dr:
Lin, after a bit of twittering, heads to the party, but not before he goes to the store and gets candy and soda to enjoy with Zeph. Upon arrival, his greeted by Charlie, who he chats with for a second before running off to find Zeph. When he can't find him in the first place that he looks, Lin goes over to Landon and (rather insultingly) asks for his help finding him.
Lin had a short attention span. It was a pretty well-known fact.

Lin was a Twitter beast. This was also a pretty well-known fact.

Lin had suggested that he lose his virginity on a ferris wheel and titled this action a fwf, or a Ferris wheel fuck. This was growing to be a pretty well-known fact.

Charlie was opposed to the fwf, but she was into a gondola fuck. This was a fact that had just been established.

Zeph was fuckin’ awesome. This was a fact that Lin was reminded of whenever he asked him to be the gondolier and the dude accepted.

All of these things were pretty cool facts, right? None were super surprising, and none really took Lin aback.

But there was something that did take Lin aback:

Charlie offered— like, legit offered— to—




Lin ended up choking on his apple when he first saw it.

Her dm, just chillin’:

I was being serious though. time and place 😉

Once he hacked the apple back up, he stared at it. Naturally, he conveyed this through sending “👁👁” over and over again until Charlie asked if he was going to say something.

Uh, and he didn’t know what to say at all.

Like, the “👁👁” was pretty accurate.

Zeph seemed to know what he was doing, so Lin hit him up, ‘cuz he needed his coaching.

Like, Lin was panicking the whole time. His hands were shaking, and he was grinning, but he was like—


Like, he’d been approached for sex before— look at him, he was the sexiest motherfucker in these here parts besides Charlie— but none of them made him feel as WOOO and as HHHHH as this did.

Yeah, he couldn’t form sensible words.

Thanks to Zeph’s constant coaching, he ended up being able to suggest his place.


He said it TWICE.

And then he couldn’t make words work and so he just ended up getting his nervousness out into smashes and unintelligible sentences that Zeph, the fuckin’ sickest bro out there, somehow interpreted.

And then it ended with Lin suggesting tonight.

And, then, he ended up broposing to Zeph in his dms, like, five minutes later and promising him candy.

Zeph was the fuckin’ best.

Or, ya know, one of them. Right behind him and Charlie.

So, Lin was fuckin’ hype.

Like, nervous hype.

Like, he was hype before.

But now? Fuckin’ hyper. Hyper-er.

You got it— you fuckin’ got it.

Looking down at his dog, who he’d been petting with his free hand this whole time, he excitedly said, with a wide grin on his face, “I’mma get some fuck.”


He hoped so.

He fuckin’—


His brain still did not work, but hell yeah!

He stood up from his spot that he’d sunk to on the floor.

Okay, so now that that was done, he was late to the party.

He was gonna be even later.

After all, on the way, he had to stop to get the candy with Pricky’s money so that he could share it with the best fuckin’ wingman.

Ricky didn’t want to let Lin buy Halloween decorations? Sucked for him. His mistake. Now, Lin was gonna buy as much candy as he felt like he could stuff into his dress, some soda, and some treats for Mitsubishi, who he was currently loading and zipping into her little doggy cart that pulled behind Richard, his flame-painted bike.

His mind was racing, so his narration was a bit jumbled, okay? Point was, he was going to the store, getting candy, and getting to the par-tay, and hopefully the night would end the way that Charlie had said that she would be down for it to end with.

He fuckin’ hoped it did.

Hey, fate, make it end like that. Luhmao, do it.

No balls.

He pulled up to the dollar store and locked his bike in place, unzipping Mitsubishi from the cart and grabbing onto her leash. He casually walked in with her, and the worker at the counter didn’t bat an eye.

Five minutes or so later, Lin had two bags of candy dangling from around his neck, seven bottles of soda hanging in bags from his handlebars, and was headed to Gen’s par-tayyyy.

Lin, being the maneuvering master that he was, wasn’t even phased. Sure, he nearly pulled in front of a group of bikers in the opposite biking lane, but that was just ‘cuz he wanted to. What could he say? He was just built different.

Of course, he aroused quite a few looks when he drove past everyone, and even a few mocking whistles and laughs, but what could he say? He was fuckin’ awesome. They found him amusing, and that was all he really wanted, anyway.

Lin pulled up to the party and braked to a stop, kicking down his stand and propping his bike up as he went to retrieve his dog from the back once more. He grinned at the people who laughed at him as they walked in, clicking his dog’s leash and grabbing the soda’s from his handlebars as he began to walk in.

Not walk in, actually.

The more accurate way to say it was that he strutted in.

He was fuckin’ iconic. The looks he was gonna get, he deserved.

