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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

LuckyANDKitty said:
"What does look like madam? I'm risking my entire education and came here to begin my life long dream of being a muggle detective!" Leo replied grinning as he sat in a chair looking up at her. "Also, this is my house common room too."
Bella rolls her eyes a bit. "That's not vhat I meant. Plus you have your own dorm room so vhy vould you vant to be in this vone?"
Mortimer smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "I'll be safe, I promise. You'll see me in less than two hours." Before he could hesitate any longer he left, his robe bellowing behind him. Soon he was our in the corridors and began listeninf carefully for teachers on the night watch. He'd have several floors to do before he reached gryfffindor common room and he'd have to move smartly too.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Bella rolls her eyes a bit. "That's not vhat I meant. Plus you have your own dorm room so vhy vould you vant to be in this vone?"

"I'm being serious Bella, I want to be a detective!" Leo replied trying to keep a serious face. "Okay, seriously. I want to know everything you remember about the thing that was following you. So in a way I am trying to be like a detective, but I don't really want to be one."
LuckyANDKitty said:
"I'm being serious Bella, I want to be a detective!" Leo replied trying to keep a serious face. "Okay, seriously. I want to know everything you remember about the thing that was following you. So in a way I am trying to be like a detective, but I don't really want to be one."
Bella sighs softly while sits down. "I don't really remember much or saw anything... But before I vent down the secret passage, i... Caught the scent of cinnamon... Also it's quite possible that it followed you..."
Leo furrowed his eyebrows, slightly remembering smelling something in the halls, but he assumed that it was just from the teacher he had talked to. "Why would you say that?"
After arguing with the fat lady Mortimer got into the common room and began looking for Leo. Once he found him he went over to him. "Leo! What is going on? You left in a hurry. Is something wrong?"
"My sister did say something about being able to sense when something was near, but she wouldn't elaborate." Leo commented thoughtfully. "No, nothing's wrong. I just had something I wanted to ask Bella about is all."

(@Soul OMU ) (@Johnny R McAvery )
"Anything You want to share with me Bella? I want to help. Maybe if we get more people working together we can accomplish something," Said Mortimer as he sat down on the hard chair close to the fire.
Bella blinks and looks from Leo to Mortimer. "...there izn't much to tell... I just felt like I vas being followed before I decided to try and lose vhat vas after me and smelt cinnamon..."
"How interesting." Said Mortimer thinking of something that he might know but nothing came to him. This was something new. He'd ask Hagrid during his next class if he knew anything like that. "Leo, we should probably do a quick look about. Nothing to extensive."
((Probably. I've been busy the past two days, and my brother was hogging the computer yesterday))

Opal sat at the Ravenclaw table jigging her leg up and down in excitement. "I can't believe this is our first match of the season!" She squealed to the twins not paying any attention to her food.

(@Johnny R McAvery )

Albus sat down at the the Slytherin table, consumed in the task of finishing his Potions homework from the night before. "We just had to have a match today..." He muttered, angrily scribbling out his answer on the piece of parchment.
Rebecca sits down beside him as Scorpius and Cassiopeia come in eventually and sit down across from them. "It could be worse mate... Could have been on the same day as the first task for Rebecca.." He said as Rebecca sighed and sat back, has already finished her potions paper, along with Scorpius and Cassiopeia.


Alaric sitting and talking with Duchess at the Raven's table which is being shared to the Beauxbaton ladies.


Alissa reading her favourite book while sitting at her house table for today.


Bella reading and trying to figure out what could give off a cinnamon scent.
"I know. We are going to kick their.." Started Lysander before a teacher walked by and cleared her throat, as to make sure he wasn't about to say what he was going to. "...Tail. I was going to say tail professor, honest." He let out a sigh of relief as the professor walked away. "Seriously though. We did plenty of training and have been doing good. I think we have a good shot at winning."

Lorcan looked at her brother and was a bit annoyed. "Honestly one of these days your love for swearing is going to get you in big trouble when we need you. Just shape up please."

Mortimer decided to have his breakfast with Alissa and sat with the Ravenclaws. A few of the students seemed a little off put by his presence but ignored him easily enough, which was fine by him. "If it needs saying I will be rooting for you guys today. Rather you guys win than Slytherin, but hey Ravenclaw has one of my favorite people." The mor ehe spent aroound Alissa the more he seemed to relax and act like a normal student might, something he rather enjoyed feeling.

@Soul OMU

[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]"I know. We are going to kick their.." Started Lysander before a teacher walked by and cleared her throat, as to make sure he wasn't about to say what he was going to. "...Tail. I was going to say tail professor, honest." He let out a sigh of relief as the professor walked away. "Seriously though. We did plenty of training and have been doing good. I think we have a good shot at winning."
Lorcan looked at her brother and was a bit annoyed. "Honestly one of these days your love for swearing is going to get you in big trouble when we need you. Just shape up please."