What could he say? He was rocking it, and everyone else around him was just here to admire him.

Grinning, he made his way over to a table near the wall so that he could check out his dollar store spoils once more. Holding Mitsubishi’s leash in one hand, taking the two bags from his neck, and dumping their contents out on the table, he counted three bags of Smarties, four bags of Ring Pops, three boxes of Fruit Roll-ups (because he just fuckin’ loved Fruit Roll-ups), two bags of those peanut things, a can of jelly beans, and a box of the Scooby Gummies. Putting the bottles of soda on the table brought the total up to whatever that was plus four bottles go grape soda and three bottles of orange soda.

Pretty good haul, if you asked him. He and Zeph were gonna be dining like kings.

Sugar high, here he came, once Zeph found him.

“Heya, Daphne!” came a familiar voice, and Lin turned to Charlie, grinning and looking her up and down.

“Yo, Fred,” he greeted back, grinning.

He wasn’t gonna even lie, she looked fire as Fred.

Oh, hell yeah, there was no way that they weren’t winning.

She planted a kiss on his lips, and he laughed slightly, turning his head away a bit as he tried not to think about what she’d kinda promised him.

She greeted his dog, who happily licked at her, and he looked down at the two, laughing.

“Well, you make a hot Daphne. I must say, I’m genuinely impressed. Your description doesn’t do the hips justice,” she said, standing up and smiling at him.

“What, did you think I wouldn’t?” Lin said, posing and grinning. “I said that I’m the sexiest Daphne that there is, and I meant it.” He did his best to sound indignant before he dissolved into laughter. “My hips don’t lie, Terminator,” he laughed, “and neither do my lips. We’re gonna win this thing.”

He picked up a bag of Ring Pops and handed her it. “Oh, also, here, take this, luhmao. To get you through the night, luhmaoooo,” he said.

He looked around. “Have you seen Zephy around here yet?” he asked. “I wanna look for him. I got him some candy, too, luhmao.” He looked at his girlfriend, grinning. “See, I broposed to him,” he said, feigning deep emotion with a sniffle, “and he accepted, so I got us some Ring Pops to celebrate.” He laughed. “Luhmao, anyway. Oh, also, help yourself to the soda, luhmaooo. Got it ‘cuz I don’t drink, luhmao.”

Lin didn’t work well with alcohol, even if he had won that contest last time.

“I’mma go look for him, Terminator. Not to run off, luhmao, but I wanna find him before I eat all of the candy myself, luhmao,” he said. He considered what he was going to do for a second, his heart thudding in his chest for some inexplicable reason, and he just decided to say fuck it as he leaned in and kissed her cheek. It was no big deal, but it felt like a lot, for some reason. “I’ll smell ya later, Terminator,” he said, holding up a peace sign as he went to go find his new bro.

The first place he decided to look was near the bathrooms. “Yo, Zeph, you in here?” he called, and, upon getting no response, he banged on the door, and his dog began to scratch at it to help at. “Bro, if you’re shitting your brains out, I’ll forgive you, luhmao.”

Still no answer, so he walked away, his dog following behind him.

Not in the bathrooms. Okay, well, where else would he be?

He walked over to the drink table, and, though he didn’t see Zeph, he did see another tall figure.

“Yo, Monolith!” he greeted the other boy. “Lantennae, can you hear me up there, luhmao? You’re basically only good for a land surveyor, luhmao, so can I put your ability to use— can you find me Zeph, luhmao?”
º º code by ditto º º

Juliette Jameson
"Please, you can’t imitate perfection.”

@QueenJules has set their status to:
#Dying but peep the outfit.

@QueenJules has interacted with:

@QueenJules has mentioned:
Dorian, Gen

@QueenJules has tagged:
jasmyn jasmyn Winona Winona geminiy geminiy

Thankfully the car ride wasn't as annoying as Ava's costume was... or her stupid cracks about Dorian either.

It was shitty, okay? Why couldn't she just ever shut up and be happy for her? That's what friends were supposed to do, right? JJ would totally be happy for her if this was the other way around.


Juliette ignored her small comments because she absolutely refused to get too pissed. She wanted to have fun tonight and fun wouldn't of worked if Ava was getting on her nerves every five seconds. Naturally, she had to talk Ava down because LA traffic was worse than Jersey. And that's saying something because Jersey drivers were completely out of their mind, but at least there wasn't any traffic unless it was like, memorial day. Here? It was memorial day every day and people had a really weird fasciation with wearing white after it.

It was depressing.

It's almost funny how much Juliette despised Genevieve Johannes and yet, she was still here-- attending her party. Let's make sure we get this right though, when JJ means despised, she means hates to an extent. There was a list of most hated people at this school and Genevieve was on top.

Why? Oh, she was a complete psycho. Bat shit crazy, a real bitch if you will. And no, she wasn't about to call her a royal bitch.

That crown belonged to one Juliette Jameson.

Many people would've taken that as an insult. To JJ? It was a compliment. At least people knew their place around here and where she stood among them. A queen above her many peasants. One might say a lonely queen, since everyone seems to point how she doesn't have many friends, but a queen nonetheless.

JJ didn't even need friends. She had plenty already.

Ava, Adriane...


Disgusting. Just the thought of it almost made her gag. Ava and Adriane will do for now. Plus, she had Dorian. And Dorian was better than everyone in this school combined. At least he was for now and for his sake? That shouldn't change. "Ha, you're so funny." Jules adjusted her boa around her arms, cleaning the corners of her lips-- just to make sure she looked presentable, of course.

Jules took out a pocket mirror from the tiny red purse she'd taken, reapplying red lipstick and hesitating before putting it away. "Uh... you want? I don't know how this whole..." An index finger circled the air around Ava with a grimace on her face. "Thing works." Like she said, Ava looked good. If she was anyone else Juliette would've said so, but because it was Ava, this was a different story. It... just wasn't right.

She couldn't really explain it. "But since you're so insistent, you might as well get the color right." If Ava actually started telling people she was dressed up as JJ?

Well, she couldn't have her wearing anything else but Rouge, color four-hundred and sixteen Coco Chanel. I mean, come on. It just wouldn't be realistic.

If it didn't exist? JJ wouldn't of existed. And despite who may think that was better off, they could all fall into a pit of nails for all she cared.

The brunette leaned over, and carefully applied the lipstick to Ava's lips, rounding the slight curve she had, creating a perfect cupid's heart. There was many people who filled their own with lip liners, plastic surgery, it was sad really. They simply just didn't have the face for it.

Poor them.

"This is just for Halloween right? We both know you don't have the energy to keep up this façade forever." To her redheaded friend, that might've sounded like a challenge, but it was everything but one. Dear god Juliette wouldn't survive another day in this alternate universe that was Ava's good hygiene.

Alright that's a little too far. Ava's hygiene was never terrible, how she doesn't have matted hair by now? She has no idea, but what Juliette means is her sense of style. What would JJ do if it wasn't to pick on Ava's choice of clothing every day? She wouldn't have a purpose anymore. It'd ultimately be depressing to still be friends after that.

"Besides... I like the actual Ava better."
º º code by ditto º º
Cool Kids by Echosmith
Jace West
"Who am I to tell me who I am?"

Dorian was nice. Too nice. The kind of nice that would generally make Jace narrow his eyes in suspicion about what the other person's motives were. It was like a sixth sense. A sixth suspicious sense that had come about from a lifetime of people be nice to him solely for the purpose of needing this or that. As previously mentioned, most of his friendships had been built upon the basis of other people wanting something from him -- in elementary school, it became known that the Wests had a pool and a home theater, but those friends were dropped when Jace had left to use the bathroom only to return and hear the tail end of a conversation calling him weird, annoying, etc. This continued through middle school with a different group (with the inclusion of little middle school boys thinking Ash was hot) and once high school rolled around and he moved to Hollywood Arts, he had been under the impression that such shallow friendships would finally end and Jace could form actual, meaningful bonds... only to have that hope also crushed.

Because, again, his friendships trailed back to his fellow classmates wanting to befriend him for this or for that -- although the this or that became solely his sister, but that was beside the point.

Jace had developed a healthy suspicion towards others showing him any kind of kindness and, despite the years of knowing Dorian and having Dorian as his best friend, there was still that tiny little voice in his head that was screaming into his ear that this was still just some kind of long con. Perhaps it was a long winded ploy to build him up and then sever the last bit of trust in humanity that Jace possessed. Then again, there wasn't much that Jace could offer to Dorian that Dorian's wealthy family didn't already possess.

All Jace had was his dumb sister Ash and although fears of something happened between his best friend and his least favorite sister used to occupy his thoughts and feed into that fear, anything of the sort had been squashed now that the two effectively didn't get along. They had stopped talking and all they really did was offer passive aggressive (uhh... not really passive) towards each other.

Which meant that, by this simple deduction, Dorian truly found some kind of enjoyment in Jace's company.

Why was beyond Jace. Although he spent most of his time alone, it was far from his favorite way to occupy his time because it just served to remind Jace of what a pitiful human being he really was.

However, with Dorian's hat now placed on his head, a genuine smile actually crossed Jace's face. And not of those little half-hearted attempts to make himself look less uncomfortable, but an actual, full-blown smile. He let out a small laugh at Dorian's compliment -- because even if it was small. saying that the hat looked better on Jace gave him a brief ego boost that the insecure boy was constantly desperately craving.