Mortimer decided to have his breakfast with Alissa and sat with the Ravenclaws. A few of the students seemed a little off put by his presence but ignored him easily enough, which was fine by him. "If it needs saying I will be rooting for you guys today. Rather you guys win than Slytherin, but hey Ravenclaw has one of my favorite people." The mor ehe spent aroound Alissa the more he seemed to relax and act like a normal student might, something he rather enjoyed feeling.

@Soul OMU


Alissa smiles a bit in amusement as glances at him from her book. "I'm not sure who to root for since Rebecca is like my sister.." She said softly while grinning a bit. Garrett laughs a bit. "Allie! Come on! You have to cheer for your own house." He said while grinning.


Rachel sitting off on her own at the Hufflepuff table, thinking deeply while watching Lysander for a moment before shaking her head and focusing on her tea.
"Well if least if that happened our quidditch match would be canceled, and I could finally catch up on my work and get professor August of my back." Albus retorted glaring heatedly at his paper as he scratched out yet another answer. "Oh chill out Potter." Marley sighed pointing out a problem that he hadn't done correctly, which only succeeded in making Albus more irritated. "You and I both know that I'm horrific at Potions, and that Professor August has been on my back 24/7 Marley, so no, I won't chill out."

"Hey, you found anything Bella?" Leo asked scooching over to sit next to her.

"Hi there." Clemmence greeted politely, sitting next to Rachel.

(@Soul OMU )

"Yes! Ravenclaws for the win!" Opal cheered, holding her hand out for a high-five from Mortimer. "You know, Albus seems pretty out of it so I don't think we'll have to worry about him making too many goals." Opal pointed out seeing her friend's stressed expression.

(@Johnny R McAvery )
Mortimer laughed a little. "I think you should root for your house. But if Rebecca is that close to you then you should root for her." He gave her a warm smile as if to say no one would judge her either way. When he saw the hand he high fived it. Glad o have someone for that. This table was a lot cooler than Gryffindor somedays, they seemed to be the best at getting along with other houses too.

Lysander laughed "Yeah we have this in the bag." The laugh was from pure joy, he was excited to get out into field once more and play the best he could. He had always loved a good contest and this was his favorite.

Lorcan stayed quiet and finished eating her toast. She always ate light before a match, otherwise she feel as though she couldn't move, something she had done her first few matches. It was always better to eat afterwards, especially if they won the match.
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]Mortimer laughed a little. "I think you should root for your house. But if Rebecca is that close to you then you should root for her." He gave her a warm smile as if to say no one would judge her either way.

Garrett glances over. "Probably Potions." He said and stretches. "If I wasn't playing I'd cheer for my sister too." He said while grinning. Alissa smiles a bit. "Your very sweet Morti." She said as she kissed his cheek swiftly.


Cassiopeia thinking while staring off into space. Scorpius and Rebecca talking about what they this is the better treat.


Rachel blinks and looks at him. "Oh hello..." She said softly while sipping her tea.


Bella shakes her head and huffs. "No... Not yet. Which is annoying..." She said while closing her book.
Albus huffed rolling up the piece of parchment and tucking into his book. "I give up." Marleen nodded in approval sliding the book away. "Good, I don't need one of my Seekers stressing out over some simple potions when he's supposed to be focusing on scoring goals." Marley turned her attention towards Cassiopeia, Scorpius and Rebecca. "I'm counting on you guys to give it one hundred percent out there. Especially you two twinnys. Yes, I know you're not twins. But Scorpius your the Seeker, and everyone knows that the game can't end until the Snitch is caught, so find it and grab it before Opal, but make sure it's once we're in the lead. There's no point in grabbing that Snitch if it's not going to put us in the lead, so if you spot it and we're behind, just keep Opal from getting until it will put us in the winning spot. And Cassie, you're the newest addition to our team and I'm expecting you to go out there and play like you did in tryouts."

(@Soul OMU )
LuckyANDKitty said:
Albus huffed rolling up the piece of parchment and tucking into his book. "I give up." Marleen nodded in approval sliding the book away. "Good, I don't need one of my Seekers stressing out over some simple potions when he's supposed to be focusing on scoring goals." Marley turned her attention towards Cassiopeia, Scorpius and Rebecca. "I'm counting on you guys to give it one hundred percent out there. Especially you two twinnys. Yes, I know you're not twins. But Scorpius your the Seeker, and everyone knows that the game can't end until the Snitch is caught, so find it and grab it before Opal, but make sure it's once we're in the lead. There's no point in grabbing that Snitch if it's not going to put us in the lead, so if you spot it and we're behind, just keep Opal from getting until it will put us in the winning spot. And Cassie, you're the newest addition to our team and I'm expecting you to go out there and play like you did in tryouts."
(@Soul OMU )
Scorpius and Cassiopeia raised an arched brow at her at the same time but nodded that they understood. "Okay..." They said in sync. Rebecca smiles a bit and shakes her head in amusement as she crosses her arms.
Mortimer smiled at the kiss as returned it. "The match will be good, and it'll be nice to distract myself before the first task. Still trying to figure out what I need to do." He said blushing now for the fact that the other champions seemed more ready than him. He had given it a lot of thought but with everything else going about he was prevented from really thinking about the task. "I'll have something I know I will."

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