Imagine finding self-worth through your own actions and not through the words of those around you. Pfft. Not for one Jace West.

"'Course it looks better one me," he commented and reached up to adjust the hat. "I'd give Jack Sparrow a run for his money in the attractive pirate department. Or Captain Hook... uhh, the Once Upon a Time one, not the cartoon version." Seriously, though, why were pirates always so unnecessarily hot?

It was definitely the eyeliner.

He needed eyeliner but at this point, Jace had no idea who was actually applying the eyeliner to him. There had been some strange debate with JJ and Gen which had just left a very puzzled Jace. That's why he'd opted for Maddie until she had... inevitably... backed out of applying eyeliner. He just wanted to be a hot -- sorry, mildly less repulsive -- pirate with some bangin' eyeliner for a night.

"Beer pong?" He squeaked, his voice momentarily cracking like a pre-pubescent boy. "Loosen up?" Voice still cracked as if Jace wasn't a perfectly capable eighteen-year-old boy.

Dorian told him to follow and Jace trailed after him like a lost puppy. Where else was he supposed to go, anyway? "Dori, you don't want me on your team. Remember in gym when we played ping pong and I broke my nose?" A little bit of an over-exaggeration -- his nose hadn't broken, but he had smacked himself in the face with the paddle hard enough to make it bleed when he was trying to avoid getting hit in the face by the little ping pong ball.

Jace ducked and weaved after Dorian, most of his arguments failing and his words faltering as he did his best to avoid being accidentally touched or brushed against by the people as he followed after Dori. Every time someone brushed against him, Jace would shrink away, his heart momentarily beating in his throat.

"Who are we even gonna play against?" And then, a terrifying thought hit Jace and his face paled. "Are we... playing against each other?"

Tonight would be the night that one Jason West died from alcohol poisoning.

He would be missed by... no one.
| mood: SOS parties are scary | mentions: N/A| interactions: Dorian | tags: jasmyn jasmyn |
º º code by ditto º º
Last edited:
@trev_or_nah has set his status to:
Needless headaches, dampening the mood, and not apologizing over even the most innocuous things...three of my specialties.

@trev_or_nah has set his outfit to:
The things I do for my roommates...They'd better be glad that I'm not a serial killer, as everyone seems to assert, or they'd be out o' luck.

@trev_or_nah has set his location to:
The Johannes mansion. Alone, obviously, because I don't have anyone to go with and my roommates don't count. Where else? Since when have I ever missed a place that I could smoke and get some?
I know I have a girlfriend. Listen, I gotta keep my act up, if nothing else. I've got a reputation to uphold, even if I can't uphold it in anything beyond my location. Shut up.

@trev_or_nah has mentioned:
Jo, Ash, Amy

@trev_or_nah has interacted with:
Charlie, Amy

@trev_or_nah has tagged:
Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 geminiy geminiy

@trev_or_nah has written a tl;dr:
Trevor leaves the apartment, arrives at the party with his roommates, pours himself and Amy drinks, and begins a conversation, albeit one more akin to a can of worms than a conversation.
Trevor huffed exaggeratedly as Charlie grabbed him and adjusted his hair. “Jay-sus Christ, be gentle, Fredlie," he complained. “Yer gonna yank me forward some time an’ my head’s gonna fall off…yer even worse than my nan is— nah, actually, yer still tame comparatively, but yer gettin’ there, Christ Almighty.”

As Charlie hopped down from the counter, laughing and chatting to him, he ended up cracking a grin again. “It’s not a pedovan!” he called as he watched her walk to the front entrance. “It’s a normal minivan. I pick up no children, t’ank ya much,” he grumbled, smiling despite himself as he adjusted his wig again, most likely displacing more hair. “I’ll believe ya did a good job when I see ‘er. I’ll be tha judge’a that.” Of course, he was grinning the whole time, so his critical words didn’t have as much umpf as he’d hoped that they would.

He began to make his way to the door to meet up with Charlie. “Tha thin’s I go fer you all…I’d be better off bein' a hermit, but ‘ere I am, dressin' as Shaggy fer Halloween jus’ so we can win this contest…ah, the further we stray, the further we stray,” he mumbled to himself, grinning.

“Amy, come on!” Charlie called as she struggled to pull her boots on. Trevor couldn’t help but snicker at her struggle as he stooped to pull on his sneakers. “We’re gonna be late!”

As if on cue, Amy’s voice rang out close by. A quick glance up at her said that she was right in the hallway-kitchen area, in full costume that Trevor didn’t get a good look at because he had to put his full focus into tying his shoes. “I’m right here geez give a girl a minute, I had to find my glasses.”

Goddamn,” Trevor hissed as he struggled to tie his shoes. Dexterity never was his strong suit, and every small thing tended to stress him out when he wasn’t under the influence of a certain green plant. Was he really going to get a headache because he couldn’t tie his feckin' shoes?

Thankfully, it was only a few more seconds before the ties looked something like bunny ears. Sure, the knot in the center was far larger than it should have been, and the ears were hardly even big enough for him to fit his pinky in, but that was just the way that the cookie crumbled on that.

With a satisfied sigh, he stood up and looked at Amy again, and he smiled at Amy. “Amazin', yeah,” he agreed with Charlie about Amy’s outfit. “We’re gonna nail this, an’ everyone who said we’re gonna lose this? They’re gonna eat their words.” He gave a nod of agreement with his own words.

"Also I hope you've both eaten more than just that today,” Amy said. "You know Ash and or Lin will never let you live it down if you get drunk before them. Hey I expect at least one or two Zoinks outta you too Trev."

“I can hold my liquor much better’n any’a ‘em, but I’ve eaten plenny,” Trevor assured. “And, ah…zoinks,” he tried lamely, shaking his head with a laugh.

He looked over at Charlie as she suggested that they leave. “Right-o.” His hands found the light switches, and he flicked them all off. If it weren’t for him, their utility bill would be even more sky high than it already was. “Let’s head out,” he agreed, and he twisted the doorknob and held the door open for his roommates before exiting and locking the door behind them.

• • • • •​

Feck,” Trevor muttered as he failed, for the third time, to parallel park and put his van in reverse once more. “Sixth time’s tha charm,” he whispered to himself, peering into the rearview mirror as he maneuvered back a bit and damn near ran into another vehicle, who laid on their horn. “Can it!” he yelled, as if the other person could hear, and he flipped them off beneath his wheel with his free hand as he tried, once more, to parallel park.

Once again, it was a failure, but this time, with an angry huff, he hissed, “I quit.” There was no point in getting a headache over feckin’ parking.

Shifting Rachel into park and looking over at Charlie and then back at Amy, Trevor smiled. “Alrighty, let’s pile out, crew,” he said, grabbing his keys before stepping out of his van.

He sighed slightly as he shut his door. There was still something painful about seeing his prized minivan painted up like this, and it caused his heart to lurch in an almost paternal manner. What, was he the minivan’s father? Was he going to threaten her boyvan with a shotgun?

He looked over at Amy and Charlie as he walked to the other side of his van, and, without a word, he began to walk towards the entrance.

If there was one thing that Trevor enjoyed, it was parties. Okay, well, perhaps it wasn’t the parties that he enjoyed. He enjoyed the alcohol and the smoke in the air and the scent of sweat and sex that hung over everything, even in the large, open spaces. He liked the feeling of being one of the crowd— one of the faces, without a name— in the blackened mind of those drunk off of their asses. There was something about that that he enjoyed. The noise, he could do without. The other boys who tried to fight him, he could do without.

Regardless, his enjoyment of parties— or the air of parties— did not necessarily outweigh his loathe of Halloween. Instead, the two fell into some kind of equilibrium, and it left him with an odd feeling of what in the hell am I doing here.

The scent that hit his nose didn’t particularly have any scent that he found alluring just yet, and he let out a soft sigh.

The party wasn’t even up and running yet. He wished that he didn’t always feel the need to be so punctual.

He looked down at Charlie as she spoke up. “Hey, uh, I’m gonna go find Lin and maybe go say hi to some other people. We’ll catch up in a bit, okay?”

“Right-o,” he said, watching her run off. He looked over at Amy, smiling. “Looks like it’s just me an’ you fer a bit, Amy.” He moved a bit further into the party, headed towards the drink table.

He knew that, soon, the promise that he’d made to his girlfriend would have to be honored, and he’d have to leave his roommate to go and hang out with the girl who she tried to set him up with (and who he’d convinced that the date had gone horribly with), but, for now, he could enjoy a drink with her, and, hopefully, he could steal someone’s smoke, and he could kick the night off right.

Pouring himself something in a cup and doing the same for Amy, he grinned. “Ta tanight, and its lack of bullshite,” he toasted, and he brought the cup up to his lips and took the first sip, relishing in the burn as it went down his throat. “That there is what I’m talkin' about,” he muttered, looking at his cup.

Leaning back against the drink table slightly, Trevor spoke to Amy again. “‘ey, are ya gonna be alright tanight, by the way?” he asked in concern, brows knit. “I mean, jus’…’ow’ve thin’s been?”

Way to bring down the mood, Sean.

He was still worried, though. He, sadly, had been a bit preoccupied, and now that he was alone with Amy, the guilt of feeling as if he hadn’t checked on her enough was rising.

Sure, she’d set him up on that date, but that had gone well, so…his whole I’m going to ignore you, Jo, and Charlie as much as possible this week, looking back, was kind of a dick move.

“An’, uh…”

Apologize, you ass.

His voice trailed off, and he dropped it, looking at Amy. “Ya doin’ okay?”
º º code by ditto º º
"aren't i fucking angelic?"
@reidbetweenthelines has set his status to:
Chit-chat with the kitty cat

@reidbetweenthelines has set his outfit to:
It's called "irony".

@reidbetweenthelines has set his location to:
The party. Where else would I be, babe? ; )

@reidbetweenthelines has mentioned:
Jace, Dorian, Landon, Nate, Gen, Evie, Javi, JJ, and Chas.

@reidbetweenthelines has interacted with:

@reidbetweenthelines has tagged:
Winona Winona hery hery

@reidbetweenthelines has written a tl;dr:
Mike's just talking with Adriane. Nothing big.
One thing that Michael tended to enjoy in a person was blunt honesty*. This was one of the reasons that he liked Dorian, Gen, Nate, and Evie so much— they were all brutally honest, and he could get behind that. It came from him being bluntly honest himself.

Which was, ya know, a nice way to say he was an asshole, and he liked people like him.

(You should note that little asterisk after blunt honesty. The little note to be made there is blunt honesty from people who weren’t fucking intolerable man-children, like Jace, Javi, and Landon.)

Mike chuckled at Adriane’s response. He’d expected some version of oh, I’m nice, and you, but he realized immediately once she’d begun to talk that he’d forgotten that she was kind of a massive bitch— that was, that she was bluntly honest. It made him grin, even if her dig at her costume wasn’t exactly pleasant. It was nice to have a punch thrown without any real force behind it.

“JJ and Chas— you live with those two, yeah?” he asked. It wasn’t like he knew every detail about every slightly-above acquaintance that he had. It also wasn’t like he cared, but hey. “And, no, I’m an angel. It’s called irony, babe,” he said, with a wink. “Lucifer was the sexiest angel, though, so I guess I might be Lucifer, ya know.” He grinned at her. “I could say the same about your outfit, too, babe, but hey, I think we both look fucking amazing. We own it, huh?”

He took a sip of his drink, and he swallowed with a grin. Damn, he thought this was gonna be stronger. It would take more to reach the level that he hoped to get to tonight: shit-faced.

“You said that JJ and Chas—“ that bitch “— are both devils? Hm, wonder how many of those we’re getting tonight, huh?” He chuckled. “Oh, shit Chas is a white devil? What in the hell is that supposed to be?” he laughed. “Is he not one of those already?” He shook his head. “I’m just fucking, I’m just fucking— he's Italian, right? And that's somehow different than white." He took a quick drink from his cup, chuckling. "You decided to get real creative, though, huh? In a house full of devils, you’re a cat— turn around, let me see how many tails ya got, babe. Nine?” he teased. “C’mon, help meowt here.”

He took another drink of his drink, staring at her chest again. Listen, it was there, so what, was he not supposed to admire it?

“So, what’s new, pussycat? Got any bigs plans for the night?” He winked, chuckling. “Or are your plans like mine— drink, drink, drink, sex?”
º º code by ditto º º
MOOD: cuddly

OUTFIT: princess fit courtesy of tou lolololol

LOCATION: gen/eli's place

Kio.exe Kio.exe (Kane)
TL;DR no
Javier Cervantes
"You would be correct," Javi agreed, playfully messing up Kane's hair. He shuddered at the thought of leaving the party so early, especially as the alcohol he was guzzling began to absorb into his blood. How long had they been at the party? Time seemed to be slipping away since the moment he walked through the door. Clearly it had been enough time for Javi to already be feeling a tiny bit tipsy, but maybe it was just his brain prematurely entering party mode.

Javier smiled fondly as Kane picked off the piece of lint holding onto his costume for dear life. "I'm a great driver. If I let you take me places, we'd get there in at least twice the time," he justified with a facetious roll of the eyes, "Plus, I so could drive right now. I'd argue I'm a safer bet given all of my experience driving in different... states." He shoved his index finger finger in Kane's face to accentuate his next point, cocking his head to the side before wagging the finger. "But, for your sake and mine, I'll let you drive me home. Maybe. Lady Johannes would drive a knife into my crotch if I risked harming that precious face."

The increasingly confident, yellow dress-clad boy gently patted his friend's face twice, amusedly shaking his head as he met his gaze. Kane was relaxing a bit. Javi felt accomplished after helping him have a little fun, even most of his attention was focused on getting as drunk as he could as fast as possible. Kane's lips were so goddamn kissable. And his innocent, but effervescent pair of eyes staring right back into his own coquettish, deep chocolate gaze... Javier cursed the gods for giving such a handsome boy a sense of modesty. Even if it wasn't put together with much thought, Javi had to admire Kane's costume, specifically his brawny arms exposed by the wife beater covering his torso.

His smirk grew to a full-sized, toothy smile as Kane gave his final answer, giving him the go-ahead to scooch even closer to him. "Damn right!" he replied, perhaps raising his voice a little too loud, "This shit is suffocating my legs, but holy hell is it worth it for how much hugs my ass." Finding time to take a pause, he took a small sip from the tequila bottle he loosely gripped, which was somewhat resting on the couch cushion. "Although," he added, "I'm just as prone to taking it off here."

Finally, Javier felt absolutely content. He stopped worrying about when the liquor in his system would eventually hit, which perhaps gave him the clarity to push past his raunchy tendencies and admire the boy sitting beside him.

Perhaps it was the effects of the alcohol finally setting him now that he quit thinking about it, but Javi really felt like cuddling up to Kane. He rested his head on the taller boy's chest, beginning to sprawl out the rest of his upper body onto the couch. He wrapped an arm around the front of Kane's torso, giggling uncontrollably. "You're cool as fuck, dude," he proclaimed, practically melting onto his friend like butter on toast.

Okay, yeah... this felt pretty good. Javi began to remember why his friends liked to make fun of his silly, vastly different drunk self. That was, of course, granted no one pissed him off. Make no mistake, Javier could be just as volatile drunk, if not worse.

Thankfully, Kane couldn't do a good job really getting on his nerves, even if he flushed his entire stash of drugs down the toilet. One time from his dad was enough for a lifetime.
code by valen t.
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Hunter Drake
How are you feeling?
distraction mode initiated
What are you wearing?
Where are you?
Did you mention anyone?
Who are you talking to?
Some foxy lady
And, like, tagging?
On some level, Hunter knew mentioning the fair would be a hot button topic for Nickie. Hell! He still was sour on the entire situation, but he wouldn’t feel right, standing in front of Nickie, unable to keep his eyes from focusing on her eyes because of how good she looked. No, he wasn’t a creep, but Hunter wasn’t blind either. Nickie looked hot tonight! And he just felt like they both needed to have fun tonight.

But again, he wouldn’t feel right. Being here, with her and how this was probably the most they’ve spoken since the fair, he just needed for her to know that he was sorry for how he acted.

Her response, however, was not what he expected. He didn’t know what he expected. Her to dodge it, to say it was okay and move on.

At first, she was shocked. He could see that much, but when she started laying into herself. Again.

Why did she always do this? Why did Nickie always insist on being so negative about herself? Whether it was apologizing for the assholes who made her life hell, or feeling like she ruined his fun, or whatever happened, he couldn’t quite process exactly why Nickie always felt the need to beat herself down more than others do.

And it just infuriated him even more. People calling her a simp, making fun of her for being with him, and her giving into it by pounding on herself some more.

It was…

It was no wonder I can’t stand most of those jackasses on Twitter.

He swallowed whatever words came to him as Nickie continued:

“I’ve put you through so much shit. I... you don’t... you shouldn’t have to deal with me.”


“Fuck, Nicks. You have to stop doing this to yourself. You didn’t do anything wrong!” Hunter protested every word she had to say about what she had to say. The truth was Hunter hated how much she let those assholes get inside her head.

“Please, can we... forget that? The whole... fair...thing...?”

He just stood there, gripping his empty solo cup, wondering if it was just the fair he was mad at. Maybe the fair was the tipping point for him. He had felt like a jerk for giving her the cold shoulder after she drove him home and somehow she thought it was her fault?

Fuck, am I the asshole?

The thought lingered for a few minutes until Hunter came to the realization why he was so mad at the others and why he hated when Nickie abused herself more than everyone else did.

He took her hand and smiled, nodding at her. “You want a refill?” Hunter asked, glancing down at Nickie’s cup that was almost empty. “Kind of out myself, too,” he admitted with a short huff of a laugh.

º º code by ditto º º​

Zephyr Evermore
"Cheer up! 'Cause nothing really matters."

@zeph.evermore has set their status to:
feeling like a dork

@zeph.evermore has interacted with:

@zeph.evermore has mentioned:
Landon, basically all of his friends

@zeph.evermore has tagged:
Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
He trailed after, an extra large shadow following after the girl that was almost an entire foot shorter than him. The denser the crowd got, the more that Zeph found himself bumping shoulders with strangers and nearly losing sight of his small best friend in the crowd as he mumbled apology after apology. After all, even if no one really cared as he bumped into people, Zeph still felt kind of bad and had to utter a tiny "sorry" as he continued on his way.

Well, he stopped nearly losing Stella when her hand took hold of his arm. In and of itself, it wasn't an abnormal gesture. Stella had done this a million times before to avoid losing Zeph in the crowd. In and of itself, it was familiar and it shouldn't have been a big deal. But today? Today, her fingers against his arm felt like sparks -- like when you'd shock yourself on the clothes in the dryer because you'd forgotten the dryer sheet. Nothing big, just a little jolt that left him blinking in...

Surprise, because it didn't make sense?

"Yeah," he said with a chuckle, his voice nearly being lost in the pounding of the music. "You're right." He agreed, letting out another chuckle as she joked about one of them having to drag the other home. "You'd need at least two skateboards to really roll me home, you know. Maybe you could get Lin to put me in his dog cart and get me home that way." However, a stumbling, overly drunk Zephyr on this night? No thank you. The only
high he was getting tonight was a sugar high.

"I'm not really drinking much tonight," Zeph admitted. "Lin got some soft drinks so I'll be drinking that." Grape soda? Not... one that Zeph actually generally drank, but he was still excited to just be guzzling liters of it alongside his new best friend. Well, the two boys had never really hung out, but the friendship chemistry was immaculate.

Watch out other best friendships, there was a new BrOTP coming for the crown of, uh, best friendships.

As they stepped into the kitchen, Stella released his arm and he leaned against the counter near her. "So..." he reached out, grabbing a cracker and taking a bite. It felt... a little... you know, Zeph's mind was still whirring a bit. He popped the rest of the cracker into his mouth, chewing and swallowing before he continued speaking. It was nice to finally be somewhere in the party where the music wasn't pounding heavily in his ears, and instead was just a dull rumbling.

"Gotta say, you look good in the Pikachu onesie." He said with a laugh. "Why Pikachu, though? Did you already have the onesie laying around?"
º º code by ditto º º
Oates Oates
" podcasts, amirite? "

@bigO has set their status to:
tall and spooky

@bigO has set their outfit to:

@bigO has set their location to:
brenda's house

@bigO has mentioned:
liv, callum

mogy mogy has mentioned:
Soap Soap , hery hery
Streets filled to the brim with little zombies and vampires and superheroes frantically going around houses in hopes of filling their large bags or plastic baskets with only the best candy which always seemed to go out first—jumbo-sized KitKats, peanut M&Ms, Hershey bars, and/or, but not exclusive to, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Joy and a certain sense of nostalgia were in the air, and not even Callum, the largest known black hole for all things jolly, couldn't have stopped Oates from enjoying what was probably one of his favorite holidays (if it even could've been considered that). There was just something about trick-or-treating that reminded Oates of what it was like to be a little boy again, and his childhood had to be one of the fondest moments of his life, so, of course, he loved it. And anyway, you're never too old for trick-or-treating, even if at this ripe age of 17, it was less the main event and more like an innocent pregame for a such—the party.

"...so, yeah, trick-or-treating was always like this grand thing back at home, which was why I was so surprised that you never trick-or-treated before." The boy spoke, finishing his explanation of why he was afraid of ducks when he was a kid and how that tied into all things Halloween. God, was he a weird boy.

The trio came to a stop as Callum asked what he was supposed to do, seeing he was in a maid dress and that it probably wouldn't have been deemed the most appropriate costume by some of the folks living in the neighborhood, but, as things usually do, the whole context of the maid dress being inappropriate went completely over Oates's head.

"Oh, come on. How are you supposed to get candy if you are too scared to go up to a doorstep and ring the bell." The boy pleaded at now shorter Callum and pointed at the door. "Plus, they have a bowl thingy to take some candy, so I don't think they will turn us away. Look at us—we're adorable."

The boy turned around and stomped towards the 'Take one, please!' sign that was stationed above the large bowl of candy, and as he was picking out which candy he was going to choose, the front door of the house opened to reveal a middle-aged blonde lady in a wool vest wrapped around her arms.

"Boy, oh, boy, you scared me!" The lady laughed, her eyes scanning Oates's costume, and as Oates was about to apologize for doing so, she interrupted him, making the boy now simply stand there and stare blankly at her, hoping he didn't cause any trouble. "And just what do you think you're doing, young man? This candy is for the children." She grabbed the candy from Oates's hand and put it back into the bowl before taking the bowl into her arms. Her uncharismatic and eerie laugh followed behind her words, and as it left him speechless, it became apparent to Oates that Callum, the joy sucker, now had a valid opponent—Karen, the mom.

º º code by dildo º º
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